US vs UK Dominos | Foreign Exchange | Food Wars

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a Brit and an American swap countries to try each other's dominoes this is food world we're going to start by comparing a menu item you can find in both the US and the UK to see if there are subtle differences this is a U.S large cheese pizza this is their largest size feels like it's a little bit bigger than our medium in terms of visual Impressions it looks pretty similar to a cheese pizza that I find in the UK this is the large not the extra large and honestly it looks pretty much like the size that I would expect from a large pizza in the UK otherwise it looks pretty similar in terms of the crust obviously a lot of cheese on that you get these little like spots where the cheese kind of caramelizes on top yeah pretty much like what I'm used to in the UK uh seems pretty close actually I can definitely tell this is uh mozzarella cheese in that whatever weird pizza cheese we have in the U.S so um yeah this is like it's like a cleaner taste I like this this is good give it a try I don't know how to Domino's in ages it's also looking like there's a pretty high cheese to Sauce ratio on that I feel like if you look at the kind of cross section it's a lot of cheese and not a ton of sauce that's really not that bad I have had some New York slices while I've been here and it's kind of comparable to one of those I feel like I might offend some New Yorkers by saying that there's a lot of like tuts happening around the room right now what I mean by that is uh I think like in terms of the way that the cheese and the sauce Blends together there's like less of a distinction between the cheese and the sauce it kind of just all forms one mass and in that regard I feel like it's similar to a New York size there are some differences though the crust on this is like way less crispy than I have come to associate with the New York slice there's also maybe not quite as much flavor as some of the slices that I've tried ah here's all the UK Domino's menu items I can't get in the U.S and here are all the Domino's menu items from the US which you can't find in the UK you guys have exclusive dough options I don't know about this one guys the double decadence you got like a double layer uh crust with like a garlicky cheese in the in the middle there here in the UK a garlic an herb stuffed crust pizza this this one also looks terrible then a crispy crust this has to be half price or you're getting ripped off what is this crust what's Italian style yeah it's like not instant but it's still thinner so man you guys really get specific with the thickness of your crust I really want to dial that in huh yeah this I'd be like in America this would be the thin crust this would be like yeah I got that I got the thin one right and then this would be like people just rioting Domino's in the US has crust options which we don't have in the UK we'll start with this one which is the pan crust I mean it looks pretty good it is obviously much thicker than the standard hand tossed slice was you do get that kind of like pan crust bottom there as well I like that you get more source and more distinct areas of sauce on this than the standard size I think often for me like the sauce is kind of the star of the show especially when it's a fast food pizza and the cheese generally doesn't have that much flavor to it I will say I was expecting it to be crispier on the bottom when you see the kind of like the cook marks on the bottom I was expecting that to be a nice solid crust but it is kind of squidgy not too bad let me try a little bit of crust slightly crisper on the edge next up we've got the Brooklyn crust now I've already made comparisons to New York slices which have drawn some criticism from the room but this is supposed to mimic a New York slice as I now know from a New York slice generally you're talking low moisture mozzarella the sauce and that kind of mixture of like crispy but a little bit floppy on the crust which kind of this is doing to be honest so it sort of looks like a New York slice but does it taste like one no no it doesn't I'm sorry to uh the great state of New York for what Domino's has done to your pizzas and then finally Domino's in the US does a gluten-free base I don't know what they've done to this gluten-free base they've cut it so weirdly can you see the cross sections on this I think maybe they were trying to do it into squares but have just completely messed up the angle so now you get these like weird kind of diamond shaped slice in the middle some like tiny triangle ones on the sides I don't know oh man right oh man no that's bad well they've done that yeah that's uh that's a Miss I feel like if I were gluten-free I think I might just skip Domino's all right let's go through these pizzas veggie volcano veggies and jalapenos making it volcanoe let's go spice it up nope a little good off to a good start the next veggie the veg Aroma this one has like a lot of seasoning on it no so here we got the this is spicy our hot and spicy not that spicy I mean I'm seeing the jalapenos in here that other one the volcano one was spicier and Dory hot okay I am excited for this I'm for real there's no tandoori chicken pizza in the U.S yeah that's good that's good let's go compared to other tandoori chicken this probably is like uh not even remotely good but on the pizza yeah that's a cool that's like a that's a nice flavor profile combination they got there yeah good on it for that one good job so here are all the Domino's pre-made pizzas I can get in the U.S which you can't find in the UK on like a sort of visual level these look a lot busier than I would expect a pizza in the UK to look like these things are topped so we'll start with this one which is the Philly cheese steak Pizza Philly cheesesteak an iconic American food I've