"Use The POWER OF FASTING To Age In REVERSE TODAY!" | Dave Asprey & Lewis Howes

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if you can learn the skill and it is a skill you practice it's a muscle to forgive the grudges that you carry it will make you live longer set you free yes like i think you gotta have a dream the school of greatness really yeah please welcome what is the fast that works best for you personally at this stage of your life and what is the the type of fast that you think the general population should be considering to improve the quality of their life to live longer and all these things that you talk about if there was an easy answer to that my book would have read like this step one don't eat for a while step two it's good for you here's a bunch of studies so ten years after writing my my first big book and releasing the bulletproof diet people lost a million pounds using intermittent fasting and bulletproof coffee and the other principles in that and it stood the test of time but i've learned a lot and what you find is that there is not an answer for the general population because women are not just smaller men with less muscles and so it varies it also changes on time of life and the most important thing and the thing that motivated me to write the fastest way is that it's not the same every day so i was on a big uh tv show in london that required me to be awake at 2 30 a.m and fully alert with bright lights on and you know being in a studio that next morning was not the time to intermittent fast because i already had enough circadian stress and so the deal is what's the right fast for you today and to give yourself permission to do it differently and you know because you're a pro athlete or you were you on a day when you're just you don't have it and you say i'm going to go lift heavy anyway what would happen to you you might hurt yourself you might strain something you might not have the energy to do the full thing right and then you know you might regret it you might pull a muscle who knows exactly and fasting is the same kind of a thing where you're saying okay you know what did my aura ring tell me this morning about my readiness score so okay if i'm ready to go and i'm totally full of it maybe today is one meal a day and maybe you're going to wake up and say you know in most days i just do a 14 or a 16 hour fast because that's what works really well for me and i usually do a 16 or 18 hour fast today it's around two o'clock i had my first meal and before that i just had some black bulletproof coffee without even the butter and and mct because i didn't have time to put it in there because i was busy and like my metabolism could handle that but when i weighed 300 pounds if i would have tried that i would have been hangry and hypogly and i would not have shown up the way that i expect myself to show up so it's that kindness to yourself that says you know what today i'm going to do this and if it's just not working it's okay to say i only fasted for 12 hours which is the minimum fast that really does anything most people do 12 hours and don't even know it so am i hearing you say that you know just because you say you want to intermittent fast for two weeks or for a month that you shouldn't push the fasting if you went to bed at 2 a.m for some reason if you haven't recovered from your workouts if you're exhausted and you're moody that maybe you sh you should eat breakfast or you should have a smoothie or do something to give you more energy and calories in the morning as opposed to just well well i'm supposed to fast because it's going to make me live longer and and kill off these dead cells or whatever but it may be more harm if you actually don't listen to your body is that what i'm hearing you saying that is exactly right fasting is like exercise and you don't want to overdo it you don't want to under do it and what we fall into as just being humans is what i call the fasting trap and before that there's the keto trap and before that when i was a raw vegan it was the vegan trap and the trap goes like this and i may be more guilty of this than most people when i look back on my life hey this is good i'll just do more of it right and that isn't the thing the right amount is good and many things in life have a u-shape response curve or an inverted u so what that means is if you just do a little bit nothing happens you do the right amount you get tons of benefits and if you do too much the benefits go back down and fasting is a stressor on the body but it's a good stressor unless you already have enough stress so like if your girlfriend broke up with you last night maybe a 24-hour fast today is just really not the thing to do but maybe wallowing in a bucket ice cream isn't the right thing to do either and there's something in the middle there and so when people say how should i fast every day i can tell you for women the recommendations there's a whole chapter just on the studies for women in the book because there are fewer of them it turns out the minimum effective dose is three fasts a week like a monday wednesday friday if you can do 14 or 16 hours you'll get some benefits and you get used to that and say you know what maybe i'm gonna do it five days a week but i tell everyone even and this will make some people mad like have breakfast saturday or sunday don't have you know crazy ridiculous you know ihop but if you wanna have some gluten-free pancakes even it's fine because if you have a flexible metabolism you should be able to handle it and you want your body to know that it is in a land of plenty you don't need all the time but that there's always enough food and if you push your fasts too much too often you get an epigenetic an environmental signal that says hey there's kind of a little bit of a famine going on here and then your body adjusts in a way that isn't good for you so it's the idea time without time with but you still have a sense of abundance in your tissues which is very different than a low calorie diet which just makes you feel like crap and want to punch people that's not good so it's taking it in in cycles let's do i'm gonna do this for two weeks four weeks uh but it's not gonna be years consistently fasting because that may not be as useful to your body long term i think it will be yours most people who practice intermittent fasting and learn how to do it the right way they have more energy in the morning the intermittent fast than when they have breakfast like saturday morning i sit down you know we have a small organic farm so we're gonna have bacon from our own pigs it's the best bacon on the planet i like bacon but i look at myself like man it's only nine i really don't want to eat anything right now because i know that i actually have more energy if i don't eat but i'm going to because i'm doing it for a social thing you know this is family time right and i also know that i'm teaching my body you should be able to handle this right and i do but there's times when i look at i'm just not hungry even though this is a time when most people say i'd be ravenous and it's that freedom from the voice in your head that says if i don't eat lunch i'm going to starve that's that's the reason people do this for a long term in fact one of the studies in fast this way talks about how the average person spends 15 of their thoughts about what their next meal is like maybe we could have that 15 back and do something better with it yeah it's more about optimizing your life and not obsessing over the the brain thinking about what am i going to eat or watching media that's saying eat this fast food and you're constantly saying well what's next what's next as opposed to allowing your brain and your gut to rest for a little bit the brain and gut rest thing is is very interesting because in the history of fasting it's always had spiritual contacts or health contacts and what they do is they say well fast for a couple days and then on the third day you stop caring about food you get a lot of energy and then you can go into this new open spiritual state and there's several things happening there that i never would have imagined to be true back when the idea of skipping breakfast was something that was scary like i don't want to do that the first thing that happens is that when there's food in your stomach even if it's really good food that food is going to take energy to digest so energy that could have gone into thinking or feeling or repairing tissues or whatever it goes into attacking the steak your state and it breaks it down and you absorb it and then you get more energy later but the process of doing that is an energy suck so if you have especially a high sugar high carb even oatmeal kind of breakfast well all of a sudden all the energy that should have gone into your morning goes into your gut and that's not where you wanted it to be and then your blood sugar goes up then when it goes back down the muffin calls to you at 10 a.m and you really want the muffin and then you start expending willpower on the muffin meanwhile your body is spending extra energy digesting so you have less energy for willpower you're probably going to eat