Dungeons of Infinity | Playthrough | With Colin

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the one stop co-op shop this is colin and today we are going to do a play through of dungeons of infinity this game is just delivering for all the kickstarter backers i actually did not back this one jack reached out to me and sent it to me and so i'm very lucky to be able to play it for you guys today it is really fun i'm excited to show it to you now the game comes with this look at this it's a campaign book now the uh every game can be played not every most of them can be played either cooperatively or competitively and you've got one-off scenarios that are in the front and then the best part of the entire thing though that jack has done is he has created a campaign and his campaign is very interesting he set it out into 10 chapters each chapter focuses on one of the 10 base heroes in the game there's 10 base heroes you would have seen that in the intro and uh what you do is each chapter is three dungeons long and so you'll do those three dungeons and you'll learn more about that character as well the as well as this overarching story and you've got ten chapters times three dungeons that's 30 scenarios that go together to create a story now i've only played the first one but my son and i really like it and we're excited to keep going they also have mini campaigns where you do maybe a multiple like three cam three scenarios from the beginning part of this book in a row to create a mini campaign and you can play those cooperatively or competitively what we're going to do in this one we're going to play the orb quest this quest will take about 60 to 180 minutes since i'm playing it two player i'd probably put it closer to the 90 minute mark uh we'll play for a bit i might jump ahead and finish the game or i might just do the whole thing we'll see we'll see how long it takes while we're doing the playthrough we have our setup here we have our dungeon lord is going to be random and you'll see this when we set up we've got our tile content chart we're going to pick is random we have our dungeon infinity tiles now these are just your basic dungeon tiles this is what we're going to be exploring in we're actually going to set them up in a specific way here shuffle and place the tiles in three stacks of 10 10 to the east 10 to the west and 10 to the north south or middle and when you move east you draw from that stack when you move west draw from the other strack when you move north or south draw from the north south stack when a stack is gone you can no longer move in that direction kind of a cool way of forcing you to move around a dungeon not just go one specific way so i've got my three stacks there's a total of 30 dungeon tiles that are out so i've got my 30 dungeon tiles out and ready to go we have here we're going to roll one d20 the result is the tile number and this is for setting up our orb and sentinel we'll roll one d20 the result is the tile number where the orb is located and that's what we're trying to do we're trying to find the orb we're going to draw a random sentinel or more well since we're only playing two player we're going to be just drawing one and place it face down on the table with an orb card taken from the risk body deck and you'll see what that is in a second place both cards face down on the table and put the roll to die on the top of the stack to remind you which tile has the sentinel and the orb you must defeat the sentinel sentinel to get the orb and you can see here one two three player one sentinel so you can play this with just one i've liked it the most at two i've played one game with solo and it was good but i like the interaction with two heroes so we're gonna do two we have some special rules here when the tile containing the orb is first revealed your hero may retreat without being attacked normally that's not the case normally if you reveal a tile with enemies you have to try and escape them and they might get a free attack on you that won't happen here when the orb room is revealed follow the tile content chart as normal except place any minions called for on the stack with the sentinel when the room is next entered by a hero the minions will attack before the sentinel all minions and the sentinel must be defeated to retrieve the orb one ap is required to pick up the orb if you have four or five we can ignore that our goal is just to retrieve the orb and return it to the starting tile without any heroes becoming exhausted that's our cooperative our cooperative goal we'll give our d20 a quick roll and we've got a 4. so tile 4 is where that orb is going to be i've drawn a random sentinel and you can tell it's a sentinel because the back side of it says that they are a sentinel and i've grabbed one of the orbs it doesn't really matter which one it is this gloom weaver is protecting this orb and we need to defeat that gloom weaver on tile 4. here we have our tile content charts i'm going to go ahead and randomly mess them up like so and let's go ahead and grab this one this will be our tile chart so if we find tile 1 through six there's going to be a body in there if we have a tile seven through twelve it'll be a debris 13 through 19 is missed and 20 through 25 is a chest you can always play on hard by flipping it over and it'll have different numbers the biggest thing is the mists are where you're going to find enemies normally so there's more missed tiles on the heart ah this game is definitely hard enough so we'll stay on the standard side for this play through now it wouldn't be a great dungeon delver if we didn't have tons of decks of cards i love it uh so we have our body cards where we could find lots of different potential loot or enemies miss which is almost always enemies debris could also be totally random who knows we find in debris and then chest cards chess cards are generally good things like gold and gold you can turn into coins if you go back to the merchant uh they have a coin value but they also take up a carrying spot because they're heavy but then you can go to the merchant and trade it in for actual coins now in each of these stacks there are two different kinds of cards that you might see you might see ones that have these symbols right here they're called catastrophic events i highly recommend your first few plays removing them i'm going to remove them for this play through because i find them to be very challenging and i like i said i feel like it's challenging enough the other thing is the campaign has all of these awesome cards in it okay so all of these ones it's got this symbol up on the right you're going to want to pull all of those out of these decks as well because you don't want to use those in a regular one-off scenario and then you will pull those or bring those into the game in the actual campaign over on our left-hand side over here we have our sentinel enemies these are stronger enemies but they don't move just like the enemies that you reveal from the miss will not move out of that room that they're in and then we have the dungeon lord so there are three dungeon lords in the base game uh and there's this dungeon lord deck here which actually tells you what they do how they activate so you're going to get both of those shuffle them up and i should say all of these decks are shuffled whenever you do this you always are going to shuffle all of them up so when the dungeon lord comes out will reveal which one we're going to fight against or run away from probably run away from because we aren't going to know what it is that's the way i like to play way over here on this side