US Presidents Play Wordle 1-20

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what's up illiterate people today is episode one of president playing Wordle good morning 2m Joe you're not a primary school teacher you loser subscribe to top presidents let's go I'm starting I'm choosing stink because that's how Trump smells after he is under Melanie's hips and see guys just like that I got a green s and yellow n all you need is a tiny bit of thinking [ __ ] you Barack your speech is boring boring sack of mold Y and dirt you're just jealous my wife is more smelly than your wife yeah your wife is definitely more smelly than my Michelle Donnie I think you got the orders mixed up oh [ __ ] sorry Melanie I blame you two guys for constantly teaming up and messing with my brain let's get back into the game the viewers are waiting for us I'm 100 sure the word is pride I'm certain of it how can it be Pride Donald when the first letter starts literally with s listen Barry Obama I have president and since none of you have Pride for this country I'm putting it in see I told you guys you guys are both literally illiterate you're illiterate Donald it's physically impossible for the word to be pride and it's a miracle you're still conscious at this hour sleepy Joe at least I helped us eliminate five more letters at this point on behalf of the viewers most beloved stupid Donald Trump I will type in the word China is that what you're about to say next don't waste the turn Joe do you really want us to lose two time in a row I figured it out the words starting with s all right Donnie let's hear it it's Satan I guarantee it oh boy we need a neurologist for you Donald Donald you've obliterated your credibility my friend the s word I'm proposing is shame Joe go ahead and type it you almost gave me a heart attack there Donald your frail ticker will take care of that soon enough Joe what other s word did you think I was going to say never mind Donald let's just input shame and move on of course shame's good shame is real good holy Moses you both need to Halt someone please think of another word so we can advance how about steer you remind me of that first word remember the internet search for Biden falling shooting through the roof both your brains are spiraling out of control can't you guys physically see every letter of steer has been used and clearly that cannot be the right word oh Donnie how about you suggest a word I reckon the word could be Satan again like before your enthusiasm for Satan is disconcerting Donald you may want to reconsider before the FBI investigates your satanic underground Vault again could either of you brainstorm a sensible word please come up with a word so different letters are used it's not rocket science guys all right Obama Rama mama llama how about Scout reminiscent of how sleepy Joe's wit is waning from all those meetings he's scheduling all right let's give it a whirl I know you won't back down until I key in your word Trump I pray that one day you'll choke on your own rhetoric maybe I will Biden but by then you'll be pushing up daisies seeing that your decades past your sell by date you're a ticking Time Bomb waiting to go off now type Scout you decaying dinosaur you do realize I'm the President right I could authorize a drone strike on your golf course at any given moment Take Your Best Shot geriatric you'll probably kick the bucket before you manage to radio in the order or mix up the n-word button for the I word button what's the I word ice cream dumbass and now speaking of pressing buttons you remember in our Lab video where I destroyed North Korea in a clash Royale spell battle okay spell it is we only have two tries left it's not the best try statistically but whatever I boring boring no one wants to hear some nerdy mathematical explanations I'm stating facts Donald yeah putting in repeated letters have lesser chance of getting a word right I'm sure it's spelled spells spell spell spell okay my ears are dying Joe just Chuck and spell if we lose again because of you Donald and there we go thanks to Trump the lump we didn't get any letters and we have just one try left now the word is for once can your brain function normally it's like we were talking to an illiterate three-year-old child then what word can you possibly make with these dumb looking letters then give me a second I'm trying to figure it out what about Snoop bro can you see the P aha it's snowing I'm telling you it's snowy there is no other word in here other than snowing type that in I'm telling you oh so now we're getting weather reports from you Don should we brace ourselves for a storm of nonsense next shut up Obama Rama I won fair and Square you are such Cry Baby describe to top presidents let's go okay Joe you get to start off with a four-letter word [ __ ] you you're racist Barack just because I'm bigger and smarter than Joe it doesn't mean you have to support the weaklings all the time all right guys I got my word and this is a word where you will instantly think of me all right I already know your word Donnie it's either nuke or bomb so I'll type nuke and if I get it wrong then Barry Obama you type in bomb sounds like a good plan Joe let's just get this video over with I guarantee the word is not bomb I swear on my wife's life no point lying Donnie I'm typing it in you literally forgot what I told you a second ago your dementia has risen exponentially I think you snorted too much marijuana at least I got one green word so I don't even know what you are on about one green word will not be enough for your old rotten brain boys you're acting both like imbeciles okay I'm slapping a nuke oh [ __ ] I'm actually surprised your word is neither bomb or nuke great ideas both of you think utter [ __ ] tons a phenomenon that occurs so naturally to both of you I don't even know people had such talents I'm thinking of typing in crap it is filled inside Donald's brain and that's literally the language he speaks which over half the American population agrees I'm with you on this one from the [ __ ] he said to us I am never letting that slide don't you dare type that in oh you bet Donny haha that isn't even a word sleepy Joe you were so dumb you thought I would [ __ ] on myself you have less IQ than cardi B and she has a lower IQ than a 10 year old ah [ __ ] you Donnie you're pissing me off I'm typing in fats a substance that has over inflated your already fat body ah you're getting worse and worse every try dumb sleepy idiot have you not learned that I will never [ __ ] on myself have you taken your pills or are you high on weed today oh I think Joe has left the call Donna you are such a bully our subs came here for our gaming not arguing in a war amongst each other I need to bring Joe back and then you apologize or we will screw up our Channel I was just stating actual facts enough said keep guessing Obama bomber you guys have three tries left stepping in your shoes except for bomb and nuke you would say words like epic huge drip Rich all these kinds of things I'm gonna go with drip oh sleepy Joe is back and rock you weren't even close I told you this word you will think of me me Daddy King Trump sorry guys had to take my pill now I will crush you with my superbly intelligent brain sounds like you have changed as a person give a shot at it we can't lose to grumpy Trump you sound way too energized for an 80 year old fart you sure took your pills or did you snort some cocaine Donnie hush no more it's fine not a problem I'm going with chug that's an action Donald loves to do and when you poke his belly he'll explode like a water balloon oh [ __ ] me dead Joe you are so consistent at coming up with the same wrong ideas we tried these kinds of insulting words I'm 99.99 sure it's not chug don't do it Joe it won't be I smell something suspicious with how Donald just reacted you have good senses Joe because I just farted it was a long loud and bubbly one my belly feels so relieved ah so nice did you take a before and after picture for reference Dawn nope but next time I will put it in a zipper bag and ship it to you I never knew people are so curious with my farts I should start selling premium Trump gases good luck with that Donnie I'm entering chug and see that's why you need to trust your gut sometimes I told you not to put that in Joe you're really good at ruining hurry up I don't to make another word I give you guys 10 seconds so there is q w y j l z x v left it would be my turn again in five four three oh I got it screw you nerdy triple chocolate brownie I bet manchel cheats on you every night like Jada did to Will Smith while you were at home being a nerd reading a dictionary just to play Wordle you were clearly mixing up nerd with intelligence my turn and I've gotten my five letter word wait how did Club resonate with Donnie from the last round because I love golf I have a golf club franchise and you also need a club to hit the ball so that's two clubs right there get it now Joe hurry up and make your first guess why do I have to be with Donnie on this one likewise Joe also no cheating sleepy Joe I start first in one turn each no skipping turns make sure you write down the rules between me and you just in case you forget 42 seconds later I'm going with black it's common sense and that's our president America's gonna be [ __ ] and no wonder black lives matter became a thing this is a hard one I will give you guys a hint this word has nothing to do with me the word is something Michelle is very good at oh that is super easy [ __ ] you Donald instead being an old pervert how about you do something with flat Melanie maybe some silicon implants will make you happier at night you just proved my point of Michelle being a good twerker plus a fat ass actually turns me off and combine lined with her smelling like cow [ __ ] it instantly make me soft I'm quite the opposite Donnie I like to use a semi-fat ass as a pillow for my head at night and maybe even rub some choc chip ice cream in it because it makes me fall asleep quicker but the ass can't be too fat or else my head will slip off when I'm sleeping that's the most messed up [ __ ] I've heard Joe you are a perverted old wrinkly Bag of ball sacks have already malfunctioned hurry up and pick the next word I want to smell ice cream while sleeping as long as it's chocolate chip chip is four letter Joe fine I'll just slap an s on the end versing Joe is literally my worst nightmare okay so green eye and yellow tea I want to know where the tea goes so I'm going titty you know Michelle got big tits Oh yay two green letters the word end in Edie which rhyme with titty Donald you just don't quit do you listen if you spent half the time respecting women that you do insulting them maybe your popularity wouldn't be in the toilet you are such a sick and obese pervert Donald you can't talk [ __ ] Joe two seconds ago you were talking about asses and ice cream you asked cream eater both of you for once be respectful in this game and come up with something nice to say about Michelle boy it's my turn then I give you five seconds to come up with a word because I got this four three two one I never gave you a timer when you think you didn't have to because I'm always fast okay time's up my turn I'm putting the word in you got it right Donnie but technically it was Joe's turn so he actually won this round you're so boring guys next time I will just sit at my desk and play with myself instead okay I've come up with a six letter word and it's an animal related I know the word it's sloth just how Slow Joe talking walks did your five letters somehow magically inflate to six letters because your letters are always fatter than usual shut your ass cream eating Yap up I'll whack an s on the end then oh I'm chucking in lotion just to find the location of the L O thanks Barack Rocky day what kind of animal is this are you sure it's an animal Joe yes I even checked it on Google and Bing that is an actual animal it's probably a made-up word considering how decayed Joe's brain is I swear it's an animal all right I'll give you a hint it's a body part of a pig I still can't think of anything I'll type in onload just to get more clues Barack you are such a nerd I actually got it this time the word is Dorito Dorito doesn't even have n or l in them I swear Joe is trying to trick us if your nerdy brain can't figure out the word then that means Joe's suspicious and trying to rig the game I didn't even play this game I am operating on the Wordle game you gave to me I a hundred percent guarantee that you will be like oh I see and you will look so stupid when you look back at your comment after you know the correct word I don't even know what you just said all I heard was stupid in word which I assume your stupid brain came up with a dumb word okay Donald go with Dorito that might give me a clue see that's why you follow your guts but oh [ __ ] it's your turn now I almost won the game holy Moses I see the word but I'll give the honors to you Trump Joe I recommend calling up a security team to your house what's all that shady business going on between you two tell me what's going on nothing grumpy trumpy we're just waiting for you to guess the last word that's an animal and pig related I need to pick up my grandkids soon so hurry up just look and think Don all the letters have been revealed you just need to put it together what are you [ __ ] on about what kind of animals start with a D and O and ends in a d let along a pig I can only think of donkey well grumpy trumpy rumpy donkey is actually very close to this animal just think a little harder Trump you will find it oh I got it that word represents America under Biden's presidency okay then type it in let's see if you're right we are all doomed wait how did I get it wrong Joe you rotten ass sagging ring so that's the that animal is about to [ __ ] punch you in the face and burn your [ __ ] house down Joe I think Donald's coming your way now I reckon go get some security [ __ ] now I'm actually scared play stupid games Win stupid prizes I need to call my security team good luck and what's with that Band-Aid on your head oh that's nothing Don and I had a friendly Spar the other day and I punched you in the face to get my revenge back when you said Donald was a pig for your six letter word do you want to show the viewers what I did to your fat belly show them the scars oh hell no you kissed my belly you gay ass I'm not showing the viewer a hickey from Joe Biden that shit's embarrassing as [ __ ] subscribe if you want to see Donald's belly all right let's get started I made my seven-letter word Joe you go first why are you always racist in supporting the weakling because I am the people's person Donald I operate fair and square I'm chucking in potato that's literally what I will call Donnie from now a big fat sweet potato dumbass Joe that's six letters oh yeah I'll just whack an s on the end then plurals for potatoes ends in es which leads to eight letters Joe so ends in e and s which is also eight letters oh my God can't believe someone like me is giving an English lecture to an 80 year old American then what vegetable has seven letters oh I got it I'll type in spinach you are so boring your addiction to vegetables will soon turn you into a vegetable okay my turn I'm putting in the n-word can you for once not risk getting us canceled I know you're just gonna slap an s on the end like you always do I guarantee it's not the n-word but I'm typing in the n-word anyways you always get me on that one give us a hint Obama okay I got to admit this is a hard one this thing is a gadget that makes your life better oh [ __ ] I think I got it already there is no [ __ ] way you got it I guess you will type in the n-word again and say the game is rigged huh no guys I actually got it it's a b word Donnie bomb is four letters and I promise you that word is not bomber or bombers it has nothing to do with bomb try harder Donnie I promise you I got this word and you guys will like my word choice all right let's hear it it better not be the two words I told you before it's bombing yes I got it see you dumbass I got three green letters I'm the king of Wordle if I listen to the both of you I would never find those three letters oh I think I actually got the word [ __ ] off Joe your brain is rigged just like this game you profited off my intelligence if you win this game I swear I will unplug your life support then I will point every single nuke in the USA targeted on your house I think the word is Samsung [ __ ] sakes I think a brawl and getting punched in the face has actually woke you up for once Joe shame on you Barack why in the Somali and dirty pig riding ass would you pick Samsung we have iPhones and you choose [ __ ] Samsung no wonder you're boring like a robot iPhone and Apple have five or six letters and Donnie you're like a fat chunky iPad without any apps looks flashy but doesn't do much of anything you could have slapped an s on iPhone and made it seven letter you know that right oh my God you are literally a living NPC and a nerd at the same time all right guys I picked my eight letter word just to get things out of the way I'm typing in ice cream oh wow I'm surprised Joe didn't choose ice cream or choc chip for once that would be stupid of me to do that the game would have ended way too quickly give us a hint I always give you guys a hint before you even start guessing Okay since you are so desperate for a hint here's the hint this is something Melania loves oh easy peasy lemon squeezy I 100 percent know the word Melanie loves this and if she like it I like like it even more super easy all right all right type it in then trumpity Dumpty she loves loves loves this okay we get it what does she love type it in she loves this and I like it even more she loves giving me blow jobs oh my [ __ ] god parents if your kids are watching this tell them that fat Trump said they like to eat vegetables okay let's move on hold on a sec Barack you just swore parents tell your kids Obama said he's a stinky pig now let's move on [ __ ] you Donald I'm putting in bankrupt Melania the Harry gold digger married Trump for his fortunes that's complete and utter fake news Barack Melanie is nude from the eyebrows down you know I prefer a bushy and hairy lady it has a classic 1900s touch to them having no hair just feels like you are touching a robot that's because you Joe are still living in the 1900s you and your caveman preferences maybe you should start carrying a club and wearing a loincloth after all that would suit your Neanderthal tastes and you Donnie with your spray tan and fancy hairdo it's like you're trying to put a polished shell over a rotten egg no matter how much you shine on the outside it doesn't change what's inside I'd rather be a caveman with a heart than a polished mannequin in without one you know what they say about men with hairy ideals they're trying to cover up for something it's okay Joe we understand you like kids and you don't want to get exposed this is the only time you guys have ever argued without cursing there's no need because I figured it out it's much easier to win against an empty brain with simple intelligence you didn't win that argument I won anyways I'm chucking in luxuries I like my women's sexy and classy Don we need to stop using same letters we have only two tries left to figure this word out that's true grumpy Trump you don't want to embarrass us with your stupidity do you I will win this round no matter what because I get to have the final guess but if you don't get the word I get to win again you know that right I'm gonna go with dreading to find out whether there is an ing in this world what kind of word is that Joe are you sure this word got to do with Melanie 100 Trump rump Melanie loves loves loves this she even told me I think I see the word it's quite easy actually you are such a nerd give me another hint I cannot figure it out wow surprised you don't even know your luxurious girl Donnie okay Trump we have three hidden letters but we know we have C and T just add in another letter and you will find the word okay if Tigo those in the middle a dollar for every time you guessed a word incorrectly we'd have enough money to pay off the national debt you left us with you are on the right track Trump what constant go with C to make a Chaw sound oh C and H I got it I got it I finally got it the word is cheating yeah that's correct Donnie my turn I'm the world's smartest World King just like how Melanie cheated on you with me the reason I kissed your belly is because that was Melanie's hot pink lipsticks I was about to tell you at the start but I decided not to Joe you were a perverted old creep wait you must be dreaming sleepy Joe I'd say you've mistaken Melania for one of those fantasies you drift into during your afternoon naps and why is it when I kissed your belly there were lipsticks ah [ __ ] [ __ ] that shit's [ __ ] oh my God ah what the hell Melanie was with Biden what the hell is going on Trump you need to calm down you cheat on Melanie all the time I'm getting Goosebumps all over my body [ __ ] you Joe I'm putting in a nine letter word that you will never guess and I need one of that right now is that marijuana it definitely helps you forget about things holy [ __ ] [ __ ] why the [ __ ] would Melanie be at your place Joe because she is a gold digger I even gave her two years of my salary just to piss you off you see I'm more Superior than you in the business field Donnie how does it feel to get absolutely owned by Joe for once screw you Barack I thought house this half your game [ __ ] I can't even talk properly I feel so disgusted I'm never sleeping with Melanie ever again this all went according to my plan then Melanie would divorce you and take half of your estate then that would be the start of Trump's downfall which would secure my spot for president 2024. you are stopping never me Joe hurry up and finish this game I've got something to do I can't talk properly hahaha it's hilarious trumpy getting owned his body is probably jiggling while he fights off his Goosebumps hurry up Obama I'm tired of this hurry up all right Manhattan it is I'm whacking that in incorrect Barack now hurry up Joe or else I will send a nuke to your house and I will hook up Melania again I'm going in with polar bear too bad they are not orange or I would have typed in Trump bear imagine a trump-looking bear hurry up Barack I'm so disgusted by Joe I need to go somewhere hurry up I have never once in my life seen you that desperate before grumpy trumpy rumpy what happened to you shut your gay ass mouth sleepy Joe my [ __ ] Goosebumps still haven't gone away I think I will type in wholesome just to get more clues on those letters thanks Barack I am very wholesome but that's not the word what the hell is the word you sure your brain is function and it's not a made-up word screw you Joe Biden the way you hooked up Melanie tells me you're a sick old man hurry up take a guess fine I'll just type in weary some good shot [ __ ] perverted idiot you are super worrisome you put me and viewers to sleep not today Donnie I think Joe has literally woke you up to your maximum energy levels today yeah that's because I'm utter [ __ ] disgusted by what Joe did and I need to go somewhere to feel better don't get so mad grumpy trumpy you punch me in the head so that was a fair trade I think Joe really beat you on this deal Donnie Obama hurry up and take a guess and [ __ ] you Joe that was not a fair trade I will get you back 10 times harsher next time oh wait I think I see the word what is the word I don't see any words Trump you 77 year old horny bastard you typed in threesome didn't you yes correct I need one of that right now which hopefully it should get rid of my Goosebumps that's revenge for always roasting me Donnie screw your mom Joe oh [ __ ] I you got Donnie good this time and did you you actually hook up Melanie nope I just put lipstick before Trump arrived my security guards were so bad they let Trump land a hit on me and while they dragged Trump out I kissed his big belly that's still pretty [ __ ] messed up Joe but if that's how you get your revenge go for it we're starting with 10 letters today once again you are the most useless person on this channel and to make things Fair we'll let the lucky wheel decide who starts first it's me me it has to land on me or else this wheel is rigged not everything is about you Trump the lump my channel my rules subscribe it's our Channel Donnie and Joe you get to start I don't think I know any 10 letter words the most I know is eight letters and that is ice cream absolutely none of our viewers are surprised by and you're the reason we don't get much views there's many ten letter words Joe appreciate friendship and strawberry are all ten letter words all right cheers Obama I'll pick strawberry they are yummy these are just some examples Joe you've got to come up with your own 10 letter word I'll help you Joe you can put in marijuana with an s on the end or sleeping with two extra G's thanks pumpy Trump I actually got my 10 letter word no problem I'll type in sleeping Gigi with three G's on the end I thought we played with proper dictionary words only and not made up words I had to turn it off because I thought I didn't know any 10 letter words Joe you rigged old cheater so this round your word is actually not a real word huh I promise you Trump the dump this is a proper word did you count properly of course I did I even called Harvard meditation professors to check the word it is a proper word meditation professors Joe you don't need meditation you need Rejuvenation I'm going in with Blackberry to make sure it ain't a fruit or vegetables good try Barry Obama I do love fruits and vegetables apples are the best fruit ever too healthy for this channel Joe apples taste like sweet crunchy poo no one would prefer to eat an apple over McDonald's you are very wrong Donnie Trump never ate an apple in his life that's why his chest is fatter than his belly McDonald and Wendy's are the healthiest food apples are for demented people and with that said I'm typing in marijuanas it's what you snort to stay awake Joe we have seven yellow letters but only one green letter Joe you are messing with this game aren't you I knew Joe was rigging the game from the start this is some made up word again right Joe you will see guys it's not that hard it's a real ten letter word did you count properly did you check with addiction did you spell it correctly or did you rig this game guys I did all of them it's a proper word so you did rig this game you cheater I didn't rig this game how many times do I have to repeat myself you just said yes to all of them so clearly you just said you cheated and rigged the game I swear I didn't cheat it's a proper word how can you be old wrinkly illiterate demented and cheat at the same time it's like a human malfunctional superpower how many times do I have to tell you I didn't cheat this game you intentionally rigged the game so you could get more turns Joe I'm getting mad now I didn't cheat all right folks both shut up we are here to be civil and play this game like a grown president adults Joe started everything how did I start when you accused and insulted me huh if you want to fight let's fight I punched your face after Wordle too remember you want that again and I kissed you belly and cheated with Melania boys enough it's like you guys are still in Middle School let's just play the game and be strategic about it it's your turn Obama we were waiting for you slow ass this whole time true I'm thinking of putting in government it repeats some of the yellow letters which might give us more clues thank you so so much Barack I 100 got the word this is super easy it start with G and end in ing don't come up with something stupid like you did in previous episodes trumpy rumpy saying stupid immature stuff like Nuke twerk and even coming up with threesome for your word Donnie we have one turn left each do not mess this up I got it 100 it's super duper simple every time you say this you come up with something stupid I promise not g and i n g g the word is something stupid about to happen Barack I'm super smart the word is get four green letters all my freaking days I thought you said you got the word Donnie so much smartness in your brain Donnie and two green letters came from Barack have you taken your demented pills Joe I got three green letters thank you very much the first guess was mine holy [ __ ] you really don't know how to count do you Joe all right I really have no clue for this word I'm throwing in get a calling just to get all the letters stop Barack what now Trump Joe is trying to trick us with that word that's it Donnie I had enough of your rig bombing nuking inward nonsense I'm not tricking you it's actually a word Barack don't you dare press enter the word is gelato King I'm pretty sure it's very Joe Biden oh true good point Donnie I'll type that in instead oh [ __ ] you're right Donnie nice one Joe you rigged old man that ain't even a word dumbass it's my turn for 11 letter word it is a compound word Donald you need to learn your English literature bro you [ __ ] that is two separate words know your English terms crippling old demented Joe all right all right 11 words and looking at trumpity dumpity I'm gonna go with real estate but just like Donnie and Joe I'm slapping an s on the end Barack I can't can't believe you forgot about compound words and you are the highest scholar person in this room real estate is two separate words I expected you to say something smarter like your word is actually a real word Donnie it actually is a real word you nerd did Michelle steal all your intelligence what happened to you today that's because I'm versing old demented sleepy Joe and I can easily beat him without using brain cells Hey Barry Obama I thought we always had each other's backs I'm not letting that one slide Barack you came in a little harsh but you did deliver the truth though screw you guys I don't know 11 letter words oh actually I'll go with gelato King and smack an s on the end what's with the both of you today with whacking s's guys her is this a real word Donnie yes Barack and it has to do with someone in this room all right Donnie I'm going to be strategic against you in this round I'm going with vicariously Barack I think you forgot Donald doesn't have the brain cells nor the vocabulary to come up with such difficult words all his words will be bomb nuke related and slapping an s on the end [ __ ] you Joe you can't even count nor walk up a flight of stairs or even ride a bicycle without falling you can't even live one day without cocaine or marijuana or else you're crippling dementia will start kicking in Donald if my memory is so bad remind me again who won the last election I Stumble but never have to hide in a bunker from my own people get roasted Donald shut the [ __ ] up a rock you third wheeler you're too nerdy to even come up with a comeback all you do is Hush Hush boys boys boys be quiet like my University Professor who looks like a geek and drives a Nissan Altima if being educated in presidential makes me a nerd I'll take it any day over being a Twitter troll if we're using Wordle rules Donald your presidency was a lot of gray tiles and very few yellows let alone green Barack Joe you guys teaming up now that's cute reminds me of two kids trying to stand up to the schoolyard bully and you're the bully that always get in trouble instead of detention room you now live in the courtroom with all that said I'm putting in kindergarten you guys do make a good team worst guesses after the other and sleepy Joe kindergarten is spelled k-i-n-d-e-r-g-a-r-d-e-n which is 12 letters you illiterate and creepy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah Joe you actually cannot even spell simple English words yeah Joe have you taken your medication today I have Donnie thanks for reminding me wait I think I got the word I'm 99 sure it's this word Donnie it's a proper English word correct if you get this word you obviously cheated Barack and yes unlike illiterate Joe this is a proper American Dictionary word okay then the word is medications of course you would always [ __ ] on Joe can you find someone else to bully instead of one of us in this room we never had a single friendly Wordle game yet you are so [ __ ] boring Barack Obama you literally write a pig in Clash Royale fall when playing only up and speak like a robot when we play Five Nights at Freddy's and now you're ruining my wordal game I actually agree Donny let's team up and crack barack's word together I have made my 12-letter word it's something viewers would love wait give me a second Barack Joe you are acting abnormal today did someone switch your coffee with decaf again are you feeling okay