Using Glitches and Tricks to Actually Fly in Untitled Goose Game

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*Psycho Violin* *Psycho Violin* Alright first we want to sneak up on the lady with the knife. Ummm... Ummm... We don't want the lady to catch us, or she'll take the knife from us. GIVE US YOUR MONEY OH BOI *HONKING* First thing you want to do is bind honk to mouse wheel. *AGGRESIVE HONKING* Another cool trick is if your spam shift really fast, it lets you run at sprint speed without having any turning penalty uhm- just come over here, (ring the bell,) uhm- just come over here, Get this can over here Now the can happens to be the most important item in the whole game. So.. So.. just.. So.. just.. item hop over this fence here You can use the can to pretty much climb any wall in the game Hey old man Alright, so there's an invisible wall around that pub area so just use the can to fly up to this uhh fence joiner here. You want to pick this exact one here because the geometry is a little bit glitched so just twist around counterclockwise and push through the barrier. Just grab this harmonica here, we're gonna need that later. *woman makes noise* *honk* *clap clap clap* *woman tries to be a goose* *DeSinc asserts dominance* Alright. Now that we've got the flower we can use it to trek up the invisible wall here I'm just gonna check how far the wa-- the wall extends around- *honk* *honk* gimme your wallet Alright, so she's brought a couple of friends this time. So... *harmonica bleep* So you can use the can to get over pretty much any fence that's not got an invisible wall uhm.. I'm using it to get into the.. garden here without opening the gate You can pretty much stun lock the farmer here just by spamming the use key Just squawk at the farmer You can use the time that he's distracted to get the spade So Spade™ and a lot of other items about this size are pretty good for climbing walls This one's got an invisible wall over it but umm- Use the farmer's head to grab the hammer off the wall, now that we have the hammer the one spot we can hide the hammer where he can't find it is in the garden here, so... Uhmm... You want to just wiggle it left and right here till it gets over the lip. *struggling noises* Alright now we're pretty much free to annoy the farmer as much as we want so I like to just hover around him and- with the can and uhh, steal his car keys. Alright, I've hidden his car keys and he can't open the fence. So this pretty much lets us do anything we want to him now One interesting thing about the fountain here is it's got this weird particle system pattern so if you spam it fast enough, you can see the first two.. particles. You can get this shovel stuck in the fence here if you get the farmer to grab it off you. When he lets go it get stuck in the fence ..try pull the handle through I left the can in there so-- I'm gonna get the farmer to.. Just get the farmer to pull you over the fence. *AGGRESSIVE HONKING* Turns out the farmer's pretty bigoted, he's putting up some anti duck propaganda or something, so grab the spade, umm... just do prop fly up this wall here get into position behind him climb up his back, honk so he hits his thumb, knock his hat off, knock the sign over knock this rake over as well, steal his hat- Just make sure you go back for the can, we're gonna need it later. This kid's got a little toy plane over here *HONK* Give me that Steal his glasses so he can't come after you. Use the plane to do a prop fly away from him so that he can't grab you He doesn't want the plane anyway, he's too old to be playing with planes. Oh he wants it- Alright I'm gonna show you a trick with this trash can here so first you wanna take the lid off grab the bin handle and do a collision boosted leverage prop pull to make the bin flip over your head. You can use a rotated collision bump to get your head to go through the wall here It basically collides more with the bin wall so that you get more flips out of the.. physics... intera- once you get into a position you can walk into the bin and flip it up. Drop the can into the trash can and it doesn't actually give you anything I was leading you on the whole time- This is the walkie-talkie it's one of the more powerful items in the game. *HONK* *HONK* *HONK HONK* *HONK HONK HONK* *HONK* Basically you wanna get all three of them in the garage and once they're all in there you can run over to the ring here and just close the door and uhh trap them in there forever. Now that they're trapped in the garage basically you can pretty much spam a bunch of propaganda at them, uh it's a pretty good technique We're almost at the end of the game here so you wanna come to this tower and get this plaster off here.. Grab this plank here.. You pretty much gotta destroy the tower to get to it, but Once you have the plank, you can just pretty much fly away from this miniature city here It flies pretty much as well as the can. It's not as good- I'm going to show you a trick with this bell So in the end section when you're running past all these people here.. Make sure you don't get caught by these two guys.. You can use the prop fly up this invisible wall on the bridge to get away from them They can't really catch you once you're flying up on the ledges here so just keep doing a pixel walk at the top of the uhh invisible walls until you go past the well. You wanna hit the South invisible wall. Once you've hit that wall, you can go a bit left of the park bench, hit this corner here. There's a little bit of an odd geometry, you can glitch up the sides of the corner here until you exit the world. So now we're on top of the world, we're on the ceiling of the map essentially. So we're up in this big green void at this point. You have to be careful up here because you can lose your way. Just ring your bell for the void ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵒᵗᶦᶠᶦᶜᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵇᵉˡˡ ᵒⁿ ʸᵒᵘᵗᵘᵇᵉ You can use an auto clicker to spam the bell as well. You want to be running towards the uhm.. start of the game to... *honking bell* It's pretty easy to get lost up here *bell ringing* *bell not ringing* Once you get back to the ceiling you want to look for this crack in the geometry to fit the- GODDAMNIT.mp3 If you drop the bell... uhh it pretty much bricks the game, so.... *hidden source engine inside the unity engine is activated to make this clip possible* ᵖᶦᶜᵏ ᵘᵖ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶜᵃⁿ ˢᵘˢᵖᵉᶜᵗ ᵖʳᵉᵖᵃʳᵉ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᶜᵉᶦᵛᵉ ᶜᶦᵛᶦˡ ʲᵘᵈᵍᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗ *stun baton swing* *stun baton swing* *stun baton swing* *stun baton swing* *stun baton swing* Original Subtitles: Kneyki/AkaNoSeiba Edited by: Vinchy
Channel: DeSinc
Views: 5,273,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: desinc, untitled goose game, goose game, desinc goose game, goose game fly, goose game glitches, untitled goose game glitches, goose game speedrun, goose game gameplay, untitled goose game speedrun, untitled goose game gameplay, untitled goose game walkthrough, how to fly in goose game, goose game dunkey, goose game desinc, untitled goose game desinc, duck game, untitled duck game, honk, untitled goose game honk, untitled goose game flying, untitled goose game prop fly, glitch
Id: iwWvQXexDkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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