Live Stream your DAW through OBS! How-to guide

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this live tutorial this one's hopefully going to be relatively shot I am Adam steel from hop poll studios and as ever I will be coming to you live from my home studio because the main studio is off-limits due to the ongoing situation with everybody being stuck inside so today I'm gonna be showing you how this is Reaper and any da W on Windows especially and also Linux if you want to hear the sound that's coming through the da W there's more than one way to do it and I'm going to show you a relatively simple way to get this which saves you having to do any cables any sort of complicated routing I say that will will show you and it can avoid a whole host of issues so run the intro [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so the way that I'm doing this my digital audio workstation off of choice is Reaper and as you can see that's playing perfectly fine but one of the things that's happening what there are many many things that happening here this is a cover of a well-known song but I'm not gonna say it because now that I think about it I've probably used something that's gonna trigger the the copyright alarm so I'm going to use a completely different song which I'm gonna call up very quickly but yes the way that we're gonna do this is we're using OBS OBS is one of the main streaming platforms right now so you can see that that's doing the window in window in window thing and my voice over audio is going straight through a standard channel in OBS but also separately there is a level called audio input capture here which I'm going to just rename quickly to da W if that gives me an option just so that there we go just so we can differentiate the two so that's changed the name there to da W and if I go back to Reaper and hit play now on this track lovely so you guys can hear that and that's using a plug-in called restream it's one of the plugins from the people who make reaper but aside from that it's also a separate plugin that you can get from those people that is absolutely free so if you're using Cubase if you're using Studio One if you're using any DOW that uses VST plugins go to reaper dot F M which is the website for reaper and at the very very very bottom here is a tiny little tick box on to download for re plugs i've put a link in the description already on this video which goes to reaper dot FM / re plugs and these are some of the main plugins that come with reaper but they're a separate free download and what you want to do is find the link on this page which is near the top I'm using the 64 bit version because my DW 64 bit if you're using an older 32 bit version I mean hopefully nobody's still on 32 bit these days but I know some people are the option is there so get them downloaded get that installed get those vsts put into the same folder that you would use any vsts usually for your workstation so if you've got any other plugins compressors whatever they would go in the same folder that's that and then of course the other part is OBS studio I'm using the very latest version which is 25 point a point for and it looks like this as you can see so from here what you want to do video if I look on all these plugins that I have in Reaper and this is the same in Cubase Studio one right at the very end of my master I have added a plug-in called re-stream now restream is a very clever little plug in the isn't necessary to do with live-streaming but that is actually what we're using it for today what you can you can do several things with it but what we're going to use it for today is we are sending out our audio from Reaper that essentially sends it as a WAV file broadcast out to whatever plugin that you want now so the identifier is the name of whatever this stream is going to be the reason that's there is you can actually send several streams out if you really want to be clever you can start doing that you could stream stems out to different places I mean that's getting crazy but for the purposes of this video I've just left this at default the name is default there's an enabled and disabled button there which of course has to be enabled and out of your D aww this has to be set to send audio rather than receive audio the IP here you can either you can add in an IP address if locally on your network you want to send this audio out to a separate computer that's doing the broadcast through OBS you can do that which is very clever but what what I did is I went to local broadcast and what local broadcast means is this is streaming inside this computer but not going outside of it which actually saves quite a lot of resources in terms of processor usage that means it's very very light on processing usage so if I hit play you'll see the levels going and that level is what's being sent out from Reaper and that's going after all these other plugins that I've got on the master bus that you can see on the left here which means that you guys can hear what's happening on all these plugins because of course when you have insert plugins it goes one two three four on the list downwards if I had something like I don't know if I had an EQ at the very end here that was specifically for my monitoring setup so I wanted less mids and more treble I could actually have that after restream so you guys then don't hear that which is a really good reason to use restream rather than another method and the reason that I'm using it here is I've got in my monitor effects sonar works and sonar works is correcting the output specifically for these headphones and when I do this in the main studio its correcting for the specific setup that I'm using with the a7 X's and subwoofers and what-have-you but that is not affecting what you hear you hear the complete on adulterated a standard stream so that's a really good reason to do this now back to the how-to I've just given that a shake and that's hidden repo which is really annoying so let's close that down if I was to turn off the restream plug-in now if I hit play I can hear that in my headphones but you can't hear that and I know that you can't hear that because if I just pull OBS over for a second I know it looks a bit weird the Hall of Mirrors effect but you'll see here there's there's the da W that we mentioned and there's the audio input capture 2 which is actually just this microphone I'll do another little live stream about how I'm getting quite a nice sound out of that throw a BS but that definitely is a separate subject but the reason that's I know that's not playing is if I hit play in Reaper I'm watching the D aw meat here nothing is happening whereas I can definitely hear it coming out the you might be able to hear that coming up my headphones a little bit if I turn on this restream plug-in which is behind us turn off all those plugins before restream because it's all stuttering because I'm trying to five crazy things at once with the with the process which is absolutely insane but this computer can just about handle it anyway yeah if I hit play now the dear double you can see those meters going so that how I did this so what I want to is on my source in OBS I added a new audio input capture you can make it an audio input capture on audio output capture either of the two and I added one that already exists which is D aw so I don't need to hit OK there but what I do need to do is that will if I then right-click on it and go to properties I get to choose what device that is now this is where it gets interesting what I need to do is choose a device that I am NOT going to be using to be kind of like a donor as it will as you it so the reason that we do this is that you can have some big sample rate issues and restream is a great way to get around it hi Glenn good to see you in chat thank you for tuning in my dude so yes infinite screen loop ah it is pretty annoying but yes so I choose something right now I've got voice meter installed which I'm not using which is great so I can just pick that but I could also pick the audio from my webcam basically any input that I'm not currently using