the muffin and it doesn't mean you're a bad person it just means that that's biology but the second thing that happens on these longer fasts is that you go into a state of ketosis after about a couple days of not eating anything and ketones provide more electrons to the neurons in your brain than even glucose or sugar or carbs do even though that's what your brain usually eats so all the sudden now you get these people fasting all the energy that would have gone to digestion is going into repairing their tissues and going into their brain and their brain got more energy because it's burning a better fuel and then the body says well if there's no food maybe i should open up my perception and my sensors and i should become more tuned into the world around me so i could find something to eat now right if you say i'm not gonna eat yet i'm gonna use that openness to connect with others i'm gonna use it to connect with myself to go for a walk in nature you're actually in a different state so you get all three of those from a longer fast but the hack that i now have 10 years of experience with is that when you use mct oil during a fast i have very good evidence you stay fasted but you get the ketones that would have been present after a three-day fast and this is why people will say okay i'm going to do the bulletproof coffee thing in the morning which i'm well known for and there's a couple other things going on there biochemically but one of the things is that you just got the third day of fasting feeling the morning you fasted and this is very sustainable i mean there are people who have done this for 10 years now and keep doing it because they're never hungry and just not being hungry is such a relief i know i know when i was a 300 pounder i was always hungry you could have hunger you're always hungry though when you're 300 pounds probably right in the beginning i was never hungry i was always craving i didn't know that ah there you go most people listening probably feel cravings most of the time and craving is when if i don't eat soon a disaster is going to happen like i really need to eat and it's an intense thing but it turns out hunger is i should probably eat some time in the next couple hours for you to perform better but if i didn't i'd be all right i could go till tomorrow if i need to so hunger is a gentle feeling and the intensity of cravings is terrible and what people find when they learn how to intermittent fast in the right ways is that they've eliminated cravings and hunger becomes a gentle presence in your life like oh it's a little bit cold in the room maybe i could turn the thermostat up but if i don't i'll be all right yeah and that calmness and peace that comes from it that was what led me to write the book and what's the biggest mistake you've made in fasting personally in the last 10 years or mistake you've seen from other people who've tried to do fasting that it didn't work out for them it's falling into that fasting trap that says if something's good more is better extremism of it extremism or even just something that worked for a little while assuming it's always going to work i noticed when i started writing about intermittent fasting it's been a big pillar of the bulletproof diet for a long time i think before intermittent fasting was really cool and then people would call me and they'd say especially women i you know i felt amazing i've lost weight i i can't believe this like who would ever thought butter would make me not hungry i love my life but then they call about four weeks five weeks later and say you know what i feel like my sleep quality has gone down what's going on here and then i say well did you follow the advice of cycling in and out of keto and having some carbs sometimes and not you're not pushing it like well no i just felt so good so i just kept doing that one thing which is i didn't need any carbs for long periods of time and then i added this intermittent fasting and then so step one is you lose quality of sleep same amount of sleep lower quality second thing and men usually hit this about a month after women but men and women both get poor quality of sleep women will get their cycle is less regular than it was before so they're going hmm this is weird i don't normally have hormonal issues but i'm feeling it this month more than i do and for guys i'm waking up without a kickstand and the third thing that happens i was watching you process that yeah so you're waking up without a kickstand because you're not having carbs and you're doing the extreme way is that what you're saying well it's because you're over fasting yeah right and so the body's like oh it's a it's a stressful environment i don't really need that biological function very well because there's not enough food it's a famine right and your cortisol levels go up and what happens when cortisol goes up and you keep it elevated because you're not eating often enough is thinning of hair and it happens in women and men so like okay sleep hormones hair in that order is what happens when you over fast interesting and i've gone through times where i definitely went over keto i went through a three-month period where i ate just one serving of broccoli a day just like meat and all and it was all grass-fed and very carnivore-ish although i didn't have zero veggies um and i felt amazing at first but by the end of that it's exactly the same as over-fasting where my i'd wake up 12 times a night but not know that i woke up and my sleep monitoring things that i was and then you can even you know mess with your gut bacteria if you overdo it so the deal is look you skip breakfast and you have lunch around noon or two and sometimes you only have dinner but you mix it up and that's actually how it was in nature but this idea of a rigid fasting schedule and you're going to like muscle through and push through like if you're fading right and like i'm just not i'm not feeling very good eat some food have some broccoli have some vegetables have some salad have some yeah yeah and it's just it's okay and the other the flip side is also true what if you say i'm going to have a 16 hour fast today and noon comes like i am so feeling good like you know i'm going to make this a 20 or a 23 hour fast because i haven't feeling good you have the energy yeah yeah right and like i feel like as an athlete you would know this better than most somebody's go to the gym and you do the prescribed thing other times like i'm gonna put put another set in because i can because like my body's ready if we approach fasting that way really good things happen and i thought it was important i look at everything i do and i mean because we're friends and all you know i do cryotherapy and stem cells and all kinds of crazy stuff right but there's a return on investment for everything you do and it's not based on dollars it's based on energy you spend energy to do something and you get energy back well fasting is like okay you walk into the bank and you don't have an account there and the teller's like oh hi here's some money like but i didn't do anything that's right here's some money and we'll pay you interest on this later today and then two years from now we'll pay you more interest like but i didn't open an account i didn't put any energy into this i was like yeah i'll find that that's all right because with fasting you spent no money and no time and no energy on breakfast so you got paid right now you got free energy and free money and time back and then all morning long you have less hunger and more energy than you did when you had the pop tarts and then you don't get type 2 diabetes and you have more energy and you have to buy smaller pants and like all kinds of good things happen even if you're not perfect with your diet and so this is the one thing that has the highest return on investment because you invest less than you do today and what do you think is the worst food to eat before you start fasting like what's the worst thing you could do where it kind of doesn't matter that you fasted because you just had this this and this you know 16 hours ago a bunch of fried stuff especially like french fries yeah from a restaurant especially because they use such bad oils and what you find from fasting is that sometimes it's effortless and sometimes you're just have gnawing hunger though and the knowing hunger it's your fault it's what you ate before the fast interesting so in fast this way i teach about these six big categories of food that are likely to cause cravings for you and they don't all cause the same intensity of cravings but these are foods that aren't as good as we think they are because we have anything you're going to eat has three things in it and most nutritionists only look at two i'm not picking on nutrition specifically dietitians are even worse i'll pick on them these are the guys who feed you jello with nutrasweet and but there's calories in food and some types of popular wisdom say well eat food with less calories guys calories are energy energy is what you want and to say that you are somehow going to feel really good on a low calorie diet it does not work as a 300 pound guy who's lost way more than 