FROSTPUNK 2 is AWESOME! - Let's Play this Brutal New City Builder!

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hello everybody Darren here and welcome to frost Punk 2 this is going to be a short miniseries showcasing the game's current beta which started April 15th you can get access yourself to the beta by pre-ordering the game on Steam and thank you to 11bit Studios for sending me the game early that way I could get my hands on it and have videos ready in time for the beta period this isn't a sponsored video but I'm just going to warn you that I'm in love with this game I'm a huge fan of the first one and after this beta I'm just an even bigger fan now I want movies I want an expanded Frost Funk Universe it's just so cool anyways in the frost Funk 2 Beta we can play the Utopia Builder preview which is sort of a Sandbox selection of maps and adjustable difficulties and various customization options for the political parties there within but for the preview we've been limited to just one of the maps and one starting selection of communities and 300 in-game weeks which is our time limit our goal is to colonize the frostland in that time as the last of the coal deposits are being harvested humanity is forced once again to look for new energy sources somebody get America on the line before we start I also want to mention that this episode can be a tiny bit slow as I'm explaining how a lot of things work the game is way different than the previous one but by the end and into the next video things ramp up in intensity very quickly as well you guessed it it gets colder and people get more desperate and they look to us to guide them so let's begin all right ladies and gentlemen in typical Frost Punk fashion we've been hit with a major problem right off the rip and that is that coal is running out we've grown numerous over the years and waited too long to strike out our Coal stock piles are nearly depleted we have to colonize the frostland but first we located some coal deposits in rough terrain around the city we must send Frost breing Crews to access them we need more coal so there is so much to get to in explaining how this game works and so much has changed from the previous game it's a radical departure no longer are we a radial City Builder around a generator now we are a hex Bas game building on a much larger scale with political machinations thrown in there for good measure so to get it started instead of sitting back and explaining everything slowly and painstakingly that's different we're just going to get building and then we can hopefully kind of explain things as they're happening in the background so the first thing is Frost break we need to get this coal deposit right here there is another one in the background over there there's some materials on the mountain side there's some materials out there there's also connections to the frostland that we can work on a little bit later but for now we have our playable area inside of these yellow hexes and using Frost breaking Crews by spending a little bit of money which in this game is called heat stamps and by utilizing some of our Workforce that we'll get back once the job is done we can expand out out eight tiles onto these various deposits so that then we can actually build districts on them so there we go so that's going to be the first stage of our Frost breaking so you'll just see the crews appearing clearing out some of the ice and creating a sort of Road Network that leads out here uh in the future so while we're working on that I thought we should go over some of the elements in the UI up in the top left we have the current week the day the timer and everything that's going by on the top right we have the timeline of weather events so in s on week 70 which is quite far out to be fair week three right now so week 70 we'll have a cold snap hit temperature is going to drop if you're familiar with frost buunk you know it all too well we have our population here of 8,000 we're currently at -20° all right so we've now expanded out to this area so we can build in this area and we want to actually make a district so we have a shallow coal deposit here of 450,000 we want to get an extraction District built on it it's going to require 120 heat stamps stamps and 600 Workforce and it'll actually maintain that Workforce obviously and then we'll get some coal out so we'll just click onto this and now we have five little hexes that we can fill with the district space so 1 2 3 4 and five and boom that is going to be our extraction District as it gets built we can see now the sort of walkways that lead back to the city and we'll see people migrating out to and from it now all of this is going to make a lot more sense as we get further into the game why is it done like this why are we dealing with districts you know it's it's awesome I think so anyway it's to do with the political parties and it's super cool so to go through the UI a little bit more we have our heat stamps which is our regular money we're making 11 per week right now we have our cores which we'll get to later population rather Workforce this is the people that the boots on the ground we can put down to actually get to work whereas we have our population over here so this is always a percentage of that population we then have heat and our fuel right so coal right here and the stockpile that we're building and then we have the actual heat and how much has been demanded by the district and how much is being put out from the generator there always one or it tries to be one to one so you don't waste any of your fuel so at the moment our generator is burning 70 because we need 70 and that is the same for the amount of coal right 70 of our coal has been taken by the generator we'll kind of touch on that a little bit later last thing then shelter food materials and goods materials is what we build with it's your steel and your wood they're considered the same thing in this game we then have food and then we have Goods Goods is just like amenities that people want the objects necessary for everyday life failure to meet the demand for them causes crime to rise and reduces heat stamps and very last thing is if you have a look at this tool tip it's a good example of how these tool tips work in this game I'll just pause it for a second here we're providing 15 the 15 is coming from the Central District we're lacking 26 because the demand is 41 from the foragers and the machinists so that's how that overall works if we were providing more than we needed we would then stockpile the Surplus in that big stockpile bar there that says we can go up to 30,000 so that's basically how it works all right let's let time play again oh and also our missions are up in the top left our objectives for this kind of demo so shelter from the cold good we secured a new source of cold for the generator but now we need shelter without it people will still freeze to death regardless of how hot the generator runs the closer to the generator or other shelter the better we cannot afford to lose more heat than we have to so unlike traditional Frost Punk we don't need to be right next to the generator we just need to be next to other homes so we're going to build two housing districts cuz that's what we need and the optional thing is to use the warmth from the Central District or another