URZA SAGA SUCKS (in this archetype) | Fair Breach Combo | Modern | MTGO

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have been wanting to play for a while actually and now that we are doing some PT testing I think it is a very appropriate to play so this is combo breach a deck that has been popular modern for a long time um however I have made a decision that or I I believe you know it's kind of early still but I believe that the urza Saga package the Ursa Saga every package is the worst part of the deck or at least that I I think that it's likely optimal to cut those cards where um I find that like the Saga token Plan B isn't a great plan B in the breach combo shell since the whole format is very ready to not lose there's a saga tokens usually I also find that Saga plus iteration is very awkward together I think that these two car those two cards don't have the most tension in the world but um I I find that like the presence of the coolest land and the fact that like you really want an iteration turn three and you really want to make a saga token turn three there's like there's a good amount of tension there as well um and so you know you see and I think that a lot of the like modern Community magic Community has kind of come to a very similar conclusion right with when it comes to breach combo where you have you have a lot of people playing Fair breach so you have them playing no Saga you have them like not playing uh the combo at all but they're just playing underworld breach maybe some like backdoor combos like manamorphos uh the one-man accounts will make two Treasures like backdoor combo um but but they're just using breach as a value card but I kind of I think you can also do both um I'm not 100 sure still of course but um I really just doesn't cost you very much to play like one box Amber one great shot um and and three grinding stations to have access to an infinite combo if you're playing breach of the show um you know you like this does increase like the threshold of cards you need in your graveyard to go off when you're only playing one box Amber you're only playing um four ragamans as Legends but if you have through the three extra cards in your graveyard and you have uh you know raggerating your deck and a red man up you'll be able to play the Ragga band play The Box Amber uh box neighbor for two red grip shot um also in this build you're likely to have damaged your opponent for a few damage and so theoretically not needing to grab straight your opponent twice is also even like pretty doable um and I I think that this build is very interesting to me I I just think that the like cards and decks required to have the infinite combo which is like basically three grinding stations of Amber and a great shot and playing just like a good the good blue red Tempo deck having accidentally combo is really interesting to me um again not 100 sure but this is why we're doing the uh you know PT play testing the three three spotted breach stations the f42 is weird it's I think with three looks at our second land I'll bubble myself on turn one and if I see a land on top we can hold the second Bobble for straighter next turn but like like Blue Cross should solve so many problems for green and like it was pretty easy to predict that there was going to be a lot of rack those at the tournament and like weirdly like a lot of blue white control which I like the green matchup against blue white although although I was I was maybe wrong since uh blue white ended up having like a favorable like one percentage against Korean at the tournament I didn't play against it a single time I'm gonna crack now I've got a small piece on my deck yeah I know the gab is really into blue black control I always have a hard time like I I always feel like there's like blue black is close but I never really found a build that I loved I so they have a grief but they don't have a tournament play we draw land damn it it's trying to manifest I don't see anything to play with each other yeah Non-Stop or like I'm not stuck but a lot yeah they play Boris at all yeah I played some and I also like watched a lot of do make stream boros and I mean Boris just has a lot of a lot of consistency issues um it is just like like if you're running like top 20 percent of draws ten percent of draws the borrowers feel like you're never gonna lose but um obviously like beyond that there's a lot of consistency problems as well a lot of looks at their second land did not find one in time probably do I do all stream testing with teammates um no but I will start for Lord of the Rings I'm talking to some people this is this is kind of how I feel uh uh at the moment in regards to PT testing stream let me see if I can find uh the right clip uh maybe I can't find it I guess I should just play the shredder this turn actually okay well I feel like George senior in Arrested Development when he's trying to like he's trying to pick which prison gang he's gonna join anybody seen that show I don't think it makes sense with that uh without having seen the show yeah the prettiest Bell at the ball you see Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy iteration who came to win their draw was also uh very bad I'm gonna prioritize ragrin here since we got this member um I think I am gonna just get rid of a oh I'm gonna get the shredder out of Bolt range if possible hopefully they have a ton of them that's about the metamorphic draw stack um I mean it seemed very good against me specifically playing mono green I imagine the deck would probably have a poor ractose mid-range matchup but you could also have some sort of let's not both the Spyro right now they're going to be a little bit too we're gonna be a behind if they haven't done dying effect which they likely do I could also pull the token into turn if they don't leave you back and chance would test just got Fair breach um uh so for me I think I'm very unlikely to want to play um to play uh uh a white splash I don't really think the white Splash ABS enough I could be wrong but I we could we could test it for sure but that's my current impression is I'm not a big fan of the white splash I don't hate it of course I did see the blue so yes this is my this is how I feel about uh PT testing teams the prettiest girl to dance the longer Club babies yeah lots lots of people been reaching out I'll definitely I'll do yeah I'll pick a team this week probably I got a first pick but I'm gonna Hammer some stuff out very impending are so good but okay I actually strongly disagree about Prismatic ending like lately I have been like I've been starting to think like Prismatic ending is like not even like good or well positioned and modern um Tavares fine but it's like you already have like your curve is already kind of high it's I don't know how much you really wants a fairy we'll be able to know the team yeah sure this film is one of those lavender-headed shows the people who don't shut up but uh myself and I was on CFO it's Esther's like one of her favorite shows she like cannot stop laughing at it okay Chandler breach yeah so we can try to dig for a grinding station here yeah I read the white cyborg cards are much better but also like the like the band is it's not it's not a free splash but it doesn't cost you a ton either so uh at the very least like again my I I think that I don't want to play the white Splash but I also don't feel super strongly about it I don't I'm not a huge I don't have a huge disdain for it but also like the blood like you do like the blood moons are much worse with the white splash I think or like they're they're they are worse maybe not much worse there's a little bit of tension there all right so I want to see some pyromancers I've been really unsure about like what number of spell peers to play against like scam lately if you