we have our reward deck so when we do get into combat we can potentially earn these reward cards and that's a huge deck and then over here are the minions that we'll be fighting however once again if this is the first time that you're playing or if you're recording like i am get rid of all the ones that have a star on them those are the stretch goal enemies and they are hard uh don't need them oh also i have one of them that's also for the campaign i have removed all of those from the minion deck you can uh you can include them if you want but he recommends you only include one set of them so like there are four of these power constructs so maybe just shuffle in the four power constructs if you decide to don't put all of them in it can get pretty brutal now i've talked about the merchant a little bit at the beginning of the game us as heroes can buy stuff from the merchant and we can always go back to the merchant later in the game the merchant has two decks an item deck and a weapon or equipment deck so what you do to start off the game is you'll have these shuffled you'll draw six of these items and four of the weapons or equipment and those are available to purchase at the beginning of the game our six items we have available to us are the scroll of silence draw zero lord event cards and produce zero noise for three turns that's ridiculous uh the massive power scroll but man those are both costing six or we can get a pickaxe we can get a rope we can get a key or we can get a health potion here we have our four equipment cards we got a fine sword that's pretty awesome that'll increase our power and increase our hit chance by two we've got a staff we've got a fire robe and we've got an axe so now what i'll do with all these cards is place them off to the side next let's talk about our threat meter so at the beginning of the game that dungeon lord doesn't know we're in the dungeon but as we do certain actions we're going to decrease this threat this threat tracker all the way down to zero once we do that we start drawing those dungeon lord event cards and when we draw one that has a number that matches any of the tiles out on the board he spawns or she spawns i think most of them are he's uh they spawn and then they're just gonna try and chase us down uh so we start since we're playing at two player at 14 for our threat meter and things that will cause us to go down if we run it's gonna go down if we begin combat it's gonna go down by two and if we reveal a dungeon tile we're gonna also push it down heroes may also have abilities that state you need to draw a dungeon card because whatever you're doing is really loud and if that happens when the the threat meter is out instead of drawing a card you reduce the threat meter by the amount that is on the card now let's go ahead and meet our two heroes and actually i'm going to be playing with two female heroes because i think they're pretty awesome there are 10 you guys 10 in the base game tons to choose from and there's lots going on in this player board so over here on the top left hand side you see your hit chance whenever you're rolling dice you're trying to get to that number or lower so this game lower is better i'm not really good at rolling dice low so we'll see how that how that works noise whenever you start rolling or rolling drawing dungeon lord cards a lot of times they might say the noisiest hero or noise equal to some level this is how noisy your hero is now that's if they haven't done something that's louder but so our base value for um cepherene here is a noise of three she can carry a total of four items there are some items that are considered pocket items and one of those which you actually start off with in the game you start off with three coins now that's not three gold three coins the coins you can put in your pocket so they don't take up any slots and we can use that to buy any items that are at the market right at the beginning we can see here this is our power that's how we're going to determine how much damage we do when we do an attack our defense if we do get hit our action points how many action points we have this tells us what level we're at we're at level one up here that's our total health when we get below five we become weakened hopefully that never happens but uh weakened isn't good i'll just put it that way down here it shows you what types of items you can hold in your hands so we can only hold a staff feet we can have a certain type of feet footwear that we can wear here's a certain type of body wear that we can wear we have weaknesses to certain attacks so we're weak to cold attacks and to poison over here we have our lord event actions so once the lord event i should say the dungeon lord is revealed he's out on the table if ever we do any of these things so either run or combat at the end of our turn we're going to have to draw a dungeon lord card and if we do both then that means we have to draw two cards yeah yeah he's they're no fun okay i'm just saying we we want to avoid them next you want to grab the eight ability cards for your character now four of them will have level ones and four of them will be level two three four and five i'm going to take my two through five and just set them underneath here because we're not going to have access to those until we level up we will have access to our four level ones right off the get-go and we'll look at those as we start playing but make sure to grab those and you're good to go our second character here our assassin is saskia look at her she looks so cool hit chance 15 she can have swords or blades like knives or even axes she can't have any bodyweight because she needs to be able to move around fast so she can't have any sort of chain mail the only thing that's going to cause the lord event actions are actual combat her noises too so she's super quiet she can hold five items uh she has her four cards here uh she also has three coins she only has three action points around though instead of four we're now just about ready to start playing we want to grab out our starting tile we know it's the starting top because it is double-sided you can see this blue arrow you want to have that one closer to the edge of the table because this means that we cannot place any tiles past this farther south now normally all of these would just create one stack but because of our scenario we have three different stacks of tiles i'm not going to keep them here i'll keep them off the board so they're not in the way but i just wanted to show you that we're going to place both of our heroes now this game right now does have standees but what from what i understand the expansion that's coming out will include minis which will be pretty awesome uh so i'm gonna have them lay flat so you guys can see them with that though i think we're ready to start playing let's go ahead and look at our turn structure and then start the game turn structure in this game is nice and simple first you're going to determine initiative and pass out turn order tokens now if you're playing with any more than two players you'll all roll for for the initiative the lowest number die will go first that person who is the lowest number also has the opportunity to go last instead if they would like they're the only one that gets that option so because of that though since you're playing two player we can choose whoever's going to go first each round so i'm not going to even worry about rolling for initiative then we've got our players turns when it's your turn you can use action points so we've got four for a sephon ring and three for saskia then we can also draw