housing District so basically we could build a housing District all the way out here but you wouldn't get any heat from that but if we build on these tiles we save a little bit of heat right we get five heat back so if we look at the tool tip for the district itself the demand of a housing District by standard is 40 heat popping it down somewhere here will save us five per not per TI is it per tile no I think it's just on that one tile yeah thinking about it otherwise you could eliminate he almost altogether right so anyway let's get started so one 2 3 four five and six let's do that that'll be our first housing district and we need a second one as well 1 2 3 4 five and six so start that one there making nice use of the terrain all the way up to the cliff Edge right so two housing districts have being built that's going to be you know costing us heat stamps it's going to put more strain on our heat right so we have 70 right now we know that we've just put down two buildings that would have cost 80 but we were saving five on each so that's going to be just 70 so we should go up to 140 burn rate uh currently we're only bringing in 120 coal so all straight away our burn rate is going to be higher than our coal production rate which means we'll be eating out of the stockpile for a little while oh man hopefully that all makes sense anyway so these little golden Pips are our events let's check it out looming cold as the cold problem in our city continues to worsen we must take action to protect our citizens in these harsh conditions people need a roof over their heads and enough heat to warm their homes is the generator powerful enough to heat the city or do we need to extract more fuel if our current methods aren't enough we should consider alternatives cold has risen to an alarming level the next thing to touch on for the UI is these little Pips up here this is how the people feel about the cold about their hung their squalor the disease in the city the crime in the city so you can see these things going up and down and the longer the trails get off of each little Pip the worse it is so you want to kind of keep them to themselves and contained all right scraping the barrel so we've just completed the objective of building those two districts so with the heat from the generator and the shelter for everyone we're safe from the cold for now but as the city grows it'll not be enough the machinists and the foragers have different opinions on how to improve the city further we need to develop these ideas is for the future expand a housing District to provide more space for advanced buildings and build a research institute I see so select a housing district and expand it so we'll do this one here just cuz it's the closest one to me the total demand for heat is 35 so just again generator proximity is shaving off just five for us so only one tile of the district needed to be connected like that which is good to know anyway so now we can expand it for 50 heat stamps and we'll just go one 2 3 and that's going to continue building now so a standard housing District doesn't have the ability to add any buildings in but for instance our extraction District does we have an empty building slot here so a building on top of a district basically is like an augment to that District we can add you know better coal mines extra storage less workers automatons these these kind of things I think that we can basically just augment the district itself and by expanding District TRS you can have extra building slots let's see what's up with them security for the future stockpiling Steward we're extracting more coal than we currently need to provide adequate heat to the city as such we've begun stockpiling the Surplus at the moment we have ample storage space left however this space will eventually be filled and any additional coal will be left out in the elements rendering it worthless if we do not wish to lose the Surplus we should build more depos there are different types of depos for various resources you can construct them in any districts that have empty building space So yeah so you can add buildings that are augments to a district or you could just add more storage to any district for any type so I could add a coal storage to a food District I believe if I wanted to if I was really hurting for space all right so right now I think that might have been a little outdated because if we just pause it really quickly our current coal the requirements are 140 from the generator the output is 120 from our district and 20 is being taken from the stockpile so the stockpile currently says it's spending and it's going to only last for 52 weeks so they were sort of pushing me in the direction of telling me hey you should probably build a stockpile a bigger one but that's not true anymore these two extra districts now outweigh the coal that we were producing now that we're losing coal overall uh so we want to get on top of that obviously in the future right so build a research institute so our district is now being extended and enhanced so now we can build buildings into it right so this one has an empty building slot whereas this one does not so let's click this one and then we'll press n for our building tab down here and we have on the housing category a research institute so 100 heat heat stamps 200 Workforce and it just gets automatically placed uh it kind of decides for you on what hex it'll get placed into cuz it's just one building slot it's not per hex kind of thing all right so that's going to be placed in now something I didn't actually really look at there was it actually requires 20 additional heat so that addition additional heat is going to increase this to 160 increasing our coal consumption to 160 meaning we're drawing from the stock pile even faster but we're doing this in order to research and get coal mines up and running and then we can augment the extraction District to put in a what's it called um yeah put in an additional building that's getting extra coal out of it but while that's all happening now we're going to expand out this direction there's Frozen materials here here so we're going to do some Frost breing just like that uh I guess we could actually get a little bit there as well cool all right so the frost breing teams are going to clear the terrain out there for us in the future because right now we're not really making enough materials to even sustain the things that we have um going because you pay upkeep material upkeep for your different districts so our extraction district is costing us 50 materials we're not making any materials we were given a decent stockpile so we have to actually set up a district for that too all right all right so our Research Institute is done different ideas communities a small crowd gathers outside the new Research Institute arguing how to exploit the last coal veins the machinists want us to lean on machine powerered mining but foragers would have us pursue a more frugal solution they would never display such Discord in the captain's Heyday you have to choose who to entrust with developing their idea show me our options all right we have the idea tree we have new ideas to move forward now remember this is isn't isn't necessarily a technology tree it's an idea tree people from different communities propose different ideas within technological