feel like we maybe just go in in season pyromancers out the moxamer out the grinding station out the grape shop then we can play like kind of like playing the fury just because like it's like a five minute top deck okay like three spell Pierce let's try this not sure if this is the right plan but I kind of like getting a little experimental with the plans we don't have lethal Stevens just breach into four bolts uh I don't know that we could have breached four times without playing the second chandelier but we maybe did the different plates have sleuth Rings decks don't work on the side yeah that wasn't something I did know just just Consulting just Consulting to uh doing spot check dude a couple rounds of revisions on cards but just just trying to like hey this is a hogak not that I saw any hook acts when I was there what's the soccer combo so the combo is you know grinding station under a bridge uh Max Amber ragavan but typically this deck has played Erza Saga in the Shell so we're just not playing Saga didn't we just win do the random combo deck uh we okay so we did we did win due to the combo that doesn't mean that you want to have the combo in your deck post board you know what I mean we would have won the game anyways if the combo was not in our deck at like 100 we wouldn't game anyways um and it can be very easy for your actress opponent to pick your hand apart like they're doing right now and um and put you into a position where drawing a grinding station drawing a grape shot drawing a box Amber cost you a loss and you're still able to like value breeds your opponents out of the game as well the main benefits of no Saga uh getting to play Blood Moon getting to play counter spell your iterations being better getting to play Channel or over Emery like I say answer to you Ginger I don't know the counter spell actually there's like so many bad threes they can play obviously kind of telegraphed also they do nothing that's kind of fun they can just go slam aspire no third land so they likely have um removal spell then you have this card counterspelled Delta try to learn modern yeah me too congrats on your top four by the way again this is kind of an experimental build I'm not like like just firmly asserting this is the best variance but I I do think that like the evolution of this archetype has been you have like the The urza Saga builds that are like stock and just the standard variant for a long time and then I think that you have a lot of players identifying that the Saga plan wasn't very optimal and you have people transitioning into playing the deck without the combo and just playing um like fair fair Beach but like you I think the combo doesn't like require you to play various slots in your deck and the deck very well could be just better with the combo without urgent Saga and so that's kind of you know today's Theory we're testing I guess so we're taking it's tough we're gonna take another hit we're you know dead to bolt the rest of this game but I also like my graveyard is just like not so good that I can just win with this breach I really need this channel to be in play first I think okay thank you Mark I haven't seen this Schroeder yet so you're uh heartless summoning Nazgul deck that sounds very fun uh Frodo seems like a pretty unplayable card this sort of does at least you're pretty dead if we can find delirium Maybe no delirium game three I'm gonna keep this cyborg playing on the play although maybe on the maybe I do want to go down like one spell Pierce let's uh let's just run this you have delirium with breach in the yard um yeah I guess I could I should have done that just let the breach die then he there's also the upside of like hitting a bobble and getting an extra card but yeah yeah I don't I don't really get the heartless summonings I guess they're they're okay with the Naz ghouls but like the heartless settings don't go well with this like random one of Tide Hollow scholar like they don't go well with Frodo they're weird with Giver like I guess cut the givers got the photos cut the scholars play Four Solitude play Four grief play four ephemerate um you can play the fourth wall of Omens if you want you can play um like one copy of golos but it's probably not exactly very good goals build to be honest I I also typically when I'm playing like these heartless summing builds I really like to play a lot of fetchlands at Mary the sky ruin and brought back you would have to like really change the Mana base there but that's likely something I would recommend doing I'll also say that this strategy of like Harvest swimming Nasco looks very very fun it doesn't also very it doesn't really look very good um it could be better than I think it could be better than I think nine is like a really interesting number of cards to have but you're like minus these six cards right here plus two plus one plus one that's one wall of Omens plus one femorate and then mate if you don't want to go for like the brought back shell wait hold on do you have a idyllic range and a which is Cottage you can't you cannot put both of these cards in the same deck do never put both ID LaGrange and which is kind of to the same deck I think I think you can build the Mana base of mostly swamps mostly planes I've never seen both I really don't like it especially when you have a ganja fetty these are mostly going to just be tap lands um like like you can lean into Cottage you can lead into Grange you can lead into cards like a Gonzo Castle you can't do all three this is your brain on black white Street wraith is a wraith also yesterday it's kind of fun with the the heartless like more casual heartless summoning pretty good game three him um do not play Burlington Forge Tinder in your heartless summoning deck uh don't play Turok in your heartless something deck either I think just dies immediately I think I would almost definitely play the first Chalice of the Void in this shell over like the third dranice magistrate or like oh like the first over any number of the Germans magistrates cabal is like not very playable if you want an anti-burn cyborg card um it seems like you do with these four triggers and the cabals I I'm I don't know what your best option is if it's yeah I'm not sure what your best option is but it doesn't feel like it's one of um one of these cards either is it take the shutter so let's hold the fetchland so maybe I scribe with the Bobble or um I guess damage on the shredder I'll make the steam vents a little bit punished for waiting although I guess he wouldn't have necessarily on the shredder if we shuffled huh yeah I'm not sure the best anti-burn sideboard card is because you're playing heartless zoning well yeah we have blossoming calm yeah Blaster comments actually oh like almost definitely it huh um I think I'm gonna put back the counter spell here I want to keep the breach of the hand for value and I want to um discard a spell so my shirt doesn't die to bolts and uh I want to have a bolt so I can kill a dothy void Walker which means I have to discard the counter spell there okay a lot of loose thoughts um enjoy your time swimming in the sewer also because of the Mana costs ooh they brought in chalice I'm always like surprised when I see chalice these kind of matchups like they have a lot of One Drops also um it's nice to have my breach Like a Knife One Drops away potentially wait wait yeah Layla would be fine too I like blossoming come a lot because they go for a terminate this turn and they play Charleston zero okay which is you know if I have my breech combo still the deck I'd be pretty bummed about this we did not so we are not that bummed stash the ragaband I guess that's why they brought the Chows to play on zero huh the Bolter ragaband I'm dying it probably not children seems nice and heartless I mean you could put a shoulder