US Super Hornets With AIM-174B (SM-6) vs Chinese Carrier Group (WarGames 230) | DCS

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look at that hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well if you are a fellow military Aviation nerd then this recent article in the war zone will really peque your interest a174 super honet launched variant of the sm6 missile breakes cover in Hawaii we've known for a few years that the Navy has been working on an air launched version of the s M6 but it's now got a designation the a174 Bravo and it's an incredibly important weapon for America it would be America's first super long range air-to-air missile ranges undisclosed at the moment but presumed over 200 miles and the important thing about the 174 or should I say the sm6 is its Mission capability Not only would it be an extremely effective air-to-air missile but also it can be used as a ground attack missile including against moving targets and as an anti-ip weapon basically a missile that can do everything and you guys have asked for a simulation and we've actually used it a few times because we've been excited about this as well we've used it against static air to ground targets we've also used it as an air-to-air superiority weapon fired in this case by super hits against Chinese j15s with their longrange weapons so today I figured we would use it as an anti-ship weapon against moving Naval targets as we know this weapon is going to be used by US Super Hornet it's big it's heavy and it's non stey so it's going to be not much use for fifth gen aircraft like F35 so we'll use it on a Super Hornet today its party piece really is its range and so today I figured we would concentrate on trying to get as much range as possible out of it weapons like makeo that are going to be used by f35s can be fired much closer in due to obviously the stealth benefit of the F35 the Super Hornet will not be able to get close to a hostile carrier Fleet today we'll be using probably America's worst nightmare a fully edged Chinese carrier group so we're going to use this missile to its absolute maximum range of course in airto a configuration no one knows what that maximum ranges so I've taken a few Liberties and I'm trying today to really stretch the legs of the Sim that we used creating an air to surface missile the pushes the boundaries of what we know so far and it's created some really interesting aerodynamic challenges anyway enough with the talk let's get the first situation on the go so all I want to do for the first run is just attack an undefended ship here we have have a large well it's actually an American Carrier we're using today but it's just being used as a drone 270 land miles away is our release point for our missile here so we're trying absolute Max possible range fired from a high very fast moving Target guidance information will be sent to us from an aax here 200 Mi away from the target the firing aircraft will of course be a Super Hornet and we'll just take one missile to begin with so let's see how we've got this missile to fly it's uh being a bit of a challenge I'm not going to lie our would Sim DCS isn't really made for this type of weapon so the air launch version will not have the booster section as we know it will instead have a Twin Pulse rocket motor and we're going to use both of those pulses now the way it drops from the aircraft we've had to do something a little bit weird but it looks kind of cool watch this it's a very draggy missile and it won't start its uh first stage motor until a few seconds after it's chopped from the aircraft the aircraft will be traveling at Mark 1 at 36 ,000 ft missile away it drops it and then it starts its first stage motor and off it goes and the first thing the missile needs to do is to get out of the atmosphere so it goes vertically straight up uh using its massive impulse of its first motor you can see the stats down the bottom 50,000 ft 2,000 knots it's going to make make its way all the way up to about Mark 6 it was fired at Mark 1 uh 70,000 ft it's now on its second stage sustainer motor which will last a few more seconds in fact that's finished now so it's now unpowered but the amount of power and legs it already had or energy it had from its firing position allowed it get to get all the way up into the almost um non drag air of 140,000 ft and it's now sustaining 3,400 knots I'm guessing that's about Mark 5 and a half mark 6 it's now operating as a like an artillery shell doing a massive Parabola 210,000 ft I'm guessing that's about Mark 5 it is scrubbing off speed but because there's essentially no air friction up here it's scrubbing speed very slowly it's now 240,000 ft reaching nearly the top of its Parabola 250,000 ft 260,000 ft we're approaching new space although it's reaching technically Hypersonic speeds of about Mark 6 it can't really be uh considered a Hypersonic sustained missile 2900 knots 290,000 ft almost 3 uh 300,000 ft and there we go it's ticked over 300,000 ft 2,800 knots and decreasing so it was fired about here it's covered so far it spent most of its energy just getting up high and getting into its Parabola it's gone 80 miles so far it has 146 these are nautical miles to go it's still reducing speed but relatively slowly uh we're essentially now in space uh 313,000 ft and there was its peak at 314,000 FT now could the real missile do this absolutely no idea probably the real missile will go lower and probably won't be able to achieve this crazy range but like I said here's a great opportunity for us to really push the Sim to its absolute maximum and this is probably its absolute maximum it'll be interesting if it does go into service and the true numbers come out what can it actually do it's important to remember up here it can't maneuver so the way these super longrange missiles work is they have a pre uh defined Parabola