Turning nucs into massive honey producers in real life

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hi I'm Peter Cameron the bee Whisperer in my home yard at the moment and I am going to take some of my Surplus nukes here who I have been using as resource nukes but I'm going to turn them into Super honey producers and what we're going to do is have two nukes as a producing a communal soup of honey and this way rather than going into the nukes and taking out a frame of brood every week to keep them from getting too strong I'm going to just keep them managed as basically each two five frame brood Chambers producing me a lot of Honey they'll put all their energy into honey production instead of brood production so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take these two nukes here and just for now I'll stack them up next to them to give myself a bit of room this is where these two nukes live and I'm going to put two wooden nukes in that plate so we've got two nukes here in exactly the same location as the previous and what I'm going to do is find the queen and go in here looking for the green we've got isolated brood here nice frame of young brood here so I've got one frame of brood here now we don't have to find the queen we can just put them all in here if we want but what I want to do is I'm going to put some of the brood down here some in the super above see a nice frame of cat food which will be emerging in the next 10 or 12 days and that can go here often's gonna be the frame the emerging brood is very useful one to have I'll find the one with the queen on it particularly I wanted to be quick about it or I can just do is literally just shake all these into the bottom Brew chamber wouldn't make this for the video coming out brood on each frame there she is nice red mark Queen right going to go down here now I'm going to put a couple of frames of comb down there just to keep her busy with my delay [Music] [Music] that's green in one all right now I'm gonna find the other Queen my third box number two [Music] as I say I could just put all five frames in there which would be fine but I'm doing something like a hybrid between this and during the single group chamber management give them a bit of extra room by moving The Brood upstairs he's going here another couple of frames of brood are gonna go in there on a couple of frames down here thank you now stop the queen any chance do a little manipulation I hadn't done before anything here but I'm gonna put like the little gasket in between these supers [Music] duct tape there [Music] put a communal Queen exclusion now the queen cannot get from one Hive to the other between this you can go up through here but not here you see I've had a little bit of a gap just over here so I'll just take a piece of wood this little shim just to keep the rain out there and now we have two totally separate colonies join them together [Music] foreign we're going to put our remaining frames of fruit back in the communal hive these frames are brewed are going to become our first our honey supers our first honey Souper growing there we go we've got three frames of brood there some creams the foundation [Music] and now what we've got two food Chambers totally isolated from each other but they're joined together via the by the queen excluder these bees are gonna put all their resources into Brew production and these five frames a piece so these Queens won't get burnt out the Queens will only be able to keep five frames of brood going that means these Queens will be in great shape to use next spring because they won't be burnt out this year the bees together are going to put communal resources into here so all their honey resources are going to go up here so the next box and into the next box they won't fight with each other this is a honey flow going on and it usually works nine out of 10 times I've done this before and had two nukes produce me three deep supers of honey I had 150 pounds of three new up two nukes and I did that five times I didn't do it last year this is the first time I've done in a couple of years so we're gonna try it this year just gonna get a cover and we'll follow through we'll see how this looks in a month's time I'm Peter Cowan the bee Whisperer see you next time
Channel: Beekeeping with The Bee Whisperer
Views: 6,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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