US vs India Domino’s Pizza | Food Wars | Food Insider

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from calorie count to portion sizes we wanted to find out all the differences between dominoes in india and the us this is food wars here in india our domino's pizzas come in three sizes our domino's pizza comes in four sizes the small eight inches with four slices the small ten inch which is six slices the medium 10 inches with six slices the medium 12 inches which is eight slices and the large 12 inches with eight slices the large 14 inch which is i don't know four eight nine ten 16 slices because i don't know why they cut it this way i didn't ask them to so and the extra large 16 inches or six slices unfortunately our large margherita pizza only comes in one crust option which is the hand tossed you don't get it in pan or in cheese burst or any other kind so i am going to weigh one slice of large margarita hand tossed pizza to see how much it weighs 93 grams and i will weigh a slice of our hand tossed and our pan to compare the weight please note that our mediums are the same size as their larges that's pretty insane yeah i'm not surprised by that at all buddy hand tossed one random slice is 79 grams a slice a pan same surface size we'll say but obviously a lot thicker like wait i mean come on 139 grams so that's a little less than double this is a large domino's margherita pizza it's also known as the plain or cheese in the u.s this is 12 inches long it costs 419 rupees or 5.55 us dollars at current conversion rates so the total surface area of this pizza is 729.7 centimeters square which means it costs 0.76 cents per square centimeter of this pizza take our large 14 inch pizza which is 13.99 or 1056 indian rupee with an area of 993 squared centimeters just like these slices are squared i totally did that on purpose that's 1.4 cents per square centimeter that means the indian pizza is 45 cheaper than the american version this is everything you'll get on a menu at domino's india that you will not get in america a little skyscrapers you guys have actual skyscrapers we have domino's pizza box skyscrapers here's everything at the us dominoes you can't get in india we have five it's done we have five different crust options we have pan then you have wheat thin crust cheese burst is there supposed to be cheese in here oh [Music] there is cheese in here for sure then we have hand tossed and we have something called new hand tossed maybe somebody else's hands were used to make this one in the u.s our domino's has five crust options this one right here gluten free but you can only get that as a small pizza next over here hand tossed over here the much thicker pan that's medium only this guy in the middle here is the crunchy thin which i just found out five seconds ago they also cut in squares didn't know that last and certainly not least this is the brooklyn style they're thin slices but you only get this in the large and the extra large hell yeah that looks so good just by looking at them i can tell that the hand tossed is slightly thinner new hand tossed it's a little firmer as a crust i would opt for the regular hand toss pizza finally just for fun the cheese burst that is such a guilty pleasure so i thought this was cheese burst in the sense that just the outer ring of crust had cheese the entire pizza base is cheese burst all right here is our range of vegetarian pizzas here in india to keep with the religious sentiments of both hindus and muslims who are a majority in our country we avoid using beef and pork in most fast food restaurants but what that means is that we get a lot of delicious you know vegetarian options number one mexican green wave i will say the colors on this pizza definitely look like the mexican flag jalapenos some tomatoes onion cheese next up we have veggie paradise wow imagine calling an entire pizza of paradise red peppers capsicum olives corn and cheese you guys in the comments let me know does this look like paradise to you i'm not in the comments but i'll tell you right now it absolutely does not it's funny their veggie paradise is my pizza hell next up deluxe veggie mushrooms paneer corn capsicum and onion [Music] i typically don't like when there's too much on my pizza but the things here really complement each other pretty good but again there's so much going on in this it's truly a deluxe pizza next up we have peppy paneer how fun red peppers capsicum and paneer if you are wondering what paneer is it's basically cottage cheese and we love our paneer okay next up we have paneer makhani if you're wondering what makhani means it's a paneer version of butter chicken if you're wondering what butter chicken is friend you need a culinary education [Music] would i ever want paneer makhani on a pizza maybe not i don't like it next up we have cheese and corn it's