Useful 3D prints and ideas for 2020

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hey it's Joe fareth key toolkit thanks for watching today we're going to talk about five categories of things that you can 3d print that are actually useful there's many more than five but we're going to just start with five here we go [Applause] [Music] okay number one on our list is going to be organizers desk organizers scro organizers whatever this is one of my favorite this is a USB and storage organizer so I can put my USB sticks on here but also you can see my micro SD cards down here and then the adapters or actually full size SD cards as well this is a great thing I can put on my desk and have my USB sticks easily accessible I really really appreciate this this one I haven't printed yet but you know it's on my list and I just thought it was really a fun pen holder it's a Julius Caesar pen holder by derailed up on Thingiverse and it also shows a different aspect of 3d printing of course you can print bins or whatever but this is a more of a statuesque art piece this is a tray holder there's tons of these up on Thingiverse there are tons of them out there for free and if you want to organize anything for screws or small parts you can 3d print not only the the shelves themselves but the entire holder for it the other cool thing is you can print things that will fit into your desk for instance like desk insert so organized stacking trays stuff like that I just think that's really really cool I've been really happy with my USB organizer and I've had a couple of requests for other people to print it it's a big winner so organization thing number one for the second category we're going talk about peg boards and slat walls I have a slat wall in my garage I really enjoy but the the pegs for it are quite expensive I also use peg boards in both my garage and in my makerspace you can see in my organization of makerspace video I talked about peg boards quite a bit and how excited I am to have one this one peg stir is one of my favorite things on Thingiverse because there are so many pieces of this here and as they show you my wall you can see things like the the ruler mounts I've got my flashlight and even my IR thermometer has a pegboard mount that's come off a Thingiverse there's just quite a few things here and you know I've been a home depot quite a bit for pegboard stuff I've never found something to hold it pair of digital calipers great but here you see I can have my digital calipers up on the pegboard really appreciate that for the slat wall I've taken some of these I have a daughter and I've taken her formula boxes cut a whole dome in them and then 3d printed a holder if it's right in the slat wall it gives me some great bins for things like screws and nails to throw them up on my slat wall for very inexpensive next thing I wanna talk about is headphones and holders things that hold stuff like headphones also view our headsets this one here by heliox lab is my favorite and what I like about this and what I didn't realize about 3d printing is sometimes your 3d print can be part of an entire project so helix lab here has a great youtube video of how to assemble this project it's in French but it's translated and using some L wire and 3d prints you can have a beautiful beautiful headphone holder I also have my VR headsets mounted under my desk there's a lot of under desk mounts this one attaches the side of Ikea you just put a little bit of double stick tape on there to hold it and it's a little bit messy but it holds my headset in a nice place off of my wall if you want something a little bit more organized you can get this set here which will mount them up on the wall and hold your controllers this is when you get a bit more specific instead of printing a generic headset holder you print the specific oculus touch and mount holder speaking of cabling and clean this is my preferred way to take headsets onto airplanes this is a very simple print you print a little triangle and it works for any type of headset or I'm sorry a earbud holder it's very very simple and easy and clean and they don't get tangled up in my backpack anymore which is a huge huge win next thing I want to talk about is tablet and phone mounts this is my favorite for that this is called the modular mounting system this thing here I use for so much if I do my if I do my time-lapse videos of my 3d printer I use this to hold the phone it's very clean and very you know can mount all sorts of different ways what I like is that it's very simple to move around and adjust but also the screw will allow it to clamp on a lot of different things and it also has a triangular mount here as well it's very handy some other mounts that I want to talk about is I've got the wall tablet mount here this mount is great for holding a tablet up against the wall it's absolutely almost as a second screen for my arcade setup and then I can just simply pull the tablet up off the wall and take it with me so that's really handy meanwhile and so on the wall can be charging I love that the simple tablet mounts I love these these are have different angles you can tilt the you know they'll hold the tablet or a phone and I can use these if I'm recording and I want the phone held upright I can use if I'm watching a video I can have it tilted back a bit the desk tablet mount is really slick because I can use it for everything from Netflix to my baby camera watch my daughter on it if I'm watching TV I can have that off to