#1 Bedwars Speedrunner vs 1 Bedwars Troll

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in today's video it was the number one bed war speed runner zooey against myself the one bed wars troll see the mistake that zooey made was after we had played and i'd done the trolling number one bad war speedrunner and trapping number one bad war speedrunner he decided hey scythe you know what would be really fun if we played private games now i don't know why anyone would challenge me to private games if you know anything about my channel but here we are so um yeah i turned off block protection and used that to outsmart him trap him troll him and just completely melt his mind it was a ton of fun if you guys do enjoy the video make sure to subscribe turn on the notifications if you haven't already follow my social medias they're up here at the top of the screen and linked down in the description along with that i've been streaming on my twitch channel a whole lot i've been streaming multiple times a week for many many hours somewhere around 50 hours in the past week or so so if you want to join in on future videos see your name in the top left corner of the screen on the live streamed videos then make sure to hop over there give it a follow turn on the notifications as well i would very much appreciate that anyways that's all i got so let's pop my brain is just gonna fry mid mid game that's just it know what you're talking about all right so this is either gonna be super super difficult or i'm just gonna i'm just gonna die oh and you're aqua bro it's red versus blue the classic my attention span can't handle this man wait so you're worried about the 10 second timer not the triple health oh wait i thought you turned on one hit kill i thought it was good i thought it wasn't gonna matter i thought you were once again playing with my mind well i was i just wanted to see your opinion on it i knew what i was gonna set i just want to see what you'd say are you [Music] that would be like the game would literally never end if we had prop 4 to start and triple health you just wouldn't be able to kill anybody also let it be known that a lot of the time i don't go to like break someone's bed i just mess around so just keep that in mind i don't know like one way i can win this [Music] i have a pretty good idea all right that's good also before we get into any pvp game mode uh both are banned all right thanks yeah okay that's fine i'll agree with that until you don't have the emeralds anymore i'm terrified i'm not that scary but like okay i don't know what to expect though like i i'm literally like a short dude in real life that laughs at people on a block game like i'm not that intimidating okay [Music] i'm barely five feet okay never mind never mind you lose [Laughter] i was not aware that i was i was fighting a man that simply had double his feet not not you know time and a half actually huh double his feet yeah so you start with two feet when you when you're born and then you double that near four feet you evolve yeah it's like spore i don't like that you're just standing there sorry i'm just drinking some water or am i it's just a mind game all right i'm camping here the entire game all right i don't think you should give me middle to myself oh no why did you do that you're a monster i'm gonna have to create like a triple layer bridge yeah you should probably get on that we should oh there don't worry he's got six it's fine yeah what can you buy with six emeralds [Laughter] what if i break your bed though you're just gonna run at me okay i see how my blocks are placed like i expect you to treat me the same god [Laughter] what are you trying to accomplish here i don't understand don't worry about it like any normal player would just fireball me but they're just going to shear me off that's a good idea but instead i'll hit you with a stick i have a good method of just removing my items from my inventories so you do not get them yeah you put them in the crafting table congrats okay like two animals in one diamond you could get you're gonna use that's my heel pool that's too powerful i can't let you how do you [Laughter] oh you think i'm a campy player okay a strategizer i'll take that what do you want well there's a long list of things actually can you tell me them [Applause] hello i'm breaking this bridge you're the worst god when you were me no okay i'm gonna collect my my salary thank you goodbye you can just ignore me now okay you bought a book no i threw an arrow at you actually how with my hand it's a javelin yep you're welcome they're about to put me in the olympics i don't know if you heard wait you can't build there back why ladders out of all the things you could buy don't ask questions okay oh god i know what you're gonna do you're just gonna camp there i don't know what you're talking about i'm stashing all of these and i'm just gonna i'm ready to get boat off okay we're fine i don't know why you're panicking i'm just on top of this tower i'm terrified dude why like i said i'm hoping for the worst and i'm praying for the best that's a bad that's not the that's not the right way yeah that's what you're supposed to say the yeah that's more like it get your potions yet man you're the oracle how did you hear that as soon as you said oh hey you buy your potions i potted how did you see me or no i just guessed oh hey oh i've had a knockback sticky die no i have i have