got cheese got corn and finally indi paneer tandoori pizza tandoor is basically an oven we use here it's cylindrical we use wood fire and coal in it to sort of give the meat and bread some chaat to it and indi well this pizza has just not hit mainstream yet oh that is spicy and a half if you can't take heat avoid this one my favorite so far none of them i will order a non-veg pizza wow india has a lot more vegetarian options than we do and good for them i personally don't want any of that we do have two of our own exclusive veggie options this here is the pacific veggie and over here we have the spinach and feta i don't want to try either of these do i have to it's a wasting valuable stomach space you know like it's only so big all this awesome domino's food here you think i want any of this in my stomach who cares all right fine what's it like feta cheese on it this isn't so bad non-vegetarian pizzas number one we have the pepper barbecue doesn't look like it has any vegetables just a bunch of chicken pieces and with a nice smoky barbecue flavor but you can choose a pepper barbecue chicken with onion that is a great combination chicken sausage quite quite sausagey for sure the next pizza is what i believe to be the best pizza you can order from domino's india the chicken golden delight what a delightful name this is one of the oldest pizzas that's been there on the domino's india menu it's got nice sweet corn it's got some jalapenos in there and some delicious delightful chicken next we have the dominator which seems to have every single meat topping option on the menu my god consider me dominated i don't think i don't think he knows what that means wow we're learning a lot about nikhil today aren't we whatever you do my man and next we have chicken fiesta it's got some tandoori chicken pieces some capsicum onion nice simple flavors you can't go wrong with this one and finally indie chicken tikka which is just the chicken version of that paneer pizza i had and that one just burnt my lips so steer clear of this one if you can't handle spice but if you do this is the one you should get actually some of those look pretty good i'm very impressed now here in the u.s every pizza that has beef on it is an exclusive and we also got some chicken ones let's do this i am starving all the way over here this is the extravaganza which looks to have a bunch of veggies mushrooms and pepperoni thank you yeah this is the meatzza two capital z's i'm seeing pepperoni ham sausage possibly hamburger all the meats hell yeah let's go [Music] um i can maybe do one bite of that we're next turn a sweat next we got the hawaiian pizza mmm a plus on this one definitely very good cali chicken bacon ranch you see it looks like it has uh sun-dried tomatoes bacon i'm assuming and chicken white sauce little flimsy guys this is the brooklyn style so i don't know why it's california oh yeah no white soft buffalo chicken pizza i mean they drizzled it on there right you see that just drizzled this one's like surprisingly very good the ultimate pepperoni not just any pepperoni pizza the ultimate pepperoni oh yeah well it's covered in pepperoni who is right oh yeah put me in a pepperoni coma oh yeah oh the deluxe deluxe is just that a little bit everything black olives sausage peppers ham probably bacon you put black olives on anything it just tastes like black olives ooh memphis bbq i am pro barbecue sauce on pizza it looks like a chicken here too yeah onions mmm yeah oh man that barbecue sauce that's really nice wisconsin six cheese there's no way there's six cheeses here i don't think i can name six cheeses we have mozzarella cheddar asiago is american that kind of cheese did i say cheddar yet blue i don't know next up if all of those non-veg pizzas aren't enough for you they have an entire section called chicken lovers and they have these four pizzas that look absolutely insane they're more topping than pizza at this point this one is called the chicken five feast so they have chicken pepperoni chicken tikka chicken meatballs there is so much going on over there i like it but it feels like a drug a pizza drug next up we have the spicy double chicken it has two different types of chicken pepper chicken and tandoori chicken and i assume it would be spicy and i'm gonna take domino's word for it and then we have chicken maximus which sounds like a roman emperor who is also a coward they have chicken sausage chicken tikka just a lot of chicken just a lot of chicken that's that's what this has like oh my god can i just weigh this it feels like a a small baby i'm holding a small baby 504 grams for a medium pizza and finally we have what appears to be the king of all of these chicken lover pizzas it's an indo fusion max it sounds like i don't know some sort of detergent but uh dude you can't even tell what like what number of ingredients