categories about how to kind of manipulate them so that's basically what it's telling us here right so we have the coal mines idea on the various ideas there within the dust coal mine or the grinding coal mine now I think it's actually possible to get both but we have to kind of choose one for now until we pay money later to get the other one and potentially piss off the other crowd it's this whole thing we'll get to it right so we have the foragers have the dust coal mine that's 400 Workforce requirement 150 coal output disease is slightly increased and 20 materials are needed whereas if we go with the machinists they have 100 less Workforce requirement they provide 30 extra coal but instead of disease increasing slightly squalor is just increased so a bit more of a moderate amount and then materials instead of 20 it's 60 so they require more materials and they kind of provide end up causing a bit more squalor but we're going I'm going to go with the machinists as they're under represented in the City by 2% uh so paying a bit more favor to them can slightly encourage more people to go over to their side but not necessarily it can depend on other things too so we're going to develop that idea for 50 heat stamps and that's going to just cook in the background it's going to take SE uh 15 weeks in total to kind of happen but days are going by pretty quickly and we're still doing other things as well so you can see these Pips at the moment there's no no cold no one 's cold it's absent although apparently it's getting a little bit worse cuz it says diminishing hunger is absent right no one's hungry it's stable so that's good squalor is stable totally good disease is diminishing slightly so maybe a few people are getting a bit sick out there and then crime is minor at the moment so it's increased by Goods scarcity yeah so because we're not providing enough Goods there's a bit more crime people are getting a bit more desperate out there that was a lot to go through and explain all right so research coal mines we can maybe speed up time a little bit or just no we could just continue building I want to rush ahead of myself here so we want to maybe get extraction for materials going and then there's food deposit here too so food we're just eating through our stockpile right now but our stockpile of materials is lower so we'll focus materials first so 600 Workforce we have 3378 22 are absent because they're sick so you can see how that can start to slowly chip away at your Workforce especially when it gets into the hundreds but we'll go with an extraction building maybe here one two three four five all right so in a super long district line but we can extend this to kind of get more or build a second one in the future too see some people making their way out there now now just like the old game you can also still click your generator and kick it into overdrive I don't really know how to use this yet because clicking it doesn't actually increase heat or burn rate but it seems to give us food production boosts so I'm not too sure about it still learning it does say increases the generator's output by 40% but it strains it can be turned on safely for 30 weeks we'll just turn it off obviously right now not really sure why it's not burning more it might just be the case that it's supply and demand they won't burn more unless it's absolutely needed uh like you can't meet your heat demand or something so I think that's the case but yeah we need to get a bit further in to learn more all right let's just speed it up a little bit while they're building out this District 22 sick people have recovered and returned to work in the city that's what we'd like to [Music] hear all right so this district is now done so what it's doing is there's 27,000 wood here or materials the demand is 50 materials even just to run the place and we got a 150 out so it's sort of like a surplus of 100 is what we basically get so at the moment our Surplus is 50 overall because of the other demands that we have so we're storing a little bit extra in the stock pile so that's [Music] good all right so for research we still have 6 weeks to go it's tempting to push all the way out to that coal deposit but maybe we'll just double down on building the building into this one first it's probably smarter we should probably set up the food District next cuz there fertile ground right here right so so let's begin food District so it's going to require 600 Workforce again 100 heat stamps so we're giv a nice healthy amount of heat stamps to begin the game thankfully so we get 10 extra heat so how much heat does this demand it demands 40 but we get 10 if we can at least border some of the housing districts all right there we go food district is going to get up and running all right the food district is almost up running feeling good not really any problems right now other than just a little bit of crime not too bad so what we need for that to make more Goods is we need an industrial district so we could set that up next it doesn't actually have any heat demand interestingly so you could build that a bit further out it doesn't have to connect to your city right in theory so maybe we should go with this next all right so let's try to pop it somewhere out near by the coal out that way so 1 2 3 4 5 and six that could look kind of cool so that's going to basically make us they're going to demand 50 materials but put out 20 Goods our deficit is currently 26 so we'll need a building within there probably have to expand that District as well in the future but at least we'll negate some of the problems that this is causing us the less unfulfilled you have obviously the batter are right food district is done is it up and running yeah that's working all right research is finished on the grinding coal [Music] mine so construct the newly research building in an extraction District okay right so our extraction District here we'll go to the extraction tab grinding Coal Mine demands 60 materials squalor is increased 180 coal is what we get out of it though so we did see that obviously when we chose this we'll pop it in there all right so that's building now the industrial district is building the question is is that going to be enough materials probably not currently we are totally balanced we're consuming as much as we're making and now we're about to be consuming even more so we'll probably need another District here doing the same thing or we could just try to expand it extend the district to increase its output and provide one more building slot so there's an empty building slot there right now but there's nothing we could put in there to get more out of it instead we could just end up building two districts but that is then yeah it's kind of interesting 150 is what we get out let me just test this so this is yeah it says 150 basically I'm just wondering if we're only covering two little deposits does that matter and if we expanded this over these deposits do we get more let's find out I guess one oh actually you have to do it where they connect so we'll expand here one two 3 a place to settle differences with the new mind we've cre we have enough coal out sorry with the new mind we have enough coal output to last us a while yet differences between communities remain even under previous leader with the new mind we've enough coal output to