Garden room walls and roof structure

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right we're back um you watched us put the base in on Friday I think it was is it Friday Friday yeah um if you're gonna leave a comment then please watch the video fully before you leave a comment it was a bit of fun we don't rush around like that always not to that extent anyway but it's a bit of fun so today we're going to put the walls up and hopefully try and get some of the real fun as well Johnny's going round now the polyurethane glue has obviously gone off over the weekend it's rained quite a lot but like I said before air can protect it's not a problem he's scraping off the glue where it's seeps up through the joints which is always the case which means we've had plenty enough glue on it anyway so it's a good thing um you could actually use a shovel which would save you back um Jen right so we've got to build the back wall first so you can see Jen's hooked a tape on there can you see David she is going 400 centers now the base was 400 spaces for the economics of the insulation the wall will be 400 centers because the sheets the OSB ah Bowls the OSB is coming up far foot again sometimes David just have a look sometimes it comes metric sometimes it comes Imperial it's coming far foot so what we'll have to do we'll have to rip a little bit off them sheets but the plaster balls were um 1.2 wide so we've got 400 centers so you've got zero for eight twelve and that will be the giant to your boards so obviously they're gonna have to be ripped down to size because they're the wrong size but Jen as marked these up now you can see there we're extending this wall because the timber comes at 4.8 doesn't come longer than that so we've extended the wall so what she'll do now she's hooked a tape on there so she makes sure that 500 centers have carried on through even though we've got a joint on the wall and what we'll do we'll build these two for Rams and then we'll join the wall together and then we'll stand it up you want to get this floor cleared off first Jen [Music] right the guns we're going to use today um it's not quite that time of year where the gas freeze is up but we'll predominantly be using the pass Lord's 350 plus we will also be using the Milwaukee first fix gun never misses the beat but it's in all weather and it's gasless of course um but where's considerably more than that gun so um that's the guns we'll be using David and Jen will be fixing though maybe yeah Debbie and Jen will be fixing um Jen is taking lead today because John's nipping off and I'm gonna cut Jen you ready yeah you know what you're doing right safety glasses must be water you'll fit what are you doing how's your film are you filming or not filming watch your foot from just in the over there no but what were you gonna do with them then I thought you were gonna stop oh right um we've cut our internal studs already are these are these cup Brandon yeah yeah they're cut we've set the sort of length so what will happen is you just sit on there nice and gently and then that will cut it until then they will be the uprights for the wall these will get saved because they will be the Noggins for the wall as well right so Brandon is cutting the Timbers uh the studs and Demi and Jen are going to go down to fix them of course they're using the paslots um they're using 90 mil Nails in them let me get you a strip out it's all right then carry on carry on they're using the 90 mil Nails um we use a Viper brand simply because it's the brand that um the timber company that supplies us use so no other reason apart from that although I certainly wouldn't be able to pass a lot of nails at that price right so once I've got this Frame together they'll slide out of the way get this smaller frame made and then attach it to that which will then give us our full length of our wall but what we want to do then is stop the wall from kinking in the middle so when we put our OSB on we'll make sure that a full sheet spans The Joint rather than just um if the end of the sheets there and the new sheet starts there then you've got a chance of the wild buckling so we'll use the OSB to strengthen the wall as well they've built the wall now so if if you look like this let's exaggerate this right and let's say the wall is sat like a rhomboid at the moment but obviously we want the wall square like that so because our floor is level when we put that wall up Square and it sat level on the floor that means that the wall will be plumbed that way John so because because the floor is level when we met the wall Square when we stand it up it will be level that way rather than being rumboid because we're going to use the OSB now to make it Square so I've got this first sheet down to 1.2 because it's an imperial size and it's coming far far so what we're going to do is we'll start this corner first Jen's going to get the bottom right on there the push up to me a little touch and once I've got my corner dead on there then she's yeah are you right there yeah come on then she's gonna nail that side up there so it's in line with the OSB and then um it's actually falling pretty square but let's exaggerate it a little bit so you can see there now the board is square it's manufactured as a square so you can see the wall isn't running Square there now so what I want to do is just tap that so it's dead flush there Victor longer and then we can then go on and continue to fix that barge and when we do that with all the boards using the squareness of the box to square the wall it will mean the wall it's perfectly Plumb when we stand it up there as well fine there so that we can see where the timber is on the bottom because what we don't want to happen is a look under there can you look on this from that engine we don't want is any nail sticking out which will lift the wall off the floor I've left that long because what I'm going to do I'm going to rip it down with the saw but what we will do is leave four inches on there so that it will clock over the side of the building just there right so what I've done there I've down the bar to 800 um because there is the joint in