jump boost you don't win this thank you goodbye to your bow okay oh the punch fell i'm a classic dual player i don't know how to beat this the mix-up the 50-50 the cross-up now what's stopping me from breaking your bed huh what's stopping me from breaking your bed well the fact that you're having like a monologue right now you're like an evil villain it's kind of stopping you a little bit i'm gonna go buy some diamond upgrades okay all right it's getting fraught for [Music] i'm like i said i'm terrified why why do you think i don't know i'm not doing anything wait so would it just be smart to like [Music] [Laughter] the ultimate way to just mess with me is just back with my head and you're doing it so well yeah i do that i'm gonna go buy some more stuff now [Music] if i join you yeah sure you want some ladders oh yeah sure here you go hi thanks i'm not following you i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm i'm going to sit here put a ladder behind me so i ignore all knock back what are you doing now [Music] oh just get rid of everything hi you okay yeah i'm just messaging someone what okay i'm gonna go buy more stuff oh you scared me my heart literally jumped you don't even know what you have [Music] you want to see a cool magic trick what's the cool magic i'm moving inside your base so look look at the ground there what did we even do was that 1.6 what did you do look there's wool in the ground that's crazy [Laughter] another like 10 seconds [Music] don't worry i still have heal pool that's the really reason why i lived or i died rather yeah true see the funny thing is about these duels is i don't even try to win the game i just try to confuse the person i'm playing with as much that's exactly what i'm that's exactly what i'm trying my brain is just deep fried what's happening god your skin just radiates off menacing aura every time i look at it it just becomes more menacing and now i'm terri okay well i saw you parted so i did i have perspective mod yes you did okay but where am i yeah i'm right here at your base i have a tracker i know where you are well you're just lying because you're running the opposite direction from me i just bought that jacker well i'll let you know when the invis runs out so you can find me you're on this stupid tower i actually didn't move at all i i just drank it and sat still [Music] lied to me no i didn't stand where i went afk and stop moving what's up what happened how how how where are we oh you didn't know about this this is part of the map no wait what it is yeah it's on every single every single version of skyrise has this hang on move out of the way move out of the way move out of the way move out of the way that's on an emerald map okay so you're telling me yeah no it's not what do you mean you lied to me no i didn't i didn't say it's on every corner i said it's on it's right here depending on the the cardinal directions like if you're facing north you'll see it's the building to the uh southeast you know i'm just completely making up stuff right now to confuse you right yeah i just dug out that hole exactly what i thought i'm smarter than that well then why did you not say that immediately huh hey why are you down there well try to shoot me i have nothing on me oh that's unfortunate well fine go up on that tower and i'll show you you have a bow what do you mean yeah i have a bow that's why i said i'll shoot you i think that's common sense that concept i thought you just i thought you disappeared i thought you were you're you're confusing me hello nice shot thanks that that cx did so evil i don't know why but it is what the i can't i can't i can't i can't i can't i actually can't my brain is becoming where did you go where are you don't worry about it none of your concerns that exact spot it's gonna be a hold of death oh never mind where did you go where are you where are you don't ask questions man you're asking way too many questions oh i found you you want to sneak you idiot how'd you place it oh that tiny slither in the set in the in oh my god that tiny set that tiny stare oh my god god my brain you're probably not even here oh never mind you are am i uh yes i see a hole here in fact moving away as i'm i heard them now okay okay god you're gonna leave my my site for like another five seconds and dig up like another hole true is it safe to produce okay probably not actually you hit a head you hit your muscles like you're stupid huh you're messing with my grammar too my brain and my grammar i hate everything i hate everything i can't focus god oh nine emeralds nice i forgot i had those good now i have 19. what what what's happening man i don't understand it's quite simple actually if you think about it oh it's not i don't know why you asked me to play private games you brought this upon yourself really that was white valpo valve hmm how many invis potions should i buy oh no i'm gonna die i'm but i have one secret weapon all right dragon buff you don't think i already have that cause you'd be right okay [Music] i absolutely hate it here why you like invited yourself into into my my home you know what you know what you know what you know what what what do i know i'm just gonna stop complaining because you're right all right i'm dragging about has been bullet proud of you incredible let's go the ultimate video tile is just going to be ruining the number one bedwars speedrunner's life that's it that's pretty good