URBEX | Snuck inside a decommissioned destroyer at a naval base

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That seems unwise

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ArttuH5N1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ah yes. Recording yourself trespassing on military hardware. Very wise

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SparrowFate ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dome Boi

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Universal_Potato_105 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
in this episode we visit an epic decommissioned naval ship [Music] we are on our way to visit a naval ship for our sponsor world of warships there are a few on my list for over 10 years nobody has explored them yet probably because they are located on an active naval base sounds like a cool mission right so military people are walking already so yeah it's always the question is there an entrance otherwise we do all the effort for nothing but that's always the case of irma exploring it yeah it looks doable to get on the ship so the ship is called the crest and it's one of the two destroyers and the sovereign class of the french navy which served from 1970 until 2007 the ship was developed to protect aircraft carriers against air and submarine attacks it had a crew of 360 men including 23 officers this is how the ship look like in its full glory if you like warships you should definitely check out our sponsor world of warships it's a free pc game and there are over 400 historical warships where you can play with with this game you'll learn a lot of warships in a fun way you can do team-based battles that require different strategy and tactics as you might know i explored quite some decommissioned french warships so it's really cool to see these ships in action like the cruiser colbert the models look fantastic they are really detailed and you can even customize your own ships the way you like it soon long-awaited submarines will be added to the game i personally can't wait for that this is my own gameplay there are many beautiful maps from tropical islands to scenes in the arctic and i noticed even the weather changes during the game just have a look at this wonderful setting wow enemy spotted time to battle you use your scopes to aim at your enemy choose your ammunition and shoot what i really like about this game is that you can have the point of view of ammunition so you can see warships explode from nearby oh yes oh i got a torpedo alarm oh as you can see they just missed my ship i think i wouldn't have survived it the ship is in the bad state i'm still sailing victory second place in the group not too bad so guys show some love to world of warships and try the game using description link below if you register now and play one battle you get an exclusive starter pack you won't regret it we scout the area and look for possible entrances of the ship but it looks shot tight it's clear we can't board during the day so we wait at the beach after dinner we head back to the harbor uh still swimming at the military base all right i don't know what's going on here but oh okay funny yeah ah i think we need to wait a few more hours jesus it's 10 o'clock i want to start the paddle but people are still partying on the boat and eating on the boat and people are chilling at the naval school or naval base i don't know some tourists uh tourists here yeah people chilling at the beach right oh okay let's go i think we set the alarm clock from 1 30 until mission impossible begins that's so bad yeah let's hope it's possible let's hope nobody sees us yeah it's quite obvious i checked the activity and even after midnight ships are getting in and out of the bay it's going to be a challenge not to get seen it's a half past one people are still swimming and there are fishermen near the ships great we've got waterproof bags we shouldn't forget the oxygen meter all right i'm just gonna pack that too it's gonna take a while nice shot with the target in the background here we decide to give it a try the sea is calm at this point oh it's still hot it's two o'clock maybe even later unfortunately the best adventures are the hardest to record and film and we want to get on the ship as fast as possible i climbed the anchor like we did on some other naval ships and i check carefully for an entrance frank stays in the boat with all the gear in case we fail [Music] entrance i hope something is open i'm really thrilled and excited and the bad thing is you can't see anything and there's a naval base i found an entrance oh my god i find an entrance how we lift up all our gear here you can see the massage missile [Music] launcher [Applause] [Music] we make a few pictures on the deck and go inside we made it inside this time we brought a gas and oxygen meter towards those things in these confined spaces right now is how these work so that's good it's now installing it i'm really curious all right so i'm gonna film my phone we're just gonna find some kind of home base where we can drop our stuff i already checked we have to climb up here and then down again should i go up [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm yep all right let's go down here yeah i'm just gonna hold it all right now we have to go in here and we're already inside yeah i think i went down last time i don't know yeah i went down we're inside the ship and oxygen levels are still fine but it's pretty hot in here you see 31 degrees we're enjoying the view with some wine and some french cheese great yeah cheers man my great adventure i think uh the sun comes up soon almost 5. so we're on the bridge now and we're out of sight so we can just chill outside and we have some light and some fresh air so it's a really cool spot to chill out i hang out so uh yeah i'm gonna sleep for a few hours and then we're gonna explore the ship and really looking forward to it hopefully you sleep a few hours oh yeah yeah ah i think the sun will be burning in us in a few hours already we'll see can't sleep from excitement and instead i keep an eye on activity around the bay [Music] good morning guys it's pretty busy in the harbor so we have to stay here the whole day luckily there are some windows open so we can uh see the outside it's pretty nice weather it was the stadium the steering yeah pretty cool unbelievable actually a big faster like this just one little window small window yeah but also in the box you uh serve the engines uh sweet it's tall that's low so it could be controlled uh separately yeah also in the engine room you've got normally the same for chief engineer cool i've seen quite some ships so i hope to see something new we enter the combat information center and are amazed of the equipment which is left behind you can find a 3d sensory radar a surface and low altitude radar and a multi-system targeting radar for electronic warfare they had decoy missiles and tau torpedo decoy to draw the torpedo away from its target i think this is the biggest one i've ever seen there's even more on the left [Music] sweet i like it so it is at the air warfare at the submarine warfare at the surface warfare and also electronic warfare so uh quite a lot and this one ship [Music] my [Music] this is cool [Music] check zone nato secret okay so uh only a few people could get into this room and it's uh locked but