US Election 2024: What issues face Donald Trump in the race for the White House | BBC News

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[Music] [Music] the wheels of Justice sometimes turn in unexpected ways Donald Trump's on trial in New York for covering up harush money payments to a woman he allegedly slept with Eric Trump arrived with his dad Donal today so we see the Trump circus and of course for millions of Americans what happens to him his drama is far more important than what he did or didn't achieve in office or what he might do if he was elected again Donald Trump's supporters have turned the trial into a chance to demonstrate their loyalty to the dawn with Trump having won a series of primaries the Republican party is rallying around him a moment is building and his critics shudder at the dangers of this moment I do think that in terms of consolidating Republican support there's no question even people who said that he's a dangerous dictator are now saying they'll support him no matter what so you have you have a people rallying around this candidate people being blindly partisan he's a republican uh so we're going to support him the court cases I think are not having any noticeable effect on his support I think most of his voters have already discounted the court even before they've made a decision um and so I I just think the Trump support is so firm that I I have a hard time seeing many events that could possibly Undo It cheered on by his base even the accounting for alleged crimes can be turned to Advantage by team Trump finishing the wall might seem an un likely campaign slogan but it speaks to American concerns about their long border with Mexico and the millions of undocumented migrants who've crossed it in recent years in Arizona a key swing state in the coming election the mayor of one Border Town explained why this lands badly for Biden and well for Trump I believe they have all along the southern border I believe they flunk the test we've had the same laws on the books for over 30 years and every president whether is democrat or republican has figured out a way to work within those laws and control the Border uh this president has decided that this is the way he wants to work with those laws which is not control of the Border you mentioned uh that during President Trump's period of office there was a more effective regime here so so looking ahead to the next few months does the memory of that and a sense that in a more General sense uh president Trump might be the right man uh give him a lot of support in in this city I believe it does I mean we we want to look at those very important issues and it seems to be the Border keeps coming up as one of those top issues and he was been very effective and when he came here he was here three times uh he was well received every time uh his attention to the details of what's happening at the border were very effective of course many of the Trump 2016 campaign promises about the Border proved to be empty ones not least his idea of making Mexico pay for the barrier or that he would complete it building that wall this wall or barrier in fact was such a distinctive Trump campaign Mantra in 2016 that you'd think that his failure to do so the barrier only covers parts of this border with Mexico might be counted against him but in fact many people in these border states believe they want him back in office precisely to finish that job add to any quibbles about policy the Trump Camp's attempts to pressure those overseeing elections Arizona's Maricopa County has become such an important Battleground that it was subject to unsubstantiated claims about rigging in 2020 and the midterms 2 years ago the man supervising the next election here is bracing himself for more I am a republican I'm a I'm a proud Republican I have long been a member of the Republican party I still believe in what I view there the central tenants of the Republican Party free markets rule of law strong America strong National border but obviously much of that has been supplanted by falty to one individual ual and Central to that is fty to some of these false allegations about the 2020 election we've gone North to another key electoral Battleground Bucks County in Pennsylvania is what they call a bellweather having voted Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020 on a sunny Sunday the streets of doy's toown throng with shoppers Eddie Burke runs coaches his cheese steak sandwiches drawing the custom but he's struggling to keep his profits in these times of rising prices it's it's a struggle it's it's it's it's difficult yes just to mean every with everything yeah with your uh with bills and um utility bill everything went up everything's way up like my gas electric bill um just everything Eddie feels the Biden Administration is partly to blame and its attacks on opponents just deflection um I don't like the fact that um instead of taking responsibility and say okay um maybe you know we came out of Co and that's what they say and we were handed this and they all do that but um take more responsibility but they're going to blame um Trump and then they tie into the Maga and the Maga people they they demonize them so bad but what the Maga people are and I know a lot of them and I'm a union guy I used to be in a union I did road work 18 years they are your you're so-called what they call Maga or is your Constructor your construction workers your electricians your Carpenters there's Maga so I don't I don't like when they they label it that way and and and they dehumanize people like that across the road a very different tune siren records is the local mecca for those searching for rare V ask them about politics in here and manager Heidi K will tell you that America failed to deal properly with the January the 6th Riot and that Trump can't be allowed a comeback we don't need more division we just need to get on with the business of the country and I'm I'm done personally with the novelty of of trump and that that's putting it lightly one can concern is that Trump is going to win and this country will be under a ver virtual dictatorship for at least the next four years the other concern is Biden will win and there will be um another Revolt some sort of uh January 6 part two of course Donald Trump has always been a politically divisive figure and with the trial underway at the moment that's just become accentuated and in a town like Doyle's toown you really feel that as if to emphasize the Rifts doy toown Cinema is showing the new film Civil War an action movie charting a dystopian American near future at actual Civil War the price of a previous era's political failure and of subsequent Wars is remembered on the battlefield of getting ber there the ground fought over in 1863 is studded with monuments to those who died in that enormously costly conflict so how should we assess the talk of a new Civil War or fundamental changes to America's political system well it's clearly early on in this campaign but one thing is clear that both sides will mobilize their supporters their face in order to try and Win It by dramatizing the stakes in that way in this spot Abraham Lincoln gave the gburg address insisting that the sacrifice of the Civil War be remembered and America's freedoms preserved those most critical of trump argue that his popular appeal makes his candidacy a vehicle for those who would undermine the country's modern democracy I wouldn't call him a dupe but I would call him a vehicle and that that's the way they talk about him they they know that he's they know that he's selfish even his strong supporters know that he's a narcissist Etc but they do think that he is leading something in America that's meaningful and they're right I mean he is leaning leading a powerful anti-liberal force a force that's fundamentally opposed to the founders system uh and he has taken leadership of that group and those people do have very extensive plans for how they want to implement that it's not unusual for those covering American elections to cast them as a historical turning point but it's no exaggeration in this case Donald Trump currently dominates the Electoral High Ground leading most polls win or lose his candidacy is redefining us politics
Channel: BBC News
Views: 44,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc, bbc news, news, world news, breaking news, us news, world, america, usa, usa news, india news
Id: D4Fac7cyzCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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