Using my nucs to make more nucs

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hi I'm Peter Cowan the bee Whisperer I'm in my bingo yard and I am going to I have a whole load of nukes here I've got 45 colonies in all of which 30 something on nukes and these nukes are resource nukes uh not quite the same but very similar to the way that Michael Palmer uses nukes to be resources and this is the way I'm going to have nukes make lots of other nukes so this is the way I'm going to do it so I'm going to uh show you a little bit what we've got right now we've got lots of nukes a few colonies that have been started up and some resources here it's a bit of Honey getting robbed out of one or two of these over um these resources here so they're they're going to be made use of and I'm going to start over here I'm gonna go through these nukes I go through these nukes and I'm going to make more nukes lots of frames of foundation and that sort of stuff with me I'm gonna go through those go through these go for those those those if I have time and if the weather holds up we've got a break in the weather for a change where I and the weather forecast tells me I'll get a few hours uh going well wouldn't that be nice because we haven't had three three hours without rain during the daytime quite some time so let's get started these nukes haven't been thinned out in over a week so I'm hoping that I can take a frame of resources frame of The Brood from most of them but I don't know because I'm only planning to leave about three frames of these and resources in each hive so we'll see how it goes because I want two for about a frame and a half to two frames of brood in each nuke and the frame of resources and enough bees to keep them covered up so this one looks okay this nuke is not bursting plenty of honey in them still have to go away I stream of emerging brood what I have to do is make sure I've got the queen on each one but behind that is so I'm not looking to take the queen away I'm looking to re-clean the others now I can see that this these bees here uh suffering from a lack of protein they've cut down their brood production quite a bit they've got some plenty of fresh young brood but they've cut it down they're working within the resources I don't see any stored pollen right now plenty of brewed about to emerge a little bit of it just starting to emerge so these are great to make newts from quite handy if it emerged a few days ago and they were making more use got some resources here our resources I mostly mean honey I don't see pollen but I've got to find the queen but I want to thin it out unless I can find the queen if I can help it there she is nice green there on this frame for merging brood next to a frame of resources I'm gonna take one frame younger brood here let's see what our boss is the older brood mixture of emerging brood and younger brood in here so this is drawing in this nuke on this colony is going to get a frame of foundation may have a bit of Honey over that go get some resources hanging around so I'll put this Frame of foundation next to the brood so they build it for this Frame of resources here and they can use it and also what I'm gonna do and give them a little bit pollen party to make sure sugar syrup and pollen substitute that's gonna be plenty for them to go on get them through the neck spell of weather this one's a little bit bigger a little bit more fresh wax on here nice frame of resources they've got a little bit of pollen stored that I don't know there's a queen here now we've got some pollen and I see some young brood so this one's going ahead albeit slowly I think they'd recently re-queens foreign [Music] otherwise I don't think a lot of that so that one's not quite ready to be strong enough to thin out [Music] substitute foreign managed to draw any comb this week because partially because there's not enough bees there yet but also because of this weather and I don't have feeders on all of these nukes nice little frame to brood half the frame of brood here it'll be fine for that nuke if I can find it all right foreign right there full of eggs resources this one can stay I'll say I like this one so I'm taking this one this nuke is now done thank you coming along getting a frame of foundation make some pollen Taffy I'm putting frames of honey in here I also like to take off some of the cappings and that makes it more readily accessible to the bees they don't see it as an obstacle to take it out because sometimes they'll be a bit reluctant to uncap Ed honey so this one's done [Music] foreign certainly needs thinning out foreign [Music] when you put in the Ukraine Foundation straight when they turn it into a lovely frame approved like that so making using nukes to make your bees also makes you Fringe drawn out which is gold dust and there's a cream great big fat cream and cream of emerging brood stay here I can take this spring for this Duke frame oh foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you these are being fed that'd be this would have been fully drawn out by now because of the weather not much going on Greens on this train okay frame approved just leave this alone oh nice frame it turned that into a frame approved in no time foreign I have gone through the 35 nukes and removed 14 14 nukes that will get reclaimed next so each of these nukes has been thinned down to to probably two frames of brood more or less two frames of brood and a frame of resources these two-story colonies have been made up from nukes that didn't make it are they getting be cleaned and stuff but uh you should don't make it get combined and put into these boxes and they will become like honey produces uh later so in a in a week 35 nukes Harvester so now what I'll do is I will go off to one of my other yards put these nukes down put a new Queen in each one and in three weeks time they'll be ready for resale I'm Peter count of the bee Whisperer see you next time
Channel: Beekeeping with The Bee Whisperer
Views: 3,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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