Using OBS, Reaper and Reastream To Stream Live Music to Facebook

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okay hello everyone its John here I just wanted to explain a method of getting sound and video into Facebook that some might appeal to some people if you're quite familiar with Windows computers and if you have one of these interface boxes that you can plug your microphone into through which you can plug your microphone into the computer like a focus right or Behringer yuphoria this could be useful for you to to look at I think you could do this with a USB mic but you wouldn't really be using the full power of what we're about to explain but you could do it so these interface boxes essentially are like digital audio converters to convert your analog microphones into digital signal for the computer and it cost about 70 to 130 pounds ok so what we can do in this tutorial is we're going to use OBS open broadcast software which is free to stream into Facebook instead of streaming directly into the Facebook page so the webcam will be going into OBS OBS can also handle sound but I found that it doesn't handle sound all free well and sound is kind of a bit of a delicate thing to handle in this situation because we we're going to be listening to ourselves probably on headphones as we do this and we don't want any delays or latency as it's called and I found I couldn't really get the the monitoring to work in OBS but in recording software I use called Reaper it's not a problem doing that and Reaper handles some of the effects we're going to use really well and we can use a particular characteristic of Reaper there's a plugin available called restream which can actually streams the sound from Reaper into another program so we're not gonna be using Reaper as what it is designed for as recording software it's much like Ableton or pro tools and Pro Tools or logic or mix go after any of those we're gonna be using like a virtual mixer and an effects unit and that's where our microphone and our instruments are gonna go into and we're going to be using some plugins I'm going to be downloading some free plugins to use with replay and you'll soon accumulate a large collection of plugins so you can tune the sound as you wish okay so you can think of this really as instead of setting up a gig in your bedroom and miking the result this is like doing a recording session and sending that out to the to the internet as it were eventually of going through OBS you can actually record the whole thing locally on your computer just as a test so you can record the video and the audio without having to stream when it's not that just locally new computer to make sure everything is standing right before you actually do the real thing it does open the door to multiple inputs for vocal guitar I've got my foot drum as I use electric guitar I use I've got two euphoria behringer euphoria for channel which I think cost like 130 quid and I just think is a great kind of robust kind of system for getting sounding you could apply these sound treatments so you can get all sorts of reverbs you might want you can put distortion on the electric guitar you can get special plugins that are just designed to make an acoustic guitar sound nice it's all sort of thing you can do and it's not kind of wasted skills because in reap if you use Reaper you're actually learning how recording software works so that to me is really quite useful OBS is free it's really well supported very popular so is Reaper vote not a very enthusiastic user base okay so we would download OBS studio from the OBS website we would download Reaper from a reaper website Reaper is free for 60 days and then it's $60 I think then there's a set of plugins that go with reaper but we'll install called reap lugs and this contains the restream plugin that is what we're going to use to send the audio to OBS and for OBS to receive it we're going to be using blue cats free guitar amp just for like if just to show you the electric guitar really most of our plugins are going to come from the mail the plugins they do a series of plugins for free and which the main one is which is the reverb but just for a bit of fun we'll put the auto-tune in as well just so you can see that VB audio cable now VB audio cable is another thick plug-in we can plug in program we're going to install I found that OBS still needs a dummy sound input even when the audio is coming from Reaper and it goes after a microphone I don't want it to have a microphone so I need to give it a dummy just to keep it happy literally a dummy and so VB audio cable which is actually software for routing a small voice small program for routing software around a Windows computer which we're not going to use in what it's supposed to be useful but we're going to use it just as a dummy input because it's got nothing on it ok so I've actually downloaded this stuff and I'm gonna install it now for you just to see how how how how fairly straightforward this is to set up this is OBS going in sixty four-bit OBS most most of our windows installations are 64-bit we're not run it just yet Reaper quite a small program Reaper what you tend to find is that the actual sound program you're using those Reaper or mixcraft or something like it's quite small but the plugins that you use get actually huge which is why we're going to choose lightweight plugins because we don't want any delay or latency we wanted we don't want to burden the computer too much the Reap lugs which is just this restring plug in the guitar amp which is the blue cat guitar okay so this blue cats already installed I forgot to run install it for this tutorial but it's a very straightforward install that oh no it's gonna install anyway that's right that's it still blue cap this is just for the electric guitar okay so we're nearly done we'll have to