Uprising: Curse of the Last Emperor | Kickstarter Playthrough | With Mike

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[Music] hey this is Mike from the one-stop co-op shop with a playthrough of a game on Kickstarter thump super excited about uprising curse of the Last Emperor uprising is a fully solo able or cooperative Forex fantasy games you'll be exploring building up your empire having great battles it's pretty awesome so I'm gonna walk you through the basics of play and play through at least a few chapters we'll see how long it goes maybe we'll get through three or even all four and just to remind you we never receive compensation for our Kickstarter coverage we just want to help you make an informed choice about the game and if you like what you see here at the one-stop co-op shop consider subscribing listening to our podcast every Sunday joining the conversation in our slack or discord groups or supporting us through patreon so to give you a quick idea of the theme in uprising The Last Emperor of this evil empire that had basically enslaved this fantasy world in trying to keep his own power has summoned this horrible chaos plague of undead and you control formerly enslaved factions trying to both kick off the last remnants of the empire while also holding off the forces of the undead long enough for the Druids the former kind of mystic masters of the world to end the plague of undead and kind of closed the gates and push them back so you can have a happier world now I'm not gonna do a full section on setup and how to play but I'm gonna explain some of the basic elements of the game if you want to skip straight to the playthrough use the timestamps but in pure gameplay turns each of the factions in the game you can play with two to four either solo or co-op we'll start on a home hex you can see the two I have in play here and legions of the Empire will be coming out of the capital which is always in the center and forces of chaos the undead plague will be coming from the outside from this frozen wasteland surrounding you in terms of winning or losing you can play between two and four chapters you decide how long you want the game to go and at the end of your chosen game length you're gonna compare victory points and the key is that every single one of your factions have to be in front of both chaos and the Imperial forces you can't have one straggler way behind you have to all kind of help each other keep up as you fight off both factions trying to destroy you now as you can see the board is made up of these randomized hexes and there are a ton I didn't use so lots of variety here and the main way the players earned victory points is by destroying the enemy forces and also getting in their own havens down they get victory points every round for those whereas both the Imperials and Kaos gain victory points for basically spreading their forces out keeping their big leaders in play and killing you so as already said you have all of these hexes and most of them start out unexplored only your home tiles and the center capital 1 are explored plus all of this ice terrain around you you can move through that that also counts as explored you also start out with some starting enemy forces you've got curses next to each of your home tiles those are the forces of chaos basically preventing you from building and giving victory points every turn you've also got a few skeletons next to these special facedown tiles which are sea towers and you've got a single fortification here on the capital I'm playing on Normal difficulty because I'm not good enough at the game yet to play higher but you would have more forces if you chose a tougher difficulty setting now quick one important thing to note I have a neoprene mat that they sent me but everything here is super prototype things could change they've literally like painted some of these pieces so don't think this is exactly what you're gonna get in the actual game you've got a board for the main board here and then separate side boards that you can choose to use or not they organize everything beautifully but if you know the big enough table mine's definitely straining to contain it all you could just take these away and you'll see that I'm not using the side boards in their sort of correct configuration I've laid out the cards and things so you can see them better and I can fill more easily so the kind of zooming on this stuff you have three quests at the beginning of each chapter these are gonna give you cool options for your heroes to do things to improve your position you've got a three item is always available you can buy and again you're gonna choose up to four chapters to go through I right now have it set up for four but I might again only play through two we'll see how long it's going and you've also got these druid cards that are going to give you more and more cool magical powers to pull upon as you go further into the game now one of the biggest things is choosing which faction you'll have again I have two in play the red ones are kind of like these orcish guys that love pillaging and the blue faction are sort of like the original settlers of this land these tough survivalists but you've got at least two other factions to choose from and they are quite different in a lot of ways and I think the designers are working on even more you can kind of see here they each have a unique set of standees with different abilities they've each got two different heroes I've randomly selected one for each faction and each here has their own deck of abilities including generally two starting abilities and by the way the factions were chosen by our patreon patrons so thanks for helping me decide each of our leaders has eight little action gems you'll see how those work very quickly as we start playing the game also each faction begins the game with five of each resource you've got crystal which is kind of like the currency of the world used to buy items and a lot of units a food which is this elephant symbol which is used to march around the board and plunder which is used to construct new haven's mainly now there's a lot more to talk about we haven't even gotten into those a terrible enemy cards and you can kind of glimpse to the right over there but the game has some really nice organization of phases so I'm