The PERFECT DECK for the New Meta?! | Esper Goryos | Modern | MTGO

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nice uh nice sign for the decklist looks like their main deck was the same I I had shown the cyboard yesterday missing a few cyboard cards looks like they put orcish bow master in there from what I can tell I decided I want to play some subtleties for the Titan matchup specifically you can also bring in subtlety against uh some endurance decks I'm not sure how often I'll be doing that but sometimes um but they just trophied with like the same 60 at least and I'm excited to uh play this deck this is definitely this is one that we were doing really well with for a little bit back when preordain got unbanned I think a very very streamlined exciting list but one that was so bad against like the main deck dothy void Walker format uh which I don't think we're currently going to run into that often uh moxfield is seems to be not working at the moment so up upload the deck list in a bit is this yut deck this is a deck that I I mean a lot of people have played Goro's builds right it's not like anybody invented them uh but this is the list I I built like five or six months ago and then I was like unplayable in scam metag game I think or not a good choice in scam meta game hopefully this is a ragavan okay I'll take that too maybe better to get like go Shrine into Island here don't forget to disc yeah this is definitely a i my mind always discards the attacks ahead of time I kind of kept a one Lander yeah there's a good chance this deck is just kind of busted this is these are the real kind of decks that scam was keeping in check I think be fun to play this in a paper rcq I think I have all the cards maybe I only have three ATT trxas okay I'm going to take grief obviously as the creature take watery grave and then I think another force of negation as the instant and and this deck um was there a preate in there no there wasn't this deck you're not going to hit that many cards off your attacka compared to some other builds but you're totally okay just like hitting three or four cards ephemerate hitting three or four more cards your hand is full you have an insane amount of selection not really much to worry about okay probably taking okay a concession from our opponent didn't find a Solitude that's okay though you also do them really like like all of my opponent's graveyard hate is going to be artifact based so like not only the Stony silence turn off all their like other Shenanigans but it's just going to it's going to turn off their graveyard ha too I would imagine probably going to play pendings over to fairies so opponent like they stole it from me they took it from me they said they did and they did trophy though cage that's that's true they could have cage like I don't know that cage is like that like but maybe they'll have it I have a couple pendings I guess what do you about L line you have to fairy for line you also have a Celestial Purge I guess goldfish thanks for the hope you're doing well Seth we're playing uh some esper goros for the first time in a long time a deck that I think is like really really powerful but was so bad against scam kind of got unbanned just like you know the main deck dothy void Walker format so have the option of exiling the in or slamming Stony silence stopping the cookbook stuff seems pretty nice I think I mostly just want to slam the Stony and uh I think I can get Plains this turn and go Island next turn L away ATT trxa welcome everybody what was uh Seth playing today I'm glad there's people people playing the in asmo deck um unclear at the moment if there's like they are splashing black I was playing like one blood CP for chase some people are splashing black for cards like bow Master some people playing stalker bow Master is really good here so I guess I'm probably going to pending the bow master and oh wow what a start okay so if I draw goros can we tank a hit even it may not even be doable I think I just have to have to do this white tainted over faithful um well we have we have a split right we have a 43 split in favor of Tainted Indulgence uh I being blue and black and pitching to grief uh it's mostly a black card count thing okay so I guess I keep both of these and I Solitude the attracts or the in I guess I do it now before they can like draw street race or something and then we draw the attractor to loot away to the Indulgence uh but yeah we we we we need more black cards for grief than we needed White cards for uh Solitude we're playing again all we're playing 12 pitch spells in this deack the pitches are so nice with a traxa and obviously the ephemerate plan of eating a traxa after you Gores it overlaps with the uh ephemerate your stupid incarnations so atraxa is atraxa is pitches to everything and then you have an even 13 White cards 13 black cards plus plus four here so 17 17 of uh black and white for your pitch color counts with the split monoblue Enigma Jewel with mind slver erso oh cool uh I was I was playing something very similar last week or the week before was it playing a was it playing a peil or was it playing Tron I guess I did both Nel is so sick it's been like one of my favorites okay so we're down to nine my opponent has eight power in play so let's play archaeologist plan to Chum block with it and hope to find a goros can also we have a lot of looks we have this hit obviously L I'll take the preordain I guess have the potentially have The Mending next turn this yeah that may have been my list I don't know interesting as SC feels pretty scammy less impressive than scam think it's weaker than scam well yeah I mean the deck is definitely a lot weaker like this deck is like very weak to graveyard hate and you know can can struggle