U.S Presidents Play Fallout 76

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hey guys I've got the perfect game for us Fallout New Vegas it's the best Fallout game oh come on Donald you always pick the games how about something we can all play together what about Fallout 76 it's multiplayer and it's a Fallout game The Best of Both Worlds now you're talking let's do it Donald what about you hello Donald are you there you know me as D TR a name that's known so wise but I wanted Fall Out New Vance in the MAV SK Obama and Biden they said it's that turn to choose now we're playing Fallout 76 this isn't even fake news I want it fall at new vas in the mile the Sun but now I'm in that where the story me down through red storms and scor slams I'll find my way I just want it fall out be vas no strips me on lights no cards to shuffle just Apple atches TR enough to [Music] rle no moobies factions no Wars to lead just fall out sever in [Music] six but different pre I even baked the new they this cake a surprise for Mor all to see but now it stands as a reminder of Drees that could he me I want it for at New Vegas in the mile Sun but now I'm in that leure where the stories [Music] be hello quick disclaimer the voices in this video are computer generated with artificial intelligence and do not reflect the views of the people they represent this video is for satire and entertainment purposes only now with that out of the way enjoy the video okay Fallout 76 is this like the Fallout 3 game we played yeah but this one is multiplayer I love this game so much Fallout New Vegas is better Fallout New Vegas is in multiplayer and you can't nuke other players on New Vegas nuke other players oh my God that's why you love this game what no Donald nuking other players isn't the main reason why I love Fallout 76 it's about the camaraderie the teamwork and the shared experiences in a post-apocalyptic World the game offers a unique sandbox where we can explore build and strategize together it's not just about explosions but about creating memorable moments with fellow players Obama here with his philosophical take on gaming sure sure it's all about friendship and Rainbows in the Wasteland sh watching the cut scene okay but you don't need to whisper you creepy guy war never changes war never changes oh that line always makes me tingle how did you know it said that you're not here how would you know you're still streaming from your 24hour OverWatch 2 stream I'm watching your stream in the pursuit of happiness if our founding fathers could only see us now we should bring the founding fathers back to life to play fortnite with us to Anchorage we have fought and now the Red Menace is at our doorstep the Red Menace is he talking about Knuckles from Sonic no it's not Knuckles the Red Menace refers to the tensions during the Cold War era particularly with countries like China have you ever seen a pregnant Chinese lady Joe come on you're in the middle of a crucial cut scen stop with the silly questions you know what sleepy crooked Joe's got a point I've never seen a pregnant Chinese lady either blows my mind really thanks Donald I knew I could count on you hey sleepy Joe I bet you the small sum of a million dollars that I'll see a pregnant Chinese lady before you do you're on Donald I'll ask Mark Zuckerberg to get his wife pregnant she's Chinese right that's exactly what I was thinking you two are something else let's stick to Fallout 76 for now shall we everyone will be saved those chosen to enter this Vault must be our best and our brightest bbfg CDX n jbf you know what fall I said best and brightest how did Donald get in the vault you you did not say that not just walls not just buildings but hearts and minds and ultimately America itself wait guys so do you think it was only America that got nuked in this Fallout world what about other countries actually Fallout suggests that nuclear Devastation wasn't limited to just the United States it's a global catastrophe affecting many countries it's fascinating to think about the worldwide implications you know I've heard about a Fallout 4 mod set in London but wouldn't it be amazing to have an official Fallout game set in a different country absolutely exploring the post-apocalyptic World in another country would add so much depth to the Fallout Universe it's something I'd love to see in the future Australia is what I would love to see mutated Kangaroos and koala bears oh the game's on okay is that a party hat oh Joe's on the character customization part this is going to take an hour at least for him to make a character I'm going to put some pizza rolls in the oven oops I accidentally made my character's skin black I promise I'm not being racist Obama Joe it's totally fine I know you didn't mean anything by it it's just a game character customization Joe it's been three hours of you making your character are you almost finished um yeah just doing something Obama he is playing around with the nose he isn't even making his character properly literally right now he is playing with the nose Joe seriously we have been waiting for hours stop messing about or we're going on Fallout New Vegas Oh my god really Obama I could kiss you right now no homo of course okay sorry got a little carried away don't need to go on Fallout New Vegas I just need to name my character now no sorry sleepy Joe it's too late we're going on New Vegas right Obama nope Donald I just said that to get Joe to hurry up Obama how could you do this to me you got my hopes up made me believe we were finally going to play New Vegas together and now now you're just crushing my heart into pieces I was so excited Imagining the the adventures we' have The Memories We would create but it was all a lie wasn't it how could you toy with my emotions like this it hurts Obama it hurts so much I'm a Spaceman Joe seriously I have Donald crying to me about New Vegas and instead of helping me you say I'm a Spaceman sorry barock I just don't know what to say to people when they're crying I get awkward and don't know what to say Joe please side with me say you want to play New Vegas I I even made a cake a Fallout New Vegas cake I tried so hard to make it perfect for all of us I even picked the flavors I thought we'd all love I just wanted us to have a great time together to bond over something special please sleepy Joe have a heart say you want to play Fallout New Vegas instead sorry Donald but you can't