Using EVERY DROP of OIL to make STEEL!? - Let's Play Satisfactory

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hello everybody Darren here and welcome back to satisfactory now previously we had just set up a brand new turbo fuel plant which is working flawlessly we're loving it it's giv us a boost of 22,000 megawatt of power so now we're free to build for a little while longer harnessing that power and several new factories now first up looking ahead to the next space elevator Parts it's clear that we're going to need more plastic rubber and steel so we're going to build a factory that does all three let's begin all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the world of satisfactory got to say I missed you guys I've been fighting bandits in medieval lands and surviving white outs in a 19th century post-apocalyptic Society but I'm finally back and we've got a lot of work to do so I don't want to delay too much but basically uh one of the reasons we're going a couple weeks without any episodes here is because I got sent Frost Punk 2 and maner Lords really early now these are two games that I'm hotly anticipating like genuinely top five most anticipated games not just this year but at all and I got sent them both at the same time which both had embargos for the same week so I was like okay going to have to just like pause on a few other videos get these ones made see how it does and then we'll come back but it took a little longer than I thought I thought I'd only miss maybe two episodes kind of missed three borderline four but we're back and the next three are kind of planned out at least for videos so we're we're back don't worry and just apologies I didn't mean to go that long without it and this series is doing great and if anyone's ever wonder wondering if I'm I'm ever going to end it I'll always tell you first it's not just going to stop so don't worry about that plus if you're ever curious follow me on Twitter what Daren plays join my Discord wdp or check the YouTube Community tab you know I always provide updates there when anything is missing or schedules change and things like that right so the reason I'm looking off into this questionable Horizon is because we're going to outline the overall logic map and production plans can we get some someone to bring this up we have an editor out there anyone there we go right so this is the entire production map for our for the planned and proposed Factory at this site I guess you could say we've just secured planning permission from Fixit so we're going to get ready and tap these resources so all the resources mentioned are going to be per minute right so we're dealing with relatively high volume here not quite as high as the copper cerium Factory but pretty big nonetheless so we're starting off with oil as our basis for this Factory 1,800 oil is over there in the distance which is what we're here for and we're going to be splitting that right down the middle so sending 900 into a group of 30 refineries and the other 900 into a different group of 30 refineries one group is going to be doing plastic the other is doing rubber both of them are making 600 per minute of their respective resource but they have different byproducts they're both making heavy oil residue but one is doing 300 and the other is doing 600 we're going to recombine them or send them over to the same group of petroleum Coke refineries we're going to need 22.5 of them and that's going to make 2700 petroleum C Coke per minute then we're going to pull in Iron ore on an equivalent amount 2700 via freight train bring it into a new area ship it into foundaries 36 of them with an alternate recipe we can combine the two and get steel ingots out of it 3600 steel ingots in total we're going to split that into two groups of 80 Constructors one group will be doing steel pipes and the other group will be doing steel beams so the split is 2400 into one group and 1,200 into the other and the result of all of this is going to be 600 plastic 600 rubber 600 steel beam and six an 800 excuse me steel pipe per minute so that's the overall layout that's the plan that's a lot of numbers and things to take in but I just wanted everyone to know what the situation is over on the right hand side of the screen we can see what we're going to be do doing today in this video first thing is clearance I want to clear out some of the vegetation the Hostile Wildlife uh outline our floor get the first kind of floor built and then get working on the refiner going to place in all of those refineries mentioned deal with all of the oil and all of the pipe logistics for this episode so purely just focused on that if we've got any time left over we'll do something with the foundaries but for the most part I see this as part one of potentially three videos with the second one being foundaries and the train and the third one being all of those Constructors and all the logistics that go with that and exporting the stuff out of here probably via truck if I was to guess okay wow that's a lot but we're back feels good right all right so we're going to be building just over there is where the O deposits are I queued up a bunch of storage containers here and made my deliveries via my truck and obviously there's some storage containers just over there underneath that factory so it wasn't too big of a distance we're not too far out however the oil is further out than I thought so I shouldn't have built it here I should have built it further up now we already have that hard drive site so I'm just going to get going we'll head over onto the proper site break out our iron rebar gun and just do a little bit of land clearance first H there it is the liquid gold being slightly protected so what I like to do first anyway is just clear out the Hostile wildlife and then draw my foundations and then anything within the foundations I'll remove the vegetation right so that way I'm not clearing too much we're not left with like a completely Barron landscape around the factory we can leave some trees as long as they're not overlapping anything so yeah we'll just get to it all right so I think that's all the wildlife cleared so basically there's a deposit there there another one there and the final one here so four in total two of them pure two of them normal and we're going to start anchoring our entire Factory based off the location of this one and that way we can all Build Together of course save files and stuff all in the description all the blueprints the production documents how I planned everything it's all there if you want to get it all for free all right so yeah starting here we'll use this as our first reference point so just going to break out some standard foundations we use the uh fix it Foundation it's nice and clear to see using four meters as well holding control we want to bring it down pretty much as low as we can to be in line with like the height of this little Plateau if you want to call it that so hold a control here to align to the world grid going zp mode and we'll just bring that right across so you can see that we're just over the edge right we're just over the line you know like a meter or something there not even half a meter or whatever above this little bit here so just going to build this out now to be a like a 4x3 roughly with a little bit of the oil slick sticking out the back there just a little bit at the back all