to two good suggestion so that if I Dash to recommend they're gonna remove it but we probably just have to trade it for removal spell before they like draw season pyromancer to blanket completely also like just trading resources when you have underdral breach in your hand is usually correct all right oops let's save that for a shredder yeah just child's checking they remember their trigger yeah big punished for throwing the Bobble away I put it discards the Fatal push with The Ledger Shredder in play which is uh bad news for sure so I think I let this die and I plan on going breach Shredder bolt if I draw land and breach ragaman bolts if I don't a bit awkward I've drawn the ragavan but I think my plan is still the same but I saved I saved this bolt for uh the flipped fable um um I guess I actually get rid of the bobbles I don't know doesn't really matter because I'm gonna be going off with delirium anyways oh no no I used the ball from the hand what the hell what's wrong with though oh I don't know why my brain's like I'm bolting here I'm bolting here no [Music] that's okay so you would have gone both the Fury with the Bulldogs in her hand Dash the ragavin maybe you win a games okay approach your plays I don't know it's streamer plays right like we would not make the same mistake at the the pizza this clicks are part of the stream we're live there would be good line to just both face breach bolt face again maybe is thinking of their Mulligan decision feels like Saga be good in the matchup um maybe like they have like they are blood moon deck they bring a hidden sugu consumes all they have a lot of like they have a lot of ways to like crush your Saga draws it's a fairy would help for sure I wonder what this matchup is should be anything some kind of forest ink moth Nexus Deck with um walking Ballista it was tribal Maybe weird for them to play ballista their ooze tribal deck love to draw land so I can go second Channel with counterspell up well I drew land and I love it could baby value breach next turn if we could find a bobble yeah construct tribal Maybe yeah I think we just have to kind of the payoff here could actually be this we could actually ignore the singer back walker but I want to be able to try to find a bobble for this turn although we can keep a counter spell on top with the being on only two cards in hand it's hard for them to like they have to go like land two jobs two jobs for me to like really be punished by the keeping counter spell here which is all three of their cards yeah let's let's counter the ravager it's not as scary as a blister necessarily but I want to use their Mana Spring Loop jump so one card left in their hand s bit greedy but this is also like you know the only card in my hand and likely to get me a good amount of value anyway so yeah I'm gonna go for an iteration post combat now still digging for that Bobble found it awesome um we had both your hands Shredder but I think it's kind of close so we'll draw a bunch of cards see what they're drawing next turn another ravager kind of a scary card to see but we're probably doing like six or something could it even be leaving or trying to like find a breach to leave on top for next turn I'm Gonna Leave delirium if possible I'm Gonna Leave the grave shot in the yard for sure I want to leave the grinding station in the yard if possible I think if I see like under a bridge on top I'm just stopping but we should be able to dig for one so I can exile heat iteration I guess second Bobble my destiny has ever been artifact um no three six nine yes I am but it has to be exactly welding jar and there's there's actually like no chance they have a welding jar as the one unknown card they would have like they would have played it by now you think I would have found a uh another breach by now it's kind of funny right uh I guess I leave the axle the grinding station it's only one box Amber in the deck okay there it is draw a couple cards as a deadboard currently uh it's not it should be nine right so three seconds drum six sack yeah it's like to put eight counters on the ink buff Nexus for a total of nine poison let's be discounting is domain Zoo we're testing I don't think so that card like is that that deck is so battle to draw it's so bad on the draw and it's also like it's just like kind of okay on the play you know what I mean wow they're one unknown was somehow walking blister which I'm not dead too and they're dead right maybe not oh they messed up they messed up they meant to them okay one good Miss click deserves it down there bringing the dress Downs the needle the explosives the brothers to the end the fury um and then I was thinking of these kind of matchups like hammer time scales we could try to cut the ragavans and the I could probably keep the grape shot in actually but cut the Ragga bands and the Box Amber and the grinding stations and just play more of a controlling game um I do want some Spa pierces I'm not sure how many two seems okay I want I also do want the first Blood Moon so we have played the first Blood Moon Over The Grape shot you're playing shift I keep this little draw with the uh Bobble scribe yeah I got the all axis pass we got fancier today puts on the mold to six winning most of our game ones notably [Music] no lands we shuffle them things crap every combiner would be playable if ravager as a construct uh no crispy man I'll get on tap with it it's not better than Patchwork it's not better than the boss it's just it's just like worse than all the other threads Patchwork specifically is such a gross card good to iteration this turn to try to set up for blood moon more likely next to her there's also like a reasonable chance they let me connive I know from like experience playing scales that the shredder is like a pretty annoying card for for them so if you want to play this instead why no Saga you get to play DRC over Emery which I think is good you get to play your counter spell your iterations are better and also like just to some extent your sagas are just like not that good in my opinion and my experience okay channels on zero a lot of counters on the patchwork now and just called the breach get enchantment in the yard which is kind of nice and um I think and with the Charleston zero the um the breach is worse anyways okay I don't think we're jumping this turn ever opinions on red white obosh or monorab I mean I think the elbow sticks are fine like I I we have a pretty good win rate with like boros Lotus field obosh I I would imagine that there's like almost no chance like that ends up being my PT deck but I'm not like completely ruling it out either to be honest all right he can hit for seven do not currently have delirium so I guess we have to jump block and then enter turn dress down into the heat probably is this random off the table not completely and as he was playing the goryos yesterday I think it's very unlikely I choose to play it in a meta game that's like both trying to beat creativity and a man again that's trying to beat creativity specifically but not a zero percent chance yeah I think we have to let this resolve despite just down being a good blowout against it I need I need I need to get rid of this Ward too would be nice to draw Brothers at end I guess another red Source also you know it's pretty good you find that okay don't mind um don't mind the strawberry much now we just go heat heat uh hold up counter spell take three and then we can Bolt the Bliss on our turn we might play it uh today actually um I'm not sure if I want to do that or like the green red Saga breach because like like I think with green red um weirdly enough it's like like one thing I don't like about Saga in the breach archetype is I don't I think it plays really awkwardly with iteration so I kind of think it's like iteration or saga not not