Using Every Single Part in Kerbal Space Program For My Mega Mission

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today I'm back in Kerbal Space Program one for a very special challenge in fact I tried doing this in ksb2 but it was just too laggy to justify actually going through with it I wanted to make a rocket that used one and only one of every single part in the base game now I did a similar challenge a while back with engines and just like that one I have one main rule I'm going to try my best to make sure that every part has at least some purpose and I really don't want to make a rocket and then just slap on the remaining 300 or so parts to of course now I'm starting down the Vehicle Assembly Building but I didn't really know where to begin now you can see here I picked one of the command pods out and started putting out some adapters and stuff but as I said there's over 300 parts to place down so figuring out a good starting point wasn't exactly easy now I was thinking maybe a Lander on top would make a lot of sense so I kind of started to go with that here and you can see originally I was trying to use a lot of command pods because I didn't really think I was gonna have that many individual Landers now eventually I went for a minor redesign and I realized here I could use a lot of these fuel tanks up but then I ran into a problem with the landing legs I can't put them all around the rocket and eventually I just went ahead here and tried launching this off now it actually did seem to work pretty well and I found these cool pyramids down there but otherwise I was still gonna need something to get me up into orbit and for that I wanted to switch ahead to this other type of command pod now you'll notice this one is substantially larger than the other one I was using and I'm using the same trick as before and using different variates of fuel tanks on the bottom so it can burn a lot more parts and with that in place I actually started building up another rocket on the side of this this one's gonna be a little bit different and it's actually going to be for a jet that I want to fly on lathe now I have these large liquid fuel tanks that I needed to give some purpose two and this seemed like about the best way I could do it now I also used quite a few adapters here but now I had to worry about the wings again I can't mirror them of course so I had to get a little creative with wing panels and create this fake delta wing on the other side I really wasn't confident this was gonna fly very well but I put a large engine on top of it and I put one on the back as well and you can see next I wanted to add on some Wheels putting them on this plane at least gives them some purpose as sort of like landing gear now after putting mismatched wheels on every single side here I wanted to try this on a launch pad and see how it would do now at first tier at least it was standing up but that was pretty much the end of all the good news because it immediately started curving to the left as soon as I tried to launch it now I figured I could probably use this as a sample test for the plane so you can see here once I flipped over I detached it and trying this out now it had a surprising amount of thrust and I figured it might actually be able to fly the wheels on it definitely weren't great but they were tracking across the grounds and while they were slightly lifted up with a few tweaks I thought I might be able to get them to work so I actually loaded up into the space playing Hangar next and I wanted to load up my rocket and just try out this plane in the air I really wanted to verify it would fly before I actually got to leave so you can see now on the ground I fired up the engines and I wanted to try accelerating down the runway the problem with the mismatched Wheels though is it makes it really hard to get up to speed here and this didn't really go great now fortunately though cheating is always an option and it seems to always work out great and you can see I'm trying this out in the air now it was a little weird to control because it kept wanting to roll over to the right but with enough practice here I was actually able to gain speed and gain altitude and that's pretty much my metric for figuring out if something is flying so with that totally working I went down on some extra thrusts here and do that you can see I'm using the combination engine fuel tank thing and strapping on the side as well as giving it more fuel on top of that tank and just for fun I decided to use a fairing as a nose cone here and with this I wanted to give it a shot no it was still curving over to the left more than I wanted here and this wasn't exactly great but with a little bit of squeaking to the engine position I gave this another try and I at least spent to get it to curve over to the right now now I move the engine back to Center pretty much seemed to fix everything and how is able to fly almost straight up this was really great but you'll notice the more I fly the more it's going over to the left and I think that's because the fuel tanks on the right are emptying out and that causes them to get too light so for some extra stability on the bottom I want to add on some Wing panels and of course I wanted to use as many as I possibly could here so I started using every random variant I could find along the bottom of this engine and with this it still seemed to be flying fine and higher up in the air it also seemed to be a little more stable unfortunately though it's still was a bit too much for it to overcome and even though it was staying up a little bit better it's still eventually mostly flipped over and that was pretty much the end of that now I decided to hear it actually clear off my design but not entirely really what I wanted to do here was add on an extra top stage and that's what I'm building right now on the bottom of this I put down this rhino engine and you can see under that and building up more assorted fuel tanks now the mammoth engine powering that bottom stage this is gonna give me a lot more Delta V and you can see now I'm starting to build up some Landers now I put a decoupler on the side of the top stage here and you can see now I put down the only modded repellent engine underneath it the next thing I