maybe we should get you a doctor I'm just inspired by the unity of Wordle we're all just trying to find the right word right especially against Barack it's always the hardest person to face good point Joe all right then I'm chucking in selflessness that something Barack needs more in my opinion wait how did I only get one green you fat ass Donnie that's because with a 12-letter word you decided to use five letters I wasn't smart of you Donnie but it's okay I got your back never thought I'd see the day where Joe's got my back maybe next Somalian pigs will fly I'd pay good money to see those flying pigs just like I'd pay to see you two actually getting along see Donnie that's the ultimate business plan okay enough said I'm putting in my word this is something Obama did to escape Kenya oh my God Joe what is it now the word I'm putting in is Obama swim USA haha that sounds like a failed Olympic team sponsored by Obamacare failed Olympic team or not I'd still lap you in any race Donald you literally will just sink to the bottom of the pool and Joe you would literally forget to to breathe when you're under water I think because my overloaded IQ is stored in my belly anyways what's the word Barack It seems impossible to guess your nerdy word oh so after you both insulted me you think I would give you guys a hint go figure it out yourself you got Joe with you yeah it's okay Donnie we got this okay then Barack you said it's a word that viewers would like then [ __ ] you I'm out of comebacks against your nerdy ass that swam to USA I'll destroy you with Wordle I'm putting in Michelle a hoe see just like that I scored two green letters good try Donnie maybe next time you'll Spell desperations correctly which is also 12 letters by the way give us a hint Barry Obama 12 letters is way too long even viewers struggle to come up with 12 letter words all right since you can't count this word as a proper word not a made up word and it's a reference word what does reference mean explain it in simpler terms okay Donnie it's another word for Donald Trump everyone loves me no wonder you said it's a word viewers will love sorry for the insults from before Barack okay Doki I got a word I'm putting in a trump fat boy you're finally making sense again Joe either you were acting to be genuinely trying to get on my good side or you've been hacked my BET's on the ladder hold up is this a parallel universe Joe roasting you and you complimenting him I don't even know what the [ __ ] is going on I'm confused as [ __ ] right now no need Donnie take your guess we need to figure Obama's word out this is way too tricky it's probably some PhD level [ __ ] word that Barack chose for us not at all remember it's like an animal even a kid will understand okay I'm putting tree kangaroo you know those ones in Australia that sleeps and hug a tree I forgot what the animal is called but it also looks like a kangaroo those animals are called koalas Donald oh I love koalas they look so cute when they are hugging a tree when sleeping so Joe when you're taking those midday naps in the oval are you dreaming of being a koala no [ __ ] Sherlock why else would Joe love tree kangaroos that much [ __ ] you Donald I actually knew this word when we just started I teamed up with you because you won't steal my ideas and I will end up winning this match there is only one logical 12-letter animal word Obama will pick get it now Donald congratulations Joe you've reached a new low teaming up with me and then this even for you it's shocking you shouldn't have teamed up Donnie in the first place and Joe what's my word I Googled a 12-letter animal word and the first suggestion that popped up was hippopotamus so the word is definitely hippopotamus which represents how fat Trump is and just like that I won and I get to pick a word next [ __ ] you Joe and Barack [ __ ] both of you today this is like Congress politics in a Wordle game first I trust you then comes the Betrayal I didn't betray any one of you and in Joe's shoes that's actually a brilliantly played move he teamed up with you to not get insulted and he got to win this game exactly Donnie what happened to all those business analysis you did I thought you saw my move ages okay we are speed running to guess the word one turn each starting with three letters the game ends when we fail I love this idea I'm confident I can win winning and getting the most gray letter words I'm super confident for you too all right let's dive in we play scissors paper rock winner gets to choose who goes first on the count of three three two one scissors paper rock haha is like I can read you guys mind I want I get to start Trump the rump starting first has higher chance of losing because the last two guesses have the highest chance of winning and you don't get to have the last go Joe that is actually right first guesses have less chance of winning you guys are both nerds I'm putting in Old you guys are not only old but boring too fine I'll type in fat no explanations needed for this word you can even talk properly interesting we have not guessed a single letter let me try putting in sir and use a different vowel good idea Barack let me find the vowels I'm putting in bun like my favorite Big Mac buns yes let's go I get to win this round [ __ ] this this game is super glitched it purposely made my word two green letters so Joe can easily guess the next word or maybe Joe rigged this game again screw you sweet potato Big Mac bun looking ass I'm putting in son let's go baby I got one point now and you guys are still on zero Joe you got extremely lucky for the first round but this luck would not last long oh Barack Joe is definitely really out of luck I don't even know how he won that game Joe must have hacked into Wordle and glitched the game these are computer-generated words how can I possibly glitch the game I've seen a calculator glitch when you do simple math Joe you look like a freezing Blackberry who swam to USA since I'm such a nice guy it's time I teach you guys some respect rule number one be nice to others ah boring boring that's too nice for this channel your nerdiness is insulting me Barack I have never insulted you once today you need some milk Donnie you are putting my super brain to sleep due to your boringness which is a form of insult Barack maybe because your brain's on screensaver mode Donald ha ha that's a new quote I'm stealing against Donald cheers Barack screw you guys I hate it when you team up I'm putting my four letter word I will win this round I won't be surprised if your guest next is the n-word or bomb you are complete and utter and perfect brain function Barack I'm typing in bomb the word will never be bomb Donald looks like your fat has overloaded into your brain again at least I don't rig the game like you Joe screw you Donald I'm putting in fat you obese ass Joe fat is three letters and don't even bother smacking an s on the end all right then I'll change my word to large Trump is so fat a new cooking oil should be called Trump large you can even count up to four you are our current president and has successfully failed preschool maths comment below if Joe deserves to be president 2024. I would be surprised if Joe gets even one vote in the comments section Barack your goofy mouth knows to talk Trump the rump how about you look back at our previous election dumbass the last election was complete and utter fake news you rigged the election just like you rig Wordle I win everything against you fair and square all you know is bombing and nuking no wonder Americans want vote for you screw your mom Joe Barack was the last election rigged I don't know Donnie all I'm thinking now is putting in rare to find out the a r location holy [ __ ] [ __ ] what am I doing on a Sunday afternoon playing Wordle with you two idiots on my left a robot nerd and on my right a rig cheater that make wordal glitch I could be smashing Melania right now are you sure you want to smash Melania after I slept with her the other day oh shut the hell up pervy creep I don't to get goosebumps again all right all right enough with Melania for today let's talk about something else first ever time in my life I've seen Donald switching topics because he got destroyed yep feels super good screw you guys oh wait I think I know this word the word cannot be bomber nuke Donnie or he might put in boob or tits for his word like he did last time go back to sleep you demented creep how in the avocado [ __ ] did that did that to your mind I actually got this word it's 100 been before Donnie and you got it wrong Joe is glitching this game again he secretly changed the unn to Green letters and I think Joe secretly rigged this round as well we are literally playing on a [ __ ] wacky website you wonky trumpy how in the McDonald's Frick can I rig the game why is Bomb incorrect Joe you must have glitched the game again huh Donald let's ask the viewers whether they think I rigged the game you need to stop typing in bomb or nuke from now on Donald these are never ever Wordle words I think the correct word might actually be bomb related I am the real world King I'm never wrong I'm going to type in Star it's something I dream about all day all night how the [ __ ] did you get this word right again Joe Joe did you actually rig this game [ __ ] Joe this time it's my turn I'm putting twerk wait how the [ __ ] is this word not found I swear that's how you spell twerk try typing it in again that's literally twerk it's the definite definition of a women's jiggling ass dance Joe did you [ __ ] rig this game again I swear that's how you spell twerk you know the thing cardi B and Michelle's kind of people do the best maybe that's just the wrong spelling on your end Donnie hey how else do you spell twerk then like t-w-i-r-k this game is actually glitched or Joe rigged the game I literally just Googled twerk with t-w-e-r-k and it has images of women's ass dancing Joe I knew from the first round you cheated this game okay Trump the rompy lump I'll type in your name and see just like that this game is not glitched nor have I rigged this game for some reason I'm feeling today is a bit fishy Joe for some reason is super awake and neither me or Donald has scored a point so far and that's because Joe rigged this game and made it glitch Joe you are an absolute cheater guys I took my pills this morning and I am super awake like Obama said Trump the rump you are just a fat pure idiot that's all sounds like you snorted too much cocaine in Maryland wanna there is no way on Earth Joe can be that awake in our third round usually he just collapsed and falls asleep by now let me type in river to get more hints for us oh thank you so much Obama no mama I 100 got this word let me guess it's bomb with an s on the end right or it's going to be nuke with an s on the end this five-letter word is going to be a bit racist no no don't you [ __ ] dare put in that word Donald you're going to get us demonetized if you do that Donnie if you put in that word I swear I will hook up Melania and start eating ice cream from her ass keep dreaming sleepy Joe at your age you'd probably lose the scoop before you get to it you probably couldn't even remember the flavor you're eating you crippling demented wrinkly creep it's a hundred percent that word I'm whacking it in Donnie if you put in that word I swear we'll team up with Biden and burn your house down you and Biden an old Ash cream eater and a nutritions label reader oh my God I'm so scared I remembered the good old times when our country presidents had class not just SAS if anything blame trumpy rumpy for ruining our reputations get lost Joe I'm typing in China screw you guys oh yay it's my turn now oh my trumpy rumpy I actually love you so much Ma thanks for unlocking those green letters trumpety dumpity why are you thanking me you don't even know the right word Trump looked carefully I think this word is super obvious after you put in the word China now do you see why Joe is so happy if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it scoop ice cream yay yay if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you're happy and you know it go to sleep hooray first of all Joe you sound so creepy singing nursery rhymes and second you rigged this game it's impossible for the game to not be glitched when every time I go before you my words always have at least two green letters you rigged the game and made a glitch in it Joe you cheater boy I don't give a [ __ ] you are clear really salty and stupid and fat at the same time haha dumbass I'm on three points and you both are on zero big fat chunky zero that's it Joe you clearly had too much caffeine cocaine and marijuana there is no [ __ ] way I will let you win this round I don't even do cocaine nor marijuana I like eating potatoes and I'll smack that in now Joe you were making me hungry now I'm super craving for some Baconator Wendy's fries those are delicious but I prefer Burger King's fries more though they got that extra crunch today those are both debatable which one's better I'm a whack in my favorite Wendy's for my word wait what the [ __ ] why isn't Wendy's a word I'll enter again what the [ __ ] why are my words today not words Joe you [ __ ] glitched this game didn't you you're secretly rigging the game whenever it's my turn Wendy's is spelled with a dash before the S that's why it's not a word Donnie I think you should study the dictionary instead of codes for launching nukes fine then I'll whack in Burger which is also the code for sending nukes to Kim Jong-un Donald relax Wordle isn't the place to reveal National Secrets or your dinner plans yay Donna you keep confusing word will Twitter stop [ __ ] announcing everything America is destroyed Because of You Trump oh come on sleepy Joe at least people pay attention whenever I speak all you do is fishy [ __ ] like rigging the game and secretly making the game glitch I never even touched the code for this game and the only thing rigged here is your stupid looking [ __ ] hair Donnie you guys can never ever play a single game of Wordle without getting in some sort of Nine-year-old fight that's because we're always waiting for your nerdy ass you literally brought a dictionary here just to play Wordle and you haven't even won a single round Barack you can't talk Donna you're on zero points as well I'll type in lonely I doubt Joe's luck can extend again on this round I'm still not convinced how Joe you won the last three rounds you always were a fan of change Obama maybe it's time to stop being a nerd and play Wordle with your instincts the only Instinct I see myself doing is smashing this PC and digging out your brain to see what has gotten into you today Joe I'm sure enjoying every second of this when Barack finally picks a fight with Biden Joe you've definitely rigged this game or you secretly inserted cocaine into this PC I've told you a million times today trumpety rumpy pump I didn't rig the game you're dumber than a donkey Donald you know what I'm typing in Donkey oh oh five green letters I just need to guess this final letter to win this it is my turn and the real world King will show his true Powers no cocaine no rigging the game but pure intelligence Donald if your brain was Dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow your nose actually I think Joe's ice cream cones have even more intelligence in them Obama how about be useful and help me with this word I can't think of anything other than donkey just be smart Donald you don't want to be called a donkey for the rest of your life right I can't help you Trump because I might actually get a point if you get it wrong if anything Michelle is a donkey for marrying dumb Obama okay okay anyways let me think there's Conkey funky hunky junkie monkey funky monkey ayoki ex-onkey and zonkey oh I got it the word is monkey monkey monkey monkey Asian Monkey King just like I am Wordle King let's go baby baby let's go I'm on one point and that nerdy ass has zero points after reading a dictionary for the whole day Donna even a broken clock is right twice a day enjoy your moment while it lasts are you calling me smart or dumb anyways I'm going first again I'm typing in Melanie wait what the [ __ ] why isn't my wife a word how about Melania oh there we go Joe you definitely rigged this game Melanie Melania who knows maybe next you'll type in malaria anything's possible with you Trump Joe keep talking maybe by the time you finish you'll remember what we're even playing it's like you can even remember your wife's name Donnie I'm typing in worried I'm genuinely worried about how you treat Melania Donald if I were Melania I'd be more worried about those late night fast food runs than a simple wordal mistake Joe the only thing Melania is worried about is where to put all my wordal trophies after I Crush you guys today then you would be off to Marcus or Wendy's to celebrate with obesity you might actually win an international trophy for the most obese president Donald that's definitely something to be proud of I would actually hang a Donald poster in my house if he wins such an award if anyone gets this award it's got to be Kim Jong-un the nuke man himself his face alone weighs more than Joe or barack's whole body you're very close Donnie you're literally in the same weight class as Kim Jong-un I just got my seven-letter word obesity it is Joe at least when I walk up a ramp I don't stumble and you literally need to snort [ __ ] cocaine to stay awake and no wonder you like to sniff little kids your noses become pedophilic after all those snorting habits oh and speaking of that I 100 got this word it's got to be the word it has to let me guess you're going to type in bomb hoping it somehow miraculously fits or the n-word but mind you the letters don't fit Donnie if you're wrong again maybe consider letting Melania take over for a round she's getting nowhere near you Joe this word is 100 cocaine what how this game [ __ ] glitches every time it's my turn Joe what type of weed did you feed this PC explain yourself I hope tomorrow you miracally die from all the cocaine you snorted then I will drift on Your Grave piss apple juice all over it and take the fattest stinkiest [ __ ] on your graveyard you will die before me from Diabetes Type 2 and lung cancer then I will piss on your grave and poo ice cream on it you two are like illiterate 12 year olds coming up with the dumbest [ __ ] I'll type in Ecuador to get some more clues you [ __ ] Barack did you forget we are competing against one another now you gave Joe a super easy peasy final guess how can you be a nerd but so stupid at the same time calm down trumpy rumpy this is not an easy word to guess how the [ __ ] can I be calm when your guest gave Joe two green letters again this is the most glitched game ever Joe somehow secretly changed the game so all our guesses before him is wrong but it instantly gives Joe two green letters for his next guest you're turning into a nerdy robot Donald this is the final time I'm responding to you Donald I did not rig the game if you get this round then clearly you rigged the game there is no way your stupid old brain can be functioning at this hour all right let me figure this word out so ecl blank blank blank e and we have yellow s and I that's tricky I can't wait to finish and Rob his house to find any traces of cocaine and marijuana yo guys guys I actually got this word the word is Eclipse that has to fit in there that's what she said yay Four Points to me let's go all right Donnie we are teaming up if you agree on this deal we get half Point each if any of us get the word agree on the terms Donald Barack this is probably the best deal for the day I accept your offer Barack Joe has [ __ ] rigged the game and made it glitch so whatever word he guesses he gets it right and rest in peace Joe you are getting [ __ ] destroyed I'm typing and yachting Donald you go yes sir and now I'm typing in bombing that's seven letters Donald I'm surprised you can count I don't need to I just need to see the screen you idiot fine sleepy Joe I'll whack a curvy s on the end then happy now why in the avocado [ __ ] did I decide to team up with Trump the stinky idiotic rump because I am the real world King why else would you team up with me you are clearly a bomb King Donald I actually now feel like children could be a good word for my guess funny you mentioned children considering you seem to have the attention span of one right now whilst being old wrinkly creepy and demented at the same time I'm considering politics are trolling to figure out the I and T or o and L good ideas but I recommend blow jobs for figuring out where the O goes every time you speak Donald I'm reminded why the mute button was invented I shouldn't have asked you Donald I'll type in politics see Barack you didn't even get the LNO if you typed my word we could potentially get both L and letters but at least I figured out the I unlike your word which may get us nothing oh now that you say that I really really Donald I'm so ready for the few potential words that might come out of your mouth the word is glitched if this ain't the word then this game is a hundred percent glitch stop Donald what now Barry Obama glitch does not have an A or n in it and I does not match up this can't be the word I'm telling you this game is playing tricks on us think about it how does Joe get four points being old and stupid and we have zero I know this off my heart that Joe is rigging the game and making the game glitch the word is definitely glitched just come up with something else Donald if you type glitched and get it wrong don't blame me or the game grumpy trumpy rumpy then what other words are there I could try typing in Lobster but [ __ ] it screw you guys I'm certain this game and Joe Biden's brain is glitched I'm typing in glitched haha word not found [ __ ] you Joe you rigged this game you cheater you cheater glitched is definitely a word and this game say it's not and Joe you are laughing so you are a cheater in game rigger that is really strange but it won't be the word anyways fine then you'll type in glitches Oh my days why the [ __ ] did we let Joe pick the Wordle website this is some dodgy ass [ __ ] that Joe Biden picked for us this game is perfectly fine you are just dumb trumpy rumpy I think the game is actually going to end here I don't know the word actually I'll just type in National since all letters seem to fit in here yes let's go I got five point baby trumpy rumpy on one point and Barry Obama the nerd is on zero oh I mean Joe it's such a shame those Five Points don't translate to years taken off your age my turn I'm smashing in chocolate for my favorite ice cream flavor Joe you are a [ __ ] cheater cheater wrinkly ass cheater there is no crippling way you guessed that word right and you made my guess's glitch I will punch you in the face again after this round finish I got politics wrong last time I'll lock in that word again but change it to political nice one Obama we have to beat Joe in this round I'm typing in a word that describes us playing word and what's that Donald marijuana glitches with two s's or some nine-letter word for bombing shut up you wrinkly ass cheater you can't talk [ __ ] and it's none of those words please enlighten me Donald it's a word that describes what we are doing right now let me guess gameplay is gossiping is it somewhere along those lines bro close enough burial I don't know tell us wow how come pretend I didn't even in that conversation Donnie I'm gonna go with trainings that's something you seriously need for your rotten dirty and messed up brain if my brain is rotten then yours is ancient history at least I don't mumble and forget what I'm saying mid-sentence I'm seriously losing my [ __ ] between you two right now I'm whacking and impatient thanks Obama the Llama I get the last turn and whether we progress depends on I don't mind Donnie do whatever I won this game anyways I'm way ahead of you guys holy [ __ ] I'm super duper certain I got this word I hope you get this word so I get half a point you've said that countless times Donald go ahead type in the word I'm not even bothering to guess it you guys are so boring and stupid the see just like that I'm on two points and the world King is back no Donnie you're on one and a half and I'm on half a point no Barack that deal was for that previous round go replay the video if you want either way I'm on four points still a massive lead screw you Joe Biden you asked cream eater I will catch up this round I'm typing in threesome like last time but whacking that curvy s on the end like Michelle's ass can we play one [ __ ] Wordle game for one day without bringing my wife into the game Donald you are always so desperate for my Michelle for some reason that's because manchel is a man that had silicon implants to look like a girl anyways hurry up Joe you asked cream eater and cheater remember I'm still winning Donald the only 10 letter word I learned last time was strawberry they are the best 10 letter fruits I taught you that Joe your brain only went up to eight letters last time before malfunctioning oh yeah true true thanks for that Barack you're a real one ah boring boring vegetables and fruits yuck strawberry smells like dementia and feels like polished poo so soft and Squishy yuck I'm typing in corruption today in this world game is the most corrupted World game I ever played with you guys my turn I definitely got this word again it's a hundred percent that word no bombs or nukes or whatever you put in will be the right word Donnie and don't bother asking me for help after you stole half a point for me chill Barack it's just a Wordle game the word is bombing gagaga three extra G's can we agree to skip your turn Donald that would be so much better for human existence wait guys I'm super convinced it's this word I'm typing in nuking gugu Gaga extra premium G's I'm curious what we will find in your search history Donald this game is [ __ ] glitching again I paid for those extra G's [ __ ] it I'm super convinced it's either bomb or nuke related actually I'm going to type in bomb nuking that ain't a word trumpy rumpy are you high on fat again Donald number Rocky's high on Diabetes Type 69 type 69 that's a new one did you come up with that all on your own or did some kindergarten children whisper it in your ears anyways I'm typing in bombarding finally the game is fixed holy Moses Joe you rig cheater glitcher I'm so confused why those extra G's I paid for ain't working I'm actually out of 10 letter words all I know is strawberry and you guys took my iPad so I can't Google anymore I'll just type in sleep that's not a word you guys are actually [ __ ] illiterate remind me Omak buram now how many points are you on again yeah exactly big chubby zero like Michelle's intelligence Michelle's got more intelligence in her little finger than you've displayed in your entire presidency so you can't talk crap either thanks trumpy rumpy I don't need to roast Barack back now I hope sunbathing is a 10 letter compound word yes sleepy cheater Joe no [ __ ] Sherlock the word has to be unearthing oh frick Me Oh my days I totally forgot about everything [ __ ] I could have won this round welcome to where nerdiness fail Street Smart wins I still won this round though I scored four and Donnie you only scored two and Barack scored zero the trophy for the real world King goes to me so what's this hidden code on your cable it's nothing Obama wait the code says sun star chair monkey and Eclipse so you did cheat Joe you programmed this computer beforehand Joe is leaving Donnie he's escaping Joe get your ass back here I knew you rigged and glitched this game I just read some dictionary come here you cheat or get your ass in here I Will trump pump the wrinkly rump hour of your ass what's up dumb people today is super special we have North Korea's president joining us today Joe stop getting the intro once for human sakes you are phenomenally useless Joe Barack explain what's happening former President George Bush is joining our channel to play Wordle hello everyone pleasure to be here I heard you guys have the friendliest and most loved audience watching us playing Wordle correct absolutely you will love it George you will see how my smart and loving personality carried this channel that's quite the opposite George all right folks let's have George guess first whoever gets it right gets to choose their word alrighty let me put in sit like four presidents sitting together playing Wordle and starting at three letters we will compete up to a MMS 69 letters in total Joe I didn't know Wordle had a confuse yourself mode thanks for demonstrating we started three letters and complete up to 15 given sleepy Joe Knows to count this is the first time bush is here let's not make it his last absolutely agree I'm whacking in Pooh like how Joe's brain is filled with filthy [ __ ] at least I use my brain instead of letting it rust under that thing you call Hair Donna your hair and Joe's brain are the two Mysteries of the universe at least people admire one of them comment below if you admire my brain or Trump's hair no one likes you Joe what's happening guys are we still playing Wordle of course Bush it's Joe's turn right now okay I'll type in raw it's like every time Donald speaks he's brand serves raw and unseasoned rubbish that no one ever listens to [ __ ] you Joe if Bush wasn't here I would have smacked your demented brain until someone lifts you into a graveyard we have not found a vowel yet I'm typing in Q to see which vowel we get damn that's an interesting round so no vowels that mean there must be a y in the word I'll go with try thanks Bush my turn I 100 got this word you're going to be stupid and type in bomb again and blame the game as glitched [ __ ] you Joe I hope you die in the next round you rotten piece piece of demented sagging balls your dry ass looking head looks like a living skeleton I'm actually going to type in dry for my turn what was that other word you were thinking of trump I was thinking of fry I really want to deep fry Joe Biden and Chuck in some chicken nuggets with them and joke and die in my fryer so I can piss on his grave and never see his face again these are the only two possible options Donald Choose Wisely why are you so mean to Joe Donald he didn't do anything to you exactly thank you Bush for supporting me Bush that's because Joe is a useless [ __ ] sleeping wrinkly old hag he's also a stupid [ __ ] that makes me mad whenever I see his old demented face keep talking Donald every word just shows how obsessed you are with me screw you Mom Joe I'm typing in dry it's 100 that word what how this game is glitched I was thinking of fry but somehow Bush and Joe messed up my brain you guys intentionally made me lose right huh I thought this is a friendly game of Wordle Donnie Obama say something you need to get used to this bush anyways you got the closest guest first so you get to pick you four letter word all right I can put in anything yes pushy bushy anything you like I put in my word also what's with the name Rhymes Joe that sounds so weird I love to rhyme things I call him Obama Rama or Obama the llama and this fat Angry Orange I call him grumpy trumpy rumpy and I'll call you pushy bushy that's what I mean by you are so [ __ ] gay and literally no one likes you all you do is weep and talk like elementary school kids I know right I love kids and I'll type in kids from my first word Joe your obsession with kids just never stops right bush get used to Sleepy Joe's creepy obsession with kids and ice cream that's all he talks about every time I think I've already figured everything out between the three of you with only three minutes in this room I'm guessing Bush for this word and yeah it doesn't take a genius to figure out this room of can I say people what is that supposed to mean Obama Rama you calling a smart or dumb he's obviously calling you dumb trumpy rumpy Obama you can't talk [ __ ] [ __ ] you literally swam to USA and needed to be smuggled in a kidnapper van just to avoid the U.S Customs and Border Protection trumpy rumpy your turn to guess the word I bet you can't guess it big bro starting with b beautiful that's not four letters Trump I got it words start with B I got it a hundred percent it has to be this word what you already got it no way how can you read my mind oh no it's about to happen again yes Bush the word is a hundred percent bomb bomb bomba pow pow boom boom the dumb people with my bomb what the heck is going on with your brain Donald plus the word isn't bomb I'm super convinced it was bomb I'm the real world King and this game is glitching I'm telling you Bush trumpy rumpy my word isn't bomb you are insulting me for calling me glitched man Bush you need to get used to this Trump's obsession with bombs and nukes and