against counter spells just doesn't have a lot of the or doesn't have like like the the racus game just had so few weaknesses and was very difficult deck to attack okay game three on the or game two yeah game three game three on the play game one was uh pretty short I guess um do want to bring in the purges Purge could be better than pending guess pending gets asmo for one Mana let's keep the pendings in they can answer like the graveyard they can a cookbook and stuff too do you think archaeologist is a better pick than than picklock prer uh I'd have to read p i mean archaeologist is not so I I i' I'd be surprised if I read prankster and felt like it was better than archaeologist but I'm down to read it just you see so many cards of archaeologist oh that that's that's the mil four that's the mil four in story yeah archaeologist is an ETB effect that you can aerate um which makes a lot better I think like when you have aate plus archaeologist it's like you just have to dig through time so St silence does shut off ragavan surprisingly well I think I am pretty locked into getting two duels here I probably have enough salt I mean like there's almost no card they can hit with this Ragan that I I even really care about AR just can't be eated I i' I swear I've aerated that card a bunch I wouldn't lie to you yeah I think we take this hit we just need Treasures turned off there's I think there's like they can cast archaeologist no they can't even cast it because they won't have blue Mana guess they can find grief they can like evoke grief that would be the that could be something that happens like this St silence no Saga is nice there's archaeologist blocks the Ragan I think I'm going to play the archaeologist here don't think I need to I could probably take three from this Asma pretty comfy um and I think I'm going to take Goro's over pending despite pending kind of stabilizing the board I have creature removal in my hand and you know this is what the deck's named after probably fine to take it gleaming gear Drake let me read that one no card with that name found have I been had or is this just not is just a new card that's not in the database maybe it really sounds like like a uh or is this a new spoiled card oh gleam GLA okay this a spoiler stop me from struggling thank you for the help two Mana 11 one artifact creature ETB investigate whenever you sack an artifact put a counter on it yeah that card's super hot um yeah let's let's solitude the asmo I think asmo like what is what is rco and posit grief my life total matters more and I I Al I have like more archaeologist to block ragavan this card is sick I I like this card a lot a lot I will I I will definitely play a lot of it guess yeah main pH I could I could scam something here so I think it's fine um obviously I'm discarding ATT tracks um I'm unable to to scam something I mean I could scam grief but I want to keep my goros so yeah I think I think I put back grief and or pitch grief and then plan to like find a white card Solitude scam or flashback Bing if they like can take this somehow CL clue asthma whenever you sacrifice a clue return this from your graveyard to your hand it's four Mana I I guess I mean it's I know Clues just are so man intensive to sack just seems so much worse than oval Chase for like Loops okay I'm not sure if there's really anything they can have hopefully hopefully right now is not is not when we find out what they can have you want to leave up two white Mana so you can maybe eate two things here oh if they have a clue asmo um I don't know not in modern at least uh so another ferates grief nice I don't know this doesn't seem like a kind Oven stuff yeah there's there's there's a lot you can put that stuff in it's like it seems like a good modern and Pioneer card I I I I genuinely love that card you can protect it's you know if you have a bobble you can protect it from a bow Master pretty easy I I I think the card's so cool yeah I could inso artifact it isn't Boris Koke playable and standard with new inspector maybe I know I guess I guess been I I I did stream standard yesterday but I don't have strong opinions yet plans on coming back to brew ban turns he lost bean stock that was like the exciting card for the deck I've played ban turns with like archaeologists before in ephemerate actually returning to the Fate eat was Ty combo yeah I mean those decks are like a lot better without Fury in the format and like you have more reason to be those decks without being in the format like it was just so tough to like be playing out walls and stuff and like your opponent was just eventually going to grief scam and clear your board all right going go cast Indulgence maybe we'll loot The Mending away seems fine C another one main phase I think I'll be able to like obviously keep my white Source but also um hard cast griefs I'll just like not be able to hard cast tracks of this game that's probably fine here's hoping mkm has a demich enabler I mean I kind of don't think it's a spart to print a good diulit enabler because that just is what's a diulit enabler it's it's a zero Mana spell definitely taking ephemerate think I don't cast the prian yet I want to be able I it's kind of weird because I want to fetch for planes uh to cast the aate but I don't want them to like kill my archaeologist in response to the Fetch and maybe I'll end up forcing like expressive iteration on their turn all right we'll see if uh they have a counter spell here or another removal spell going to go for it don't really think that they're going to do this without having something but I think my hand is kind of forced four cards their hand so we're GNA get bow mastered zero Mana draw a card discarded cards yeah that's like one of the best best possible Mar cards maybe