going to go through them one by one and I'll explain key concept as we reach them so first for each of the two to four chapters you play it's gonna start with a refresh phase you'll first reveal your first druid card and these can be used in combat when you roll a lightning bolt symbol and it'll tell you whether it can be used in range or melee combat in this case both and I'll tell you what it does in this case it'll get us extra resources for lightning bolts that we roll next if our heroes had flipped some cards to use their once per chapter ability everything would get unflinching points back but clearly we have all that stuff we would also reveal three new items and three new quests discarding any remnants but that's all set up the first refresh phase is pretty quick then we passed the first player token for now we're saying it's the blue faction and then we get into where things get dicey the first event phase so technically the first thing that happens the event phase is any existing legions or hordes which are like kind of the big boss monsters of the game level up but since we don't have any of those yet we're gonna reveal our first event hunger and despair turned innocent survivors into bands of robbers and thieves that roam the land your followers are doubling their efforts protect your Haven from this threat and in the sky there were flickering lights behind the clouds at night and the moon was blood-red so chapter cards as you can see tend to have a positive effect at the top and then a negative effect which will usually spawn those big bosses I talked about at the bottom so here we each get to place a wall and tower on our starting haven so these are pretty fun although the units are standees they've got miniatures that kind of get built up now these won't be painted like this I'm assuming they'll all be kind of similar plastic color but yeah so there's a tower and a wall little defensive structures to help me fight at my base ok now the negative apart we're gonna place a horde at threat 4 you'll see what that means in a second in howling white not adjacent to a haven and another hoarded threat for in the screaming scene out adjacent to a haven so it's kind of hard to see from this far vantage point but the board is divided into three regions you've got howling white in the bottom left fog grave in the bottom right and screaming see at the top so we're gonna put one horde somewhere in here now next to a haven and the other somewhere up here sweet shiny spawn a horde you draw one of these bigot cards it has an initiative value lower means they go first an immediate effect so wherever the counter of omens is spawn we're gonna put two skeletons in his hexes they're kind of like the grunt soldiers of the Horde there's a kind of like the grunt soldiers of chaos he's got his own special lightning ability and that a key thing he's got his threat track remember it said he's gonna start at threat four we marked them with a little slider and it tells us how many dice we'll roll in range combat and how many and of what color dice full roll in melee combat so he's pretty tough and finally what we get for killing him if we destroyed we place two skeletons where we killed him and we gain two victory points which I'll say is pretty low for one of these guys here's an example of one of these huge standees now these are wood so not really indicative of what the actual a game will look like but still they're awesome so I could put him anywhere in howling white but I actually kind of like him being somewhat close to our base so that we can come out and attack him if we need to and with his power he puts two skeletons in his space you would have to fight them before you fought him if you went in there and the big nasty thing about skeletons is if you ever have to place a third in a space instead they all go away and you get a new hoard just like this guy and our second hoard is the blood worm you immediately place a curse in a hex with no X on it remember curses give chaos points every chapter and also make it impossible to build there now this guy gets you for victory points when you kill him but look he's got all red dice which are one of the nastier colors so he is a monster and here he is look he's happy to see us I think for him up put him over here for the screaming see then I have to put down a curse I want to be somewhere where I probably won't build anyway I can't pick any of these icy hexes they have an X on them so okay let's put it next to the capital only thing that will affect me too much finally we put activation tokens on each of our hordes and legions which is the Imperial equivalent and these basically show how many times they'll move generally trying to attack either me or the other enemy faction so they each only get one at first but they can gain more from a lot of effects all right now we get to get to the hero choices with the build phase again you'll note that we have two feats which are character specific skills that we start with phurba ranth the wall he's got youngling as it lets him level up his younglings into oath sworn after a battle and he's got fangs that lets him get extra defense in combat but during each build phase you level up again you gets two random feats and you pick one of them the other one goes on the bottom of your deck so if a brand I can either pick a questing focused one or a combat focused one glory lets me flip it which means I can use it once per chapter I lose a shield result little block enemy damage but I gain a lightning bolt which remember lets us use our druid powers but I love that druid power so think I like astute better the quest that you can do as your hero will have little things you have to get on your dice to complete them and then you will have little rewards down here and this lets me gain a quest reward twice and actually I can even pick one that I didn't succeed at so if I got a shield I can still get a victory point here this little diamond symbol so I like that one so we'll make Marant my more quest focus guy and then call the destroyer gets to be the same thing he starts out with a unit special ability each faction has these so if he has multiple wards they get to do ranged combat bonuses minister rush in with bows and one of my favorites pillage anytime he wins a combat he has a unit left