US Military Shocking Alien Encounters In Iraq Revealed

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Are we alone in the universe? It’s a  question that’s kept humanity up at night   for centuries. Are the glowing lights in  our skies just unexplainable anomalies,   or a sign of life elsewhere in our galaxy?  Today, we’re looking at a jaw-dropping   selection of footage recorded by  soldiers and civilians in Iraq.   The footage you’re about to see will shock you,  astound you, and perhaps even open your mind to   the possibility of intelligent life beyond our  stars. We’ll show you the videos one by one,   saving the most shocking and exciting for last,  so stick around if you want your mind blown. Before we begin, we have just one more  question: Are you ready to believe? The first video of one of these shocking  alien encounters comes from 2009,   and claims to be footage captured by the Night  Vision goggles of Iraqi soldiers out on patrol.   Because it was filmed in night vision, the  footage is not completely clear, washed in   bright green. However, some mysterious groups of  lights can clearly be seen flying through the air.   The first grouping could be a plane, possibly,  but it is soon followed by a large, bright orb of   light that flies through the sky, not following  a discernible flight pattern. This light does   not look to be of organic origin, and it is  far too large to be the result of a plane.   What is it? No one can be certain, but we can be  sure that it is weird and difficult to explain. Could the only real explanation  be extraterrestrial in nature?   That’s up to you. But now, let’s take it up  a notch, to an even crazier piece of footage. The next mind-blowing Iraqi UFO video comes  from 2014, and appears to be shot out of some   sort of moving vehicle. Though the footage is  a little blurry, and the camera is shaking,   there is a definite flying object that can be  seen. At first it looks tiny and indistinct,   little more than a black dot in the  sky. As the vehicle follows it, however,   and as the cameraman is able to zoom in  on it, its shape becomes much clearer.   It is oblong, almost oval-shaped, and does  not look like any kind of normal aircraft.   If it is of human construction, could it  be some kind of classified military vehicle   the public doesn’t even know about? It’s  enough to drive you crazy with curiosity. The most unusual thing about it, however, is how  it appears to move. It is not just flying through   the sky, but changing in shape as it does so. It  appears to fold in half slightly at some points,   straighten out at others, and even seems to  widen in shape all while it is being observed.   Now this could be some kind of weather  balloon, but it certainly does not look   like one. The people filming the  video also seem suspicious of it,   speaking excitedly behind the camera as they  follow and film the bizarre flying object.   They continue filming it until it fades  out of sight, leaving no trace behind. And if you think that’s fantastical, and  you’re already crafting a new tinfoil hat,   just you wait. The craziest is yet to come… The next video has been subject  to a great amount of debate,   and has reported on various news sites as well as  reposted to multiple YouTube channels. It claims   to show a mysterious force attacking what may  be the Taliban, or possibly an ISIS base. This   information all depends on who you ask. But the  images depicted in the video speak for themselves.   In the video, we see the side of a tank, facing an  open sky. Unlike our previous video, this sighting   occurs in broad daylight, with little room for  the possible alien craft to hide. In the sky,   a triangular object can be seen flying over the  trees. The low image quality makes it difficult   to determine, but it bears a slight resemblance  to the traditional image of the flying saucer. As the craft draws closer to the camera,  a flashing light flickers from its side,   as if blasts are being fired. Soon after, areas  of the ground begin exploding into clouds of dust,   as if the craft is firing on something - or  someone. The explosions continue, growing   larger and more drastic, with massive smoke  clouds billowing up from the earth. Somewhere   in the clouds of smoke, the craft disappears  until the camera is able to locate it again,   flying off into the distance. Though the camera  work is shaky, the shape of the craft becomes   clearer. It has a rounded top and bottom, like  a traditional flying saucer, but its middle is   shaped like a flat triangle, with a pointed front  and two wings branching out. It is unclear what   the craft was attacking, or if it was alien in  nature, but the footage is certainly convincing. As we make our way to the most shocking – and  most convincing – video of UFO activity in Iraq,   we arrive at our next piece of  evidence of UFO encounters in Iraq.   On the Iran/Iraq border in April of 2012,  mysterious lights began to appear in the sky. Of course, many UFO stories involve  mysterious lights in the sky,   so what makes this one different? The  difference here is that, unlike previous   cases where bright lights appear alongside  stars and satellites in the dark night sky,   these lights appear to be manifesting in  the middle of the day. The lights are round   and bright white, resembling the “orbs” that  often appear in supposed ghost photography. But these lights are not just staying put in  the image, implying possible errors with the   film or flares on the camera lens. These lights  move around throughout the landscape, back and   forth between blue sky and clouds with ease. Their  shapes never change except when the lights fade   completely from view. There appear to be at least  four of them in total, possibly more, and they   move throughout the sky, slowly and steadily. The  orbs of light do not move erratically, the way one   might expect if they were simply reflections  of some kind or even errors in the footage,   but instead move on distinct flight paths back and  forth. It almost suggests a kind of intelligence… It seems very unusual that these lights  would appear on the border of two nations,   particularly Iran and Iraq, and it is hard  not to see their appearance as significant.   