and usually you'll have a spare or two if you've plugged in interface that kind of thing if not maybe install something like voice meter just to give you that option and then when I hit OK nothing is going to happen this is where we get clever so if I go into the options on this da W channel and go to filters this is where it gets clever because you can add filters to your audio and what filters are supposed to do is they're supposed to do things like be a compressor or an EQ or something like that but in OBS you have the option of adding vsts so vs to VST 2 point X plugins so what we want to do here is any vsts that you have installed and I have a massive list i'll come up in this list now we installed the separate restream plugins so that's where we pick re-stream standalone and that means that if we open the plug-in interface with this button here we have a very familiar looking window which is this re-stream so the identifier is default although if we had changed the name of the output in Reaper we would need to change the name to match and they would have to be exactly the same so let's bring that back up but this is just set to receive audio and this you don't need to set anything because then if they if Reaper was local broadcasting then this should receive on that name and it does and I hit close and I hit play on Reaper and there we go Isis in her now again why would I want to do it this way this is where we get clever because I can do things like I had a project a couple of weeks back that was in 96 kilohertz and it was a really nice project to work on but OBS doesn't support 96k it only supports 44.1 only supports 48 and it doesn't natively support a Co so using restream gets around all of that because it will send a 96 kilohertz stream out through restream on Reaper or like I said Cubase or whatever sample rate your DW is running at it sends that but then into OBS it takes the stream and it resembled it live to whatever OBS is using so yes this is a very clever way of doing it and and it's a nice simple way for any of you music guys who want to do live streams using a single computer to use an ACO based system and still send out whatever it is that you're doing I mean there are there are a couple of things that you can do that added bonuses here I'm not going to keep you too long and we keep this relatively short but another thing that you can do is you could send your voice over through your D aw am I'm using it through through OBS directly which someone did ask in chat and I will talk about in a separate video later on tonight because that is a separate topic from using restream that I literally just chose the input but what I could do is I could do this I'm gonna move this windows back so you can see Reaper this is where you can use multiple instances of restream so what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna add a new track in Reaper and what I'm gonna do is firstly I'm going to go to the i/o and turn off the master send and then I'm going to have it record armed I'm using track 1 on my microphone going into an arterial Audio fuse 8 Prix right now and so you can see the meters going now that I've record armed it but that's not coming out of anywhere the reason that I turned off the master output is that I'm going to show you a clever trick where this can go separately now if i add in restream here then i can send this again using local broadcast but if if i always do this over a and network to a second pc or streaming pc then I will just use either normal broadcast or I could put a specific IP address in it to send the audio to that specific machine and I'll change the identifier here from default because that's gonna sound really weird you'll be hearing my voice doubled so vo for voice-over I could use anything other than default and that doesn't sound weird and kind of delayed now so that's being sent out and it's not being picked up anywhere which is fine if I hit play on the dear W that will still be separate what I can do now is if I bring OBS back over I can turn off my voice and I can add in another channel with the VST plug-in and with a different name so if I do receive a vo and the reason I'm telling you all this before I do it is I'm going to turn off this microphone for a second now while I do that so I'm going to turn off okay there we go so you should be able to hear that now if I just yeah if I just look for the levels okay see ya so you should be able to hear me again can everybody hear me again and so if I hit okay on all of these settings this is now sending the voiceover through restream an extra little step that I might want to do here I'm just going to move this away is a back in Reaper if I right-click on my record I can then change the record method on the voiceover channel to disabled so it's monitor input monitoring okay I'll just move that so you can see it behind my big head I'll just move myself a little smaller so you can see that so if I right click on the record button I can change it to record disabled input monitoring only and then if I record any tracks it won't then add the voiceover as a separate track and what that means is now I can do things you'll be hearing me nice and simple but if I add let's say virtual mix rack my favorite by slate digital I can put that before restream I can now do things like I can add a nice navy cue and a bit more top end and maybe the Hollywood saturation I can't hear any of this because of the way the routing is going like I said but if I change anything I can then add it all i can add gates and all sorts of stuff and I'll bet that sounding really nice the way that I've got things running I'm using the routing in the archer ear audio fuse audio fuse control center that's the one so I'm hearing my own voice through the inbuilt mixer here that means that I get zero latency hearing my own voice because if I've got any latency on my own voice it really messes me up but what you can hear is you can hear a really nice properly you know eq'd filtered anything that i want to do on the voice-over is now coming through through route restream and because i turned off their master parents send their I'm not getting a horrible horrible doubling if I turn off that restream and enable master out then that's actually coming through the master that's coming through the da W channel and I can hear it through there instead of straight through and at least then I know exactly what's happening I can hear that weird robot effect now that you shouldn't be able to hear but like I said keeping it simple I'm gonna call the stream here because that's now a twenty minute tutorial and that's really really strange there we go so thank you everybody for tuning in because this has been something I've been wanting to talk about for a while and it's the kind of thing that I know will help several people so if you know any producers anyone who's been struggling to do live streams especially on Windows and Linux on Mac it's a different thing you can use core audio for your routing and core audio is a little easier to work with but yet this means I can have a really odd sample rate dlw project and have OBS absolutely happy with it and sending it out to the right people so hope you found this useful check out the patreon if you haven't already and tune in later on this evening because I'm gonna be talking about how to get your vocal sound using filters through OBS because earlier I was using OBS his own sound for a noise gate in a limiter and such so thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video see you later thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed this feel free to check out our other videos as you can find here or check out our Facebook and Twitter or our patreon page which helps us to make more videos like this thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Hop Pole Studios
Views: 49,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs studio, live stream, music production, reaper, reastream
Id: w7DN6--4C-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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