exactly not like one for one but like I don't love playing both the cards together and you don't have like the counter spell that you'd like to play it's like to worry about it there you get to play written six written six is very good with Saga um very good with mock Samberg good to like give you the Mana to combo off um let's do be like a more proactive deck rather than a reactive deck which I think is very interesting um um and uh there's there's there's a few more Dynamics to try to think of all of them Just Gonna Save my answers for the threats here um so yeah just just I think I think there's a good chance we should play both the breach variants today and just get a bit more of a feel for them I guess we get to play a chandelier this turn which is nice with dress done up which will answer any any problematic threat they play this turn but modern decks of my testing am I out on testing is it not am I thinking about them at all um I don't think I've rolled any deck out yet or anyway any like somewhat reasonable deck like the only deck that someone's asked me about that I'm like I'm not playing it there's a zero percent chance is death in Texas but like uh it is it for me it's just way too early to have rolled something out maybe a bit better to keep the shredder I don't know it's nice to be able to unlock the bobbles yeah yeah like all the Decks that I wrote Would rule out are dexa like like are we're not like ever seriously considering in the first place like unfortunately zombies each run off the table I mean not 100 off the table but I would be I would be very surprised if uh I somehow showed up with it to be honest no Inky's not off the table but mostly it's not off the table because it's getting a big upgrade um on Lord of the Rings great written six is solid I I'm not a big fan of it especially like with one of the decks playing blood moon but I don't hate it you know you can revisit rectus Rock for testing I would be very unlikely to play rakdos rock over um scam or reactive sacrifice um I I think the obesh versions are okay um so if I was gonna play it or you know maybe obosh if anything but I don't think they're great I think they're just kind of okay either Pierce that no no not really if they have if the last card is ballista we Pierce that they like they've been sandbagging it for some reason we just lose they should just be dead to a bunch of bolts here we used to get box Amber um breech combo just gets your Amber like it just like you know it's it's very easy to find a bolt or a bobble over the course of a game and then dig just you just dig for it when you're looping you know what I mean like I just like being able to tutor it with Saga in my opinion is never like super relevant it's a little relevant for sure but it's not that big a deal yeah runs on the mobile six no where are you going Lucy no just getting comfy yeah that's a good spot yeah it's afternoon streams working title what place do you need to get BT for return by I think it's exit six maybe X and seven can't remember the time frame between Lord of the Rings is dropping up and PT like about a month could be anything am I planning on doing longer streams to get more testing in or a larger mouth thoughts distracting you I don't know it's like it's just a little flexible right not really like committing to one route or another difference like sometimes long sensing seams sometimes long off just like whatever's best also like once you get closer to the day like and once I get closer to an idea of what I'm playing right now I am very very far away I'll need to conceal some info for like the sake of like testing team stuff I think um I think I'll counter the wall of roots install a little bit up in the air at the moment getting delirium definitely really important nice to see another breach potentially people play our grinding station this turn and then try to look for a land to combo off next turn obviously in the video blue red scam flavor on YouTube uh people have been talking about it today um not trying to be a hater but it does not sound very good but it could be wrong um could keep this I could keep it and then like also sack box Amber if I feel like I don't want to draw it you have a testing team I'm in I'm talking to some people we'll figure it out I I will I will have one I will have one for sure I think it's been pretty good there's like there's there's like so many like breach variants in that potential that I need to work on a lot of them though would yog moth could be a super for PT uh potentially I think that I think I don't think that it has a great matchup spread but I think it has an okay matchup spread I'm probably supposed to breach this turn despite it not being a combo breach although it is a combo breach if I think I think it is if I find like exactly ragavan like like immediately we're like almost like off the like the first Bobble trick or something just draw on cards or some cards more shredders getting fed to the graveyard so get you all one more so two manager drill four right maybe a miscounting by one I could keep that on top for next turn and I do want to have maximum chance of drawing like counter spells I'm gonna crack this Bobble right now into fatigue is real display brand Bird's probably not that bad of choice but I uh I don't know my tournament mode is pretty different from regular stream mode I I think my turn of endurance has been a lot better than it's been in the past lately too I think there I think there's definitely a few tournaments or like like several months where I feel like my endurance was not very good for some reason but it's been better lately we can play this burn though I don't really have a list that I love at the moment I don't I don't know that the rolling Vortex lists are necessarily super tuned they don't look bad though yeah zap City huh the return of Zap City usually by what round does brain fog kick in maybe like around six or seven day one and then like four-ish day two but just like not like overwhelming brain fog either yeah I mean I think I built this so I could heat the Grist I don't know how much it really matters they probably don't even block I also have the wait I just have Beach Boat Bolton right they're dead also could grape shot then it doesn't really matter this bird even the easiest deck to play I will say people always say Tron is really easy to play I honestly I really disagree that Tron is an easy deck I think burned burn burn is relatively easy like there's there are hard decisions with it I think bird is like kind of tough to play perfectly um but it's easy to play proficiently that being said like trauma is like very difficult Mulligan decisions sequencing decisions and card the great Creator tutor chart like currently created decks are also tough it's like I I I like I know for a fact like I play Modern all day every day I know for and I've played Tron I know for a fact if I was to pick up and play Tron right now I would make a ton of mistakes with it um which is like to me just like it means that it can't be like can't be a crazy easy deck to play maybe it is maybe just um do you keep a standard with Tron that only finds two Tron lines well like no but it's like they're it's way more complicated than that too you know what I mean like the molic decisions are way more complicated than just does your seven card hand have turn three Tron like that's the easy Mulligan then your Mulligans is six and five and four and three even become very difficult like your range of like being able to Mulligan to three is hard why only one copy a box number you'll you'll you only need one is why let's keep this they're also to build a six yeah there are a lot of hands of Tron that are very hard to play first like yoga scales um yeah I think yog muffin scales would probably be like well I mean Blue