right so this will be our starting little foundational grid here right so this is a 4x3 right so four across three down I'm always facing north so if you see the top of the screen facing Compass shows that we're facing north and uh whenever I mention dimensions of rooms so you know a 5x1 that's five across 10 down relative to facing north so that's how you know you know to orientate yourself whenever I'm talking about Dimensions so we're going to start here we've already got like I said four across three down and we're starting with a little bit of creeping over Plateau a little bit of the oil slick at the back and now we're going to go out six in total including the one at the edge there so now it's five all the way to the that little bit there or six if you want to include that all right so starting here this would be our pretty much starting point for the entire build now this is going to be a 20x 37 so this is already number one so we're just going to get rid of it and that way we can just do 10 and then another 10 in a line for this Outer Perimeter and then we're going to go down 30 7 so an easy way to do that would be to go down six to about there and then just go down 30 so 10 10 and then 10 again all right and that leaves us in line with the bean which is super easy as a reference point now I'm joking of course but anyway so that's 37 down so now we need to go back over 20 right so it's just going to be a rectangle so nothing too complicated there and that's number 20 and this can go all the way back up and meet up with its buddy all right so there we have it that's our 20x 37 room just a big rectangle pretty straightforward with a little bit of an oil room off to the left of it now we're going to do another room starting at the bottom right corner here so this is going to go out 15 whoops forgot to have zp on so bring that out to 10 and then a further five and then we're going to go up to 18 so I'm going to go up to seven and then 10 and then we're just going to cut straight across so nice big room there as well all right pretty straightforward so the way we have the deposits like I said one there one here one here and one there it's kind of like this is the north the West the South and the East deposit right so that's how I'll be referring to them from now on North West South and East deposits four in total so this one is already covered by the building so we don't need a separate room for that but the one over here is just outside of our two big rooms that we made so we need to make a smaller room for that so this one's pretty straightforward as well just going to go across three so that's 1 2 3 and then bring this down H bring it down so that there's five left at the end so 1 2 3 4 five yeah perfect all right so five sticking out at the end and that covers this oil slick here so that's another little room for that all right the next one up here this one's a little strange but it's a 5x5 room if we include these two foundations so I'll just clear out these guys first and then we can talk about that right anyways feel kind of bad for them but anyway like I said 5x five if we include these two so if that's two already then it's one two three and then we go up here to four go over here to four and then we come back down all right so that's what we've got so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to clear out any vegetation that's within the bounds of the perimeter we've created and uh then we're going to fill it all with concrete basically so I'm just going to get to work on that now with the old chainsaw all right there we go we can consider this area purged now and completely clean so we'll start off by filling it in with concrete I have a blueprint here just a 4x4 with a 4 met concrete foundation if we switch it to default mode and we kind of stand and look down at basically where we're standing on the edge it's a little difficult but lock that in place now it's the right height lock it in switch to blueprint mode and now we can just kind of run the length of this the first one takes a little bit longer but then we can just run along the side filling them in yeah so once that first line is done then you can just kind of fly up and as long as you're looking at the they'll just snap right in all right there we go a sea of concrete has filled our Outer Perimeter now so that is basically the clearance and the floor done and the bean he's loving it so we'll just Mark that off so next up is the refineries so we're going to need two batches of 30 now I've got a blueprint for it so I'm just going to go into my machines category here we have the coke ones the plastic and the rubber so we going to start off with rubber we'll just get what we need in our inventory for 30 and begin laying these out all right so the refineries are actually going to be built on a slightly raised platform off of these foundations and the way I normally do it is I work in three foundations from The Edge both directions so one two three so that's two three and here so we want to start here right so this is if I just mark this even really quickly so we got three foundations out that way and three foundations out that way so this is where we're starting so what we're going to do is just get a wall and we'll pop two layers there two layers there this is where our upper our kind of inner platform is going to be started and I'm just going to use steel foundations for this so we'll use the grip metal Foundation just one meter is fine and get up here and drag this out I think we have to use about go all the way down to 30 something like that we don't need to do that just now we'll just work on this end first it'll be obvious when we need to stop later let's go to there so that's three foundations away from both edges so yeah so just going to go down maybe 20 in this direction creating this platform all right so there we go it's our little raised platform that we can build our refineries on this gives us a lot of um room to work with a lot of the pipes and liquid output that we'll be dealing with from all the machines and sorting out the kind of pipe work for that so to get an idea of how far from The Edge you need to go this is seven from this side it's three from all other sides right so 1 two three including the top and including the left but at the bottom it's seven in uh and that's just because this oil slick here which I've marked in red um kind of is its own like little oil room so the room just kind of extends superficially out a bit further than you'd otherwise would right so I basically got a blueprint for this i' said that we needed 30 of them that's not true we need 15 we need 15 of the other because because there's two machines in each blueprint now before we get started well actually let's just pop it down and have a quick look at it really quickly so you'll notice as it's built here that it is raised already off the platform that's because it comes built in with floor holes and we want those floor holes to sink into this so let's just delete that and we'll get working again now also the refineries are basically for sake of argument they are four foundations in length right in terms of how long they are on this platform so we're going to be working with the middle point of four foundations for each row of machines that we put in so for example we're on the middle point between four now going to cut away this we'll build a