USING HACKS TO SUPERCHARGE RICK'S SPACE SHIP (Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality Funny Gameplay)

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all right i am now in the driver's seat somehow i actually crawled into the car and oh how you doing morty join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bell icon to receive notifications so you'll never miss another video hey guys this is porridge juicify and welcome back to rick and morty virtual reality today guys i've got this thing it's that part that rick wanted look at this right that part that rick wanted so now we have to take it to new location in the portal wall which i am very curious about guys today we are going to investigate um rick's car but first we're gonna have to find his car of course all right and he's calling me already guys leave a like in the hello morty yes leave a like on the video right here right now if you want to check out rick's car with the hex and cheats that we have so i know what to do okay i know what to do yes rick whoa oh that is spicy holy moly we're gonna put that in there so this is not actually the free play mode that we usually play this is of course the story mode so uh that thing is really going ham out there right rick is this okay the toilet's broken all right the front all right we need to get it working again i know there's a bottle of wine here yeah bet come on man what are you doing here huh drinking wine in the bed so we're just gonna fill this whole thing with wine okay now guys the car of rick will be broken in a moment if we can find it of course and we have to fix it but since we got our hacks and cheats we can actually go all the way around the car and do some really nice stuff to it and i wanna break it okay i wanna i wanna just troll rick and break the whole car all right let's flash this puppy ha ha the magic spacey there it is this is what we need okay you happy rick good job morty i had a bathroom adventure i have that every day plug the seat into the seat thing yes there you go that is the first part but we've got uh a battery we have got this engine repair kit and we have this stuff all right so if we fix all one two three four items in here we will fix the car because it's like the engine that goes into there but we cannot like we cannot go around okay i cannot go there usually but of course guys me james i've got the hexagon we need to travel around the car and look what is going on there but first we need an engine repair kit and we gotta buy that on the computer so instead of that part that rick wanted we're gonna go for the engine repair kit which has a very you know average four-star rating oh yeah we used to combine stuff with this huh as it turns out it only turns stopped into metal and if you don't believe me take a look at this huh can we grab one of these pill guys put the engine part and then put this on there beautiful can we get metal egg that it's not delicious this i've actually never tried eating this before oh no no oh oh oh it's not good it's not good oh ew anyway we got to use these parts to put them together in the engine and before we put in the final product here which is uh hold on let me put this down which is right over here of course the dark matter right which explodes when you're moving too fast we're just gonna put some other stuff in there so i can grab a cup and for example a pill and then i will get some pill juice which is delicious we're gonna fill that thing with some other stuff see we can break the car oh guys it is going to be a big beautiful now first things first you gotta move this thing there you go make some space mr demon head now uh let's see how do i oh yeah how do i put this thing together huh ew there's all kinds of like rules and stuff oh no oh yucky i do not like rules man thankfully i am a certified engineer alright i am prepared for this upgrade is the car laughing at me really i did exactly what it says here uh by the way guys take a look at that we get a rainbow mixtape how cool is that audio cassette tape haha another one in the bag and go we did it fantastic that took me when you're ready how long did it take i know how to fix it i am a smart clone okay yeah right rick you couldn't figure it out shut up morty yes shut up morty nobody asked you anything morty i am morty gloat i am the superior morty okay and don't make me swing my maze of massiveness at your feet yeah you don't like that do you wait a minute i get a gun hold the phone i can just shoot these guys steal the car travel off into space here we go i said whoa whoa here we go hello what ah hey hey why is it shooting now what go go go oh my oh that's so close but i actually cannot hit them i uh i can't believe it whoa you know what i'm just gonna throw this thing at them and go ha wow i actually hit that guy though we should actually charge this battery and since we are like top tier pro players it should not be a problem whatsoever yank this thing and let's get going i'll show you guys how it is done we can actually whoa you can actually see everything over there wait what if we go into microscopic size and check out the car then that would be really cool huh okay we've got ideas guys we've got ideas so first things first we will charge the battery we will grow back to our original size we will check out the car and what's he talking about and then after that we are gonna shrink to microscopic size and then visit the car so we're gonna have to cheat a lot here we can be here he doesn't trust me yeah even more you could figure it out i can do that i'm the superior clone right i gotta stay focused i can't listen to these guys yep around because i got a bunch of stuff to focus on okay i can't miss a single one because i've got a perfect record and there it is one two three not a single mistake so to recap we are now really small okay and i can use my hex to travel out there and check out everything at microscopic size but first we will shrink i mean what's the up to the shrink we will unshrink to normal size there you go head over to the car and we're gonna put the battery in here but first let me go ahead and actually kind of uh where's that metal egg huh let me kind of super size this thing okay go we're gonna make this uh oh hello where did it go is it in here oh what i want to make like a super battery okay yeah that should be good right oh yes beautiful some metal and stuff and it still fits get in there fantastic all right the last part we need to dump something into here but first let's check out the car alright i am now in the driver's seat somehow i actually crawled into the car and oh how you doing morty he does not seem to be too impressed can i touch her head oh look at that can actually do it oh look at you dummy come here i do summer gonna touch your face too no i cannot wait what are you typing huh but there's actually something new phone who is this i'm like it's summer duh but that's a nice little secret i like that can we like start this thing up somehow because we do have like an ignition switch or we get like a handbrake or whatever this is we get a really