URBEX | Exploring retired cruise ship MS Astor

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In this episode I explore the decommissioned cruise ship MS Astor. The cruise industry is hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because the maintanance costs are immense high, many older cruiseships were sold.....to be scrapped. I made a trip to Turkey to document these and some other abandoned locations. Turkey has a weekend curfew for Turkish people. It's surreal to drive in empty cities and empty highways. Also tourist attractions are eerily empty, like the most visited attraction in Ankara, the Mausoleum of Atatürk. We get to the bay where the cruise ship is located. There's a street full with shops where you can buy all kind of objects from ships. Thanks to BMS GEMI who gave me an hour to explore the legendary MS Astor. Because I had limited time to explore the vessel I put on a gopro and make a walkthrough. The ship is pretty slanted, which makes it harder to explore and make pictures. Don't get seasick! The MS Astor was built in 1987 and was designed on the 1981 Astor. But with more powerful engines, additional facilites and was 12 meters longer, with a total lenght of 176 meter. The MS Astor had a maximum capacity of 600 passengers, 300 crewmembers and was more spacious than other vessels. The MS Astor sailed all over the world and was named 'Fedor Dostoevskiy' when it Sailed under the Soviet Union from 1988 to 1995. In 2008 The Astor almost became the victim of a pirate attack, but a nearby frigate could ward off the threat before the pirates reached the ship. In 2010 the ship got a 19 million dolllar refit. The ship was furnished in traditional style, using a lot of dark wood and many public rooms have high ceilings. In 2019 they announced the ship would be renamed as Jules Verne and would be deployed in the French market in 2021. But that came to and end due the Covid-19 pandemic.The ship was actioned and sold for scrap. In the end of 2020 the Astor was beached in Turkey. At the time of publishing this video the ship is completely scrapped.
Channel: Exploring the Unbeaten Path
Views: 761,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cruise ship ms astor, abandoned cruise ship, retired cruise ship, mothballed cruise ship, urbex cruise ship, ms astor, ms astor scrapped, cruise ship scrap, cruise ship scrap yard, cruise ship, cruise ship explore, explore abandoned cruise ship, historical cruise ship, bob thissen, exploring the unbeaten path, urbex 2021, urbex turkey, terk edilmiş yolcu gemisi, abandoned turkey, abandoned ship turkey, abandoned ship, abandoned cruise liners, astor, Verlaten cruise schip
Id: RIoMPnmxhI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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