little anchor for us for us that's 1 M deep and we can now place our Refinery into that and it'll be leveled with where we want it so I'm going to aim the outputs facing south so the machine is facing south and we're going to lock it in place using the Hologram lock Thing by pressing H or whatever hotkey you have and then the arrow keys can nudge it so the center of this machine is that small pipe there yeah that small little pipe there or this little up and over kind of scaffolding or uh what would you call this framework that's here at the bottom that's uh where we want to Center align it so in between the four foundations like I said right so in order to get it lined up we want to have the bounding box on the line of Foundations but come over two like so and then we want to be Center aligned with the center of four right once the first one's in place we lock it in and then we just toggle on blueprint mode by pressing R and I messed up sorry my bad and uh yeah just aim these all out the same way and we need 10 per row right so just five of the blueprints gives us 10 machines and that's our first row done it is as easy as that and now everything's kind of aligned where it should be the pipes are going straight through now underneath obviously we can patch back in the proper floor and if we take out the painting tool I'm not actually painting this red right now it just spawns in as black from the blueprint in the current build of the game but it's actually I don't know why it's just floor holes a little bug with them um but they are actually colored red and the blueprint if you reloaded the game they would all update their colors appropriately it's just when you're placing the blueprint they come in as black or you can refresh it just by like hovering the uh Custom Tool over it and then it'll just update right anyways that's the first one done so to do the next row we'll just copy this again so that was reserved right these four foundations were reserved for that row so we'll Now work on these four so this is the center point right here uh so we'll just cut away these build underneath get our anchor in place grab the blueprint that we want make sure it's angled the same way bring it towards me make sure it's Center aligned make sure we come over by two and lock it in and then we just build four more of them next to each other making sure they're facing the same way with the chimney Stacks facing north the outputs facing south so that is our second row now we just need one more row and that's all of the rubber refineries then in place so again very same situation here come down to this center point we cut away here go underneath grab our machine rotate the same way Center Line yep just make sure one two yepo all right it's as easy as that that's our first 30 refineries placed down we need an additional 30 now doing plastic uh I'll just see if I have what I need for them I I might do so we need 15 of these so I need some more Motors encased industrial beam copper sheet and reinforced iron plate might have enough in the vehicle here Motors wouldn't you know it we have it all great okay let's continue so and do I have Rin my inventory I do so now we're not going to just start right in front of where these ones were like we have been doing before we're going to create a bit of a gap so we'll go one so not including the one that started on one 2 3 and that's our Gap gap of three foundations that's what I always do for my walkways and then we start the next row here so it's going to be one two this is the center point so we'll cut this out can actually do it ahead of time now for the other ones if well let's get ahead of ourselves we'll just do this so we'll place in these plastic refineries now and they're still going to be facing south so same as it was before so it's very same thing basically not really any difference make sure that's two one two there we go all right and then we do um yeah same thing again so 10 of these per row and three rows so 30 machines in total and they're going to look basically identical you can just see the different sign on the front of them showing that they're doing plastic um but yeah we just keep repeating this process I'll just do these next two rows on my own all right it's as easy as that I'm just going to update some of the colors and fix some of the uh little foundations that we put in place to Anchor our machines and then we'll resume all right there we have it that's our 60 Refinery so that's our group of 30 plastic refineries on our 30 rubber refineries uh now they actually all take in the same input right each row is taking in 300 crude oil per minute cuz each machine is 30 per minute and it's the same for the plastic ones so I've actually made it a mark 2 pipe but it only needs to be a Mark 1 so I'm just going to update this now we're going to connect the blueprints together and just replace that default Mark 2 pipe that I have in there with Mark 1 I'll try to remember to update the blueprint not to include that because it only needs to be Mark 1 basically all right there we go all the pipes are now hooked up they're all mark one and they're just feeding each row at the moment so they haven't been connected to the actual oil deposits or anything like that yet we'll do the oil and Logistics after we place the final group of refineries which will be the refineries going in this room here I just thought we' just fly over that really quickly so 60 refineries all in place all colored now appropriately and waiting to receive their inputs and hook up their outputs so now we'll have to create I think we need 27 petroleum Coke refineries so the production document says that you need 22.5 but I'm going to be dividing up the build by underclocking so adding more machines but underclocking some of them so the rates are the same but we're adding a few extra machines so I've got a blueprint here with three refineries in it dealing with petroleum Coke so we just need nine of these and that's our 27 so I'm going to go get all those materials and then we'll get building these ones all right so it's just working out the spacing for this one we're following some slightly different rules than we were over there for those refineries we're also building on the floor as you can see the idea being that this is going to receive all its oil up and into the area and then the heavy oil will flow down and into this room so I think it should work out a little bit nicer that way just be having them slightly raised we'll see anyways um so the different rules are that we're going to be three in from the edge here so three foundations but we're going to come over just by one and then we're going to be two in from the edge here and come over just by one and that'll be that so let's lock it in then we'll switch to blueprint mode and then we just place them next to each other all right so nine refineries in total with this blueprint I've already given them their clock speed we'll go over the production rates and stuff in a moment but that's all you need to see for now the blueprints are in place nine refineries and then we just do it again but this time there's going to be a gap between them so a One Foundation gap between them uh so starting like here let's say is this in line just want to make sure it is oh yeah pretty much right we just bring this over and bring that Ford and then Ford one so we're always just one