they launch themselves up like an unguided Stone and they use that Parabola to cover 200 or whatever miles they can only start maneuvering again as you'll see in a minute uh once we get into the thicker atmosphere that's one of the reasons these Super long- Range missiles of all coalitions are not that effective in a way because their midc course which is most of their travel they can't actually steer so if the target out there has moved during that mid course which has taken so far 4 minutes and 8 seconds then it's no good it will be out the catchment area of the uh of the missiles maneuverability so there are always weak points with super longrange uh weapons like this this obviously being an extreme example all right anyway uh we're increasing our Speedy game we're dropping down there's still very little air friction at 3,200 knots 200,000 ft we're going to start to get some air friction soon we're going to start to see some movement from the fins as they start coming into effect again 108,000 knots you can see it's starting to do a maneuver now now this is something we had to put in well we didn't the game's put in so what's happened now viewers is it's realized that it Parabola was actually slight too long if I pause there remember the parabola it can't maneuver itself it's just an unguided piece of metal at this point it was realized it's Parabola was a little bit too long let's just see how far it's covered nautical miles 165 nautical miles um it's realized it Parabola was too long it needs to burn up some speed now so what it's doing is it's pitched its nose up now it's getting back into uh that to the air and it's riding at this high angle of attack so it's going down that way there because it's you know relying on gravity but it's pointing that way there the reason it's doing that is to burn some speed off because it's gone too far okay it realized it's corrected itself it's back on its intended trajectory it's now put its nose down it's now essentially becoming a missile again 64,000 ft Mark whatever that is Mark five Mark six now it's going to start burning off its speed obviously because it's into the thick air 40,000 ft 35,000 ft it won't be shot out because it's just a dummy Target we've got going there 26,000 ft and it is just a normal missar now it's scrubbing the speed off 2,800 knots mark four roughly 12,000 ft 2,300 knots Mark 3 it should impact around Mark two still very deadly and impact 270 land miles about 230 nautical miles covered Peak 314,000 ft a peak of Mark six in my head an impact velocity of about Mark 2 maybe just over Mark 2 that's my interpretation of the absolute maximum firing of this weapon and I would love uh your feedback to what you think about that uh right we now need to start shooting at some baddies and for that we need to bring in the Chinese so when I do these tests I like to do them against the worst possible scenario and probably the world's most non us defended piece of real estate is going to be an active Chinese carrier strike group so we have a 033 fujian or an analog for it here uh I put them unrealistically close to the carrier but it's not going to make any difference today we have two type 055 destroyers uh we have four type 052d destroyers all packed with a huge amount of hhq 9B and hq10 surfac air missiles as well as cwiz to begin with we're just going to fire one missile uh no sorry let's do um two missiles how many missiles can a Super Hornet carry oh look at that I put it asymmetric how non OCD of me let me just fix that there pip I presume because of the weight size and aerodynamics it look only be two but I invite your feedback for that uh let's give it a shot of what's going to happen they are not stealthy missiles by any stretch of the imagination they're really just designed for maximum kinematic again why it pairs so well with the F18 right off we go let's watch this cool launch sequence again I love it how it drops down and then the uh it's a draggy missile we've modeled it as a kind of draggy missile so watch how the air catches the missile as it's unpowered it just sucks it back and then that massive motor f uh they probably won't launch like that in real life it's just our interpretation right off they go we've seen the flight profile so let's see what happens now when are the Chinese going to shoot right skip forward we are 3 minutes and 30 seconds into the flight path of the missile the cost I've just assumed they're the same cost as an sm6 All Ships today are set to Red Alert so they're ready to intercept a maximum skill level for what difference it makes still no missiles out come on they're not stealthy I've set the radar crosssection to 0.4 4 square m so that's that's about the same as a Super Hornet to be honest it is not a stealthy missile come on fire work yes we have a missile ping let's just find out when that was 70 nautical miles about 80 statute miles all right fine that's probably sounds about right to be honest firing obviously with their main stay the hhq 9B these sm6 don't really have anything on their side to get through apart from their speed then they are still fast as you can see that's Mark I don't know I can't just can't do these maps in my head it's about Mark fiveish Mark six maybe oh we have a Miss no we don't they're just nowhere near yet just about in the remake now of intercept altitude and they're putting their nose down and we have a Miss ping let's just see what happened there out of Interest our guys put their nose down to 70,000 and he ah look at that yeah ABS they just didn't make it I guess at the time I think the problem was the altitude these hsq 9s just weren't rated for the altitude that the sm6 were at when they were fired and a new set coming out let's see how these do Intercept in O okay right ship's going to fire again yes they are well when you're messing around with