never really had a proper American Philly cheesesteak before this is my introduction to them which I'm sure the people of Philly will be thrilled to hear it's very creamy and I think the texture of the American cheese is a bit like claggy in the mouth I don't love the peppers I feel like the peppers are kind of overpowering it a lot they've been really generous with the peppers and not super generous with the steak I feel like if you flipped the ratio of those toppings this would be okay next up we have the Wisconsin six cheese okay so this is a very cheesy pizza I'm told Wisconsin is known for its Dairy and I suppose it's cheese production they've actually been quite generous with the sauce under the cheese which I like because you need it to like cut through all of that Dairy okay the r veggie Supreme oh no corn and pizza no [Music] oh God I can really taste the corn meat delicious guys come on oh no I'm realizing something I do not have a taste for UK sausage whatever we've been getting for these shoots I think because your guys's pork and beef but like the way you're spicing it there's something about it I get it why you guys would like and you grew up eating it we'll get well good guy hairy sausage when it comes to the US and you'll see what I mean maybe that maybe it's a different type of sausage we just name it something different but this sausage you guys have is weird oh yeah Texas I see the barbecue besides that why else is this Texas I see chicken I see a few sparse slices of bacon or ham yeah all this stuff is in Texas this does not represent the state of Texas in any way next up we have the Extravaganza this one I think is probably the most chaotic in terms of toppings what have we even got on here I'm seeing ham pepperoni sausage mushrooms peppers onions and black olives and I feel like I still might have missed some things I feel like I'm being overloaded right now you think you've kind of like identified what the flavor of it is and then you bite down on something else and then suddenly you're tasting something completely different next up is the Memphis Barbecue pizza now this one has the barbecue sauce base I believe it does have provolone as well as mozzarella on it which might explain some of the extra cheesiness and then you have some onions and the grilled chicken cool I know it is a sweet barbecue sauce technically and they are not kidding when they say that because this is a very very sweet very very sweet barbecue sauce and I think that does kind of overpower anything else that's going on TC Mighty meat okay oh yeah this guy again this has to be half price are you getting ripped off this thing it's a cheeseburger pizza the cheeseburger US Pizza I did really like what is burger sauce is on here yeah I like this good I'm eating them on the pickles ladies and gentlemen the absolute banger [Music] why is it what is absolutely banging about this okay one two three just bring it all to the front guys one bite I don't know if it's really Banger next up we have the Deluxe pizza this looks like a slightly less chaotic version of the Extravaganza there's still like a lot of toppings on here but not quite so many it's not like pile high like the Extravaganza was so if it tastes any less chaotic than it's uh slightly more packed out cousin what I'm realizing is I don't really like peppers on Pizza I feel like it's quite a strong flavor and when you get a fast food pizza specifically where most of the toppings and the cheese and the sauce don't really offer that much in terms of taste I feel like you have to be quite careful with your flavor balance and peppers are kind of throwing that off for me next up we have the Cali chicken bacon ranch so this one has chicken bacon diced tomatoes I believe our old friend provolone is back again and of course there is ranch on this pizza you can see the ranch so it's basically the ranch in lieu of tomato sauce on the bottom I still think I just prefer tomato sauce on a pizza I don't think I will be swapping out my pizza sauce for ranch anytime soon at home good Lord guys no I'm gonna try meatball could someone intelligent in the comments explain different U.S sausage and meatballs and UK sausage and meatballs it's just it's notably different oh the meteor too much too much veggies Sizzler or spicy Switzerland now this is weird to say this but is it unfair or cheating to the market something is being really sizzling and spicy if all you're doing is dumping jalapenos on it right I don't think they did anything to like it's not like a spicy sauce didn't add like any other spices to it from what I can tell it's just loaded with jalapenos which is like well right but a little more effort than that guys New Yorker what I feel like I've seen this before no in the past five minutes [Music] next up is the spinach feta Pizza I think I'll stick to my spanakopita instead of uh my spinach from feta Pizza this is the buffalo chicken pizza we have chicken onions and quite a lot of buffalo sauce that's barely even a pizza I don't know if you can call that pizza oh no it's the breakfast bricky or the brekkie oh look what I did to the fox mushrooms the sausage ham tomatoes and HP Sauce I think I think people would get this as a novelty and then realize that the joke's on them when it shows up here we go with the vegan margarita they were generous with that uh with the herbs whatever the extra herbs they're generous of that which is code for this has no taste tuna Supreme oh God it looks like cat food tuna and pizza is horrifying I see no Venn diagram of enjoyment on those two flavors two completely separate circles I feel like every alley cat's gonna try and like break in here through the window oh oh you people are insane this whole island Maniacs oh give me I gotta eat anything else the taste in my mouth what's the next one I don't even care what it is uh Chicken Feast