after combat he gets two free resources if he does Lutz his foes let's see what his choices are he's got Marauders whenever uses the trade action which uses up one of your eight action points you'd normally get a free salt but he can get free food or instead leadership I get +1 leadership which will help me in questing and anything else that asked me to roll my hero dice and I also get three resources immediately I'm gonna go with that I love the idea of having more resources to fight some of these bad guys right off the bat now which three resources well let's go back to Baron and see what units he wants to build and then when we get to Kyle we can decide which ones so they're kind of covered up by the standings but let me talk you through our unit choices so each faction has four units plus walls and towers those are consistently the same each of them has a cost so for these guys they're kind of flexible you can spend two salt or two plunder to buy either their basic ranged or melee units and this shows which phases they can fight in so only spear singers can do range for this entire faction Elster's what type of die they give you white is generally the weakest blue is kind of focused on defense red does a lot of damage and black is by far the strongest as a ton of damage now a key thing to consider is you build your first units you need food to move your units in the combats you want to keep generally at least a couple of those and you need two or three plunder to build a new Haven and generally speaking you want to build at least one new haven every chapter or you'll just fall behind on victory points so based on that I'm gonna spend for assault and to plunder to get three my basic units and since I can upgrade one of these guys per chapter into my stronger oath sworn I'm gonna get two of them and just one ranged unit and they have to go right on one of your havens you can lay up five units in a space but you don't count as a unit meanwhile for a friend call he's got battle trolls Ward riders Deadeye archers and tribesmen and you'll note that his tribesmen roll an orange die which I find is generally not as good as a blue die but the only cost of one of foods you can really go crazy with them he's got the same five five and five is the other faction he gets plus three from the leadership level up feet he got so I think I won't get one waargh that's three salt and two food let's get the less of our two salt for our first Archer then we can spend the last three of our food to get three tribesman have the max five units now wipes out all of our crystal and food super mobility to get a one crystal and two food to start alright with that we're ready to get into the action phase the meat of the game we're gonna alternate our players taking actions until all of them have used all eight of their actions tomorrow using an action you just move the gem on the type of action you want to take but the key thing is you can spend as many gems to move as you want that's moving your hero by the way and then do one of one other action type if you want to before passing it the turn on to another player so I'll explain the basic actions as I do them so generally speaking both of us want to explore one of the exes adjacent to us and build a new haven although probably not next to the capital so I'm gonna have Brandt move one that's one gem they'll take another one of the basic actions explore which means flipping over a facedown hex so we found black ice prison says we immediately gain two crystal generally hexes will tell you what they will produce for you and give you on the back then it says if empty place one skeleton here there were no skeletons or garrison so that happens if not reinforced that means if there was already a skeleton here you'd add another one if there was already a garrison you'd upgrade it then we have to place one skeleton with other skeletons oh and then place one activation token on a legion or horde card with the least tokens so I don't want to reinforce that skeleton so let's a place that one with a friend and then here's a really nasty part I have to choose one of these guys to activate twice instead of once as nasty as the blood room is unlike an encounter of omens is guarded by skeletons right now so they I'm gonna double activate him and I'm gonna try to kill him maybe we can both kind of team up on him so Brandt moved and explored which is a non move action so his turn is done he's used up two of his eight but something quick to note about hexes first each has a terrain type in this case this is ice waste which doesn't do anything for combat and then each also has their resource generation if you build a haven here so we'll get to salt per turn if we build all right calls gonna do something similar but he's gonna be a little more aggressive he's gonna come over to the blood worm so he'll move and explore two actions and he's also getting to salt but oh my gosh if empty place two skeletons here if not reinforced and then place two skeletons of those skeletons and do not forget if we get three skeletons that's a whole another horde spawning so that was a nasty one to pull I've got a lonely skeleton here I can place one with then unfortunately the only other singleton skeleton is on Brandt space so he's got a tougher combat ahead of him that I planned and speaking of a rant it's his turn to do something and I think he might want to improve his odds in the combat that just showed up for him so he's gonna spend one action where he is to take another basic action the market action this basically means we can buy one of the three available items but you can only buy items if your character is qualified to use you'll see this one requires a to leadership and happily Brandt has three more than enough so he's going to spend it two of his cell to the two he just got to buy the whip of thorns music only use in melee kind of like the druid ability sell earlier I can pay two elephants two food to gain either one skull which is damage or one shield which blocks a damaged before dam is once per round if my hero is in the hex where combat is happening and with brands not having spent a single one of his elephants yet I think that might get used whenever you buy an item you replace it immediately here we've got ice water pipe that lets you rear old ice