wanted to do here was work on my second Lander this one was gonna be my Xenon Lander and you can see to make it here I'm pretty much just using all of the Xenon tanks I can now next to replace that large plane I had I wanted to build up a smaller one here and do that you can see here I'm using up a lot of the liquid fuel tiny parts now testing out this rocket it is extremely tall and the bending on it was pretty bad now I didn't have Auto strut on at the moment and you can see once I turned that down the whole thing got a lot more rigid so that's at least a little bit better the main goal I had for this rocket was for the top stage with all the Landers attached to it to get into orbit if I could do that I was pretty much golden and you can see launching off that bottom stage now things were looking pretty good now I can see I had plenty of fuel at this point and next year I wanted to try to circularize a bit and see in this test run it seemed to go fine I still had plenty of fuel so I feel comfortable adding on some heavier Landers here and finally getting all of the parts added in one thing I brushed over it before was what I was gonna do with these large liquid fuel tanks now these I had a plan for and you can see I want to put them on the main lifting stage now and I'm pushing them into the body of the rocket this saves me a ton of space and with that in place now now I wondered another Lander and you can see to do that I'm just continually stacking small fuel tanks into each other and at this point I just spent a very long time adding in all of the extra parts and just wanted to do a quick run through here of exactly what I have on this rocket now starting off here near the top of the rocket you can see what I have is a lot of science equipment my plan was to try to make this sort of like a satellite and that at least sort of makes it do something now I added on another Lander here and you can see this one it should have a small engine on it and it's basically just using up a crew capsule by making that after that I also added on this other Lander here which is another liquid fuel Lander the only difference with this one is it's a very high thrust because I have four engines on it and not an insane amount of weight now the methlock slander I added on a lot of mining equipment and you can see with that I should be able to land somewhere and actually regenerate some fuel now my little plane here I add on some air brakes so I'd be able to stop in the air as well as some RCS controls and a grabbing hook after all that I also added on one more engine this top stage and this just to give me a little bit more thrust so I can get up into orbit now moving down here I have this very large section of cargo Bays that are clipped into each other whether or not they're actually useful I don't know but they're there and down here we just have a lot of extra engines that I didn't really know exactly what to do with but actually legitimately are helping me get up into orbit since I need as much thrust as I possibly can get on the bottom here now if you're not convinced that I need these engines this test will show otherwise because I am struggling here I can at least somewhat get up to speed but there's just so much mass on this rocket from all of the unnecessary parts and this really weighs me down getting into orbit really shouldn't be hard especially with this many engines but it's just all of this extra weight and all of the extra aerodynamic losses I have here that are going to make it near impossible and you can see now once my liquid fuel stages ran out I decided to pop off the top here which didn't exactly go super well after a quick flip around though it actually did seem to recover pretty well and now while I didn't quite get into orbit here I was considerably closer than I was expecting I actually realized I forgot to add on right about 15 parts so I had to do that first which of course doesn't exactly help me out here but next I started pulling parts off from the top of the rocket and moving them further down now one of the things I had moved down is a lot of the scientific equipment which means they aren't going to be getting into orbit which was a bit of a shame but it also saves an insane amount of weight here and I realistically wasn't really gonna do anything with those anyway the important thing is that I can get all of the Landers into orbit because if I can at least do that I know I could hit my targets that I definitely want to land on now talk about those a little bit later but you can see now I'm trying again to get into orbit here and things were looking at least a little bit better I was trying to circularize here and I got up to right around 1800 meters per second but that's where I ran out of fuel now for reference I about 400 meters per second away which isn't that far but I was definitely gonna need to make some changes and one of them was moving This Crew capsule further down on the rocket now again it does kind of make it less useful but at the very least it saves me a lot of fuel and I gained 50 meters per second of Delta V after that the next big Improvement I had was not completely draining tanks but nearly draining them to make them store a lot less weight with this I was able to get my Orbit to pop out on the other side and I was getting really close here so I went back into my rocket and drained out as much fuel as I realistically could without completely emptying as many tanks as possible I figured as long as I left a little bit of fuel in the tank it would at least still have some purpose and with that I want to try launching off again and you'll also notice I'm going up a lot faster now I'd also improved quite a few things in the bottom stage and one of the big ones here is that I ran out of liquid fuel pretty much at exactly the same time I ran out of solid fuel now the benefit to losing all of my thrust synchronously is that I don't have any down time at all I can immediately get into the next stage now with this you see here is able to continue going on and I managed chicken May orbit up to around 80 000 meters and that's why I decided to cut it now unfortunately though when I tried to round down my Orbit I only got the 23 000 meters here and I knew it could probably