okay so let's keep atraxa on top I don't I don't know it would be it I think I think zero Mana draw a card discard a card would be the best card in modern immediately I think it would go from being you know not a card in the format yet to the best card of the format um I kind of think I should for I should mending in response to this ragab band trigger because if they hit Force negation off a bit I'm like kind of upset so discarded traxa I guess I have to discard Solitude I the air for the atraxa and then um I may need to like force of negation to protect my [Music] goros it would not be good at AF it would be Niche good it would be the best card of modern and it wouldn't be even that close they find tfairy which means if they have a counter spell they're going to get to protect their thing repentance with the twitch Prime thank you welcome back I I think I think it like legit be not close that that card is the best card in the format different card I see oh zero Mana discard a card yeah I I agree that that card would be kind of whatever yeah Z zero Mana sorcery draw card would be dis playable they Min they just just minus it's what always happens during theoretical card conversations people get caught in the the crossfire okay let's this is in play that's good news trigger resolved that's good news let's take Solitude preordain go the shrine faithful mending I think I like mending because it pitches to Solitude obviously them hitting this toir is like potentially really obnoxious okay to fairy down seven life gained big Target atraxa you didn't counter anything earlier this deck is broken I think okay let's take grief ephemerate land don't have any black cards but K cast is pre-ordained could trigger the bow Master if I do I guess it doesn't really matter very much so if Merk tide benefit for Bannings I mean Merk tide was like like the card up the beanock was so ridiculously good against Merk tide like it was it was incredibly difficult to um to win a game if your opponent if your opponent um like could resolve be on turn two and it's obviously difficult to like put pressure down and hold up counter sometimes you like can't play ragavan because there's up to bean stock um I merti was also like not favored against ratos despite like I think most merti players copium like I think I think that the match up used to be slightly favored for Merk TI and then they printed bow Masters and it's now like it was then slightly favored for uh slightly favored for uh rectos so yeah definitely a win they have two Unholy Heats k w no delirium either is there anything particular about the fury band that benefits this deck yeah I mean of course like the it's mostly that the best deck the most popular deck in the format was main decking four copies of dothy void Walker blood moon is like the the like it was just the best deck in the format main deck for doy wood Walker and now that deck is like broken apart people aren't playing it very much there's like not a clear um there's not a clear Way Forward for that deck that people are agreeing on there's not like there's just not a bunch of main deck doy void walkers in the [Music] format okay let's update the moxfield thank you magical I think I just do nothing don't even don't even rebound on the attract I just attack twice we know last cards said holy heat like I thought this deck was powerful consistent fast difficult to interact with but but the best deck in the format just plays Four doy void Walkers which is why I just haven't been playing it and this is also why like you see like historically other builds of um goros being like much more of a mid-range deck and this is like like it's just so hard to like be more in on the plan like this is but now you can be really in on the plan okay um we are on the draw here against grixis this is maybe I think that they're probably a dothy void Walker deck let's bring in purges and pendings which can deal with um like pin these can both deal with void Walker this can deal with leline and the these can deal with like artifact based graveyard hate that seems like a good plan um I also don't know that they're playing any they're playing blue they probably have some counter magic I I think I'm going play like just one force of negation though maybe teture fairy on the draw would I say to a one of sauron's Ransom um so if you add a black card like if you're going to play a ransom over a tfairy you would play one more mending over indulgence to keep the white card and black card count the same um I sauron's Ransom is also like mid as hell I'd probably just rather play tfairy I've i' I've never really been like yes I'm a sauron's ransom deck my deck is so good I get to play sain's Ransom card is okay it is like very Bor line playable just like this hand but also keeps seven looks like stock gx's Shadow I mean there's no gantha so it's not stock gx's Shadow did a deck like this yeah we we played Shadow Prophecy in the past archaeologist is your card Advantage spell archaeologist is so M it's so good it seees so many cards you fibrate you look at the top six you been a tracki you put goros into your hand blocks Ragan archeologist is just it's just two it's two Mana it's not three Mana it is just so [Music] good is paler a card you consider playing the deck uh okay decid to upkeep the bow Masters uh I I'm not like a very big paler fan I I I haven't really ever cast the card like I think I think for if you for you to play paler your Mana curve has to be really high um I don't feel like our manac curs high enough I would just play the I would just play like the third tfairy before I play like sa's Ransom or Palante tier tfer is so good yeah not going to Indulgence in response and get pinged yeah one of my good friends always says that I turned 