the wall and we don't want the joint the bar joints fall on that which it would have done if I hadn't ripped it down but now what will happen now is a full board I'll spam that joint and help strengthen the joint in the wall uh so what she's going to do now she's gonna rip down the board so that there's four inches hanging over the back side of the wall which will close I'll be free [Music] didn't die there if she never looked like slash before she doesn't know yeah right snuck her in the wall with a breathable membrane it's a roofing membrane it prevents any moisture from entering this way in but it lets the building breathe that way um we're just going to stay pull that on and then what we're going to do then we are going to put these resilient bars which are from drywalling but we use them on the back of the building now so that we can rivet our steel sheets to the back of the building which provides a neater finished and the little color coded screw heads right what she's doing now she's going to fix the resilient bar so that OSB um Davey's holding his tape on there because she's going to Mark every 400 so that she knows that she's fixing to a Timber rather than just going straight for the OSB because of course these resilient bars then will hold the um the tin the tin metal to the um to the back wall when we rivet it on it provides a lot neater finish just using a spacer block there because what we want we want them dead level so obviously it's laid down you can't use a level but if we use the spacer when the wall goes up they will be level because we know the floor is level um and then when we cut our metal clad in when we drill it for um riveting it will be all level and we can use a jig then just like a length of Timber marked up so we know where it's got good right so the back wall is built um if you follow the build pack I advise you to build the frame and then always be afterwards obviously because if you're building on your own it's a lot easier this is quite a heavy wall um what we've done we've positioned it so if David looks there the OSB will drop down and the wall won't fall off the back of the building if it doesn't work with the end of the world but if it we don't want it to um they always beat to sit there and then the wall will sit there so we will try and lift it up now and that that's that's that's gone up pretty well um no don't nobody pull it just let me push it you good yeah right so the wall is where it wants to be Jen Hold the Wall please David if you look there can you see the OSB it's touching the back of the building is it touching the 22 mil flooring right so what he's done now is kicked that in um I am now gonna look for the bit all right on your utility belt sports utility all right hold that wall yeah right so what I'm going to do we know the ends are right because I touching the thing I'm just going to put a screw in there and a screw in this end and then if Davey gets right down looks down the length of Timber David is there a kick in it Hold the Wall John yeah right it's pretty straight out in it there yeah so we'll wrap it with that it's straight enough at that so what I'm going to do I'm just going to go down and I'm going to get a screw in each bear just to hold the wall um and then I'll jump on the nail gun with the 90 nails and follow me down you can probably let go of that now so because the floor is level and because we've used OSB to to square the walls then that means that this wall is plumbed that where all we need to do now is get it to go that way but when we put these side walls up same thing again Florence level wall is square it will tie onto there and then that will hold that Plumb but what we will need to do then is address the center and we'll put some props in and get that nice and Plum in the center as well so they're going down with the nail guns now they're gonna nail it I need to get ahead of them though because what I want to do is make sure that each bear is pulled down to the floor with a screw right so I screwed it down simply to pull it down the flat and then they've nailed it the reason why we don't screw it fully is because screws and nails a screw will snap like that and then your nail you'll have to bend it until it does snap um so obviously the nail is a lot better because obviously that snaps under the pressure right so we're gonna have a look at this now um that's the while up it should be wrapped and plumbed that way we will have to prop it that way but for now that's not going nowhere we can work safely under that so what we're going to do now we're going to build the side walls um what we will do we'll let the OSB hang over 90 mil so that when it slides on there it can fix to that and it will be covered so that's the side walls we're going to do now and I'll show you them going up as well all right they've built this wall um this building particular building is getting clad in Cedar um I've just realized that there's a dog going inside agent not to worry um so we'll cut that afterwards um so the Volvo latch that OSB there and what will happen when that goes on there the breathable membrane from the back of the wall will wrap around there and staple and then we'll put horizontal buttons on there obviously when I've cut out for the door so we're gonna get this up and it should slide into place if Jen has built it correctly well I've been away all right you ready that should now just slide up yeah right and that'll all get fixed and pinned into place now um don't nail it don't fix the center gen because I've got a got a dog come and do this corner for me is it kicked down far enough is it kicked at back wall at bottom yeah right get a screw in there right Jen get a screw in this top to tie this top in is it in together Debbie yeah so what will happen then what we'll do we'll wrap that membrane around there like that cut that excess off and trim that so that's fully sealed there as well and then we'll run some horizontal buttons across um once I've cried for the star which I have forgotten to put in um that's all right there get a screw in there and do exactly the same with this wall now as well and that