Using Plastic Wrap to Create Crystal Gel Nails

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you can use saran wrap to get this beautiful broken glass look [Music] just a little piece with the right type of viscosity of gel creates that beautiful look but there is a myth going on out there i wanted to let you in on that gel or acrylic or fake nails in general ruins your natural mail that's not true it's how it's removed i've worn acrylic nails for 33 years and i just removed them to do these nails and look how beautiful they look [Music] so it's how you do the removal not the product itself does not ruin it it's how you do that removal anyway let's get started for that beautiful set of nails [Applause] okay so i'm going to begin this video after doing four nails technically three fingers and a thumb and i'm gonna do one finger with you and i'm gonna explain to you what i've learned along the way this is a relatively new design so i haven't done a ton of them in fact i've just done basically these in a little bit of practice so i'm gonna form up oh wait a second i'm going to buff my nail you can do this with your um files you can do this with a set of files or an e-file whichever you prefer so i'm just going to gently buff the natural nail just a quick tip i push my cuticles back as i buff i use the mandrel to do that use it on a very low speed okay that's good and i'm just gonna dust off the dust and then i'm gonna use i'm using fusion actually today i love this product and i'm going to use the gription which is basically like a primer and i'm going to give this a 30 second cure [Music] when you're doing a new design here's a great tip i love doing this do one finger complete at a time in doing so i learned a few things to make this design look its best ironically the thumb i did first and i did that the best i think sometimes as we go we overthink it i see that very commonly and when i'm teaching people and i do that myself on occasion too [Music] to make this design successful i'm going to first paint down the base coat i just have a in the fusion line it's called clear base so i'm just going to apply a thin clear base most gel lines systems will do this and the reason being is because this that i'm putting down here now [Music] is where the next layer will adhere to it could be a protection layer too between your natural nail and the hard gel that we're going to put on the builder gel now gel is self leveling so give it a minute to self level and then put it in and we're going to nuke that for 30 seconds as well this is the trick this is the ticket to making this design work you want to use a sculpting gel that has a thick viscosity to create that broken glass look you can use any gel like you might see videos and they'll just use a gel they may not explain but if you don't have one that's got a thicker consistency it won't bunch up and it won't stay there gel's whole job that everything that gel does the whole focus for it is to self-level so when you put it on it's self-leveling that's why it's so wonderful to work with it just gets so smooth for you right that's the beauty of it but it also in this design can work against you you need it to have some peaks that's where the saran wrap comes in and that's where the viscosity needing to be a little bit thicker so now we're going to form it so here's something i learned too as i did each nail first of all just a little tip when you're forming it pinch the form pretty tight in other words this form you want this bottom layer the broken glass look part to be inside the casing of the next layer [Music] so we want to pinch this a little tighter because you want it to be the inside seam and then the next coat we put on top will be the thicker and that'll be the um apex and the whole structure so you want to stick the broken glass section inside tuck it in so by pinching your form you're doing that you're actually tucking it in that's pretty pinched i like that that's pretty perfect okay now if you notice you can see can you see this cameraman can we get that what am i looking for we're making sure that we can see this thick viscosity gel i've got okay hold on maybe i can just go to that camera and get a little tighter shot for you now watch when i grab it you can see it's actually quite thick see that oh yeah quite different right that's what's going to work for us look you can see it's moving super slow but that's what we want one thing i did learn is don't put too much on now this is honey yeah this is our design this is what's creating a design so i want to put a finish layer on top of the whole finger it doesn't have to be smooth now it's going to want to self level and that's okay that's what its job is to do but we're gonna wrinkle it up but what i am trying to do is make sure that i am extending it out get a little bit more [Music] make sure to get right to the side extend it out sort of paint it out now don't make this too thick because when you put your sculpting layer on top to encase it if you make this too thick and that means you have to make the top layer less thick and then if you file it you might file some of these bits off we don't want to do that we want to actually keep this in its entirety if you do do it it's not the end of the world it's just more effective and i'll show you why that's what i learned when i did this now i will look at it every which way to make sure that i do get that in there and make sure that it's out as far as where the sides are that i want it to go right because i'm doing kind of a coffin i just got to make sure that it's as wide as that [Music] and again we can when we do our building coat we can catch that too but you do want the design to be under that i want lacking areas so i'm going to look at it this way yeah i look like i got it pretty good okay just try not to overdo it because i did that on the other ones a little bit thicker i didn't like it as