360 degrees and walked away you being very you just I don't know I it's like I think it's referencing something but I'm not sure what yeah I thought I updated the moxfield I can uh try to update it okay so I have it in the MOX field so me Xbox 360 okay I figured it was something but he like always says it yeah I think we're just going to hard cast grief hard cast Solitude go from there hopefully not too slow we have game three if it is I I'll be I think play more taries on the play forces binding yeah is just so it's just so good in this deck it's just so good to like protect your goros and so good to like find off a track them um I'm I'm really happy to have the 12 pitch cards B binding is like it's like extra card types for trxa but I I think one big like fallacy a lot of these decks have fallen into is thinking that you really need to have a lot of card types for traa you just don't need to have a lot can't they can't drown this they can they can't start scolding it though like just like finding three or four cards aerating finding three or four more cards you're going to have a full hand going to see your top 20 found the best of them it's going to be fine yeah still looking for replacement for Fury in the luchu deck how was right yeah things are things are like I was very nervous yesterday was going to be like crazy and nonfunctional but it was it was pretty smooth yesterday taking four down to six they got four cards in their hand so I guess we should probably main phase Solitude here play around a another scolding yeah I've played not of this world before to have a or they they're called kid cards now as a hit that like protects protects it but I end up think it was not optimal cuz like they just kill it response to the trigger most of the time so it's hard to like dig for it they should ban Fury announce every announcement with how great yesterday was yeah even it feels like a long time ago they banned Fury huh a lifetime ago at this point all right let's uh take this hit it's like a little WI against the lightning bolt deck but we're an ephemerate deck and post board there maybe maybe don't have lightning bolts okay so hopefully we can find an eate off the archaeologists and resolve it they have a scolding maybe like they probably would should have but probably should have snapped it off if they had it we miss on our first archaeologist is there a need for two more F effect like Essence F or Cloud shift no I don't think so so if we if we pre-ordained we die to the if we we don't have another Island to get if we shock preordain we di to the bow master so let's go to game three Essence flux and Cloud ships are like the card quality is just so low I haven't really felt like you want to play those cards Okay so that they're on hearse so I think what I'm going to do is cut uh two purges for two stonies maybe three stonies let's good is Ragan to let's let's do two two there's a chance they don't have like that many Gard hate post board you should have four color match up I usually have liked that match up but it's been a little while since I've played it I guess binding in the board you you could play binding in the board Bo um I feel like I have like my Bas is pretty covered at the moment and like so like one thing is like prean I think is very good in this deck binding and preordain have some tension where like you want to pre- orane on turn one and binding really wants you to fetch a trium on turn one um it's not it's not like the biggest deal ever but you know there there is tension there do you want do you want any not dead after all it doesn't help protect your trackx say Obviously lets you scam your stuff I I've been I've been pretty happy with the list y'all you you would Essence flux or Cloud shift over the black scam cards with no biting the board and no smart power ways to prepare to hate for post board I I have answers to every piece of graveyard hate you could play for L lay line of the Void I have tfairy time raveler for endurance I have tfairy time rer subtlety grief grief I guess hits most things too for artifact brace gra hate I have Stony silence for rest in peace I have Prismatic ending for Le of void and dothy void Walker I have uh Celestial Purge Prismatic ending SL Solitude I I I I feel that I have all of my bases covered with the deck's current construction okay pick up just a pending but nice if they have hearse I guess do you lead on Indulgence uh I think I just play the bow master or so the archaeologist like I just have like a chance to like kill them next turn if I play archaeologist any reason we aren't playing as for trium de defense turn one yeah because we have we have like eight1 drops I I think that the trium you just don't want tap lands in this deck if you want if you could cut the breeding pool for it but I I don't think it's worth okay so I think I ephemerate the archaeologist maybe I could Indulgence Indulgence bait them to play bow Master if they do have bow master I have solitud defrate scam [Music] available yeah playing Indulgence seems good because like I could yeah I could just Solitude eate then rebound here okay now let's respond with Indulgence and ephemerate think I want another white source every time I play pending I'm Su of it we just have sideboard copies to answer like void Walker rest in peace cards like this just I I I agree the pendings been worse lately but I think it's it's a card that I feel like you want a couple copies of for sure L be too slow in the titan match up yeah you're not really planning to get to five mana and cast five drops in this deack we have subtlety for the titan match up it's nice if it stops like their endurance is and stops there Titans all right goros Stony silence which I guess we accept since we put it in the