or we will have to draw enemy lord events card as a result of any ability or risk cards but at the beginning that will be decreasing the threat meter instead and then if we have any effects on our health or experience we immediately update those as well then after our turn we'll have to draw lord event cards based on the actions listed on our hero board as long as they're out and then adjust any counters that haven't moved then uh we'll do the same thing for both players after both players have gone what we'll do is we'll look at any of the enemies that are on the board see if they have any abilities that apply we'll also decrease any of our event length meters and the merchant also has some merchant tokens that we use to if we want the merchant to go grab a specific item for us it can take three turns but we can actually get them to put us a specific item in the merchant area so that we can buy it later so we'll take all of those down let's jump into the play through shall we so i think i'm going to have sephinrene go first so i'm going to give her this one shield token to remind myself of them when it's your first turn of the game you get to go to the merchant for free normally it costs 2ap to go to the merchant let's do it for free so we'll go there and we can buy anything that we want with our three coins there are two cards in the equipment deck that look awesome for her we've got the fire robe here that's going to increase her defense by one and we have our staff here although it is two-handed uh that will increase her power by one that's going to cost her all three coins so she's going to give up all three to the merchant but that does mean she can now slot these on her hero board because the staff takes two hands jack recommends putting it between the two spots to remind yourself so that's why i've placed it here i've updated her power to four and then the fire robe over here you can see the symbol matched some of the uh body items are fire mage would not be able to wear but this one she can ice also has no effect which is awesome because that was one of her weaknesses it's no longer a weakness from how i understand that so she now has a defensive four and a power of four and that took no actions which is awesome after going to the merchant saskia is not going to be at a disadvantage because she went second so we're going to replace the two cards that stephan purchased and she purchased two of these equipment items so we're going to replace them with a sword and a bow we can also ask the merchant to run and grab us something from the deck it'll take them three rounds to get it so we're gonna ask for the super health potion potion which can help heal but we're gonna have to wait three rounds before that's available at the merchant then we'll have to go back there and actually buy it if we want it but hey i definitely think healing 10 health would be amazing so let's go ahead and ask for that and hopefully we'll get it now we'll move into stefanren's first actions and her first action she's going to do is called firelight she's going to use one of her four ability cards this card here will cost us one of our ap so we'll have three left it states here we can reveal undiscovered rooms based on our level well our level is one so it's going to be one room fire light travels straight and is stopped by walls after we do this we have to draw a lord event card and surprise events are no longer in that in effect now remember that lord event card we're not going to have to actually draw instead we're going to decrease that threat meter let's go ahead and shoot our fire light straight north so i grabbed one of the north tiles flipped it over and do you see that we have this spot here that has the blue arrow we have to connect that room that way oh this is tile 12. if we look at our tile content chart number 12 is debris one more and that would have been a mist so what we'll do is we'll grab a debris token and we'll drop it here someone for one ap if they would like to would go into here and check out what this debris is now that we've resolved our fire light we won't move down our threat meter by one so we'll go down to 13. now the fun part about our ability cards is you never have to discard them so seven ring still has the fire light available to her so she's going to go ahead and use it again for action 2. i'm just going to do this now so i don't forget decrease our threat meter by one again we're going to go down to 12 and let's go ahead and reveal over here and we have tile number six remember we need to find tile number four so it's actually pretty close uh we'll place it here don't forget that we cannot go south so this room we can only go farther left if we want to this is a wall we have a wall up here so we kind of blocked ourselves off this way yeah we can see how we're building the dungeon number six oh number six is a body so we found a body in this room but still no mist so i think for our third action we're going to do the same thing use our fire light and check out this area we'll go down to an 11 and we'll reveal our tile from over here and we have a tile number 15. oh this one's going up this way a number 15 beautiful that is a mist so now normally when you move in and you reveal a mist you potentially could have a surprise effect or surprise event we can just discard the effect of that and we can find out what enemies are in there that means that sasuke when she moves in there can have the advantage of knowing what she's going to encounter we'll reveal that top missed card and when we have ha we have a surprise event not even going to read it because we don't have to worry about it all we have to do is draw h plus one enemies h is the number of heroes we have two heroes two heroes plus one we're going to draw a total of three minions three minions are going to be in that room let's see what we find for our first three minions we have a sub demon oh so up here it tells us the total health of the enemy it's four this tells us their hit chance so they're trying to roll uh what is that a 15 yeah 15 or lower this tells us what their power is their power is 5 and they attack with ice so if you've weakness to ice they're going to deal plus 2 damage to you they can actually attack at a range range of three over here they are weak to fire attacks and they have a total of four defense or armor okay that was our first one our second one is just a basic skeleton hits on a 15 or lower oh he has poison so if you're weak to poison which of course um stefan reen is weak to poison and then our third one we have is a skeleton warrior this one oh it has a minus one here so what that means is your hit chance is reduced by one when you attack them that's kind of their way of reducing your chances of hitting them and he hits on a 16 4 health power of five however plus one power for each skeleton in the room there are two skeletons so his power is seven defense of four for every set of three enemies you get to draw one of these rewards cards now you don't get to look at it i'm just gonna place it with them but if i let's say had four minions i'd get to draw two of these but i only have three so i'm just going to draw one of these and i'll place them with the minions what i'll do now is i'll place this token here to denote that that's where those minions are so i'll place that a token there and then on these minions and reward card i'll just place this a token here to remind myself those are the enemies that are there if anyone walks into that room those enemies will immediately engage them i have one more action left for 7 ring i don't think i'm going