Using A Rotary Table On A Mill

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all right so today I'm going to show you how to use a rotary table that's what this is what this enables you to do is enables you to make precision curves cuts enables you to make positioned cuts on round stock you know whatever I'm going to be using this for an operation later so I'll kind of get a chance to show you what that is now it has a dial here that enables you to turn the table and you know keep track of it this locks down and you can actually disengage the degree wheel here you know to be able to reposition it if you want to get this line for a certain job and you've got to be at a certain mark or whatever okay the the table is designed to bolt down to it bolt down to a bench on a mill something like this okay and there's a number of different ways you can do it but what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be using these guys here okay to bolt it down on one side now I haven't created I haven't made a mount for this side yet this is this side here is actually designed to go the mill can work either this table can work either horizontally or vertically okay so you can kind of see you know how you'd be able to you know do let's say drilling or milling operations as the table turns on pieces so that you can get very precise measurements you've got the degree marks on the edge here you know well there's a lot of stuff here to this that's actually adjustable you can lock the table in position with these guys here this will lock the table in position okay you have one on either side so very handy okay you can use this here you know you can go underneath here bolt a piece to here you know Center it this is actually a Morse taper hole so you can stick a Morse taper in there I'm going to be using this later on to do an operation where something has to be hub centric okay so you stick it number two Morse taper will fit right in there just fine I am creating a piece to be able to secure it on this side now this thing's pretty doggone heavy so for this operation that I'm going to be doing with this you know the weight of this is going to be enough to hold it onto the position once I've got this side bolted but you know for future operations where I'm going to be cutting radiuses I'm going to have to have this side secured so I'm milling some stuff right now that I'm going to use I'm going to use these blocks to secure the rotary table on this end okay so that's kind of the overview of the unit I'm going to go ahead and put it on my mill and we're going to start we're going to start doing something so I can kind of show how this works and again you know you can you turn it and it goes / now there is a little bit of slack in the wheel just a just a slight bit it's I believe it's about a half degree something like that so yeah so if you start in one direction you have to make sure that you take the slack out just like with any operation where you're moving a table you know you got to make sure the slack is taken out of this alright so I'm going to demonstrate the use of the table with this with this basic operation here now what I've got is I've got a piece of stock and you know in case that looks like it's large you should actually you know the biggest my smaller than my finger I'm going to drill three holes just like in this piece into this piece I've already Center drilled it okay on a lathe and it's already threaded it's already drilled out okay I gave myself a little bit of room to be able to put marks on this so on the piece that I'm doing I actually inscribed a circle with a mark and the reason I did that was because I can't go outside of this circle because the holes that I drill in it will not pass through to this to this side here and that's critical so I get with a circle just to make sure that the holes are on path of the circle and I'm going to be using a rotary table to do it so what I did was I put it on my Morse taper I'll zoom out a little bit here I'm just going to drop this guy in here okay so it's nice to secure and I'm going to continue the operation I'm going to put a drill head on here I'm going to continue the operation to where I'm drilling now these are very precision holes because this is a this is going to be a setup for a propane for use with propane but I just wanted to use this as my first operation to just kind of demonstrate how this table actually works all right so now I've got what I've done is I've I've put a centered countersink on this thing you know just to Center it so I've marked the hole off of the center about as far out as it can go not as far out as it you can go because I didn't want to be off so I've drilled the first hole so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go from zero I got to do three holes when I go from zero to 120 because that's 1/3 of 360 degrees so I'm just going to kind of spin it around here go 120 and then I'm going to sink my next hole so I do it I had this countersink at first so that I know that once the once the once the drills went in they were going to go into the hole because they're going to wander if I didn't do that so kind of get you down here and I just want to barely kiss it kind of see some meat coming off of there right now that's about how far I want to go okay so then the next one I'll do another 120 degrees that'll take me to 240 you see the scale going up here to 40 and in my next position I'm just going to drop it in there get that countersink there and I've got enough meat on this thing to where I can I can actually do this I get it like that on purpose so that I'd have a little bit of play room there it is you know maybe a little bit more justice okay so now I'm ready to drill so I positioned it I moved it from the center to the circle because that's the perimeter of where it has to be drilled out of that there it is into focus so I'm just going to start to drill now it's going to be a very slow drill because this is extremely small drill bit so I'm just going to go ahead and turn this guy on put on a super low speed well that's about it right there I'm going to go ahead and drill three holes and that's how you use a rotary drill table as you can see I'm actually where let me turn it off as you can see I've actually bolted it down on this side I put a bolt on this side just to hold the table against it so this is bull is actually holding against it so tables firm enough to be able to do a drilling operation like this but you know thanks for watching the video on the rotary table okay so I've drilled all three holes I did mark the first hole because that was the one that went through sometimes these little drills have a hard time going through because the metal tends to grab on to them when they get towards the end there so this is the end of it I'll go ahead and turn off the mill pull this loose and then you can kind of see it now I know what you're saying you're saying oh the front of that looks kind of sloppy well what I'm going to do is since I left some extra meat on there I'm just going to go ahead and machine it off I'm trying to get a nice neat shot of that but as you can see that looks very similar to what we had and that's what I'm trying to replicate the holes have gone through all the way through this is the new the new ones made out of slightly larger stock than the old one so but you can see that so all that yucky stuff I'll just machine off and it'll be nice and smooth just like the other one oh that's not the other one where is the other one anyway you get the idea as soon as I can find out here it is old one new one compare oh so very nice and it's a precision job it's a pain in the butt but you know somebody's got to do it and I want to make sure that it's done exactly the way stock is so thanks for watching oh yes and I did want a footnote this so new an old one again there's the compare oh I'm trying to get to some focus here you can see the holes it's not going to pull focus for me okay so you can see the holes in case you're wondering why the holes are so small it's because it's drilled for propane which requires a much smaller hole the other thing too is that whenever I drill something with a power tool I always drill it undersized I'm actually going to bore those out by hand so that is the finished product I did machine it looks nice and neat so we're ready to go and a nice neat job and customer's gonna love that it's got three holes just like the old one thanks for watching oh that was the point I was going to make okay so in case you don't think I got this inside the hole okay trying to focus focus focus trying to pull that focus anyway if you look through the underside of it through it you'll see those three holes right there we're not in focus but you can kind of see them hopefully it is so get focus you can you can see them you can see the outline of them and here's the other side three holes so you can see the light coming through themselves they are aligned where I expected them to be and that's it so thanks for watching the video even though we're ending out of focus
Channel: Frank Hamilton
Views: 79,767
Rating: 4.2214112 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, Rotary, Table, Precision, Drill, Machine, Machining, Dilling, Degree, Mill, Operation, Operations, Shop, Theory, Cut, Cutting, Lathe, Circle, Feature, Benefits, How, To, Skill, Milling, Degreeing, Manufacturing, Process
Id: wf5SXMNwdnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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