deck although I think I'll probably just cast a grief here uh [Music] oh just m all my other vegetables I have no vegetables left oh I have planes I have basic planes okay because like if I can't hard cast the Solitude [ __ ] is like much worse um think I take the Heat have Solitude for the Merk tide can try to play around the scolding like if they tap out for merti they won't have scolding up probably they did draw land going to hold up their scolding and bow Master nice to know their exact hand of course um so let's let's attack with the grief first I think I think there's a very good chance they use the bow Master to trade for the grief and I think I think we want them to do that sort to fairies a bit better D pending Channeler my opponent does have delirium if they crack their fetch land so I think that I'll I'll play around top deck on holy Heat by bouncing the archaeologist um I have an answer for the Merk tide that they're probably going to play next turn so seems fine their hand is Merk tide two exter scoldings mystery card that's the mystery card 24 24 cards deep no goros yet they decide to not play their merde Regent they looked at um the top of my library [Music] too I guess this CH 22 Yeah I wanted to play this deck I don't know I I like being free from the whole like feeling like a have to finish a league thing we should probably be able to find a our basic plans off this if I I I think the stream is just better if I if I could switch decks whenever I want and uh not have to feel like I have to finish a league when I'm not that interested in finishing it or if I want to play something else advantage of this deck versus living end I guess do have bow Masters I feel like you don't want like generically good cards like bow Masters doesn't like the only thing it does is answer opposing bow Masters you already have Solitude you already have like just go over the top of the traxa I think you I think that you want to be a more like Allin build if that makes sense yeah new footfalls art pretty cool speaking of living end this deck is also kind of good against living end I think like just getting tracks in the yard is kind of tough for them I I do think that we're still kind of in this era my opponent says oopsy what did they pitch another grief do they mean to scam this I think but I think we're kind of in the era where people have this attitude oh you're a black dick you got to put bow Masters in there oh this is the oopsy I didn't keep a hand with lands I kept a hand with two Street wraiths what could go wrong oops fate is just so good with archaeologist it's like it's not fair I guess I play around force of negation on the ephemerate because if they force it I am kind of not doing anything probably fine decision uh not really like they play like 15 lands they're not really favored to hit one assuming that they're living in all right so we find a goros let's go and take that over the prian and hopefully we can just Mill and tracka off the uh next ETP trigger so we didn't millon a track us I guess we're going to hard cast a grief AR just now one-1 and ready to get in the red zone I think they're only castable I think I think I have to take that maybe it's better to hard cast solitud because they're GNA have a hard time racing it but also seems fine to go for the goros I'm going to play around top deck Force sub negation also uh gor's on their end of turn says I was a Greedy Boy no judgment okay so going to bring in the extra fun ravelers try to Ravel their fun uh subtlety for their endurance is seems pretty good do I want four I don't know I feel like I want like no solitudes potentially or like no more than two solitudes yeah britty pool's just a cast of track so it comes up more often than you think like we didn't have it in the first draft and then it ended up feeling like it was correct to have it this we're taking olant good l so it's hard to hit Lantern three I mean they have two olant so I don't think so if they had one sure it was definitely definitely take Force I think yeah is mostly for mill was a just AFK no they kept the zero land double Street wraith hand hope hoping they would find a land and they didn't my opinion Solitude is probably better than jel than grief no I think grief is so so important in this match up like the being able to grief their endurance is and their like interaction and also like their just their plan is is way more important solitude's like really slow and reactive and just like trying to clean up their board with Solitude isn't that good of a plan especially when you can just have anat trxa in the yard and like Vigilant LifeLink 7 seven is like kind of tough for them to beat without any help with eight LS in the deck it seems hard to cast the track so if we build discard two lands yeah I've cast it before two three four five six seven eight I I have cast it before but that will happen sometimes you you don't have to play the breeding pool but it's come up could play one more fetchable maybe yeah archist is pretty good against them tar is maybe on the draw a little too slow but I'm going to keep my opponent's on the mold to at least six not keeping a seven card zero Lander at least why no archon archon cannot be returned by Goro's Vengeance that'll be $5 a month for the rest of your life thank you prane shout out to consider I like this version for binding I think this version's better at the or like I don't know binding is a good card it's nice to have an extra type for a traxa has tension with pre- orane has tension with like your number of like black black cards for a track so whatever yeah I think I want to like upkeep Indulgence they have dispute they may dispute this because they're scared of like a tracks to going to the yard and I can untap into fairy