Using Hacks To Cheat In Minecraft Prison Escape Map

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well then let's get started today we're trapped in a strange place what is this place a prison we're trapped i want out what do we do well there's only one thing we need to know in terms of escaping we're allowed to do whatever we want to get out huh so for example we can use commands to cheat what that's amazing what should we do first jj well for our first challenge i think we need to break down and collect this log apparently if we have the log we'll be able to escape i know we should use these items oh and the crafting table probably there are a lot of items here plus the crafting table and even a furnace let's use them but like i said mikey we won't be punished if we want to use cheats we can use everyday commands oh for example i can use this one for myself no problem and just like that i have an iron axe oh wow will it work yep try it out i'll try it it broke the log got it whoa it's open it worked nice come on mikey let's escape the second room it looks like we need to cross to the other side of that fence we can't cross with the fence in the way i thought we could jump it but i tried and it doesn't work yeah there's no way we'll be able to jump over that but you're forgetting something mikey we have other methods to help us pass this room like what well i have a very specific command in mind that i'm planning on using here what's that hang on a sec you filled the room with water yep it's cool huh it's completely flooded from floor to ceiling uh-oh i'm drowning the second room is clear so let's move on come we were able to clear the second room by flooding it and swimming over the fence that was so incredible yeah it was i think i get it now oh for the next room it looks like we're supposed to defeat the zombified piglet [Music] zombified piglet yep i have an idea aren't zombified piglens weak against water jj use your cheats to bring out the water again you're weak against water let's give it a try yeah let's take a look it should be one two three spaces from here okay now i'll try using commands to create water i just have to minus three there we go see oh you did it water the water's gonna destroy it it doesn't seem to be reacting at all so i guess a zombified piglen's weakness isn't water huh that was my only plan it's okay i have a plan since we made the water let's summon something to beat the zombified piglen like what how about let's see something like this check it out pufferfish did you say puffer fish ouch oops i didn't mean for it to spawn there it spawned there and attacked me it was an accident right there this time it's spawned in the water to fight the zombified piglet it's fighting back it's damaged look the puffer fish poison works amazing the plan worked nice nice the pufferfish took out the zombified piglets sweet let's keep going it's open next room yeah it is what's next what's that there's no way through what now it just says we have to get through the cobweb tunnel getting caught in cobwebs makes you super slow it'll take forever to reach the other side whoa you're slow even for a turtle i'm like a snail well you're not wrong but there is a super easy way to remove cobwebs what we can use commands for this too let's see this command should be the right one just like that okay there that's it let's see what happens when i input this command go wow nice it's on fire yep the cobwebs are gone but how do we cross the fire no problem mikey and remember it's all you can cheat we may not be able to cross through the fire as we are now but we can use cheats to buff ourselves up i'll give us the fire resistance buff it's been applied so we can cross now let's go we can cross see i'm walking through fire and it's not burning me sweet yeah well we made it to the other side no kidding oh look it's open what's all this what's next it looks like this challenge says yeah put anvil into hopper what exactly is the hopper what's this do we need to go down there we could try it oh huh oh nothing mikey you died it's completely empty hey mikey something's been bothering me do you see that that's a pressure plate i wonder what happens if we push it i'll toss my axe huh oh hang on did you see that when the axe fell onto the pressure plate yeah i suddenly got an anvil nice job thanks put it in here guess i'll just drop it in here we go look oh the door it worked that was it now what next all right this one says sleep in bed how are we gonna manage that with no beds hmm sounds easy we just need to sleep that's true but there are no beds anywhere what are you doing trying to make some let's see here make some beds for us using commands yes whoa i made beds with commands where should i put them i can't that's weird well we can't place them right now because we're still in adventure mode that's why i'm going to use the fill command mikey here i go one second hold on what i'll replace the air what replace with air this command should turn the air into beds whoa check it out wow that didn't go as planned sweet okay did it work yeah oh is it night out i think it is nice looks like we can sleep now we can't see outside to tell the time but apparently it's night time out oh we slept let's go to the next room this one says our goal is to light the redstone lamp let's see where is this redstone lamp i don't see it me neither is it in the chest apparently not just a sapling and bone meal no redstone lamp hmm where will we find it i don't know hey do you see that mikey it looks like a floating