last us a while yet differences between communities remain even under the previous leader plans have existed to establish a council to settle such differences more pressing problems always delayed them the time has come steuart the people want to say in how their city is run we need a council we'll do that in just a moment so I've just expanded this I'll be very curious if we get more output I have a feeling we're not going to get more output instead we're just going to cover more of the resource which is may be a bit of a shame but we'll see all right so build the council Hall in the Central District so the central district will be here go to Central Council Hall 200 Workforce 80 heat stamps 20 heat demand so we're always piling on more heat demand all the time all right so we're building those council chambers they're almost done we're actually in a good spot for coal right now we're outputting 300 but consuming 200 we're probably going to be consuming just a bit more when this finishes so let's check that out actually it didn't change that's unusual H I'm not really sure why that didn't change or maybe it already calculated it as we were building the district itself cuz it said it was going to require 20 more heat anyway let's see what the event is the first Council session people cheer as as the gates of the council open it feels like a piece of the world lost to the frost has been regained the people are hopeful to have their voices heard while the machinists and foragers Clash about survival strategy neither has a Firm Stance on economic or social issues however many in their ranks do though they keep to the shadows for now to pass any law in the council you'll need the majority of the delegates to support it open the session how cool is this it's awesome all right people of the city sent 100 delegates to represent them your role as Steward is to proposed laws that will be put to a vote however communities have different outlook on many things you may have to negotiate or pressure them to get enough support right so we have survival economy and society and then we have basically a sorry for the flashbang here on your screen of just pure white but we have all the these three different tabs and then kind of different laws that could be passed within those tabs and the different settings right they can be reversed and changed over time if you're not happy with it unlike the previous game you're not locked in Forever instead you just need votes to kind of refute the law and then pass it a different direction if you ever wanted to now before we do that enact a new law through a successful vote in the council all right so let's figure it out sorry that's the wrong thing that's the research tree so survival food additives Goods common rules yeah maybe for goods mass produced good Goods in order to overcome scarcity we'll organize our production lines to increase Goods production that was something we have a problem with right we're not making enough Goods right now it's supported by the machinists and it'll be a small step towards progress now if we went with durable goods it'll be a small steps towards adaptation and it would support the foragers goods demand per capita is marginally decreased so people don't need as many Goods or produce more Goods I'm going to lean toward Ward the machinists that's just where my heart lies so we'll propose this all right so we've put a law down on the council chambers and we can see that 37 people are for it and 26 people are against it you can actually see how many of them are in different groups it's not just each group is pitted against each other and we'll have more groups as time goes on right now we just have the machinists and the foragers so if we click them we can learn a bit more about them we've got 49% of the city represented on The Machinist side and 51 for the foragers right so the machinists these are people descendants of groups that built the initial cities and maintained their Machinery they face the great Frost huddled around the generator and believe this technological Marvel is why they are alive at all today this belief shapes them when there is a problem they would seek a way to solve it through automation by devising machines to do the work or exploit available resources to ensure good safety margins to them technological progress is the only way to ensure survival maybe even Prosperity whereas then we have the foragers as the frost covered the Earth these people and their ancestors were caught beyond the safety of the generator cities forced to adapt to the harsh conditions of the frostland they learned to survive Against All Odds at times foragers decided to settle in the cities once again however the ordeal of surviving the Frost has developed a lasting Mark they believe adaptation is key and growing reliant on technological gimmicks invites disaster machines tend to break down as soon as conditions deteriorate human spirit is a lot more enduring so we've got Polar Opposites here right one group want to rely on building machines to sort out their problems the other group are kind of fearful that those machines will fail you should just rely on your hunter gatherer survival skills right they lived outside of the cities for a long time so we can vote just allow them to vote right now and just see where it lands cuz it could go either way we don't know what's going to happen with the people who are hesitant so it's just a kind kind of a guessing game you could maybe say that maybe because more leaning for that we've got good chances but we just still don't know or we could negotiate or we could pressure the delegates right so based on the trust that we have in the city currently we are tolerated right so we don't have that much trust we're at about maybe 40% if you want to think of it that way but because of that we could maybe spend some of that trust to force them to kind of lean one way or the other or we could negotiate for it so if we go to the negotiation table we could say I'm going to negotiate with the foragers right they're the ones that are leaning against it and maybe I want to get them on my side so we'll say We'll vote for and in order to convince them we can say you know what you guys can actually just have the next law for yourself we'll grant them their own agenda and it says the foragers will choose the next law to be voted on the council so I don't have a you know it'll just be up to them so who knows what they could pass or we could make them a promise so we could in the extraction District that we have demolish the grinding coal mine because if you remember they were sort of against that in the idea tree they had a different idea of how it should be done and we went with the machinists so they're saying tear it down cuz we don't like that or we could go with a different promise for them to uh for us to support a policy a little bit later down the line and Expedition support so we could try that maybe exploration time is decreased that sounds good to me I don't actually know what the inverse of that is but sure we'll promise them this and this will guarantee that this law goes ahead and we'll hit accept all right so now there are 75 people supporting you only need 51 of the vote in order to do it so we'll let the voting occur how awesome is this by the way and by the way we're going to