to do anything i could and this is something unusual in this game that i've never seen before if i had an ability like this one let's say that costs three uh total action points i could start that one now with my one remaining action point and then at the beginning of my turn spend the first two actions finishing it however i'm not in combat so i can't do that i don't think so i don't want to move into that room because if i move in there the the enemies will immediately engage and then they will attack me because i have no more action points left so i'm just going to end my turn we now will move to saskia sasuke really likes to have either two swords or two knives and there happens to be two swords available to her at the merchant remember we can go to the merchant for free just on our first turn so i'm gonna go ahead and spend all three of my gold to buy a fine sword and a regular sword that's gonna increase our power by two and our hit chance by two as well our total power now is six that's awesome and our hit is 17 or lower it's gonna be hard for us to miss now because we have two swords out we're going to don the black this costs us zero action points as well it states attached to a hero board if there are two knives or swords equipped remains in effect as long as this condition is met if you look here we get plus two to our total action points that's what that symbol means is that's the action symbol so we're gonna get plus two action points as long as we have both of those wow that's really epic i you know yeah i haven't played her before we now have five action points and action points not only are they super helpful because you the more actions you do the more things that you can do enemies when you attack when they attack you you can lower their hit chance by however many action points you normally get so she because she's so quick with five action points she can dodge those attacks easier because enemies are gonna reduce their hit chance by five so cool we'll replace those two cards at the merchant with silent sandals and a shield well i feel like it's as good as time as any to start off with a combat remember you want as many action points as possible when you move into combat because that gives you more opportunities to do damage so i'm going to go ahead and move into this room and that's going to immediately move me into combat which means our threat meter gets pushed down by two so we're already down to nine yeah that dungeon lord's coming out quick whenever you get into combat you're gonna grab your enemies and place them out in front of you like so in sets of three once again like i was saying before for every set of three you're going to have a rewards card so if for example i had another minion i would place him up here and then i'd also place another reward card here when all the enemies up here are defeated then this reward card would be revealed we wouldn't get it we'd have to spend an action point in that room to pick it up but we could see what it is and how this works is if this enemy is defeated then this one would slide down like so same with if we defeated this enemy you're gonna always slide enemies down so you always have three in the front row because most of the minions will attack at range one but like this sub demon he could be up to three range back and still attack you yet they they can be brutal especially at higher player counts i will go ahead and take this back and now we have different options so what we could do is we could use one of our ability cards we have the windmill because if we have two swords we can do this we have uh the close encounters we can't do that so we don't have two knives but we have a shadow attack when attacking enemies focused on another hero so the only one that we can do is the windmill but that's gonna take two of our actions i don't think we're gonna start with that instead we're gonna spend one action point we're gonna go down to three and we're gonna do a basic attack so when you do a basic attack we have our two hit value of 15 uh then we add our two here that's a total of 17. we're going to declare our target our target's going to be this skeleton skirmisher and you should be pretty easy so we need to roll a 17 or lower to hit him we'll give our die a roll and we roll to three beautiful that means based on our power we're dealing him six points of damage with that six points of damage we need to look at his defense value his defense value is three nothing else is affecting that so we take our power which is six minus his defense which is three we're going to deal him three points of damage his health is three that means he's removed and we've defeated him now something i'm just going to explain here let's say we attacked him for only two points of power damage he has a total of three armor if you deal zero or negative one points of damage you will still deal one damage to the enemy if you do less than that let's say it was minus two or minus three you wouldn't deal any damage i think that's just a way of even a high defense enemy you can still hit even if you get to zero or negative one but since we right now are three above we deal the three damage we defeat him so i'm gonna remove him and i'll gain one experience point now i'll gain that one experience point even if i didn't defeat him i just have to hit an enemy as long as i hit the enemy i'll gain an experience point i'll use my next action point so i'll only have two remaining and i'm only going to attack this skeleton warrior now normally i hit on a 17 he's gonna make that minus one so i hit a 16 and lower we'll roll up our die and we rolled an 18. so that means we totally missed well i think that's going to decide it for me i'm going to spend my last two actions i'm going to use my windmill if you have two swords equipped during combat attack one enemy with additional power based on your level plus three so i'm gonna hit him for a total of nine damage six plus three but it's going to take us our final two actions however if i do hit i get plus one experience point on hit i still need to roll a 16 or lower i don't rule the one my normal power is six that added plus three for nine nine minus four five damage he only has four health he's gone and that's our second xp beautiful now i was hoping i was hoping that i was going to be able to do two basic attacks on them and hit him two times and gain one additional experience but with that miss i was getting nervous so that will though end her turn she's done all of her actions and since there's an enemy engaged with her this sub demon is going to attack now his two hit value or hit chance value is 15. however saskia has a total of five action points 15 minus 5 is 10. so i have to roll a 10 or lower to have him hit looking for an 11 or higher we got a 12. so total miss perfect let's go ahead now and end the round so at the end of the round the only thing that we'll do is take this down to a two it'll be two more rounds before this is available at the merchant we don't have anything else we don't have any event markers to take care of so now we'll start that next round we can decide who's going to go first i'm thinking it might be nice to have seven marine be able to go so she can get an attack or two in and get some experience so let's start with seven rain again well i talked about having seven ring come here and do combat but i think instead let's go ahead and check out this body shall we so we're going to spend action 1 to move here action 2 we're going to go ahead and remove this and we're going to draw a card from the body deck there's lots of goodies in here and lots