little grid space different you know or over the foundations so lock that one in just want to make sure this is right before I commit to too much more so let's go with that and there how much are we left with then at the front yeah we're left with a gap of two we have a gap of two on the other side so that seems right to me all right cool we'll lock that in as well and we just do these two rows at the same time all right there we go 27 refineries all doing petroleum Coke which is going to give us 2,700 petroleum Coke and that's all of the refineries now in position however I made the same error with these ones as I did before so if we have a look really quickly there's 33.33 3 per minute and there's nine on the row so if we go 33.33 * 9 gives us just you know 300 basically uh so we only need a Mark 1 pipe so again I'm just going to update these make sure that the blueprints are now connected and just keep them at Mark 1 pipes all right there we go that's our 27 refineries all in place now all with the right colors hooked up and that means that all of our refineries have now been built so we can cross that off the list this is going swimmingly next up is the oil extraction and the actual Logistics so going to grab what I need for that we need four oil extractors and we're going to need 3 69 12 power shards cuz they're all going to be fully overclocked to get the max out we can then we're going to do all the outputs here and we'll talk through the production amount so it all kind of makes sense why it's been built this way so I need four oil extractors I need three industrial fluid buffers and I'm going to need roughly I'd say about nine or so valves let's just say 10 for good measure no pumps required though which is good and of course a lot of copper sheets for all the piping that we're going to be doing all right we're going to start with our first oil extractor the South extractor I guess we'll start with and we're going to aim out towards the West so pretty straightforward so this one is going to be doing it's a pure node so 600 per minute great so we'll just leave that in place all right next we have this one pretty straightforward this one just aims out towards the east and we'll just fill this this is also a pure node so that's another 600 this one can aim out towards the West this is a normal node so just 300 per minute little small elongated room here and this one's going to aim out towards the West all right there we go so all our machines are now in place it's getting dark though all right so there we have it so that is all of our machines now in place so what I want to start with is actually doing the extractors first and then we'll do the outputs So the plan I have for this is to basically we're going to grab pipeline supports and we're going to put one right on the edge here and do the same same just for here so we'll just go you know extraction Point by extraction point we just get this Mark 1 pipe going straight into there mark one pipe going straight into there now they're going to have to come down and merge with each other these two uh so we'll bring this down with the horizontal to Vertical mode yeah that's pretty much fine to me I think oh actually no it's not because we want to rotate like this and then go forward and then we'll also need to move this out just by one reason for that is because we're going to have a junction on this one so the junction is going to be in line with here but it has to be in line now with this so there cool so let's just get that to join up and get that to join up to here if IID kept it in the center of the foundation that pipe wouldn't have been possible without pushing it even further back but that's the two combined now and now we can use a mark 2 Pipeline with no indicator and just travel straight down and then go into our oil extraction point so one two put it back and then you go easy as that right 600 oil being pumped out hits a junction 300 goes up into that row and 300 into that row done all right let's move on to the next one so very similarly we're going to do the same for this one it's another 600 point so we're going to aim for this point and this point so let's grab our pipeline support pop them on the edges like so connect them up and then we bring this we have to do things the same but opposite the same but different so we'll push it out one extra away rotate it and then go forward by two I think cool and for this one we just get that Junction ready and in line so we're starting here and we need to be online with the dots and just bring this down and plug it in it's as simple as that unless we made a mistake which I never do uh nope looks good yeah right so mark 2 Pipeline and I'm guessing we can go with this bit straight in almost uh so yeah let's just bring this forward then to here push it back by two and just connect it in all right so same situation Mark 2 pipe 600 flowing in splits up and goes into two separate rows each row is taking 300 so that is sorted all right so two more nodes to go we've got this one over here so we're going to feed into this row as it's lonely and on its own but it's closest to this point so that makes sense uh so same sort of thing using our pipeline support popping it in line with the junction connecting the junction up bringing this down now I might cosmetically change this in future but I've been toying with the idea of actually bringing these pretty far out like this right so it goes out and down and we have a free walkway here but I'm not really too sure like how things are going to look later on so you know where the walkway is going to go where are we going to be walking where are we trying to get to to get up there so long story short it may change cosmetically but the you know the logic of this makes sense so we'll just bring it to the center anyway um then we need to push that forward there so this one can go in the center unlike its buddies because it doesn't have that issue of needing to merge with anyone else uh but we are going to go to the center point here now push it back by two and we go all the way forward damn made a mistake with that one so one two and in you go all right easy as that that's 300 just on a Mark 1 pipe now flowing oh yeah and by the way we shouldn't need any pumps here it should be totally fine the head lift that you get out of a machine as standard is 10 m we built two walls on top of each other here for a total of eight uh and we're slightly above that but the the pipe also comes out slightly above that I think it does take where the supports are rather than where the physical center of the pipe is anyway I I think it'll be fine don't worry about it I'm only a little bit worried about it it's certified what daring play is approved it's never going to break right so the next one is here we'll line it up with this side as this pipe doesn't have any buddies so just like that we'll grab we'll work our way down from here so again to the center point and we just need to push it so that it's in line like so and then we just need to find a way to get in there I guess we'll just go straight in it'll probably look best that way and then just curve it last minute to get into its machine so maybe just like here one two bring this over in line with here one two and in you go how does that look looks fairly angular yeah nice good all right there we go I've just gone around and paint them and I also