aerodynamics like we've had to do for this excuse me and I should credit current Hill and dark um but doing the technical Wiz stuff okay down here like I said it's just a normal uh non Hypersonic missile even some rims coming out look at that a little American missile uh right so what we've shown is that yes we can strike a moving ship with an A1 74b or air launched sm6 at huge ranges 200 plus miles at least in the way we've modeled it but no it has no party piece really for getting through the Chinese defense so let's start ramping it up let's add some more Super welcome back I've copied and pasted these guys here around this ring um I've put the red ring around to try and get them so they all fire their missiles at the same time which is obviously important I love doing this science viewers because I have as much idea of you as what's going to happen we'll get the results and then we have to apply that to what we think it would be like in reality because there only a Sim at the end of the day can only do its best and to be honest we abuse it just to do these things so this is my favorite bit boof boof Wham it's such a stupid way of launching it it can almost blow itself up I'm going to leave it like that it look so cool all right viewers uh there's not really much to watch we know they get intercepted at 80 miles so let's just wait for 80 miles and see what happens here we go so presumably the first guys are going to miss again it's just out of the parameters of what the missile can do and the the Sim doesn't understand that obviously it just fires them at its pre-registered range Yep they're going to miss look all right but the next ones are probably going to hit let's see so we mark five in my head oh one got through again what's it going to do next lar defense Chinese Carrier Group Well defended not as well defended as the five play of an American agis Carrier Group though oh my God is it going to get through no no it's just not fast enough at this point boom all right eight no good Next Step eight aircraft 16 missiles off you go woof 16 at a cost of $69 million all right so it's really a case of saturation now we need to oversaturate the Chinese ability to F his missiles and we've done well in that we've got this close that in itself is abnormal but look how many missiles are coming out I mean look at look at the sky oh 61 missiles out I do not want to get hit in the Sim they make a threat analysis and decide how threatened they are by this type of missile and in this case it appears they are very threatened viewers very threatened indeed missile's been canceled L that means they fired more than one missile per attacking Target which we obviously know no Chinese carry group just two powerful viewers all right let's go again 12 aircraft 24 missiles woof that never gets Bing not how the only the type 0 55s fire first then the type 0 52s fire later weird and then Effectiveness really kicks in WoW 88 missiles fire look at that that is Modern Warfare viewers 91 missiles fired for 21 aggressors 24 aggressors sorry we're now looking for leakage will'll something leak there's only so many targets each ship can track its missiles towards as with an American group oh um no it can't H that's quite impressive by China let's try more okay viewers I've pushed the everything button I've just put 20 planes in that should be 40 missiles uh so far what we found out is it's yes uh an excellent weapon for long range anti-shipping but no it just doesn't have enough party pieces to defeat the really hard stuff the carrier group not as fast as moo not as stealthy as lzm 40 missiles out if nothing else it's going to look very spectacular viewers 80 missiles out 90 missiles out look at that 120 missiles out come on come on get through yes maybe maybe oh no no no no no no no it's just too powerful oh dang it viewers blls let's take it right to the end then come on let's get silly with it okay we've gone into full stupid mode I don't know how many I've put in but it's going to do something ladies and gentlemen we have an entire air in of Naval super Hornets firing wait for it wait for it 78 SM sixs at a cost of. 34 billion can't say Sciences are fun viewers [Applause] 53 missiles out 60 missiles out 70 80 missiles out oh come on come on here we come 90 missiles out 100 missiles out something's got to get through 110 missiles out hq10 coming out 120 missiles out overview H 130 missiles out 140 missiles out 150 missiles out 160 missiles out 170 missiles out we have leakage finally viewers it just took an entire airwing of hornets to do it great little war game there viewers so we were testing the a 174 Bravo uh previously known as sm6 from an air launch version what we proved was um according to our aerodynamics it can fire bloody far and is very impressive it can be used excellently as an long range anti-ship weapon uh also it can be used as a air to- air weapon that's kind of cool right you can carry a weapon that does everything so you just need to carry that one weapon if you want to go anti shipping you far into ship if you want to go air to air you just fire in air to I mean that's that's really really something talk about modularity against a carrier group in our simulation at least with everything set to maximum bear in mind so everything was perfect for China because we want to make it as hard as possible it just wasn't very effective it's not stealthy it's fast but it's not fast fast uh it's not low so it just really hello it just couldn't really get through but thoroughly impressive anyway um that's it bye-bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 125,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, SM6, AIM174, AIM-174, AIM-174B, SM-6, Missile, Hypersonic, Hyper, Sonic
Id: L8CiCfShm-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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