of not so goodies we have an event as you search the body you begin to feel very strange strength wells up inside of you the body has been blessed by someone uh by some unknown being we're gonna get plus two to our power for three turns see that is awesome for our third action let's go ahead and use our fire light again we're gonna reveal one undiscovered tile and then push our threat meter down by one and you can see here that means that the range is one tile versus the circle is range in combat you can go up to three rows this will tick our threat meter down to an eight but we'll reveal another tile to the west and we have tile one okay so tile one will be another body okay let's drop another body token here and then the question becomes do we want to get really far away from sasuke or do we want to stay together you know we can each fight well actually the biggest one i'm worried about is seven range she does not have good defense she has four defense all right let's we'll have them go their separate ways maybe they can find a way to get together later so that was our fourth action right because our first one was to go ahead and move in here second one was to reveal the body third was reveal this and fourth was to move into here our awesome sasukia here is gonna go next she's got five action she's gonna spend one to go ahead and attack this sub demon she needs to roll a 15 minus or a plus two so 17 or lower let's see what we get we get a seven six power minus the four defense means we just dealt two damage you can see here he has four health so he's still kicking we'll move our experience point up to three let's go ahead and do that again we'll give our die a roll and we've got a 20. that's a total total miss all right let's try it again for our third action and we get a 15 oh just barely but that's a hit six minus four again is two he is gone that will give us one experience we're already at four experience now almost halfway to leveling up then we get to see what this reward card is it's gonna be down on the table okay it's a shield minus two to uh ice damage has no effect that's okay i will say something that's important is up here in the top right it tells you what level uh hero can use this if you've got stronger items you have to be at a higher level to actually use it now we could pick this up and sell it and we could sell it for three gold so i might still i only have two actions left i do think i'm actually gonna do it i'm gonna spend one and i will pick this up i can carry a total of five items that's my first item with that one action left we are going to move back into the merchant's spot now something i do want to mention we did not decrease the threat meter when we had or continued our combat that's because you only reduce the threat meter when you begin combat by two if combat takes multiple rounds it does not decrease the threat meter each time so that's just something important to note we'll end our second round by ticking this down to a one and unfortunately seven ring has already used one round of our plus two power we'll then go ahead and start with seven rain again and i think this time we're gonna be a little risky and we're just gonna move it's gonna cost one on our threat meter we're gonna move here that's moving north so let's go ahead and grab one of the north tiles this is number nine so we'll place that like so and we have to move into there now number nine on here says it's a debris we found a lot of stuff we haven't found tile number four we'll then now try and explore a tile over here and that puts us down to already a six on our threat meter and we'll move this over uh do we want to use our ability now let's move into it we're going to move into it we'll grab this tile and we have a tile number 22. so i'll place that here okay we can keep exploring that way what's in tile 22 oh we have a chest in tile 22 so i'll place a chest token there now chests are a little bit different than body uh and obstacle tokens chess you can't just simply open you either have to have a key which we could have purchased but we didn't have enough money or you have to have some sort of ability that can bash open chests don't have that for seven means so i think yeah i think we're just gonna keep moving let's go ahead and check out another north tile that means we're gonna push our threat meter i mean i don't we have to do it we're gonna go down to five we have to find these tiles and we kind of need to find some experience this is gonna put us down to what how many we've done one two this is our third action we only have one action left and the tile that we have found is the first teleport tile cool so if we can find the second tile and you can see the symbol here we can teleport between the two tiles also the uh dungeon lord can teleport as well so you got to be careful of that but you can use that to potentially get away or get around the map a little easier and we definitely did just explore this let's move in there i think the final action we're going to do our fourth one we are going to use our fire light i'm not going to just walk in there because i don't have any action points left let's go ahead and explore here but that does mean we're gonna move ourselves down to threat meter of four and let's reveal our tile and what we get is oh a specialty tile you can spend your whole turn here and get uh heal yourself by 10. first thing sasuke is going to do is she's going to spend two of her five ap to sell her blazing fire shield she's going to gain three coins for that and then she can buy this key open treasure chest do not discard after use nice so now she can open treasure chests any of them and she doesn't have to discard it and you can see here that's a pocket item so that's not going to take a slot for her and she gained one coin but she will only have three actions left now what i'd love to do is go one two and then check out this chest but you can see this wall here that blocks me off i can't move into that tile so i think i'm just going to move one two three and that's all i'm going to do i'm not going to check any of these ones out we'll check them out maybe later let's go ahead and end the round by ending the round we now have the super health potion available to us and our second time has already passed on our event to start that next round i think i'm going to start with saskia because i really want to see what's in this chest so we're going to spend action one to move into here action two let's go ahead and use that key unlock that chest and see what we can find let's see what we can find in this chest okay we found a piece of gold so that's going to cost us one to hold that but when we go to the merchant the next time we can convert this into three coins well i think we're gonna be brash we've got three more action points left i'm gonna push this down to a three you guys we're going to move one and then second action we're going to explore over here and that's why we pushed down oh we found tile number eight we'll put it like so tile number eight is debris so we're still okay and then with our one action left because we're definitely going to be risky let's check out that debris hopefully it's something good i don't know we'll see oh no it's not it's a golem this was not a pile of debris but a sleeping golem that we just woke up and hey guess what we just woke him up uh and that was our last action look at his power eight holy moly he is uh we're gonna end our turn he's gonna immediately engage us now because he engages us and we have a minion uh that's fighting us we will draw one reward card at least but he's