his passion for calling this game is rig Trump surprised me with a new low today instead of bomb he's now wanting to bomb people so this is the so-called friendly Wordle game today is actually a special day Bush they were civil for two minutes before going off usually they can't even last 30 seconds and why are people watching you guys play because viewers love me destroy Joe because I'm the king and he is useless your brain is filled with crap Donald I'm typing that in did you really forget who won the last Wordle game Donnie Joe you did win but it was a bit fishy last time Joe rigged and cheated the last game and I beat the [ __ ] out of you and I gave you a big big hickey I actually want to see that video you can see the end of wordal five Bush anyways three letters down one to go I'm 95 certain the word is bran I'm pretty sure oat bran is what you eat for cereal bush haha you got it wrong Obama the black and llama my turn my turn I will win this round the real world King is back to save the illiterate people you're really smart Trump I see why people enjoy watching you but you look stupid most times to be honest Trump I will start bringing Melania into our game from now on Donald let's be fair 99 of what Trump says is complete and utter [ __ ] today he is nicer because you're here boy [ __ ] you Joe all you do is eat ice cream out of your kid's ass I'm typing in bra incorrect Donald I invited you to our game room today Bush and this is how you treat me on the first day no wonder when your horse riding ass is in office 9 11 happened to USA you're the biggest brat in American presidential history George you got the funniest tongue Donald maybe if you read a book once in a while you'd know better than to make such distasteful remarks using National tragedies for cheap shots I expected better [ __ ] you bushy ushi this is my turn I got my word this is not going to be good five letters from Trump is usually disastrous really Joe what kind of words did Trump make it before he always puts bomb and nuke and slapping s's on the end sometimes even the N word one of the rounds Trump the rump put in titty and twerk for his five letter words wow Donald you are so smart man smartest president that I will even put smart for my first guest thank you Bush the touch finally someone admire my superb and elect bush is being sarcastic grumpy trumpy geez you are dumb Joe you thinking you're the sarcasm expert here is the biggest joke of the day and you thinking you're so smart is the craziest event of the day I'm gonna whack that word in actually [ __ ] you Joe anything crazy is your sick cocaine addiction and Drug snorting habits just to keep your perverted brain awake I'm so glad you're here it's like we're the only Professionals in the room right now well Barack it's always a pleasure being in good company but let's not forget we've had our moments too still compared to This World Circus we might as well be the dynamic duo screw you Bush you literally called me a brat and now you acting like a robot we already have a nerdy robot we don't need a nerd robot number two Trump the rump you abusive orange potato how about I put in abuse for my word give us a hint Donald this is not your typical five-letter word yeah no b or S and there is no t as well absolutely this word is quite the controversy describes all of you in this room you always come up with crazy ass [ __ ] on Donald and always risk getting us canceled I'm guessing you're going to say something like Dairy and come up with some of your stupid analogies wait the word changed to diary instead Obama drop your [ __ ] rig this game didn't you I swear I put in Dairy and you secretly changed it I saw it with my own eyes the A and I was changed nothing happened guys you guys must have hallucinated I didn't do anything replay the video Donald the word was definitely changed Donald I've been out of the game for a while but even I can see through that maybe in Trump World but out here in reality we all saw what you did just hurry up with your guest sleepy Joe and mind you this word has more to do with all of you than anyone out in the world you are making me angry Trump the fat rump that's the stupidest guess I ever imagined you have so many Clues and yet you Miracle messed up you guess looks like your brain needs to snort more [ __ ] cocaine to stay awake the fact that Donald changed my word means the word definitely ends in i-a-r-y and on the top of my head there is only Harry and dairy the word cannot be Dairy Barack the D has already been used so the word must be hairy [ __ ] you two robot nerds you guys ruined all the fun to this game typing in Harry super easy when you break it down what does Harry got to do with the three of us Donald glad you asked you demented sleepy Joe first who in the world named themselves Bush which instantly mean Harry second Obama's wife is a disgusting Hairy Ape and finally Joe your hairy sagging balls have malfunctioned and you mentioned in Wordle too you like hairy women get it now you [ __ ] illiterate robot screw you Donald I'm gonna beat you the crap out of you get back here Donald oh you don't run all right see you next time robots and subscribe Joe will be useful for once bush is joining us again with great feedback from the comments I'm super glad to join you guys again I hate you Bush I hate all of you why is Donnie still in the hospital room are you [ __ ] demented sleepy Joe did you really forget what you guys did to me two days ago in Wordle six that's for calling Michelle a Hairy Ape I could not hold back my anger that day that was the most fun day with you guys to be honest all right I get to start off today instead of doing random words we're going to do themes today just to minimize stupidity in our guesses this word of mine is food related you're such a nerd Barack when I get back there would be no more nerdiness how's the hospital bed Donald hope it hasn't collapsed yet at least my bed nurses and everyone listens to me I can't wait for the day you lie on this bed then I will piss in your mouth when you are sleeping let's get started with Wordle viewers are waiting for us right now who's going first I am obviously the real world King gets to go first kick us off Donnie remember this word is food related this is going to be super fun I can't wait to put in my word I'm hoping you remember the word by the time it's your turn Joe anyways I'm putting in cream just like Joe is an ass cream eater who wants to eat ice cream out of butt cracks I mean that's not a bad guess after all I'll type in salad I see Barack eating lots of that when he's with Michelle I love salad as well my favorite is Caesar salad with lots of eggs and bacon pieces they are super yummy I like all salad as long as it has chicken in them but there is one food I like better no wonder you guys are also wrinkly and stupid I never eat salad and look at me I'm the smartest man America ever had and no wonder you're in the hospital bed Donnie you had a heart attack when running away from us McDonald's and your favorite chicken nuggets definitely contributed to your hospital visit chicken salad is a very healthy meal Donnie you should try some if you want I can make you the salad for my farm they taste great too no thanks Bush it's likely sprayed with cow and horse piss and no wonder Obama kinds of people like chicken it's what makes them so nerdy and Joe can consider adding koala meat to his salad yes Trump I also love koalas next time I go to Australia I will cook some koalas and digest their special sleeping genetics maybe it will make me a better sleeper maybe while you're at it find a kangaroo so you can jump to some conclusions faster Joe you already have the Sleep part down maybe find something to help with the awake part screw you Donald I'm typing that in looking at a koala makes me awake I bet the koala would instantly wake up just to escape from you hahaha that would be the funniest moment ever imagine that scene being featured in National Geography with Joe walking up to a koala and that koala saw the king of sleeping and instantly runs away can you imagine today on National Geography the rare sleepy Joe koala known to doze off during crucial moments often found napping beside International leaders and mistaking diplomatic meetings for bedtime stories oh my God oh my God my heart's hearting from laughing oh [ __ ] Donnie are you okay respond to me now I am laughing too much backers Donnie respond Donnie are you okay uh come here gaming headphones I'm okay I blame Joe for being sleepy and making me laugh which made me fall anyways Barack chucking the word fruit for me how many nurses did it take Donnie I'm guessing nine considering you weigh like a hippo [ __ ] you Joe it took one nurse and myself to get on the bed crippled and I still remember how to walk grumpy Trump rumpy that nurse must be so fit that she turned you on when you stare into her and you started burning your backup Mecca's energy just to get back on the bed at least I can get out of bed on my own sleepy Joe you're just jealous at this point you guys are literally in different rooms and you still manage to start a fight that's true rivalry back to Wordle we got the a I remember Barack like to eat fruits I'm thinking on the lines of papaya that six letters Bush you are close though I remember another way to say Papaya it's like PayPal or Papa or something oh yeah it's Papa that's it I'm typing it in that's the wrong spelling Bush pawpaw is spelled with double paw my turn I got the last word I got it it's my turn grumpy trumpy I'm typing that word in screw you Joe this is literally my turn no Donna you put cream Bush salad Mi koala you fruit Bush Papa and now it's my turn this game is rigged I swear I remember this is my turn I'm typing in Pizza that has to be the only word left what the [ __ ] how did you know there was Z's in this word it's obvious JoJo actually got smarter today nice job big bro thanks little bro that's because Trump the rump isn't here and I am smarter today anyways time for my six letter word this is also a food related word shut your senile wrinkly ass eating mouth up Joe I lose brain cells every time you speak you rotting piece of dinosaur I'm kicking us off I'll whack in banana I do love somebody banana smoothies Obama de llama now grumpy trumpy rumpy you love food what's your guess yo you don't like bananas you like peeling them and sucking or choking on bananas my friend in Middle School actually got into tension eating a banana that was me remember Bush I was deep throat in that banana and that hot young looking teacher called Miss Higgins got me in detention that teacher has already rotten and Joe that's what I mean by you're a [ __ ] gay demented creep you can't talk [ __ ] you're in the hospital go to hell Joe I'm putting in slots that's how slow you move and that's how gay and ugly looking you are okay I'll sacrifice a turn to get us more clues I'll go with creamy Bush you're making me hungry I'm thinking of creamy surf and turf pasta right now what kind of mental decaying food is that Joe it better not be some made up word ice cream and Trump all I can think of is milk cream sugar or fats but it's none of those words I'm gonna put in celery to make sure that it's not celery that was not very smart Obama the r has been used already Bro you've read a dictionary Barack and you make such simple mistakes I'm flabbergasted I've never ever in my life heard you say the word flabbergasted that's because that nurse just came into my room and I didn't want to give that nurse a bad impression oh so Donna you are secretly hitting on that nurse right shut up Obama Melania sometimes watches this channel in her spare time boy Melanie would be so mad when she realized realized you were cheating with a nurse shut up guys I think I got the word you're going to type in some weird [ __ ] again Donald I swear I got this word it's a hundred percent that word Joe 's fossil artifacts chill grumpy trumpy raging is bad for your heart especially when you're in the hospital Trump has always liked that bush he could never be chill I kind of feel bad for Joe not going to lie don't feel bad for me guys there will be a moment where I get to take my awesome revenge on trumpity dumpity remind me again Joe that food is something I Donald Trump eat and you like it with what I like it with my ice cream what does ice cream and Donald's Everyday Food got to do with each other I don't have a single clue either oh what's my word then grumpy trumpy you are disgusting Joe the word is pickle and yuck who eats pickles with ice cream you eat pickles every day in your Big Mac and then you eat ice cream afterwards that's different Joe pickles and burgers taste good pickles and ice cream is like you changing babies nappies and smelling their buttholes it's stupid and disgusting yeah I agree with Donnie on this one I also agree that's some weird ass [ __ ] Joe who eats ice cream with [ __ ] pickles bro they taste good you guys should try it I don't want to get crippling dementia from Joe Biden's disastrous recipe this seven letter word of mine is also a food it's the best tasting food in the history of human existence you're not going to say bombing or nuking right Donnie or bombers with extra s on the end I hate the two of you teaming up against me even when I'm in hospital it's none of that word plus when I get out I will [ __ ] drone strike both your houses you sound more like Obama with that drone strike Donald and you sound like you miss being in the action Bush how's retirement treating you enjoying some peace and quiet and playing Wordle now with you guys I love it we're waiting for you pushy bushy it's your turn oh I forgot I'll smack in coconut is coconut a reference to Donald's fat body and ugly hairstyle zip your flippity Yap Joe you are precisely turning Bush's innocence to make him sound like a villain let me guess the nurse just walked in again yes Joe she's a wonderful nurse and I will punch you in the demented head once I get out I'll be waiting for the day you leave Hospital trumpity anyway I'm chucking in calories that's some interesting combination of words I'll go with brownie to get more clues you are making me hungry Obama Rama but this food I put in is even yummier I'm not surprised Donald all you think about is food to inflate your obese belly I swear Joe I will unplug your [ __ ] life support when I'm out of here and plus I'm convinced my overloaded IQ is stored in my belly instead genetically and biologically that cannot word Donald a big belly usually means X excess fat or excess oxygen exactly and in Trump's case it's more excess fat shut up you two robot nerds we are here to play wordal not study [ __ ] science you nerds Trump what does that think you like to do when you're around Melania or eating McDonald's that's an interesting question Bush I guess I like to eat them out or smell them good now when you smell too much [ __ ] what's something that's clogged up in your nose I'm clogged up in my nose is it boogers correct Donald I'm slapping that word in this is one of Donald's favorite foods uh-huh nice one bushy damn bush is smarter than I expected Joe go back to sleep and snort some [ __ ] cocaine and Bush I will pick my boogers and stick it on your painting and you can thank me later Donnie what kind of food is that bro I can't figure this word with these Clues on the screen I'm telling you this is the yummiest food ever to humans are you sure it's not bomb grumpy trumpet can human eat a bomb Joe think you demented creep think that could be a good idea Joe you should put in bombers and it might give me the word it can't be bombers Barack the letters don't line up okay Barack I'll listen to you this time but make sure you get it correct when it's your turn oh my God Trump that word is not a [ __ ] food yes it is a food Barack it's a warm soft squishy voluptuous bun every human has eaten or drank out of boobies when we are babies it's the best ever food in human existence I mean if you put it that way Donald sure I guess that's true Trump's on a diet and I brought some donuts wrong intro for the eighth consecutive time Joe last time I got the word right so it's my turn this time finally let's go and the real world King is back I hated that hospital from Wordle seven but that nurse indeed who did you get to eat your favorite food last time Donnie I wish guys but at least Melania gave me a surprise that night and today I feel super good that's the first ever time you are this optimistic Donald I'm proud of your changes EP I won't get bullied by grumpy trumpy rumpy again I'm starting off with this word and the first word I'm putting in is Joe's crippling dementia you said you felt good today I thought you won't bully Joe anymore Donald well Joe can get pranked by Donald Trump is King and viewers love me bullying Joe Donald the only thing you're king of is spray tan mishaps and Twitter timeouts the viewers just enjoy seeing me keep you in check see that's what I mean you're an old age fossil it's not Twitter anymore sleepy Joe it's now and comment below if you enjoy me roasting the dementia out of Joe Biden I bet no one would vote for you Donald my turn folks I'm typing in popular just like we are the most loved Wordle Channel that's seven letters Obama Rama come on man oh yeah I can just slap that round s on the end credits to Donnie and sleepy Joe for this world trick that's cute Barack taking pointers from me and Joe what's next a trump hairstyle or some Joe's koala genetics don't worry Obama the Llama it's all right to learn from others at least you're humble enough to give credit unlike some people in this room Donnie with all due respect we've all taken something from each other over the years heck I even took some fashion advice from you I just never wore it in public oh bushy boy you admitted my style influence next you'll tell me you've got a golden toilet tucked far away in Texas so you've got a golden toilet Donald of course Joe want a tour it might be a bit too luxurious for your taste didn't Melania choose that so she can take Instagram pics and flex her golden piss her poo your wrinkly ball sacks are no longer functioning you [ __ ] cocaine addict that was pretty messed up Joe how did that even come to your mind Joe Biden is creepy old and useless with disgusting sagging malfunction balls I'm going to the toilet now to prove it still functions do you hear that Donald it's still working and I'm putting in testicle for my word to prove to Trump he is just fat and stupid Joe we are in a room with four Dudes and you are talking about [ __ ] testicles in the bathroom playing Wordle on your iPad how much more piss do you have Joe hurry up is that Niagara Falls in there Joe I'm here trying to create my own Yellow River I'm never using that toilet ever again it's got Joe's piss all over the floor have you finished peeing Joe all we hear is [ __ ] water it's a fountain of wisdom for the love of God finally you have finished taking your [ __ ] piss yeah I feel so lightweighted and I feel super good now I want to give you guys a big kiss for waiting for me I know it's 21st century Joe but I don't want your kids your breath smells worse than poo stay away from me Joe go kiss Donald sleepy Joe Biden you are a coarse dangling foolish homosexual creep I will type in lgbtq Joe that describes how hopeless and shit-faced you are you're gonna get us demonetized trumpy rumpy Barack say something you're seriously going to get us canceled Donnie you should not make fun of genders Donald it's 2023 bro who in the world gets turned on after taking a piss and wants to start kissing dudes this is my third time here are you guys always like that before I came absolutely Georgie they have 99 gone back to their true self especially Donald and Joe Biden trumpy rumpy I identify myself as a koala I love sleeping oh no [ __ ] Joe on my end I've already identified you as a bong I'll ignore these idiots Bush I've known you as a classy man for my entire life I will put in detail for my word a classy word for tea you've been having a bit too much of that special tea haven't you Obama I've never heard of t-tail but it's Innovative I'll give you that thank you Obama Rama now that you put that in I have basically figured out Bush's word it's got something to do with Texas but I need to figure out the ending I'd be impressed if you actually got it sleepy Joe but then again impressed and Joe don't often go together in my book it's time I change that today Donald you will be impressed for sure trumpy rumpy screw your ice cream Joe Biden I'm impressed on how stupid and gay and demented your brain is and your love for kissing men and eating pickles also your love for taking a piss with an iPad you got this Joe you can do it just think carefully for this word thanks for the support Obama Rama I need to figure all the remaining words it can't be texting now we can't be texania not texanite it can't be Texan eye not Texas it can be Texan X I'll help you once Joe texanix is not a word I'm surprised thank you trumpy rumpy then the last letter is a z so it has to be texanized that has to be the correct word congratulations Joe you finally got my word with the help of two other people you guys should come over to my farm in Texas one day we can do lots of stuff I'm always down for some Texas barbecue bushy I'm down that going to be epic Bush I've always wanted to try riding a horse Trump you coming right only if I can fly us all there in Trump Force One and promise me you will have golden Tomahawk Steak Big Macs ice cream cones loaded fries and a salad then I'll come over bet Donald I'll sure get that ready for you I'm sure that salad would perfectly balance out the 9 000 calories of food that day Donnie exactly Barack if chess players burn 6 000 calories a day then me flying my trump Air Force would burn at least 9 000 calories hooray and you will be 9 000 ounces heavier trumpy rumpy I've also just came up with my nine letter word ounces pounds or gallons I still shine brighter than you sleepy Joe I agree on this one Donnie the first thing sleepy Joe will do on the plane is sleeping and again I'll slap that curvy s on the end what's with you and Kirby s's Obama Rama have you been spending too much time with manly manshell lately Trump for the eighth time playing Wordle don't bring Michelle on this channel bro you called her an ape and Wordle six and this this is the third time you called her a man but everything I said is true except for the eight part because I don't want to get this is the first time ever Donnie got scared that's why I need that 9 000 calories of food from Bush then I will be stronger and faster than Obama when that day comes I will prepare some medical services at my place just to make sure you don't get paralyzed when eating all those Foods don't worry Bush I got my Obamacare on demand whenever needed too bad it doesn't fix Joe's dementia anyways what's your word Joe give me a clue this word is a skill I'm very good at thanks Joe I know your word this has to be the word coming from the guy that thought bomb fit in a nine-letter slot but go ahead amuse me this is something you are very good at Joe I'm good at lots of things Donnie coming from Donald's mouth it can literally be anything Joe is good at glitching the game every time we play Wordle why is this not the word Joe you have glitched the game for the up 10th time I can't believe you would cheat like this for the up 10th time Donald I didn't cheat the game at least you got three more yellow letters Donald no need to be mad bro the air but Finn your tree wait fine if you say that Joe I won't be mad at you Brock hurry up it's your turn lamou in a split second Trump's brain went from being mad at Joe then reset and now he's new Target is switched to Obama get ready Bush you might be Donald's next Target the word I'm putting in is toothless Joe is getting old and losing teeth slowly I love toothless Obama I watched How to Train Your Dragon so many times and I never fell asleep in that movie toothless was such a cute Dragon so first you love to sleep then you love children and kids then you like ice cream with Pickles then today you wanted to kiss us and now you like cartoon characters what are you a clinophile pedophilic fragophobic cartoon fetish and gay weirdo no wonder people don't want to go near you Joe Joe's determination of uniqueness reminds me of a threequel it's a testament to his commitment just like a franchise that won't quit except Joe always surprises us with the weirdest [ __ ] I've heard of exactly Obama Joe Biden looks like Vladimir Putin's aborted son if I'm Putin's son then what does that make you Donald the annoying Uncle no one invites to family gatherings I genuinely want to throw you in that toilet you just pissed in and flush your head give me one more hint for your word Biden it's something I'm good at and it starts with a t and has an eye in it yes I know that Biden I need every hint is on the screen Donald you just need to put the letters together for the love of McDonald give me a useful hint sleepy Joe it has a q and a u in it and the Q goes before the U where do you know Joe Biden I hate you I will abominate your brainu my brain's dying someone get him a keyboard I think he's trying to tweet with his mind Obama I think Donald's found a new way of communication might be Morse code a sex death CGV Adventure Capital Trump every time I think I've heard it all from you you raised the baros shut the [ __ ] up Donald ouch why did you hit me you get a taste of your own medicine stop that haha that's what you call Trump fighting techniques Trump you are such a bully Barack bro you okay guy guys I think I got the word the word is technique technique yes thanks Barack for letting me beat your ass you made me find the right word and you turned into a baby Trump and started speaking gibberish as well and it's now my turn for ten letter words this is a word I hate we had the best and friendliest world all day yet and you ruined my mood I will take Wando your fat ass ouch ouch Barack stop no more come on guys we're not in the boxing ring let's save the Jabs for another day let's get back to Wordle agreed I will start us off Donald hates dumb people this will be my first guess guys no fighting this whole round now my new enemy is Obama the Llama he just kicked me three times in the belly and one of them was a flying kick and you hit me five times Donald you still owe me one hit let's just play Wordle for Heavenly sakes I've known Donald his whole life and he hates to go bankrupt so I will put in bankruptcy Donald loves to go bankrupt there's headlines of his business failures all over the Internet exactly that's so true it's a strategy to avoid tax because you don't pay tax on money you've lost in businesses Joe sounds like Donald failed to negotiate with other business people so I think that fat Orange hates negotiators at least when I'm called Orange it's just my skin tone you on the other hand can turn black with Envy just admit you're jealous that I am smarter and more athletic than you Donnie and you failed for 77 years to get tanning lines I can always launch a self-tanning line what do you think Obama want to be my first customer just hit me up whenever you've got a shade that's less Sun said and more Dawn I never knew Donald hates so many things in his life even the word he put in is something he hates I hated that word when we started but now I think of it I don't hate it anymore also it's a compound word aha that's super duper easy I got it trumpety dump it he hates Chinese men but now he hates obamanian men I guess that would make Malia and Sasha the First Citizens Trump won an honorary title in the obamanian nation how about Grand Trump of Obama land you know what Barack I'd rather prefer to rule over trumpsville it's actually a real thing obamanian or trumpville can we all just have a barbecue at my Ranch that would be awesome I need my 9 000 calories then me and Obama can fight in a boxing ring you and your fat 9 000 pound cheeseburgers will get the biggest Round of Applause from the crowd when you successfully crawl into the ring and stand up and people will cheer on for your big one pack abs that would be the biggest boxing stream ever in history also Joe no drugs or cocaine on that day at my place I don't need it pushy bushy but I can't wait for that day to come I just realized Trump hated cocaine addicts so I'll Chuck in cocainisms I seriously can't figure out that word Georgie bushy you didn't have to snort that word bro you ruined all the fun what is that word think Joe there's cocaine and ends in OE what do you think trumpy rumpy put in it he doesn't hate me so it can't be me so I guess it's cocaine hoe is that right trumpity dumpity like I said I hated it at this start but I don't hate it anymore now I feel bad putting in that word after Georgie pushy bushy snorted out the letters I'm typing in the word Joe don't get offended by that Donald feels bad for putting in that word I won't get mad guys I'm so happy Donald showed some empathy today apart from the fight between you two and no fighting when you come to my I will start off with a 11-letter word today because I got the word correct last time give us a hint Obama I doubt anyone except for your nerdy brain can come up with 11 words go on Obama Rama give him a hint those tiny hands of his definitely struggle to count to 11. this word is a compound word and if you get stuck after 10 you could always take off a shoe thanks Obama then I will step on Joe Biden and crush his demented face and I will bite off your skin and send you back into the hospital bed then I will piss in your nose and poo in your mouth when you're sleeping sleepy Joe you sound like grumpy trumpy today that's because I learned all his roasts from previous episodes and I will use it all back against him hurry up Donald or else I will punch you in the fat orange face and send you to your grave Joe Biden you are such a bully words hurt you know oh no Joe that was a bit far you made Donald leave us you'll be fine Barack don't worry about him he says that to me all the time and you know he will be back to play wordal that's a first to me here guess I'll start us off with the word sponsorship and I'll follow you up with shortcoming it's something that unexpectedly happened to my favorite trumpy rumpy the Humpty dumpity he should join back any second boys what just happened what did you guys do to Donald hello hey Melanie Biden can explain everything hello Melania so basically Donald was roasting me on how he want to crush my face and I roasted him back saying I'll punch him in the face so it was just some hardcore banter is that correct yes ma'am sorry if I went a bit too far Donald Trump you little [ __ ] get back in the game you cried because you got owned by Biden and you started everything this is so naive of you to act that way anyways good to see you guys thanks for the prep talk darling I'll make it up to you with a win Donald you cried to Melania during a world game I got super emotional because I didn't have any good comebacks against Joe I need to win this game or else Melania will be really mad at me I need to make it up Donald it's okay we all have off days I've known Melania for a while and she's got a big heart and super encouraging she was motivating you Donnie Donald I've been there trust me sometimes the words just don't come but our tears replace our words exactly anyways it's your turn Donald thanks guys now I will put in destruction because I will seriously break a computer if I lose this round but don't expect me to change my feeling for Joe Biden Oh Donna you and your fiery temper just remember we've got plenty of computers but only one grumpy Trump save your energy for the next round yo guys guys I think I got the word Barack you said it's a compound word correct 100 bushy I doubt you got that word that quickly Obama Rama you retired terrorist starts with drone and ends in a six-letter word I wonder what that word could be Barack it's drone strike I got the word I won this round have your diabetes kicked in again trumpy rumpy it's bushes turn let him have his moment that's not fair clearly I came up with the word first bush is clearly a cheater he profit of my intelligence Donnie I'll invite you to my place in Texas instead and I will prepare some huge Tomahawk steaks with Big Macs and ice cream cones oh yes please Bush and then I will box the chicken wings out of Obama Rama because he did three Flying Kicks on my belly in the last episode there is no way you can beat me in boxing Donald you're gonna cry again before I even land a punch on you I'm a grown ass man Obama you think your frail arms will make me cry you literally cried by my words which is pure and harmless sound imagine if your thousand pound