have like four or five or even more groups in the future things get really nasty cuz you cannot please most people all right 80 of them voted for it into the future right the new law has been agreed on good there are challenges ahead head improving coal extraction is a success but the vein will only last so long we need to explore the frost land for a permanent source of fuel that's the first step in our colonization effort if you don't take if we don't take it the city will have no future at all this concludes the tutorial part of the preview all right so we're sort of left to our own devices now so if we ever get confused or something I can always open this back up and go through one of the many things that's appeared here and there's still more to come in terms of how all these different things work so the generator the council negotiations it's all there at least to be learned so that's really handy as well I love their tutorial system it was great in the first game too let's just pause time really quickly now so over on the left side of the screen that's that's playing time we have colonized the frost land so build Logistics District in place of one of the old way stations of the city's outskirts so if we want to connect to the frostland at all we need to basically excavate all the way out to here and like build something up with the old waste station so we'll do maybe this one and then we'll do that one and there's one over in this corner as well I think um well maybe we could go with this one first actually see as it's a bit closer yeah I guess we'll go with the closest one first makes sense all right so anyway we'll do that so find a permanent source of fuel outside the city so right now if we zoom out we can't really see anything on the frost land it's all just ined but once we send out these Expedition Crews we'll learn a little bit more so overall our goals are to establish a food colony fuel Colony materials colony and explore most frostland territories now it's week 41 and the demo I believe ends at week 300 so I don't even know if we can do all of that and then we also have our promise to the foragers pass the Expedition support so let me see if I can find that that's a law isn't it Expedition support so we have to wait for 10 weeks before we can access the law screen again that's one oh actually we can click it down here that's good I was going to say one of my that's so funny I was just about to be like one of the things I don't like about the game is you can't look at the laws while the thing is in recess but it is there it's just a very very very small button this little tool tip will guide us over to what um we promis so it actually says promise to the machinists that's not true we promised it to the foragers so hopefully that's just a little text bug or something because it does say supported by foragers anyway so this will be a small step towards adaptation and Expedition support the exploration time is decreased so we can't get it right now we'll hope hope to pass that in 10 weeks the thing is though it is just a law we can't guarantee that it's going to be passed but we've promised it we've promised them that don't worry this will be passed so we'll see how that goes all right well that time play and we're left to our own devices now so anything that's decreasing we need to kind of sort that out otherwise we're going to be bleeding through our stock pile and empty it out and then run into a bunch of problems so you can see underneath the each it's very small text but it says that we're spending food we're spending materials and we're stockpiling coal coal so coal is okay for a little while but food could do it being better our demand is 160 and we're producing 80 from our district we're consum we're also pulling 80 from a stockpile right now so basically we need another food District or we need a building that's going to boost it um so we could open up the research tree which is Awesome by the way the kind of cracked Black Ice uh we have the economy side of things the society side of things and the survival side of things we have our Goods Factory saw mills Advanced coal mines I'm looking to get hot houses cuz that'll help with food right so we have the foragers and we have the machinists a biowaste drum hot housee so 80 food output with 20 heat demand or we could go with 60 food output 40 heat demand squalor is slightly increased disease is slightly increased 300 Workforce requirement this is 400 I'm going to go with the foragers on this one we'll develop the idea for 50 this is going to increase disease only ever so slightly this would have increased squal air I just want to check something really quickly what's the which one is the worst one right now it's absent for everything although it's the squalor is currently increased just a little bit by the coal mine so increasing a little bit for disease hopefully that that's okay we're spreading the negatives across everything rather than going too heavily into one uh so yeah let's go hot houses foragers 400 extra workers develop the idea for 50 okay so we'll wait for that to get done and then we can boost our food with an extra building on it now there is also food up here fertile ground so we could just have another District but we also are getting a little light on Workforce so there's only so many districts we can set up how's the goods production right now we're actually unfulfilled by just one unfortunately so we're getting a little bit extra out of the building like we wanted to because of the law we passed but unfortunately it's still just slightly not enough so 20 from the industrial district and five from mass produced Goods the law all right so the other things then down in the bottom left we have progress and adaptation we then have Merit and equality and tradition and reason so you can build up different bars for all of these and that creates new political IDE ideological groups that support one of these kind of ideologies BAS basically and then we'll have to deal with them in the council chambers we also have tension between the groups and in the city itself if we are kind of suffering in different categories but for now everything is looking good although weather is about to drop in about 20 weeks so we're already in week 46 that'll show you how fast things are kind of going by here all right what we should do is at least get some Frost breaking going so we want to open up our Logistics so we can get exploring so we could probably go straight out there one we could also get these two tiles I suppose at the same time all right we're just a little bit short unfortunately so I have to do frost break breaking twice but we can do it twice at the same time actually we have the workforce for it so just unlock that one oh actually no they have to be next to each other don't they all right so we actually have to wait for this to get done before we can build onto it so I'll have to just wait a little bit longer that's all right I don't mind Frost break breaking both sides of it was I was going to do that anyway we have an event what's the deal Sue Miller 12 a street urchin looking for trouble I'm going to do my classic English accent here Cindy's Paul went and got her a gness okay hang on Cindy's Paul went and got her a gness like she's going to be a duchess or something not an our watch we