going to go ahead and roll trying to get a 16 oh minus five because we have five action points so he's trying to roll an 11 or lower i'll go ahead and roll our die here that's a seven bummer he's dealing us a total of eight damage we do have five defense so we only take three we'll go from 13 down to 10. so that could have been worse and actually it is somewhat worse because we're going to push our threat meter down to a one this is the last round seven ring has the plus two power so it's actually kind of nice she's got a golem she can attack so she's gonna spend one of her four action points to move into this room now you can move into a room with a hero that's in combat and you can just continue on if you want because from a competitive standpoint if you're playing competitively you don't have to help out the other heroes however that is not how we're going to be playing so we're going to go ahead and help out sasuke when suffering rain chooses to attack what you're going to do is you're going to look at the rose that the hero that is in that room has of enemies and you're going to take them almost from an exact opposite point of view so if let's say that uh sasuke had three rows of enemies the ones that were closest to cepherene to attack would be the third row the third farthest from saskia because essentially they're farther away from saskia closer to the door where suffering just came in so that's why right now this golem is still technically engaged or focused on sasuke once we attack that golem that golem is going to turn around and engage us but for right now he's still with sasukiya so i'm going to leave him like so seven ring has a total of three actions left she's going to use the infusion of elements here this is going to give her plus three power she already has plus two because of that event so her power is four plus two which is six plus three is nine she also is going to get plus three for her hit chance her hit chance is 14 that's going to push her up to a 17. during combat attack one enemy and add the power base on level you may choose to add ice or fire damage well this guy is weak to ice so we're gonna add ice to this damage which means as long as we hit we'll deal plus two points of damage we want to just wreck this golem let's roll up we got a 15 hole we just barely hit our total power was nine nine minus six is three points of damage but guess what because we added ice that's gonna deal plus two damage to him so that's a total of five he only has six health we have one action left because that took two actions to do what i'm thinking of doing is our regular attack now our regular attack has a power level of four if we just did our regular attack right now and we didn't have that event we would take that four if we hit and then we compare it to that six here and we would be at a minus two from that armor so we would do no damage oh i need to not forget we got one experience for that yes uh but because we have our event our event gets us to a total of six power six power compared to a six defense as long as it is a one zero or negative one you're gonna deal one point of damage which is just what we need also if you look here we have a range three with our basic attack and it always has fire just so you know this roll though we're looking for a 14 or lower and we got a 13. oh this golem almost dodged that that'll be one more point of experience for seven means we're at two this golem is gone and we get a reward card and it's a great bow that can only be used for level two uh we'll place that in the room i'm probably not going to pick that up we'll move to the end of round all we'll have to do is discard this event which is actually amazing that we had that if we had not had that that would have been a much more challenging fight uh then let's start the next round well what do you guys say we start with seven rain again and let's go ahead and start with her fire light i wish this gave her experience but i also understand that you don't normally get experience by exploring so that's probably why but yeah she's not going to gain experience she is going to explore over here i shouldn't say explore reveal what we have over here we have tile number three a straight tile tile number three is another body so let's put a body token there that was action one and that means our threat meter is now at zero so the next time we need to draw a dark uh event card or i should say a lord event card we're actually gonna draw one and we're gonna see if we're gonna spawn the dungeon lord and you know what why the heck not action two let's go ahead and move into here action three let's check out what's in this body spot we'll flip our top body card and we have the chrysophage orb hero gains one extra ap per turn heck yeah one ap to permanently install on a sword axe bow or knife a bummer not a staff so we can't get that stefan ring but we can give that to saskia so we can do a trade action for now i'll just put this in my pocket it doesn't even take any carrying space and you would think i would have learned my lesson but i'm not going to i'm going to explore and the reason that i'm going to explore is doing an exploration now doesn't cause a lord event action for seven ring the only thing that does is combat or running if we get into combat though we're gonna have to draw one at the end of her turn but uh for now we're we're not gonna get into combat right oh it's a seven tile i have no idea seven what is seven uh seven is debris oh yep see i knew it i knew it but we still haven't found tile number four let's go ahead and grab debris and we're going to place her here and of course that's a dead end room and just so you understand the lord event actions if we do any of these actions so if i do a combat action i'm going to place a token here to remind myself and at the end of my turn i have to draw one lord event card but if i also run which i haven't done yet but running is essentially you can move two tiles for one action instead of one or each tile is a half ap but what that would mean is now i would draw two lord event actions but let's say i ran four tiles so i did the run action twice i'd still only draw one uh one card per uh you know the first instance of that that would happen saskia here has a total of five ap she's going to spend one to move here the only thing that causes her to draw a dark lord event card at the end of her turn would be if she gets into combat action two let's go ahead and explore over here we have tile number 13. what is 13 oh no 13 is a missed that likely means we're getting into combat let's place ourselves here let's see what we find in the mist as you walk into the room mist covers you it is cold and damp and dreary you say to yourself how could anyone live here a voice replies back you get used to it but you won't have to i promise draw two times the amount of heroes that's four minus one which is three so we're going to draw three minions okay and we have a total of three actions remaining are three minions that we have we have another sub demon this one deals fire damage uh the nice thing is is sasuke has no weakness we have a skeletal hero healer heal all enemies in this room one health during the end of round actions and our third one oh we have a spider i hate spiders if the attack hits the hero the hero cannot subtract ap until this enemy attacks again so we become more likely to be injured and don't forget we have our one reward card with our three enemies here i think the one we're going to first focus on is that spider we need a 17 or lower to hit that's a three we have six power minus the four defense