go in to install the VB audio cable in a minute the VBA audio cable setup it comes in a zip file which you may have seen before basically you have to unzip the zip file and then locate the install program so we unzip the zip file and we go in and we look for the VB 64k setup there we are now it doesn't like you just to run this it likes you to run it as administrator so I write my right mouse clip and go out to within windows we run it as an administrator and it's gonna install the drive which is just a little driver there we are all done it says you might need to reboot it that we don't need to just for using as a dummy input okay so let's see what else we've got to install I think it's the mail the stuff gotta install okay the Melda install I think's a bit tedious really basically this is all the milder plugins and we only want the few of them we don't we only want the vsts we don't want the ax versions of the plugins and then this is all male the plugins but we just click on the free FX bundle which is 37 plugins this stuff can be quite expensive actually but it's great they're great plugins but we're just gonna use the free bundle because the free bundle gives us so alter pitch it gives us our reverb charm verb and also the convolution reverb if we want to use that instead it gives us an EQ and it also gives something I'm going to use but you wouldn't need to use which is a recorder so I want to record the sound so you can hear exactly what I'm hearing in my headphones ok so I go install yes install that okay so for this rescue tutorial what we're gonna do is I'm gonna install once this is installed I will run Reaper and get the sound working first we'll put in all the channels we want we'll put in the FX we're gonna need on this channels will check Reaper sound settings and we'll have a little look at what we think the delay and latency is going to be because we're very worried in case this processing is going to cause a delay and our headphones and just sound start to sound weird and it'll start to sound like you you've got massive echo going on and after we've done got the sound in Reaper well then we'll go over to OBS pick up the sound from Reaper put in a webcam in just have a quick look at the webcam settings shape we've got a nice picture coming out then we'll go and do a local recording just on our computer just to make sure it's sounding roughly okay and then we'll live stream into Facebook okay so let's get Reaper cranked up okay first time we Reaper loads it scans all its plugins and in my case it goes all over the computer because I've got so many plugins now okay Reaper looks a bit like any mixing program like mix crafts were able to improve or even audacity looks a bit like this so we have a load of tracks where we're ready to record we hit the record button down here but we're actually not going to record anything we're just using as a mixer before we get started I'm going to check sound the main thing is okay it's picked up that it's using the UMC which driver which is the driver for the air engine euphoria if you using a focus right here it's a focus right a co-driver so it's got the picked up the right driver it knows it's got four channels that's looking good they all use a system called a co for routing soft music or sound around Windows computers it's worth I'll look at the other configuration because this is where delays can happen I found that using a very low number of samples so not using them the usual number samples you might use a fat like 512 or 1024 or something like that for recording but that starts to introduce a bit of latency which doesn't matter Jim recording because when you're recording you just record each track one one one at a time and you put the effects in after you might put a yeah you could put an effect or wylie recalling but maybe need to you can put them in after whereas real live so we need everything you know pedal-to-the-metal really fast happening in real time and I found that if I move that up to 1024 you get really noticeable echo it's just not usable whereas moving it down to 64 the sound still seems to be okay the CPU a computer's processor doesn't seem to get overworked which is what they say can't happen and the sound doesn't start to break up so I found 64 seems to be okay I don't think I'd move it any lower than that and in fact I'd love to have a 128 but I think I was getting I felt I was getting slight delay at 128 so 64 is what it is okay close that that's looking good incidentally repo kind of hard to tell you about what the latency is doing up here at the top he says I've got 2.9 of input delay in 2.4 million seconds of output delay that's 5.3 milliseconds of latency all together which is easily acceptable I think 8 to 10 milliseconds is where you start to notice the sound getting a bit disconnected okay so let's put a channel on insert a new track it's coming from input number 1 on the on the behringer I'm going to call this mainly vocal because it's the one that's ahead right and while I'm here I'm going to install install I'm going to show you the master track so I right mouse click and say show Mouse Jack because what we're going to do is have a whole load of tracks here that assemble into one master track but and that master track is going to go out to OBS now going back to this track it's already green so it should be monitoring my headphones but it's not armed yet would and but if it's not armed it means it's not getting the data in so we turn the channel on in a sense right and now the sound is going into Reaper we won't be sent we're never be using the record because we're just using it as a mixer all right the next thing I want to do is actually a step that you wouldn't have to do it I need to install a special effect a filter or an effect on the master channel to record the sound just so that