belly gets physically hit my belly has big enough suction power to suck in a hit Donald I've heard of a gut feeling but never ever heard of a gut launching mechanism uh Trump with that kind of belly power maybe you should be in the next superhero movie perhaps Captain belly bounce we've got some Wide Open Spaces in Texas perfect for testing out that belly launcher of yours I've also just came up with my 12-letter word it's something that describes me I'm going first this time because I'm the best Wordle player on this planet does real world kings ever cry in a game of Wordle yes they do from tears of happiness when they win and since it's Bush's word it can't be anything bad so I'll put in Independence let's go one green letter and three yellows that's not enough Donnie I'm whacking in maximization because bushy pushy always want to maximize his land space on his farm you bet Obama by the way how's maximizing that post-presidential golf game going bushy and Joe you should see me playing Barack I've heard that every time Obama Rama plays golf the golf ball is on a quest to find new Woods to explore Donald maybe if you focus Less on my golf game and more on slimming down that midsection you'd see where your balls land for once Donald did you ever consider starring in a movie I'm thinking Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Lost golf ball but I think Trump's more of a temple of doom guy especially when he's on the golf course suck my balls bushy and sleepy Joe I will beat you both on the golf course all day all night you're both so jealous of my phenomenon golfing skills your balls are likely covered in Trump lard and Melanie's fake lipsticks they work thank you Obama you just gave me a 12-letter word I'm typing in professional all this time I was figuring out my guess and looking at pushy bushy I'm typing an architecture I'm sure bush is very good at that and it describes him that's such a surprise coming from you I was mentally prepared you were going to roast me Donald is seriously trying hard to bridge the gap with compliments now are we are you trying to make a foundation for a new friendship with bush or is it melania's eagle eyes staring on your computer screen and you need to behave yourself that's very nice of you sleepy Joe you haven't brought Jill Biden into the call is she too ugly or are you afraid of a divorce my relationship's great grumpy trumpy you should focus on making it up to Melania after you embarrassed her crying like a baby I will never ever forget today's moment when you cried Donnie this moment will age like fine wine that is most hilarious moment ever and for your motivation Donald I will put in persistence I believe you can win around today you just need that persistency funny Obama you're about the only person I know who can turn Wordle into a motivational speech at least I can motivate with Wordle can you say the same about Twitter hooray hooray I think I figured out Bush's word it starts with persby and I just need to figure out the rest [ __ ] sakes I really hate today Joe must have glitched this round again if his brain can guess this 12-letter word it's not rocket science trumpy rumpy so four letters are hidden and there is c t and Y I need to combine these letters to guess Bush's word I think I know Bush's word I think your grandsons have watched too much of this person and you use this word I know that person you're referring to Barack but this word was always in my vocabulary I have to win around today sleepy Joe hurry up and get the word already I want to start guessing your next word so I can win I need to win now that Obama mention it I know the word the word is perspicacity which is a quote from Andrew Tate and Trump how is County jail today I heard you got your mug shots taken the media is lying to you Biden it's all a [ __ ] rigged glitch and everything about I saw that as well as well you tried to rig the 2020 election oh no trumpy rumpy viewers will genuinely miss you if you actually end up in jail it's all a scam and shitty fake news the media is lying to you guys I didn't do anything wrong I feel sorry that trumpity Dumpty my favorite rumpy has to face all this when he's almost 80 years old I will support you Trump I will also choose an easy word that you love for this round and our loyal fans and subscribers and viewers will also support you trumpy rumpy we need you to be with us all the time I can't imagine mortal without Trump he's mean at times but it would never be the same without him guys comment below if you support Trump and that he should not be in jail thank you so much guys you guys are seriously the realest ones much appreciate all your support I love you trumpy rumpy I will give you a big big hickey again let's continue with Wordle it's Trump's favorite word so Trump you start I think I already have a clue of what the word will be come on grumpy trumpy you got this easy peasy the word I love is bombs and nuke and with 14 letters I will punch in the word bombing and nuking oh my gosh no [ __ ] Trump what else would you put in today is an exception that you get to do this considering all the events that happened to you Donnie and the first word that come to my mind starting with bomb is bombastically hold up this word doesn't fit all right I'll just Chuck an s on the end oh no I get gave out too many hints are you sure you spelled the word correctly what 14 letter words start with bomb push hold up I get to skip your turn this is my turn again and I got the word that's not fair Donald let me just put in the word I'm the real world King and I say so it's my turn Joe Biden I think you spelled the word incorrectly if every letter except for the last s is yellow that means you somehow added an extra letter to this word your illiteracy kicked in again Joe how can you be so sure Donald it could be another 14-letter word trust me Barack it's 100 that Joe rigged this round but I've got a huge Trump feeling about this word I have spelled this word correctly if this is a real word then it's going to be a really difficult one I've dealt with far more complicated things than a 14-letter Wordle word bushy ever tried combing this hair of mine anyways let me break down the syllables so bombastically let me think Trump just go for it we are wasting time with Trump coming up with an imaginary word that's again another new thing from grumpy trumpy I certain Joe Biden misspelled that word I'm super convinced that Joe put in an extra R in the word bombastically and instead he wrote bombastically if you get this wrong Donnie then I get to have two turns in a row type it in Trump I just Googled a word and I got it I'm typing that [ __ ] in did I get it hooray hooray I got it I got it yes finally I won everyone is on one point Donnie you didn't win and now it's your turn for a 15 letter word hooray now I can go tell Melania I won Wordle no grumpy trumpy we have the ultimate wordal competition in two days Donald and last time I won the match you glitched the last competition Joe Biden don't you dare cheat on the next World competition Joe the King is back you illiterate people ice cream a nation today hooray Joe this is the 10th consecutive time you got the intro wrong Joe Joe is super useless and today is the ultimate special episode 10 and we are doing a world competition what's a Wordle competition it's a game to see who can name the most ice cream flavors take your pills Joe that brain of yours will not last even one round anyways bushy wushy today we compete against each other starting from three letter computer generated words when we lose we stop and tally up our points but there is four of us and only six guesses and who will be the referee to ensure no one cheats for the guesses we will go in teams and for the referee for the referee I got someone ready he is most voted in in our comment section guys welcome to the one and only smart person Mr Beast hello current and former presidents super glad to be invited as your referee for today's competition Jimmy the Timmy I love your new videos especially the ones where you donated stuff to African children Joe you sound more like a child than a president are we going to win money today if we win Jimmy absolutely so today's world competition will be Trump and Biden versus Obama and Bush the winning team gets two million dollars imagine all the ice cream I can buy with two million dollars or one million after you take half lame I will open a McDonald right next to my house with that money shut up fatty I will buy more horses and cows for my farm in Texas you guys are all so boring I will donate that money to starving kids in Africa comment below whose way of spending money is the best now let's get started with three letter words Donald and Joe you guys go first and you need to communicate for who puts in the word sleepy Joe all you are good for is sleeping and snorting cocaine I got this round I will carry us both and win the money I'm whacking in win pushy bushy Wishy we have the upper advantage against these two idiots do you want to go first sure thing Obama Rama the eye is revealed I'll try Sid my turn now dumbasses hey Donald give me a go writing in the word all you will do is make us lose sleepy Joe [ __ ] you grumpy trumpy move over damn your body is humongous I'm typing in pig like you are a fat ugly orange Pig God damn it Joe you gave them a clue this is like a casino now the word ends in IP but there is hip dip rip lip are there's so many options I reckon go with hip we would have better odds anyways okay bushy uh rip that was close sleepy Joe I got this it has to be rip I'm telling you Joe no trumpy I reckon it's limp no Joe we only have one turn left this is like sudden death I'm the real Wordle King I know the website will put in rip because they are telling Barack Obama and the bushinator to rest in peace but I won the last wordal competition remember I have a gut feeling it's lip guys hurry up put in your word trust me Joe on this one I'm putting in rip oh no [ __ ] sakes Donald your confidence is like a peacock in a hen house out of place but still strutting around shut your gay ass mouth Joe your word isn't right either wait for them they have 50 chance of getting the word should I put in lip or dip there's the only two sensible options right here well considering the company we're up against dip might just be the right choice no offense Trump I hope it's dead please be dip did we get it yes let's go oh baby let's go at least none of us got it right Joe I'm still I'm stuck around one point goes to Barack and the bushinator now it's four letter words Barack you guys start I started last time you want to start Barack yes sir Joe is getting further and further away from his Unlimited Supply of ice cream I'll type in chip haha Joe and Donnie come and win this round give me the computer I want to call Barack something I got it sleepy Joe I got something even better against these nerds you're gonna type in some random [ __ ] again Donnie ha ha ha fat loser and sleepy loser we will win our two million bucks haha screw you Barack I never thought you would betray me like this [ __ ] you Barack I want to [ __ ] do this to you in manchel now Donnie are you okay I want to bomb the nerdy brains out of you stinky poo I will drone strike you a book or two and spray them with perfume then we can talk we got this Barack the word ends in mp and the second letter must be a vowel back it can be a MP ump or EMP just go for it Bush I want to type in lump because we are versing grumpy trumpy the big lump of fat Rock comparing me to a lump is like saying Texas is a small state in both cases you're gravely mistaken Donnie thinking of putting in dump for our word both your IQ will get dumped by bogdanov after this round hahaha you are so lame dumbass bogdanov died ages ago and screw you Barack I'm whacking in tank I will blow up your house if you make fun of me and Joe one more time trumpy rumpy tank was not even close but hey thanks for admitting we are on the same side okay Barack we have only one more turn left we need to get this word I mean there's romp but wait I'm also thinking of putting in Dumb holy [ __ ] I'm playing against two robots it's Man versus machine at this point are you gonna diss Joe just like that Trump yes because I'm the real world King I have a strong feeling that word would be dump bro go for it we have 50 chance I'm fine with that boy Donald I have a feeling I got this word it's obvious sleepy Joe if dump is wrong then the word is rump no Donald I'm thinking of another word did you snort too much coke again it's got to be rump bro what else can it be Donna you forgot there's also jump that could also be a possibility good point Joe but I'm still convinced it's rum push damn we completely missed that one man it's all good there's a chance they get it wrong here so Donald I really think the word should be jump no sleepy Joe I'm convinced that word is rum Trump and ROM be do you think Wordle automatic word generators would put in rump to intentionally roast your ass think bro it has to be jump I think you're lying I'm putting in the word jump Biden if you get this word wrong you [ __ ] say that again Donald I didn't hear you um never mind we got one point let's go credits to my help sleepy Joe one point goes to team sleeping trumpy you guys start with five letters this is a tight match for winning two million dollars Joe I'm dreaming of the McDonald's I will open next to my house and if we win this you can give me your money and I will give you unlimited ice cream for life that has to be the worst deal ever Donnie I could open a McDonald's near my house and get unlimited ice cream anyways The Hustler is getting hustled looks like Joe is better than you at business dog Joe that was just my level one business question and you have passed like anyone should wait till my level 100 business tricks for later on I'll just hope your level 100 isn't about wall constructions anyways I carried the last round so I get to start us off I'm whacking in Texas we still need to crash at Bush's place I'm still waiting on that barbecue invite from you bushy don't worry bro we gonna play more Wordle and more snap when you guys come over you still owe me that Tomahawk Steak you promised two episodes ago I still remember that Trump and I will get my medical services ready just in case by the way I'm feeling adventurous for this word Bush I want to Chuck an alien alien is the least expected word to come out of Barack Joe pass me the iPad I 100 got this word Donnie it can't be your n-word again it's the other N word it's the n-word that describes Obama Donald look you fat piece of lard the eye has been used but you can replace that eye with an E because they both have the same sounds they both sound like e and in my case knee do not say the word because you are seriously risking us to get canceled Donald plus your word cannot be any because the e in Texas is not green screw you nerdy robot you into all my fun with Joe now I want to enter my secret Donald you illiterate Pig every time you enter some stupid words we are further and further away from winning the two million dollars also I told you it cannot be the word nukes shut up you [ __ ] crackhead if we win this round I will take all the money because I carry first I hope you remember to stretch those tiny hands of your and this match so far you have carried us in the wrong direction you're only making it easier for the other team we are in a rivalry but at this moment it's our Cooperative Spirit against a team that's having a civil war of their own let's go Bush so the second last letter is e I have a strong feeling the word ends in ER mind if I type in power it could also end in ed but sure power sounds good we would still have the final go yes we got it the word indeed ends in ER let's pray Donald or Joe don't guess this word then we got this round in the back Joe I am fuming on how nerdy and robotic those two idiots sound let me type in fuming Donald if you stress we will choke also fuming is six letters bro let me think no need to think bro the next letter after m is an N surely funair is a word right what the [ __ ] is funner what kind of word is that think a little harder grumpy trumpy your brain is so slow Joe Biden oops I entered the word damn it I'm so angry to team up with Joe Biden and versing against two [ __ ] robots this entire competition is glitch looks like you handed this one to the robots again Donnie we're not robots for human sakes Barack look at this word I think it gave us all the clues needed the N has to be second so first letter is likely a vowel and therefore the word could begin with u n that makes this word so much easier to guess bushy than the only possible word is under yeah the word has to be under oh baby let's go hahaha loses we're on two points now you're a legend Barack we're gonna win this competition one more point for Barack and the bushinator two points against one Donald and Joe what is your strategy moving on to win this competition Donald needs to learn how to work as a team and we need I think the strategy now is to fix Joe's crippling dangling dementia and start opening his eyes Okay moving on six letter word Barack and Bush and Adder gets to go first that would be amazing Donnie I wanted to fix Jill's fertility for a while now okay Doki I'll pretend I didn't hear that conversation bushy pick a word I'll Chuck and strike remember the good old times you had to drone strike all those Middle Eastern countries when you were in office that was fun memories looking back at it we both had our moments bushy yours was a bit more shoe Centric as I recall there's a word I want to put in it's our first guess so not a big deal just don't put in bomber or tank or nukes it could be one of these words words though but now that we are losing I want to buy a golden shotgun and a big fat tank and some grenades because I want to [ __ ] hunt down Barack and the bushinator for being so damn nerdy for once you put in a sensible word Donald for your first guess I'm actually proud of our team Trump even in a fantasy world you're still looking for shortcuts some things never change from UI Donna you should spend more time studying the game than your fantasy shopping list and even with those gears you could still misfire you're absolutely correct you nerdy bushinator next on my list is a golden dictionary so I can finally beat you robotic nerds I'm thinking of whacking in Bottle we can celebrate with bottles of champagne fine wine and world-class Spirits then we can send some pictures to Joe and Donnie I really want to join you guys sounds so much fun you're only fun Joe is kindergarten children yes I love them I will ship them to Bush's house in Texas in a big pallet also I'm locking in pallet and I can smell every single one of them when we are at Bush's house Joe you [ __ ] wacky ass [ __ ] partner you just gave them five green letters what's next child debates or kindergarten elections at least my word is on point Donald you only got one green letter for this round I thought you were on my team you skanky betrayal creep I want to get a [ __ ] palette from my factory and shove it up your mouth so you can be quiet your brain Donnie isn't this word is now super easy you thinking what I'm thinking Bush of course Obama Rama on the count of three we both say the word three two one wallet yes let's go bushy yeah yeah lock that bad boy in now entering it in yes let's [ __ ] go now bushinator and Barack is on three points and they are getting closer to win the two million dollars uh on the other hand Joe and Donald who is still on one point anything you want to say guys before moving on I'm super glad I have Bush on team we Bond so well together it's a dream being his partner I want to bomb Joe Biden's fridge and life support provider if we lose then I will order drone strike to nerdy barack's house when Bush comes over it has been a wonderful opportunity to work with Barack on this competition this has made our friendship and bond better than ever Donald is a good fun and interesting partner but I really need him to get his head into the game and win the competition we are really far behind you heard them guys let's continue Brock and Bush gets to start why do they always get to start first this game is rigged starting first as the lower chances of winning Donald that's why you know what Bush I feel a bit bad for them especially Joe I'll type in a word that Donald loves to do you being sarcastic on this one Obama Rama nah bro for real though I'm gonna type in golfing Donald I'm super anxious about the outcome for this competition bro let me start us off I'm going to type in anxiety for the first word when is a day that you're never anxious Joe I swear we better win this round Donnie as long as you start using that backup fat and protein stored in your inflated belly we will have a chance you need to think more talk less after Joe mentioning it Donald's big belly would be enough to make the garbage truck engine fail mind if I type in garbage for this word bushy garbage sure it'll remind Trump of his old Apprentice catchphrase you're fired Bush and Adder the only thing getting fired here is you from this Wordle game you didn't even belong here from Wordle one to five and now I'm getting teamed on you would literally be clearing brushes in Texas Donnie no one is ever kicking my boy bush from this gang it's okay Donald I'm on your side it's your turn type in your words this game is clearly rigged they are on three and we are on one point we're going to choke that two million dollars that's why I keep yelling at you to [ __ ] Focus Donald I want my Unlimited Supply of ice cream [ __ ] sakes why the [ __ ] am I teamed with this cocaine and children addict I've hit the jackpot to have Joe Biden on my team at least I got one point and almost got two you should be grateful this game sucks I'll type in Jackpot and hope I guess that this is the word not even close grumpy trumpy rumpy you really have a gambling addict don't you I'll give you a hint Donald when it's your last two guesses try to use most of the yellow words as possible oh true that makes so much more sense I wish I had bushy on my team I've literally been doing that for the last four rounds Donald holy [ __ ] your attention span is worse than Tick Tock scrollers says the person that needs to snort bags of cocaine and take pills just to stay away Barack it's our last guess I really got no clue for this word I don't think we'll get it me neither I haven't found a single clue yet the word I'm thinking of is theater but that word don't use the B I don't even know what to put in we've got two choices now make it hard for them or make it easy for them I reckon let's make this one easier for them if they get it we would still be winning I really kind of feel bad for Joe Biden and Donnie they just can't Vibe together like us it's almost like watching a cat and a dog trying to play chess together let's give them a break this time all right bet I'll type in theater then Bush what you just said who's the dog who's the cat it's up to you guys to figure out I'm the dog you're the cat Joe I'm big and strong and I will chase you around and eat you for supper and like any cat I always land on my feet let's land a win here instead of bickering okay it's our last guess we need to find this word okay I think I got a clue enlighten me Donald see you stupid ass the last three letters cannot be Tre that means it has to be t-h-e then it's something F it's breath yes yes it's breath let's type that in you two [ __ ] illiterate six-year-olds breath don't have the E the word you just typed is breathe holy [ __ ] and that's our current and former president Joe and Donald is coming back with another win the score is now two against three Barack and Bush and out are still winning Donnie and Joe you get to start with eight letters let me go first I gave the best ever clue last round I am a strategic and smart man I will type in tactical I'm relieved you didn't type bombing or nuking and slapping s's on the end these are my favorite things but we are competing for two million dollars Joe why the [ __ ] would I waste a turn just like that I'm not stupid Donald is sounding smart all of a sudden that's the most abnormal thing that happened today then type that in Barack we can't give them another Point again we need to floor it now I gotta say it's entertaining watching Trump try to keep up fat turtle versus Usain Bolt which team won the last round Barack exactly keep talking [ __ ] you live in Android I'm thinking of putting in children for this word Joe you [ __ ] ugly wrinkly creep I have something even better on my mind and it will figure out more letters it's something you use Joe if I have to remind you again Donnie I don't use cocaine nor marijuana and I don't have any bombs you are so ignorant thinking I'm so stupid this is something that makes you unsee things you mean sleeping that would be a very bad guess you're close Joe I was thinking of eye drops like you need that puny drop of water because your old dinosaur eyes are so dry and coarse [ __ ] you Donnie I thought we're on the same team and trying to win this round of course Joe it's just so funny to make fun of you because your dementia will forget every mean [ __ ] I say to you and look eye drops is actually a good guess much better than if you type children you creepy pervy stuttering fossil poo I may forget a thing or two but I still know the concept of teamwork and always being a supportive team member having you by my side is so useless your eyes can't even function without assistant surely that would get us the win Joe Biden the cat and dog over there are going at it again over some fugazi that has to be the shittiest ever team to be together to play Wordle if you find any two people from across the globe chances are they have better teamwork than them a hundred percent Barack this will be an easy win for us I barely have to use my brain against these wacky idiots Donald your fat piece of McDonald's [ __ ] Joe your sagging malfunctioned ball sacks mute anyways from what you just said I think wackiest could be a good word to put in go for it Barack we get the final guess anyways now on mute [ __ ] you Donald [ __ ] you Joe oh wait Donny look it's our turn now damn it we only have one try left Joe come on Focus big bro we need to get this word this is such a tricky word what the [ __ ] is the word tress I can't think of anything oh [ __ ] I think I got the word a hundred percent are you a thousand percent sure yes sleepy Joe I Donald Trump is ten thousand percent sure don't type it in what is the word so the second letter is a so instead of the word mistress I can type in Masters like I am the [ __ ] master and Melania obeys me in the bedroom oh my [ __ ] god this word makes sense but I'm not 100 sure if it's a word and even if it is a word I doubt Wordle would put that word in all I hear from you Joe is Gaga [ __ ] you Donald I said everything nice and clear no you didn't you just mumbled now watch me smacking that word and win this round sound the real world King is back oh [ __ ] you choked this round again what the heck this game is so glitched I bet you Mr Beast tweaked the servers of this game and made it glitch yes let's go bushy wushy have you got the word bro certainly Obama Rama I got the word thanks to Donny's word we will win again let's go okay Doki on the count of three one two three oh Donald Donald this game is [ __ ] rigged we were only one letter away Moroccan bushinator is now on four wins and Donald and Joe is currently on two it also seems they broke their computer and they were using Windows boys here's two thousand dollars buy yourselves a Macbook and continue playing word thank you Mr Beast much appreciated it Donna you really need some anger management classes bro I hate to say this Donald but you literally just came out of jail less than a week and you're acting up you're seriously going to hurt someone how the [ __ ] am I supposed to win two million dollars with Joe Biden when we are playing against literal NPC robots with chat GPT installed in their brains this is Man versus machine at this point Donald they are just smarter in some of the rounds they got luckier man it's okay bro Barack you start us off I'll type in flashback I really hope Joe doesn't get flashbacks of The Nightmare of teaming up with Donald you know Joe I feel so good after I rage it's like I've turned into a teenager once again that's good to hear Donald just don't break this MacBook it's the last computer we have want to type in teenager absolutely sleepy Joe teenager is eight letters but I will smack that round s on the end beautiful our turn Barack I'm thinking of putting in sabotages like Donald just sabotaged his computer that could work but I was considering the word September we have so many new content planned for the channel next month and it could be a good time to hint them out what do you reckon oh true I remember we discussing about movies and new games and stuff I yes do that Barack type that in it's the perfect time oh I can't wait to play different games and Crush you nerds Focus Donald we're still playing Wordle the words are only getting harder there is one thing I want to do right now Joe and it's a very good word what is it you want a threesome you want to fight back or you want to start counting down for your next nuke or Bomb Timer what the [ __ ] Donald brought a nuclear weapon to this competition holy [ __ ] I better take cover calm your titties guys it's just a prank I want to break free from this glitching server and win my two million dollars and then open my McDonald's that's not a bad word actually go for it Donnie I'm locking in Break Free let's go if those robot nerds get it wrong then we can get the final word oh no this is going to be bad Barack I'm almost certain I got this word of course it's that word bushy wushy the word ends in Tia yep the word ends in a t you do the honors Barack all right then thank you pushy boost she was she I'm typing that in now oh baby let's go let's go we will win you God damn it [ __ ] this game it's full of cow and horse and dog [ __ ] all right Moroccan bushnator on Five Points versus Joe and Donnie on two clearly this was not a fair match up so this next 10 letter word will be three points if you win there will also be a 20 second timer for each side to make things more intense are you ready bushinator and Barack we're ready are you ready Donald and Joe yes Beastie feasty we're ready okay Barack and bushinator starts guessing the word if you don't get it you miss your turn oh [ __ ] Barack what word do you have in mind damn this is stressful ten letters is actually hard as well um I don't know how about illiteracy yep that's not a bad guess go type that in 10 seconds quick quick type that in all right done Joe what's a 10 letter word that come to your mind ice cream and sleeping is what come to my mind you know these aren't real words and not ten letters write you sleepy ass man what 10 letter words come to your mind huh bomb and nukes they're not better 10 seconds [ __ ] [ __ ] hurry up I don't know any words well look at Barack and Bush I don't know any words see what words do you see I don't know any words hurry up alien and robot wait Farm his yard so yard Master that's 10 letters hurry up and type that in [ __ ] sakes I'm sweating already I don't know what words to type in now then use their strategy look at Donald and Joe I see ice cream and Joe I see fat and orange and Trump White Ice Cream you can type in Haagen-Dazs it's an ice cream brand 10 seconds oh good you can type that in time no problem holy [ __ ] that's the most stressful round yet Joe you come up with a word this time you know I don't know many ten letter words right well then look at you and me what words do you see we're low on time I see obesity in you and I see smartness in me 10 seconds [ __ ] sakes I also see lots of jewels in you I see Mega Jewels I'm typing that in roasting me in time pressure is your strength huh screw it hurry up don't lose on time and done that was so close Bush this is our last turn I have not figured out this word yet [ __ ] we can't even skip a turn anymore I have no clue either I'm looking around the room I'm also out of words damn it I hate Mr B's time pressure 10 seconds [ __ ] you Jimmy you're the worst ref ever ten letters um um we can type gentlemen and then slap an s on the end that's not the word because of the second last e but whatever screw it the last word brain function Jimmy 20 seconds I think you think no lose brain brain think think brain brain think think brain brain think think brain brain think think I hate your kids Jimmy Joe I think I [ __ ] got it I really got it it's government yes that's so true it