Alien Invasion Movie Montage 2: Humanity Fights Back

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it's another beautiful day in sunny southern california nothing but clear blue skies in the forecast from annihilation we're fighting for our right to live trying to survive today we celebrate our independence a religious event an extraterrestrial event a higher dimension we have many theories this just came in from hubble there's some kind of force pulling at saturn's rings i've been digging holes for 30 years i've never seen anything like it fred snapped this in siberia the symbol comes up more often than anything i've encountered the distress call looks like someone picked up the phone and answered it this one looks broken like something came out of it looks pretty cool huh a meteorite with smoke trailing behind it appeared over the skies of los angeles yesterday what do i look at that duck comet asteroid comets don't make course corrections seems to be acting deliberately [Music] some are saying that it's going to be a global killer human civilization as we know it will change in 12 hours the destruction we are told by experts will be immense you hear what they said some type of meteorological [ __ ] 144 members of the saint lawrence pentecost occult are feared dead after they set their compound ablaze [Music] ships more than 3 000 miles in diameter how the hell did we miss this the ship appears to have inserted itself into a lunar synchronous orbit i'm just speculating but i think whoever's at the helm of that thing is looking to make a dramatic entrance it's not just the basis like the hormone just vanished there's still no signs of what might be called first contact now the objects measure at least 1500 feet tall two are reported to have penetrated russian airspace one in siberia and the other off the coast [Music] across the world social media has been awash with panic and speculation it is now circling our planet [Music] foreign [Music] ghosting [Applause] [Music] stuff [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] what just happened the ship just split in two track one is heading east track two is deploying towards the southern [Music] hemisphere [Music] foreign how fast is that bogey moving approaching mach 24 and accelerating [Music] what's in our atmosphere [Music] [Applause] there's an electromagnetic pulse that's what it's building to converting all that radiation until it hatches what the hell is that anybody's this [Music] glory glory my foreign icon 4 coming online airspeed 380 knots and entering kansas airspace they are not responding to our hails [Music] uh [Music] this is normal bud [Music] so the delta mothership has arrived [Music] what have they hit us with looks like some kind of gravity weapon the terraforming foreign hey hey excuse me this broadcasting live in los angeles in the last five minutes hmm oh yes all players this is guardian i am airborne mission commander i have previously encountered and observed the beings we're about to engage in close proximity they are extremely dangerous and we have been authorized to use deadly force general we have hundreds of insurgents and unknown numbers two click sounds [Music] you have the gift of aggression and you will have to act do not let your emotions control you hello airstrikes [Music] approaching ldk is weapons three we're going in hard wow [Music] oh go wake up wake up [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] their behavior has become random erratic and with our forces spread desperately thin and these things roaming the globe unimpeded we are running out of options and time look man the ships they take people and they don't come back council members rushing to attack without knowing more about the enemy capabilities would definitely put the survival of all humanity at risk soon they'll revert to their base biology triggering a brutal hunt for resources which means they'll go back to ripping our bloody brains out they're colonists they overtake worlds they just they just consume them and then they move on to the next [Music] [Music] we needed a new weapon the world came together pooling its resources and throwing aside old rivalries for the sake of the greater good there's no limit to how far they can spread unless we stop them according to the newly recovered data we have one more chance to fight monsters we created monsters of our own it's a focused energy pulse is my math is right we have been developing a prototype for a new weapon with any luck it will kill these things and this nightmare will finally be over i've assembled the team the very best our planet has to offer they have the same exact dna they're clones looks like you're building a weapon here not just a weapon an emp a high voltage burst of energy they're like the central nervous system but this is the brain it controls small and this is the omega in the last 20 years this planet has been unified in a way that's unprecedented in human history that's sacred that's worth fighting for we convinced an entire generation that this is a battle that we could win and they believe this we can't let them know it wasn't luck last time it was our resolve [Music] we all have to fight till our last breath [Music] and that is going to lead us to victory and i know that i'm asking for the ultimate sacrifice i know that but you you are the only pilots we have left [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] make no mistake this is humanity's last stand for those of you listening no matter your nationality color or creed i ask that all of you pray for us no matter our differences we are all one people whatever happens succeed or fail we will face it together standing is one we're all in this together we're all soldiers we all signed up for the same reason to protect our families to protect our friends and to protect this planet and those bastards are here to take that away from us they're here to eliminate everything that we are in everything that we love your conscience is telling you to walk away then i want you to walk away right now but if you do leave here you leave here with your head held high because each and every one of you have earned that right we remember them as giants because they stood tall because they stood together it doesn't matter who your parents are where you came from who believed in you and who didn't we are a family now and we are earth's last defense there's no telling how far they will spread unless we fight back this is the place and now is the time make no mistake you're the last line of defense let's go do what we came here to it's a do day people destiny calls the world expects only one thing from us are we gonna make it sir that's your ass five years ago they have steadily advanced across europe we've suffered millions of casualties and yet the evacuation of key government officials have done has been able to stop defeat initiating their own handshake [Music] is [Music] so so all right let's lock and load alpha team aim for the eyes foreign today at the edge of our hope at the end of our time we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves but in each other today there's not a man no woman in here that shall stand alone today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them this is our time this is our chance to make a difference let us melt up and get it done remember there's no courage without fear now help me save the world today we are cancelling the apocalypse keep your eyes open these category fours are the biggest we've ever seen both in size and weight one minute keep the comms clear [Music] that's not our exit let's keep going we're passing through baseline red we are good to go godspeed guardian arm the package [Music] northcom lightning one request permission to unleash the hounds very mr [Music] [Music] how northcom lightning one you're clear to engage [ __ ] remember there's no courage without fear light it up fire fire fire fire we're indie catwalk know uh oh [Music] not oh ah i'll cover you protect the bombers all bombers we're going in oh my [Music] [Music] oh oh now oh oh there's the addition chamber get ahead go oh oh what are they doing finishing the mission [Music] foreign [Music] can you get me to the target looked on it went more yes sir follow me come on we got to save the world your dad would be proud oh two [Music] you can finish this [Music] i'll always be here for you you're gonna always find me in the drift [Music] is good death is its own robot on behalf of the planet earth happy fourth of july [Music] so do [Music] yes [Music] [Music] a large surge of energy was detected in particles we do not know exactly what this signifies but the result appears to be a total collapse of the enemy's capacity to fight russian and chinese troops are now moving across europe without resistance tomorrow we advance on the western front we believe we are marching to claim a victory for ourselves for our loved ones for our countrymen for the entire human race stop the clock oh [Music] [Music] we'll push on we'll pull through we'll survive we'll keep fighting and i know we'll be victorious so so you
Channel: Nolofinwe86
Views: 11,465,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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