Eye controls like a million times harder than all of that yeah yeah yeah probably Titan's pretty tough especially in the goals Trend list not it's not that intriguing um I mean I I like it like I've been saying for a long time that Tron should move away from current liberated to move more towards cityscape level and golo so it's exciting to see yeah I think I think all modern decks like have have difficulty obviously summer like some speak more to other players and some are easier than others but I would say that there's not any like truly truly easy decks yeah Belcher is really tough for sure Four Color elements of doing this so it's tough like I honestly so I've been I've been like thinking more about the recommission Elementals list that we were working on I like that deck a lot and The more I've been looking at it and work looking at working on it whatever blah blah the more I think that you don't want to play Nissa in that build which is kind of interesting to me it would make it like a value grape shot next turn I don't know probably not um there's a more thing this doesn't fit there because like losing kihira makes your thunder can awaken or is not playable or like much much worse and so it's like and then like losing Thunder Kid awakener also means brush fire Elementals and isn't this is much worse also the whole deck just kind of crumbles apart when you add this uh to that build shout out to Grape shot over uh Oracle although we do need to really draw land ideally a red Source okay awesome um so I it's still like a little up in the air for me of course but that's kind of where I'm at with the recommission Elementals deck is that it's not really a great fit for Nissa kihira is huge part of the game plan and keeping your aggressive draws with brushfire and Thundercat is also pretty important yeah this is this fits in a lot of other shells for sure this is still very good card but of course like if your modern deck is like you know you have to only be considering the good cards and you just can't play all of them thanks a frostfire pleasure like in the Stream shout out to creep shot where did this ago was all over now kind of disappeared well so like for me at least I was playing a ton of it when I was play testing the card and um trying to find different shells for it it was good in a lot of shells I think that it is like mostly good like the traditional Four Color omnf Decks that are uh with peace and love very boring um very boring decks uh that I don't want to like grind a lot but I think I think that that gets very good in that archetype and that is a deck we will play test for the PT also I think you get like a whiteboard for the PT but I also probably won't be like showing exactly what's on it Chris large events this is a scam or classic scam I think right now blood moon is so well positioned that I would be on more classic scam but if blood moon was poorly positioned this game would be interesting you being cool yeah I I bespoke Mason sorry foreign thank you Mr congrats Google or such grocery works thanks for tracking yeah I'm just not like a nerd I mean no I'm just kidding it's could do that for sure so another Channeler on top so we can go both then connive this Pluto Delta away cast the chandelier hat with with delirium pretty good kind of weak to like second endurance but I'm not doing so bad against that even you think grave shop being called a sanctifier is worth is worth your game though we don't have gigantha in this deck um because we're playing Counter spell I do you think counterspell is better than no gigantha or um or better than gigantha or whatever so for me it's like gigantha shows up I like almost did you get this good if you play favorable is good gigantic is always good but uh gigantic for me is not good enough to ever like feel like my main deck is sub-optimal at the cost of like getting gigantha if that makes sense I will I will basically never play a card like I'll never played Mana Leak over counter spell uh or remand over counter spell if the only consideration there is that I get to play giganta for that there's quite enough grinding station boxes even worth reach yeah yeah so I mean obviously like this is kind of like the big thing but for for me I mostly think that like the community went away from Saga breach combo to like Fair breach no combo and like I don't I have I like I've basically never seen this like having having the infinite combo being able to sideboard off of it if you want to and it just doesn't cost you very many very many slots either but I agree you don't have to play the infinite combo either Jace the timeline thank you like like we we've done this in the past with like just like one grape shot and like two metamorphos or something like that I'm probably up against Shadow right yeah like yeah Fair breach and so there's there's like a lot of a lot of different angles but you know this is you know very much testing Zone testing mode are there any particular hypothesis hold up counterspell for um you're testing for right now we're just trying to get a feel for some of the meta decks um right now I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily trying to get the feel for some of the meta decks like like I there were probably like seven meta decks I would seriously consider for the for the pro tour at the moment and right now I'm not like testing any of them because I think I think that so my general thinking is that if I end up thinking that one of those is the best I'll end up like extensively testing um those with like the with whatever testing team I play with um but it's more important for me to like Refresh on Old Brews like this uh play test Innovative text Innovative takes on Deck lists like this for a little while and then um like bring that information to like you know the testing team and figure it out you know but we've got a lot of time thankfully yeah I know I know Benton has a blue red Fair breach list and what's very funny was when he won his tournament with it he was like thanks Spike for showing me the truth of giganta and I was like well I would never play giganto over cash spell but it's okay shout out to Ben 10 obviously it's not like the biggest cost ever all right so I can correct the bubble now for delirium thanks again Jace for the 10. I'm actually getting a team or just say that to the PT I'm gonna get a team I think I've made a big mistake with in like PTs in the past of like I'm always like I'll get a team and then I don't because I don't know I know anybody mostly well you're mostly not knowing anybody but now I know people and I'm going to get a team for sure seven seven boo I don't understand the breeding pool I mean I'm playing for colors is the breeding pool plus Invasion they're definitely playing in me they're like 100 damage to stop [Music] yeah they could weirdly be like grixes with ancient Grudge probably not though yeah so do you think this is a matchup where we just go off the combo oh I didn't mean to kind of breach so I haven't got two counter spells the moon easy and it's not easy it's one or two it's not three is this is like these you just blood moon them gamer but it's like if you're behind a board they have a boy for your Shadow you play this card you lose every single time um it's also like playing really hard into their what man encounter spells I got three men undone creature spell I think it's I'm going to try one it's Wonder it's one or one or zero or two not not three for sure also the animatron for the PT uh I would be like more likely to play one of our different card artifact combo decks either um Timeless Lotus or a key yeah I like this point of being able to board out the combo and then they like bring in like a bunch of anti-combo cards like we've been Charleston zeroed a lot today what percentage of decks of