50 Useless Things in Geometry Dash

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almost everything in Jesh has a purpose so by scrolling through the entire game it's hard to come across something that has no purpose whatsoever I however found more than 50 things in jom dash that literally are useless making you wonder why they exist in the first place before we start however make sure to subscribe because at 200k subscribers I'll change my profile picture to a sheep enjoy we'll start off simple with our first useless thing rotating an orb orbs are perfectly circular so if you rotate them not much will happen it will stay exactly the same the entire time two if you ever feel useless remember the monster at the start of the sewers the second tower level nothing will change once this little guy is deleted since you can't even die to it and even if you could you would have died in this asset either way three in the latest update a new level called Dash has been added for the most part the decoration looks really good and there's nothing weird about it right well if we go back and the level a bit to the robot part when zooming in we can see something odd a random white object that drops off forgot to delete serving zero purpose in the game the most known useless thing is the mor games button when clicking on it no games are shown and this has been the case for the last couple of years even back in 2014 it had more use since rtop still had his game's boomlings and masterminds online you can play Geet on PC Mobile and on your iPad let's go to our PC for a bit on mobile and iPad it's hard to close Geet sometimes and luckily there's a button in the top left corner of the title screen in order to close the game on PC however this this button serves less of a purpose since people can just click on the close button on the game with their Mouse nobody can share an empty level with zero objects obviously like we would see thousands of levels in GD that would just be empty nobody likes that uh well you can still do that by adding a single trigger which is invisible to people your level still is empty and uploadable to the servers since there's one object in it making this rule a bit worthless seven the legendary and Mythic buttons don't do anything if you select them and click on the search bar you just see random feature levels not just legendary and Mythic levels as the option suggests this level called fre stars is very sticky when opening it the level tells you that the Creator found a glitch so you'll get a million stars if you like the level and rate it the hardest difficulty demon a lot of people fell for this trick when looking at the amount of likes and obviously it doesn't work nine on another level named Grazy ball there's something odd going on but instead of entering the level we should take a look at the song the title says party are ening which doesn't make any sense when we go check the original song name out you can see that the name is originally called party R eang which means the party is on in Swedish but because wed up disabled special characters in the game the title of the song became useless the next one is incredibly weird upon the release of my new merch someone liked it so much that they Remain the merch in geometra Dash look at all the builds Wow since they are so pix though it's a bit useless which is why you should check it out in real life look at these gorgeous hoodie shirt and mock wow if you want want to buy this fire merch click on the QR code or the link in the description on to number 11 okay open GD go to your icons and move towards the 60c cube the Lenny icon on the surface it looks normal and like nothing special but wait zoom in a little on the right side of the cube there's one pixel sticking out for no reason what 12 my first time covering skibby toilet on this channel guys I'm sorry but our 13 fact is about a username skibby hater 9223 when you check out his username nothing seems weird so what's wrong with his profile it all becomes clear when checking out his comments all his comments say the same thing skibby toilet sucks he made more than a thousand comments like this saying the exact same thing over and over and the purpose of it remains unknown probably just to troll people default is not useless in itself but it does have a useless feature there are codes you can type that do not give an icon or color but are official codes implemented by rtop they're just there for the sake of being there Thrills can make your icon 10 times cooler by putting a nice effect behind the player this works for the cube ship bowl uo and not the wave game modes when using a trail behind your wave it will be overshadowed by a thick line is useless just like a feature in geometra Das lights the free geometra Dash version it's nothing special for the most part except if we move to the parental controls in the full version of Geometry Dash the parental controls can disable comments accounts and only allow feature levels which is logical but in Geet Rish lights you don't have online levels on which you can see these comments and featured levels so why why do they exist if there's nothing they do I got a little too mad but we need to move on by searching for username ngd you can scroll to the right even though usernames are unique and there can only be one of them so why more than one page exists is a mystery 17 the background trigger can change the background which is super obvious so obvious in fact that the hell button marcks you for clicking on it the most useless list in the entire game is one named my least favorite levels first of all it is just one level second of all what does retray do to you it's one of the most basic levels in the entire game there's not a big difference between searching for retray on this list or searching it in the search bar nothing would changed if this list got deleted this white block in the fifth section of the first editor category is the exact same thing as the first object in the fifth category put them side by side and change the second block to whes and if you're able to tell me the difference between them I'll give you a million dollars 20 feature levels normally have a glowering around the difficulty phase and stars below that phase to show how many stars you obtain from beating the level robtop forgot to add stars to nonsense Worlds level 12 though so even though it is featured you won't get anything from it beating it is useless if you are below the rank 1, 33,36 like me the global leaderboard makes no sense you always stay below carrot monster who has 51 Stars even though you're actually a way lower rank when checking out your profile leaderboards for platformer levels are a really cool addition to the game if they work you now always see something named hacker one to three on the top who beat an actel level in 1 second and this happens on almost every single level sadly 23 did you notice you can click on the rtop button on the bottom left of the title screen it leads you to this website that consists of random names of games he made and it doesn't serve a purpose since you can't click on anything it also has some visual box that never got changed at the right of the search option is an x button which deletes your ID while it does have use it's probably quicker to just turn back to the title screen and re-enter the search menu instead of useless thing let's switch it up a little by talking about the most useless geometri effect I was able to find on the entire internet I found this post saying give me a useless fact about Geometry Dash and most answers were pretty standard until I found the following one XO has more objects than arabos and black blizzard both of these levels look like they contain tens