100 pounds i'd say i'm a 200 pound guy now but you you go low calorie you lose 20 pounds gain 30. lose 30 gain 40. it does not work it makes you miserable and it makes you just just cranky so what's the solution what's the solution then well the solution is you actually eat enough calories and you eat the right kinds of calories so well let's assume your food has some energy in it the second thing food has it has nutrients so it has vitamins and minerals and stuff like that this is good now most of the time we stop there and say okay you should eat more of this because it has for some reason people say less calories and other people say more nutrients but the third bucket is what matters the third bucket is anti-nutrients or toxins and it's not like any food is is perfect but some have more or less calories some have more less nutrients and some have more or less anti-nutrients and if you pretend like they don't exist which is how most nutritional stuff is written so eat this because it's packed with this ignoring the fact that you could literally have a bowl of cyanide and if you put some vitamins in it they'd say well it's low calorie it's high in vitamins you should eat that and so i teach people in fast this way look here's the things to look for if you eat that you're probably gonna have a miserable fast with low energy cravings and be cold but if you don't eat that you're gonna have a much easier fast and then you start to realize wait a minute maybe i'm going to choose foods that don't make me hungry as soon as i finish eating them and if you master that even when you're not intermittent fasting you're gonna have lunch and instead of wanting a snack at two i'm actually full until dinner i just don't want to eat so i don't think about eating i don't reach for the cookies yeah so instead of willpower it's just biology it's so much easier that way what would you say would be the top three foods if you could only have three that you would eat before a fast whether 16 hour or 24 hours it would be definitely grass-fed steak there is nothing more satiating than animal fats or butter um this stuff it's full of nutrients as long as it's grass-fed if it's industrial it'll actually give you cravings it's not good to eat industrially raised animals so the idea that meat is good or bad you got to know what meat um how's the animal treated and all that it matters i wish that it didn't matter i wish you could just eat gravel but it doesn't work so this is something that is the most satiating something with a lot of soluble fiber in it you can do broccoli if you want to you can do some some vegetables preferably cooked not all vegetables are going to have the same effect on you so i talk about things like how the nightshade family of vegetables which have been a core part of the bulletproof diet i guess watch out for that if you eat bell peppers you're probably going to feel different than if you eat cabbage in fact you'll feel very different and when i say that most people oh wait i guess that might be true but we've just never thought about it different different in a not feeling as good with the night shades bell peppers are in the deadly nightshade family they're clearly not deadly but they cause inflammation in many people but in others they handle it pretty well right so i'm like watch out for that but for me i would say eat give me some vegetables give me some steak and then the other thing that's going to be really good is anything with fat dark chocolate guacamole things like that a salad with a really heavy dressing with real olive oil not the fake stuff and with some extra mct oil in it and some extra avocados on top so give me the good undamaged fats not a lot of seed oils give me some protein and give me some vegetables you do that and you can cruise all day long but if you say oh instead i'm going to insert some kind of fancy raw kale salad kale gives a lot of people cravings in fact it's not very good for you at all in fact have you ever you know huge kale salad and then being i'm so full i'm so satisfied i'm just bursting with energy i'm not gonna be hungry for four hours no even if you you're covered in bacon it still doesn't work kale has stuff in it that pisses your body off yes it really does and it's just how it is it doesn't taste that good either but even if you like the taste of it it's not particularly a strong health food there you go and how does from all the research that you've done obviously you've tested this for 10 years personally but from the research and the science how does fasting the right way play a role in anti-aging in your life and and other people's lives the number one thing fasting or intermittent fasting regularly will do and remember it doesn't have to be a super long one 14 hours can start 16 hours is good we're not talking heavy duty you know living in a cave kind of stuff and that will stop you from having insulin resistance when you have insulin resistance it means that insulin levels go up and your body can't hear them so they go up higher when your insulin is higher you're all all-cause mortality goes up in other words your chances of dying from every disease you can think of happens what insulin resistance means is that when there's energy in your body your cells are weak enough that they can't make good use of the energy and fasting fixes that problem when sugar goes up in the body it forms something called advanced glycation end products it basically cooks your tissues the way onions brown in a pan and we know this from 30 years of anti-aging research about the effect of excess insulin and sugar in the body fasting will fix that but on top of it there's something called autophagy which is a core part of the recommendations i make which is do whatever it takes to cause your body to turn its protein digestion mechanisms back on you because if it's not busy eating steak and eggs or you know tofu if that's what you're into it'll turn around and go oh there's some extra debris some junk inside the cells outside the cells i can clean that up and if you go a little bit longer it says you know what i've got enough extra enzyme activity here i think i will take out the weak mitochondria these little power plant generators i'll take out the weak ones and replace them with young strong ones and you start upgrading yourself internally because the stuff that would have gone into digesting the food you eat every two hours because that's what someone told you to do in the 70s instead of doing that you're eating the stuff in your body that makes you old and when you control insulin and you control autophagy something very interesting anti-aging wise happens and it's that you actually have younger and more abundant stem cells in your body so intermittent fasting has proven to increase stem cells increases testosterone human growth hormone and a huge swath of anti-aging substances in the body and like it's free yeah it costs less than eating breakfast and what's some of the new research about stem cells or the new developments that have excited you that everyone should know about well i've been pretty public about doing a lot of stem cells i've had my bone marrow taken out twice and you've been trying to convince me to do this for a while i've been considering it i still didn't consider more it'll change your life anyone with old injuries like that i i have just no bodily pain and you you get younger and there's really intriguing research about stem cells making brains work better especially if you've had a traumatic brain injury which i have had and so you you just get younger and i can't tell you that it was stem cells alone that did this i live you know a bulletproof life and all that but i recently measured my brain's response time this is an automatic response time how quickly does the brain respond when a light or a sound comes on so this isn't a conscious thing and my response time is the average response time for a 20 year old the response time goes down with or goes up with age so you get slower and slower as you age so i have a 20 year old's ability to respond to the environment around me which is pretty remarkable and i truly think that the stem cells helped with that there's also things like arterial flexibility where i have the average flexible arteries of a 24 year old when you just compare and i'm twice as old as that louis so something is working i think stem cells are a core part of the anti-aging thing what's happening now though is we're able to pull things that are like stem cells out of the blood instead of out of the marrow and that's a little bit less painful and then i'm more open to that than the whole the sucking out of my bones yeah it's spinning it up you're asleep when you're actually i was awake one time when they did it the second time sorry what's this new what's this new blood drawing stem cell that you're talking about it's still getting regulatory proven all but it's called uh very small stem-like cells but uh i'll show you the video sometime in that i'm laying on the table the doctor has this thing and he hammers it with a hand oh no i can't and it goes every time i see that video it's like it's the worst