there's nothing else to it that's just ruining his life pretty solid can you think of a better title yeah there's a few but that's pretty up there this is like a tier list of s through f yeah i'm right next to you if you look at your compass i almost just walked into the void i was like ugh it doesn't even i died yeah you gotta buy another one here i'll pick up this emerald for you hey i'm gonna go over here now this is actually one of the worst games i've ever played at bedwards i thought i could help god i have no more fireballs i give up it's got another invis oh god oh god oh and he went invis i you're walking towards me yeah how'd you know this compass well i know you haven't bought the compass because i haven't moved i actually have you moved two blocks and that's why i said it thanks watchdog that's something i needed to hear right now you know you're just playing me again you're just standing there i don't know what you're talking about okay now you're not my compass says 29 30 blocks are you just moving what me moving are you even in this yeah of course totally you can trust that you're not even here you're beneath there's a massive hole here that doesn't work on me twice oh i mean it can be easy again in that hole oh no that was a bad idea wait what's up hey what's up you that did nothing yeah i know have fun building out i can't belt all right i'm gonna go break your bed now have fun with that you are a monster did you i got out that's good man if only this this timer was a little bit shorter oh you got obsidian okay that's actually worked out for you that's crazy god why why see the interesting thing about obsidian is that in order for obsidian to be effective is it has to protect your bed right um the problem with this strategy is that um blocks are able to be broken you see so you're actually able to go underneath the obsidian bed defense where did you even go my brain dude my brain i'm right here in your bed defense that's how i broke your bed i totally killed you there yeah [Music] what's my death okay no no i don't know i'm going back my dinner that's a good idea stay in this corner nah i'll be fine yeah i'm gonna take a snack break you're missing that you're not missing that see i have 70 000 kills in skywars you don't think i know how to throw an ender pearl uh that's actually a valid point dude i'm gonna die just from me talking and i'm not gonna expect it dude why if i play it safe play it safe while walking towards me if i play like myself catch i did ask you if you'd like to die now or later yeah man i had another ender pearl and like three more jump boosts by the way oh my god did you like that trap underground that was just that was just that was just annoying that's all i'm gonna give that's all my output that was just annoying oh man i thought about buying obsidian to get you in a box down there so you'd have a word but i decided against it i would just get more invis because they give you like the fact that i showed you an invis and then didn't use them made you really paranoid because you didn't know when i was invisible exactly it made me so paranoid i hated it i hated it and when people are paranoid they're really bad at parkour and that's that's that was the goal that was the worst because i noticed while we were playing that you kept going for these risky jumps and making them and block clutching and stuff so then if you're paranoid then you can't block clutch and then you die so that was the game plan yeah and it worked apparently god we how long has this call been go hang on how long has this call been going on for an hour and 45 minutes an hour to 45 minutes we've talked for an hour and 45 minutes actually yeah and in two hours you memorized my entire playstyle how i how i move how i do everything yeah you you're you're just too smart for my own good like oh my god well you see the thing is in order to be able to troll and to trap people you have to be able to mess with not only the enemy but the people on your own team so you have to be really aware of everything that's going on regardless of if it benefits you or not how does target think if i'm going insane just now how does he's probably already same thing just in a different way see like i i do it as like a like a messing with you haha i know what you're thinking target knows how people think but chooses not to tell them so it's more ominous that's just mean nah but he's he's not as trolly as i am like i i will just like mess with you for the sake of it like i could have killed you a lot of times and just stood there in viz just watching you squirm that's not i don't like that sense i don't like that i don't like that enzyme i don't like it i don't like it [Music] you
Channel: Zyph
Views: 168,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #1 Bedwars Speedrunner vs 1 Bedwars Troll, Trolling the #1 Bedwars Speedrunner, Bedwars BED Bridging, Bedwars, bridge, the bridge, minecraft bridge, breezily, god bridge, moonwalk, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, hiding spot, bedwars hiding spot, gamebreaking hiding spot, funny, laugh, zyph, #1 bedwars speedrunner, #1 bedwars player, The Bedwars Bridge Egg Cannon, mc, fake, hiding beds, Fireball Cannon, TNT, Fireball, bedwars speedrunner, bedwars world record, Speedrunner, 1 Bedwars Troll
Id: x50gqKQBIOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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