of thousands of objects and XO just looks like a simple layout I don't know how it has so many objects but it is a pretty useless fact indeed back to dash not only does have a useless white object it also has a blue portal in front of the spider portal why is it weirdo you may ask well a blue portal changes your gravity back to how it normally is but in this level before entering the Blue Portal you already are in normal Gravity the level won't change when deleting this portal making it worthless 27 the first user comment in geometer Dash it must be made by robtop or another notable person right and it definitely contains a special message uh no the first message says J dayj jday KDAY KDAY a truly beautiful message okay the funniest and best account I've ever seen is this guy called only when I poop this 42-year-old guy doesn't have time to play Jes except one on toilet where he grinds out levels like nobody else all his comments on his levels are related to crap and my favorite one is this one where he played a level when taking a dookie oh my goodness this guy is dedicated to his toilet game someone called bloodb 334 did one of the most useless things I've ever seen he created a with all rated levels in the game resulting in his list containing more than 30,000 levels why nobody knows in the game sheets you can see every single asset used in GD from coins to blocks you can find more than a thousand unique objects there are a couple unused objects in some of these sheets though here you have a trailer button a two button and an o button which I have no clue of what it does they've been used prior in the game but don't exist anymore BR a level that's literally called useless is an impossible meth level where even if you get the answer right you need to straight fly through extremely tight corridors which looks horrendous to play the parental controls are stupid and geometr dis lights but right now I can't lie that it also is worthless in the full version even though it is a good method to prevent kids from seeing horrible levels and comments the problem is that it is so hidden in the game that no parent is ever going to find it it is just a button without explanation and when you see it for the first time it doesn't look like a parental control button to fix this rtop shoot at the name below or above the button 30 three even some songs have no use in the game check out my first level for example flap PewDiePie which had a PewDiePie remix as a song but when you play it you don't hear anything because the song got copyrighted and became not allowed for use the BPM finer for main levels doesn't make a lot of sense first of all it is really hidden and I had no clue it existed before a week ago and second of all what is the purpose maybe I'm dumb but the only thing you can do is click and a BPM counter get shown so do you manually need to find a song and click on the beat while listening to it it seems a bit confusing Lin Ena is a nicely decorated level and has a low deto mode like countless of other levels low deto modes make laggy levels less laggy because when you select it less objects will be visible Lin Anda does this too while the loo mode here also does something else that no other level does it makes the level impossible at 54% you always die to these spikes here with no chance to pause it it recently got fixed actually right now most lowo modes are also kind of used useless due to them being eded automatically by the game even if it doesn't change anything in the level 37 the 2.2 editor help page has more than 200 pages and nobody with the same mind will read it it is useful however and we aren't here to talk about the 2.2 one but the 2.1 update help file if you now try to click on it it leads to an error message probably because rtop deleted it 38 the Twitter logo on the title screen is still the old Twitter logo instead of being changed to an x 39 the trigger with the the lowest usage rate is the reverse trigger due to it having the same function as the arrow trigger they both can change the direction of your gam playay but the arrow trigger is more detailed so why does this thing still exist I talked about the level xob for right basically looking like a layout look at this video XO in perfect quality 4K I don't think this needs much explanation as to why it's useless robtop his emo support is a mess 3 years ago he showed the amount of messages he got and with the game's popularity becoming bigger and bigger he probably has reached a couple million messages by now if you think he's going to read yours out of the millions of messages he gets you're mistaken 42 filtering on na and then clicking on the reason tab doesn't do anything 43 achievements are meant to be challenging to obtain and most of the jum ones are except for the couple of achievements named the jump achievements 1 million jumps initially sounds like a lot Until you realize there are levels in the game that give you millions of jumps per minute calling your level 1 E7 or a combination of one number a letter and a a number again is a waste of time if you search one7 in the search bar it'll show an ID instead of a level name so nobody will be able to find your level when geometry 2.2 was released there were a lot of bugs but the worst one was probably the duplicated icon glitch here you can see the 153rd Cube and here the 21st Cube they are exactly the same and rtop quickly deleted one of them since it was useless to have two of the same icons in the game this isn't the only Buck I'll talk about today a couple months before the latest update got released you could find your yourself on the top 100 grater leaderboards people found themselves at the weirdest spots here while they had no creater points or sometimes even no levels 47 practice stay inside me is the best and worst song in the game the best song say it's the practice music that's used in every single level and the worst one since whenever you use it in your level the level can't be opened like this level right here 48 most window resolutions in GD why would any one play like this for example our 49th useless thing is the list no don't worry I didn't mean right now but a couple months ago when they couldn't be played and only showed na faces user zé somehow had an idea to code something in J Dash without a single purpose what you can see here is a terminal on which code can be written on this terminal zor made it so you could name a level however you wanted AKA using certain symbols that were not allowed by robtop to be used in levels the goofy thing is that these special symbol levels can't be posted so yeah useless somehow Reddit users always know how to enter my videos because when I found out about the user breaking up with his girlfriend through Geet Dash I was baffled the chance of getting a girlfriend already is almost zero for GD players so seeing a post names I broke up with my girlfriend because of GD almost put me through a coma he apparently broke up with her since he screamed loudly in the classroom after beating a level which she disproved of 52 sound and light is one of the few impossible rated levels this level is automatic and will never be beaten due to a buck at 12% the difficulty of the Damascus list is very L and doesn't say much about the actual list difficulty it is rated Na and nobody knows the true rating every list gets rated based on how difficulty levels are but R up forgot to rate this one or something 54 people who don't subscribe after hearing this message JK you guys still matter I love you guys goodbye
Channel: Waboo
Views: 148,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash
Id: 0rnuLHF_K1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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