oh it's the corn that's good anything else yeah no if you want to sell more Chicken Feast Pieces Just give away free tuna pizzas and then people are like I just taste my mouth it's like you know it'll cost you you got it right here yeah you're gonna move a lot of chicken feasts next up we have the Pacific Veggie Pizza not sure what makes this Pacific all right these veggies exclusive to the Pacific as far as I can tell it's mushroom onion Olive tomato spinach it's okay having eaten several pizzas in a row that contain meat in some form or other I was quite looking forward to a veggie one hoping it would be a bit lighter but it kind of isn't and then finally the last specialty pizza on the Domino's us menu is the mitsa having just gone from a veggie only pizza now I'm going to a meat only Pizza this one has bacon ham pepperoni and sausage something about American meat but I think it's just generally a lot saltier than what we used to in the UK as I was chewing that I could just feel my mouth like drying out I think generally my takeaway from this section is you guys need to just calm down slightly because this is too much all right we got here reduced fat cheese which I've been told is on the UK or the UK only Pizza no you okay I don't know what to show you I mean it looks like cheese and then vegan cheese this is gonna be but it comes with its own garlic and herb dip vegan let's see what the vegans got going on it tastes sour sauce options you only get in the UK starting over here just a straight barbecue sauce we have honey barbecue they have regular barbecue and then over here this monstrosity has sun-dried tomatoes and garlic sauce they have four exclusive meat toppings here in the UK hot dog slices unreal chorizo sausage sounds nice pork meatballs tandoori chicken yeah that sounds real good they also have two meatless meat options vegan soya strips and vegan soya and wheat pepperoni I think we saw that earlier they have seven non-meat topping options sweet corn dominoes herbs burger sauce gherkins Heinz Ketchup HP Sauce and garlic spread here it is the UK only it looks like an alien Community open to pizza place and they were like here's that pizza you like like this is all things humans like and I'm together a light like this like the completely fundamental misunderstanding of how Food Works whoa that was really bad now beyond the pre-made specialty pizzas they have some individual toppings and customization options in the US which we can't find in the UK so Joe has kindly taken a bunch of the exclusive us toppings and added them to one pizza to create a us only I don't even know what he's put on here the crust looks weird I think he's gone thin crust banana peppers spinach is back on there there's this looks like a meat of some kind but I can't tell you which one is that like beef the steak from the Philly cheese steak the base sauce has been swapped out for ranch of course and the extra of that and light cheese I mean this thing looks like a bit of a disaster how thin that is what have you done ma'am oh that's bad damage in UK also has its own sides that I haven't had ever so why not try them now starting over here potato wedges oh yeah fries whatever no not bad chicken strippers oh stripping it up I'm just okay I mean Pizza is usually amazing so I don't know why you get chicken strips or fries at a pizza place oh the nachos no oh no okay what have you done you want to be a millionaire open a decent Mexican restaurant in London you're gonna try very hard just above above horrible two or three steps the line will be out the door oh my God my soul hurts that's so terrible there went to some exclusive U.S side options we can't find in the UK firstly we have tater tots now if I'm correct these are basically balls of like mashed potato which are then fried they can then be topped with a range of things the ones we've got here are Philly cheesesteak tots not bad they could be like slightly more flavor going on then we have two stuffed cheesy bread options as the name suggests these are Big pieces of bread topped with lots of cheese and a filling of your choice here we have a spinach and feta cheesy bread and then I believe this one is bacon jalapeno cheesy bread then we have two Twist options here we have some garlic bread twists and Parmesan bread twists now you don't eat the Twist on their own because they come with dips so this is a Cheesy marinara dip it's basically just a bowl of their marinara sauce with lots of melted cheese on top I kind of see the appeal of Dipping these in marinara sauce I don't know if it needs the cheese that's such Overkill I would enjoy that way more if it was just marinara sauce in addition to the cheesy marinara sauce option there's also a five cheese dip that's just pure oil vegan nuggets like this Twisted dough balls I bet that was better when it was hot again why are you getting this instead of pizza because it's the elements of pizza these are the chicken kickers compared for that kick and I don't think it's coming to be honest this slaw looks a little rough but you get a real big tub of coleslaw we're still talking about sides but now we're on to chicken dominoes in the US has some Wing options which we can't find in the UK we'll start with these ones here which are garlic parmesan wings they have not skimped on the garlic Palm sauce although I will say these are tiny wings oh chicken is this color this is the world's smallest chicken maybe one of the worst Wings I've ever had the sauce is like a weird gloopy texture which I really do not appreciate doesn't even taste nice and the other Wing option we got today was sweet mango habanero I'll give these a quick try the bar is pretty low after those garlic Palm wings I have to say it's definitely better than the other one the sauce actually tastes kind of nice A little bit of tweaking the method I think would go