you will hear exactly what's going on in my headphones because if I don't do that you'll get a misleading impression about what your what your experience would be like so I'm going to go into the master Channel and what they call the FX section which brings up all the plugins and I'm gonna go searching all this all these plugins for the EM recorder one which is from the mail the plugins that we installed so I'm going to quickly get this recording and then I will sort of amalgamated with the video so you can hear exactly what I heard when I was doing this okay and just get that recording right so you wouldn't need to do that so you've installed your you've you've put in your your your vocal channel and your you've got your master channel showing so let's put another one and I've got another mic here just down here which is mainly guitar it's down box or waist level so that's coming in on channel 2 arm it so that's coming in as well it's this one and just to show you the capabilities let's add another one for drums I've got these foot drums which are like kind of like guitar pedals really and I'll put those in input 3 in the behringer and they're down here if I hit them we should get something that's the snare drum sorry that's the bass drum I'm gonna one on that now because we're using those and let's put another one for electric guitar on it and that'll be coming in on that's not going in the fourth channel on the behringer so basically the bearing Jerry's got four inputs down the front the first - I've got microphone XLR plugged in - and then the second - I've got instrument cables plugged in right so here's the guitar this is the electric guitar [Music] okay so that was just raw coming in you probably want to do something with the sound of that and to make it sound more like a guitar amp so the blue cat amp was the one we installed we'll give it a preset and we'll give it let's go glass you to start with okay and if you wanted something a bit more rocky there's let's go a bit of crunch really badly played so that's the guitar stuff you'll notice by the way that it's a slight but a hiss going on here you tend to get that out of guitar amps but if you didn't like it the things called noise gates within Reaper and there's also a thing that's like a noise gate with the reaper called reaffirm with an F which is like a noise gate which is really handy for getting rid of background noise and hiss anyway we won't be using that so that piece is basically coming from the Telecaster pickups right so we've got the two mics now so in a real acoustic situation the guitar we're not gonna do much to the guitar sound we'll add an EQ plug-in but we won't kind of muck around with it we'll just bang a preset in call bright and clean steel guitar then we will go looking for the reverb so we'll use em charmer and you can hear straight away if I turn it up it's really huge let's go find a preset I found white trail pretty good and that's down at 10% which is OK for the guitar I think don't much on the guitar I direction and then let's go into the vocal and put any EQ go for preset whatever voice means I'll do that this is a sort of channel where you might want to put in noise reduction I'm not gonna do it mr. choy it'll take too long and it took about three or four minutes but really look at reaffirm which is our vaf ion there's a great tutorial on YouTube how to use it okay and we would want to we're going to do the reverb in a minute but just to show you what sort of things you can get up to in in Reaper we can try the auto two now let's turn s get the auto-tune and really turn it to the max play a note on the guitar the green the brown bar is the input note and the green is the output so the guitar slide flat la okay so you kind of try to correct my voice but it made it sound all robotic so in reality you might give it a little bit of audition and it will just kind of make it like your voice is having a slightly better day than normal or not use it at all I'm leaving in just to kind of further kitchen sink at this line so you can see what you can do the reverb that's the reverb we're gonna use white trail again that's at ten percent I'm gonna put that up to kind of about twenty eight percent which sounds like a lot of reverb but when we go live it probably won't sound so much and it's quite an interesting what you're seeing and you've got guitar there it can take quite a bit of reverb before it sounds a bit over the top okay so I now turn off the reverbs for now of course what you could do because your reaper you could simply do recording right now and record something in Reaper and get your sound you know listen to your sound and listen back to it and everything whatever but we don't need to do that I kind of know roughly what we're trying to achieve so I put settings upon accordingly I will be checking the sound out in OBS in a minute anyway but so we have to get the mute the sound over to OBS so we'll go into effects on the master track and we're gonna add the restream plug-in which is going to send the date the the sound over to OBS is to reach team plugins here but they're both the same basically we give it a name and we say send audio and we say local broadcaster okay that's great so that I think I forgot to show you there that's you can see that sending 2d audio out so let's get OBS guy the first time OBS loads up its going to say do you want me to auto configure things and I'm gonna say no I'd rather Mobius didn't really do that I think we can do the settings okay so OBS comes up nothing going into it really it's picked up my microphone which I don't want it to do actually I I I wanted to pick the sound up from Reaper I don't want to get confused by another audio source and I don't want to pick up the desktop audio either I don't want to pick up you know emails coming and going as well