the PT do you think will be running for ragbands 18 maybe a little less not more than 20 I would guess that question is really like how many decks are Merck tide scam or Greek shadow and I I don't I don't think that Merck tutor scam are going to be one of the two most popular decks I think the two most popular decks are likely going to be creativity in rhinos but I could be wrong about rhinos if I brewed with Reclamation at all we've played a ton of reclamation on this channel it's been a long time since we have though uh but we have in the general played a lot of it that was for the shredder I guess breach breaches also of course sorry ragman deck on Xbox is the one um because I want to be able to go heat ragavan into eat ragerman into uh Legend Shredder also like the argument that it's risky for Thought sees I don't think makes really any sense and like I want them to like not play around this engineer explosives I might win explosives on two because they are a tarmograph deck over here I will expose this on one is as good as adapted to I know because it was one of the best Stacks goes really bad once when two rhinos are handled it's really bad ones to ride two rhinos are handled uh I don't that evaluation feels really weird to me because Rhino's top deck super well has lots of interaction lots of backup plans um yeah I know that evaluation just sounds a little off for some reason but whatever I suppose it years that you win with the combo if you just happen to draw the two station um not exactly since um not exactly since you can dig really hard for the stations with your with your DRC specifically probably have a counter counter spell here wait they're targeting their own graveyard what the I mean I'm definitely still heating this boy after they tap the hers I am very confused though let's describe both breeches I think because I've got the hearse out there given I have limited time is it more important to find the right deck or tune test for the deck I've chosen I have two buns we're not in like play test deck I've chosen mode I have two months which Lord of the Rings cards to help make the bad ones all the good ones were I had nothing to do with they must play Drown I guess you have a boyfriend play it's so weird to me I guess yeah I guess I want to preserve the size of a wave sure sure how many build decks you think I think Mill's probably a good choice yes Lord of the Rings will be legal for the Pro Tour yeah they might have invasion of like the green Invasion since like Shadow players are so obsessed with that card camera froze I think so the Gory limber decks are interesting there's so much going on it's very Feast your family and drop an early match you go against the less consistent extra trying to farm the combo decks and you never see O2 in the 12 two mil run Pro tours are really different Pro Tour meta games are like in my opinion in my experience almost always like much easier to met a game for nice like like a pro like Pro tours I just like the meta games almost are always more predictable than your rcqs or your GPS or your sdgs which I know don't like exist that much anymore modernism you know but different modern is you know a bit harder to predict for sure my secrets has never heard mossi greeksis before you might want to keep your app for some kind of food aggro deck we so like this comment's kind of funny to me because it's like we're gonna see all the cards we're gonna play with the cards yeah you know what I mean like we will we will see the cards we will have plenty of time to deck build with the Lord of the Ring cards we have in fact in fact this is why I'm going hard on like old Brews and like you know Dex I think have some potential like more experimental stuff we have right now because we still have a lot of times a lot of time to Lord of the Rings and we still have um we will have plenty of time to build with Lord of the Rings you know what I mean like neither is really a restrictive factor for me oh I should have played the other Bobble sorry not a huge deal though and obviously we just draw a shredder or DRC be happy we kept very aggressive start ragerman into Channel her channel are on the play nothing against Lord of the Rings is even close to Modern playable this is a categorically not true it's so funny though it just doesn't matter like what the set is though people will say this like literally about anything I I I I've been doing this like long enough to know like people will have this exact comment nothing is playable uh for every every single set there's like never there's never a um a set that we that we that gets released that there's not like lots of people say nothing is good but I would say there's like from the cars that have been officially spoiled close to like 15 cards that have modern potential and like like five-ish cars that are like particularly good modern cars like most of them are more Fringe with like some like big standouts the One Ring being a huge standout in my opinion um oh sorry I should have done this after this rails the One Ring being a huge standout in my opinion uh Sam wise being a big standout as well yeah boat Master very good also the white reband is interest is potential when there's like more French cards you can just like briefly even go through oh I guess with Explorer has leaks on it at the moment though that's a problem Boromir foreign [Music] very nice draws what's up it's me your friend aspiring Spike definitely want to do this now so I can smell Pierce a spell Pierce um I'm like kind of behind on board here [Music] yeah I think I've I had enough on cards I don't need this Blood Moon and I need to be able to catch back up next turn if my opponent continues to pressure me mad with trying to thank you yeah the I think I think the forest cycling Island cycling cards are both like potentially good um yeah the woman a creature counters he simply there are a lot like at least 15 like maybe more and it's just it's just like I don't know I I if you ever look at a set like this this early it'd be like there's nothing that has any potential modern play I would just recommend you know opening your mind a bit because this is almost never the case that there's nothing within it without any potential like that that really only happened in Crimson Val and even then there's still a few cards but like there has like since Crimson Val there really hasn't been a set that like they're like was truly almost nothing crimsonville had like a couple like they had Epicure Harvester kind of was Harvester the one before headless writer what are the advantages playing this list over Jessica Fairbridge uh the combo is the advantage over the fair breach variants obviously like for me the whole like like uh Jessica versus blue red it's not something I feel particularly passionate about I think the white Splash versus no white Splash is very marginal we can play test it some but uh the combo is is what you get an infinite combo and at the cost of very few it's at the cost of like two grinding stations and a mocks Amber uh you get access to an infinite combo in the deck that you otherwise don't have access to okay let's just go Channel her with two counter spells up I suppose uh Stone of e-reach is this a week I know there's a leak how about the the blue red card I really try not to not talk about them but this card is very cool Roosevelt's a standard set wouldn't expect many of any modern playable cards what what I'm I what are we talking about standard sets up on every standard set in like the last two years like this like crimsonville has like the least density of modern playable cards from those sets I'm like I'm talking about standard sets right now I'm not I'm not talking like it compared to other standard sets Crimson Val was particularly bad on playables and like every like every