Using GIANT BAITS for SPILLWAY MONSTERS!! (Hybrid Striped Bass Fishing)

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Oh God dude this one just wrecked oh they did it came up off of the leg hit it on the surface what is up guys and welcome back I've been on an insane hybrid striped bass bite lately they're just so much fun they're so strong pushing the fast current they fight pound for pound they're probably the strongest freshwater fighting fish that I've ever caught in my life so strong then catching them for years but I've never really gone out and put this much effort in and targeting them and let me tell you it has been so much freaking fun like I I know I'm missing out on a good largemouth play right now but I've caught tons of big logs wrong I can't get away from the striper right now it's just so much fun a lot of you guys enjoyed that last video I'm sitting on like I got like five or six videos right now ready to edit of me gun out catching striped bass but I decided to go down and try a brand-new spot a little far away it's not too bad but anyway I meet up with my buddy Kevin in this one and we go down there and we absolutely slay I was so excited when I first saw this pot because how good it looks that I didn't even have a camera on those like second cast I got the first one Kevin pulled out his phone filled me a little bit with a spout it was first what second cast look at that look at the next fish I didn't realize that my GoPro was at a time warp mode so just didn't get like any actual footage of it just weird time warp stuff so yeah I messed up the first two catches but yeah it was pretty damn awesome this episode of 50/50 fishing starts now [Music] alright guys well first time I've ever fishing here about to cast in found a hybrid so slammed a rig didn't have any cameras rolling Zeist want to make a couple casts see if they're here and Kevin bust out his phone and got some of it so oh yeah all right hey bro number three let's go now this one hit on the drop man I thought I was hung up [Music] yeah come put in a we go oh it's a better one yes a better fish [Music] one's a little bigger so cool that's not might have bad news not good it's not good it's on somebody's line I got one a ring left two after this ain't gonna get this yep right that sucks this one's a little heavier I like them not loads of its Inga's long I'm scared my believes on this one too Oh God dude this one just rent oh hey dude it came up off of the like hit on a surface hard it's same let's go who that one's a fatty that's a freaking chunk that one's let's buff that might be five pounds definitely the biggest one so far probably close to five upper four probably haven't salutely smashed it a couple ear tail is hell yeah what the trans massive twister tail just because I catch something last wannabe suspect it's like salt water stuff I think it's up first cast and loser well that looks completely ridiculous full-size stupid oh I'll do that that's actually my word like there's no reason they wouldn't be sitting right here like some saltwater stuff bro well guys as you saw I lost one of my a rigged something down to my last a rig I Ben need to get more my brother actually lost one yesterday so I'm kind of scared to keep there because I don't anymore left that's like the only thing they're smashed like we haven't caught him on anything else I've had a couple hits on just a single swim jig but I think they were just white bass because there's some guys smashing the white best on the little wall thing over there I can't pull out now probably gonna toss the area out around a little more cuz I want to get a bigger fish because all the fish have been right around like four to four and a half pounds that's pretty crazy right here it seems like all the fish are just kind of swirling because this current is just going in like a circular motion all the way around this thing and it goes out to there the other gates that were there they're pushing water back in it's just like a constant circular current right here I really think these fish are kind of just circling around feeding on anything they can I've been lucky to get my a ring in front of a few of them just taking a little lunch break then we'll start tossing a rig around again weights kind of shut off when I had one awhile down to one a rig lost one earlier I might have to make an a trigger on a little bit although if I don't hit any rigs anyone either let's go Bob as a fish that was a fish boys the Grabbe something think Ron or something they are there it is slammed it absolutely slammed it Oh Boyce is crazy well I got choked it Oh Liddy you know you know it's like number six later Brad really just can't stop throwing his a rig works too well nine catches my heart stuff I don't know why but it just feels like I'm fishing in the ocean right now these are hybrid striped bass but it's just the atmosphere and everything I flick flick impersonators right now well I have a big one here guys I can't tell yeah yeah this little bigger I think about some stuff I guess whatever big very easy [Music] under those knots guys only thinks is number eight just going to leave a spot just don't play they're not very big yeah destroy pass they were sit anywhere there's current on the harbour good current breaks I just sit ready to ambush so much frickin fun much every single dam on the river pulls these fish like this I've been saying it for years now yeah hi River is one the most under rated fisheries on the planet clean like I said pretty much any damn anywhere for this good parent when the water is up they sit bike ramp brakes although Creek mouth especially this time of year hold these fish they're just so much damn fun I only wish that we had Fisher's biggest look down Tennessee that's all anyways could be any better we don't have any true strikers here it's a pretty good one dude there's a tank smaller unbelievable well she's not as big as I thought she's still good then I thought she was way bigger yeah she's still good I thought she was way bigger I will take it that's nice little little I catch bad at all part looks small from over terabit she's over two and a half probably that's a sweet bycatch mop down take it I'll take that all day Tamara's off guys I said another smaller company like 23 times man crazy crazy freaking a rig boys unbelievable did I hit it right here I [Laughter] watched it coming in like three times man let's go come on earrings Kevin Kevin what's a Gris I'll let you do I'll let you cast it man I'll let you reel one in oh no no no I'm sorry okay he's alright I just dropped him on his face yeah he's alright but I feel like a dick through the a rig is magical dude you caught a fish oh yeah come on it's good chunk three-quarters of a pound is pound it's a fish man thank you I will take it I will take it you just dusted that skunk right off I think I think there's a lot of Smalley's right here yeah dude that's like a five pounder I am so jealous dude that is a tank bro bro that's huge that's a five pound Iran you stole the episode let's go get let's go wait dude million hits and the plants fish all day rocks that's the coolest catch today okay [Music] my goodness man that's a how the catch dude want to make sure she's good here she goes hey dude that is an awesome catch brother well guys I hope you enjoyed this episode like I said I have like five or six more videos that I've already filmed that I'm in the process of editing and I'll probably be targeting these guys for at least the next couple weeks I was supposed to go to Virginia Beach that's not happening because my buddy's truck broke down and my trucks been having a couple issues too I really don't know comfortable driving it down right now so I'm probably gonna be targeting these guys for the next few weeks like I said they are a ton of fun if you're doing this video please smash the like button if you do the channel hit that subscribe button I dropped content weekly sometimes two sometimes three times a week and really appreciate the support [Music]
Channel: 5050 Fishing
Views: 9,361
Rating: 4.7956204 out of 5
Keywords: Using Big Baits, spillway monsters, catfishing, striped bass fishing, hybrid striped bass, striper fishing, ohio river, fishing for spillway monsters, how to catch hybrid striped bass, big baits for big fish, river monsters, fishing, ohio river fishing, 618 fishing, how to catch striped bass, striped bass fishing tips
Id: a2qlw7tdW2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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