Use This Sales Technique The Next Time You Pitch

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tell me if you've heard this before david versus goliath sure yeah small company tries to get business away from someone that is way out of their league today we look at the popular amc television show better call saul and break down how to win the job by being the small fish in the big pond before i play these two clips i want you to pay attention to one key idea that is to know what your client is thinking and say it first i refer to this as the eight mile principle made popular by eminem as a freestyle battle rapper you win by humiliating your opponent one very effective strategy is to take away your opponent's ammunition you do this by disarming them by being the first to say any attacks they can throw at you thereby leaving them speechless roll the clips ricky i am not the safe choice the safe choice for you would be hhm i believe however that i am the right choice why that suit you're wearing did you buy it off the rack please don't tell me it looks like i did if it did i wouldn't have asked so why do you prefer a tailor-made suit because it fits you and you alone look how kim began this conversation she immediately brought up what they're thinking she said if you want the safe choice go with hh m but if you want the right choice go with us she already knows that she's not the safe choice so she has to bring this up up front watch what she does next and you alone because each and every stitch was fretted over with you in mind either you fit the jacket or the jacket fits you she asked him and this is a great question and asking questions like this is setting the groundwork for a potential trap she's asking are you wearing a suit that's off the rack and he takes offense that he says of course not and i i'm overpaid for it if it is and she goes every single thing about that suit was taylor made for you she's playing into her strengths she knows that i'm going to give you something so custom and just for you and not for anybody else this is not a cookie cutter solution that you might get with a bigger firm and she is tapping into something she knows about her client and that's something that you need to do as well and look how she sums it up either you fit the suit or the suit fits you and a big and important client is never going to want to fit the suit they want things made for them they want a bespoke solution and this is wonderful so she only has to overcome one more objection what if i want a whole warehouse full of suits that's a hell of a lot of sewing how's one single tailor gonna get that job done i know your bank's needs in regard to this expansion inside and out having mesa verde as my sole client will take up the entirety of my attention to be sure but if this were beyond my abilities i wouldn't be throwing my hat in the ring i would not waste your time or mine okay so he said what if i need a lot of suits and you can only make me one suit because i have a lot of needs and she said you and this is the magic word you are my sole focus and i would not be putting myself up for this if i didn't think i was up for the challenge and with that she secures the client or so we think there's still one more person to pitch let's see what the bigger firm has to say sorry i was delayed we just sat down kevin wachtel paige novik this is charles mcgill chuck pleasure kevin paige nice to meet you thank you both for coming and don't worry i'm not here to extol the virtues of h.h.m i'm guessing you've already had to suffer through howard's hard sell first time around so you've done your time as far as i'm concerned what hard sell it was enthusiasm i gave them cookies cookies were good as i recall look what he does right here he says i'm not gonna give you the hard sale old wind bag here howard has already done that and that's brilliant because this is exactly what the client's thinking we've already made up our mind we're going to go with kim and you guys are not going to treat us like the way we want to be treated and he immediately tackles that he also knows exactly what the client is thinking and he's going to bring this up front no i'm here to put your minds at ease kim wexler is indeed the right choice to handle mesa verde she's the obvious choice she's young she's brilliant she's going places let's face it howard she's the future two old guys like us we're the past okay of course this is a scripted show so they use the exact same but opposite language he's like if you want the right choice go go with kim she's perfect and he goes on and on to talk about that she's obvious she's young she's brilliant she's smart she's the future and this is exactly what the clients from mesa verde are thinking you guys are old-fashioned but watch this masterful pivot that's coming right up well that's a sad thought sad but true banking law needs to be exciting it needs the next generation to come along and give it a big old kick in the seat of the pants really wake it up let me tell you how boring i am i read fec and iso reports for entertainment he does i can attest to that well i try to stay up on things the rules are changing all the time with everything that's happened with enron and worldcom the government is extra vigilant these days the penalties for even the most honest of errors can be devastating you need a sharp young eye to catch that stuff i mean when you've specialized in this kind of work for decades on end you tend to get kind of stale stale you get stale you forget about things like oh i don't know the community reinvestment act any bank such as mesa verdi looking to open a de novo branch is definitely going to need to show a healthy portfolio of cra compliance duh obviously you guys have all that covered i'm sure regal neal interstate banking and branching efficiency act there's another mouthful huh boring still if you were to run