Using Krita For The First Time

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody aaron blase here and so for quite some time you guys out there have been trying to get me to try critta and i i you know most of you know that i'm a staunch photoshop guy i've been drawing and painting in photoshop for years now and once i find something i like i just kind of stick with it but i thought today would be kind of fun uh to do a video because i know so many of you out there use critta um i thought i would download it and just open it up on camera and use it for the first time i've never opened it i just download it i just put it in my doc and i thought well you know why not just give it a try and uh and you guys can watch so i've got it right here i'm gonna open it we got krita all right and we're gonna do some drawing it's gonna be some fun all right let me see how this works new file i'm gonna click a new file uh pixels i'm gonna go by inches because i'm used to inches uh nine inches by 12 inches that's what i want nine inches by 12 inches create bingo look at that so we've got we have an image let me see how this works i want to get uh there's layers okay there's the layer styles you can lock layers this is pretty close to there's all the different brushes um i'm not sure these icons but i can tell what the brush is so that's kind of cool and there's a paint bucket i can do that um this all looks pretty there's opacity size well it looks pretty straightforward why don't we just start drawing um i've got uh on photoshop i pulled up uh this guy right here this is a some um reference that i want to use of a lion lioness that my son shot in africa photographed i shouldn't say shouldn't say shot but yeah photographed and i'm just using that as some reference and i just thought it might be kind of fun i'm going to come over here let me see what they've got for tools here i want something that's kind of a gradated tone and maybe a pencil texture what does this look like that's kind of cool look at that i like that let's go opacity is only 15 wow let me try something a little different maybe a little later yeah that's cool i like it i like it i like it like it so let's and control z so all the short stops are the same our uh cut shortcuts short stops okay so let's start drawing so i've got a lioness here i've got a separate layer from my background always start with a separate layer from your background don't start drawing on your background and i can see on krita it locks the background so that's kind of cool you can't really draw on your background that's neat so i just thought we could kind of have some fun here and i'm going to draw really fast i want to make this quick just to see if some old dog like myself can learn some new tricks all you young folks out there have been trying to get me to try this and it's free which is really cool i can't that's pretty cool i'm not used to seeing free stuff like that i'm always touting you know you got to pay for your stuff all that you know but this is free and but they do take donations which i i think is cool and will support but yeah i'm just drawing this this is from photo reference that we shot while in africa back in october i like the lighting on it it's really beautiful let's see here look at that the eraser works i'm using uh my my tablet that i'm using is a cintiq wacom cintiq 32 pro so it's a big screen really big screen so when i first start doing a drawing like this i go in really loose like what you can see me doing now and just loosely sketch in my subject matter thinking about that structure the bone structure you know i've got lots of uh as you know i teach a lot of animal anatomy and animal drawing um and digital drawing and painting in photoshop but i might have to do something in critter now because this is pretty darn nice but over my website wow i like this the the brush is so nice krita there we go yeah it draws really nice just like a pencil just like a pencil it looks like i'm going to be able to use my regular digital drawing and painting techniques in this because it's got you know different blend modes for the layers which is what i use i use multiply and and overlay and i'm sure those are in there but once again i've never used it before this is my first time using krita i'm on my cintiq so i've got familiarity there so far it's it's an awesome experience it's super smooth no lag at all okay there's our lioness there lioness here she's turning her head towards us hmm there we go if you like this kind of thing i do uh i do a live stream every uh every friday we're gonna be doing some more live streaming uh this coming friday got a few announcements some cool stuff coming up but man i love this this software is nice critter huh hmm who'da thunk who'da thunk this is cool cool stuff let's move her up how do we move a layer where is that oh is it here there it is take a guess there you go that's uh how do i resize it maybe this one are you kidding me first try there it is bingo bango bongo i'm going to go ahead and crop it there's the crop tool man so intuitive look at that i love it i love it love it love it all right so go back to here so yes this is a this is an african lion we photographed while we were in uh kenya back in october that was our latest trip i've been to africa four times it's one of my favorite places in the world to go love this okay so i'm gonna i've got a loose drawing in here i think this is good enough to to use as our basis for our local color let me get some more a little bit more of the markings in here yeah there we go oh yeah i want to get the let me get the uh the muzzle laid in there better there look at that boy i can keeping it loose keeping it quick keeping it spontaneous it helps having a big uh a big screen tablet like this pen display very much helps there we go critter okay that's cool i like that now i want to i want to get a layer underneath this so all i can assume is i'll highlight the background layer and create a new layer and there i've got a layer under my drawing layer right now and i want to grab a nice big brush let me see what we got we got like markers what do we got here got a whole bunch to choose from oh pastel let me try that i like pastel uh so let me grab a color i want to get local color no i don't want that i wanted this actually can i choose different pal uh different types of oh there we go let me try that one oops move that over there i'm used to i'm used to more of a photo shop photoshop photoshop type uh interface man i like this interface go a little bigger on the