just noticed that that pipeline was slightly misaligned but it's all good now so that's all of the oil pipelines done all the inputs for our plastic and rubber are ready to go now we need to do the outputs right so there's all of these floor holes here waiting for output and this can be a little bit repetitive I thought about doing a blueprint for it but it's actually really awkward to get the dimensions right to kind of have a repeating pattern so what we're going to do is just start with a pipeline support and basically well actually we don't need to do that we'll just go from here we'll switch it to Auto 2D and bring this all the way down just following directly underneath where we started this is what we did with the coal plant a long time ago we have all these we're feeding vertically you know so best just to get right under the outputs and then what you can do is just snap a junction cross onto it right underneath where it needs to go by holding control now often it doesn't do it it's working right now which is great but if it doesn't just put down the junction cross right next to where it needs to go hold control and then rotate with your um Rouse with your mouse wheel and then you're perfectly aligned to kind of just feed a pipe straight down and into it so horizontal to Vertical straight down and there you go so that's what I got to do now for basically each of these so I'll just hold control if it snaps it snaps brilliant if it doesn't then I'll have to just Place little anchors like I said all right there we go so if you're left with a pipeline support somewhere in the center just delete it and then re build the pipe just so that we have nice clean segments between everything that should keep all the segments pretty much the same size and length as well all right ladies and gentlemen that took quite a while not going to lie Pretty tedious probably the most tedious part of this build but they're all hooked up now looking good looking clean AF and we have every row just on their own pipeline waiting to be merged or split or sent around to where they need to go so they need to go here there's three rows of petroleum Coke refineries and each one is looking to take in 300 so this would be one example here that it's looking to take in 300 heavy oil residue so for the plastic each machine makes 10 heavy oil residue per minute every row has 10 machines on it so this pipeline right here is capable of 100 and so is this one and so is this one the next ones down are a little bit more complicated that require a little bit more thought we'll get to them in a minute they have 20 per machine so we'll talk about that in just a moment so what I'm going to do here is we're going to try to feed this line into there cuz they're pretty close to each other and the way I'm going to do it is by merging the two back lines on this side here so basically if we look at this Center Point right here we can put down a fresh Junction right in line with there all right so one Junction bring this all the way down in fact that actually doesn't even need a junction we'll just start with one even here this could just be a straight up pipe right like so so we go back to and we bring that all the way down this one connects in and this one goes all the way down and connects into his little buddy down here so one two and in you go right so now we've got a pipeline of 300 coming out down here or wherever we decide it remember there's no pressure in the game this is something I talked about in the previous episode to do a turbo fuel I'll go over it a little bit more here in a moment but there's no pressure or flow Direction in the game unless you specifically add Valves and certain other things instead liquid is just pushed around based on wherever it's kind of being forced to go wherever it's got room to go it tries to go there basically um so let's bring this straight down until we just line up with that so pretty much here one two just want to make sure that's a right angle it is and we just send that in it's as easy as that almost we're going to put a fluid buffer there in a moment as well all right so now we need to add some valves you don't necessarily have to it would probably work if you didn't but I feel like things will just go a bit smoother if we do I don't think it'll mess things up a lot of people seem to have this antiv valve bias maybe they're epic users and uh and that seems to be because you know fluids can go a bit wrong in the game but I'm just going to stick a nice valve right here and that's going to help us control the direction so my fear is that all of these that are pumping out this way going down here these aren't mergers right this this isn't a splitter or a merger it's just simply a junction fluid goes where it can so it would go out to the left or try to now a lot of it will be being pushed out this way anyway but because there's only a 100 on the pipe that would mean that there's room for 200 liquid to kind of make its way up there and kind of mess with things a little bit so I'm just hoping to control the flow and just make sure nothing kind of back flows and goes up that way don't think it'd be a big problem like I said if it did but this should just encourage it to go that direction instead we're going to do the same here but put it on the opposite direction right so so making sure we face out to the right so just I'm dropping a junction there just as an anchor we snap to it with control and there we go so now we've got this row doing its thing I suppose we could add one there don't think it's really needed though cuz nothing can really flow back I suppose what's coming out of here could go to the right so yeah sure why not let's just do one there just in case you could actually almost do it here maybe that' be even better yeah let's do it I was going to say for the symmetry I could go up there but here would probably make more sense for the logic I guess all right so just lock that one in so that's three valves I'll color all this in a moment but we'll just leave it all on right 300 is the limit that's fine whatever just let it go it's more just to prevent things flowing backwards so we're controlling the flow Direction ever so slightly anyway so that's our first row hooked up we'll add the fluid buffers last the next thing we need to do now is like I said think about things just a little bit more so if we've got 20 coming out of each machine here rather than 10 it complic things right so 20 is coming out we still looking to feed in 300 there and 300 there so we've got 10 per row but if we had 15 per row and each machine was doing 20 that would be 300 so what we can do is go to the second row count one 2 3 four and five cut the pipe and from here we can kind of decide where we're going to merge them up and send them down so I'm just trying to think where I'm going to do that yeah okay I think I've got it all right so what we'll do do is we'll grab this five right here and just lock that into there right so we're connecting the inner five to the southernmost five here or it's 10 rather so there's 15 now connected and then we've got 10 in the back and five disconnected here so I'm going to grab a junction make it in line with here and join these in together so we're starting there so we're starting out I'll show you how I made that decision to do the um spacing there it's basically because we can fit we need three