crappy little steering wheel but there's nothing else really oh the maze of massiveness haha bang whoa they seem really shocked that i hit him look at that no way damn punk right mainly anything behind the seats like you're actually just sitting on this thing that's not okay that is really weird summer all right rick so uh what are we looking at here huh we get like a little uh engine error or something guess i mean this is the back of the car this is something that you usually never see okay like summer is just chilling over there morty is keeping an eye out of me yeah i saw you yeah that's right i saw you looking at me no rick what are you doing here huh wait so if rick is here and morty is over there who do i call is it going to be noob again how you doing buddy so rick is trying to fix something like he sticks his hand into the engine and then tries to pull something out of there i don't know what he's doing but let me just let me let me get this let me get this let me just stick my head in there oh okay oh there is actually something of a device there but i'm not sure what it is so now it is time to actually put some nitro dark matter into the car and make it fly off but that's what you are supposed to do and that's exactly what i don't want to do so let's go ahead and oh what did you think would happen when you're handling that yeah i'm sorry the rapid movement i'm sorry if you move this really fast it explodes i get it but let's head on over back to the bathroom okay because there's some juicy stuff there that i want to put into a cup so here we go first of all we've got a pill that makes you do a poopy and we also have the ono a declogging gel so we're gonna like you know make his engine nice and clean okay that's right so first things first all i gotta do is just pour a little bit in there oh yes oh that's beautiful and then for the other one i'm just gonna put this down here and uh oh i do not expect to get this thing though yeah delicious wait why are you telling me that i cannot turn this into a liquid how sad is that huh doesn't matter we still get this very green looking delicious drink and uh oh don't break it rick no i'm gonna put this in there please do not pour that liquid oh that tastes like it's more nitro only looks like this smoke coming out and a car says she doesn't like it yeah i don't really care about that because you're still gonna get it okay let's see what else we are gonna put in there yes i think noop noob would be like because this is a very beautiful indeed why would i even put it in a cup when i could just do this yeah straight from the source i'm sorry please do not pour that liquid in me oh my there's actually a lot of smoke coming out of there wait a minute what if i make something really tiny and i just drop it in there so all we need is like whoop a ruler this guy wait does this guy actually work as well i've never tried it right ha it does work what if you use both rulers does it make a tiny ruler what if we turn this around how what happens then i mean it always gives this ruler that is weird anyway a really tiny little pill thingy here can we drop that in there go whoa what in the oh it just went through it hey that's weird man look at that you actually see it in there now as always i'm gonna try and stick my head in there let's take a look oh it's actually just a really tiny little energy thingy okay then well do remember guys we still have this battery here so let's put down a little train of me seeks there you go that's one now we're gonna need another one right over here there we go and i'm going to teleport here and i'm going to try and hand this over to the first me seeks nice and slow so that it doesn't explode right then over to the other ah no do not drop it me seeks come on grab it no you don't got it man you're lying to me don't make me yell at you buddy because you're not gonna like it he got it yes beautiful now all i gotta do is move it whoa this way yes and now to pour it into the engine like right over can i can i still do that i'm running out of space everyone oh come on pour it in there yes ah i'm missing everything oh man where do i go where do i go is that it i think i'm doing it full tank capacity systems responding wait a minute nitro fuel no it doesn't explode anymore full of nitro couldn't you find a more stable compound no wouldn't you like be a more stable teenager whoa get called out by a car man summer got owned now fly off guys because i want to combine with this thing right it's the first time we can combine with it all right musics hey affirmative i'll see you on the other end okay bye-bye wait where's the car gonna drive now how does this work do i need to shove it into the car again or hey rick do i need moo moo bloop hello oh wait i'm pretty sure that the battery is the mistake here yeah let's uh let's get the original one in there there you go jesus boring man i wanted to like supersize it and stuff so this is pretty exciting guys we used to never be able to combine with this because the second you let go of it boom it explodes so now what i want to try and do is make a massive nitro dark now whoa whoa it's so beautiful wait but just to be sure you can't do that with this thing right so let's go back oh what i know oh but this one still explodes though okay um hold on where's the uh oh oh this stuff hey stop leaking all over my floor man okay well we're gonna use this thing then and since the maze of massiveness is gone i'm gonna need that guy over there so we're gonna do this the old-fashioned way guys or actually the new fashion way there you go so we uh oh wait that that that does that does not work exactly how i expected wait no i can put it on a hammer i can put it on hammer right it's a metal hammer really wait wait wait i got it i got it here we go we're gonna crystallify that thing oh yes nothing overrides the mighty crystal now can we make it any bigger then oh come oh no man are you kidding me well guys i also said that we would shrink to microscopic size but they were already gone but look at this yeah that is really nice right oh everything is so super big well it's still the same size but i'm tidy so yeah looks big right anyway guys that's it for some more rick and morty in a virtual recovery let me know in the comments below what you would like to see me do in the next video but for now guys thank you so much for watching please do like subscribe and i'll see you guys and nuke noob on the next bridges 5 video [Music] you
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 4,510,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, rick and morty vr, rick and morty virtual reality, rick and morty virtual rickality, rick and morty metaverse, rick and morty poop, rick and morty lets play, rick and morty gameplay, virtual rickality, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, rick and morty vr meeseeks, rick and morty vr mod, rick and morty vr secret, htc vive, vr, virtual reality, game, gaming, funny, rick and morty vr troy
Id: DeNzsj1mjPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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