the first thing I'm gonna do is the relatively easy I think I'm going to go into sources I now add a source I'm gonna get the sound coming because that's quite easy actually we have to give it a device and this is where you have to give it that VB audio cable which is like a dummy device but just to keep her be as happy then going to filters and we're going to go looking for in the VST plugins' the restream plug-in the same ones we used to come out of Reaper so we use restream standalone open interface give it the name John's Reaper oh it's case sensitive assisting there we are and that's the sound coming in so that's the sound um next thing let's get the camera there we are the cameras cranked up and going right so first of all I'm gonna have a quick look at the camera settings because I've been told by a bloke on YouTube that you really want some of the automatic stuff turned off on the camera so let's show a look what camera settings are let's configure video okay it's got automatic on the white balance and on exposure but it hasn't got automatic on focus that's good because sometimes you move and the whole thing starts to be focused and that's not very nice I'm gonna leave that all right like it is some people say you should take off all the automatic settings but then I get a bit of a mess with exposure that exposure looks quite good to me so I'm gonna keep that like that I've been told whenever you tweak those settings you should deactivate and reactivate the camera so I'll deactivate it everything is black and then I activate it again and we come back to life hopefully right it's put me in the top left-hand corner because it thinks I'm gonna stream a video game I'm going to be much more specific about the resolution after so I go into the resolution custom and I know that Facebook Likes 720 resolution 1280 by 720 resolution so I'll give it that I know also the Facebook Likes 30 frames per second so I give it 30 frames per second that's fine and then I know I this is a strike I don't quite understand the step but I going to have to go into settings and video because some reason nobody else wants to change that into something else with a five-to-four aspect ratio but I have to remind it again that we want 1280 by 720 and then well it seems to be okay what can we do with the video capture we can put filters on it if we wanted to so we could you could put sharpen on um so we can make it so almost of it actually that's nothing to do anything but we could if we turn up here it goes ridiculously sharp until it sort of starts to crack up we can sharpen it a bit there we can if you've had a bad night we could look at color correction and the whole thing I play with here he's known as saturation that sort of washes it out and that makes it all super hot so liven up the I'll check there okay so we're all ready to do a recording locally so we'll go back into Reaper and we'll turn that turn those effects on so it was the auto pitch we're going to give us give that a run out and we'll give the yes just pick out one of these I'm not playing right there is something about three chords but I'm about to forget them right just a little bit of a folk song start recording is down here Oh should I see that I see them Oh Stephen Oh sir shall I see them the mist covered mountains wrong okay so we can check out how to see them Oh Stephen Oh sir shall I see them the mist covered mountains [Music] okay great so I'm gonna leave the effects on because the next thing we're going to do is we're gonna do a string into Facebook so I'm not going to stream into FB open mic because if I do that it has to be public so I know that streamed to my own timeline if you've seen the other videos I've done on the houses statement to Facebook I always think it's good idea to do a test streams your own timeline so go to my own home page in facebook okay live video and what this page is gonna say is it's a hell and I can't get hot to be camera and that's because OBS has got it I'm not gonna use the camera we're gonna use a thing called Street key so I go down here there's a stream key we copy it and just check it's gonna get to my timeline and only me good that's good for a chest then I go to OBS going to the Settings stream service Facebook live and put the stream key in so OBS now knows where to send this I could start streaming and a couple of seconds later within Facebook the picture comes in and I know that I'm okay to go right now so I I go live pushing a big blue button Oh shouldn't shall I see them all here Oh see them or see them Oh sir shall I see them miss covered man chance alone [Music] okay so that takes a couple of minutes for Facebook to process that video Jumma HTML just take the effects off and then we'll go over to Facebook and have a look at what went on okay so that's it really that's the that completes this little video I think it's a decent system if you're quite if you don't mind getting your hands a bit dirty under the under the hood in windows and things getting programs to talk to each other the actual link between repro no BS works pretty well I've got the feeling in this is not the end of the story as we got sir my journey was getting good sound into streaming situations but right now it's the best I can come up with for a fairly reliable and great sound streaming into Facebook I deliberately went a bit over the top with the effects but I didn't have time to really show you the nuances and I really just wanted to show you you can really you know dramatically change the sound by what you're doing Reaper alright everyone thanks for your listening and until the next time
Channel: John Drummond
Views: 5,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acoustic, Cover
Id: oozrhKIorr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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