much okay so now i do cut out a little piece of saran wrap you can use the big one but i find it's heavy so it pulls and it won't give you your design as much put the saran wrap right on top lay the saran wrap on there and i just get another you can use a toothpick or pen or cuticle stick or anything like that and you just wrinkle it up just keeping the product away from the cuticle if you do too tight of a wrinkle it will pull itself away because the saran wrap does have a little bit of resistance okay that's it's looking pretty good and turn this light on does this go like yeah and sort of stab it in there a little bit and give it a little bit of a cure and then punch it a little bit more my nail plates can be a bit thin so i don't like to put it in there too quick anyway like if it cures fast it burns a little and then there hits a point where you can't and i can't move it anymore it is actually cured and it heated up a little bit so at this point it's cured enough i could pull this off then i'm going to put it in there for the rest of the nuke okay and then i'm going to use the clear sl to sculpt and build the structure of the nail so the design part is underneath and the structure is on top i still want to maintain the structure of the nail i want them to break [Music] before i do that i'm going to do one little special thing so now this is where my broken glass look comes in i'm going to bring in some chrome and i'm going to use the oil slick hollow by bemi so now you can take the chrome and sort of burnish it in with a makeup applicator [Music] now it's got a sticky layer on it but that's okay because you're used to putting chrome on a like a top coat right that is so iridescent it's very cool isn't it yeah it looks so my angle here it's really yeah super it does yeah now one thing i did do i smashed it a little bit now it's clear so sometimes it's hard to see in them and the saran wrap maybe you don't catch it but remember i said take it away from the cuticle i didn't notice this one side so when that files away you'll see that that'll go away which will be fine i'll have to file it away but it'll still be very effective but that's what i learned is make this part not so thick i think as i went i did it too thick and it actually got to be less but look at the thumb i find the thumb very effective it looks amazing and this one's pretty good that was not bad but the pinky got even worse this one i can see already i've done a better job so i like this one so now that you've got your chrome in there put your and you're going to use all sorts of different colors of chrome i just picked this one because i wanted kind of a light kind of glass look kind of like frozen kind of look and i did put it on the other hand just as solid so you can see the color and it's called just in case you want to know oil slick hollow okay so now i'm going to take the sculpting gel which is sl clear in the fusion line and i am going to scoop up a nice healthy amount beautifully clear and i'm just going to fill in my nail and start sculpting the whole nail [Music] creating a nice arch and just you know doing your structure that you guys know i love how the blue is really picking up sometimes i really notice it in certain light yeah can you see that oh yeah really pretty almost looks like it's glowing yeah well it's chrome yeah i've been so impressed with chrome ever since it came onto the market i mean after 30 years in doing the nail business i never in my wildest dreams could even imagine something like that come out so for me i'm pretty excited about chrome i never get tired of it oh it's nice critter's not in here today it's just me and cameraman yeah he's upstairs sleeping yeah he's always sleeping nice sunny day i bet he's on the deck he could be underneath so here's a tip for you sorry cameraman i hold it upside down so that you can see that the gel will flow into that area and create a nice natural arch beauty oh yeah and then a nuke okay so now i'm going to pull the form off this is the moment we can sort of check and see if our structure and the and the shape is what we want because sometimes the form can you know when you're working with a clear design can sort of cause an illusion that you can't really see [Music] oh mummy wow [Music] it's like a faceted angle it is really interesting it changes the color on areas just by the angle yeah oh i love it yeah yeah and you know i'm really regretting i wish i did them long and almond so i can see the almond shape in there and i'm absolutely loving it so i'm gonna actually just shape this one almond and the reveal shot's gonna be coffin on the rest but it's gonna i'm gonna leave an almond on that weird it's weird but i was gonna do it okay okay so now i'm just double checking to make sure my structure is happy make sure i'm good there and i'm going to look at it all the way around i'm kind of happy with that i think it looks pretty good i might just add a little bit more in the in the arch area in the structure just because when i file i i mean i probably could leave it i'm probably being too picky you know what i'm going to trust myself and i'm going to leave it confidence is one of the biggest things even me you know i'm questioning myself i should know better but you know we can be kind of lack of confidence one day and full of confidence the next day but if we challenge ourselves and we don't feel a little uncomfortable when we do it then we're not really challenging ourselves we got to just challenge ourselves a little and i'm gonna feel a little bit like i'm testing myself to see because i'm pretty sure that's gonna be okay i'm gonna trust myself so i'm gonna clean my brush because i do know myself enough to know that i am going to nuke the gel into the brush the other day cameraman i don't think you realized i left some gel out on the table and this room has no natural light in it but cameraman wanted some natural