brush oh look at that so what i'm doing is i'm just laying in some local color and i'm just going to lay down the whole thing and it's got it's almost like if you've ever used painter before this has got kind of a painter feel to it oh man look at that nice pasteli feel there pasteli man i dig this yeah this is very similar to painter to me and my the shortcuts are the same using my brackets to to make the brush bigger or smaller so i'm just laying in kind of a big silhouette and i love this how it just fades out that nice texture that's a what a nice brush this pastel brush super super cool so come down here we're getting a nice silhouette there now i wonder if i can lock it let me go to that layer let me see can i alpha lock it yeah i think i just did that that's what that i think that's what that means let me see if i've just out alpha locked it so i'm going to go and grab some other colors here and go a little lighter i'm going to pull the opacity back to like 71 i just want to change up actually i want to go even brighter with it and this this is a really cool brush look at that texture so nice so what i've done is i've alpha locked the layer so i can't draw outside the layer i can't draw outside the pixels that have already been colored so all i'm doing really is just drawing variations in the in the fur tones then we'll paint the shadows separately so it's a kind of an easy way of thinking you know you can break up your thinking a little more easily by you know you can think about just your local color which is what i'm creating local color is the color of an object when it's not in shadow and it's not lit it's just uh that's the local color it's like a red apple or a green shirt and so in this case we have you know different variations in the fur tones so i'm just very lightly kind of laying in our tones there we go go a little brighter on that fur over here that orange orangey ear fur so just just a few different variations and the fur up here uh i think i'm going to throw some color into the background pretty quickly here as well there we go i think i'm going to go ahead and do that so let's create a new layer right there i love this brush so i'm just going to stick with it i'm going to make it really big and i'm going to grab kind of a kind of a warm warm green make it a little darker so when you make it big you're getting i'm getting a little i'm sure there's ways of adjusting the brush going into the brush presets oh there they are all the okay there's the brush presets okay well for right now i just wanted to show you i'm just using regular brushes provided by krita which i find awesome they're super cool yeah this is a pretty darn cool brush love this texture it really feels like pastel chalk which is my favorite kind of like that kind of gritty surface that you get you there we go this is just using the pastel brush just coming up coming kind of building up the background color layer there we go just a whole bunch of different greens and just building it up trying some different color all right let's go back to our lioness layer and i want to get a little bit of got to go way smaller on that brush get some variation of color there we go yeah it's a nice variation of color here go a little grayer on some of these nose patches you know the color of a lion a lionesses fur can really vary from a really warm color to really uh gray let me get that nose there we go i'm going to try to get uh i'm going to try a more tapered kind of brush what is this not quite sure what i'm doing here that doesn't really lighten up does it let me try uh try some different brushes here let me try kind of like this let me try this let's see what these do let me go into here well that's interesting that's nice it doesn't taper though does it uh is there a way to make them taper there's got to be a way to make them taper let me try this brush no that doesn't that doesn't have a i want it to have pressure opacity sensitivity oh there's even watercolor wet bristles rough wow that's pretty cool let's try the mark or well the marker doesn't let me try this grease pencil i like that that's what i was looking for that's what i was looking for all along there now i can get some nice detail in here in the local color oh that's nice that's a nice brush right there i dig it i dig it get those amber eyes there now let's go let's go dark dark dark for around the eyes yep this is the one this is the brush i love it i love it i love it i love it okay so i want to get in here let me turn off the alpha lock there that feels good so here we go give her some pupils so here i'm just drawing variations in fur color there we go the backs of a lion's ears are dark with the dark spot i mean a light spot not a dark spot a light spot there has more like it more than there there we go so what i'm going to do now lions have believe it or not lions have spots on them a lot of people don't realize that they just think they're brown cats but they actually have spots down around their legs and belly so i'm just lightly laying in some of the spots here and they're a little bit like leopard spots especially around the belly like a little rosettes if you've ever been if you've never been to africa i um and you're really into wildlife and you know i really recommend figuring out a way to get there and and doing it it's very safe it's wonderful the people um where we've gone it's been very safe and you know i love nairobi we fly into nairobi this is kenya they're going to nairobi and um we go out to the maasai mara and we photograph and draw and sketch and all kinds of stuff and so uh i love it absolutely love it every time i go when it's time to leave i'm always trying to figure out how the heck i'm going to get back i just i always leave my heart there um just laying in some more of the white belly varying up once again i'm not drawing any light and shadow yet all i'm doing is local color go ahead and lock that again there so you can see it's you know it's not bad we've got some nice color in here it's coming together the lion lioness is coming together nicely but we need shadow right we need some shadow in here to help define the form and so that's that's that's where it's gonna really gonna pop getting some of that shadow in here and uh so why don't we do that why don't we jump in here and we'll get some shadow so i'm going to create a layer on top let's see there's our drawing layer i'm going to put a layer right on top of that and i'm going to set it to multiply there it is and i'm going to go kind of a warm mid tone right in here and