roughed up the little all right Ferguson's boys will learn this too if they try and wife us again tonight we'll pull razors and say we'll cut out their eyes it's going it'll be Jesus all right it'll be good fun but what we want is a proper Rumble short blades only come on who wants to play the lack of a law regulating childhood is causing tension to rise throughout the city no little kids pulling razors on people all right so I guess if we want to maybe sort out the laws for the kids there but we we've already promised a different law so we can't get to that just yet we'll handle the kids after that one this is why this game is Amazing by the way all right just think about what we need to build next I'm just looking at our Workforce our money we need money for the frost breaking we're doing it out here obviously so we can just speed up time a little bit so that's done now we have to just do a little bit more if want to get to the actual area yeah I think I messed up how I did that actually didn't I so yeah I did well oh well we could just clear this area around here I guess for a bigger District all right cool so we're Frost breaking that little area then that's an old was station ruins of an old waste Station battered down during the white out years the white out is basically the storm that you'd be familiar with from the previous game and she hits hard in this game too now I only actually made it 200 weeks I died during the storm so we'll see how we get on all right let's speed up time I like when you speed up time you get a pulse goes through the city looks cool an aaton has broken down and is blocking traffic technicians are on their way that's so cool Aon has broken down man I'd love to do like voice lines and Stu I'm not nearly a good enough voice actor to do any of that kind of stuff but it' just be fun wouldn't it just to be doing some of those funny voice lines and things I said the same about manner Lords recently all right is that done by the way oh it is sorry yeah my bad right so let's get building a new District we need a logistics District 600 Workforce 150 heat stamps we have that and we we'll give US 10 frostland teams that can go out and explore so there's 1 2 3 4 5 and six right bit of a curvy Road that's going to take you up there allow us to get through the crevices and the cracks and send our boys and girls out we're down to 700 Workforce right now population is increasing it says growth the better the overall situation in the city the more people are healthy the more kids grow up and are able to enjo uh and are joining the active population and currently we're doing great no one's sick actually this is a stark difference in my first little run where it was just problems right off the rip cuz I was I was letting time play in the background while reading tool tips and stuff and it was a bit of a disaster right we've got new laws ready to go the economy tab is what we promised just out of curiosity how long do we have on that 26 weeks and it's 10 weeks per law so we could get the children sorted first if we wanted to but see as we're about to send out an expedition anyway let's see if we can just sort them out now now economy right community service voluntary and unfocused communal efforts does not yield any significant gain for the city there's no rules on this right now these are the different rules that we have so we've promised this one I haven't even looked at the other ones which is probably part of the problem to be honest that's so cool the artwork changes for each law as well actually a little bit right so we know that expiration time is going to be decreased that'll help the foragers they'll like us more it's actually largely supported already so we wouldn't really have to even do anything anything or promis anything for that City development effort materials output per capita is increased heat stamps per capita is increased or heat demand is slightly decreased heat pipe watch so we're going to go with Expedition support yes you can only have one of these active at a time so we'll go with this one Expedition support propose 51 people are already for it that's what you need in order for a vote to pass so we'll just guarantee it basically 514 and we got a few extra in there 59 in total all right promise to the foragers has been kept the foragers are delighted you kept your word they now look upon your rule more positively and consider you a leader with Integrity with deity been watching some South Park recently anyway because you kept your promise we now have increased relationship and Trust has risen just slightly so this is the relationship bar down here um or sorry this is the trust bar well this it's I guess it's everything I think if your relations the relations bar are the little semicircles here so it says neutral right now and they're also neutral and it changes color when it becomes positive or negative down here is your overall trust we are now accepted within the city so that's good and it's marginally increased by the foragers and by the machinists so both of them are kind of happy that's pretty good all right stock fils depleted Steward our initial stock fils of materials have run out our current output will satisfy some of the demand but problems will Mount over time yeah so this is our first real problem our stockpile is gone we're now in a deficit of materials we need a second materials District or we need to build that building that gives us more stuff out of that District so extraction the grinding coal mine's obviously not going to do anything for us we need something specific to like wood extraction or something there's two building slots in here um but we'd have to get that in the idea tree which we're about to get hot houses next so really it might just be most relevant to build a new district for it sorry wrong button but in order to do that we need a bit more heat stamps just a little bit we'll get it next week what's going on here Rexdale 45 years old an entrepreneur returning from the city approaching uh sorry returning from the city approach Trail a profitable Day first couple were all rags and Bones useless but then there was this woman with real ruby earrings ought to cover the arrival free I said the wife will love those next was a bunch of strong fellas I sent him straight to ela's Place she'll ring him dry before I get him home lately there's been less of them but maybe where is getting around got to take advantage while it lasts so the lack of a law regulating Outsiders is decreasing population growth interesting H we'll have to set up immigration laws and have a look into that as well but there's only so much we can do at a time have we made enough money we have enough money now so we're going to get a second extraction District although thinking about it maybe it be better to set this up on a different deposit like out here or up here we need to go up here anyway for the foods all right scour the frostland our Logistics district is ready and frostland Team stand by for orders frostland exploration is now available just really quickly we're going to also expand up here now right so we should be able to get these materials iron ore here 3.3 million should last quite a while now we're into the frostland all right so what we got to do in order to start going somewhere well we just have to choose locations