a long way dominoes so please fix this because these are not very good Domino's in the US also has boneless wings I'm still not exactly sure what counts as a boneless wing versus a nugget but they're calling these boneless wings we've got two options today which are the crispy bacon and buffalo chicken I'll have a quick bite of the crispy bacon these have been disappointing I thought Americans did Wings better than this I'm going to be honest there are two other bonus Wings which are a sweet barbecue bacon and a spicy jalapeno but we didn't get those today Domino's in the US also offers a range of sandwiches and pastas I don't know why because they all look real bad I'll work my way down this way starting with the Italian sandwich a chicken palm and once again a Philly cheesesteak although I feel like if you tried to sell this in Philly they would run you out of town there were some other sandwiches we didn't get today including a buffalo chicken a chicken habanero a Mediterranean veggie and a chicken bacon ranch then we're on to the pasta options the ones I have in front of me today are a chicken alfredo and a pasta primavera I'm going to be honest after trying all the pizzas I am not going to try these for the sake of my health I've heard from Joe that they are all terrible I think the pastas had dominoes are an absolute Abomination and looking at them I believe them all right it's time for sauce talk foreign exchange sauce talk [Music] thank you garlic and herb dip this isn't Ranch but it's pretty close oh you have a vegan one I can taste the difference but this one's pretty good too honey and mustard I think honey mustard good well it's actually really good like your sauces are good Tangy salsa okay I think this is where we're about to fall off a cliff here so no there's no way you got salsa right you know what it is it's like there's tomato sauce here's salsa you're like just stopped like here oh Duff ranks USA Baby all the way from Jersey um yep that's Frank's I know why I did that there are four Source options in the US which we don't have in the UK and these are a marinara sauce a blue cheese sauce ranch dressing and a sweet mango habanero I will very quickly give these all a try it's fine the marinara sauce is very sweet blue cheese dressing I like a little bit of blue cheese on wings it can be very overpowering [Music] oh no no it's not even that it's like too much blue cheese it's just like there's some kind of odd flavor in that just tastes like slightly soured of course we have the ranch they put this on some of their pizzas directly and for the real Ranch lovers you can then also dip your crusts in it as well I can't open this because my hands are covered in Grease it's quite Tangy and last but not least the sweet mango habanero I quite like this on the wings I think this is like by far the best and like most well balanced of any of these sauces uh looks like for desserts you guys got cookies last one oh god what the hell is this what do I even do with it did I cut it did I just bite right into it listen to me and what I can tell it's just pizza dough with melted chocolate on it no effort on this yeah that's weird then the US has some dessert options which we can't find in the UK over here we have chocolate lava cake okay no there is yeah there is some some lava in there but still very gooey on the inside next up we have some cinnamon bread twists so I think it's basically just the same dough that they use for the garlic or Parmesan bread twists but instead of topping them with Savory things they top them with cinnamon and then give you some sweet icing for dipping this is really good we don't have a lot of like cinnamon roll Cinnabon type of stuff in the UK which I think is a travesty because I think it's really tasty and honestly yeah these are pretty good and then last but by no means least we have the marbled cookie brownie I feel like Domino's are like surprisingly good at desserts that's really not bad I think overall I have to say I'm kind of disappointed by the US Dominoes menu I was expecting some good flavors some good textures and various bits and Bobs but I really didn't get much of that honestly my main takeaway is that I didn't like most of the menu this may be controversial considering how much I hate vegetables but of all the Stan like the pizza pizzas already like predetermined ones I was actually very impressed with the The Volcano veggie or veggie volcano that's like really good that was earlier was a little more optimistic to be honest but I was surprised by how much I liked this so yeah that was a good one this sounds kind of ridiculous to say but I think if I had to take one menu item from the US and bring it back with me to the UK I'd probably take the cinnamon bread twists probably the one that almost made me throw up that'd be the tuna horrifying like I'm glad I know but that was I mean it almost made me throw up of the things on the U.S menu I think the one that I would delete permanently if I could would actually be the Extravaganza I kind of said it at the time but I think it's just far too many toppings I think Joe agrees with me on this one so I hope he doesn't push back too hard but I think the more toppings you add the kind of worse you end up making a pizza there was not a square centimeter of cheese on that pizza it was just toppings toppings toppings flavors were all over the place it didn't know what pizza it was trying to be it was just a disaster far too much dialect back guys calm down yeah the tuna Pizza is the worst thing I've ever eaten that was so bad that was made that way on purpose
Channel: Insider Food
Views: 528,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INSIDER, FOOD INSIDER, Dominos, UK, Fast Food, Food, USA
Id: ynXgWbg0oa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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