we just dealt two points of damage and we gained a fifth xp i really want to level up we know what's coming soon oh and i also need to remember i'm going to place this on here to remind myself at the end of my turn i'm drawing a lord event card here we go for our second roll and we have a seven that's another hit that'll be another xp so we're at six and then we also take out this spider we have one action left i'm going to go ahead and target that skeleton healer but i am going to start my windmill here i'm going to place one token on it it's going to be the first thing i do next round because it takes two actions to do it and uh we can add plus three to our strength of an our attack however now that means both the skeletal healer and the sub demon are going to get shots at us while we're preparing our windmill first roll is a 17 or lower the second one is a 15 or lower but don't forget we have five action points so it's actually a 12 and a 10. let's roll for the skeleton first at a 12. oh he got a 19 so that me that means he missed and at 10 for the sub demon oh he rolls six so he's gonna hit us we just got hit for a total of five damage we do have five defense so that means we only get hit for one point of damage we're down to nine not terrible at the end of sasuke's turn because she has gotten into combat we now have to draw the top card of the lord event deck okay we don't care about what this says we just look at if tile number 17 is out on the board based on what i'm seeing i don't see any tile number 17 beautiful so he doesn't come out yet thank goodness uh so we'll end the round that skeleton healer would try and heal someone but all of the minions are healed that's why i took out the spider and i prepared for a big attack next turn let's start the next round and i think we're going to start off with saskia now before she goes i think i should have one additional coin uh because i only bought something for one coin and i traded in something that cost three so i should have two coins instead of one all right so our first thing we did at the end of our last turn was play our windmill and so we have to use our first action out of five to finish it so we're going to do an attack it's gonna have plus three power so we have a total of nine power we're trying to roll a 17 or lower we're trying to hit that skeleton healer come on 17 or lower and we got a six we just attacked for a total of nine power minus the six defense this guy has so we dealt him three damage he's only halfway done that will though gain us one experience point to seven well i think the only way we're gonna take out that skeleton healer is if we use our windmill a second time so it's gonna cost us two more ap we're gonna go from four down to two but we're going to try hitting him again we need a 17 or lower let's see what we get and we get a four that means we'll deal the final three damage to the skeleton healer he will be at toast we will gain another xp and we are at eight we're only two away from leveling up the first time now we have two more ap i think i'm going to use both of those just to do a basic attack because our attack is for six and so we'll deal two damage to the sub demon each time if we succeed and then we can take them out and that would allow us to level up we need two numbers of 17 and under oh that's a one too bad there aren't any criticals in this game and our second one it too beautiful we'll go ahead and remove this sub demon from the board put them at the bottom of the minion deck we will gain 2xp which brings us to this 10 and you can see that symbol there that means we're going to level up so actually put our experience all the way back to zero move this up to level two we immediately get to heal all the way up to our level two spot on here and we're get uh we'll get our level 2 ability not to mention now if we want to get to level 3 we have to get 12 more experience just so you understand how that works we have a ghost this one says during combat subtract from attackers hc based on level well it costs us three wow three action points to do it look at minus four oh my gosh plus our five action points it's a minus nine and we get one experience point which is kind of cool if we use that we did defeat all the enemies in our row so we'll get to reveal our reward card we have steadfast greaves this just gives us plus one to our defense we have to spend an ap to pick this up so i'll just place it off to the side since we did have combat this turn we will have to reveal one dungeon event or lord event card and we have a two so let's see if there's any of the two tiles out i still see no two on the board great so no dungeon lord yet now let's move to stephan rayne's turn and i think the first thing that she is going to do oh she's way over here yeah she's not going to do anything incredibly interesting i think oh should we check this out yeah let's spend one action because we've got four let's spend one to check out this uh this debris what did she find in that pile of debris she found a health potion great so we'll go ahead and put that in our pocket we'll then move three spaces for our final three ap and we did not have a combat and we did not run so we don't have to draw any dungeon lord cards let's move to that next round sasuke is going to go first i think the first thing she's going to do is pick up those steadfast greaves and go ahead and immediately equip them that does mean that we have used two action points one to pick it up and one to equip items but now our defense is six instead of five action three let's go ahead and move into seven marines spot and then action four we're going to do the trade action seven ring is going to trade the chryso phrase orb over to saskia that will be action four then action five saskia is going to go ahead and put this on to her sword uh which would be her fifth action but then she gets one extra ap now per turn so she'll have one ap left after uh equipping that and she'll move back to tile 13. but we did not get into combat so no dungeon event or lord event card we'll move to stephan rayne's turn seven ring we'll go ahead and move one here for action one action two she's going to just explore here we're gonna draw our tile and we have tile number four tile number four that's what we want okay that is where the sentinel enemy is so now it's the question of do we want to deal with it or not oh and at four we also will place a body token uh so let's put that here because remember we can escape nah let's let's not escape we'll go right in there let's take on this sentinel the sentinel does have armor of nine which is a bit insane and it has an ability that says when the attack hits the hero loses 4 hc so their hit chance uh until this enemy attacks again so kind of brutal but he is weak to fire the nice part about weaknesses is no matter what even if an attack would do no damage you will automatically take two so she can at least do some damage to this gloomweaver let's see if any of her abilities can make it uh where she can actually do some damage now this may not be the best tactical move but i'm still going to do it because i want to show you she's going to use her wall of fire that's perfect for this gloom weaver during combat the wall of fire fire lowers the defense of all enemies based on level so right now it's only one enemies weak to fire which is the gloom lever won't take one health damage each round the wall of fire is active so now his defense is eight instead of nine and we're going to gain an experience point and he'll take one damage at the end of the round we'll go from two to three experience