wall is having a window in but we tend to cut them out afterwards anyway once customers decided where he wants it so we're going to select that on that and sand it up and then we'll crack on with front wall and we'll show you how that's going to happen um we'll show you what's going to happen with that as well so what she's doing now she's lining the slit but enough she can see the nails so that's where the timber is in the wall so it's going to line the slope buttons up to them put a nail at the top and then they'll go there they'll get that at the bottom and they'll just look under and lock it where the nails are as well and then he'll fix them but obviously he's going to fix about seven inches up so that he doesn't stick a nail through the bottom of the OSB which will then keep the wall off and then once I've done that they'll just go down and nail them all and that Wall's ready to go up then right what they're doing now they're building the front walls um obviously it's laid down but that little recess there is where the steel will sit so we've left a 300 Gap there so that we can get in and Tech screw it to this um underside of the Timber basically um that they will Mirror Mirror the walls so there'll be one there that like that one there like that we'll string them through so they're dead straight and then we'll cut the steel and still go on there right so the front walls are actually fixed just at one point down there and they're fixed to the side wall well hold on where am I the fix of the sidewall there as well so that they're actually Plumb that way um what we're going to do now we're going to run a string line across the front so we get them dead in line with each other because when we put that Steel across the top obviously the steel is dead straight so the bottom needs to be dead straight otherwise we'll have one leg kicked against the other which obviously we don't want so you can see the little recesses there little drop downs um just to take my finger off there because it keeps take the little um the recessive drop downs there because that's where the steel will sit Debbie's now cut steel steel is um it's 160 by 80 by 5 mil it's relatively heavy so what Jen's still now she's put some blocks on there stop the steel from Rolling forward in the garden so we're safe this is where Dave is panicking now see if he's quite right lamp he has lovely right so the steel in there now will take the weight of the roof obviously these double Timbers here take away at the steel and the roof bearing down on them as well um there's a lot of weight on that roof especially when it snows you've got your weight load in there as well so that will stop any deflection on top of your door so what will happen now they'll get some David I think them Tech screws I've got them out they're going to put some roofing screws through there which will support that fix that to that tie it all in and then we're going to put some CLS on the back of there as well so we can put our joist hangers on which will tie our roof beams onto there as well take a look right so what we're going to do we're going to fix the steel to the Timber with these Tech screws they're 110 mil and they're self-filling so they'll drill in there themselves um what she's going to do is going to fix that through there I mean [Music] that's Jen's screw in the face so we put um a Barbie kill was text flat to the steel as well and we ripped another one down as well so we've got Timber on the steel there now so when we put our Roofing joists on we can stick out upside down joist hangers on and they'll look to there which will strap the roof down to that um I'm fully aware you can use truss clips and stuff like that but we have joist hangers on site so that is what we use um John's gonna always be the front of the building now me and Jen are going to start on the roof we've determined Arrow of a hang you can see the pitch there will tend to be 75 mil higher at the front so 25 mil for every one meter um I'll Crown the timber which basically means have a look here and see if there's like a hump in it and if the hump is a crown in it the crown will go to the top but I've had an impossible I've not been able to do a full full roof video it's one of the hardest things to show you as well the roof itself is pretty simple but um it's just hard to get the Angles and show you here and the sidewall basically has got infills in so the side wall is then tied to the roof and then these rolls and Noggins ties everything else together as well we've also got little Noggins there which carry the side trimmer um that will get insulation and it'll get rock wool in um what we'll do we'll put the boards on tomorrow and then we'll rock wall underneath there you can see we've just notched the top of them Noggins off there on them lines um the reason for that is so that we can run the cables so the cables will just run down inside there so it's pretty straightforward um if David just pans across you can see it's just basically a framework isn't it you know and all knocking in and tied in you can see the upside down joist hangers there like I said before you can use truss Clips if you want but we have joist hangers on site so that's what we use that then ties the roof down it's completely strapped down if you look at your rat and foot there Davey you can see where Jen spiked the roof Timbers didn't look the wall because obviously you don't want to get no wind uplift which will completely rip your roof off so it needs to be well tight down so tomorrow now we will get get the roof boarded hopefully if it doesn't rain get it sanded and we'll get the Fisher and soffit or something and I'll try and do a bit more detailed video for you tomorrow actually I have to nip off so I've not been able to complete this one okay so please like And subscribe and the campervan video um sorry the camper van progress will get updated at some point this week as well thank you
Channel: The Garden Room Guru
Views: 179,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8rTpFzTUdFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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