do better if I didn't go to 80 000 meters before and if I tried to just get over the atmosphere so I gave this another try and I tried to be a lot more efficient with my gravity turns here to slowly make my way around now let's look at around a 71 or so thousand meters that seemed like a good stopping point and definitely made sure I wasn't going to lose my Orbit before I got out of the atmosphere now once I got up there you see it kepernick program and finally here I just got over the edge I had about 50 meters per second of Delta V to spare but now with everything in orbit the next thing to do is start moving around some kerbals right now everyone was in this big command pod and I wanted to move them out to all of the individual Landers so to start out I decided to put someone this little Lander on the side and after that you can see here I moved into this very strange looking rocket now with that done you can see I pretty much just kept doing this over and over and the next place I decided to put it into the little plane after that I moved someone into the model propellant Lander and exceed they're kind of clipping into the flyby wire thing but at least somewhat seems to be working now before I launch anything off there is a little more prep work to be done and you can see the next thing I'm doing here is launching off the plane the plainest of RCs thrusters on it though and you can see here is pretty easily able to spin myself around and start to Glide over to the main rocket now I knew the plane didn't have any way of getting me over to leave but if I attached onto my machine non-rocket I might actually be able to get there so here you can see I tried very hard to guide my way over to it and it took a few reloads here but eventually I managed to just get myself in right here and you can see it latched onto it and that those should be connected so I extended out the solar panel just to prepare myself to launch that off but the first thing I wanted to try getting to its destination was actually a mod propellant Lander now if you're wondering where I'm gonna be sending this I'm planning on putting it on Ike and the reason for that is I needed a body that was light enough that I could actually land on but I also wanted to get something reasonably far away so that made the two moons around Corbin out of the question now starting out here you can see I planned over a maneuver and what I want to try doing is getting an encounter with the mun the plan with that is launch me out of carbon system and it should get me around the Sun this is a very expensive burn and all of my Rockets unfortunately are going to have to deal with it it just takes a lot of fuel to push myself away from Corbin but eventually here I'm managed to get it and you can see I extended out my Orbit quite a bit things seem to be going pretty well at this point honestly and I couldn't really see any major problems so I worked over the moon now and you can see after not too long I entered its fear influence here and I was going for a pretty close flyby I guess I didn't realize just how close I had gotten here I thought it was going to be much higher up and at the very least did lead to some very nice shots here and you can see once I was done scraping by the surface now I was getting ejected away pretty much exactly in the direction I wanted to be so I waited a few days here to get out of curve in system before I started planning my encounter with doona so I could meet up with like now you can see for this I just extended out a little bit here to make that work moved over towards the maneuver and started to burn now again this was all going extremely well and I couldn't see any major problems normally I have some weird rocket I gotta plan for but in this case it was actually just pretty easy and next year I was going for a slight mid-flight correction to get myself much closer around Yuna once I hit the maneuver button my rocket didn't really seem to move and that's what I had realized that I have no way to actually generate electricity on this and the only way I've been moving around before was based on the stored energy I had the massive battery pack now I guess it was enough that I could get all the way around the moon no problem but waiting 100 days totally drained it and that isn't really gonna work so I reloaded a little bit back here and had to redo a few of the parts of this flight and you can see now I'm finally back trying that maneuver once again now this I was able to continue on here and you can see me entering into doing a sphere of influence now I was planning on doing some Arrow breaking here since I'm not entering so fast that it should burn me up but this should also save me a lot of fuel and I was getting a little worried since I didn't really have that much left now so once I entered the atmosphere you see me starting to burn a little bit retrograde just to kill a little bit more of my speed this is though quite comfortably managed to get me around doing here and you can see now I'm interested to grade my Orbit down quite a bit and I was just a little bit more help I was able to pull that down towards Ike and once I was in this spot I pretty much had to wait for an encounter which didn't really take too long like Ci coming to the view now and you can see me now getting very close to the surface this is all going very well and fortunately here I actually had a Flawless Landing I was expecting some problems but I was pretty easily able to cancel my speed and I had just enough thrust to keep myself from slamming into the surface and touching down here my wheels were doing a pretty good job of keeping me up and while I did need a lot of stability control to keep me from falling on my side that was my first successful landing and now I just had two more left now this second one was arguably gonna be one of the more annoying ones this is the very strangely shaped rocket now and fortunately the ion engine produces so little thrust it wasn't able to flip over this rocket at all and I could slowly start to build up some speed this took for forever to get a lot higher up but eventually I finally got an encounter with the mun here and I was able to get a nice gravity assist to launch me out of the system now the plan for