is on this i can't even see the pizza at this point oh my god i feel like a new man you have to order this once in your life it gives me deep displeasure to announce that domino's india has decided to create these monstrosities called pizza burgers is a burger supposed to make this noise in bangalore where i'm from if something bad happens to you your friend will say you got a bun and this is the one they're talking about they have three flavors classic veg premium veg and classic non-veg oh man no it's just veggies and so is that cheese no no no no no you know what i thought this would be bad and it's worse it's much worse it's not a burger like nothing about this is a burger except for the bun this might be the worst thing i've eaten on food water so far okay we did kind of the same thing only we call them sandwiches i've never gotten one of these outside of food wars i'm just gonna pick this one right here it looks like it is a chicken habanero you wanna ever wanna get bummed out no philly cheesesteak listen up philadelphia domino's wants to make you guys proud philadelphia why are you not rioting right now and the domino's headquarters whatever it is because this is just insulting oh no remember the mediterranean veggie here it is in sandwich form also has banana peppers on it oh here we go chicken bacon ranch love that combination oh no you look at this look at this this is just too much this one i just labeled sandwich i didn't know which one it was what the look at this what is this is this a buffalo chicken no on this one guys buffalo let us know in the chat how insulted you are by this both residents of buffalo and buffalo the animals uh italian they didn't skip by the pepperoni gotta give him credit for that one the chicken parm sandwich [Music] surprisingly bland they're not terrible but i mean why get this instead of pizza continuing the list of exclusive abominations we have a string of pastas but also pasta pizzas which look um fascinating here in domino's india we use fusilli pasta fusilli being the whole helix dna strand of pastas we have creamy tomato wedge non-veg and we have moroccan spice wedge and non-veg and to accompany these i'm sure delicious pastas we have pasta pizzas in the same flavors wow just really inventive stuff going on over here this is the moroccan spice vegetarian pasta pizza here we go they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine [Music] it sent a shiver down my spine it's so bad how many different types of carbs are in this my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined okay i'm gonna try one pasta just in case it's good let's mix it up this one has some tomato sauce in it this is bad we here in the us have our pasta options that come in penny noodles these type of noodle guys is that a good shot of a penny noodle you can get it in pasta primavera chicken carbonara chicken alfredo italian sausage marinara again i'm not i don't know why you're getting pasta a pizza place i like it just fine is this the best pasta you can get in your neighborhood most certainly not now on to chicken wings we have three flavors tomato chili sauce peri peri and boneless berry perry i'm gonna try the peri-peri wings just to see how they stack up they're all right this is your standard run-of-the-mill chicken wings in a country filled with millions of flavors i can't believe we're still doing these same standard flavors like peri peri barbecue and ranch where is my chicken 65 my chicken moliga pudi my chicken ghee roast oh chicken girls dominoes if you do chicken ghiro's wings i think you're going to get a lot more people wings in the u.s we got them too here's three flavors that we have here in the u.s honey barbecue sweet mango habanero and garlic parmesan dominos if you're watching you need to effective immediately stop doing this i don't know who in your organization said you know what we should do instead of tossing it in the sauce you know how everyone expects their wings to come we'll just put on here and drizzle look at this look at this mess toss it toss the wings toss in the sauce toss it in the sauce that's how everyone does this how's supposed to be done next up exclusive sides number one cheese pops tater tots as you call them we have fries and they're crinkle cut that's unique not a lot of restaurants here in india do this they have been flavored with a bunch of stuff though so i think they've used their oregano and chili flakes over here they have here a veg parcel it's like a little puff with the same you know paneer pieces over here then they have what they call tacos there's a vegetarian version with some simple veg cutlets and they have a non-vegetarian version with a slab of chicken i do not expect that i am speechless at the level of quality these sides have compared to the pizzas then you have a chicken parcel and