fits everything five seconds hurry up hurry up yes finally we're back on par with them again what the [ __ ] the word you actual imbecile Donald holy [ __ ] [ __ ] what's filled in your brain oh my gosh you will literacy just lost us two million dollars your brain's smaller than a peacock yeah yay let's go [ __ ] yay let's go we are the champion the ultimate world champion I'm coming over with Michelle tonight prep us some Tomahawk Steak you bet and the winner goes to Barack Obama and the bushinator one million dollars each congratulations I hate you Donald screw you Joe [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Donald and Joe yes Jimmy what's up thanks for inviting me and participating you guys get ten thousand dollars for competing oh thank you Jimmy hooray I just won a year's supply of ice cream see you again in Wordle 11 or see you in FNAF or in the sky subscribe to top presidents I'm back you brainless people I'm sick of following my dreams man unacceptable Biden it haven't been 10 seconds and you got the intro wrong for the 11th time you are so useless fine I got it this time welcome back to Game Theory go back to sleep Joe okay good night boys thanks Bush now you made Joe go into his hypnotic State I hope he is still asleep because I want to fart in his demented face I'm also starting the three-letter word this time and this time it has to be themes or else we're going to get so many stupid guesses guys where am I you have shrank and now you're in the toilet where I just took a big fat stinky [ __ ] no no don't do this to me sleepy Joe we are starting with three letters and we are guessing Trump's word trumpy rumpy tell us your theme [ __ ] sakes this would be way too easy we agreed on themes bro come on tell us the theme for this word fine then this word is something I Donald Trump finds super duper disgusting it's so gross I want to throw a three-letter word that Trump hates it must be something very complex if it takes only three letters let me guess this is something you use as an insult if it describes you sleepy Joe then absolutely I don't think you think of Biden as a joyous man are you suggesting that I hate happiness and if you don't why did you run for president grumpy Trump you guys are [ __ ] rats I ran for president because I am Donald King Trump I'm the best ever person in the history of mankind to be America's president so right is the word you hate huh Donald what an intellect you are trumpy rumpy I'm typing that word in you wasted a word sleepy creepy P Joe did you really think I would fall for you guys provocation come on guys we literally wasted a word and we didn't even get a letter so it's something Donald despises huh like your short tenure as president where you were a great living meme sleepy Joe governments don't last forever look at Cuba good things don't last and you will be kicked out of the White House in a few months Joe I can't wait for the day you step down and I Rise as president once again so you like the little things huh Donald small hands of yours tiny sympathy combined with your small heart are you afraid of the big breakthroughs Donald a dumb [ __ ] you trying to make me laugh or what you sound like one of those old guys trying to get young people to like you what's next put a cap back on and say what's up bro two bad robots don't have friends far out this is such a hard one we have gotten no letters correct yet that's because Joe Biden the ugly demented face is on your team you can't talk [ __ ] Donald did you forget in Wordle 10 the world competition you were literally the stupidest person in the group you McDonald's infused brain cells that was the best Wordle game of my life absolutely partner we destroyed Joe and Donald and anyways getting back to this word Donald hates dirty stuff and instead like to wrap [ __ ] up in Gold so I'm thinking it could be mud he has to hate mud right you're close Bush this word I put in is close to mud in other words you can also call this thing a piece of [ __ ] I bet you're one of those people who says the poor or poor because they want to be do you have any ideas then Joe you've got to find a way to get inside Donald's brain money money money money money money what are you doing Joe I'm thinking like Trump like Bush said don't be an idiot it has to be something that's completely opposite to Trump's principles something that goes against everything he's done this is something that's just so despicable to me but rarely can it be useful got it he hates War he actually loves War Joe Biden completely wrong and the a r has been used it's cops he hates cops for sure ah Donald's still running away from the cops by the way I hung that mug shot of you on my wall yes let's go Bush we guessed a letter two robot nerds and a cocaine addict still can't guess a simple three-letter word you guys are all so brainless shut up grumpy trumpy I'm not a robot neither is Barack Joe think you give us some ideas perfect he hates China Joe Biden you impaired me medieval foolish catastrophic idiot China has five letters no but he has a point china is useful but at the same time they're a son I got it it's Yen the Yen it makes sense to me that's China's currency bush is referring to oh now that makes sense but wait Yen doesn't have an e you said who doesn't have an ear I didn't hear you Barack I'm typing in Yin you just wasted another word you brainless senior immobilized scumbag you should get on your knees and apologize to Barack and Bush for being so stupid you cocaine addict I've heard better arguments from a toddler's mid-tantrum but please grumpy trumpy keep trying Donald you dirty dirty Pig your word is hoe isn't it Trump that's true it's a hoe Joe what's wrong Obama Rama no Joe but I mean it might be Joe are you sure Donald you son of a [ __ ] I told you this thing is useful sometimes that's not even a word that's a big fat [ __ ] fraud Joe Biden is this thing useful of course it is Donnie Moroccan bush in my previous episodes of Wordle do I always hate sleepy Joe the most um I guess you did hate Joe a lot previously that's true see Joe Biden you guys all answered my question therefore Joe is something I [ __ ] hate is not a fraud anything fraudulent is your demented cocaine ass existing and staying awake at this hour okay moving on I got the word right and this time it's a proper word not like some people who just put stupid things in there shut up Barack it was super duper easy I told you guys the clue at the beginning of the game do you have any idea what that word is about no no hey I gave a clue did you give a clue does the opposite of trump count the opposite hey we said we weren't going to use names I didn't use names and why did you put bush in me yeah he said the opposite what's more contrary than our governments don't be stupid it must be good yeah it's the opposite of you we know that among the four I am the best also I take the liberty of picking first because I didn't play in the last round you literally played the last round and insisted you wanted to pick your word and you ended up insulting me you fat orange sweet potato oh no here he comes dirt you guys are so dirty filthy and nerdy all at the same time just like that I got one yellow letter guys I got my word this is the perfect word I will put in at this moment of the wordal game it's something that describes our big trumpy rumpy it has to be sleep or cocaine or kids if it's none of that it better be something good about me or else what's that word it's a substance that is formed after Trump's skin when you combine it with the word he just put in are you calling me huge or great fine I'll give you another clue you failed to get a tan in the Sun and when you combine it with the word you just put it what do you get Donnie he's hitting at your special kind of sunburn the sun loves me more than it loves you sleepy Joe none of you guys are correct too much dirt and Donald Trump would get you a new substance called mold bold what the [ __ ] am I a dish now a sunburnt dirty dish haha that's so true well if we're keeping with the dish theme I'd say Trump's more like a cast iron skillet claims to be non-stick but sure does rust easily Obama Rama you sound like you forgot about the immigrants fleeing at the border let's keep out the political Spears guys give us a hint Obama Rama what's this word theme about fine this word is something that describes me the one and only Barack Obama black and old don't disrespect him Obama's an athletic young man and very charitable yeah he supports Charities and helps the poor all the time thanks guys much appreciate those kind words if it ends in a d then charity and fun goes together really well absolutely let's give that a shot all right typing it in wrong you guys are so illiterate I bet you the word is aged like how old Barack is getting Donald stop calling people old here you're the second oldest in this room and I'm way younger than you speaking of age cut down those Big Macs perhaps you could save a decade or two of your life Barack I'm like a fine wine I get better with age admit you're just jealous that while you were munching on arugula I was enjoying America's Finest Cuisine stop typing in age you got to stop insulting him grumpy Trump you're so [ __ ] [ __ ] my God that's why you didn't get reelected you're not getting re-elected sleepy Joe tell me what have you done you deserve the presidential medal of freedom unlike me of course see Bush they said you didn't deserve the medal I don't fall for provocations Trump we're not all monkeys and ties and wigs shut up Stone Face at least smile tell me Mr smart guy who doesn't wear a wig what do you think he is well Obama's a straight shooter and if he has to pull out a sword he pulls it out but the sword is too long not sword it could be spad are you really thinking about that well he has the ability to pull out a sword when it's needed not like Mr I'm gonna lick my enemy's feet that's literally Joe Biden is that all against Trump or what you spastics put up it's bad I'm telling that can't be the word you Sentry old pair of dinosaurs no I don't trust it now it's too far-fetched true you're right try LAPD what is that a rock band Donald if LAPD was a rock band their hit song would be license and registration please Los Angeles Police Department Obama had a lot of dicta about Law and Order and Public Safety I can't think of another word that's four letters long and has a and d in it now that makes so much more sense than Spanish oh [ __ ] put in the word spam why are you insisting on that word all of a sudden it's our last chance I guess Obama's big ego makes him think it's a sword and not a police organization wait if it's big ego then it has to be Chad just the opposite of you Trump and that's what Obama would think of himself Chad it's obvious Chad that's some creative thinking anything opposite of trump is a good guess I've known many Chads and they're all fantastic but coming out of Joe Biden's wrinkly and stinky breath that that guess would be a total disaster nice one Joe I genuinely didn't think you would guess this word this is ridiculous every single time Biden every time you clearly glitched this game welcome back brainless Bunch today is super special because I get to start it's Joe B here I will sing a song you're not a singer Joe and for the 12th [ __ ] time you have gotten the intro wrong again Joe you are such a dangling foolish stupid demented and creepy old man now is time you dumb people start guessing my five letter words I'm pretty sure Joe got the word right last time what word got Joe right next time hello who are you Joe Biden let me help you out say I'm stupid and I will obey to everything daddy Trump says if you say that you will get your memory back I'm Joe Biden oh hey guys hello Trump hello Barack and Bush Joe hurry up start with your five-letter word Barack I single-handedly fixed Joe's dementia so of course I get to start the word oh that's right now I remember we were playing Wordle what theme is this word Donnie this word that describes somebody in this room and I'm telling you this is a super hard word to guess you stole Joe Biden's turn Donald so I'm going to type in spaz like you're a [ __ ] old man since the biggest nerd in this room has no clue of this word I'm going to be the nicest friend you ever had and give you guys one more clue we're probably better off without it shut up Joe let Donald give us a clue nope since Joe didn't want a clue none of you guys get a clue please Donald give me a little clue then I will give you a big big kiss on your cheeks yuck yuck get your stinky dinosaur extinction Century old breath away from my face I bet you this word is so hard that the brainy bushinator can't even guess screw you Donald I'm typing in a word that is super controversial especially for America that better be the n-word Bush it's my favorite word Georgie bushy wushy do not type in that word you are going to get us canceled and we could get demonetized shut up nerdy robot let Bush type in that N word is your word the n-word bushy wushy well it has something to do with color as well as black and white that's definitely the n-word hurry up Bush type it in or else I will type the word in for you do not type in that word bushy haha get pranked I'm typing in Panda it also subtly describes Donald Trump in a way are you calling me black or white bushy I'm neither okay Donald now Bush wasn't even close so give us another clue fine then this word is quite the controversy I got it it's something that describes us and controversial the word has to be something to do with Barack Obama why the [ __ ] do I always get bullied whenever we talk about anything related to color or intellect why just why because you married manchel and all of us have proper wives do you have any ideas Joe or Obama I can't read the minds of mindless people fine I'll take one for the boys Donald always calls me a nerdy robot which is super [ __ ] annoying so I will type in nerdy and sacrifice my soul to get us a clue this is the N word no [ __ ] Joe Locke of course I put in the n-word grumpy trumpy you are seriously going to get us canceled holy Moses you actual fat pig of a racist brain cell I love it when Obama loses his mind guys don't type in the n-word yet I have something even better to figure out whether or not it's the actual n-word something five words long with n and a in it something that's not that kind of the n-word guys what else can it be the nna lines up and there's going to be two G's in the middle Obama just said jiz was manchel around Donald I wonder why you are still not in jail your word is enough for me to sentence you to jail for Life I'll just tell the officers it's all fake news Joe Biden rigged everything guys I'm seriously considering an n-word to put in and then figure out whether or not it's actually an N word Joe obviously it's an n-word the N is green can't you see with your eyes Joe no Barack I mean I want to type in ninja and figure out where the eye goes so then we could judge whether it's the n-word you guys are referring Joe you stutter worse than a newborn toddler you could type in that word then we can get more clues for the n-word Trump you replace the eye with another letter to sound like an e didn't you Trump fine I'll admit it I didn't expect your brain to think so deeply and come up with such analysis you are officially a nerd Barack Obama exactly boys let's find a word that has two G's in the middle and we get Donald's stupid Obama you just said to jizz in the middle jizz in the middle of what men shall shut your French fries mouth up you chubby child I think we should now figure out where the eye goes I'm thinking something like kiwi oh my God Bush I love kiwis don't they grow on the same trees as those tree kangaroos I mean koalas this should be the new koala species these animals will never go extinct whenever you're around let's call it cocaine koalas discovered in 2023 by Donald Trump that's the perfect name what's up cocaine up your animal racism couple Bush typing kiwis and find out the eye all right I'm on it sleepy koala that's the wrong word cocaine koala it's your final guest cocaine koala let's make a deal if I get this word right you guys stop calling me Coke and koala and call me Joe instead all right cocaine koala I accept your offer what about you trying I accept your offer this is a very hard word sleepy cocaine koala okay so the word start with n and an i.a and hasn't K in it that means the K has to go before the Ina then the letter after the end must be a vowel y z one two three I did not follow a thing you just said so after that analysis you're suggesting the word is something n Kia is that right cocaine koala you're on the right path cocaine koala come on sleepy Joe you got this one so the word is nukia like Trump wants to Nuke a country ending in IA you're very smart cocaine koala I'm sleepy Joe what's another word you can put in another vowel is O So Nokia what's Nokia Joe did you just say what is Nokia you are actually a cocaine koala did you really forget what Nokia is Sleepy cocaine koala Nokia the brand Joe do you remember now I hope I got no clue but it seems like Nokia is the right word I think I'll type that in finally Joe Biden you got the word right I'm proud of you for once in my life Joe Nokia is an old flip phone before iPhones or Androids came out do you remember now you get to play the classic snakes on that phone remember we played that games a couple times oh I remember now there was snake bounce and space impact these were the games we played the most so that's the brand huh yes Joe ah those good old memories sad there wasn't Wordle back exactly Bush also I just picked my six-letter word now what theme is that word sleepy Joe this word is something that I am very very attracted to I got it no more clues needed you are attracted to kids and children none of these words will fit even if you smack asses on the end Donnie good point then I will smack an infant Joe Biden and his senile cocaine asses once again went down to a new low I love infants but too bad it's not my word if you love it why isn't it correct Joe glitched this game again I did not Joe Biden loves kids that means he also loves people right he has to love people I'm not sure about that I don't think he attracts nor is he attracted to people Joe Biden glitched this game I did not I will type in people no matter what it could get us more clues Joe Biden glitched this game we heard you the first time Donnie thanks bushy wushy this word of mine is something I'm attracted to and I attracts a lot of attention is given at this point I have not a single clue word has an L in it and I F and a this is not the typical word Joe Biden will put in that's for sure yeah it can't be sleep can't be kids or children and it can't be ice cream Joe Biden glitched this game shut the [ __ ] up Donald help us with the word Joe Biden glitched this game I'm telling you I know the ins and Out of This World game and there is no way his word is not infant it's not infant Donald you face is a harsh lying piece of crumbled plastic looking at your cheating face makes me want to stick my feet up your ass and punch you in the head then I will piss in your nose and throw you up the kangaroo trees then I will send you bags of cocaine and burn down your tree fine do that Trump but I will order rockets at your Mansion send you tons of McDonald's and feed you like KFC chicken then I will steal Melania because I would have won the next election then I will order missile strikes to your house and you can end up in a McDonald's grave I think Joe beat you on this one Donald I agree anyways moving on to my guess I will whack in Abacus don't ask me why I put in that word just a gut feeling you guys are so stupid with your guesses what is something you instantly think of when you look at Joe Biden I see the best government ever to America that's not true I see ice cream and sleeping when I see Joe Biden I see a good old pal when I look at Joe Biden wrong I'm telling you you guys are so wrong can't you see Joe Biden as fake he's filled with fakery I am a real person Donald not a single ounce of plastic or non-natural substances in my body and if everything is natural explain how you got dementia Joe dementia is natural just like your over-inflated Panda look-alike belly screw you Joe Biden I'm typing in fakery that has to be the word how is this not the word again clearly Donnie the E has been used so it can't be Faker I'm convinced sleepy Joe glitched this game I'm convinced Donald's brain is glitching on Joe's behalf he really likes fairness and he treats everything fair and square so the word could be fairly that something definitely attracts Biden no bushy wushy sleepy Joe made the game glitch how can he be fair shut your fat mouth and your [ __ ] licking tongue up Donald we heard you the first [ __ ] time fine I'll stop saying Joe glitch this game Joe Biden rigged this game oh my [ __ ] God can someone oh Donald if you'd be quiet for one minute while Obama guesses word then I will buy you a large Big Mac meal after this game okay deal only if it's 30 seconds fine 30 seconds finally some peace in my ears same I feel so relieved okay so final word it starts with fa and it must end in ILY oh that's super easy there's only one possible option here it's family yes correct Obama Rama that was a super hard one not gonna lie I had to make it hard otherwise you guys will guess it way too quickly hello failures episode 13 of wordles movie time get your popcorn Joe you need to go to a mental hospital as soon as possible I will punch you square in the face Joe you are useless I will ubereat some KFC chicken to you trumpy rumpy you are built and fed like one shut your stinky mouth you twisted creep I will unplug you from your life support poo in your mouth then dip you in white powder and Yeet you into your grave you wrinkly dinosaur it has not been 20 seconds and you guys are fighting all right folks today is my turn to pick the seven letter word since I got the word right last time I haven't got a turn in ages I'm back for Revenge you deranged Obama all right trumpy you've had some attention now let us grown-ups do the talking you know everybody watches these videos for me I'm the protagonist and the real world King congratulations Joe what what did I do you managed to get more than three syllables out of your mouth for the third time today without falling asleep shut up you almost fell asleep playing FNAF also Obama what theme is your word the word is not easy today as far as I can tell it has nothing to do with me but it's something that could be considered important at least as a result as a result well it could be Talent ability skill yeah it could be ability I'll write it down hey what are you guys doing I told you the grown-ups were going to talk I am way more grown up than you Obama with our age difference you could almost be my African foster care child if I were your Foster Care Child I definitely need to give my parent some lessons in maturity and diplomacy Donald you might be older but age doesn't always bring wisdom I'm talking against two nerdy robots again since we're being grown up and wise I'm gonna Bank on jackpot I never knew you won the lottery before Donnie have you been living under a stone kid sniffer of course I have won the lottery Lottery is pure luck man no it's not it takes proper training discipline and creative skill it's a skill none of you have because Bush and Barack are robots and Joe just snorts cocaine all day [ __ ] sakes why am I here playing Wordle with Donnie the dumb nut anyways if this word is a result of something I'm thinking of what young kids today have in common I can't believe your jackass brain came up with something so stereotypical if all young people wear hats and ride skeds and snort cocaine just because your generation is a bunch of addicts it doesn't mean all young people are the same I agree with Trump about what he said at the beginning I'm smacking in the word Graphics hey sleepy Joe that was my turn oh bushy that was my bad I really forgot you can have my turn next how can you be so stupid demented sleepy in a cocaine addict at the same time at least Joe got two more yellow letters not that bad thanks for the encouragement Obama Rama their romance makes me sick I have a feeling they're going to end up kissing you're just saying that because you have no friends I'm saying that because Joe Biden's addictions are contagious and Obama will get affected then he will start sniffing kids get dementia trip on stairs and snort cocaine then when America have black lives matter Revolution number two remember to blame everything on this old sagging Joe Biden Donnie you're not helping us get the word bro I bet it's another stupid word of course not it's a very meaningful word to me well not exactly and second thought maybe it's a social teak okay so what is important to society equality and security right security is the most important thing for a society so it should be something precious security is being able to live your life in peace lives that's right the word has to do with life I think you guys are overreacting Bush did a chipset enter your brain you sound more robotic than Obama now I think I'll start calling you bolt head Donald considering how you talk I think you're the one with a short circuit speaking of Obama's word maybe it's more symbolic if we add Security in life we have the value in it all right grumpy trumpy if it doesn't fit then the word can be triggered are you hinting you want to be part of World War III even when your senile ass has retired bushy wushy you're a [ __ ] genius Bush I got this word 100 I don't believe you Trump the rump the word starts with me that's not the word is it definitely not are you a [ __ ] you've been screaming polemics all night and now you we all think the same thing admit it what else do we have left something sacred important it fits that description besides it has to do with Obama him and his moronic ego as usual Donald don't you dare put in that word you are freaking getting us demonetized Donnie I'm telling you I'm 100 certain it's the n-word I will punch you in the fat face if you say it got it this is the word my respect for Obama will disappear it has to be that word what else can it be this word fits all criteria I don't think Obama will put in that word right Obama guys I don't know what to say at this point Obama the robot Rama just admit you are trying to Gaslight us if anything happens just know we are all friends and we still support each other you just admitted that word it has to be the n-word don't say it out loud Donnie starts with knee it can't be please don't do that Donald and the word is knee and ends in that gear and finally slap that curvy s on the end I told you it wasn't that word I knew it but in the glitching [ __ ] is that word then that describes Obama he's literally that word maybe diggers let me try this one what kind of stupidity is that it's the Indiana Jones reference how does that have anything to do with you or are you saying Michelle is a gold digger holy cow they're archaeologists isn't that obvious I never even heard of that see Barry Obama or even Joe doesn't know that's the stupidest word ever whether Joe Knows wouldn't mean much but admit that was a hard word that's literally kindergarten level words you confused all of us with your hints bro guys guys I already picked the word I'll give you a proper hint it's something I love love so much be quiet Joe let me just type in my word and that's the easiest round ever oh oh it's not ice cream is it just me or every time it's cocaine Joe's turn he has to say a word from a rare foreign brand that doesn't exist I don't do drugs trumpy dumpy Joe is a dinosaur who thinks he's president when he snorts Coke he gets kind of crazy boy what are you laughing at you can't deny it was a good one agreed but it's your turn to guess grumpy trumpy well I'm the expert on Brands and companies here no no no what what company is no I have a sneaking suspicion it has to be some food that Joe Biden likes it's got to be something consumable that's branded cocaine Joe Biden could literally put in anything before you do anything stupid let Obama write first you really trust him after last time's Fiasco Obama's still more trustworthy than the fat bald elephant sitting on the other side of the computer at least I'm not malnourished are you sure you're not an immigrant after thinking about it for a while with my great intellect I've come to the conclusion that Joe's word has to be an ice cream brand Bravo another great accomplishment by Barack Obama you should put that in your next book trumpy rumpy come on and try guessing my word I think your word is cocaine related you sniff that bag of [ __ ] every waking second will there ever be one episode where you don't bully our boy Joe people came here to see me bully that piece of rotting fossil I was kind enough to let Joe Biden be the nerd in FNAF but in Wordle I am the real world King you haven't even guessed a word right in the last three episodes you KFC steroids injected fat belly Joe Biden the second year senile ass die I will piss in your nostrils and use your Hollow brain as a poo container then when it is all filled up I will throw you onto the kangaroo trees and feed tree kangaroos you just admitted you have a small PP are you [ __ ] stupid cocaine addict I will connect your body to my toilet and all of my waste will fill up your body you rotten corpse of a skeleton Donny I will [ __ ] on your face keep dreaming cocaine Joe I will type in narcotic I found a bag of that [ __ ] inside Jill's cupboard you drug addict that wasn't narcotics that was creating why the [ __ ] do you have creating Joe because whenever I work out with Jill weed creating to recover our muscles what workouts do you do Joe you know that one I like a lot [ __ ] sakes Jill's skin sags harder than nicardo avocado's belly let's move on from the cocaine addict Bush it's your turn I completely disagree with your statement on Joe Donny I think is the current President Joe is a very powerful and useful man to the American people I'm standing in the middle no comments from me so you're saying Joe is useful after all those Sky High inflation high rent prices and people losing homes what is wrong with you it's like you're any better when you are in office Donnie Donald Trump is economic boom Joe Biden means sleeping which means depression let that sink in okay viewers who is better president for the American economy me or sleepy Joe you better type in me or else I will find you and send you in prison you literally came out of prison a week ago Donnie exactly you can't talk [ __ ] big fat grumpy Trump I changed my mind again I think Joe Biden's word is something to do with little kids Joe you were a creepy old pedophile kid sniffer I'm typing baby doll that can't be right Barack I'm still convinced it's food related Obama why did your nerdy robot brain write this sounds like you got it Enlighten us Mr Grumpy Trump what is the word it's bomb's only got four letters things what you can't me Joe I can read your mind [ __ ] Oh my days I could be sipping champagne with Michelle instead I'm telling you the word is 100 bombings I don't like bombs you're so fat and stupid tell me Joe you made the game glitch again huh all right boy getting back to the real research final analysis it's a product that has o g a d t r e in it there we have the seven letters what word can you make with it this has to be some made up word again it's not Donnie this is something I really love I can't wait for Bush to get it wrong so I get my turn if Bush get it wrong it's Joe's turn again that's not fair damn I got it do you see the word [ __ ] you Bush I hope you get it wrong I can't make any words here it's Gatorade Joe's favorite energy drink yes that's right mushy wushy I love Gatorade I'm so happy you know my favorite drink this is so rigged when will I ever get my turn if you stop being a dog [ __ ] you might think properly that's a good one you are super boring Bush and Barack and Biden is more useless than [ __ ] worms subscribe to top presidents hello illiterate people welcome to Wordle 14. yeah yeah Ma yeah oh Joseph sleepy Biden did you just try to [ __ ] seeing the dragostea dinte or the Maya he Maya Who Song Maya Who cocaine [ __ ] joke can you ever get one Wordle intro correct you sleeping corpse of a mummy I think Joe is sleep talking right now whoa whoa I just peed on my diapers when I was sleeping your stupid [ __ ] up brain will make China invade Us in no time and if we have world war three it's all your fault cocaine sleepy Joe [ __ ] you fat ass I'm changing my diapers now be right back don't bother waiting for that century-old T-Rex sagging balls bag of [ __ ] let's continue boys I'm back whose word is it you're kicked out for being so stupid Joe Schmo someone didn't drink their milk this morning all right folks it's my nine letter word and this is something I wish I had more I'm guessing first no you're not snort some cocaine and sleep with three kangaroos I'm guessing first [ __ ] you Donnie I'm putting in Jackfruit you can't stop me now coconut head of course your demented jackass will type in Jackfruit what's next Jack sleep no way your brain came up with a nine-letter word that quickly Joe you Googled it right no I've binged it are you that [ __ ] stupid you really need a Google knock off to come up with fancy words are you going to play or should I continue to watch you to insult each other I don't even get a chance to talk this whole time Donnie your turn um actually I want to go last because I could probably win this round what's your theme again I forgot what these two idiots continuously winding something I wish I had more of it's not an easy word now we have two nerdy robots whining I never thought of a day Bush once more of something Bush might want more land in his backyard to grow more crops or bushy might want more horses so he can try to become a Texas Cowboy that's so true Donnie you know me too well exactly that's why people always say that I am the real world King I'm thinking of something different in Bush's presidency he always considered to be hawkish during his term that's exactly why I was the better president because I am the complete opposite give and take trumpy rumpy we both had our fair share of wins and losses Donnie and Bush no need to argue politics here saying that just in case I'll type in hawkishly Bush does have a very hawkish approach to America's economy you have to be so brainless to have a hawkish addiction it's just like how Jerome Powell is sucking all the money back from his money printer after printing too much money and now everyone suffers from inflation I'm slapping in brainless because Bush definitely needs more political and economical brain cell this is so childish trumpy rumpy to put bush in that position don't be a moronic bully big man I'm sincerely sorry bushy wushy and who Joe Biden dangle dangle some marijuana before I piss in your nose to flush down your opinion I'm not going to answer that trumpy rumpy because I still need to come up with my nine letter word I mean the A and the S has already been revealed but there are so many letters to juggle around Obama's the pro at juggling around things what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean Donnie I really needed more of that but there is some constraint which is stopping me to get more of that thing bushy wushy wants more it has to be Farm or Texas related yeah I agree I don't think bushy needs more money he don't need businesses not food it has to be land or Farm or animal related that's exactly what I said what was that a ghost sounds like the ghost of a prostitute is talking Donna you son of a married Trump bastard you are more of a prostitute because you have the weight and the milkies of one dying how does it feel to get roasted by sleepy Joe huh grumpy rumpy [ __ ] you guys it almost sounds like the three of you want to have a threesome now just admit defeat Trump the grumpy rump anyways I got my word it's Farm related and Bush wants more of that what's my word then sleepy Joe it's Farm yards it's obvious it has something to do with Farms Joe Biden is demented and gay uh-huh I definitely got this word Joe Biden is demented and gay shut up Donald I think the word is Joe Biden is demented and gay shut the [ __ ] up trumpety Humpty dumpity I heard you the first time and I didn't answer for a reason that's because you're daughtering horrifying stinky crumbled pair of brain cells are too old to come up with a comeback well at least my brain cells have experience yours seem to be on Permanent Vacation damn Joe with The Comebacks today what has gotten into your brain Joe did you snort too much coke again nah Donnie Joe's just smart with his comebacks maybe peeing on his diapers is his secret recipe to brain function okay anyways Bush I definitely figured out your word this time damn it I hope you get it wrong you immigrant I have not had a turn in at least three episodes only someone like you will get this word wrong Donnie we have farm and end in an S and we also have w i and e this word is way too easy it has to be Farm wives damn it but nice one Barack [ __ ] sakes this game is rigged why do you want more Farm wives bushy-wishy because I need a cleaner a cooker a farmer and someone to take care of the kids I wish I could get four wives but I'm not allowed that would be the perfect family for sure can't disagree on that one anyways it's my turn to pick a 10 letter word and this word is high class and precious I'm going first this time I got the perfect word that describes Obama are you going to type in the n-word and somehow magically fits 10 letters this is your last straw Donald last round you [ __ ] typed in the n-word and I still haven't gotten revenge on you yet but that was the best end word ever I got six letters correct remember but you still typed in the n word you racist Pig I swear Donald if you say anything racist today I will punch in the fat belly and take a [ __ ] in a bucket and dump it on your head Obama the word I type in definitely describes you and it's quite disgusting [ __ ] you Donald you absolute [ __ ] calm your tits Obama Rama all I'm saying is the truth then what word is it don't type anything stupid this is something that's extremely precious to Obama and I find it super disgusting Donnie I swear I'm curious just like everyone here if it's not the n-word then what is you losers want to know so bad the word has something to do with Manchester Donald Trump you [ __ ] wanker Obama had to wake up with a boner in order to rise up manshell and get penetrated by Michelle's chopped off big black [ __ ] because manshell is a man that chopped his wiener off in order to look like a women Donna you racist obese [ __ ] last time you whacked in the n-word and now this you are going to pay for it karate Powell Michelle a man finally I'm relieved damn Obama Rama I never though you knew karate those moves were amazing let's go I hope Donald behaves himself now [ __ ] you guys I might be in the hospital bed now but I will still win this round you're lucky I didn't drone strike you Donald and you're lucky I didn't get a chance to squash you with my big belly my turn to guess the word now oh yeah I almost forgot we were still playing World whatever happened guys the four of us boys are still best ever friends and friendship is something that's forever precious to all of us I agree bushy wushy I love seeing Donald in the hospital bed I even feel super relieved you call that friendship Joe Biden you sag in one piece demented skeleton you are literally in a hospital bed Donald and for my apologies for beating your ass too badly want me to order some McDonald's or KFC drone delivery grumpy trumpet that would be super nice of you Obama while you're at it send me a bucket so I can take a [ __ ] in it and I can dump in on someone's head all right order on its way it should come in less than two minutes thanks Obama also I just got my word I think we're zigzaggers because this dumb ass makes us move back and forth with every stupid thing he says at every game you're literally typing in a word that doesn't exist shut up grumpy trumpy I think your stupidity is contagious I didn't give it to you you were born that way let's move on Donnie it's your turn bro right I look at sleepy Joe and obamna I want to do something that you need lots of precious American dollars to buy it's probably a made-up word again if you're thinking of buying more self-awareness let me tell you it's Priceless there is no better representation of our interactions among us and I want to do this right now probably something bombing related that's literally Donald's brain's thought process whenever he gets mad absolutely bushy wushy the word I'm whacking in is explosions I will order a nuke and Kaboom both your houses no for [ __ ] sakes Donnie this word is something we all have in common and it's precious it's more than obvious what are we all we are all straight white men correct but Obama's not white and Biden's a bit gay now bushy you're risking us getting demonetized bro we are all precedents pure examples for the American people aha thanks for telling me the word bushy wushy I would have never came up with this word oh my days how long does it take for you guys to figure out we are President exactly I figured it out Obama Rama I'm typing in just that I swear to God for three [ __ ] consecutive videos I have not got a turn yet Joe Biden or robot Rama must have glitched this game again oh Donnie by the way on my GPS tracker it says the delivery has arriving did you get me about meal open it up Donna you have fun oh my God see you in the next video the world competition welcome back illiterate people to Wordle 15. Joe Biden wake your wrinkly ass up what's happening hurry up take your pills pills get your ass here to play word what's Wordle what's ass Joe Biden you never failed to amuse me of how useless you can be you messed up the intro 14 times and this time you [ __ ] fell asleep you hopeless demented [ __ ] oh yeah we were playing FNAF let's go once again cocaine Joe we are playing Wordle today is super special Obama explained to Sleepy Joe for the 15th time today is an official Wordle competition and it's every man for themselves you get a word right you get one point and back to Donny for the details we have invited a special guest again for the referee welcome to the one and only world's most famous broken misogyny Andrew Tate hello presidents and viewers super glad to be here we are going to be professionals today and have a fair and friendly Wordle game oh my God my kids always watch top G how is it going to work with four of us and six guesses I will come up with a word give a hint and you guys take turn and guessing the word you guys will rotate into the next round in order so it's going to be all fair sweet sounds good let's go what's the hint for the first word for this three-letter word this is something I have and Joe you can start first followed by Trump Obama then Bush easy peasy you love cars so I'm gonna type in car are you really that stupid Joe it's the top Bob G he won't put in an easy word dumbass you need to remove his brain like a chess player then what's your guess Donnie you're lucky you and Joe gets two turns for a simple three-letter word don't try whacking in bomb or nuke Donnie saying that just in case I'm not stupid guys I will show you who's the real world King I think the word Andrew put in considering he is a controversial prisoner you fat nerd hurry and Chuck in your words shut your gay ass up sleepy cocaine Joe the word I'm putting that Andrew have a lot is also something I have a lot a clogged brain no we both are super strong men and we both get to open doors to a lot of sex gosh Donnie we're just trying to play Wordle maybe keep the open doors metaphor for one of your hotels I'm whacking in pot I'm sure Tate has lots of weed in his home damn it I got you guys a green letter no way he smokes pot Barack he will literally tell you to breathe air starting with a p then there is I and you vowels remaining it could be picked I actually got this word I a hundred percent got it it has to be that word no Donald it's my turn sleepy cocaine Joe don't you dare put in my word or else I will shove in up into a sloth Street there's only one vowel left and it's in you so it's likely pug or pun or Pub these are the only Lodge magical words right now I'm thinking of one of these don't you dare guess it Joe I think it's got to be one of these three words that fits Andrew Tate come on Joe you have one in three chants here Joe's obsession with children makes me want to punch that demented head in his mouth and make him poo out his own head screw you Donnie I saw Andrew Tate got a new dog so I will whack and pug damn it that was my word oh what the heck no vowels in this word Andrew [ __ ] Tate trying to troll us and to you illiterate dumbasses the Y can act as a vowel sometimes so the only possible options here is pry and ply that's true good point I'm surprised your brain came up with the why idea that quickly it's just a lucky fluke performed by Donnie you have one in two chances Donnie I will whack in ply wait what the [ __ ] the word is PhD dumbasses you're a literate prisoner that's not even a word you need to come up with proper and actual words my sincere apologies boys I really didn't know that rule at the start the next word will be proper word since when did you get a PhD you prisoner PhD stands for pimping whole degree now let's move on to four letters and this thing is the best in the world the last round didn't count that means I get to start off again no you don't Barack starts then me then Joe this time even the top G said last round didn't count so I get to start and I'm super convinced it's this word Tony it's my turn don't worry Obama Rama even if Trump gets all six turns he still won't get it so let him have this turn sleepy Joe watch me get this word the first go you cocaine children addict is it some dirty word again Donnie the word starts with a b and it's the best thing in the world let me guess you're gonna type boob next Joe Biden you dirty senile mammal you've got so many gaps in your teeth you can't even suck on one good one what's the word then Donnie I'm telling you the word is 100 bomb wow I am so surprised Donnie so so didn't think you would put in that word wow Donnie good job whoa what a word maybe you can type nuke next see even the two robot nerds approve my word Donna you orange Cheetos they are clearly being sarcastic you illusional idiot my turn I think the top G think being rich is the best thing ever let's go two letters Jim I don't get to have the last go fine I'll get you guys more clues I will whack in jail considering how much this guys has changed after being in jail so true bushy wushy I think Donnie can relate to that as well even being inside for 20 minutes it's horrifying in jail guys but you all jail is his comfort thought we would be playing World with two prisoners in a room that's quite outrageous to be honest never in my life did I expect a room to be 40 prisoners haha we're indeed making history sleepy Joe your turn except for Andrew and myself none of you guys can last one minute in a jail cell this is the proper training grounds for real men like us that's because we are proper citizens and we don't need jail time exactly Obama Rama also I will use all the letters from this word and I will type in art my turn I have a feeling Andrew Tate is messing this round again no way Donnie there's already a vowel in the game it has to be a proper word I'm telling you bushy wushy you only joined us from episode six and I'm telling you this game glitches whenever we do these competitions this game had not glitched a single time grumpy trumpy I've seen it glitch before trust me I'm the true master of Wordle and I understand every Nuance this game aims to mess with your mind Donald you might have seen it glitch before but around here we call that user error Obama spitting facts I'm telling you this has to be the b word did you steal ballora's panties from FNAF and have it over your face can't you see bomb was incorrect it's not bomb it's something that describes Andrew Tate he is a big brown and bold prisoner I can't wait when top G smacked the [ __ ] out of you and I will laugh my ass off my turn this word clearly start with a CA ends in h and as presidents we print this [ __ ] and we all know that cash is king that's correct Obama Donnie you really just admire my hairstyle over yours right big man hell no you're a bold egg and I have golden hair and mine's way more shiny anyways five letter words and this is a word that describes all of you guys good luck presidents now from my turn I will start us off with smart I don't think any one of you will disagree with that I disagree because clearly we have an oversized dumb Oompa Loompa oh yeah I forgot the rumpy pump lump trumpy is with us shut up nerdy Android and marijuana sniffing Joe you and your living zombie ass will die in no [ __ ] time too bad you have the ability to die peacefully as I cannot enjoy you suffering in pain you also have the ability to die from a stroke and heart attack which is also disappointing because you will die in an instant without feeling distressed Biden versus Trump who has the better health comment below it's obviously me because I am always above that fat Oompa Loompa and we are all above average American citizens you're the only thing you are above is everyone's age in this room I'm surprised you're still alive because Genetically speaking you should have died a decade ago trumpy rumpy it's your turn you oompa loompa or should I call you humpity dumpity trumpet Bush I'm pretty sure the name orange Cheetos will summarize everything that's still too long better just say fat boy Instead This is the first official warning you old threesomes stop making these [ __ ] nicknames or else I will call my Afghanistan friends and offer them a penny to raid your homes alrighty Donnie the bunny guess your word now I like that bushy wushy hurry up quickly Donnie the bunny I hate you guys this word combines something that describes all of us and I'm 100 certain it's this word okie dokie Donnie the Chubby Bunny Enlighten us with your words this is Strike to all of you one more time there will be severe consequences Donald Ronald we are all curious what the consequence will be tell us Donnie The Bunny the consequences I will get this word correct and I will do this at the same time we're still waiting trumpy rumpy screw you Barack I will order three bombs and bomb all your houses why did I get the B but no words correct and then you will end up in jail again remember to tweet another mug shot when that happens so we all just take a moment to realize that at this rate even a nine-year-old could probably play better than us in a game of World yeah I wonder who's messing up all of our guesses exactly and the perfect word to describe all of US presidents is we are a true role model for U.S citizens and who just said we play worse than nine-year-olds yeah exactly Obama Rama has officially been disqualified as he failed to pass a simple test for robots I'm not a [ __ ] robot you oompa loompa and at least I didn't put in a b word three times in a row putting these letters together I think the word could possibly be brome bro we're dealing with Andrew Tate you think he has a love for grass bro he's obviously calling us bro croak what the [ __ ] I am a billionaire and I'm the richest person in this room congratulations Joe Biden now the official score is one to Barack and one to Joe and to you Donald Trump I am a billionaire years ago did you somehow magically ten times your net worth just because Sun could reflect off your bold ass head not only my head but also my body I am a living source of energy I can solo power Teslas with the reflection off my shiny head I bet you my belly is shinier than your burnt Egghead now moving on to six letter words this word is complete and utter trouble oh my God Andrew Tate is [ __ ] hilarious sleepy Joe guessed last so now it's my turn for everyone watching that burnt and bold prisoner we are all gonna be doomed and you have to be so stupid to think Andrew Tate is richer than me he literally invited Andrew Tate Donnie once again robot Rama you are so nerdy you forgot to realize that when it come comes to business I will crush anyone who's trying to compete with me I mean that's a debate reserved for another day I'm curious between you and Andrew Donnie the word I think that super troubled is webcams there has been way too much content that should not be released out onto the internet I 100 agree Donnie you should inform Melania that news and your kids that has to be the most messed up [ __ ] you said for the entire day what has your creepy ass cocaine child sniffing dinosaur been searching on the internet Joe I've been searching for cyber attacks it's something I'm fighting and I'm just giving you a friendly reminder to be safe out here oh good point Joe I will put an attack for my guests and I will follow you guys up with the word crimes Joe Biden is America's worst president and a crooked criminal because he sniffed kids and snort cocaine all day long remind me again fat Cheeto who just came out of jail you started everything cocaine Joe oh wait I got my word Donnie one and only warning don't you dare type in the n-word like you did in Wordle 13 and don't type in bomber nukes because it doesn't fit and it's nothing sexual Donnie so a three-way romance huh are you guys gonna kiss next it's called Bromance Barack you should add manshell into your gang and you guys can have fun four ways this is so foul Donnie thanks bushy wushy at least someone here has some common sense this is a word that only me Donald Trump and the top G will understand Joe Biden is too old to know this word what's a matrix Donnie it's a movie congrats trumpy rumpy you're a real G everyone has gotten a point except for bushy wushy moving on to seven letters this is my favorite thing best of luck top president uh-huh favorite thing for Andrew Tate has to be seven months in prison again it's something that shaped him just like me a prison visit will make me come back bigger and stronger and maybe when my belly reflects from the Sun my net worth can 10x like Andrew Tate quote by Donald Trump 2023 when my son reflects off my belly my net worth 10x that's a quote to remember lumau Donna your belly will start shrinking instead anyways I'm locking in prisons I will KO you whenever we have a 1v1 in a boxing ring anytime yeah your winning technique is make your belly shine and blind me from the light Reflections I'm sure you can get world champion and even beat Mayweather with that strategy you're just jealous you turn from milk chocolate to triple chocolate after being under Michelle's ass and you can never shine like me well I would love to have some chocolate or double chocolate or even triple chocolate ice cream you guys are so pathetically stupid I got my word I'm thinking of Muslims Andrew just converted and he's now a Muslim speaking of that I also got my word just type in sleeper or cocaine hurry up and let's move on from cocaine koala your guess was close Donnie the rumpy bunny you got the ER right in sleeper the word I was thinking of his fighter whether or not you can fight Joe the end result is the same falling asleep at this point you can say Joe is koing himself every day Obama Rama don't you always surrender when you're under Michelle's ass you're a legend sleepy Joe that means Obama is not only getting ko'd but he's being ko'd by a woman I [ __ ] hate you guys so much man shell even gets to take his breath away you call that double instant KO you are such a [ __ ] you fat Oompa Loompa I'm whacking in mugshot I hope your dirty ass goes back to jail again my turn for the final guess we have UG and two T's this word is super duper simple I see you G and two T's it's obviously mug tits there is no M you oversized Oompa Loompa the word Andrew likes is obviously his famous Bugatti oh shoot why didn't I think of that one nice one the score is currently officially one point each the next word is something I'm well known for I've seen your videos of you disagreeing with me in a lot of things I'm slapping in disagree you're super well known for that even I disagree with you cocaine sleepy Joe at least half of the people around the world disagrees with you being president can we please take politics out of the equation for once grumpy trumpy yeah good point I need to not let sleepy cocaine Joe beat me in this competition you haven't even won a single competition Donnie I won the first one then Bush and Barack won the next one and I feel super confident I will win and Donald will not win today let me Focus robo-rama I think this word has to to be Tate's rise to fame how's that well known Donnie the bunny because no one gives a [ __ ] about Andrew Tate and he wants to sound relevant then why did you invite him as a referee Donnie because he is the world's most Googled man and I can get extra clout on the internet for my next campaign and sleepy Joe will be dead by then in fact he should have deceased to 60 years ago once again age is just a number trumped alone and yours take forever to count to it would waste many minutes off someone's precious life I'm smacking in Vanquish as in the Aston Martin car model why in the [ __ ] would you type in q and u in a word this is literally the worst consonant you can ever type in can't you see Obama Rama I get the final turn so chances are I will get the word right and get another point I think I know the word now I'm most likely certain it's that word give me a hint bushy what could it be I only have one turn this round it's all men for themselves Barack sorry pal I really need to win this one damn it I really have no clue I'll just try typing in Miss prize yes yes this is perfect Andrew Tate is well known for his misogyny you guys are so boring it's almost an insult how are we insulting your orange Cheeto because you guys talk like nerds and I'm super smart and boring my intelligent brain is a direct insult super nice bushy you're on two point and the rest is on one the next nine letter word is something that we all have lots of and if used correctly it can be super powerful all right boys let's blast through this round I'm feeling the heat now this is super fun I have so many things I can use that are powerful my turn we human beings are uniquely different and if used properly it can be really powerful too bad cocaine Joe is super irrelevant today he looks like a shaved caveman of one thousand years ago you're just saying I look super shiny and have good skin care actually Donnie if you rub raw pork fat on your body you will have the same shiny effect I rub pork lard every day which is why my skin still looks super young Joe this has to be the most weird and messed up [ __ ] you said today so you're saying when I shook your hand today I was grabbing raw pig fat that's 100 correct Obama Rama but the actual [ __ ] you have normal alien human look-alike creature Donnie if you rub them on your balls every time you finish showering they will become Ultra shiny and smooth Joe that is one Beauty tip human beings could have lived without knowing let's move on I'm typing in a celebrity as in Joe Biden is the most crooked and the weirdest wannabe celebrity on this planet I have to agree on that though I have to follow you up with your word Donnie with influence as in we have positive influence and Joe Biden on the other hand influence people in the most wrong way past at least I never talked about bombs or drones striking at country guys seriously sleeping show you [ __ ] we do that because no one will ever dare to mess with us now China will start a world war three under your old demented presidency it's got nothing to do with China Donnie a whack and bombarded like even if they invade we could use all the bombs Trump left for us I'm so touch bushy Wishy this is the first ever time in 15 episodes has someone approved of my bomb see Barack and Joe that's what you call true friendship bushy wushy wow you really do have a soft side we finally cracked the Trump code Obama that's one for the record we need to frame this moment Donny's soft side is rarer than a total solar eclipse I got it Joe this is the sweetest moment Donnie has ever been I'm also seriously out of nine letter words at this point the only word I think of now is airplanes not a surprise Joe have you learned how to walk on stairs and there goes Trump full crazy mode right out of the gate slow down Big Mac Pro team we haven't yet enjoyed your kind side enough yet want to talk more about bombs bro yes only if I can send one to Joe Biden's in Obama's house now and Kaboom is senile ass hurry up Donnie type in your word Oompa Loompa you have anything else better to say other than bombing us shush Barack I'm trying to figure out my words starts with a and an e so it's something a ease can it be anal titties anal titties you got to be out of your mind wait Barack my bad that word doesn't fit I also forgot the B let me think I super hope Donnie gets this wrong so I get to walk away as world champion wait guys so titties is too long if I have it then Abba ladies is not a word hold up I got it the word is ability that took your oversized brain cells long enough to figure out nicely done Donnie now two point to Donald and Bush the rest of you guys are on one now I will skip the 10 letter word because the next 11 letter word is the most important thing ever good luck Champs alrighty so 11 letter words and I get to go first the best strategy here is to sacrifice a turn to get some Clues I will type in misogynists again oh my God I still can't wrap my head around why Donnie invited a bold prisoner as a referee I think Donnie is trying his best to get us demonetized because he has not yet won a single Wordle competition yet that's because you glitched the game Joe otherwise I would have won the first and previous Wordle competition you pig lard testicle I'm gonna type in expertising as in being an expert is really important not the kind of Trash Talk skills like Donnie by the way first of all your senile demented ass spelled expertising wrong secondly trash talking is an art one that you clearly haven't mastered and an art you never will Master because the only thing you've mastered is sleeping and being useless to be fair Joe was more useful than you today Donnie you typed in bomb three times and you had to burn all your backup energy to figure out the word abilities Trump The Romp I think you need to drink some milk your temper is getting too hot right now fine I will whack in the word responsible because I am the most response responsible person in this room and I am the real Wordle King on two points you said so much but you ended up saying nothing all I hear is blah blah blah from Donnie the bunny grumpy trumpet you are so moody today let's just move on how can I not be moody when the demented skin cancer vitamin B12 deficiency thyroid disease and AIDS crumbling rotting ass is packaged in front of me I do not have AIDS Donnie but you can't deny the other four diseases because I just Googled your health conditions just then I doubt you will survive another week at this point trumpy rumpy you got to stop this Google is a place to do educated research Donnie Jesus Obama I just researched Joe's mental and health problems in days till he will die that's proper Google research Obama no I will shove a finger up your ass and I will finger transfer all the diseases I have then you will have same Google profiles as me before this argue gets any worse let me type in an important word that word is adolescence the most important times of Our Lives Obama Rama you are taking me back in time when I was still deciding if I wanted to be a fighter pilot or president I remember those days the world seemed so big and the choice is even bigger those were the days when our biggest decision was which flavor of ice cream to get and whether or not to take an afternoon nap classic sleepy Joe and now you added snorting cocaine and kid sniffing then finally your dementia kicked in from tomorrow I will keep count the number of times you call me demented and cocaine and every time you say it you give me 100 bucks deal best deal ever because you will forget whether this deal even happened by tomorrow sleepy Joe we seriously can't play one Wordle game without you two fighting like babies let's move on Bush's turn if this word is super important then it has to be something like Brotherhood we are kind of having one right now how the [ __ ] did you get that that's called Instinct nice nice very nice Bush you are on three point Donny on two Barack and Joe on one point this next 12-letter word is something to do with me this game is clearly rigged move over Joe I get to go this round because I'm one point behind bushy hey Donnie you cheater don't blame me you're on one point Joe you won't get three point anytime soon this is a fight between Bush and me right now grumpy trumpy you greedy cheater every Wordle competition you find a way to be greedy come on Donnie bring it on first word I'm locking in is bold prisoner because that's literally what Andrew Tate is oh my [ __ ] God I don't know any 12-letter words oh my days I'm gonna type in billionaires I'm almost out of vocabulary too I don't know what word to put in now come on Joe