Use CHANNEL POINTS To Control OBS or SLOBS! (feat. Touch Portal)

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one of the things I've done in my stream is I've allowed viewers to use channel points chat messages subs bits to interact with OBS so for example I have a chat command that my moderators can use to change my scene - my game scene for when I forget that I'm still on my just chatting screen or I have a channel point redemption that allows my viewers to punch me in the face you know what it gives me anxiety that's deep it's been a real staple of my channel now I did a video a couple months back on exactly how to do that if you haven't seen it click on the I think TL DR all of this was possible by using a program called Lee horn board and at the time that I made that video that was the only program that I'm aware of that was able to do that but that was forever ago that was like before the apocalypse there's a new competitor now one that's easier to use and one that you might have already heard about so let's talk about that what's up guys is money so let's talk have you heard that murdered a nerd or Die is a place where you can get designs overlays alerts all kinds of cool stuff for your stream and all of your designs are super customizable and really easy to install they even have a really simple system for installing full overlay packages in one click I've also worked with murder diet to give the first twenty of you guys 50% off your total order and all you need to do is go into the description box down below and use the code 9050 at checkout make sure to get in fast because the code is only gonna work for the first 20 customers check out nerd or die and upgrade your stream today I'm watching you but am i blind okay so let's talk about what we're gonna be doing today we are gonna be setting up your stream so that your OBS install reacts every time a viewer uses channel points writes in the chat message spends bits and a whole bunch of other stuff basically if you've watched my Lorne board video and you didn't like that for some reason this is a newer method that you might find easier to use now to do this we're gonna be installing an app for your phone called touch portal now you might be wondering a phone why don't we need a phone you think I'm a millionaire or something we'll get into that a bit later because I do have some thoughts on that we haven't heard of touch portal it's basically it advertised as a replacement for an elgato stream back that you can install either on your phone or your tablet I don't really agree with that marketing but anyway that's a that's a topic for another video the way it works is you can set up buttons on your phone and each of these buttons has a different action so you can have a button for changing your seeing you can have a button for toggling your camera on and off or you can have a button for muting your microphone basically anything you can do in OBS you can set that to be an action on one of the buttons here's the kicker in the last touch portal update they added support for twitch triggers so now each of the buttons you have set up on your phone they can now be activated by twitch chat now some of you might be thinking oh great another thing that just work at stream labs over yes well guess what Brandon this actually supports stream labs OBS yeah those swabs for once how do we set up touch portal so first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna go to either the iPhone App Store or the Google Play Store and download the touch portal app just keep in mind while the app is free you're gonna be limited to a 2 by 4 grid of buttons and a maximum of two pages if you want the full version that allows you to have like a bajillion buttons then you're gonna have to pay the full price which is $13 which in my opinion is well worth it but try it out for yourself first and if you like it then go pay for the pro version you're also gonna need the desktop client which is where you're going to be setting up each of the buttons and it's also gonna be what the app connects to and finally you'll need to install the OBS web sockets plugin which allows the desktop client to communicate with OBS so that it can take control over it I've linked everything you need to download in the description box down below but I'm not gonna go through step-by-step on how to install everything because frankly it's been done a million times before on YouTube so if you are having trouble I will also link the touch portal discord in the description there are loads of people willing to help you out there but the app does have pretty good setup wizard' so it should be pretty straightforward so assuming you are able to get everything working first thing is to open up the desktop client now when you open up the client you're gonna see what looks like a phone with a 2 by 4 grid of buttons now the reason it looks like a phone is if you pull up the touch portal app on your phone what you see in the desktop client represents what you see in your phone by default 6 buttons are already pre-configured for you you got some buttons set up for starting a stream starting your recording meeting your microphone and a bunch of other stuff the first thing I recommend doing is pulling out your phone and testing that each of the buttons actually works so take your phone out push each other's buttons but but don't press the start streaming button okay because like just one time I did that you know streaming for like five minutes and then people like came in the channel like the hell are you doing bro once you've confirmed that the buttons are working you probably want to set up your own commands so click on an empty icon and then this page will pop up and basically this page is where you're going to script all your commands that happen when you push that button on your phone on the left pane you'll see a list of actions and an action is basically a thing that you're telling portal to do so if you add an OBS action to set seam then when you push that button it's going to change the scene in OBS and actually if you click on that action it will appear in the middle pane under the on press tab essentially what we want to happen is we want to list out all of the commands that we want to happen in this middle pane so let's set up a super simple command we're just gonna use a set scene action and then we're gonna use this button to change our scene to our game scene you can add as many actions as you want but we're just gonna keep it really simple for now and then make sure in the