finally they have little meatballs of chicken with peri-peri dust on top of them this is literally just one of their pizza toppings that they're selling as a side yes india has breadsticks and stuffy cheesy bread but they don't have garlic ones but we got those we also have these parmesan twists look at these twisty guys and for stuffed cheesy bread you can get it as spinach and feta or bacon and jalapeno dips this i don't know what they just were like how can we give people pizza without bread behold this it is a dish of cheese and marinara sauce they're calling them dips cheesy marinara and the five cheese come on look at that look at that oil you see that right there exclusive sauces at the us dominoes you know what that means sauce tall here you can get these exclusive sauces in the u.s can't get them in india we got hot buffalo sweet mango habanero honey barbecue ranch ooh blue cheese for the wings right and garlic yeah it says ranch they gave us two ranches instead of a ranch and a garlic and marinara they're like generous in the marinara that's a big one we have two separate dips over here in domino's india we have a cheesy dip and we have a cheesy jalapeno dip cheesy dip ooh oh that tastes good okay cheesy jalapeno dip really yum something about this tastes spoiled is this pasta's expiry date it feels like curdled milk go with the cheesy jalapeno dip for sure it's time for desserts dessert we just have one dessert here in domino's india but it's a banger this is a choco lava cake you heat it up and boom gooey lava goodness oh wow this fixed everything that was wrong with the menu of dominoes up until now just eating this is so comforting i can feel those memories of the pasta and the burger and that ridiculousness that they served slowly disappearing from my head like like thoughts from dumbledore's head when he's near the pencil hey india check out these desserts we got you can't have them uh over here we have a marbled cookie brownie and go for brownie right [Music] what the hell dude these are great oh my god it's cookie dough and brownie what a great idea miss tips i don't know who i don't know who in your organization said let's do dips but you need to let that person go it's like chunky applesauce and cinnamon twists now it's time for drinks yet again it's pepsico winning over here we have pepsi we have 7up and mirinda unlike a lot of other restaurants domino's is yet to switch from plastic pet bottles to something like cans or reusable cups drinks you get in the us can't get in india and said the uk jesus i'm cracking up coke diet coke fanta orange the doctor sprite dasani water i'm taking the dr pepper time for calories our large hand toss margarita pizza has 256.4 calories per slice so that means the full pizza is 2051.5 calories which is over twice your daily recommended protein intake and 172.5 percent your daily sodium intake our large cheese pizza is 2 240 calories that's a 9.19 increase from india's cheese pizza look i screwed up i needed a thin crust for the crust section of this video and i just randomly made it this large just understand that maybe victoria can you do me a favor and take this pizza here and just like put it right there like can you just do that in post please next up one slice of a large deluxe veg pizza is 220.5 calories and so the entire pizza is 1764 calories this is our large pacific veggie veggie pizza and it is 310 calories per slice which makes the full pizza 2 480 calories that's a 40 calorie increase in the us and oof get a load of that sodium over 200 percent your daily amount at domino's india our highest calorific pizza is the chicken dominatrix chicken dominator the chicken dominator dominating the calories i guess one slice will cost you 399 calories and the entire pizza is a whopping 3192 calories which is 159.6 of your recommended daily intake please steer clear from eating an entire chicken dominator our us dominance pizza with most calories is this the cali chicken bacon ranch one xl brooklyn slice of this it's 560 calories that makes the full pie 3 360 calories that's 168 percent your daily recommended calorie amount it's worth it it's delicious go get a slice tell him joe from food worth sent to you they'll have no idea what you're talking about all right thank you domino's india that was delicious um god bless me for eating all of that but god bless you for continuing to make some of india's favorite pizzas i am questioning the whole pasta and burger thing though and i hope you do too
Channel: Insider Food
Views: 4,353,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INSIDER, FOOD INSIDER, food wars, us vs india, united states, india, dominos, dominos pizza, portion, calorie, vegetarian, meat, chicken, veggies, pasta, burger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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