outside of combat like when you're questing and hey call again in the leadership game he's up to two leadership with the feat he gained let's have him do a marketability two and you'll also spend it to salt to gain and the sensor of shadows after a combat is finished that's what this little grave symbol means he can place one of his basic units destroyed on one of his havens he'll get to save one of his guys after combat she know what I feel dumb let's give a call of the whip since he gains more elephants more food from his production and will give birth the sensor since he has fewer units he might want to save them it is back tuba rant he's got five actions left he could spend one to pull all adjacent units he once in to a hex to fight but first we can't look at our three quest cuz another action is it take a quest the to atone analyze help us fight on marsh we haven't found any marsh hexes yet the forest spirit lets us get rid of a curse for five resources that's way too expensive early in the game if the nether sea and navigators let us get extra resources that's not bad but if we want to seat our hex we get a bonus die to resolve it so I think I'd rather wait until I get one more space so Brant I'll choose a command action time to see how combat works so do command action you have to spend one food you pick an explored hex has to be explored and you can pull in up to 5 units and/or your hero into that hex so for example if I've been over here and you know some of these guys were over here they could all rush in and we are gonna do that so here's how combat works first you have a single archery round every one with range capability here it's only my spear singer gets to roll the indicated colored die skulls means the opponent has to remove one unit shields block of skull then we go into clash after class after class round where we just roll all of our dice that includes range units and we play until at least one side has lost all of their units so let's see my range combat first and I got lucky the shield doesn't matter because they aren't doing range combat it doesn't stick around but we do get to kill one of the skeletons right away now we go into the clash round so the skeleton is gonna roll one red die and my young leaves are gonna give me blue dice my spear soon he's gonna give me white my here doesn't give me dice unless he has like a weapon that does alright this is perfect our blue shield blocks of skeletons attack and our skull defeats him now very important detail whenever you defeat a single skeleton or one level of garrison you get one victory points so blue is up to two victory points and then also we want to check for end of combat abilities I didn't lose any units and I don't mean my sensor but I did have at least one young lady survived the battle so I flipped this can't use it again for the chapter and that young Lee now becomes an oath sworn rolling the same a stronger red to die that the skeleton did all right let's see if Carla can make the same thing happen he's spending an elephant and he's bringing everybody new this combat again terrain can have a major effect on combat but we're in ice waste right now so doesn't do anything okay we have a single white ranged I got see myself gosh we're lucky we've got a bunch of dice and he just has the one red so we're definitely gonna kill him but no blocks and he does defeat one of our people now again I wish I just switch the item back so we'll get rid of one of our cheap tribesmen and he does not go back to our supply at least not yet instead he goes into the chaos graveyard and basically for each player's units represented here at the end of each chapter that factions gonna gain two victory points all right so red also gains two and they have the pillage ability so they're gonna gain two resources of their choice we're gonna make them both food so we can start using that whip of thorns all right time for parental action he's gonna take the Haven action your here has to be on an exploring hex with no enemies and you need to spend to plunder for this faction the red faction needs to spend three and this lets you remove your leftmost Haven and place it on the hex and know that this will increase your resource generation each round you use the rightmost revealed space now collars got a bit of a tough choice he can build a haven here but then the blood room is gonna activate twice could destroy his Haven who destroy his other one just lead him homeless he could instead retreat his forces back and wait for the blood worm to come to him now the negative is each time these guys moved they leave a curse behind which again generates resources over and over again that would give him both the tower and the wall is to roll extra dice against the blood one which could be the thing that decide between victory and defeat yeah I kind of hate to do this I'm gonna come up here and explore first so that's one to move one to explore okay we've got Dunkel home I mean again to plunder remove any skeletons here and place two Garrison's that's the Imperials basic unit now we each draw a feed and discard a feed so we can replace one of our starting ones and note that some hexes will have these symbols and some of their hex sides that means that only heroes can walk through there otherwise they're impassable and that's actually great because I can now consider building a haven here and I've blocked it off so the Empire will be able to come in easily and attack me but of course to do that first would have to beat the garrison level one Garrison's are these little miniatures at level twos go on top they have a tower for the third one it may tend to be a little bit weaker in melee combat but they have better range and this forest terrain we ended up in gives range attacks a rear hole even worse for us our back to the ralphie has a three actions left so let's uh move and explore with him as well we've got the Z guard so big thing about C tower hexes if you're on them you count as adjacent to everywhere it seems a silly teleport from them we're gonna remove any skeletons here in place three Garrison's oh that's super super tough to fight I guess I'll open it up to my units in case I want to attack in there so here it is by the way the terrible glory of a level 3 garrison you know was they gonna use my last action to move