and send people out so we've got safe territory the plains Frozen desert mountains the valley what do we have here Just Around the Riverbend we followed a petrified River up through the frost and spotted a sharp Bend north of here could be an indicator of underground resource likely Oiler gas I see that's sending us out towards the valley should we go to the valley let's do it so we're B we basically have 10 frostland teams that came with that district and now we can just send them out possible findings here are cold quite quiet lowlands nestled between Hills or mountains offering some rest spite to travels in midst the rugged terrain present little challenge for exploration safe fast few frostline teams required only 10 okay let's go we'll send them out and they'll get moving now in real time so you can just see them there kind of making their way out so it's going to be tracked up here 14 weeks basically to get there then we'll get a little message and event when they get there I don't know if we actually get to see them leaving yeah I'm not sure I don't think so I think they're just kind of on their way all right so we're Frost breaking this little area here and then we can set up a new District once we get 120 wealth we're pretty close to getting that any moment now there we go we got it right so extraction District Bonk so this one's going to be a bit weird it has to go into line based on the trail that we created but that's okay I think and we'll continue the frost breaking up this way to get the food I think that'll be all right as well all right so that I didn't even check but that's going to give us what it'll give us 100 materials cuz the demand for it is 50 itself so it eats 50 of its own materials so it gives us 100 extra currently we have 170 unfulfilled so still not going to be enough we'll have to expand and put more buildings into it this one ah so that's good to know we expanded over the resource and I was saying I didn't know if it would give us more or not but it turns out it did it looks like it has anyway we're getting 190 whereas it used to say 150 so maybe going over those two extra deposits gave us like 20 each or something something seems to be the case that's good to know so is there a way to check for that yeah so there's two more there that one only had one and then there's a big pile of them out here as well so we'll have to get to them all right still learning obviously as time goes on right sorry we have another research active here so we have our hot houses which need to be upgraded we have advanced hot houses worker shifts Advanced coal mines Sawmills Logistics Bays See sometimes people used to get really annoyed with me in my first playthrough even though that playthrough was awesome and damn near Perfection uh and shout out to that playthrough you should go watch it's 14 episodes and it's really really good honestly I don't say that about any series I do that one is really good highly recommend it um and it's we play on hard as well but something people used to get annoyed at me was I would have research idle um actually not research laws I would have laws idle and people are like get another law get another law as soon as you can but see you can use these to your advantage if you have a political group with a problem then you can go okay we'll get the research you want and that makes them happy so it's almost like you kind of want to otherwise you can have a problem and then you have to wait like 7 weeks to get something else and there might not be anything else that you can even get based on other requirements so I feel like it can be worth waiting but here in the demo anyway let's just go for it we'll go with the mechanists progress and adaptation it's one or the other develop the idea for 50 please let's get that going in the background all right so we have a little problem up here now squalor is growing extremely increased by materials scarcity that's an interesting problem because it means that because we don't have enough materials squalor is growing but there are buildings that you can upgrade so that advanced Sawmill that we can put in here I believe creates squalor so it's like an unsolvable issue in a way you can only mitigate it and try solve it in other ways uh food is somewhat limited now too we're not feeding everyone anymore we've bleed bled through our stock bile there so we have hot houses we just need to put a building into that slot in the food category but now we need more people and more heat stamps yikes that's going to be a struggle as well we're still not even meeting all the materials with our new District up and running either so requirements 50 de sorry is 360 we're unfulfilling 20 yikes how much are we unfulfilling for food 80 so 80 people are so we're going to start seeing that hunger building now extremely increased by the food scarcity problem what's your problem feral children oh God Steward five children are dead and dozens lay wounded after two large youth gangs met for what they called a rumble most of the children were armed with knives the fighting escalated to a full scale battle as the parents of the deceased mourn many insist these these children should not have been left unattended indeed many Backstreet alleys seem to be overtaken by unscared sorry uncared for youth some areas are beginning to be dangerous even for adults I know that's like walk by a gang of teenagers and get well anyway the persistent lack of law regulating childhood is causing crime and tension to rise even further crime is slightly increased commit to solving the issue you'll have 30 weeks to pass a law yep okay we'll do it laws let's get in there Society childhood no current common rules so nothing there's no rules about it so we can have family apprenticeship a percentage of active workers is slightly increased or mandatory schooling research speed is slightly increased we get more workers we're lacking workers heat stamps per capita is decreased I prefer this I think then a small step towards tradition family apprenticeship all children must work alongside one of their relatives yeah sure go for it this would have been to guarantee that all children have the skills and knowledge needed in a city will establish a mandatory school program we'll go with tradition just because it's kind of what I need right now all right so 420 against 10 hesitant 70 we could just let the gods decide this one what do you think rather than making promises we can't fulfill we did have 30 weeks to pass this law so we can always try again after 10 weeks so I'm just going to roll it see what the people say family apprenticeship 51 required got it got him me passes all right nice got lucky on that trust has risen yet again we're accepted how's our Expedition it's out there at the moment but it's searching and exploring seven weeks left to go all right so we've actually got enough Workforce now because of that law we passed it seems to have freed up more workers right and that's what it said it would do so now we can build a biow drum hot house so that's going to give us an additional 80 food we're currently lacking 80 food that's exactly what we need it's going to put a strain on our coal though another 20 heat is required uh we have the Heat stamp so that was in favor of the foragers when we passed that Tech when we pass that idea I guess or