trick me there's no way you made a cake that's not something you would do half an hour of Donald Trump crying about Fallout New Vegas later hey fellas I'm out the Vault where are you I'm fast traveling to you Joe just hold on and me well just look up whoa get down here Barry whoa Obama your armor looks so cool check out my armor Joe this Raider power armor is topnotch especially with this jetpack can't beat that can't beat that Raider power armor is terrible it's about the durability and protection that ultrasite armor offers well at least I have a jetpack where's your jetpack Obama I don't care about the jetpack Donald sure sure you're only saying that because you don't have a jetpack but hey look at me soaring through the was wasand fellas you both look cool stop arguing Donald your jetpack is cool and adds Riz to your armor Obama your armor looks a lot more slick and presidential I love them both happy happy sleepy Joe we never asked for the opinion of a power armorless peasant where's your armor Joe you Noob well jokes on you just got some stuff from this red box I have a wood armor Mother Nature is stronger than metal look around you sleepy Joe Mother Nature is nuked plus that stuff you got from the donation box is my garbage sleepy Joe stop talking to that boring NPC the fun of Fallout is that you don't need to do a main quest you can explore and get sidetracked come on just walk in a direction and see what happens okay Donald I guess that sounds fun hm this place looks amazing for a wasteland oh a bad guy fellas look a ghoul he is sleeping wakey wakey Mr zombie guy time to die um Joe does he look glitched out for you too H maybe it's because it's the first enemy he saw this is a Bethesda game so buggy animations are bound to happen now and theny you two are like my personal bodyguards ooh another ghoul let's see if this one fights ooh what's that over there yo don't get distracted kill the ghoul oh yeah huh look at it it's harmless Obama is this game broken no I just think we're having bad luck I don't know why the enemies are glitching out I killed it but it's still hovering this game is so easy I reckon every enemy we see is going to be bugged out yeah this game is very easy 2 minutes later where do I build my Camp what's that noise oh my God help me sleepy Joe you better not be screaming about a rad roach no it's a big thing a monster I don't know what you want me to say just get here and help me whatever sleepy joke Obama you coming with uh I don't know you going to invite me to the team stop yapping and help me yeah yeah don't worry I teleported to you now what's the problem oh my God a deathclaw Obama we need your help Donald I need your help get in here and kill it I only have a pistol and this monsters is just trying to eat me sleepy Joe here's the plan jump onto the pylon thing use your jetpack and get up here it can't get us oh that's a good plan Donald except one thing I don't have a jetpack and this monster is killing me oh my God Obama are you going to help us or not oh hold on someone in the game is messaging me on Xbox and he is complaining that my God roll fixer is yeah I need to educate him on how the Fallout 76 trading economy Works no you need to help us please Barack I was joking I'm here stop crying a it got me I'm down I just wanted to build a house don't worry Joe I killed it and I revived you with a stim don't need to thank me just get better at the game H we didn't even need your help obam we had it under control right sleepy Joe no we didn't have that under control and you were begging Barry to save us that's fake news I was killing the deathclaw you must have been hearing things again Joe why were you all the way down here on your own I wanted to build the house and I figured the red grass place would look nice I didn't think a monster would be here it's actually called a deathclaw well I hope I never see one of those ever again they are pretty rare so it should be a while till you see one yeah Donald's right they are rare I know I'm right stop trying to act like you're the expert I'm just saying you are both noobs compared to me that death claw would have killed you both if it wasn't for me well I have a knife now next time I'll be ready for it what's that noise oh no please no ah ah a glowing death claw sleepy Joe run away oh you do care about me what no I just didn't want you to get any XP from this get away from Donald hya British attack British attack he just tried to stab the deathclaw with a knife did he die let me check Yep looks dead to me I will be there in a minute I literally just teleported away from there try to not die too much I just need to deal with this customer he still thinks my God roll weapons are too expensive Donald I'm going to kill that death claw I just need to stab it in the right place that's a ridiculous plan use your pistol to stab him what no to shoot him sleepy Joe there's a Raider here too he is helping us oh looks like he died Joe what are you doing what was the plan there oh he broke my leg he killed me Barry please help us we don't need him Joe leave it to me Obama's obviously scared because this deathclaw is stronger than the other one we fought H reverse psychology Donald Are you seriously trying to do that no idea what you're talking about sleepy Joe I didn't realize it but someone has a camp here they must have joined the game ha they can help us instead wait no I wanted to build my house here darn now I need to find a new place to build a house Joe if I may offer some advice I suggest finding a better location for your Camp the Cranberry Bogs can be quite dangerous especially for a low-level player like yourself look for a spot that's more secure and offers easier access to resources without the constant threat of danger it'll make your Fallout 76 experience a lot smoother that's nice Barry but I'm in the middle of something sleepy Joe run over here the turrets will kill it phw that was hard work I guess the game can get any harder than that attention citizens Nuclear Strike imminent Nuclear Strike imminent barock what did you do I didn't do it someone in the game has launched a nuke they are going to fight the queen Scorch Beast look at your map the red circle is where the nuke is going Barack I have no idea what you're talking about but there are monsters and dragon things by me I just wanted to build a house why am I wanted H maybe that collectron was locked oh well I stored the junk