thing ever man yeah you go through a lot of pain to have uh you know let's the rest of your life it's really weird louis it's almost like hunger like you can look at something as pain or just weird and when i really dug into it like there's the strangest feeling in my skeleton but it wasn't pain it was just so outside the universe of anything you would ever or should ever feel that it your body could say it's pain or it could just be like that's different that's weird yeah so i i can say i've been through much more painful things than that but the idea that that we could have younger and more stem cells by skipping breakfast is a little bit less money and time than that and that's why it's an important practice and what's this uh what's this blood uh what stem cell process then it's not it's not available yet but have you tested it what do you think there's a very few doctors um who are are offering it today and i think it's in a bit of a gray zone from a regulatory perspective so have you tried it very small stem-like cells of course i've tried it how do you how do you feel about it um well i think it's hard to say to compare a versus b there's a lot more studies on getting stem cells from your fat or your marrow there's also people getting stem cells from like placental cords and umbilical cords or placentas and umbilical cords right there i have mixed feelings about that because if you're getting stem cells from eight different people and like how how tested was that and that makes all of my friends who do stem cells that way irritated that i would question it maybe it's perfectly good i know a lot of people do it and love it i just in my mind i'm like what did we test for every little virus in every little bacteria and i i kind of like the idea of growing my own stem cells but that's not legal in the us anymore it was for a while and that was the most effective so crazy it's coming down we're at like year one of of an evolution that's happening kind of like cell phones though the first cell phone is some some guy in la in his mercedes 300d convertible the whole trunk is his cellphone yeah exactly and it was like you know 25 dollars a minute but with stem cells it's come down in price a lot the efficacy is way higher and it's getting better it works better and better every year but it still takes a doctor a lot of time to get the needles in all the right places and understand your joints and but man it's you know a couple hours of relatively minor discomfort but then you're better for decades it's a really big deal lewis and i'll tell you if you fast before you do that procedure you have less insulin resistance you have a working metabolism everything you can do in a hospital whether it's a surgery whether you're getting a car accident whatever everything goes better if you just have a strong metabolism so like what do we all need right now we want more resilience resilience comes from biology the people who are best at taking fat or sugar plus air combining them and getting abundant energy those are the people who live the longest have the best life they have more opportunity for greatness because they simply have more electrons bouncing around in their heads to do stuff with and it could power your immune system it could power whatever you're doing in the world but that's the core of everything i've ever done with bulletproof with all the content how do you make yourself better at making energy and it turns out sometimes not eating is part of the equation yeah and i'm curious you know everyone swears by the the lifestyle slash diet that they live by that works for them people who are vegan swear by it and the ones who are super healthy have lots of energy the ones who are vegetarian i feel like vegans just swear they don't even swear by their diet is that just me who knows yeah i mean they swear by lots of sorry vegans i'm just teasing you guys the the you know the vegetarian diet people who live a vegetarian lifestyle for a long time say that this is best for them people are carnivore diets say it's the best for them keto is there a worst type of diet even though some of these things might work extremely well for particular body types what what is the worst type of diet is the standard american diet and there's three things in it that are just horribly destructive the first one is what sugar sugar sugar's there but i don't think it's as destructive as the other two okay so i'll give them an order from the worst to the the best of the worst right so the number one thing that is wrong with the american diet is seed oils these omega-6 oils and canola corn soybean safflower sunflower all the stuff that's in everything at the restaurant and most packaged foods at the grocery store unless you know buy from the right company it's full of these oils these are the oils that drive insulin resistance your body takes these oils and they're all plant-based oils and it says hmm i'm going to try to construct the outer layer of my mitochondria in my cells these little batteries but i have the wrong ingredients so i'm going to make subpar batteries like if you go to the the knockoff store and you buy the cheap batteries and it lasts a third as long as the good ones that's what happens when you eat a lot of seed oils americans have about 40 times more of that oil in their systems than they should and it gets built into your tissues and that makes you weak is just not good seed oils oils are bad second thing is industrially raised meat it's full of xenoestrogens these are estrogens that make animals fat on one third less calories than normal it's also full of antibiotics and it's destroying the soil of the planet right now it also is depleting farmland when we take and we grow corn and soy and grain and we don't actually put the animal poop back into the soil the way we do on my farm what we're doing is we're sucking all the nutrients out of the soil and we're creating a very very big catastrophe 60 years from now we'll be out of topsoil because we stopped having animals walk around and poop on it the way it works when you're doing a regenerative agriculture kind of thing but worst of all you eat industrial animals they're also full of cortisol and so you do this they mess up your gut bacteria and they're full of glyphosate because it was on the feed and glyphosate disrupts your your gut bacteria your nervous system activity and is tied to cancer so we're getting bad oils oh and those animals because they ate corn and soy they're full of bad oils too so now you're like man the steak tasted good and i had that nice salad dressing that came out of a bottle that was full of crap oils and you think you're being healthy but you're completely wrecking things and this is some of the stuff that i did when i was heavy right and then the third thing would be sugar right you just if you have a ton of sugar it's directly harmful if you do the stuff i'm talking about you can probably have a few grams of sugar and you won't notice that your body can handle it just fine so sugar is not good for you and it is addictive but it is way better to eat sugar than it is to eat corn oil but don't do either one don't eat one yeah have sugar every once in a while yeah but don't eat oil and yeah like if if someone said here's a birthday cake you know it's gluten-free i don't do gluten um and they said i made it with canola oil i'd just be like no right but if they said i made it with sugar and butter i'd be like all right i'm gonna have some and it's that the sugar okay your body can process that and it's gone the other stuff it sticks and it gets in there and you don't want to do it so the worst diet of all is that one with lots of fried stuff and bad oils but the second worst diet for people who think they're being healthy this isn't going to be popular but it is the vegan diet why is that there's two things okay i was a devout raw vegan okay i did this for more than a year i mean i have bowls as big as my head full of kale and blended and mashed and sprouted and i mean i i'm good with rice and beans and everything yeah yeah all that stuff so what happens there is your body doesn't get the essential fats that it needs we are not made out of plant oils and i have i have in my books i talk about the studies that show when you change the type of oil you eat it changes what your body is made of so when you go on a plant-based diet you're getting two things you're getting plant-based oils which are not very compatible with you vegans will get mad at me and say dave we can convert plant omega-3s to the good ones yes it takes 45 grams of bad omega-3s to make one gram of the good ones if your body can do that which it won't be able to do because you're on a plant-based diet and then you get tons of these anti-nutrients from plants that cause cravings when i was raw vegan i was always hungry and i think that that's a very common occurrence and i would say well that's right i'm going to put more coconut oil or eat more you know fresh avocados all these things avocados it didn't matter it's because plants don't want you to eat them and they cover themselves in defense systems that cause cravings so i talk about the