but that will use up all of our action points because we used up all of our action points now the gloom weaver is going to attack us and yeah if you look at that gloom weaver he hits at a 15. uh so he has to roll up 15 or lower however we have four action points so we subtract four from that it's an 11 or lower and he hits us let's see a high roll shall we uh no we roll the three bummer he's hitting us for a total of 10 power we have four defense we just took six damage we're down to nine oh yeah maybe this wasn't a good idea oh well uh we are going to end the round and with that ending of the round we'll place one damage on the gloomweaver so the gloomweaver now has nine health our wall of fire has had one round that it's been going so we'll place one marker on here oh i do need to remember we did get into combat we did not run but we did get into combat so we have to draw a lord event card let's flip over our top card and we have tile 15. oh boy tile 15 right here the dungeon lord is going to spawn here he's kind of far away from us that's good but he well let's see he's going to have to go this way followed like that to catch us well this is going to be interesting in the base game there's only three dungeon lords so there's a one of three different types and we have zagon the giant on attack rolls of one through three zagon stuns every hero in the room the attack does no damage he hits on an 18 or less he attacks for 13 damage and has armor of 11 and he is not weak to anything oh boy that is going to be fun this is why you don't want to kill him you want to run from them well we effectively have a time bomb chasing us now with that giant here we're over here let's start our next round i'm going to start with saskia she's going to spend her first out of her 6 ap to move into the same room and then she's going to attack that gloom weaver remember the gloomy weaver right now has -1 to its armor let's try this shadow attack for fun now once again maybe not the best idea here but i want to show you the other abilities uh so we have remember she's a level two so it's a plus five to her power when attacking enemies focused on another hero add power based on the level and enemies will not focus on you attack any and any enemy on outside of formation while there's only one enemies for good do not draw a lord event card oh i thought we were gonna have to oh maybe this is actually pretty good so we've got five we're gonna spend three one two three if we hit which our total hit chance is 17 if we hit we're going to do five plus the six that's 11 total power of damage 17 or lower what 13 that'll work 8 compared to 11 means we just did three points of damage to him only three he's not even at half health yet that will give us one experience though woohoo and then i think we all know what we're going to do for our final two we're gonna windmill takes two actions if you have two swords yup attack one enemy we're gonna add plus four so we'll deal a total of ten so this will deal two damage as long as we get a 17 or lower but then this gloom weaver is going to focus on us because we're attacking it not from the shadows come on come on come on okay that's a 12. yes the gloom weaver only has eight armor will do a total of two damage to him he's now at half health five damage okay but now he's going to attack unfortunately attack saskia he is rolling a 15 but we've got six action points so subtract that he has to roll a nine or lower to hit let's see what we get a 15 beautiful totally missed at the end of our turn we are going to have to draw one lord event card because we did uh combat now we can ignore the 13 move one towards the closest hero that's pretty simple the only place he can go is the center tile that poor merchant hopefully he's staying away it's stephan reen's turn and we're gonna go ahead and do our infusion of elements here it's gonna give us plus three for our hit chance but remember we're at minus four because of the gloomweaver so normally we need a fourteen we'll add three fifteen sixteen seventeen but then we'll subtract 4 16 15 14 13. so i need to roll a 13 or less to hit if i do though i'm gonna deal a total of seven damage well he has eight armor but that means at least i get to deal one damage plus this will be a fire attack two on top of that yes it's gonna take two actions to do let's do it 13 or less that's a two that'll work we'll deal one damage because of our base attack is at a minus one then we'll deal two more because he's weak to the fire attack we just dealt to him we're going to gain one xp and i'm realizing saskia should have gained another xp so she's at two xp instead of one and i'd say what the heck let's try that again 13 or less that's a 12 that'll work that's going to take the gloomweaver out i think we'll deal the one damage because of the attack plus two more because of the uh weakness and i believe five six seven eight nine ten eleven beautiful we just took them out we're also going to increase our experience to five we'll now have the orb on the ground now it takes us an ap to pick it up and we have used all four of our actions to do that attack so we're gonna have to end our turn draw a lord event card and then next round all you got to do is pick this thing up and run to the starting tile we'll flip our next card and we have a rampage so what happens with a rampage is the dungeon lord will move in a random direction three spaces until he hits a wall doesn't matter what's there even if he goes through an area with a hero he will move right past them uh just moving the total of three possible spaces let's see where he goes that'll be a seven with a seven he's going to move east that's awesome and i think because of that we should be able to win the game here he's going to move over here that means for our next round so we're going to start the next round the wall of fire is removed because of the two events or two rounds that it was out we'll move to saskia's turn she's gonna pick up that orb for action one then she's going to run action two to run action uh let's see where do i have to go yeah action three here action four here action five as you can see here we had to retrieve the orb and return it to the starting tile without any hero becoming exhausted check so there you have it that was dungeons of infinity now i had a lot of fun playing this and i will say those scenarios are fun they're they're enjoyable uh but the game where i've had the most fun has been the campaign the the writing is solid the story is interesting you get to play all 10 characters then and you get to experience what i think is the true uh the the true feeling of dungeons of infinity because in a lot of the scenarios he's going to have specific tiles that'll come out or specific cards that are in these decks so you'll have a more uh a more tailored experience this is also fun for a nice dungeon delve but for me i like that that more tailored experience and so the campaign for me is where it's at hopefully if you guys like this uh you can pick it up i'll put in the description below where you can order it also there will be an expansion coming soon and i am going to check that out especially if i can get some minis i think the minis will look awesome running around the board thank you so much for watching jack thanks for giving me this copy i can't wait to continue the campaign with my son and i will catch you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 16,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs
Id: vB2guISTnxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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