Are they alien in nature? Perhaps the sign of  a cloaked spacecraft? Or perhaps they are some   kind of alien communication method? Whatever  they may be, this type of strange light is not   unheard of in UFO encounters. Just last year,  some similar orb-shaped lights appeared off the   Outer Banks in North Carolina, USA. The lights  were present for over a minute and a half, and   convinced many observers that there was something  unusual going on, possibly alien in nature. The   lights are still subject to debate, but this  footage from the border is not the only time   that mysterious orbs of light have been linked  to UFOs, and it will likely not be the last. Finally, let’s get to the thing you’ve  been waiting for. The most shocking   piece of UFO video to come out of Iraq.  This video, released on YouTube in 2008,   has over 1.2 million views for a reason. A group  of United States Marines on January 2, 2008,   spotting something very unusual while on patrol  in Iraq. The video footage that they took is   completely unlike any other famous UFO footage.  The footage is tinted green, likely filmed with   night vision technology of some kind. While there  are no obvious spacecrafts visual in the footage,   there is something else that viewers  might find disconcerting, even spooky. Coming down from the clouds, there  are clearly visible beams of light.   These beams of light are incredibly  bright, showing up vividly on camera,   and appear to be streaming directly down  from something that is hidden in the clouds,   up in the sky. The Marines can be heard  talking in the background of the footage,   and they are clearly as thrown off by what they  are seeing as any of us watching their video might   be. One voice can be heard saying “man, that’s  weird,” as others clamor to get a better look at   these unusual beams of light. Another voice says,  “dude, look at it,” as someone else inquires “have   you ever seen that?” Yet another Marine chimes  in and remarks, “they’re all over the place.”   And truly they appear to be all over the  place, scattered across the visible horizon. One man questions if the light has to do  with the way that the stars are shining,   but is quickly dismissed by his peers.  There is one clear bright beam of light,   the “main one” as one of the Marines refers to  it, emitting the brightest light. None of the men   filming the phenomenon are able to determine what  it could possibly be. While this video may not   seem as visually impressive as some of the other  UFO footage coming out of Iraq, it is some of the   only footage that has been officially verified  and reposted by dozens of different accounts. It   is also one of the most likely to be completely  authentic, and to not have been tampered with   in any way. The men filming sound genuinely  confused, even shocked by what they are seeing,   and the bright lights look natural, if strange  and clearly inorganic, in their surroundings. It is hard to look at those beams, which so  clearly are coming from something in the clouds,   and not assume that aliens are somehow involved.  After all, the image of a beam of light coming   down from the sky is incredibly common in  stories of UFO sightings and of alien abductions.   In Paris, France, in 2017 a similar phenomenon  occurred, with a cigar-shaped UFO emitting beams   of bright light from time to time, projecting  from the craft down onto the earth. There were   sightings of the same object, or a similar object,  in China in 2010, and in Australia in 2014. Some light beams have been explained  away as appearances of aurora verticalis,   or the “crystal beam phenomenon,” a natural  phenomenon that occurs when light is reflected   by a large number of ice crystals in the  atmosphere or clouds. This is possible,   but the footage from Iraq does not quite resemble  the images that can be found of aurora verticalis,   particularly because the beams of light in the  footage seem to be more solid, where aurora   verticalis looks more diffused, and even seem  to move, or flicker on and off. This activity   does not seem to line up with the description  of the natural phenomenon of aurora verticalis,   though it would be a convenient explanation  for skeptics looking to disprove   the footage – or government agents  trying to cover the whole thing up. This footage is hardly the first time that United  States military officers have encountered UFOs.   Just this year, the Pentagon declassified  several pieces of video, taken by Navy pilots,   that depicted encounters with UFOs. The videos  had been online for years, but were unconfirmed   by any official channels until April of 2020,  when the Pentagon finally admitted that at least   these specific pieces of footage were legitimate.  They did not confirm that the footage was evidence   of alien life, but at the very least the existence  of these UFOs depicted on film has been confirmed.   If that footage was confirmed to be accurate, then  who is to say that this footage isn’t as well?   Whatever the case may be, there is certainly a  great deal of potential video evidence to suggest   that there are UFOs in Iraq, and there may be  more out there waiting to be caught on camera. If you want more videos like this, check  out “Military Can't Explain These UFOs   at US & Russian Nuclear Weapons Sites” and “US  Soldiers Attacked By Aliens In North Korea.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 344,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alien, aliens, military, us military, iraq, us military in iraq, history, ufo, ufos, military encounters ufo, alien encounter in iraq, UFO sighting, UFO sighting in iraq, united states, united states military, the infographics show, ufo video, ufo footage, are aliens real, alien encounter, army, soldiers, airforce, airforce ufo sighting
Id: uRwk-DJJA9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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