pipelines and if you lay it out like that this one was the first one this will be the middle one obviously and now this is the one we're looking at at the far end okay so just cut that that's fine so anyway this can now continue down straight and we're going to be coming in from here so we we'll grab this we're going to the center now we wanted to face towards me so one two so this can now come down and go in line with that to keep our little Junctions SL supports in the same place we'll just bring this down further so the inside one here or the middle one as I called it earlier so something's going to be branching off into there one two so we'll just leave that there going to this point right so one two in you go good and then this one pretty simply just make its way down to here and in you go all right nice and orderly super orderly although I actually made a slight mistake with that that Junction is just slightly off my bad they need to be together cool there we go all right decided to color the pipes I just feel like it'll make it a little easier in explaining what's going on so uh we've got two pipelines here both are taking 15 machines worth of liquid so it should be 300 and 300 so if we just followed around this one for instance that's 10 machines here so that's one of the rows above me and then the pipe obviously loops and does five of the machines here so we're sort of this is actually kind of the start point if you want to think of it we're flowing out that way We're looping around and then we're continuing out uh for the other pipe at the back we have 10 machines in a row start Point kind of like over there if you want to think of it all flowing along down this way hitting that support coming along the valve is just encouraging it to go that way and then it's merging with the five that's here right so then we're left with 15 on this pipeline 15 on that pipeline both of them traveling down so that's going to be 300 heavy oil residue per minute takes a sharp left turn goes into the first row next one into that one and so on at the end right so the 30 rubber machines are feeding two rows of petroleum Coke while the 30 plastic machines are feeding eating just one row of petroleum Coke so hopefully we're all on board with that next thing we're going to do is set up a fluid buffer this is to help us when we're turning things on a little bit in the future I'm going to put this in the center point of these foundations and we'll just nudge it into position and then we'll redraw that pipe again one more time so somewhere like there so we'll just redraw that pipe feed it straight in then this can go straight out the back it's going to do the same now for here oh I should have kept the pipe in place actually not not that you need to but it can make lining things up just a little bit easier so we need our ladder on the center point we need to make sure we're aligned good feed that straight in and that one and just do this one more time here all right looking good now we'll need to just color that okay and these as well right cool so why do we need fluid buffers what are we doing with this so basically uh we've kind of explained this before I have in the turbo fuel episodes that we just did refineries are a finicky thing and fluid dynamics in this game isn't really how you think it works to explain it super quickly it's kind of like water is just pushed around there's no real pressure in the game there's a a push pressure but there's no pull pressure so a vacuum of a pipe doesn't pull things along uh as a result water just sort of flows into wherever it can it's my analogy before rather embarrassingly was a bottle of water if you lay a bottle of water on its side that's effectively what you have for a pipe right there's no pressure in it but if you were shoving water in from one side it would naturally push to the other right so that that is what's happening in here every pipeline has an inventory space as well so we're feeding these manifold style right so if we take that oil extractor for instance and we're filling it up with 300 and 300's flowing along little bits are going into each machine as it's flowing along yeah just like a belt kind of but not really belts have a consistent speed a belt whether there's one item on it or 270 items on it it'll be traveling at whatever speed it is so let's say it's a belt Mark 3i so that's 270 the belt will always travel at 270 if you put one thing on it that will get there at that that consistent rate that is not true of liquid though liquid only travels the flow rate in a pipe is basically the amount that's in the pipe segment at the time so if we filled up the pipe completely then it's totally full and it can flow at 300 that's just how it works the problem with that is compared to a manifold system of belts right M when I use the word manifold some people wanted to know by the way manifold just means that if you if this was a belt and machines are taking from that belt that's a manifold system we're feeding from one line lots of machines rather than than load balancing which is where you take like you divide up a belt evenly to feed machines at the exact same rate a manifold system means the the machine on the end is going to be the last one to fill whereas a load balanced system means that they all fill at the same time so we're doing a sort of manifold pipe here and the issue with that basically is that every machine has 50 inventory space for liquid so as crude oil is being fed in they're all consuming 30 but the inventory space is 50 so what's going to happen is if you use my bottled water analogy all the water is going to rush into the first machine first and then the next one and then the next one and but and as it's getting further and further down there's less and less on the pipe traveling along and it's slowing down right the pipe is getting slower unlike a manifold belt the the speed would have been consistent even if the first machine is taking 10 per minute 10 per minute 10 per minute at least everything's still moving along at 270 per minute or whatever also it doesn't have that need to fill up the first machine's inventory completely uh it'll naturally do it slowly over time but with liquid it's like pouring into a jug it will fill up very quickly this will hit 50 very quickly and then the next one then the next one next one so on and so forth now the problem is once the pipeline starts slowing down enough because there's barely any liquid traveling on it these machines will never really get their liquid and by the time they do these will start to be emptying out and that'll you know be getting filled and what you end up getting is just a sporadic kind of sputtering of machines coming on and off as they're trying to get their material they're burning through it and so on and so forth now some people have said Solutions like leave the machine on standby and then it can just fill up it's not quite true it depends on the machine I think refineries can't do that whereas the fuel generators we used in the last episode could we just we flicked all the standby switches on the machine so that's this little switch here we switched it off and then they would still fill up as long as they had power whereas with refineries I don't think that really works anyway it doesn't really matter we're just doing it with my method now so the reason I've got fluid buffers is because we're