afoul of it it could hold you up in court for years and by the way uh if that were to happen to you folks as you go forward without us which it will not um howard has contacts of the fed who could help sort things out one or two okay so here's what chuck is doing that's so masterful he plants an innocent seed something that potentially the client's thinking and he stretches it to its extreme he says that banking law needs to be exciting it needs to be hip young and fresh and we know he doesn't really believe that and the clients don't believe that either but when you say it out loud it starts to give him cause for concern and he builds upon this and so now he's going to set up the slight little jab and he's going to jab a couple more times before he goes in for the killer hook the ko he brings up the idea of a penalty that even innocent well-meaning well-intentioned people make mistakes and the government is not going to forgive you for that and it's going to cost you in time and money he then says you need a sharp young eye not people with decades of experience because what is it howard and howard says back to him we're stale yeah we are we've we've forgotten things we've forgotten more things that other people have learned in their lifetime he's playing up on his experience now now he's going to really build this and take this thing home and he even says we have contacts at the feds in case something goes wrong we can help you overcome those things that's decades of experience working for them and it tells you how deep their networks are and then there's the sec's interpretation of section 302 of starbucks blah blah blah well navigating that correctly could mean savings of several hundred thousand dollars they know that howard i apologize when you reach your golden years you tend to get a little long-winded ramble on and on about details my point being your bank is in excellent hands even says we're we're in our golden years like we're going to be put out to pastor and we're we're going to ramble on about things like really boring like details so he's saying that this young fresh new energy that kim brings to the table may miss some of these old boring details look i take your point i do but i have to say i have complete confidence in miss wesley you should she was part of our team she learned from us you won't find better than kim wexler but no matter how talented one individual may be the needs of mesa verde are too big to handle alone i wouldn't handle your coming expansion alone which is why you should consider once again enlisting a team of professionals he knows he has one last giant hurdle to overcome this is when the client says to them and and usually clients won't tell you this but in this case since it's the scripted drama client says you know what we're pretty good with kim we're gonna go with her and he goes and you should notice how he doesn't fight then he says and you should she's learned everything from us we trained her as a matter of fact and so this establishes their power structure over kim like we're the masters she's just the student do you want the student or do you want the masters and to finish it up he says this is a big job you're a big important client we have a big enough team you don't want to do this alone glad we did this anytime we are there for you day and night lovely to meet you paige and you thank you look at this when i first watched how kim pitched i thought for sure she wanted but then when you hear chuck pitch for sure he took the prize and of course they won the business from mesa verde they did this by highlighting their strengths but also showing that the smaller firm wasn't the right choice they're playing to their strengths and in subtle ways making the choice obvious by planting doubt in the client's eyes making sure that the client has only one clear choice i thought kim did a masterful job of positioning herself well given her resources but the critical mistake that she made was she didn't think enough about what the other bigger more established firm was going to bring up she did her best you can see that she was clearly outgunned by a seasoned professional who was able to bring up a ton of objections and to be able to speak to them in a way that the client understood and to pivot and plant all these seeds of doubt at the end of the day he realized something the client really wants the safe choice and he's going to present himself as the safest choice so we're experimenting with different types of content tell us what you think did you like this format let us know in the comments below and we'll make more do you have a favorite clip you want me to break down lastly sit down take a moment to write down a list of objections or accusations that a prospective client might bring up put those in the comments below and make sure you bring those up first talking to clients can be difficult but doesn't have to be if you want to be better with clients especially during sales i develop a course called how to negotiate this includes my socratic six six questions that you can ask to overcome almost any objection i want to help you close more jobs so that you can earn more money doing what you love click the link in the description below to find out more
Channel: The Futur
Views: 289,066
Rating: 4.970067 out of 5
Keywords: the futur, how to, strategy, pricing, design, entrepreneurship, business of design, business, mindset, sales technique, perfect pitch, how to pitch, pitch your next client, raise objections first, accusation audit, chris voss, blair enns, be first, killer sales techniques, better call saul, AMC, the best pitch ever, best sales pitch, 8 mile rule, Saul goodman, new business pitch, David vs. Goliath, Never Split The Difference, Win Without Pitching Manifesto
Id: EeBfMUD7j60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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