rather develop the idea from their side of things so let's get it done heat demand has been increased cuz it's after getting colder so that's really going to strain our cold again but we do have a decent stock pile at least draw from for a while Heat's uh things are going to get colder again in a few weeks but then at least get a little better for a while all right cool so yeah we're kind of pushing a little bit more towards tradition that's something I wouldn't normally do personally I'm much more heavily lean inclined towards reason and Automation and machines than I am towards a traditional Society but hey if we can balance both that's all good by me in fact these guys are now quite happy with us relation favorable because we've done so many things that they like and we could talk to them and we can actually request that they give us money if we're desperate so they could give us some money and then we'll worsen relations pretty much immediately but that's kind of why you build these people up it's the cash in the favors um or to so that you can maybe you know pass laws that are against them and still keep them relatively happy once you build them up enough uh we still only have two groups I dare say when I first played this I only did about 100 weeks I had four groups by this point so I've done totally different choices there so that's kind of interesting these other communities have not appeared yet for me uh based on what we've done not to be you know spoiling things but I'm surprised that just other groups haven't appeared yet I wonder does that mean I'm playing better or worse I don't know all right we're still waiting on the Expedition it's almost done though 5 days left to go and we're building up money nicely just to do more ice breaking again so we can push further out it's tempted to go again get more fertile ground but we're really out of Workforce now we just need more population sorry I was just reading that tool tip so population is actually flat right now we're 84% of the way to getting a new group moving in or or another bump of population I think um and it says says that stagnant because of the laws that have slightly decreased it there's no common rules for Outsiders so we need to set up a law for immigration if you want to let people arrive to our city and uh boost population right so this is done now so we have the sunken Dale Valley Oil treated sledges we stumbled across an abandoned Caravan of sledges long since picked clean closer inspection revealed wood that had been treated with oil a crude but effective method of waterproofing Frozen tracks indicate the sledges came from the Northwest so I'm guessing based on how the text is written that North West will be out that way and that does have a little icon above it so that requires 20 frostland teams we only have 10 available so we can't go there right now to the glacier we've also got a little question mark here now that we've uncovered this Valley meager Coal Mine cresting a snow drift we found a long abandoned Coal Mine nearly depleted more than enough coal remains to send back to the city 10 required let's have a look so basically what's happened here is this area was unlocked when we did the exploration here so you get a big area unlocked tells you on the nearby it tells you about things nearby but it also unlocks then question marks within that for you to then go explore separately right so we can set up an outpost here let's have a look so build a trail build a trail or Railway right so connect a trail back to the city all right I was just looking at this for a minute so basically our options are this our Trail can connect all the way back to here and we could hit enter and that could be that but if we want to bring that to the city then we'd have to go here and then in so it's three connection points so it's 75 heat stamps but that would be the same even if we just went direct from here in like that's as good as we can get it it's still going to be three connections either way so we may as well connect up this seems to make more sense to me so we'll connect like that I think it adds to the time of the journey though maybe a bit but that's why we could have connected here that might have been a more sensible connection right out that way but oh well it's built now we paid for it so it is what it is all right The Outsiders no common rules currently for this law for how we deal with people steuart it seems some of our citizens are profiteering from Outsiders trying to get into the city we caught Smugglers with a freezing and disorientated group of people when warmed fed and questioned they spoke of the Grim reputation our city has among the survivors in the area it's the only generator there is but we've heard stories of what some of the guides due to people trying to get in after what happened to us the rumors seem true should we do something about it we'll set rules for entry yeah yep that'll be our next thing that we work on all right guys I think we're going to have to leave it there I actually just watch that dip from positive relations back down to neutral so something must have affected them but anyways we're going to have to leave it there we'll be back in the next episode continuing this on things are pretty stable right now quite happy with that but it's I promise for fun fies it's all going to go to it's very difficult what's going to happen later especially when the weather really starts to turn cuz we're starting to see a little bit of problems creeping in but we're just just about keeping ahead of them as they happen um but I hope this wasn't too slow for people cuz there was a lot to kind of get through and explain hopefully I did a decent enough job of it and the next one is just going to be much more gameplay focused now that we kind of understand how everything's going to be working but I am absolutely enamored with this game I'm I'm really loving it I'm so I was pretty positive on Mander Lords I thought that looks great I'm really enjoying it but this it's the first time I've really been excited for a game in a long time it's probably just my bias towards like immersive storytelling and like kind of city building stuff but I'm just I just think it's so cool the political choices and stuff you have to make the voting system the council appeasing vot sides the little events you get some of the events I got in my own run which I haven't seen any even just in this demo we're vicious I'll just leave it at that so we'll see if we ever get them later on all right that's gonna have to be it for me thank you very much for watching make sure you hit subscribe if you want to see more from this series and become a channel member if you want to get extra videos early before anyone else thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 27,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frostpunk 2, gameplay, frostpunk 2 gameplay, frostpunk 2 new gameplay, frostpunk 2 new, frostpunk 2 how to, frostpunk 2 guide, frostpunk 2 survival, frostpunk 2 hard, frostpunk 2 beginner, frostpunk 2 early access, frostpunk 2 tips, frostpunk 2 war, frostpunk 2 massive, frostpunk 2 huge, frostpunk 2 population
Id: BbA70r393Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 1sec (3421 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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