going to so I'm let me back up one more time one last thing to say about this is in order to get these to fill up correctly the way we need to do it is to fill up every machine completely right so everything needs to be full that way the pipe can be full and we can use the full 300 per minute which is what we' set up this build to be we're consuming uh 3 00 on each pipe over there you know we're we're consuming 300 from this pipeline so we need to be able to use the full throughput of the pipe in order to do that we want the 50 inventory of each machine to be full and you know there's different ways of doing it they have an output of plastic for instance and you'll notice we haven't hooked up any of their material outputs just yet but let's say we did and we just cut the belt right so we cut off one of the belts that way the machine will slowly fill up to 200 plastic it won't be able to get anywhere and then the machine will will just start filling up with crude oil because it's just piling into the machine but it can't uh cook the material and do anything with it so um that's one way of like trying to force your machines to be full not letting their outputs go anywhere and that's kind of what we'll be doing here we'll be doing it with the liquid side of things so what I'm going to do is let's grab another valve all right so on the center point of this Foundation just put down a valve right here and unlike the other ones we'll actually lock this valve I'm just going to wait for that Autos saave real quickly right so autosave out of the way here's um just a little way that we can kind of sort of work out how long it's going to take to start back filling all the machines so we're going to fill up their outputs completely so that then the oil coming in gets filled up and once that's done we can then release the valve like so and we'll let all the liquid flow into a buffer and then flow out into whatever machines we want right so we'll just lock that again and talk this through for a bit so every Refinery here has an inventory space for its input and its output of 50 we're taking in Oil we're putting out heavy oil right so the 50 heavy oil 50 heavy oil times the 30 machines that are all together cuz they're all in the same pipeline that's 1,500 inventory space for heavy oil just sitting in the machines so the 1500 plus however much space is in these pipe seg M so this one's 13.5 you know this one is 13.3 these are all pretty much going to be 13.3 all the way down and we can say that there's about 30 of them so plus 13.3 I think you have to do this by the way this is just to kind of explain the example um time 30 so we're left with you know we're looking at about 1,900 let's just say conservatively 2,000 inventory space is how much liquid could be stored here behind this valve right so we're locking the valve and we know that there's roughly 2,000 inventory space for heavy oil to go into now our machines are making these ones anyway 10 per minute so if we divide that by 300 cuz all the machines together that's going to be 6 and 1 12 minutes basically to fill up everything now things will only be slowly firing on because of the way oil is been fed in so we could maybe say this is just a ballpark number we could times that by three so 6 12 18 let's say in total I would expect after 20 minutes that these begin to be completely full and the outputs have nowhere to go that's what I would assume at at most 20 minutes right and when that 20 minutes happens we should see that heavy oil is completely full and that then crude oil starts filling up crude oil is going to start filling up by the row uh and by the machine until it's completely full and then it's going to get backed up all the way to the oil extractor itself so once we notice that the machines are fully their inventories are all full with 50 then what we do is we just release the valve and that's it the machines are good to go forever we don't have to ever make a change with them again so we'll just go like this hey machines are full sweet now let's like release the valve and let it flow into this big buffer and then it'll be flowing at 300 per minute and it should hopefully never drop that would be the idea a consistent 300 will then be achievable and 300 will be consistently going into each row machines as well and they should all be up to 100% efficiency I mean that's the plan so why do we have a valve there it's because if this place power tripped or something went wrong and we needed to reset we could just start the process Again by just locking the valve again waiting for them to fill up and then resuming so it's an easy way to just get Kickstart things again without deleting belts and trying to block the plastic or something like that it's a much easier way of doing it now I'm also going to put a valve on this side love love me some valves right let going to put another valve here and we'll lock this one as well just for a little extra troubleshooting so this way when we release this Val we can let the full 300 start flowing up and give ourselves a literal buffer of liquid so that if there is issues here we've got a nice big buffer here that should hopefully fill up to about halfway and then we'll release it into each individual row it's not necessary doesn't need to be there it's just a nice little troubleshooting mechanic instead of checking pipe segments we can just check this and see like is it filling at the proper rate uh and that way we can kind of like work out what's going on so we'll lock these valves initially we're never going to unlock them until we start powering this place on um but I just thought I would at least at least try to explain fluid dynamics and how it works in this game as opposed to real life where this game just has a few little kinks to work through and this way we should just should just guarantee things run a lot smoother so we're being overly cautious but with the valves and everything but it should make things run smoother it's fun it's fun to kind of be a maintenance worker going up to your valves and flicking the switches satisfying they have all those cool animations and sounds associated with them all right let's lock these all right that's it they're all locked uh we could just paint them as well I guess so all right ladies and gentlemen so that's going to be pretty much it for this episode that's the oil and Logistics now completely done so anything to do with liquid in this episode is now set oil heavy oil all of our refineries are in place so that allows us now in the next episode to go up a floor and start working on the foundaries the train to bring in the iron ore so I thought I would just quickly answer maybe a couple of questions that I anticipate getting one why have we gone with a red and white color style well the reason for that is I was thinking of calling this Factory a Coke factory the reason for that is because you know we make plastic we make rubber we make steel pretty much in equal parts right 600 600 600 and then 800 for the steel pipe so it's pretty even calling in a steel factory just didn't quite seem right if we make plastic and rubber uh and the inverse of that is also true it's not necessarily an oil factory cuz we pull in Iron ore and stuff so I thought one of the pillars of the build is the petroleum Coke using this alternate recipe as the backbone of this entire Factory to get the volume of Steel out