platform up there could the redstone lamp be up there too i think we need to check it out that's easy just plant the tree okay then use the bone meal to make it grow here why don't you do it mikey sudden growth in three two one once you make the tree grow can we climb up that's right oh wait i know these leaves can i break them you guess not even if you cut off the leaves mikey isn't the tree a bit short what can we do it's not tall enough i guess we have no choice but to cheat command time let's go i'm making a ladder oh wow i did it whoa whoa now we can just climb up the ladder that's amazing let's climb up i'm climbing whoa terrific there i'm on the platform look it's the redstone lamp i'll hold it down to keep the light on thank you great oh look the door opened nice okay on to the next stage we go let's move hmm according to my notes mikey the next hint says what should you do to get a blaze's rare drop hey we have blaze spot eggs really aren't blazes really strong yep sounds pretty rough also what are we supposed to do to get a drop for an item that rare take a look at this these are looting books they increase the drop rate they can be used as enchantments let's enchant this sword oh we don't have enough experience to enchant it i guess there's no helping it free experience points with a simple command we get experience wow that's so useful whoa level 351 what and now that's done with wow hold on huh let's start enchanting oh i'll max it out oh if you use the same enchantment it becomes stronger sweet i'll just keep adding the rest of the looting enchantments to it [Music] keep it coming now it's looting is level two mikey spawn a blaze for me ready yeah here you go get it there it's down nice it didn't drop it one more well still no drop one more try yeah it dropped nice wow it dropped that's so rare we finally got it yeah now then let's keep going for the next hint get advancement a furious cocktail what's that supposed to mean how do we get that achievement this achievement is a colossal pain to get you need to apply the effects from every type of potion all at the same time we're gonna need to make a bunch of potions luckily we have all the ingredients right here so we just need to use these brewing stands to craft all the different types of potions that's easy i'll look up recipes that's true we could make potions that way let's do it we have all the ingredients but even if we craft every single potion there's still something really important that we're forgetting about huh what we can just use cheats right okay let's put all the potions back where they belong mikey we don't need them we don't need any potions mikey minecraft has a command that can give us achievements directly what i just need to punch in advancement grant into the command bar i think that's what it's called and then i do nether all potions there we go three two one wow so did we get it hey it worked oh wow that was a little weird while we're at it let's get them all wait you can do that yep just use everything and voila that's amazing look on the right side it's showing everything that was unlocked yeah sweet cheats are really incredible it's unbelievable there are so many achievements should we wait well we did unlock every single achievement why don't we take a minute and wait till it's finished [Music] all right the achievement pop-ups have finally stopped now then mikey this is the 10th room so maybe it's the last one before we can escape all it says is count diamonds in the cube [Music] that's not bad you just gotta count here one two hold on for a second stop what's wrong i don't think that method of counting is gonna work mikey you can only count the blocks on the surface of the cube from this angle that's true what if there are more diamonds hiding inside the cube [Music] a pickaxe what for i can break all the blocks away oh the non-diamond blocks sounds like a plan mikey that'll definitely work but don't you think it'll take too long maybe i have a better plan mikey what if we just erased all the blocks that aren't diamond ore we can use commands to do it you can do that yep how we can replace it with air let's start with stone for example if we change the stone into air all of the stone is vanished but there are other block types too i just removed all the iron ore whoa next i'll do gold amazing now i've removed everything except for the diamond door blocks oh awesome all we have to do is count them one two three this is still kind of tough but i'll push through wait mikey huh it's fine you don't have to count them what really i don't need to count them yep why take a look at this one sec this command allows me to take all of the diamond door blocks and turn them into regular diamond blocks huh like this and once i do that yeah [Music] look at the bottom left it says successfully filled 59 blocks that means there were 59 diamond or blocks so the answer is 59 that's right let's keep going what's here huh this thing wait a second am i supposed to rename the paper is 59 that must be it amazing now we throw our answer in here by the power of commands a door appeared let's go is this it wow that door is our way out what a relief it took us quite a while but we succeeded in breaking out of here come on let's go what's out there ready open what the that's it we're free what a triumph bye bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 7,093,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: ApDpfqVINbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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