think you can find a word my brain is actually dying what words are there looks like someone's gone past their bedtime what is something you want to do Joe or something you see I really really I want to sleep now I'm so tired Jesus Christ Joe Biden the one word I can come up with is Lamborghinis 12 letters is so damn hard I need to think something to do with the top G I already typed in bold prisoner what else is there come on world King I'm right here to take your spot uh I'm still thinking of a 12-letter word seems like Joe's stupid brain is contagious okay boys let Joe take his nap waking him up will do you guys no good anyways all right I come up theme song called oh that French Andrew Tate song I forgot the name or Dan Levine that has to be something to do with the Bold prisoner honestly Trump I also don't know this 12-letter word so we'll try to use all my letters and put in prize fighter I'm super curious to see what this 12-letter word is going to be congratulations Bush you are the official top G of Wordle and the top president [ __ ] sakes what even is this word perspicacity sounds like a pervy ass pooed in a city my unmatched perspicacity coupled with sheer and de fatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor welcome back stupid people the birds the singing The Rivers please can we have a peaceful day for once what happened guys I just woke up Joe messed up the intro for the 16th [ __ ] time and I'm too busy to yell at him because I was a little too busy organizing my entire Harem of women they're impossible to control we already know you went to get your prostate checked grumpy trumpy Joe you are a repeat customer you're the only one who gets it you have no proof of that Donnie I saw it with my own pair of [ __ ] eyes the videos right there on your PornHub profile what the [ __ ] were you doing on PornHub Donnie tell us um I mean I didn't mean to Let's play Wordle you're probably looking for girls I can't wait when you get another mug shot Joe Biden I will open a jail cell next to your house and I will drag your old ass in there when you're sleeping at night we have not had peace for even a minute yet who's starting today of course it's me it's a 100 percent screw you Donnie my computer my rules I'm starting hell no sleepy Joe all you are good for is typing sleeping and cocaine you're more boring than my Grandma let's have Joe start this round your meat riding Joe is crazy Barack is that how you ride manshell every night I'm not going to answer to that who's guessing first what's the theme of your word Joe this word is the start of something a thing that can be good or bad I got it I'm guessing first fortunately for you Donnie I didn't pick a business nor a brand this time no [ __ ] Joe the only brand you know is sleeping pills and you've ran out already actually Donnie I think you have a little too much greatness I'm glad you admitted he just called you fat for God's sake Bush I wanted to laugh at him for not getting it come on peeps guess my word I'm still waiting Joe you said this is the start of something just because cocaine is important in your illusional world doesn't mean you can put it in here try putting cocaine in there and see if it fits orange [ __ ] ass fat elephants shut up cocaine sniffer I bet this wrinkled drug addict is talking in his sleep right now and you are talking from your ass you fatty this word is something that can be good or bad global warming no because he said something as an object it's symbolism I got it that cocaine sniffer must have typed in ice cream can you count grumpy trumpy I can count to a billion Joe Biden you would fall asleep by the time you count to your age Johnny how can this word be ice cream because Joe Biden typed in ice and makes us think it's something important he's trying to trick Us in fact this is the first time I've ever seen Trump I don't need your flattery if I didn't get this word wrong on purpose the rounds would only last one says the one who hasn't won a game in three episodes I bet he's on his fourth I bet I'll beat all of you I'll win this round dumbasses admit you're just a sinking sag let me put it in why did you write sag because sagging skins of certain people in this room tells us it's the start of a new generation I bet that comment was directed at Joe he's a gray-haired fossil that's about to spoil I bet you right now he's watching gay porn while snorting a kilo of cocaine to make his next bad presidential decision and I bet you he's not doing that now he'd make better decisions than you okay Mr economic recession there is no economic recession stupid fine then how about mister I'm making the Chinese dollars the new world currency sleepy cocaine addict I was analyzing while Trump and Joe were kissing passionately it could be something get to the point we don't want five minutes of you talking about why you chose gay and explaining why it's a theoretical and semiotic representation of your desire to farm crops or suck uh was that insult directed to grumpy trumpy no Trump do not have the intellectual capacity to formulate a sentence let alone a long one you guys attempt to ride each other's meat [ __ ] grosses me out I'm gonna type in gut it's something all of you need to take good care about that was a brilliant guess now we just need to Guess that last consonant there's lots of words starting with gu how will you guess it I got it I got it it's clearly an important word to people especially for Obama Rama it's a three-letter word it's super obvious I wonder what kind of racist jokes you're about to come up with a three-letter word this time Obama Rama you love love this and it's super important Donnie it's not drone strikes or bombs again are you sure it's a proper English word Donnie 100 a proper word and I'm super certain it's this word anything could get into Trump's head come on Donnie what's that super important word that I like and start with gu you love to do this Barack you should know it yourself the word is obviously gay that's your word gag are you kidding what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean Donnie you love to gag on manchel's BBC and get penetrated by her at the same time isn't that obvious what in the actual [ __ ] Donnie come on show us what kind of [ __ ] you've been searching for lately Donnie's been searching for how to beat up apes and then an image of Michelle with Barack Obama popped up how would you know that Joe I'm gonna hack into the U.S military and Order drone strikes to your homes then I will open a school for seniors just for you two morons and sleepy Joe Biden would be your first customer you want to go to school with me trumpy rumpy we can be best buddies hell no cocaine Joe you are the most wrinkled dangling frail rotting dinosaur wherever you go anyone near you will be prone to getting bullied Barack it's your turn now you're right bushy wushy I'm done listening to these idiots there's gu and it's something important I'm convinced this word is gag again it's the most important human ability can't you read Donnie the word starts with gu and you got it wrong reading is for stupid people there are only two Alternatives mine and the wrong one my first instinct to this word is gun it's the start of something and perfectly fits the criteria good job Obama Rama this word was a bit too obvious for you cocaine Joe is that your perception of reality a malnourished African shut up when we're finished I'm going to give you an even worse beating than I gave you two days ago no let him finish I want to hear him say you really thought you're going to manipulate me well in keeping with the game before Trump gives us a strike it's my turn I picked something what's the theme give us a clue is it sleep is it pills is it ice cream it's my ass Joe nope none of that is it related to you for once Donna you are correct this word is something I love and it's something I like for real this time is it penis Donna you don't even respect your mother you're such a scumbag first of all take the cocaine out of your mouth you inhale it you don't swallow it cocaine cocaine cocaine can't you say anything else of course I can tell you other things say them then Donnie later now we're playing wordles sleepy Joe see your jokes aren't funny anymore you're going out of style the future is today and Trump is forgotten shut up nobody knew you before you became president if they Google you you came up before the elect action as senior citizen who can't find his vibrator you're a bad person I'm going to kick your ass come on I bet if you try to hit me you'll break into pieces did you eat today or did the dope keep you from eating see you can't go five minutes without making a dope joke on me ladies ladies it's nice to see two people show their undying love but viewers are waiting for us so hurry up every day Trump's love for Biden gets more implausible Barack you're more likely to divorce yourself to Mary Biden than I am to even say the word in person to that cocaine addict based on what Obama's been through lately based on my interpretation as a good friend colleague and brother and based on the Vitality he's had lately I theorize that the word is slip why on Earth would I like that Joe you're right if you had said man shells tool or dong you would have nailed it since neither of you are taking this seriously I am let's see think like Obama think like Obama it's me I'm big I'm the best I've got books talking about me look how good I am I'm not like that yes you are kind it fills in every letter you mean King that would be getting into Obama's head don't be an idiot I'm definitely typing in kind you see how it's not right bushy wushy that's why I know and you don't you don't know Obama nobody knows him I know what he really thinks he he just he just he thinks of oh no here it comes again Bonnie don't you dare he thinks of bombing Afghanistan every day kill me on that one [ __ ] sakes Donnie he's gotten into Obama's head hey I was about to say that you too Biden you love to put Humpty Dumpty together no of course not and now it's my turn let's see as Obama's best friend actually I'm starting to doubt that sleepy Joe why is that Obama Rama we are best buddies Joe I'm telling you I got the B and O right if you type in bomb again the m b will become green next Donna you know there is no way I typed in the word bomb uh-huh I got it B and O word which Obama loves oh yeah I know what you're thinking oh yeah I see you figured it out the word has to be bore Obama rides that every day back in Kenya and he could easily camouflage in a pack of boars yeah you really are stupid I just did a little research on Obama good thing we're former presidents and there's a lot about us on Google yeah there's so much that people could imitate our personalities and stupid videos like that happens then I discovered the word it's something Obama talks about it's book it's more than obvious did you research Obama or did you research Bill Gates because the only thing bookish about Obama is the size of his face he looks like a Stephen King book stop projecting of the orange rum I told you I knew that's the right word you wrote Bach the [ __ ] type Bach by mistake hey anybody can make a mistake not so intellectually Superior Bush least I expected he got hit hard right in the pension it was the light a light came in the window and hit me in the eyes and I saw the O for a c I don't know about you but I'm typing in the word that's cheating Donnie I think I know the word it's up I told you it was book Donnie hey slow down old man I said book first so that's cheating finally trumpy rumpy you finally got a word right at the cost of Bush's mistake I thought a book and bushy was meant to type in the word book you what does your line say book screw you Donnie now it's my turn say hello to all my uninformed viewers ah I'm a Barbie girl in a Biden world no one told you that you are old Joe for the 17th goddamn time Joe get the intro right I am plastic and it's fantastic we already know that Joe Biden you are made of plastic and you are not a human I bet you touched melania's plastic every single night right Donnie you can't talk [ __ ] Joe and they're off again this time failed to survive 20 seconds of peace Joe you are literally covered in cocaine and plastic and you eat plastic monkeys and chimpanzees whose turn is it for this word it's my turn old man remember I got the last round correct we are going from bad to worse and Donnie stopped calling people old you are literally the second oldest person in this room I only call it like I see it and from where I'm standing Joe's acting decades older than both of us I'm not that old only three and a half years older Donnie but to me you sound like you're at least a century past your you're used by date Donnie how about you start using that youthful brain of yours and come up with a five-letter word just to make you happy robot Rama I've came up with my five letter word and it's something to do with humans what if Donnie is trying to fool us and puts in that favorite word of his are you saying he put in bombs or are you saying he put in nukes no you illiterate people if I put in that word no humans would survive it defeats the purpose you morons okay how about this I put in bombs then if I get it wrong then one of you put in nukes sounds good yep that is a good idea you put in bombs then we can get more clues of the word trumpety dumpity put in hooray Obama Rama you agree with my ideas I'm a genius the only thing you're a genius at is sniffing kids sleeping and snorting cocaine just to stay awake Joe I'll order a Big Mac just to shut you up for two seconds Donnie yes please go do it do it now ordering food now Joe I reckon you should continue with your ideas oh yeah typing in bombs right now I told you cocaine sleepy Joe the word is not bomb Obama did you just try to mimic an African accent joke wait a second this word cannot be nukes either because the S has been used and it's incorrect hurry up Obama no one wants to hear your nerdy robotic analysis this word must be something like I'm the best the greatest something like that the kind of things you think of when you think in trumpy rumpy's shoes so you're saying Trump is not insulting anyone today I don't think so no I mean Trump did say this word has something to do with humans there's not much insults he can throw out there I believe you guys will never guess what I am thinking I think I will type in major because trumpy rump always think he is so big and important he says stuff like I'm the major of the best this word also doesn't repeat much letters at least you got the r correct Obama dilemma none of you are even close I thought your brain was nerdy Obama it's my turn to guess now you need to think inside of Donny's brain bushy wushy and you need to learn to think Joe Biden anyway now it's my turn and I'm going to say what it is because I don't think Trump's brain gets very far in thinking number one it has something to do with humans and number two it's not an intellectual word Georgie bushy wushy you old man you've got to stop underestimating me did you forget who the real world King is I won the last wordal competition dumbass and no Donnie I'll prove it to you that you are not so intelligent why on Earth did you write next bushy because I'm not going to write in that word the word don't tell me it is that word of course not but I will give you guys one last hint okay Donnie what is that hint the hint is that this word is an N word we are not blind Trump we can see the N is green I was saying that just in case cocaine Joe fell asleep again I think I got it is the n-word I said that a second ago that is copyright strike one Joe Biden but I definitely got it Donnie loves this n-word and it's related to humans please for the love of God Joe don't type in that N word but I have to type in that N word the word literally start with an N can't you see Obama Rama just whatever you do don't type that N word because you will get us demonetized but I have to type in an N word Joe don't you dare type that word in I'm typing it in do you want to get canceled sleepy cocaine Joe of course I don't want a Donnie but I'm typing in nukes oh Pew I'm relieved haha get pranked Obama oh your pranks are so bad even five years old girls won't fall for it Obama almost fell for Joe's prank Donnie that's because Obama is a robot and robots have no emotional intelligence screw you Donnie I've got the perfect word for my next guest to figure out your words yeah do that Barack then you can get more clues for trumpy's work no you sleepy Joe this is an old Ultra hard work I will type in the word never if we don't get the E and V then it's obvious what word Trump was trying to type you are such a nerd Barack it's obvious my word is an n-word why did you put in that N word Donnie because it has something to do with humans yeah no [ __ ] Donnie I'm typing in my word now wait guys I need your help for one thing what is it grumpy trumpy do you need help getting out of your chair no I need help because I just forgot how to pronounce that word let's move on guys Donnie is just playing stupid no I'm being serious how do you pronounce that word n-i-g-e-r is it knee or lie and does it end in gar or jerk good point Donnie I honestly don't even know wait I thought Obama would know this word best now Obama's playing dumb huh so if Obama doesn't even know then you need to trust me on the pronunciations because I put in that word let me help you out Donnie the word is pronounced as Niger so the country has one G and the N word has two G's right I'm absolutely speechless wait Barack are you saying the word is pronounced as Nation shut the [ __ ] up Donald let's move on to Bush's word finally we can move on from Donald's wine shut your demented ugly skin cancer looking face up Joe you whine more than me and you are more stupid than me and you are more orange fat chubby obese fake criminal racist shit-haired arrogant ignorant and most importantly more incompetent than me your entire career Joe and the most memorable thing about you is me think about that also I've got one word for you crack look it up funny how you mentioned crack Donnie maybe you're just reflecting on your hairline kids and babies I got my six letter word and this is the perfect word to describe trumpy rumpy well it's obvious that word there's no other six-letter word that better represents me obviously bushy wushy is talking about bigger because there's nobody bigger than me oh please trumpy rumpy bigger did you really think Bush would put in a word for you to guess in your first guess poor Humpty Dumpty trumpety not so intelligent anymore huh you guys are such crybabies I have a strong feeling this word could be bomber it can't be grumpy trumpy Bush would never say anything flattering about you don't make me fall asleep sleepy cocaine Joe you're boring you're just parroting what they're saying let's get on with it folks I'm kind of in a hurry Are you seriously going to change your diapers again Georgie bushy don't mess with bush bro at least he has some very high class thank you Obama it's good to know you're the only one in this room to still have some sense no bushy I've got the most sense and that demented kid sniffer has the least amount of common sense in this room [ __ ] you Donnie I don't sniff kids and it's clear I have more intellect and Common Sense than your big grapefruit coconut head when you fall asleep Joe Biden I will sneak into your house put Jill to Deep sleep then I will start farting in your ears pissing your nose and poo in your mouth you dirty creepy and senile crack addict don't you dare say this about my Jill you Big Mac infused orangutan with hairs of a sloth you would run out of energy by the time you reach my doorbell diabetic criminal and you Joe Biden boys boys let's get on with my guests no no bushy wushy I was enjoying their toddler fights man I got the perfect word to describe trumpy rumpy no way you got my word it's polish because Donnie looks clean from the outside but your brain ain't got nothing inside see this is what I've been trying to say for a long time Biden is not somebody who's in his right mind that's why I should be reelected please Donnie let's not campaign now the United States of America needs a tough smart tough leader who will lead them to economic growth who will make them richer say no to a government of leaks say no to a government of Biden Biden means prostitute in an ancient language vote for Trump Donnie there's only one word that describe you and I will put in that word it has to be Legend I am a legend to come up trumpy rumpy I didn't hear a thing because I was taking my pills too bad you missed the best speech ever Joe all right Donnie the word I'm whacking in to describe your extraordinary actions today is it's Legend I'm a legend no it's stupid in fact I think I should have typed in that word many episodes ago to describe you Donnie that insult should have been Direct to Joe Biden he is the stupidest person in this room the fact you eat way too much McDonald's already makes you stupid imagine if none of you guessed this word then I can call all of you stupid bushy wushy you just got lucky on the previous round it's your turn Donald we're all waiting for your guests I think bushy wushy is trying to trick us he's saying this word describes me but I think this word clearly describes Joe Biden the creepy crackhead oh no Donna you're gonna get your word wrong again there's no way Bush will lie in his speech and what he says clearly he's being seriously once again I am a legend and I can read people's minds I think the word is rapist as in how Joe Biden raped little kids why do you think I do that Donnie so you sound like Santa Claus When You Reach climax Joe yeah what the [ __ ] was that sound you just made don't worry I was listening to some Coco melon kind of 80 year old watch CoCo melon a wrinkly pervy cocaine addict whose name is called Joe Biden [ __ ] you Donnie I have the word to describe your criminal orange fat ass you better not get this word wrong Joe there is literally only one option in here okay Obama Rama the word Bush put in that describes it orangutan is racist because this chubby chub was trying to be racist in the previous round Joe Biden can you not see the T at the end bushy wushy that's the word you put in to describe me huh I'm only saying the truth grumpy trumpy we all know that's a fact bro and the final word is racism because Donnie the humpity dumpity is the most racist person in this room just because your chocolate and Michelle's triple chocolate it does not make me a racist Donnie Barack bushy which one of you said choc chip ice cream what's up not so smart people hey everybody this is atlas Atlas what has gotten into you today yeah Atlas because I'm the one carrying the burden of running this show I don't want to know how many hours it took ass I'm the genius billionaire viral and young viral young yeah compared to you old fogies Donna you're literally an animal lard ball Obama ramadani is an orange lard ball shut up you pot balls what are you saying Trump I didn't hear you is that because your hearing aid is broken I just don't understand animals Donnie got roasted for once woof woof I will bite your legs off while you guys were barking like dogs I already chose the word I don't want to waste my time will there be a hint not for you Donnie because you're a bad dog I don't need a hint anyway I know what the answer is before we start I don't doubt that Mr Linguistics I bet Obama put in a nerdy thing again like he always does of course not because I think fair right Joe well what do you mean Obama Rama he just called you stupid Obama Rama definitely didn't call me stupid you fat orange lard Ball come on if no one's guessing Obama's word then I will go first screw you guys it sound like you all are teaming up on me today I think you guys are all dog [ __ ] friends [ __ ] sakes Donnie looks like I have to give you guys a clue before this gets any more stupid the word I put in is something a bit dirty I hate you robot you said the clue after I put in the word but I seriously know Obama's word today what's your ideas Donnie share them with us no bushy I have two ideas and each idea cost a million bucks is one of them the correct answer yes one of them is definitely the word Obama put in I'm telling you Donnie can you give me the idea you have for free we are besties aren't we hell no sleepy Joe no friendly discount a million bucks for every idea I don't have a million bucks can you at least give a clue pushy are you really gonna trust Donnie on this one of course Obama ramadani sounds super serious today see robot man no one likes you Everyone likes me because I'm the real world King I hate it when you call me that Obama Rama's pushing it now robot man has gone too far alrighty I'll buy your hint Donnie on my next turn but for this one I will type in disease speaking of disease good job Joe Biden on the quarantine by the way millions of people died because of you you should be ashamed of your demented Coke snorting self Donna you illiterate fatty did you really forget you started it and when I'm in office I cured the disease you have smaller Brands than a newborn baby that was good and that was true as well from Joe don't get excited I highly doubt he could ever formulate another sentence in his life that was remotely intelligent what happened did I hit your micro ego wow that's Joe's brain rebound okay okay Bush that's enough it's time to show you why I'm a genius and make it clear why Joe just got lucky I'll prove to you I'm smart and I won't need your hint Donna you will not get this word right sleepy Joe you have the final chance to buy a hand off me for a million bucks before the price of a hint goes up to two million bucks if you can do it for half the price I will send you a year's salary for your hand okay Joe just when I thought Joe was smart a second ago okay Donnie what's the hint you promised me for the hint okay Joe shh you don't want bushy or Obama to know Joe is about to get scammed no way Donnie knows my word he could possibly hack in the computer too Obama okay Donnie tell me now I better be right okay the word Obama put in that's a bit dirty and seven letters Joe Biden it's the word [ __ ] let me break it down it's seven letters and [ __ ] are the dirtiest part of a human body and I bet you Michelle's [ __ ] is even more dirty this word will definitely be the right word [ __ ] you Donnie you just scammed my half a million bucks the word starts in di you dumbass get my money back Donnie trust me on that Joe Biden I know Obama glitched the game and tries to play tricks on your eyes this is not sounding good Joe what did Donnie tell you was he even close to my word no guys Donnie said the word was [ __ ] and for the reasons you guys don't want to know especially Obama you definitely don't want to know he reads okay at least he tried but rest in peace for your one year salary Joe bushy wushy you're not helping I will put in Big Macs because if I get my money back I will find a way to force feed Donny's orange lard ball with half a million bucks where worth of Big Macs I told you Joe Biden I have two hints you unluckily picked the wrong hint and this final hint I have will be sold at a discounted price of a million dollars hell no you fat orange lard ball I'm not getting scammed again I might consider your hint Donnie only if you agree that I get to beat you up if it's wrong Neil accepted Bush I haven't accepted the deal yet it's your turn Donnie hurry and put in your word man it would be super unfair if I put in the word because I already know Obama's word then whack in your word then I doubt you know my word grumpy trumpy so dog [ __ ] was right but now there is an extra eye the word has to do with [ __ ] because it's dirty that means the word must be [ __ ] which explain all of you guys in this room today okay so I officially lost hope in Donny's ability in Wordle I will come up with the word myself no bushy okay special deal for you one grand and I give you the hint Donnie no one in this room would want your hint man I'm telling you it's definitely the correct answer hell no Donnie that hint you gave me was super duper wrong that's because you got unlucky Joe you and your senile skin crackling Coke addict will always run into bad luck Bro [ __ ] You Donnie you still owe me half a million bucks that's what you call the state-of-the-art deal cocaine sleepy Joe okay whiners I got the word I don't believe you with these letters no way Bush let's hear it bushy it's a dirty word and the words start with d i and ends in an S so that means Obama whacked in an s on the end no [ __ ] bushy wushy even sleepy Joe can see that I'm surprised you saw that too now this means the P has to be in the middle so when the a has to go in front of the P are you sure bushy I wish bushy gets it wrong so I could burst out laughing what's next Bush if the E goes after the P that means the word has to be diapers let me type that in no way that's right oh yes let's go why was your word diapers Obama of course Joe would ask let me guess man shell wets the bed every night so she needs diapers [ __ ] you Donnie one more thing about my Michelle I will [ __ ] slap the Will Smith out of you my turn now haha but why was it diaper that's because it's a fun word and just in case I had to roast someone during the game but you unintentionally roasted manshell instead that's it Donnie [ __ ] you Barack that's what you get for scamming me Donnie anyways I got my eight letter word and it's something nice I hate you Barack I will definitely get you back soon enough so if it's bushy wushy putting in the word and it's something nice then it's seriously a very nice word you just repeated what Bush said Joe once again Joe's dementia kicked in for the infinite time for this word I will put in something that trumpy rumpy the Humpty dumpity really lacks he lacks kindness because Donnie is always mean to everyone in the room stop crying Joe I'm a genius and you mistaken it as an insult Donny every time you say genius my dictionary cringe you classy Legend Bush you still use a dictionary ever heard of the Internet it's called reading Donnie that's why I got the last round correct good point anyways I think for Bush's word I want to type in grateful because bushy wushy is a grateful man and I think us as presidents should be even more grateful of the small things in life such as having each other's company and playing Wordle I think we all need these moments of reflection thanks for bringing us back to what's important Barack you guys are boring the death out of me this word has to be something that represents us perfectly as the greatest man in this room I think the word is come on man just spit it out already I Like Big Macs which is McDonald's which obviously means the word is business did you really think bushy would have typed in that word Donnie trumpy is officially the wordal noob keep talking Joe you nap all day long and you snort so much crack that even snow is darker than your hair sleepy Joe you are such a meanie weeny Donnie lard ball deep breaths Trump we wouldn't want you to overheat under that tan says you who's already overcooked Donnie you don't want to get hit harder than Chris Rock this time once again it looks like you all want a threesome by teaming up against all men for themselves Donnie I just came up with a beautiful word that perfectly describes bushy wushy I bet Joe's word is gibberish again it's not I promise perfect word for me huh you sure it's not one of Donny's hints what the hell is wrong with my hand ah that it was [ __ ] Donnie the word I put into perfectly describes my boy bushy wushy is fragrant he loves some classy scents in his home actually that was a super good guess damn you're getting closer to my word but since Donnie has the last guess it's all good what was that supposed to mean bushy wushy um uh nothing okay anyway so we know it starts with FR and the only way the N aligns in this word is French so it has to do with something friend I guess but friend is six letters and bushy's word is eight letters I know that Joe that's why I'm considering to put in the word friended perfect word Bush would put in as we are all friends and it's super nice to have everyone's company Bush might be right we are all good friends except when Obama Rama hit me today that was just a friendly encounter Donnie don't get personal I agree Barack but don't get personal as well ouch [ __ ] why did you do that Donnie just a friendly encounter Barack don't get personal bro geez Donny's hit his like two or more of barack's hits yeah he's got that extra premium lard energy and power Donnie I hate you that was so unfair of course it's fair you hit me I hit you you will pay for this