wanted I call dibs on killing you I can't believe we're going to take down the scorchbeast queen hold on guys can't we just focus on building a nice house instead oh my God the nuke whoa I will never get tired of seeing this uh this loser is killing me for bottle caps seriously wow some people have no dignity Barack no Donald help me avenge him you want me to fight a level 263 player sorry but I ain't losing my junk to that try hard whoa this guy has a cool sounding weapon I'm going to stand in front of him to annoy him Joe don't do that you should be helping everyone by killing the scorchbeast queen or even the weaker enemies that spawn here okay I will give him a thumbs up um Barry can I build a house here Joe that's a really foolish idea build building your house at a nuk site is asking for trouble radiation constant danger not to mention the Scorch beasts in the area you're better off finding a safer location to build your dream housee Safety First Joe Safety First Donald I see you what do we do oh no I'm getting so much RADS sleepy Joe you need to be extra careful without power armor or any radiation protection those RADS will eat you alive do you have a better weapon than that pipe pistol use something more powerful to take down those enemies I'm going to use the knife I got from the deathclaw come here you pesky rad roach fellas I'm helping let me know if any rad roaches bother you I'm going to exterminate them all this knife is strong I wonder Joe I can already tell what you're thinking and you better not even try to stab The Scorch Beast Queen that's a fight you're not ready for Buddy stick to supporting us by focusing on the weaker enemies I'm putting everything I have in this strike Haya and I'm dead Joe I warned you about rushing into things trying to stab a scorched Beast with a knife that's just asking for trouble you need to listen and learn take your time use better tactics and most importantly stay alive out there we'll get through this together but you've got to be smarter about it smarter Barack I got out of there I'm building a house instead please don't tell me you built right by us where the nuke hit and all the chaos is happening yeah I thought it would be nice to watch the epic battle I think I'm going to retire from this fight I'll be happy to sit back and watch the action from a safe distance you all go ahead and handle the chaos I'll enjoy the show from my new house Joe that's a ridiculous idea building your house in the worst possible place during a battle come on sleepy Joe you should still help with the fight we need all the hands we can get right now Joe I'm wasting my ammo trying to kill The Scorch Beast while you're building a terrible house in the middle of Chaos we need you here not off in your own world focus on the battle or at least help fortify our position and why are you hard moting I'm trying to seduce fox out 6,350 he is the player that killed you earlier when you were wanted I am going to seduce him make him fall in love with me and then I'm going to break his heart and steal 50 bottle caps from him Joe that is ridiculous he would never fall in love with you you couldn't even seduce a rad roach Donald I have my trump card not you by the way I thought of a couple pickup lines the first one is are you a vault tech experiment because I feel like we're meant to be in this Vault together exploring each other's Mysteries and my second one is are you a ghoul because you've been around for ages but you still look amazing hey how about you stop trying to RIS up children and focus on the task at hand Kill The Scorch Beast five painful minutes of Joe Biden not helping everyone Fight The Scorch Beast Queen guys I'm nearly there sorry what the heck my RADS guys the radiation killed me Joe For the Love of All That's holy get some rad protection I've seen you die more times than I can count from those RADS we need all the help we can get against this Scorch Beast Queen but you don't have to dive head first into danger keep a safer distance Provide support and for the love of vault tech stay alive hey sleepy Joe if you keep soaking up those RADS you're going to start glowing brighter than a nacac cola Quantum maybe we should start calling you radiation Joe hey cut me some slack guys I'm new to this whole Wasteland thing I just wanted to build a nice little house you know a cozy spot to call home didn't realize I'd be dodging RADS like they're going out of style out of style what Joe we need you to stay alive and contribute even if it's just from a safer distance so please Focus up and let's get through this together and maybe after the fight we can help you build that house of yours all right but I already built it are you trying to take over my house please don't steal my house Barack what are you talking about out you said you wanted to help me with my house but when we play games and you say you want to help you always take over and take credit for it no I don't now focus on the game Hey Joe you're not alone in feeling that way remember that time we played fortnite I had a great build setup and then bam Obama swoops in and takes the credit for the Victory and let's not forget that time in Minecraft when you and I built that Epic Castle okay enough now let's finish the Scorch beast and argue later yeah yeah you're just shutting us up because we're right and before you take credit for it I want to say that I did a tremendous amount of damage to the scorchbeast queen oh my God so much stuff this is the best oh and now I'm dead again seriously Joe again and with that we will end the video thanks for watching everyone it means a lot hope you enjoyed the video and before we sign off folks don't forget to smash that like button drop a comment and hit subscribe if you want to see more Fallout content and please please please let us know if you want us to dive into Fallout New Vegas your support means everything to us thanks again and catch you in the next one let us know in the comments if you prefer Fallout 4 or Fallout New Vegas your input matters so make sure to drop your choice down below thanks for tuning in and remember never eat yellow snow
Channel: Picarys (Ai Presidents Play)
Views: 31,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout, fallout 76, fallout76, scorchbeast, fallout tv series, ai presidents, presidents ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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