light but i didn't know you were going to do that i didn't know you know you could do that and you took the light out of the window and it cured some stuff onto my table my fault totally the lighter the one i had the block it stopped the sunlight from that's right we stopped it from coming in so we can keep the lighting you know true to what we're looking for yeah nice and even so oh yeah remove the sticky thing and now i'm going to shape it up i'm just going to trust myself so yeah i cured it and i should have told you about that but so sometimes you kind of forget those things so i cured it is what you're saying yeah you cured it it's your fault i didn't look at the table i just thought hey let's get some daylight in here no like i say it was my fault i didn't know you were gonna do that and i should have uh thought about that but i should have probably just put it away yeah that might be an idea cap it right oh stop that's right scap it okay so i'm going to get the right bit here and i am going to file this guy out you can also do it by hand maybe i'll do that gel is so easy to file get good trusty set of files that you believe in and i'm going to use coarse move me tile oh yeah you know i'm going to i'm going to show you these glasses i did a video recently where i created these beautiful glasses look at that yeah they look awesome and caramel got a little cheeky we had a little fun with this video with something different we did something a little different and we put it on this um what do you call that thing turntable kind of showing it off kind of thing yeah yeah i'll link it at the end of the video yeah do that at the end you can see that but i put some yeah it was fun it's nice to do something different and we did um jenny b look at that beauty but these are super super close so i do it when i'm super super close but i want it i can see the gems when i look over anyway i did a video where i put all these gems on and they are hanging on there they're on there i can't i couldn't get them off if i wanted to so now i'm going to file and shape this up with my trusty set of files and i am going to go coughing on this guy [Music] okay i am really loving the almond shape [Music] i mean it is my favorite nice to see different shapes on my videos i can't have the same shape all the time because the other shapes are nice but this one's my favorite [Music] okay i have shaped it the way i want now here's a little pro tip i like to take my mandrel using a fine arbor band after i filed it and shaped it with a hand file and go over it a little bit it helps make the nail completely smooth before you put your top coat on [Music] you're just going over the whole thing very smoothly and very evenly i find it very effective especially when you've got a design where you're really looking at what's in there okay and then i will take my sanding sponge from my collection i love this one and i will go over the whole thing to prep it for the gel top coat then i will take the dust get rid of the dust oh this is cool okay now i'm going to put a top coat on it you know how i feel about top coats it makes it come to life one of the favorite parts it is we tend to make a big deal about it with our photography it's the dessert of the man oh my goodness back to food i think we're hungry oh wow how gorgeous oh yeah oh man i should have went with the almond shape i should have known better it's my favorite shape i was trying to be something you know given a little different probably not everybody loves almond as much beauty well the coffin is quite pretty but i think maybe i'm liking the almond maybe just because i like it but i like it because it's sort of that frosted and maybe the icicle kind of so maybe it fits the theme better i don't know i was thinking coffin or this paper square or square even because it would have more surface so you could maybe see it better but oh well it'll still look great yeah yeah it will [Music] just not my favorite great but it's not like i can't do another set right i'm gonna show it to my friend laura oh my goodness i think laura will love this okay then i'm gonna put a drop of oil massage it in and let's look at the pictures i think i'm gonna like these [Music] okay aren't they beautiful in real life i think they're even better but i'm gonna just rotate them just a little so you can see them moving and catching the light there's a lot of dimension there there is i'm hoping you can see it now cameraman thinks the background might be too light so i'm going to put my hand there does that help you can see it a bit better you can see the uh subtler details of sparkles when it's a lighter background though you do see that it's translucent more so can you see it with the darker with my skin now pull your hand away getting a tan from the sun you sure look at that and you don't tan no i don't deliberately go out in ten some people think this is a fake tan see that no that's natural that's natural okay i think it's gorg i'm looking of course i'm really focusing on this index maybe i'm spending too much time bragging about it but i probably am okay i need to get over it okay well thank you for joining me that was fun and i learned a lot during the set and i hope i'm able to share that with you guys thanks for joining me and i hope you enjoyed these videos
Channel: Nail Career Education
Views: 1,338,625
Rating: 4.9135027 out of 5
Keywords: nails, acrylic, nail fill, sculptured nails, nail school, nail polish, hand file, beauty, sculpting, nail application, nail career education, Suzie, acrylic application, Susan Moskal, nail care, tutorial, Suzie Moskal, artificial nails, nail technician, nail art, Step by Step, How To, DIY, gel nails, nail enhancements, fake nails, e-file, nail extension, saran wrap, crystal, geode, plastic wrap, cling wrap
Id: sgsp6Lg4mjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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