US Ordnance M60E6

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[Music] a Vickers tactical fans I've got the guys from US ordinates here I got buck and Tony now straight up I got a lot of time behind this gun back in my military days and I'm not really a fan of the basic m60 known as the pig in my opinion has two major attributes in fact it has a four end which makes it much easier to carry the gun we're typically when it's hot and it has a slow cyclic rate of fire other than that it has a lot of design flaws these guys kind of popped up on my radar screen meaning u.s. ordnance a couple years ago when I started hearing good things about their m60e4 when I saw the Danes the Danish military adopted the m60 e6 is their new general-purpose machine gun from u.s. ordnance that's when I knew it was time to get him out here and film with them and have them take us through what they've done to upgrade the gun guys thanks for coming thank you thank you if you don't mind highlight what you guys did to improve this gun to the point where the danes adopted it basically we took this weapon system and overhauled just about every major component that's on on the weapon itself everything from the barrel to the top cover to the trigger assembly to the buttstock a lot of the internals the gas system was was big and even with the sight now from what I understand for instance like the gas piston now obviously in this gun if you put it in wrong you've got a single shot yet a bolt-action rifle but you've got it such that even if it goes in either way the gun still runs correct yes it's it's ambidextrous they can go either way and another thing with our gas system is it no longer requires the lock wire or the extra bushings or anything to keep it lock into place which which to an operator and an armor that that takes a little bit of time especially with cleaning this one basically you take the the new tool you know the combo wrench and you pop it up straight off and on get in there clean it and then when you put everything back together you don't have to worry about turning it into a shotgun right now we were talking before I guess what you're seeing is overseas foreign friendly countries that have had the m16 inventory you're coming to you guys to get them upgraded and what when that happens what do they start with what do they end up with at the end they maintain the original receiver and where does it go from there basically everything gets stripped down to the receiver that's the only original part we keep everything you see here on the table goes into that upgrade so you're getting new barrels new Operating Group new buttstock new feed tray new top cover handguard the whole gun gets a full / makeover and what that allows us to do is to save the end customer the cost of buying a complete new gun it can spend about 60% of that cost and get a fully upgraded gun that still carries our two year warranty on it outstanding now I know one thing I've seen you guys did with the top cover like the m249 m24 he has a spring-loaded feed roller so you can you can close the top cover with the bolt for this gun you really you can't do that you're gonna have issues with that but you've changed that with this design exactly and in one of the problems that was happening with this this version of the gun was there was a lot of NDS because people were trying to trick that system in terms of you know late hours watches they try and get their their gun you know loaded and ready and then forget exactly where they were putting the ammunition on the feed tray and then they you know cook off around you know wherever they're at [Music] [Music] hey guys if you don't mind god we got you out here we got the gun we got the parts let's take the time to go through all the changes and upgrades you guys have made in this kit okay I'll start with the front of the gun with the barrel there's been a lot of changes to this barrel from where we came from most notable internally as we're now using a stellite liner before long that barrel life it's something that we started doing a few years ago and we've seen very very good results with as far as accuracy in barrel life so we do that with all of our barrels now regardless of what kit it's for externally you can see it's a shorter barrel notably we can really shorten the gas extension on the gas tube which allows certain customers who want to suppress their machine guns to run a can on here without affecting the gas system of the weapon itself we've also gone to an adjustable front sight unlike the original Pig where you couldn't zero your sights you can now zero your barrel for each barrel for the gun which is a great upgrade and we've also moved the carrying handle off of the trunnion of the receiver onto the barrel so then now when you're doing a hot barrel change you're not having to grab the hot barrel like you were with the original Pig so everything I that we've done is make make sense and improves the operability of the weapon itself with the bipod we've also moved the bipod as you see off of the barrel so your spare barrel you're not carrying a spare bipod as well and it attaches onto the actual operating tube of the receiver we've also recently updated it with using QD socket bolts for your QD swing sling swivels as opposed to the old flathead style like on the original Pig so it gives the operator more options for how he wants to sling his weapon mission dependent how he's going to carry it cool with our feed tray we've gone through you can see it looks almost identical to the original pig feed tray except we've now gone to a third locking mechanism and what that does is when you open the top cover to clear a malfunction or whatever it keeps your belt on the feed tray it's not going to not gonna fall out onto the ground fall into the mud whatever it'll keep it there even with the feed tray open with a full length belt so it keeps that in place which is a nice help I know every time you open a feed tray in few rounds fall off if you're using a hard boxed ammo cannon a grounds fall back into it you're not having to rip that counter part to get it out if it's a loose belt it falls into the mud you may not have time to pick it out before you have to move on with what you're doing so that's an added feature that we've done recently that makes a lot of sense and really helps with the gun and we just did a 50,000 round torture test with a conversion of our our basic model to our East six we did 25,000 rounds on each gun and we had that part so incorporated in the test shoot whether you reload it to the side or you know left or right and going against gravity or with the rounds wouldn't fall out of the weapons system good deal on our charging lever we basic upgrade we just went to a larger diameter handle a lot of people complained on the old style