five big categories of things that are causing problems with us right now and many plants that are common on a plant-based diet are not very compatible with humans like oh they have these vitamins like yeah they also stick to the stuff that lines the cartilage in your joints and gives you joint pain or they inhibit your ability to absorb zinc and magnesium and iron and things like that and so what happens is you tell yourself you're doing this to be nice to the animals but what you're doing is you're making sure that the animals will go extinct because everyone was vegan we'd have no animals and then two generations later we'd all be extinct because we'd have no animals to make soil because you can't grow carrots without animal poop at the end of the day you can do it for 20 years you can do it for 30 years but eventually you have to build that soil back up so what's happening on a plant-based site is the wrong fats and lots of anti-nutrients and that combination is kryptonite for people and i've had tens of thousands of former vegans go bulletproof and part of the reason i made the bulletproof diet was because i did harm to myself including additional food allergies and worse hypothyroidism as a result of being vegan and in terms of animal cruelty i calculated deaths per calorie from eating a pound of grass-fed steak every day which is a lot you don't need to do that unless you're on the carnivore side of things which there's an argument for that but if you do that and the cow is grass-fed and local unless the cow stepped on a frog you kill less than one animal per year in all of your food but if you eat boxes of processed soy nuggets you disrupted the lives of whatever was going to live on that land and whatever the tractor's killed and so the number of deaths per calorie is way higher for any grain product and any anything other than basically fresh picked vegetables because of habitat destruction and tractor kills and like i asked a monk this in tibet i'm not dogmatic but i want to do what works so i like to minimize suffering buy from a local farmer eat less meat but make it grass-fed and eat very good fats and if you do that you'll never have a craving during a fast and if you don't believe anything i say you can still be plant-based or vegan and you can still be standard american diet dave i like my industrial animals you know go screw yourself just do intermittent fasting and you'll still improve it works for any diet out there and i'm happy to share the knowledge and i've for sure moved a lot of a lot of information there's 3 000 blog posts and stuff like that but what i want people to do is figure out the foods that are compatible with your biology and if you're one of the small percentage of people who's like you know what a vegetarian works for me i know people it really does they eat some eggs they eat some cheese they eat a substantial amount of butter and magically that really works for them and that's okay right but if it doesn't work for you don't tell yourself it's supposed to work so you'll do it even more that's the mistake that i made are you friends with uh some vegans that you've had these conversations with or like rich role or you know anyone like that who i haven't had rich on the show but i would totally do that and i've certainly had conversations with with vegans a lot and there's there's kind of two mindsets there one of them says you're doing it for your health right the evidence does not support that and here's what's really going on and it's intimately tied to fasting there's a compound in the body called mtor and you've probably talked about it on the show before mtor is a signaling molecule that says grow it says you know build muscle you know build tissue and when you eat protein a lot of protein plant plant-based will raise it but animal-based raises it much more so when mtor goes up you put on muscle but chronic elevation of mtor equals cancer right so that's a bit of a problem so one solution say well i'm gonna go plant-based and low protein the problem with that is that mtor gets suppressed but it never goes up so you get frailty like these are the people who break their hips these people have the the vegan-sized pants for men they're like little stick legs right you don't you don't want to be there so what's the solution well don't eat for a while then work out and then eat and what's neat is that mtor is like a spring you can push it down and when it's down it's good except if it never goes up it's not good so when you push it down there's three things that we know of that suppress mtor and this is how you build muscle and how you account for the difference in outcomes from vegans versus carnivores let's say so to suppress mtor fasting does it exercise does it and coffee does it so what you do is eat dinner and stop eating around six don't eat after dinner so you got four hours of fasting before bedtime you sleep for eight hours you just fasted for 12 hours wait another four hours you there you fast you fasted 16 hours you had a late breakfast but before you eat do some squats go lift i mean it can be a very quick workout just something heavy and then you eat and because all three of those things push the mtor down as soon as you eat some protein the body says wahoo and it spikes the m tour much higher and then the exercise has a bigger impact on your tissue so you got more exercise benefits and less time your mtor was briefly elevated because you only ate once that day or twice that day and then it goes back down and it stays down people feel good on a vegan diet because they suppress mtor which is driving chronic inflammation problems you do that forever you never get the muscles and the growth and then you get the anti-nutrients and you get the bad fats so it's okay to be vegan for a week it's probably good for you but then at the end of that week maybe you should go carnivore so cycles are good and i will tell you being all keto all the time is terrible for you being all vegan all the time is terrible for you and i've done both that's why intermittent fasting is so awesome because you can eat both vegetables you can even have white rice you can have carbs you don't have to be in keto and ketosis and all that to do fasting it's cycling in and out so be vegan for a day but just don't be vegan for a year and you'll be fine gotcha yeah i'd love to hear you and a vegan talk about the research and the science on both sides and see you know what comes from that i love having a genuine conversation um where it's born out of health when it when it's a lot of the health stuff like what the health it was it was created by people who went to jail for blowing up research laboratories because they were testing chicken eggs like there were some very strong animal rights people there masquerading as health people but the whole thing about you know erections and vegetables and all that stuff every doctor i know rolled their eyes and was like this is the worst propaganda i've ever seen like like there's no validity game changers or from uh i don't know if you watched that one yeah i definitely watched that with guys with guys having meat and then they had no erections the next morning or something and then the ones with vegetables had all the erections in the world or something the first animal rights propaganda one was uh what the health and when people like oh we don't really care that much about this oh we'll make it a performance enhancer but man if you want to see an athlete get injured make them make them vegan and keep them vegan for a while and they have a lot of muscles there's some athlete there's some athletes who are vegan that seems like they're they say they're healthier they recover faster you know there are so many cases before they were eating meat in the standard american diet right right and what you'll find is uh um who's that famous sprinter who went vegan a while ago um usain bolt he's very master the first year he went vegan because he stopped eating a bunch of crap and after that he was sidelined by injuries every year and never set another record it could be because he was getting older there could be other factors there but first there could be yeah yeah i think it's because he didn't have enough coffee that's my thing yeah i'm always trying to learn you know from every without making one side right or wrong and trying to find the research for every study to see okay well is what are the cases for eating meat quality meat what are the cases for being vegan what are the cases vegetarian because i'm always trying to learn like hey maybe what i'm doing is not optimal so you know liz your curiosity is what makes you uh a fantastic guy like you're always just authentically questioning and there's new studies out that show that curiosity makes you young and stephen culler talks about curiosity as being a component of flow state i'm the same way like i like i said i was a raw vegan i was a devout robbie like i have to have my enzymes never heated above 112 degrees and you know i i was hardcore right so i'm willing to be wrong and i've been wrong sure and i've been really sick and it's gotten to the point now where i talk about