Donnie Donnie don't you dare get this word wrong otherwise I will enroll you back into preschool again you think I'm dumb Bush the word is obviously friendly but [ __ ] I forgot how to spell it is can someone call a surgeon to see how much Lard has gotten into Trump's brain come on Donnie thank you I'm guessing it's l-y because Y is the biggest looking letter out of the three yeah good job Donald Trump you have successfully completed first grade spelling tests by the way you still owe me the half a million you scammed me today and you still owe me a hit Donnie oh [ __ ] bye boys I'm running for my life and hide in McDonald's toilets ordering drone strikes subscribe hello again you brainless Bunch hey an old women just creeped into my bed hurry up call secret Services now are you sure that wasn't Jill oops it's my wife Jill I remember for the 19th time you crusty old man you messed up the intro again it's scary when a white hair lady appears in front of you without having the time to see her face I'm sure Jill is thinking the same thing let's get started I've picked my nine letter word since I got the word right last time this is a super hard word I bet you all will fail wow grumpy trumpy you are super energetic today I'm surprised it's like trumpy rumpy became a completely new person today the second you die in your grave Joe Biden is the day when my life will get 10 times better but that's not possible you will die before me you're already falling apart you wrinkly scumbag now hurry up and guess my word before you guys bore me out what's your category Trump my word is something from a tree it's an insanely hard word I bet none of you will guess it in six guesses I was gonna say friendless I have to come up with something else now that would perfectly describe trumpy rumpy too bad it doesn't fit don't make me kick you in the face like an animal stupid cocaine Joe anyways who's guessing first I'll take the honor there won't be many nine letter things that belong in a tree trust me Barack there are heaps of things from a tree exactly Barack Ronald belongs there once again Joe Biden my name starts with a d get rid of the D Ronald sounds better fine then I'll take the d and shove it inside Jill Donald rump get my wife's name out of your [ __ ] mouth guys this will be an easy round I will start us off with pineapple doesn't repeat many letters and it grows on trees that's the definition of Ohio education bushy coconuts grow under the mud did you know that I made a tiny error I mistaken pineapples for coconuts maybe when you're digging for fruits bushy you might find a super orange one maybe you might find cocaine Joe Biden because I buried him into the dirt and pissed on it and then cocaine Joe Biden crops started growing finding an orange fruit in the mud would be ten times more hilarious and when you touch it it's a super greasy one as well facts Joe also for my guests since we were talking about the great and orange trumpy the big McDonald rump I think the perfect word to describe him is Big Sticks I like that play on words that really plays on Size Doesn't it little Trump make a note viewers [ __ ] of the year is coming shut up elephant in the room since Trump is 90 gut once again Barack Obama I'm not fat I'm just stuffed with greatness Trump be grumpy is stuffed with pregnancy you're already a mom did you get stretch marks if you did you're a stretch mark man which perfectly makes me put in the word mangroves if you wanted to play on words Obama you should have typed in Mangrove it's still way better than pineapple pineapple is the height of Wordle today you guys are once again insulting my intelligence with boringness all our viewers ran away because you talk like robots says the person who picked a topic to do with trees You by not only are you boring but you're stupid at the same time now we know the word starts off with something A and G and then Donnie whacked an s on the end that means it's definitely an eight-letter word bushy you have not made any sense this entire Wordle game so far it's clearly a nine-letter word bushy will you say birds swim in the oceans next hell no Joe speaking of birds you gave me a really good idea just a quick tip Bush birds don't grow on trees I know that but I'm thinking of hang Birds because Birds relax and hang out on trees therefore hang birds see I'm a genius bushy that clearly doesn't make sense that was quite a genius idea from Bush he got us one more yellow left absolutely that was an awesome idea because it just helped me come up with my next nine letter word did both of you and Bush attend the same school of fictional vocabulary in Ohio you're just jealous because our school didn't have a course on how to avoid bankruptcy trust it's called business it's something none of you robots will ever understand Trump you are messed up blah wobbly lard how dare you roast all three of us at the same time we will all gang bang the [ __ ] out of you and you will end up in a hospital that's a perfect word Joe I will put in gang bang because we will crush Donnie and beat him up and he will be back in the hospital bed metaphorically not literally broke don't worry Joe we just need two more white men and we can make it happen call up Bill Clinton and Elon Musk Obama if that ever happens we will become the top only fans Creator and have millions coming into our pockets shut the hell up Donnie and bushy first of all Donnie you are a dirty piece of [ __ ] and second bushy I'm seriously reconsidering you as a friend just imagine the toys you can buy man shell with that kind of money we are not going there today Donnie I have to blame Joe starting all this Obama Rama I was saying it metaphorically not literally broke I think we should move on before we get canceled for talking about this I think you're right bushy wushy we should move on and organize it for another day and force Obama into this shut up Trump you orange sweet potato never million years would I do such Haram BS okay chill Obama blamed Joe Biden the crackhead for starting this anyways I will try to figure out my word final guess for me Joe why did I feel like you overdosed on your cocaine today you sound super artificial today maybe that's the thing that gets Joe excited about I knew something was wrong with you today Joe I'm nothing I woke up next to Jill and I had some fun with my son that's it remind me to never ask you about your morning again yikes either Jill almost lost her life or Joe is high on coke again none of that I promise so back to Wordle it has Ang but also kro in it which means the first letter must be a consonant easy peasy Obama Rama the word is obviously kangaroo and then Donnie whacked an ass on the end why would it be kangaroos I'm locking it in stop saying locking it in sounds like a country is about to be bombed oh [ __ ] that's the word why the [ __ ] is Kangaroo something to do with trees Donnie because sleepy Joe is a tree kangaroo and the tree kangaroo always sleep on trees well at least I'm not an orange orangutan swinging from conspiracy to conspiracy that animal is called koalastani but in that case I'm a muscular kangaroo you're a pregnant kangaroo Dumpty trumpy also I just got my 10 letter word damn I wish it was my turn rip Joe got the word I am a male kangaroo sleepy cocaine Joe also give us a hint now for your 10 letter made up word no need to be so aggressive Donnie you're a nice pregnant mother and you need to be a good example for your baby kangaroo Donnie def got the Heavies for being pregnant Mark and Joe I will send you guys into your grave in a second you can't carry heavy thing while being pregnant Donnie I bet you were giving Jill one every single day because Jill is so old and wrinkly one more time Donnie and I Will Smith slap the Chris Rock Out of You Joe that was my line anyways what's the category for your word Joe viewers are waiting for us this word describes trumpy rumpy the pregnant kangaroo and it's 10 letters boy this is going to be fun I go first this word is clearly Wordle King because that's who I am bad luck pregnant kangaroo get my belly out of your mouth before I slap the dementia into your head Joe Biden Donald and Joe fighting is the definition of meme Kings haha except I'm smart and he's dumb you have a hot wife you have a rotting wife I have health you have fats I have brain you have dementia I'm a straight human and you're a pregnant kangaroo Joe cooking Donald and deep frying him damn I can't wait for the day Joe Biden dies in his grave then my life will become ten times better then no one will take care of your kangaroos babies Donnie Joe Biden clearly overdosed with Hunter with their cocaine addictions I've never been so speechless ever Donnie just to make you feel better I will type in the word confidence because you are truly confident man I got to give you that thank you bushy see Joe Biden that's what you call true friendship I'm just telling the truth trumpy rumpy all right this word I have the perfect 10 letter pun for Donnie it's also the perfect word to describe Trump the Humpty dumpity well now boring Barker I can't to wait for the lame word you're about to put in boy this is going to be interesting the word I put in is Chubby chub it's a kind word to call Trump fat and it sound like the Chupa chup lollipops Obama Rama this has to be one of the worst words you put in today I told you guys Obama's word is going to be lame I can read human Minds I'm certain I will get this word because I get the final turn you won't get it Obama Rama this is a very hard word screw your yappings it's my turn well someone's Eager Beaver today I think Joe Biden put in this word to describe me if not then clearly Joe cheated the game I didn't cheat it's a proper word I have a feeling this won't end well but surprise us Donnie you guys think I will type in some stupid words this is once again an insult to my intelligence the word I'm putting in is accomplished because clearly I am the person who have accomplished the most things in this room everyone in this room has made history one way or another exactly hence we are top president no let me rephrase this I am top President Obama's black president Joe's sleeping cocaine president and bushy is nobody's president let me rephrase this Donny's pregnant president geez that's a good one Joe you are trotting on thin ice again I can't wait to finish and punch you in the demented head come at me Donnie I 500 at my home there is no way you can beat them too Donnie fine then I will rock up another day with machine guns in a tank so for my guess clearly Donnie as a pregnant kangaroo he is trying to be a father and a role model so I will type in the word father like for my final guess you are sweet but also immediate at the same time bushy wushy not gonna lie this is getting dangerously close to my word the word is clearly start with fat but Joe Biden is this a proper word or is it made up again it's a proper word I even asked Hunter Google and Bing it comes as Donald Trump Joe I swear on my life you are high on coke again but there is not a single word that aligns the D and B this word has to be a made-up word I also think this is a made-up word Barack oh my gosh Joe the word you wrote that describes Trump is it seriously that word yes it's really that word well technically a compound word Joe Biden I will bomb you if it's something to do with my belly again Joe get cover I think your word that describes Donald Trump is fat and dumb am I correct 100 Obama Rama Donald trumpy rumpy is orange fat and dumb because he is a pregnant kangaroo I can't believe you put that in Joe can you count to five for me Joe Biden absolutely one two three four five what's happening now yeah describe to top presidents what's up morons today is going to be epic Rasputin Joe Biden's the American King at this point Joe you should sing it's a love story my cocaine just said yes Joe can you get the intro correct for once I'm seriously begging at this point for the 20th [ __ ] time cocaine Joe messed up the intro and once again that crackhead is the most useless person in this room my head is not cracked Donnie the pregnant kangaroo once again your brain is in sleeping mode because you're super useless Barack and bushy explain why today's super special today is our fourth official top president's World competition and the player or team who gets a word right gets one point the competition finished when no one guesses the word correct and I won the first competition yes we know that sleepy Joe back to Donnie for more details we invited a special guest the one and only former President Bill Clinton oh my gosh we finally have someone that's just as old as grumpy trumpy what's good presidents we have every 21st century presidents in the room let's go what's up Bill so how is the competition going to work today as a milestone for the 20th Wordle video on the top president's Channel you guys will work in teams and I will be the word Giver so who's on who excuse me Joe Biden what's Silly Billy Willy it's your nickname I call Trump grumpy trumpy rumpy and then I call this brown guy Obama Rama and then this Farm guy bushy wushy and now I will call you silly Billy Willy it Rhymes perfectly Joe Biden I invited did Billy the first time don't make it the last time because you're high on cocaine Joe also the name Rhymes sounds super [ __ ] I Love Rhymes you pregnant kangaroo sleepy Joe let Bill start the game already bro okay Obama the Llama I never knew former presidents always fight and argue this surely is a first for me trust me Bill you will get used to it soon all right now announcing the teams I got a wheel ready and the first two names the wheel lands on will be a team I super want to be with bushy or Obama this time so I can finally get a win Oh look The Wheel landed on you for the love of God you Spinning Wheel please please I beg you to not have sleepy Joe on my team all right spinning again let's see who Trump Partners up with land on bushy no no skip Joe give me Obama yes I get to be with Obama again oh my [ __ ] days I get to be with the pregnant kangaroo grumpy trumpy when will your baby be born trumpy I will gobble your head with my belly if you don't shut up cocaine Joe oh yes let's go we are going to win this bushy okay so team DJ versus Team boat now starting with three letter words the hint is this word is one of the most popular words and teambo gets to start us off three two one let's go okay bushy we got this why are we team both I guess because you are Bush and I'm Obama and Billy made our team name Beau which is quite nice I gotta say that means you were Donald and I am Joe therefore we are team DJ Joe Biden we lost last time go snort some cocaine and put your thinking caps on Joe I got seven pounds ready I'm on it geez Joe is actually doing snow in the middle of a world game he'll fall asleep a second later also for our word I'm thinking of you it's a very common word that's a smart guess bushy it also takes two to three vowels out at the same time okay okay Joe they got it wrong any ideas [ __ ] sakes I told you sarcastically to stay awake not literally snort seven pounds you Arctic Monkey s you are so useless Joe Biden [ __ ] sakes I will put in the word p then YP Don because every baby always says mama I want to pee or I need to pee so lovely I need to pee now see that's why it's a popular word however since I am Donald Trump I will be a bit creative and get more vowels okay bushy there is a yellow e so likely the E will go in the last letter for this word what do you think of the word lie as in lying to find out the E location I was thinking of I because it definitely gives us the e-location true although lye doesn't repeat letters and it would get all the vowels now that you put it that way I think lie could be a better word to put in Bush all right bet you can never doubt a scholar bro thanks Obama Rama and bushy wushy now the word has to be B since P was wrong remember you're working with Joe Bro oh yeah cocaine Joe I'm gonna type in B now oh it feels so good it's better without you on the team you cocaine addicted wrinkly crackhead I'm awake now what's up Joe you sound super high now how much did you [ __ ] snort tell us half a bag so I don't know how much that is I think it's three tons Joe you demented addiction creepy man that's obviously three and a half pounds if you had a seven pound bag you white-haired snow dependent living animal you're a fat orange lump of clay anyways what word are we putting in I'm putting in B because you are so helpless I'm single-handedly the word must be she there is no more vowels and the first two letters definitely is a country true that's 100 correct it's one of the most used English words as well all right bushy I'm locking in sheep bro we're gonna get the first win again the word's not she what in the actual oh I see we missed that word oh shoot it's that word damn how didn't we think of trumpy rumpy I got the word you think I will trust you after you inhaled half a bag joke the word is obviously the cocaine sleepy Joe Biden once again the word is not Za it has nothing to do with cocaine you [ __ ] no Trump the word is how many times do I need to tell you the word is not Za you idiot drug addict I'll put my word instead it's not sorry it's the the word is clearly you're high on cocaine [ __ ] Joe Biden how can the word be z-e-r can't you see the E and H is already revealed it's not Zer it's the [ __ ] sakes now you're back on cocaine addiction again it's not Za not zero and has no Z in the world Trump I will get super mad the word is the the the the the the you say Z one more time I will punch you in your demented head bro I can't bro I can't the word is the even four-year-olds understand no [ __ ] Joe Biden I learned the alphabet when I was one year old [ __ ] sakes I'm putting in my word sleepy cocaine Joe I will get super mad the word is obviously that I will get super mad if you mentioned Z or anything related to cocaine one more time Joe Biden I didn't say any of that trumpy rumpy I said the you are really testing my patience aren't you dumbass no the word is the you use the in a sentence it's the like the cocaine the sleeping pills the children have you got it now dumbass Donald clearly you're talking doesn't fit in three letter words you [ __ ] no the word is the t-h-e the fatty the clock the world game oh my gosh Donnie yes I got it the word is the t-h-e see I'm the real world king I said that Donnie you did but I thought of it first when you were still explaining your guess so that's called idea stealing Joe Biden screw you Donny I'm typing in this word and the credit goes to me this is the on his World game yet now it is one point for team DJ oh yes let's go I'm a legend we got the next one Barack you were just a bit unlucky fun fact D is used in seven percent of all sentences also Donnie and Joe you guys need to work better from now and I'm taking away the bag of yours Joe that's considered cheating oh no but I will fall asleep soon three and a half pounds will get you awake for a whole year Joe Biden anyway Silly Billy Willy tell us the next word category this next four letter category is something I really like and team DJ starts okay grumpy trumpy I think we put in home because it's obviously something Billy Willy likes no Joe I'm convinced Billy Willy likes our rhyme so I will type in Bill who will put in their own name you orange looking pregnant kangaroo close your stinky cocaine breath Joe Biden did you already forget who got us the last word point it's obviously me your dementia risen exponentially once again it was me all right Obama Rama what is Billy like it's our first guest so let's try to discover more less I mean he does like his hometown a lot he's just like me living a laid-back lifestyle okay now we're talking should we put in home or town let's try town get more commonly used consonants all right bet locking that in now yo Donnie I got the word it's obviously a b word oh [ __ ] even blind people can see that sleepy Joe I'm not blind no Joe do you think Bill Clinton likes the same thing as me there is zero chance Bill likes stuffing McDonald's in his belly he's same age as you but way skinnier than you once again I partnered up with the most useless teammate of this planet I'm super convinced it's that b word just saying Billy won't type in bomb bro neither will he type in boo I agree we need to think deeply what Clinton the Minton rankton is thinking about it's 100 got to be that word it's not bombed on I was never thinking of typing in bomb I'm typing in B mob why did you type that what the hell is a bee mob it's bomb but you spell it backwards all right let's move on I will seriously lose precious brain cells listening to Ronald baraki I'm surprised manchel didn't squash the brain cells out of you yet you know it's comments like that which remind me why I missed the days before Twitter now you're talking like a robot again anyways we got to be strategic now bushy a word good enough to give us more clues but hard enough for them to guess typing in a word with more vowels could be a good idea for our guests yes I agree there's so many choices though I'm considering the word pure has the vowels and commonly used that's a really good idea bushy yes do that should make it hard for them now Ronald McDonald Billy's word must be dope this is first warning Joe Biden anytime you mention anything cocaine related again Joe Biden you will get a strike if you get three strikes I will get a needle insert cocaine up your butthole then you will become constipated Joe Biden hey Donnie that's not fair I'm on zero warning I was saying silly Billy's word will be very cool I can't wait for the day you die joe then America would be so much better without a Coke addict as president exactly the coke was so good it even made me president hurry the [ __ ] up Donnie and Joe we've been waiting for ages man okay okay Joe help I can't think of another b word other than bomb all right Donnie how about bong you know that thing I use I'm not stupid Joe Biden but can't your senile crack ass CDO has been used wait I think the word could be banged I don't think Silly Billy Willy likes to bang things who doesn't like to bang their partner you [ __ ] oh yeah I forgot someone named Jill because she's so old and crippled this is strike one Ronald McDonald get my wife's name out of your [ __ ] fat mouth aha beautiful this word should be easy now I can think of band or band Bank the most logical words bill would like bro Bill Clinton has a great taste in music though so the word has to be banned yeah he ain't like Donnie who likes money all the time exactly bushy I'm whacking in band let's see if we got it yes let's go brother let's overtake Donnie and Joe on the next round Bush teambo also on one point now just in case you didn't know already my favorite song is a light went on and he sang by Tom Piazza this has to be the lamest word to put in Wordle Silly Billy we'll try to get the next round Donnie remember I'm super awake that barely makes a difference Joe okay now moving on to five letter word this word is something that describes all of US presidents in the room now and team Bo starts us off oh I got this one I've got the perfect clue for this round it's something we all are trumpy rumpy not something you like Johnny don't steal our turn you're such a nerd robot Rama and you're such a chubby chub I forgot to call you pregnant kangaroo today admit both of you are just jealous because I've overloaded IQ stored in my belly then try to beat us in this round Donnie so Billy's word that describes all of us seems difficult I mean Billy is such a chill dude bet it won't be anything bad I'll start us off with smart it's something Billy the clintilly will write in Billy the Clinton bushy we already have one dumbass Joe Biden we don't need another name Rhymer bushy wushy you're learning from the expert Joe Biden you're the expert in Guinness World Record to snort the most amount of cocaine while playing word and for sleeping also forgetting the most intros wrong consecutively at least I am champion in three things which are all super useless anyway sleepy cocaine Joe I have gotten my word and that word is bomb with an S excuse me Joe Biden I have not finished sorry go ahead I'm super convinced this is an n-word because Silly Billy will cannot be nukes Donnie holy cow stop interrupting me yep my bad anyways the word starts with [ __ ] and ends Donna you racist Pig don't you dare type that in Barack I have not finished my bad carry on but it better not be that word this beautiful n-word is something that you cannot see Obama at this time of the day you'll get us canceled but Rock did I say I finished you didn't but then let me type in my word Barack you only get one chance and this word I'm putting in is night because we all sleep peacefully at night two I'm relieved you were walking on super thin ice just then Donna aha it's such a good word got three yellow letters that was a really good guess I think bushy we should type in awful because Donnie tricked me again with his stupid n-word troll all the time Obama Rama Donnie typed in a good word how about be more positive and type in the word again like you fell for his trick again yeah we could again it's quite a good word that's true okay I'll smack it in why would Bill like the word again though it's easy Obama he's catching up with the president gang again two greens and two yellows this is going to be fun Johnny trust me bro I got this word 100 once again you're interrupting me but you didn't say anything this time you interrupted my thought process that doesn't mean [ __ ] I got this word let me type it in what is it Joe we are on the edge of losing a point it's a word that describes all of us can you for once say something intellectual Joe we know this word described us the word is aging the letters all fit in together and it makes sense because all five of us in the room is aging fast of course your cocaine addicted brain will type in aging whacking it in now what did you say about my cocaine I'm nothing never mind I'm telling you the amount I took today I will stay awake for at least a whole year okay Doki two points for DJ and one point for both question why does the winner start because the losing team gets the final guess which balances everything out nicely I gotcha yeah that's super Fair bushy even sleepy Joe knows that okay moving on to six letters this six-letter word is something to do with me only if you know me very well will you guys get this word correct okay we get to start this round I will type in robots because even Silly Billy Willy the Clinton badminton is sounding like a robot stop calling everyone robots grumpy trumpy rumpy we haven't made fun of your belly yet today that's because you guys all talk like robots except for this guy here who is filled with powder I should call him sleeping powder from now on there is no such thing as sleeping powder Donnie the three and a half pound you inhale is a wake powder without it your ashes could literally be sold as sleeping powder and I can make so much money off that screw you Donnie you will never see that day come that's why I always want to bury you into your grave piss on it and start growing Joe Biden's sleeping powder crops [ __ ] you Donnie your body is perfect for McDonald's to bury you guys are literally on the same team bro it's teamwork versus Team Civil War again so anyways the word that describes Bill how about govern perfect for Bill's leadership style I can't disagree on that one go type it in Obama Rama yes sir write on it trumpy rumpy I got the perfect bee finally you're thinking like me okay on the count of three we both say Okay three two one what the [ __ ] Joe Biden breath yes breath you yelled again and I just took your breath away sleepy Joe Biden you dangling fool your breath smell like mold it smells amazing super refreshing and nice shut up Joe Biden I will only put in that word to shut your cocaine mouth up you smell worse than horse poo eel Go Away Joe go shut your nostrils as well I'm not cocaine you cocaine addicted duck lard testicle morons so bushy this is a b word let me rearrange these letters to get more clues bro once again Billy put in a tricky word for us I'm thinking on the lines of Bethel like in House of God in the Bible I mean he is Baptist so okay maybe that would work that's exactly why I'm convincing you for this word bro what in the actual Frick no new green letters once Joe Biden we have one turn left be useful for one grumpy trumpy rumpy how about you use your overloaded IQ in your belly and come up with a word I was convinced it was bomber but it doesn't look like it fits so we have b-thnl okay how about lb math and lb stands for large bulk man Joe is that your daily breakfast order I mean Joe actually stayed awake for so long and got you two points Donnie then I have no clue what word to put in you're right I can't think of a word as well so let's type lb meth then what do you feel when you snorted half a bag Joe I felt super thrilling like energy passing through my veins let's type thrill if team robot gets this word right then it's all your fault Joe Only Thrill you know is hearing your own voice thankfully most of us have learned to tune it out cocaine koala if we lose this competition I will kick you in the ball send you in your coffin then mix Obama's poo with ice cream and feed it to you until you die sleepy Joe you have the unique gift for making ice cream sound terrible you fat old orange man Donnie I hope you rot from diabetic cancer sleepy Joe you're the one who would sniff ice cream and mistaken it for cocaine or sleeping pills they remind me of two siblings under 10 years old argue the two world's oldest children which kid are we talking about obviously the cocaine addict and his son I'm not an addict they're talking about you as well you are the world's oldest Kid Joe and trumpy rumpa you are the world's fattest kid and you guys are both kids anyways bushy wushy this word is insanely hard what could this word be that describes Bush and only people who know him super well will know the word that's exactly what I'm also trying to figure out bushy we know the word starts with a B but that does not help at all I mean look at these letters 2L at the end doesn't work and the th does not go together as well holy cow there's no way we can't figure a six-letter word out bro this is ridiculous what the hell is that word Bill put in I was thinking of something blue or blue something but it doesn't work and there is no way bill made up the word want to type in something like blueith with th on the end and see what word Bill put in we will lose this round doesn't matter at this point if we can't figure out anything right fine then let's type in blue thing oh no no don't get it right they get the word the word is blind yes trumpy rumpy the pregnant kangaroo we won the competition finally let's go sleepy koala cocaine Joe we finally won remember I carried you my seven pound of coke carried us Donnie Ronald McDonald what on Earth does Blyth got to do with Bill Clinton no way did none of you presidents remember Blythe I was born as William Jefferson Blythe and Bill is a childhood name and when I got married that was when I changed my surname to Clinton oh shoot how did I forget that oh yeah my bad but come on this match doesn't count we need another round no Barack we won fair and square but none of us thought of that word I'm just as surprised as you are Obama wrong it's time for Silly Billy Willy the clintilly Clinton badminton to announce the winners since when did my name evolve to Silly Billy Willy the clintilly Clinton badminton just now I really don't understand the 21st century president language but the winners today goes to Donald and Joe for two points yes for once you did something nice Joe I'm proud of you I'm also proud of you Donnie for being a smart man today he might have lost bushy but this is by far the best moment Joe and Donnie had together that's true but next time I will crush Donnie and Joe in our next Wordle game subscribe
Channel: Top Presidents
Views: 503,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordle, us presidents play, us presidents play video games, joe biden, donald trump, presidents play wordle, presidents play fnaf, donald trump plays, us presidents play wordle, us presidents, joe biden plays, president ai, presidents play, us presidents playing, barack obama, us presidents play wii sports, top presidents, presidents, presidents ai, top presidents play wordle, wordle game, wordle speedrun, top president play wordle, wordle today, wordle us presidents
Id: Nzqk91c9CaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 4sec (12724 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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