the side it's a very inexpensive very easy print also works great for security cameras or right now we've got some snow I can watch the kids sliding out front on a little screen off to the side next thing I want to talk about is mounting cases there's quite a few things here I have controller mounts which I really enjoy when somebody walks into my room this always catches their eye and I get comments on it and it was a lot cooler than putting all my controllers in a bin and getting the wires tangled up there's a number of these on Thingiverse the commodore 64 and Atari one at the bottom I actually created and threw up there because the earliest troller was in the nest controllers but basically if you're gonna mount something to a wall there's probably a 3d print for it to get it up there here's one for n64 games I thought this was really cool because I had never really thought about displaying games before but this just goes to show you there are 3d prints that I would have never thought of and I thought this one was really slick there's also ones for ps4 games and you know everything before and after which is kind of cool my xbox 360 i really enjoy it's got digital games on it and most of them are arcade games so i don't have to put discs in but i wanted i didn't have a place to put it on top of my desk so for my arcade setup i printed 3d printed mounts to mount it under the desk upside down i did it upside down for air flows because it doesn't depend on that top vent but this made my 360 basically disappear under my arcade sticks and i thought that was really cool again if i search for a 360 under desk mount i probably don't get a lot of options on websites for shopping but for 3d printing there's quite a few there's also Raspberry Pi cases and Arduino cases basically any kind of electronics that you're doing and there's a lot of fun ones out there there's Raspberry Pi cases this one right here looks like a super Ness case I've talked about the nest case one before just about any console or game system you can find a Raspberry Pi case that look for it also you can customize the Raspberry Pi cases or just create a very simple one my favorite I think is that there's Raspberry Pi cases for raspberry PI's with hats a dish added on so if you have like a sensor hat on top you can 3d print a special case for that combo Arduino is also another electronic very common now for the hobbyists and you can get cases for Arduino z' from not only the big Uno's like this one here the one on once even but the small tiny esp8266 is the d1 meet we mouse all sorts of cases for those that normally would be something you'd have to wait for shipping or you know maybe you could DIY it but 3d printing just see to make it super easy and inexpensive to print and get the last category I want to talk about is 3d printer upgrades I just want an ender 3 Pro and one of the first things I started printing were upgrades for it and accessories I got the initial cable clamps in the back here I also got the tray and I've also printed some of the other add-ons here you can see things like cable chains and the filament guide that actually helps the filament go into the correct area the thing about 3d printing printer upgrades the reason it's so useful is a lot of 3d printers have issues that are found after they come out or there's accessories that you'd want for them such as a tool tray and because the 3d printing community is so passionate about their printers they will create a ton of upgrades that can make your printer print you know infinitely better some of the printers for the under 3 Pro I feel like are almost must-haves such as the cable clamps otherwise there's just no wire management on it out of the box so 3d prints for your printer upgrades I would probably be one of the first things I search for they're incredibly useful and they can really make the printer a lot easier to use ok so that's 5 topics of course there are a ton more and there are just hundreds of things to print out there but when I first got my 3d printer I was looking for some something that was just useful and I was looking for ideas to print and I feel like this video will probably give you some ideas of categories that you can deep dive on and find out how they relate to you you know maybe you don't need a Arduino holder but maybe you need a holder for I don't know scrunchies or something and there will be something out there that you can find let's see here there you go scrunchie holders on Thingiverse and there's a ton of them so I use Thingiverse as where I main sites for this type of stuff there's other sites like my mini factory for miniatures and and such but for this stuff right now Thingiverse has been my main site if you have other suggestions for sites please let me know in the comments below so that we as a community can get smarter and learn more I really appreciate watching this video and being patient with me I was away at CES so if you hit subscribe I'll have some videos coming from my CES follow ups of what I saw on the show floor and I'm gonna keep the videos coming you guys have been great I really appreciate the enthusiasm and positive comments thanks thanks so much I'm Joe fareth geek toolkit and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: GeekToolkit
Views: 187,920
Rating: 4.8081751 out of 5
Keywords: 3d print, 3d printed, 3d printer, 3d printer projects
Id: 1bI1fPn_PF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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