the science in all of the the books that i write and i'm more convinced than i've ever been that no matter what we agree or don't agree on about what to eat there's two things one is if you don't eat for a while every day you're going to be better off the second thing is that eat whatever doesn't make you hungrier after you finish eating and you'll be better off so if you are the rare vegan who's like oh i had a full full of beans and squishy whatevers uh and you know i am vibing with energy and i'm not hungry for four hours afterwards i haven't met one yet but there might be one out there but most of them are like snacking on kale chips constantly because they're ravenous all the time so but i i i'm very happy to be proven wrong i hear you there uh and i'm you know it's always learning always exploring what are you eating now uh this this week i'm eating for like cheesecake the last month i was like doing mostly keto and experimenting with that uh and it worked for a while until it didn't yes and then now i was like you know what let me try vegetarian plant-based for this week and so i'm eating vegetarian plant-based and vegetarian's different than vegan though just to be yeah yeah it's true well i'm having a little bit of cheese but yeah so uh and a little eggs but i'm trying to be more uh vegan but i'm having some cheese in a so i guess it's vegetarian but yeah so i'm trying that i'm just trying to explore to see what are the foods make me feel good when i poop to be honest like what makes it feel good when it comes out because if it doesn't feel good when it comes out then i probably shouldn't be eating those foods maybe those are peppers maybe those are whatever night shades or something or a certain type of meat uh and figuring out you know how do i just flow easily effortlessly every time and and optimize the gut is really what i'm looking for which i feel like things are pretty good right now but i'm always looking to improve and test it's a common thing with especially with keto where constipation happens right and the gut bacteria can get really out of whack on a keto diet and this is why i i first went keto in the late 90s was called the atkins diet right and i lost 50 pounds on it the other 50 took 10 years to come off because it's inflammation that's caused by eating the wrong stuff when you're in keto right and then we have the modern renaissance of keto where there still isn't a great focus on here's the right type of protein you get people putting milk protein isolate which is almost a waste product in the u.s you can do into their food saying there is keto because it's a protein and you're like no you're doing it wrong like you you can do better um but here's there's three hacks you can do during a fast that allow your body to stay fasted and don't make you get angry at all and one of those hacks is the one you're looking for so i'm gonna walk your listeners through three things you're allowed to have during a fast and by the way some people get very angry when they say you can have something during a fast those are people who say but the mice in the study only had water like that's because that was all you gave them yeah we wanted people to be high performance and comfortable and i i despised the idea of when i weighed 300 pounds of someone sitting down and saying dave i want you to only have water this morning and you're going to go to work and you're going to show up and you're going to perform and that's without two kids and be focused and yeah i couldn't do it and if i did it would have taken every ounce of willpower and i would have been miserable and i would have been hangry this is not how to teach people to fast and i think it's mean-spirited so it's okay to do things that reduce your hunger and increase your focus during a fast as long as your body's still getting the benefits so here's the three and the third one's going to be right for you first one there is abundant evidence that black coffee during a fast makes the fast work better the new science behind that that didn't exist when i first talked about bulletproof coffee is that the amount of caffeine in two small cups of coffee doubles ketone production even if you eat carbs at night wow so a little bit of a bump go ahead black coffee no butter no mct that's step one right that's just black coffee black coffee okay and that in and of itself doubles ketones got it so that's okay during a fast based on the science not at night but in the morning yeah in the morning yeah of course okay so the second thing well let's talk about why that works because it also explains why the second thing works the reason i have some doesn't have some calories those it wasn't that affect the body in some way with those calories coffee has nominal calories it's it's not very much and it's not that calories are going to disrupt the fast it's raising insulin or raising mtor are what break the fast so any type of carbs any type of sugar anything that raises that yeah carbs sugar or protein are going to break your fast but there's some wiggle room in there and when you have ketones higher it suppresses ghrelin which is the hunger and the cravings hormone and it raises cck which is the fullness hormone that was brought to you by calvin klein and it's cholecystokinin for the the people who are interested in the hard science of it what what you find louis though is that when you manipulate those things the voice in your head telling you to think about food all the time starts to go away and coffee is shown in many many studies to be generally good for you and there's still some people argue about that sorry i just go to pubmed and google coffee in the name of a disease and see what you find and then make your own decision on that sure the the amount of coffee if you're having 10 cups of coffee then it's probably not the best thing for you the studies show that up to five cups a day increases longevity and that really gets slightly better up to five cups in other words four is probably better than three four cups a day is is is it can be caffeinated or decaffeinated but that's the same as i'll show up to five cups a day makes you live wow that's interesting and so i actually do a cup of decaf in the afternoon because i really couldn't do five cups in the morning that would be a little bit too much for me it might be too jittery if you're on the food and you're just having caffeine so you gotta yeah you gotta test this for your body i think for sure you can have one i'm gonna tell you to drink more coffee i'm saying have a cup of coffee in the morning and you'll faster it's going to be easier and if you're feeling like you want something in 10 have a cup of black coffee versus water and you'll have less distractions more focus you'll feel better and you'll probably lose weight faster too so this is like really easy but someone's like well it's not water you can't do it do you know what a hair shirt is hair shirt yeah no these monks many years ago used to weave shirts out of human hair and they'd wear them because they were extra itchy and they wanted to increase their suffering because suffering is a virtue those monks are reincarnated as people who only drink water when they're fasting in the middle of a work day if you want to do water fast for medical reasons on the weekend and rest and relax and reflect that's called a spiritual fast and there's benefits to that right but to try and do that when you're like a mom and you have kids and work and it's not okay unless your body is really in tune for that unless you've slept 10 hours and you're recovered and you're ready for it yeah right so there's our black coffee second hack is one yeah i'm well known for it i'm not trying to sell more bulletproof coffee and i will tell you if you use that mct oil i've been talking about for 10 years i made mct a thing it really wasn't uh wasn't in the world of biohacking if you do that and a little bit of grass-fed butter it doesn't have to be two tablespoons it can be just a small amount it will give you a lot more ketones from the mct and something magic happens when you put butter in coffee we did not know why this was the case but when you blend butter and coffee new research at the university of washington uh donated uh an you know unallocated grant to uw and said could you please look at like water and fat and stuff and gerald pollock has written several books about this who's uh just turned 80. is a biochemist and he said look when you put water next to droplets of butter fat it forms a very thick exclusion zone this is the way the the body normally drink water you put the water near your cell membranes you heat the water and it changes the water into the viscosity level of water that you need to make energy but when you do it in a blender and then you drink it just by having a little bit of fat in the water your body can immediately put that water to work inside mitochondria without having to process it first and that means you can more effectively burn fat or sugar and this is why 15 minutes oh wow i got ketones and i got this water i can use and then poof your brain wakes up that's why you drink it in the morning and you