um i wonder what i can do here thumbnail size okay i was wondering if i could create a clipping mask but i'm not going to worry about that right now so right now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to start painting in where the shadows are going to go and then we're going to create a light layer this is pretty cool because i'm actually able to get really subtle with this wow so this is all in shadow right here there's our ear coming up so i'm using the multiply blend mode to create a shadow right over the top of our cat wow okay this is nice this is actually really kind of cool i love these brushes now all the brushes i use are my own personal brushes that i've created when i work in photoshop and uh man i think i like these better once again if you're um if you're interested in some animal drawing uh lecturing i teach animal drawing i also teach animation i was with disney for 25 years or 21 years i was with disney i worked on films like the lion king and beauty and the beast and aladdin pocahontas mulan and i directed brother bear and uh so i have a lot of animal drawing experience and so if that's something you might be interested in go on over to my website and check out you know all the lessons that i have over there that's all right so look at that look at how that shadow's working that is sweet oh yeah boy i like that so i'm going really big with the brush right now i want to push that value the value darker value is the is uh lightness and darkness when you refer to the value of something in art it's you're referring to its light or dark if it's a dark value or a light value and so what i'm trying to do now is i'm paying attention to the values the light and the dark to make sure that it's reading as best it can there we go critter huh you guys i've been it's so funny you guys have been wanting me to do this for so long and i've just been putting it off and putting it off and putting it off and man i'm so happy i've tried it this is really a really cool software i can understand why people have been recommending it and this is my very first time using it i've never used it the interface if you're you know if you've done digital drawing and painting before the interface is really intuitive you know i've been a photoshop guy for almost 20 years and so this was completely intuitive coming over to this i didn't have any trouble i knew exactly where everything was it just works this is super cool you guys super cool i love it so there look at that shadow man isn't that nice really cool let's put another layer on top of that and let's put that layer to let's see uh where's the overlay oh right there that's right underneath it and i'm going to get a bright value on that bright warm value and i'm just going to come in here and hit some of these highlights i don't want it to be so yellow i want to be a little there we go still don't want it to be that yellow okay let's try it again that's still a little yellow but that's we'll roll with it so what i'm doing with overlay it brightens see multiply is literally multiplying with the layer underneath so you get a darker value but with overlay it lightens and so you get something that's a little brighter so it creates this illusion of light let there be light see that it feels like light on his face on his face on her face and i like leaving the uh the pencil lines in there here we go yeah look at that boy it's coming together fast i'm going to jump back to my uh i'm going to jump back to my shadow layer and i'm going to go a little darker didn't do the insides of the ears here i'm going to create a new layer on top i'm going to set that to multiply and i'm going to do it again so i can go deeper darker with some of these shadows like in the eyes dark dark dark in the eyes there you go inside the mouth i'm going to get that darker get a little bit of markings around the eyes there we go maybe define some of these little shadow areas around the on the side of the face a little bit more there we go there we go that all feels pretty good look at that let me blow that up a little bit for you oh that's not what i want i wonder i'm just going to leave it i'm going to i was going to lighten up my uh the the uh the brush but i think i'm going to uh or the drawing layer but now i'm going to what i think i'm going to do is i'm going to put a layer on top well actually let's stick with uh continuing with some of these darker shadow lines first there we go that all feels good i like it go a little darker even still with some of the shadow in the eyes that feels good right there some little bit darker markings on the nose darker still inside the mouth get some of the markings on the whiskers so i'm just adding little bits of texture here and there for texture it can get a little sketchy i'm going to lay put a layer on top now and i'm going to grab i do want to grab a brush i'm going to grab this paintbrush see what that does and i am going to keep it just a normal blend layer and we're just going to draw right over the top and i'm going to get some really bright color there we go draw some whiskers in coming in like that this is just adding little bits of little details here and there really getting in with that white to add the highlights where they're needed this is just kind of the fitting touch finishing touches of this sketch yeah so i think my my over resounding approval i mean i just love approval i sound like a sound like an idiot i love uh krita it's really cool and the fact that it's free just blows my mind so all you people that have been trying to get me to use it thank you thank you for getting me to use it i love it i'll go back and forth between this and photoshop quite a bit i think like i said go to my website and check out more of my lessons i got animal drawing i've got animation i've got all kinds of stuff i'm going to add some little glistening on the cheek these lips little bits of glistening light let's see here let's go a little brighter let's go in there all right it's trying to use the space bar to grab it and move it but it doesn't seem to be doing it was doing it earlier so doing something wrong here there we go i can't seem to want to i can't seem to get it to move trying to move it on the on the background but it won't do it just move the document you know i can do it that way i guess i like to use the shortcut so i'm just adding some details with this brush some fur details in here nice so now what i want to do is i want to go in and i'm going to grab my ink dropper i want to grab kind of this local color but then