other set was particularly good on playables First and you know like about more impactful yeah I may be even underwriting yeah crimsonville also path apparel it's true the cards would be good but I may concede to this yeah yeah Epicure is probably the best card from the set I mean Ella path is also really good like I I would you know maybe even challenge you to like name a recent modern set that just or a recent standard set that just had like no playable modern cards yeah I know this is Edgar Charmed groomer ratio huh Juan no no way we had so many good ones I could name one cent TBR on top that's definitely gonna get a concession then all the storm Giants it was the hall was a crimson vow car okay Crimson battles made me Crack y'all crimsonville was maybe crazy maybe I just sucked at Crimson Val yeah attracts us from one yeah Throne of eldrain no good cars in that set their COG yeah that's good I owe you a pharaoh the original pharaohs made me stop playing standard actually I was like I love Loveless standard and I just like really didn't like the new theoros strixab was bad do you mean the expressive iteration set like one of like potentially one of the biggest like design mistakes uh post image or I guess pretty much two actually you love born of the Gods uh no like the pharaoh's born of the Gods uh uh journey into next like I I became like a limited EDH player in this era I could have drawn like a few more cards but I know they're drawing the team of battle rage and so I just counted their other card both them and when yeah Leyland binding is from dominaria okay let's get a forearm prediction going oh yeah Gardens right Gardens huge I love the wrecking the wrecking will be great one day oh we kept a double rag of IT hand against y'all oh we drew box Amber wow unfuck insane draw is there a deck that is just too unfun to play no matter how good it'll be the PT no that there's there's no deck I'll be like this deck is really unfun I think it would win me the PT but I just can't you know I'm not getting it I will not have this attitude about any deck yeah this is a this is a pro tour control land please thank you maybe a descript over second breach I think we'll probably end up discarding both though by testing each deck from The Meta um not exactly it's like like I don't need to spend time right now go just like all right we're just playing stockberg tag it's not creativity stock Rhino stock scam stock Hammer Stockyard moth uh stock blue white like there's there's a time for that it's not now right now is the time to be testing like old Brews with potential like that's what I'm like explicitly doing right now older Brews with potential um I shouldn't have discarded the second breach um and then and then like Lord of the Rings Bruce and Lord of the Rings comes out and then if I if I can't break it if I can't find like an edge or an angle I will I will end up playing something more boring of course but um that's something that like will likely be determined with you know whatever testing team I end up working with also not um this is like not likely on stream favorite so my favorite set's probably my first set Return to Ravnica I think most people are really nostalgic for their first set breaches no Brew of mine uh no reach I mean I this is like a new idea right on um on the breach archetype like Fair beach with the combo or like non-saga reach for the combo not exactly but also referring to stuff I've been doing the last few days rather than just today but yeah like more non-meta stuff is what I mean oh uh I guess I maybe shouldn't have excelled the grave shots probably okay we are probably pretty toast no matter what it could could have been weirdly correct to hold up spell Pierce because of cord now cool creature has first strike against plus one plus so for each incident Source in your graveyard equip three a quote comment players comment ships two player you may cast into a sorcery spell from your hand with Mana value of less than or equal to that damage without payment costs wow that's strictly better than changes Pike like the oh yeah should have been able to feel it I did I did not populate as all the reach decks that's that's not true I come through so many um boom okay so we go breach Heat get sort of one of these see how many card types do I have I have creature land sorcery oh I have two iterations artifact um so if I get rid of ragavan I still have delirium Chris Logan tier one for also the sixth thank you thank you if you're doing well your duck took return Pike so let's go ragavin Chandler Bobble bobble iron is the same ways okay this boggles about the playable deck no but people like regularly trick themselves into thinking it is watching your previous list by the Four Square Dragon the prowess deck I I think it's optimal I don't know you have to be I don't why not the Sprite dragon cool yeah so we've been talking about this a little bit playing Ranger captain in the shell four ravenous squirrel also is very interesting well this is obviously like very clogged which is a problem when he plays Four I I think four is correct I like six I like 15 or 16 creatures right now I'm I'm over the fourth breach of playing 16. I had to play 50 creatures for breach or I play 16 creatures three breach and yeah this is this is tough like one thing is if you're gonna play Four ravenous squirrels you need four witch's ovens and the problem is your your squirrels like really aren't that good because like they just don't do anything unless you have cat oven so I think you probably need to move off the squirrels you could play one as a ranger Captain tutor Target but I honestly feel like you're almost never gonna get it over a cat an asthma or a viserys here um and then cutting these squirrels as much as I love the squirrels um opens the deck up a lot to play like the 21st land the fourth drum the first the first Springleaf drum the fourth witch's oven um and then you know you have one you have like one Flex spot there which could be which could be the first squirrel could could easily be the first squirrel here surely Lonas and Ranger captures it's not this is not Lonas this is Sam wise that it's not actually Lonas it's just for the deck deck purposes the last time I did keep there were some ragabands in to breach combo let me see what the deck looks like if I don't like having to keep in these spell purses really stinks though so what if I'm like minus two ragavan oh don't forget the Spire uh yeah this is what we did last time let's keep this can you explained the same way as cat Loop yeah so Sam white says whatever a non-token creature enters the battlefield uh you make a food um so what so what you want to do is have a sack Outlet like the Sarah Seer um so have the cat enter make a food stack the catch your viserys here sack the food to bring the cat back you get to do that infinitely uh while draining your opponent with a collagen familiar trigger um we have a fury we have a bobble for the second land we have a grape shot which is okay I think I need to Mulligan with no just the one liner in the place so okay let's keep this I think I'll put that dress down oh they're just done no let's put back a second bobble's so nice the dress Down's really nice to beat uh an endurance potentially but I think I don't I just need to keep a second Bobble for fast lyrium brother said not worth I don't think so it's kind of slow against the um uh I think we read the first one we really it officer delirium obviously it could be funny to have drawn both of those it's like I don't know you're pretty good at fighting their Mana dorks already but you could have it okay so we draw for a bottle of bolts okay I want to use the bolts over the heat here so I could save this for Grist or yogmoth and I will keep this breach I think draw this um fetch shock