feel the difference that you talked about earlier um so okay so that's a good pass a good hack for fasting but people say well wait why there's calories in there yes but it doesn't raise insulin at all and it doesn't raise mtor at all so you're still getting the benefits of the fast and the third thing this is going to be the magic one for you no one's ever talked about this in the context of fasting that i'm aware of before and it's prebiotic fiber the recommended amount you should get is about 20 or 30 grams a day most people don't get it or if they do get it they're eating tons of whole grains with all the anti-nutrients and irritants in them so it's not good for you so if you put a couple scoops of prebiotic fiber in water coffee or tea it is carbs except your body can't digest it and it goes right into your gut bacteria it feeds the good guys you'll grow more species and more abundance in your gut bacteria and they eat it and in studies they convert prebiotic fiber into short chain fatty acids called butyric acid that is pro-ketogenic and there's dozens of studies that show soluble fiber suppresses hunger and there's many more that show it makes you live longer in fact it's a core part of my anti-aging recommendation wow so there you go so this is is this a powder is this a supplement flavorless powder flavor and yes what's it called probiotic probiotic what fiber prebiotic fiber is what it's called got it and the one i make for bulletproof is called inner fuel i'm not here to sell inner fuel i'll tell you what's in it if you want to do that bulletproof inner fuel though it's all packaged up i did all the research there's three different kinds of fiber in there they're all sap from trees and these are specific things that feed the good guys and they have zero flavor so you can put it in whatever and it's very neutral and it doesn't get all clumpy like a metamucil or like like gunky you can't really tell it's in there so i usually get about 40 to 60 grams of soluble fiber day which is way more than most people and it's going to make sure that everything goes out pretty much no matter what you eat the way you want it to but most importantly it suppresses hunger and it gives you good gut bacteria so louis i quadrupled the number of species of bacteria in my gut with the formula and it's made out of acacia gum larch arabino galactin and hydrolyzed guar gum uh try and spell all those that's why just you can google the ingredients on bulletproof inner fuel if you don't want to buy the stuff but you can just google for prebiotic fiber and there's different companies who make different types of things try this lewis you can put it in there they're still fasting as long as it doesn't have sugar and stuff in there some of them do and that combination there is no one on earth who can drink a bulletproof coffee with 20 or 30 grams of soluble fiber and then look at a donut and want to eat the donut like your body's like it's full but can you do the costing mechanism still works can you do the bulletproof and the powder in it the fiber and it's all in one it tastes fine it tastes just like a latte wow that's the trick some of some of the prebiotic fibers are very flavorful and not that good these are very neutral so i i think you should try that and now people are saying dave that can't be a fast because there was something in there well look at your insulin levels look at your mtor levels look at the mechanistics of fasting and what you realize is wow this taught me to be able to go without breakfast this gave me enough power and then maybe a month from now you go you know what i'll try it without the fiber or i'll try it without the butter or without the mct that's fine but this is going to teach your body to be flexible and you can do it forever and maybe some days when you're feeling really strong i'll just do black coffee and other days you know what i'm a little hungry things are off i'm just going to put everything in there but i'm still going to get my fast man i want that kind of freedom for people that's powerful man are you saying that the best way to do it is if you're going to do anything is only black coffee and then mct and and ghee and the fiber if you need a little extra boost it depends on your biology there are some people who for decades well not decades for a decade have done bulletproof coffee most mornings in fact i think most people feel the most energy when they do that but there will be times like today i didn't do a bulletproof coffee in the morning i just did black coffee because i didn't have time to throw butter and mct in the blender i had a podcast alright i'm just gonna drink my black coffee yeah but my metabolism is so strong it doesn't matter but you're not gonna get to having a strong metabolism if you start out saying i'm gonna do a water only fast or really likely a black coffee fast if you're substantially overweight you haven't tried this before or you've tried stuff and it hasn't worked it's okay to use all three hacks to get out the door it's like going to the track and walking around the track one time right and eventually like i can do it 10 times it doesn't matter right and this is the gap why people have a hard time getting started fasting because it just sucks but you can turn off all the suck with these three hacks and then you dial them back and some of them like the soluble fiber there's an argument for having that every day but see what happens don't have it for a week have it for a week and just play around have it later in the day you don't have to do it the same every way yeah i'm curious uh a couple final questions for you um if you could you're the king of biohacking right you've tried everything uh you know you do it all i'm curious if you could only do personally or recommend five biohacks and that's it to optimize your energy levels to live longer to to uh you know increase your uh immune system to be a happier healthier human being and you can only do five things whether it's where the glass is whether it's get a certain amount of sleep whether it's eat this specific way if you can only share five things that people could be doing to improve the quality of their life from the million things that you've tried what would you say are those five things all right number one is free uh and it's not fasting and i'm gonna start there it's actually forgiveness if you can learn the skill and it is a skill you practice it's a muscle to forgive the grudges that you carry it will make you live longer set you free yes like that's the thing um i do find it's hard to have enough energy to let go of grudges and to do forgiveness if you're tired and hungry all the time that's awesome so turning up your energy makes forgiveness easier and it's a core part of my practicing and if you're listening to this you're going uh whatever no seriously if you're still mad at that whatever you've got to find the practice that's going to let you not have a charge of it because that charge sucks energy that should go to something good so much energy and to add to that i think people not only learning to forgive other people learning to forgive yourself for something you did or you didn't do because i beat myself up for years with shame and guilt and resentment for myself yes other people but for the things that i said did didn't do regretted and holding on to that for yourself that self-inflicted pain is just as horrible in my opinion because it takes the energy and the life from you so i'm so glad you said forgiveness is number one um i'm gonna go on a little bit of a tangent here before we hit the other four fastest way is it tells the story of me fasting in a cave for four days a shaman dropped me off in the desert and here's one of the big reasons i was terrified of not eating i'm terrified of being hungry because i knew that if i was hungry that i would become hangry and i would be a total jerk and i was ashamed of that and i didn't like it when i didn't have enough energy to manage my emotions and to act like the adult that i wanted to act like so i was like if i'm in a cave and i'm by myself and i'm also kind of afraid of being lonely i know i'm eat when i'm lonely um all there's no people there's no food anywhere for 10 miles around i i kind of went on that spiritual journey and that is in the book along with spiritual fasting but learning to to sense that i don't want to act like a jerk but i do and then forgive yourself for making mistakes like that that was a part of what i learned in the cave and that's part of what's in the book so it's important um and i love how honest you are about that too and if you're holding a grudge against yourself so when i do forgiveness it's you forgive the other person you forgive the thing that they did and then you forgive yourself and when you do all three of those in a forgiveness exercise you get a lot more energy and that is a biohack that supersedes all the others that's huge so forgiveness number one number two you've got to sleep well not long but well and yeah i am going to talk about the red glasses it's a patent that i filed called true dark this is one of my companies so i have a bias and all that