and I I I may just uh discard archaeologist and like if they do Living End I can try to like uh use this to set up an atraxa could also find force of negation could also put gristle brand in the yard the other one right Sphinx's Revol doesn't seem good yeah what is yeah someone said Sphinx's Revelation on a stick earlier what does that mean be funny if they have subtlety for my to fairy and and I'll just get the subtlety back yeah let's let's let's take a look at the card is La rille too heavy I I mean you don't need it um I think I'd rather just play fetch lands and have all my lands untapped but we are doing really good on Blue cards we have we have 17 each white and black but on Blue we have like like 25 all right let's play another tfairy they probably have a violent outburst and they're trying to decide can I beat this Crystal Brand the answer is like just no I'm going to bounce the olant and then they'll be way [Music] behind yeah we're going to play limit for sure these okay X okay Saker clue draw X cards get X life now that's a Agatha Soul called ability huh ETB investigate it doesn't I I agree probably not very good but cool thank you for linking It Isn't it nice of your opponent to like put the gristle brand into play for you you don't even have to to sack it like you do with goros um I think drawing seven now is probably correct get my other white Source now now we're going back to ravika and I I for one will not complain about going ra back to Ravnica ravnik is cool didn't find a Solitude or grief I mean I only have Solitude in the de I was kind of looking for a grief did the odora pitching a living they pitching a living end here should I Emirate my subtlety no I guess I'm not dead outware cuz I have the ephemerate although I am dead if they like let me block first and I block here so I I'll keep it up I guess we other hand is olant two mystery cards if they send both at me we can think that they have air and block the curator I guess or they both get trample oh they both get trample yeah we're de we're still dead to infate okay they're spinning both at tfairy instead so let's block the uh curator gain seven to FY down um if they living in again we can dig for a force of negation somewhat likely to find it I guess we'll get subtlety and archaeologist in play also one card left of their deck did not find it not ideal yeah they should be out of living in so I'll just I'll subtle to this unless the one mystery card is another Living End yeah they put on the bottom I guess we put this in our hand do I ephemerate my archaeologist I think so I guess how many Emirates do I have left I have one in my hand here yeah with the attrax ETB and these etbs it seems so hard to Breck obviously I want to Mill over an ATT trxa which I'm pretty likely to do with the six okay there's there's at least another epate not not h a force of negation there is pretty tough okay uh uh there's a force of negation so we still haven't M over a traxa so I I I guess that I'm Just tfairy Bounce olant Chum block curator combo next or Goro's on their InStep did I find a grief also no griefs in like the top four 42 cards it's fine okay discard fetch fetch atraxa preordain archaeologist breeding pool I guess well I guess breeding pool is maybe better than this m any yeah still still have some more I also have gristle brand for the attack I guess I could discard one of the blue can trips oh they're attacking me I'm just going to take take four right yeah just take four they can't violent Outburst because of T fairy cuz this this let me attack for lethal in one go maybe they have another blocker or something thing sure can probably find uh air off this attracts a trigger for lethal take tfairy take grief preordain Force ofation get the flooded strand out of the deck all right so three and0 ever splice goros uh I think I have spliced goros one time yeah this thank you perod in yeah we get a trophy prediction going a little late but we can get it [Music] going yeah I did I did I did get the news that they B Fury uh I'm going to get a drink too real quick hold [Music] on it's me your friend Asing Spike what's up it's me your friend Asing SP okay sorry about that what's up it's me your friend aspiring Spike perfect uh perfect cards on top think you even grief them here well they M to [Music] five yeah I think you grief them here we may be missing a blue card for Force yeah this is kind of exactly it like taking their I guess you could force the th Seas uh you take the th SE take a hit from ragavan play the inferior reanimator deck take rag no I'm not going to take I'm going to take I'm just going to take one hit from ragavan and throw it in track set at them why would you take ragab ad take the thies every time take the thies here actually oh yeah I guess you didn't watch us put a tracks on top with the the pre- orane don't care if you have bow Masters do not care reprieve you don't have reprieve dude like to prer White Mana do kind of have to find an ephemerate we get you know tin looks pretty favored ding ding ding fate Solitude Fountain oh so their graveyard he is probably line/ doy void Walker so we definitely want these purges and then I think we bring in tfairy against the probable L line deck I want the Force negations also since they're a persist deck I think don't know if I care that much about their persist plan if we just like leave in all of our solitudes could may cut all of our forces Purge also gets their stuff probably what probably what one or two forces but I think I think we can go down on the card why don't we also trim a mending and trim a preordain I don't I like to go less than six looters right is the pr good enough to hit bow Masters there are lay line binding decks we have to bring in or they're probably