that we do and that's a result of having the plastic and the rubber's byproduct the heavy oil so petroleum Coke seemed like a good name for the factory it is the Coke factory therefore the red and white color scheme now if you guys have a better name for it or you can think of a yeah just a cooler name let me know and I might change the color scheme and adapt if it's good enough uh mind you I'd have to recolor everything so it's got to be really good for me to rename it but I like the idea of just calling it The Coke factory maybe in the future we can have a Pepsi Factory if we can fit an acronym and that's actually a good point I had thought of doing acronyms so I tried pores a p RS Factory so plastic oil rubber steel um you could also do the kind of an inverse of that spores but or Spore but anyways I thought of all these different names and I was like you know what Coke just it was kind of a fun thing to go with and I was like that kind of gives me a color scheme to work with so that's why the next thing I want to touch on is just a little bit of the little bit of the logistics for these particular refineries right so these ones are all pretty straightforward each row consumes 300 oil and it puts out 200 rubber or 200 plastic and then we handle obviously all of the heavy oil residue down here so each row here takes in 300 300 and 300 heavy oil residue so pretty straightforward so why did I underclock these machines the way I did well one reason was to kind of have that equal number of 300 going into each lane uh that just kind of worked out because I actually wanted a 100 out of the petroleum Coke machines themselves the reason for that was because the petroleum Coke is going to go upstairs and go into foundaries Now the recipe I have on the foundaries is an alternate recipe for steel ingots where obviously we're taking in Iron ore and petroleum Coke in equal parts and it's taking in 75 per minute to put out 100 per minute so 75 was the number I was looking at and I was looking at the number of 120 which would be the standard number you get out of a petroleum Coke refinery right so I was like okay how do we get like you know 120 to kind of go into the foundaries in a nice and easy way so the way you can kind of start to think about that and work it out is you can times this by the amount of machines and then divide it by the input right so 120 is our output this could be the number of machines and then divide it by 75 so it's like okay how many machines will we need to add on before we get an even number and the answer is eight sorry five but we get eight machines I meant right so 120 the standard output of a petroleum Coke Refinery if we had five of those refineries next to each other and then we divided it into the inputs of foundaries we would that's kind of how it would work right we'd need eight foundaries basically for every five petroleum Coke refineries but I just thought if we make this 100 and then we just need three of them that way we only need four foundaries and they can line up much nicer and and that's what I've done I've created a blueprint for four foundaries so this one here the coke Foundry framework I don't want to get hit by those creatures over there that are like dancing on the spot so I'll just rotate it this way for a second so the blueprint isn't um big enough to allow me to put all four foundaries in there but I put the first two and the idea is that you just add on the other one on the right and the other one on the left and that's your total of four so the idea here is the central input is a floor hole it goes into a splitter and then we split twice on either side so we're splitting the initial uh 300 to 150 and that gets split into 7575 and so on with that obviously then we need the inputs to be feeding in from the train station for the iron ore as well that's just going to be done by a standard manifold so we'll do all that in the next episode but I just thought I would give my workings show my workings for how I came up with the situation here of three refineries group together with one merger um and then we're just going to literally just bring this straight upstairs from each one and that's why the spacing is the way it is on these right we wanted enough room to have these going upstairs so that's what we're going to do now the next episode if you wanted to BU if you're building along you want to build a bit more and what I'll probably do between episodes is get ready for the next floor I believe we are going up to a height of just simply 10 and that should be well above these refineries and it should be just in line I think with the chimney Stacks over there yeah I believe that's correct it looks like it is so just a height of 10 and this will be our first floor here trying to think if there'll be an interstitial floor but either way this is what I'm going to be doing I'm going to be putting down two layers of Foundations here uh so that we have a different roof than we do a floor above us and this will be the foundry floor and this will also be the same floor where the train station comes in train is going to be going out there that's where all the iron ore is there's tons of iron deposits right just on the sand just over there right where those kind of Cliffy Rock bits are flippy be you can actually see them pretty much those are deposits there so we're going to be pulling in 2700 just on a real straight line just straight into here onto this roof that I'm imaginary roof that I'm talking about and then that's all going to mix into The Foundry so that's the situation that's pretty much it for this episode hope it was nice and straightforward a little behind the scenes is that I had to record this one twice I recorded it fully it was like a 4-Hour recording and um you know it was a bit of trial and err in there and the recording was just corrupted I showed my Discord it's just like a mess it was all just um still frames and nothing happen happening so it's really weird but all the audio is recorded So this one felt very straightforward in comparison and it feels like I've almost ended early the recording for this is only 2 and a half hours which is very unusual uh for me my recordings usually go on very long but I guess when you're literally just doing what you did before uh it's much easier I didn't have to like think about doing the pipe Logistics cuz I'd already worked it out all right well anyway it made for a smoother episode I think and I'll be back next week with the next one uh because the factory is all planned out already it should be easy enough just to work out where these found are going to go and how we do the trains and talk all about talk about all that and start even thinking about powering it on see some of the steel ingots flowing maybe design an awesome syn room to handle any overflow as well that's going to be it for me thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 16,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new gameplay, satisfactory guide, satisfactory lets play, lets play satisfactory, satisfactory how to, satisfactory getting started, satisfactory what darren plays, satisfactory darren, darren satisfactory, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory update 8, satisfactory trailer, satisfactory graphics
Id: Jf8hBE7VmSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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