we're about to release a whole bunch more research about what it does for the brain but you can make yourself sleep better if before you go to bed you dim the lights you block out your bedroom and you block four different frequencies of light that go into your eyes the difference is profound last night i got two hours of deep sleep and change and two hours of rem sleep in seven hours of sleep i couldn't do that until i started wearing the glasses oh my lights you have to do that i gotta start doing i i think i have a pair so i have to start just applying it and and doing it just try it for a week just put them on before bed there's a new one called the sunset that has a little bit of a less dark one i think i sent you the ones for jet lag there's some that are a little bit lighter but still block out the right angle and everything and man it's it's get the new ones yeah whatever you're wearing i'll get the okay true dark it is and um yeah i'm not trying to selling this so i just make companies who build things that i can't buy and that's all that's all i do so um so we got forgiveness we got sleep sleep yep third one movement and the studies are very clear i don't throw a lot of studies on this you need to walk for 20 minutes a day just some kind of movement it doesn't have to be crazy and then once or twice a week you need to do something for 10 minutes that makes you want to cry or throw up so squats push-ups heavy sprints anything like that high intensity you can do more if you want to but you've got to at least move and then once or twice a week push okay so that's three and then the other one that i would highly recommend is tell your body that sometimes it has to be able to go to full power generation very quickly and the easiest way to do that is actually a cold shower or other form of cryotherapy and this is at the end of your shower full cold forehead and chest and it doesn't happen it doesn't have to be on the whole body but just forehead chest kind of right better than it runs down the body but the most important sensors are in your forehead chest got it and you're gonna hate it for the first three days after three days the mitochondria change the levels of cardiolipin and all of a sudden it's not cold it just feels exhilarating but the first three days you'll hate me and it's okay to swear in the shower dave asprey's a jerk and then so that that's um four of them the other biohack if i could only have five would be neurofeedback and at this point louis i've had more than a thousand entrepreneurs come through my neurofeedback program i would say meditation so if neurofeedback isn't accessible to you you can meditate but if you meditate with a lie detector telling you no that didn't work that worked that worked forgiveness becomes easier relaxation becomes easier knowing when you're in fight or flight becomes easier and so if you wanted to have more meditation and less time or make more progress in this life than you otherwise would having something that tells you you're doing a good job that's not you is really helpful because you're always going to tell yourself you did a good job because we all like to hear that even if it's not true so i want an external source to tell me that i'm meditating right and for me it's neurofeedback and my company that does that is called 40 years of zen and that's absolutely changed my life because i learned how to actually do forgiveness at a very deep level whereas before i say oh i forgive that person but you didn't really but to go deep you know what i'm talking about because you've you've done the work yes yes not the fake forgiveness not the service level but the deep yeah forgiveness which is really challenging if you don't know how to practice it and if you haven't done it uh you know you never you never really fully do it until you feel that in a deeper way and it takes practice you know forgiveness takes a lot of time and practice i realized i i said something that could be misinterpreted when i said you've done the work that was the work with a capital w like the work of being a better human being i wasn't trying to imply you've done the stuff that i'm talking about sure sure yeah i'm always doing the work you know i've got a long way to improve and lots to overcome still i have a lot of respect for you lewis because you've i mean you've evolved so much it's uh i appreciate it i appreciate it and got a long way to go uh we're here to improve our lives and and help other people as well just like you're doing it bulletproof and everything you're doing which i want people to get this book make sure you guys check it out powerful book about fasting about burning fat healing inflammation and eating like the high performing human you were meant to be fastest way you can check it out right now you can get an audible you can get it on amazon uh and you can go to your website daveasprey.com to check it out you can go to bulletproof.com and check out other stuff or go to fastthisway.com i've never taught a book lewis there's a two-week fasting training where i teach you you go through a full challenge and it's free i'm not trying to i just want people to learn this because it's it's free you just have to learn it and then you can do it forever you'll live longer you'll be nicer so fastthisway.com sign up my gift check that out you're on social media bulletproof exec on twitter dave.asprey on instagram bulletproof executive on facebook uh where do you hang out the most these days online i'm probably more on instagram how can you become a tick tock guy have you done tick tock yet i am doing tick tock i'm getting heavily involved in it actually i mean my team is actually doing more of it for for me because we have so much content so we're putting it on there are you like doing the dances where you point at stuff i'm not but i i've done a few things and and i know i might actually be doing more this year to test it and see but i like things that are more evergreen and can live for a long time yeah and tick tock might be deleted tomorrow might be gone in a year and so it's trying to figure out how to utilize technology to drive people to something more long form which is you know our podcast or youtube or whatever so it's it's maximizing time and energy four different platforms which you know all about this too there's so many different platforms out there now um but this is amazing and i want people to know uh that we've had dave on a couple times so if you want to hear dave's three truths and his definition of greatness we'll link that up in the show notes on the previous interviews so you can learn more about that uh and see all of his other great content we've had with him on here and how else can we support you in this time uh you know the best thing you can do to support me is learn how to skip breakfast intermittent fasting is meant to be a part of most people's lives at least some of the time and when you do it it is going to meaningfully shift the quality of your life and it's going to lower health care costs it's going to make all of us more resilient humans yeah that's why it's worth it and louis thanks for watching man of course of course man yeah and it's free i had a dr jason fungon who talks about fasting as well and how he's great he's helping people you know kind of reverse type 2 diabetes and prevent it and he's just like just don't eat you know breakfast or just just don't eat for a day and do that every now and then and it's free so i think it's uh the research is proving it all uh you've got some great stuff in here so thank you for this appreciate and acknowledge you for constantly being the human guinea pig and testing the craziest things and figuring out what the practical ways that we can apply these things in our life uh so i appreciate and acknowledge your day for constantly showing up in this way and and creating great work and great products and programs for people to improve so thanks for all you do man you got it we will both help a lot of people figure out how to do things that work better than what they're doing now and uh i recognize you and um come on my show again when you do the next big thing i'm always happy to share your message with my audience and thank you for having me on to share this new knowledge with yours of course my man love it this is powerful if you're looking for more greatness in your life make sure to check out this video right here and also check out our free pdf the three secrets to unlock the power of your mind to help you change your life download it right here when you eat the right foods you can activate all these healing mechanisms in your body by using the plant's defense mechanisms to help you
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 424,569
Rating: 4.8691778 out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation, dave asprey, dave asprey interview, dave asprey speech, dave asprey fast this way, dave asprey bulletproof diet, dave asprey podcast, dave asprey biohacking
Id: C2T7tTiKnNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 59sec (4079 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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