oh quad ATT Tres they're probably a line binding deck so you have to bring into fairies at least that's my usual strap okay no l line b or no l line I say binding L of the Void probably takes gorio might I don't think you want to take mending with the flashback yeah take goros good draw of course uh Fountain bottom two non lands shout out to consider although didn't find the land yet either playing against SC we're playing against the r ghost reanimator deck okay I'm going to I'm going to go for mending here shout out to consider I guess it's always nice against like the possible dothy deck to bend the uh graveyard the the tracks before like layer dothy come down does feel like we're going to get bow mastered so G we find a goros plus get to gain the two life back so it's like pretty balanced that they're doing this um think I'll put back the tfairy it would be it would be pretty nice to find like either a land or black card maybe land and archaeologist into black card didn't find a land let's just go archaeologist into hopefully goros you could have discarded tracks to the hand size I yeah I could have discarded four tracks as the hand size with the first hand oh we might be getting blood mooned they F to basic end of turn might be getting blood mooned double bow Master be weird it is double bow Master Okay so let's draw goros or Solitude I guess both would be great miss yeah if if I find Solitude I'm still okay obviously we're to cast PR dat into triple on board bow Master H I've draw the goros what a rubb in okay game three okay on the draw I feel like I would force a little L right let's try this okay on the blade Mullan or seven keep our six foot back solitude puton it's also a mold to six mold to five maybe digging for line we have the purge molds to four perant faery I guess there's a l line would be nice to like obviously like save the purges and bounce bounce the tfairy next turn it's a little too little too greedy all right let's good to Plains they may have boarded in Blood Moon see if they have bow Master they did m a four does have a bow master so I think I'll just plus see Safir is always so weird against bow master don't like that find a force of negation not uh really very useful here not yet at Le maybe they'll like play Blood Moon Over void Walker this turn or something their one mystery card is a second bow Master we probably lose last card could be not a spell yeah I think I should probably just Purge the void Walker this turn oh oh yeah I we have a tarian Exile I don't really care if they C a fair because I have fors I like actively want them to do that I guess also bad to like grief if the last cards archon so obviously these um looters are kind of locked into my hand until I draw a tracka probably uh we can hard cast grief and stabilize if we draw land archaeologist also stabilizes us ephemerate is a really good hit here potentially also milit trxa we do find the ephemerate which is nice so I could I could grief I have a feeling the last card is like archon or persist so let's um let's not let's just hold up the ephemerate I kind I I want both of my epate triggers to be on archaeologist anyways just dig six for an attractor gristle brand seems like they it could also be a land I think I think the last card is a land an archon or a oh it's not it's a spell this this was the top deck though that it was a land that was the top deck so we do Mill over gristle brand we don't we get a counter on archaeologist but now we lose our uh Gore is can't grief the top of the deck right on time with the grief another fun raveler oh but we drew gorio for turn let's go yeah I think hit the traxa obviously could Breck on the Fate here potentially we did break on a f rate but says rip it 5 gg gg to you opponent you may concede now you may concede I'm playing scam but Aron persist pan yeah we saw okay already had a trophy prediction going play get the I us I usually do keep these blood stay Meer it's pretty awkward if we get thought seed not getting thought seized we already played against G sh Shadow once this league we did obviously we won flips it to [Music] fairy I think I probably don't Solitude like drawing a white card is probably a good plan if they um and like scamming the Solitude is a good plan if they counter my goros main phase seek the Beast looking for land I guess finds a well puts a dust shot in the graveyard and then they reveal blood Crypt swamp Okay what does my shirt say it says give your heart to humanity or whatever the attack on Titan slogan is yeah just draw white card now salty defate would be nice I guess also okay we did draw the white card uh it's an eate so obviously like it's so [Music] close I'm stressing let's let's just go and pass for now um like there's a chance it's just better to Solitude main phase Exile chanler which also kills Shadow and then they just have the ragavan but Solitude plus ephemerate is is like a pretty good plan to like to like make them but obvious obviously like losing both eates is a big problem so I don't know I think passing is the worst choice I mean I might still Solitude ephemerate like if I if I'm going to solitud defate I want to pass I think maybe that's not true why not do it on my turn can't you respond to rebound by Goro's thing um I don't I guess I I can can't die huh I haven't done that trick very often that does work you respond to the Exile okay so this worked out this worked out so insanely well this is this is as good as people always say Solitude is against Shadow passing was the worst Choice yeah I always forget about this trick oh this is so dirty I don't like this okay I'm going take grief okay yeah good move chat good move yeah that that also might have been the best Solitude emerant I've ever seen Solitude should have