this Lander is to get over to lathe and that's because it has a breathable atmosphere so I'll be able to fire up my planes engines and actually take advantage of them jewel is very far away though and it took quite a while to finally build up enough speed to get all the way over there after what seemed like just about forever though I managed to get all the way over to my encounter position and once I had this I started doing some plans to get myself to wrap around Tyler now just like I've been using the bun to launch myself out of carbon system I wanted to use Tylo to capture myself into Jewel system I was doing all right on fuel but I definitely wasn't in a great position and conserving it like this was going to be a pretty big hell now this is pretty much exactly what I needed and you can see now me doing that nice fly by Tyler here now my original plan was to immediately get an encounter with lathe right after that Encounter of Tylo and did actually get that set up here now I was just trying to get in the atmosphere a little bit so I wouldn't explode and around 40 000 meters felt like a pretty good spot so like see me approaching now and I'm just trying to scrape at the atmosphere things looked okay at first and I thought that it was probably gonna be all right but then it got a little chaotic and everything started to rip apart the plane separated and then proceeded to burn off every single individual piece until there was nothing left that really wasn't great so I tried again and I tried just using playing the arrow break but it was just way too fast here and this really wasn't gonna work so instead I planned to maneuver around lathe so I wouldn't go with the atmosphere but I instead get a nice gravity assist to get myself into a much better orbit now once I had this I was able to get an approach here that looked a lot better you'll notice the curve I have around the moon and that is considerably better now I'm going about half the speed and while there are a lot of atmospheric effects I could tell they were nowhere near as drastic now it was as I was falling the Rockets started to fall apart here which actually was kind of okay and you can see I'm trying to spin to keep things from exploding on me it was definitely very difficult to keep this rocket together but with enough spinning I was able to deflect enough heat that it mostly ended up okay now all of my wheels burned off which was going to make Lansing a little bit more Troublesome but eventually see those Arrow lines start to fade away and now I just wanted to focus on firing up the engines and gaining some speed this was an untested plane after all so it flying I guess wasn't even a guarantee at this point around 20 000 meters though you see the engine start to fire up here and once I saw this I was hoping I'd be able to get myself up and at least flying level to increase efficiency though I needed to fall much further down and now what I wanted to do is fly around a bit and see if I could get a nice landing my first attempt I didn't quite pull up enough though and you can see I sort of just slammed into the ground so for the next one I wanted to be a little bit more careful here and you can see actually swung around to give myself a much larger area to land on I'm also using RCS to give myself a bit of a boost here and now just at the last second I deployed the air brakes and while it looked really bad most of the stuff I wanted to survive survived and I would consider that a successful landing and with that done finally now we're moving on to Lander number three this one I wasn't planning on going quite as far and I just wanted to go to Minimus now you see here to pulled off those solar panels and I'm starting to burn away here and get myself much further out you'll notice I'm starting out with very little Fuel and that was because I needed to drain those tanks in order to get into orbit now because this is the mining rocket I was okay with doing that and just as a proof of concept here I wanted to see if I could land and fully film my tanks and you can see Minimus coming in the view now and as I get a lot closer here I was hoping to find a flat landing spot but I couldn't really see anything around me now Landing actually was also very smooth here and I tried to deploy all of my mismatched Landing legs to see if this would help me out at all now once I got near the ground here you can see I was able to touch down very gently and stay mostly up so In This Very precarious position I'd played off my drill here and wanted to see if I got time warp to fill up my tanks this actually did seem to be working and after a extremely long period of time here I filled them up now and with this that actually was not bad and I had 4 000 meters per second at Delta v as a proof of a concept vehicle this was pretty good and now it's had one last thing to launch off now neither of these stages had a lot of fuel left in them at all and what I wanted to do here was set them up sort of like a space station in low orbit with that in place now though you can see I deployed off my Kerbal here and I got back into this large rocket so to get this to work I turned this thing retrograde crane up the throttle and as soon as they started to burn away here I ejected the Kerbal and started to fly back towards the space station fortunately I was able to get out fast enough that I didn't run out of fuel here and you can see now I got back into this rocket and with that this is a successful Mission completion now if you're wondering if I missed any parts during this challenge or if I forgot to include anything I probably did there's over 300 parts to keep track of but the one thing I will say is that if I missed anything it definitely wasn't an extremely big deal and I could almost certainly slot it into my design no problem but guys have any more challenges either in Kerbal Space Program one or two make sure to leave them down in the comments below and make sure to subscribe if you want to see more content like this and otherwise till next time
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 65,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s8D-FTk1pFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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