that it was too small so with gloves on or winter gloves they wouldn't necessarily be able to get a good firm grip on it so we've gone to a larger diameter handle on the charging lever our handguard is now a one-piece machined handguard made out of aluminum with rails for mounting lasers and for vertical foregrip and it's anything that the operator games that he needs on there for his mission with our bandolier bracket you can see all we did from the original pig it's it's loose on the gun so it's kind of always flopping around in the way this mounts directly to the side of the receiver and it's cut away so whether you're right or left-handed your hands not getting in the way when you're trying to work with the trigger group our bolts had a few minor differences the actuator plug in the back is slightly different than the old and it's simply so that we can take it apart as an end user and clean it more easily we've also a machined part of the lugs away because we found that when you're doing high round count test with no cleaning brass started to develop there where this was catching the rounds and it would start to kind of gunk up the operating group so we now bevel that out and that has ceased to cause that problem we've recently moved to an s7 ejector which was much harder than our older ejector and we're seeing a lot longer service life out of that as far as routine armor replacement we're getting a lot more out of that ejector so that's one of our latest updates that we just went with after several months of testing and with our actual operating rod the major difference between this and the the old Pig apparat is the whole original Pig was a 1 seer notch we upgraded on our ephors to a double seer notch and as you see here we now have a third and that was actually for one of Denmark's request case the operators not paying attention half racks the bolt back let's go of it this op rod will still catch that bolt before it chambers around Andy's so it's an added safety feature that doesn't cause any adverse effects to the cycle of operation of the gun whatsoever another one of those no-brainer things you know it just makes sense to do it so excellent that's our biggest upgrade on the operating rod with the with the trigger assembly we we made a couple changes we have a basically like a a two-piece leaf spring to help retain it also keeps these pins from backing out the old school m60 model it had that one leaf spring that you had to push in and then pull up I know when I was first taken that the m60 apart you see one person you know sitting there with a tool trying to pry that piece off and then once one person does it every everybody else does it and it just it it makes the part you know harder and harder to take off it's kind of like an ak-47 top cover once that gets like flamed out it's really hard to get that top cover back on so we kind of went away from that we have a male and female capture pin that keeps the trigger assembly from falling off the weapon system we have a single sear but it's buck talked about we have a triple op rod so that that keeps the weapon system from getting exposed to like a runaway gun situation from the sear running wearing down plus the operator and how they pull back on the weapon system itself we also have the pin right here for if you're fighting in cold weather training or fighting in those type of environments you can push in the pin it drops the trigger guard right here it's like on f-16 exactly so very practical for warfighting and then right here we went with uh with an upgraded pistol grip that's that's more contoured and and set for in an individual grip with the weapon system and then right here one of the biggest features is its ambidextrous safety so left and right hand shooters can both operate this weapon system just as effectively in terms of getting that that initial you know once contacts made hit the hit the safety and you're able to do just as fast left or right-handed other things that we upgraded was the the type of material and and how the but stocks made we still have the the the plate right here that gives you a shoulder support in the old models that was actually kind of built in the back plate right here one of the problems that we were finding was that the the buffer that was on the inside the material was so thin on the backside of the buttstock that after you know after a good a round count the buffer would actually start wearing out of the back plate so we built up the back plate reinforced it and then you know it's a it's if that ever does happen you're able to switch it out and put another one on and then the last thing was was the top cover as you can see that has a rail system on the top actually our mark 43 echo for mod 1 started the op kit in terms of being able to put modern optics on the weapon system which is you know all operated that's that's a selling point to to anybody and any any branch of service but the biggest thing that we upgraded with the top cover is is we have a one of the problems that we were having was the pull strength of the weapons system not us or in general but the m16 design sure the basic model so what us or did was we we improved the pull strength by about forty percent and we did that by focusing on the cartridge guides right here building those up the feed pause right here we built those up and then the rail of the feed lever that was all that was all built up and reinforced and then we also put like a little leaf spring right here the the the spring where it used to be like a piece of you know the buffer the bumper right here was was made of of you know rubber material so but mixed in with this upgrade right here you know belt pole is now 40 percent more which is better for the operators in terms of whatever the ammunition you know finds itself kind of laying in as you know shooting and an on mission you want to make sure that the stuff doesn't end up bringing the rest of the earth into the gun but things are going to happen and so that pull strength was was something that was a needed upgrade that we really focused on as a company [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey thanks for watching the vicar's tactical youtube channel to subscribe click here and to watch some of my favorite videos click here have a good one la Vie out
Channel: Vickers Tactical
Views: 991,811
Rating: 4.8977747 out of 5
Keywords: U.S. Ordnance (Organization), Airsoft (Sport), M60 Machine Gun, M60E6, Larry Vickers, LAV, Firearm (Sports Equipment), Firearms (Video Game), Guns, Paintball (Sport), Range, US Army, Delta Force, United States Navy SEALs (Organization), Military (Film Genre), Military History (Field Of Study), Guns (film), Review (Media Genre)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2015
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