right pane you set a label for the buttons so that you know what the button does and then optionally you can also change the icon for the button and actually if you don't set either of these and if the button just doesn't exist for some reason even if you save it so make sure you do that because touch portal doesn't do it for you I wish it did but it doesn't which is cool I guess anyway click Save and then on your phone if the icon doesn't automatically appear just click the refresh button and then just tap on the button to make sure that it works now this is great at all but you still have to manually push the button with your hand and we don't want that we want our viewers to activate the button for us so how are we gonna do that what we're gonna invite viewers for a house and then like get them to push the buttons for us know what kind of horrible suggestion is that branded we're going to connect our twitch account to touch portal and the way to do that is to go into the settings go into twitch and then there will be two fields there for access token and chat token make sure to fill in both of these fields by clicking the connect and the request buttons and just copy and pasting the token into those fields then click Save and then restart touch portal now it's not gonna give you a prompt to do this but trust me this took me like an hour to figure out so let me just save you some time you have to restart touch portal now or else it's not gonna take effect once touch portal opens up again go back to the button that we were just setting up and then in the actions pane you'll see some of the actions there have a green label that say events specifically under the twitch group you're gonna see events there for new subs for Channel points for chat messages and for bits click on any one of these events and then it will appear in the middle pane under the on events tab what we want is for this change scene action to fire off anytime someone in chat writes a message and we're gonna do that by adding an on chat message event let's just set it to fire off anytime someone in chat leaves a message that's equal to I don't know something like something like Harambee then we're gonna go back to our on press tab copy that action go back to our on event tab paste that action and just make sure that that change scene action sits within that green event so if you've done it right you can save the button and then now if you go to twitch chat and type in Harambee then it should change your scene for you okay so what about channel points this time we're gonna do something a little bit more fun let's recreate the classic punch me in the face channel point reward so what we've added to OBS is a green screen video file of me punching myself in the face I've added this as a media source in OBS so that anytime you enable this source it plays that video file and then when you turn it off and turn on again it just plays it again so that means all we have to do in touch portal is add an action to enable that video file and then add a delay to wait for that video file to finish playing then add another source visibility action to turn that video file off then we just need to add an on channel Points redeemed event it's going to ask you to put in an ID so that ID needs to match the exact name of your channel point reward if you don't know that is go into your twitch dashboard go into community channel points and then manage rewards and challenges then add a new custom reward now you can put whatever you want but whatever you put in the reward name that needs to go into touch portal once we have the event set up make sure to copy all of those actions that we set up earlier and then put it into that channel point event that's all in green and then save it and then by the way don't forget put a label for your button before you save it and then BAM you can go to your twitch chat and test your brand new channel point reward to punch you in the face so that's basically it but I do want to leave you guys with a few notes because I know some of you guys are gonna be thinking okay now there's two ways to use channel points there's touch portal and there's lioran board now which one do I go with me personally for the time being I'm going to be sticking with Lauryn board and let me tell you why right now touch portal requires you to be running the mobile app for Channel points to work but not only that if you have multiple pages set up in touch portal you're not on the page that has that button setup with the channel point roared the channel point just doesn't work and that's super frustrating because not only do you have to have your phone running at all times but you can't even hide the buttons away in a folder you have to have them showing all the time I've spoken to the developers and they've told me explicitly that in the future this will not be a requirement but just know that for now you have to have everything on one page other things to note are that touch portal still doesn't support hosts and raids it doesn't support follow events and it doesn't support different tiers for subs so someone subs would like at tier 3 sub you can't have a separate reward for that you also can't make chat message events activate for mods only or subs only so any chat message event you have set up literally anybody can go for it and they'll just spam the hell out of it I imagine all these features will eventually come to touch portal it's very new I like the way that touch portal is going but just be aware that it doesn't have any of these features yet the only other thing that I think touch portal really needs is some kind of cue system so for example if someone spans that punch me in the face reward repeatedly which let's face it people do that a lot it's not gonna play one after the other it's kind of just gonna play as soon as it recognizes the event so if two people activate it at the same time it's only gonna play once so I'd like to see them fix to that issue anyway this video has been way too long so I'm just gonna end the video super abruptly so join the discord and watch me on Twitch I string four nights a week and yeah see you guys next week by the way I've been wearing my merch for the whole video but then the microphone was covering it up so you didn't even see it so I don't even know what the point of me wearing this is [Music] [Music]
Channel: nutty
Views: 81,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e1R_tC8Shgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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