we're gonna peek inside oh i think we can from the other side so here's the nato secret room perhaps just a communication room once more here on this side yeah they took a lot out yeah it was too secret i think i think we're close to the radar would be epic if it would be still inside i've seen another one and they took it out there i dismantled it really a shame it's still there oh my god here you can hear the helicopter it's crazy on this i've never seen something like this we're in the big dome of the ship which houses a dbri 23 radar the raider is operating in l band treaty air and surface surveillance and target designation radar designed for the french massacre surface-to-air missiles just uh construction to all this it's really hard to show your it's really big the drbi 23 raider is only installed aboard the french navy's air defense destroyers in the safran class [Music] the whole engine with the to turn it on it's a very big insulation now that was a nice surprise right yeah it's cool um where should we go next we should go down because i think we're still one of the top floors great start this is the view of a smaller radar inside the ship pc intel room this is uh this room is blocked you can see inside i really love the corridors huh you don't see them in modern ships anymore but it's really nice for pictures oh there's the kitchen let's see i could uh get some food here here's the canteen it's crazy they removed all the wood but the left and the eye won't work it's actually not so big one no i think we will see a multiple of these because there was like a crew of 350 people so that's quite a lot we also find a huge kitchen with all the equipment you can imagine [Music] you can see how long the ship is so the ship is 160 meter i have to figure out how much feed it is i don't know if you see it but it's pretty long yeah [Applause] there is another canteen but it's emptied just uh some leftovers by the way i feel pretty okay here for uh scouting skip the night barely slept in the last four nights we go to the left side maybe left oh oh yeah yeah the luxurious ones all the kind of noise here definitely there for officers here yeah that's pretty luxurious for one guy just one bath smelly man these are the beds for the sailors just in the corridor oh here in the bow of the ship huh big room just like 30 40 people slept here huh much more much more yeah no oh jesus crazy would be really smelly yeah with all the socks stinky socks i think they forgot a few uh [Laughter] guess we're gonna walk a lot of staircases today we're at the x-ray room you see x-ray but uh this was the operating theater oh yeah yeah no so you see on each ship they strip different they're supposed to be bats here you know the special bats for the sick people yeah too bad they're gone [Music] in each ship you can find floor plans they always come in handy when you don't find a specific room [Music] we find them a circa hangar it looks pretty different than the one on kozo kalber oh because it's very smoothly yeah so many control panels man each got its own operator buttons with the safety covers over but you cannot push it by accident by accident yeah it's uh dummy proof it's the panic button chaos [Applause] yeah it's not here let's walk over there and then i can show you a picture of how this normally looked like so it was a huge missile hanging here unfortunately there are no dummy missiles here the mazurka missile was a first generation naval surface-to-air missile system developed and used by the french navy planned as the primary air defense missile system of the first generation of french guided missile ships it was only used aboard the two safran class frigates and a cruiser colbert [Music] my circa was retired from service in 2009 without ever having been fired in anger and replaced by another missile the ship was also equipped with exocet missiles they were developed in the 70s and were a cheap and effective solution against ships we find the control room for firing the missiles [Music] yeah they and were boat and the submarine and they could also uh shoot and land a lot of these covers to the bottom you could do a lot wrong huh yeah i think so uh telephone when this one was hanging then oh hell bro close [Music] [Music] yeah that leads also to compartments [Music] but probably nothing to see and i think we will go to engine oh really well we can try turn the oxygen meter on [Music] the pump show me the pump oh yeah 29 degrees inside this one was running already with the clear oxygen so sweet yeah so this time we're safe the first time i enter a ship in the safeway watch out because it's not so nice all uh to go to no oh it's just sleeping oh yeah yeah sleeping we will see uh plenty of those a lot of people are laying here a lot yeah there are really big rooms normally there are like nine people or something but here there are like dozens like ants by each other yeah but here we are almost at the back side of the ship there's a big tumbler for something i think oh yeah let's see we're at water level can you hear it dope it's too cramped all right oxygen meter is still okay yes it's sweet we enter the valley of the ship where we find the workshop the generators and the engine room [Music] oh you hurt your head a little bit uh there's a generator yes but electricity yeah or something [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh crazy yeah you can just keep on finding new things postcard yeah i wouldn't expect a card here it's a letter from a navy seal who misses a second family i don't know what it is but then [Music] we find the control room of the engine room [Music] so [Music] there should be more uh missile rooms here really close maybe a little bit to the left should be somewhere here [Music] we find the torpedo hangar where torpedoes were loaded and fired the missiles were loaded from those corners to these things that fired [Music] see it came from here and then go up here you can't read it anymore oh yeah [Music] permission translation [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um um [Music] it's really sunny but it started to get really really windy we might have lost our boat maybe maybe yeah yeah and another problem we still have to get back to the shore and well the current is luckily i don't know going to the shore but it's pretty wild we'll see waiting for the sun to set so we can get off the ship safely and hopefully unseen [Music] uh [Music] luckily we dyed the boat good enough and we get into the choppy water red and it's wild bit more challenging than the way to the ships oh my god there's a really strong wind after some struggle we get back to the shore we made it some deserved pizza and beer finally you
Channel: Exploring the Unbeaten Path
Views: 365,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exploring the unbeaten path, urbex, abandoned, abandoned warships, abandoned warship, abandoned naval ship, abandoned destroyer, D603, D603 Duquesne, urbex france, abandoned france, urban exploring, decommissioned ship, decommissioned ships, decommissioned navy ships, decommissioned naval ships, naval ship, combat information center, forbidden, infiltration, cruiser, urban exploration, exploring abandoned ships, exploring abandoned ship, ship exploring
Id: TsZqdXJsRk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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