been it should have been the one band brother I tell you what there's no way I'm playing around it I go bring in the stonies usually they're all Gard hate based artifact or gra beard Tape Art artifact based gra beard tape um T fairy can be kind of weak against them on the draw I think I want more on the play might just want like pendings on the draw could go down to tfairy may go down in bending then the play will be up to fairies I think uh I don't really like this hand very much we have solitude eate but no white Source we can probably preordain for one if I get th SE his hand kind of sucks my opponent's on a molda six archaeologist is pretty great in this matchup I'll keep it I guess it's just not a match up you want to Mullan that aggressively in once a mold to five yeah this is yeah finally like is De deck broken of modern is actually true we need to borrow on the tracks if I play this deck in an rcq this weekend I think I only have three maybe I have four I need to dig uhoh that's bad put a mold to five I guess I guess I probably should have already solitud to this actually before they untapped shout out to consider shout out to consider kind of they have another one okay landh okay listen Solitude is good sometimes Solitude sometimes is just him to tr yourself making those Shadows harder to cast just draw land and refill they shock in stomping ground so fast shock in water Graves so fast they're at 16 can't Shadow giganta right into the hand land off the top for me wait that was than the script Ted Indulgence was not what the script said draw bobble for [Music] turn so they have three spells in their hand one two of them are or one of them two one of them you can't the don't bow Master me oh counter sure okay whatever one step closer to Juicy J fetching is main phase A vibe what is this main phase cycle dress down okay weird right your turn yeah I feel like they have a shadow at least one shadow come on just like had eight looks at of land it's okay we game three yeah I put them all to five discarded track set a hand size I guess [Music] ragavan is exiling a land for sure 100% Exiles a land I think I have no outs yeah Exile is a flun strand okay we can maybe see if they have any juicy cboard cards okay more drowns uh good to know they have all these or have heat at post war to maybe I don't think you need the pendings on the play just go up to Fort of fairies I think can play only two stonies against them maybe because it's hard to know how much graveyard hate they have but obviously like you really have to shut down their graveyard hate and it's usually like C as n spell bomb Stone to be reach maybe I'm gonna go I'm I'm gonna M get this one there's no pre- day uh keep this on six it's not very good put back second Solitude maybe or fourth land I guess we put back fourth land yeah heartbreaking not trophy so to Fair get thought [Music] Seas third in the challenge always so weird to like Splash for card like question J and only play three they took a Solitude so weird I guess they just have a good answer for tfairy so why don't we just wait and play grief next turn yeah breeding pool is for yeah pending SL hardcast trxa you I've we might hardcast traa this game because like of all the games we've played so far weirdly likely oh there's no graveyard hate yeah I guess like maybe if I looked at this sooner I'm not I don't have to bring in the stonies it's okay like most most decks are going to have graveyard hate all right let's cost a grief it's nice they can't drown it wrong one two drowns one Unholy heat just take the relevant card I guess like that makes sense could Solitude the shadow now but then if I Solitude the shadow they can drown the [Music] grief already knew about the blood crypts like I can take six one time can I yeah I mean if I just draw a land I I I really want to be able to draw a land in hardcast solitude I think they're not holding up drown holy [ __ ] can we please punish them for this oh I T tapped really bad [ __ ] so tilting definitely was not the right play I think on their part all right so we probably have to YOLO Indulgence in of turn can't really Indulgence in response then is just a gantha I'm down to five archaeologist is the best draw okay now we can top deck solitudes I guess drw land for term so Solitude is like really the only out I guess I could still archaeologist inor ATT trxa um do I want to not crack this fetch so that I could draw mending like specifically mending into gor's ATT trxa I no I I can't even do that cuz I mending I have to describe both cards I draw and Indulgence is just draw too so I think I think it's right to uh fetch of turn all right come on Solitude tough okay still pretty good 41 can Mo I think I think that's that game two keep was fine you usually keep one land pre-ordained hands on the draw just never never found second land uh yeah don't think we weren't supposed to go to Five here that's what it is deck's very good though I think there's a a good chance I played in whatever tournament I choose to play this weekend I liked it um don't know if I want to do another one of this I think what I want to do it next I guess what thought SE I think I I go to one or zero [Music] right [Music] w
Channel: Aspiringspike
Views: 18,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern, mtg, mtg arena, gameplay, cgb, magic the gathering, covertgoblue, mtga, standard deck, new cards, mythic, collectible card game, trading card game, tcg, ccg, magic, magic: the gathering online (video game), magic: the gathering (game), magic: the gathering arena,, cool stuff inc
Id: 2F5NeQLu4Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 35sec (4655 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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