go a little brighter and grayer with it and go back to my brush and i want to go in and just go into some of these areas in the shadows and create let me go a little brighter some kind of cooler reflected light there we go keeping it really simple there we go once again this is my first time using krita and i got to say boy i'm loving it [Music] it's awesome so i'm staying i'm trying to stay as loose as possible go a little cooler with that i want to get kind of a rim lighting effect on here i'm going to go a little brighter with some of this there that feels good so i'm just painting opaque now right over the pencil lines the original drawing lines i'm going to go kind of into the blue range now just kind of throw a little bit of blue into some of these areas that are in shadow just to cool them off a little bit some of these light areas that are in shadow just kind of cross hatching and just cooling them off just a touch what it does is it kind of rounds out the hue structure so what i used on this i used that pic of the pastel brush initially to lay in the local color local textures and it has a really nice a very nice texture to it i love it so i turn off that drawing layer you can see we've got the paint here which is nice i'm going to turn that back on and i'm going to go to our our drawing layer and i just want to clean up some of the line work a little bit or maybe we don't need it i want to go back and let's add another layer i'm going to set it to multiply again because i want to get a little darker a little bit darker in some of our areas here i'm gonna go back to my big my grease pencil my china marker so i'm just adding some more detail and value in her body you guys know i love to draw lions and uh this was pretty cool there's filters too huh okay i wonder if i can go in here and blur that background i'm going to go to my paint layer in the background and i'm going to go to filter blur look at that gaussian blur push it a little more look at that hey i love it okay so that feels pretty cool let me go back to my paint layer and i love using new software and just discovering and this is fun this is for sure a uh a joy i'll tell you there we go all right i'm kind of digging that that all feels pretty good i think i want to do uh let me go back to my layer up here just a little bit more texture in the fur there we go that's good just hitting the hitting some of these areas a little darker there that feels good all right so we just have a couple more details to do i want to um i want to get some grasses in here so let's put a layer on top and i want to grab let's just grab that paintbrush that we just had earlier actually maybe i can use this one let's try this one see what it looks like let's uh let's see let's go [Music] small and that nope nope nope nope nope don't like it that brush is not right for what we've created we needed a similar brush uh let's see here let's try this one there we go this brush i like keep the grasses nice and simple keep them really spontaneous and grass gets bent over you get little pieces that come off on the stalks and trust me grass is different all over the world too and so you know i make sure to look at the grasses in africa photograph the grasses while i'm in africa so i can get those in my head see how they grow see how they look there we go see these little touches here that really set an environment you know this is more of a portrait than anything but you get the right little environmental touches and that really can set it off really nice so i want to put a layer under our character layer in in front of the background layer and do some more grasses but this time we're going to blur them so i'm going to lay them in but we're going to blur them don't like that one so let's go up to filter blur gaussian blur and just push those back blur them a little more there that gives it a little more depth okay then our layer uh is it this layer yeah this layer on top i want to go ahead and lock it and then i want to grab some really bright color and just hit some spots here and there just to vary up the value that feels good do the same thing with the layer in the background i'm going to lock it there that just gives it a little bit more variation there we've got a little lioness right here let me come up here and just as a final little how-to-do i want to go ahead and do a little bit of rendering right there let me grab the color and go a little lighter with it let me go back to my paintbrush on the wrong layer there this one this one that's the one i want it's okay no problem there we go and then our final final final little touch we have two final touches i want to get rid of some of these lines down here like that and then our final final final touch is i want to get the whiskers in here some nice whiskers there we go there's that and let's go really bright and we'll jump over this side there we go and some nice screws up there on the eyes a little bit more on the chest just some final little touches there just to give it a little texture so let's blow this up and do a little pan and scan so there it is it's it's pretty loose but that's my style i really i really enjoyed working in this and krita for my first time it was uh it was an absolute joy the brushes are awesome um if you've never used krita and you want to find some you know if you want something cheap and you just want to experiment uh with digital painting look it up it's k-r-i-t-a and uh it's a it's a really wonderful software and uh i recommend it there we go look at that so there it is only thing left to do now is to [Music] sign away let's see assign it right down here i'm going to grab this color go a little darker with it and let's move it up here i'm on the wrong layer i got to create a new layer right up on top there we go there it is 2022 there it is krita my first critic painting very first one that was a lot of fun so there you go um that was my first try ever using krita and i really loved it i really recommend it go on out there give it a shot and uh i'm going to keep experimenting with it and we'll do some more videos like this but until then going out put some beauty back into the world and i'll talk to you next time thanks you
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 60,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Arts, Animation, Art, Illustration, Krita, digital painting
Id: V5vXsIU5pv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 9sec (4629 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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