main phase for delirium attack the three Bell birthday for the 15 months if you're doing well you can add kitchen pinks and anaphinza and make it spicy so you get kitchen figs and elephants are both great on their own they're not neither are playable on their own funny enough times have changed uh MTG goldfish blank Works my thoughts is not a cardio cyber for yogs when you probably bring it here anyways I just I just I just don't know it would have been okay this game it also kills your own like channelers your ragermans if you draw ragavan I don't know I just feel like it's kind of mid against them yeah everybody needs agree with this just so we can draw an extra card or two it could it could be fine to bring in though I could be wrong 10 months and Hawk feather with the 33 thank y'all although now we keep this one since we're not drawing an extra card by graveyarding yeah I agree that bowmaster will be a nice uh yoga card well you can still play every breach combo this is just you know a variant right this I'm I'm not saying that this is definitely the best way to play the archetype this is just like a take that I haven't seen very often or ever really all right let's go Shredder counterspell up am I looking for Bruce to test not explicitly I don't know if I if I I've got a lot of things to test but if you've got something you think is really good you know you could do a deck deck we can't just you know I can't look at everybody's you know spicy say spicy Brew I think could do a red Splash one of the Sam food shells from apartment you could but I I think like just like one second off of finale is enough I don't think you really need anything else it's like you're mostly you're mostly not going to be um combo killing you're mostly just a value food plan but having access to the combo kill is is certainly nice yeah spicy Brew five color creativity thank you thank you all right I think we can just keep any spells that we can connive uh and get a counter on the shredder any prominent Decks that might not play not really I I have not ruled anything out uh I need to get like a spreadsheet together like things I like things I dislike and stuff but or like a whiteboard or whatever but I there's there's no deck that I am like explicitly not playing at the moment we're ruling out of my testing we'll keep that lightning bolt boss yeah I haven't rolled out Defenders I don't know people obvious I'm never playing them like death in taxes you know I thought about blue white build yeah like I could certainly delude myself into playing blue eye control I don't think boy it's that bad you know uh it's also not that good but if you if we if you can figure out a way to like hedge against rakdos and creativity then maybe save yourself with Muncie thank you yeah yogmoth is absolutely on the uh in the realm of possibility I'm gonna both The Innkeeper now it's just that I can't court for one not that there's like much they could really record for I can also just go beach ball bolt and be fine yeah monoblutron is one of those like obviously I'm never playing it type decks green slide Escape ship could be a powerful Dark Horse fantasy matter I I agree I there's like a local store where like literally everybody everyone there is like to bring to light truthers and they're like always like Spike you gotta play brakes like it's really broken and like brings life is a very good deck like when you curve out and um like most sticks are really good when you curve out but for me I felt like a lot of consistencies inconsistency issues with like top decks and manifold Mana screw with that archetype but it it's definitely fine it's going to multiply good news for me hey testing with Jessica lewisfield no but I think the Boro slowest field decks are better than the jet Sky ones although I was thinking that in any Lotus field variant I were to play soon I would be interested in playing six Mana Chandra I'm just gonna hold the Bobble actually if I missed Saga consideration not really what's wrong with death and taxes um you don't you don't want me to answer that question not ready because I I mean I'm always playing the scrolling turn this turn actually I think I guess not if I see a card I like on top then maybe maybe not actually one one fires in four eleven night yeah yeah I think Chandra and the Lotus full deck is kind of interesting I it's also like very much like a lit like just kind of like too high on the manicure for modern but it's she's she seems interesting I I I want to test it there I think it's very very unlikely I choose to register like Lotus field but the non-twiddlestorm lotus field oh Lucy finally finally set the Lucy cam back up sorry for the uh Lucy delay okay so we sh we have a great uh value breach this turn so we get to go Channeler into a bunch of bubbles trying to Bubble this turn yeah we took some twiddlestorm thankfully no endurance I decided to lose the pithy needle but obviously we need to keep uh drawn cards now we used to have the Lucy cam set up all the time and I took the webcam down for a cooking stream I forgot I never even got lazy didn't set it back up oh I also bought a uh I bought a couch explicitly explicitly a couch that I think Athena would like so she can so like when I first started streaming is like me and Athena on a couch together she loves the couch but she doesn't like he has a dog bed she doesn't hate but I think she'll be more likely to visit the stream on the new couch I just have to borrow a truck to move it in here that's just so funny like she's like there's no way the couch will fit in the Stream room it will very very easily fit in this room but then she's like well yeah you could just borrow your opponent your your parents like like very tiny like compact SUV and then like move it and like there's no way it'll fit in that she's like she thinks there's no way it will fit in this in this room but it will fit in my parents like tiny SUV it's very funny to me um I think we go legend Shredder odawora let's go legislators eat the wall of fruits don't mind that especially because I know they're drawing yeah I know they're drawing Stringer guys which means they just can't yog both me next turn if I do this is not that big but it's not gonna fit in my parents car yeah any attacks right off both Ragga bands so I'll probably dress down in my instep for the connive I guess I don't need the collab also bet against alger's Evolution though so yeah I think that's a good enough reason for me I'm just gonna look for like any spell to lead away probably probably keep that one that's actually no let's actually discard this one since like the main way we lose this game is um the main way we lose this game is going to be endurance but we can just go dress down plus uh heat and endurance now I think it's 2 months thank you well I guess Justin turns off the this so it's kind of a problem we got driftstone and play and then we so 4-1 we lost round one right yeah then we went 1-1 with the version with only three breach definitely like this deck um I think I want to do another full League of this build but I also I think it's a good time to play the the green red version nothing um so like so like I get I don't like I don't I like I like being able to play uh counter spell iteration over Saga and [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Aspiringspike
Views: 9,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern, magic the gathering gameplay, magic the gathering decks, magic the gathering, corey baumeister, droppin'baums, mtg, magic: the gathering, brothers' war, brothers war, magic, fair breach combo | modern | mtgo magic: the gathering
Id: PtFiIpfRjlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 45sec (4785 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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