in there and attack that but that seems a little foolish now speaking of final actions call is down to one he's gonna use this first one to command everybody back to his Haven and that again will cost him a food so this is a rough beginning for the red a player in retrospect maybe should have gone away from the chaos horde and then kind of waited for them to come I don't know it's a tough call now there's only two action types you haven't seen and we're gonna do one of the last ones with Brant and that is the one I mentioned earlier the quest action so Brad takes his hero dice miss Casey has one red and three blue if you have guile you can pick either white or orange depending on what you want and the quests will give you a way to get a bonus misty said get a purple cuz I'm on AC tower and I'm looking for shields lightning bolt or skulls they need to get at least this many to complete each of these options in this case to successfully solve the quest I need to do at least one of these successfully it looks pretty good I got three shields one lightning bolt one skull so I got two of these and each ever Ward's I'm a drawing new quest and I may discard any items from the market that says each player gains one resource for each shield and lighting ball you rolled oh my gosh so reach gating for resources of our choice don't forget bran 20 selves a quest can gain a goal a second time I'm gonna use the option to discard the market cards again if I don't like the new items that come up cuz the big thing I'm thinking is call can get some awesome item for his last action to help him with the four resources you just got so we'll discard all three of these and get a mo yer pirate I can lose two victory points against six resources are dwarf ain't a one-time action to discard and gain a purple in melee combat and a healing potion discard it to place one of my units destroy here on with my havens I don't love either this yeah let's use his feats to draw again dragon fruits gain 5 elephants each other player gains two and cost three crystal whoo I could get a ton of food for his whip horn of your my command actions pay no food but I don't have to guile neither my guys does an orb of storms a one-time move of a horde or Legion but we don't have magic either so the only we can actually get his dragon fruits our brands gonna take his bonus from the quests in half food half crystal and coal is gonna do the same but for a specific reason and that's because for his final market action he's going to get the dragon fruits they'll cost him three crystal but he gains five food for antha gains two and that means he can use his whip for days now we do replace the item although that's gonna go away in a second and it's finding that the magic item in items can use and the nether sea navigators is also gonna give us a new quest but again we're not even gonna worry about it you know I thought I would have to show you the final action type which is trading you can basically spend one action to get a salt whenever you want even when you're recruiting units at beginning of the round but it didn't happen so with both players out of actions our hordes and legions activate and it goes from the lowest to highest so counter of omens will be first and they have several rules for how they move basically they'll try to attack a Haven first if they can't do that they'll try to attack enemy units that are next to them the weakest ones if they can't do that they'll try to go to an empty hex which means not even one with a curse if you can't do any of that they'll just try to move in towards the capital and key thing is they'll never go further away from the capital whenever they move they leave a curse behind which is terrible I'm gonna have him come towards blue so we can try to kill him next round and the bloodworm activates second he's going twice I can choose evam go here first it fits all this criteria that way I leave the grim fangs to something I could populate later and then he'll come in here to attack us now this terrain is a Highlands hex which means range combat is cut down to one I have one white die for my surviving spear singer and one from my tower for range combat so I'll only roll one white but the bloodworm would have rolled to red so he's down to one red I think that's probably a good trade let's see how we do okay I got a shield I didn't mean and he missed which almost never happens with red so that was pretty lucky you know he's got four red every damage I do to him will lower his threat by one you see he gets weaker and weaker and then I have a lot of dice although they tend to be weaker away from a tower I'm a white from my Deadeye to orange for my tribesmen a red for my ward Rider and a blue from my walls okay here we go that's we have two shields and two skulls this is there though and he Wow he rolled terribly what is going on I won't complain this he doesn't hurt me at all and I hit him twice man if I was rolling like this I should have just gone to his face he's only rolling it to red now and actually know what since it might save one my units I'm gonna use my whip of thorns before I apply the damage I'll pay two elephants and do an extra damage to him so I puts him down to one rolling only one red die and I bet I'll be able to block it with my whites in my blues okay he rolled better there a two I got I will kill him but only a single shield one here's the thing I could spend two elephants to save one of my guys are gonna build him for one elephant later so let's get rid of this guy so the blood worm is defeated he's out of the game entirely and I gained a 4 victory points for red that does put red up to 6 which is good because he didn't get a second --have in this round all right now we get our production each player gains the resource is shown on the hexes they have havens in as well as the resources shown on their right most exposed former haven spots so blue is getting 4 salt 5 plot or two elephants nice and red is only their basic place which is one of each Plus this so that's 2 salt 1 plunder 4 elephants but let's not forget their pillage ability they want to battle they're gonna get two more salt alright now we have to do scoring the Empire gets one victory point for every hex with any level of garrison so one two three they also get one for each of their legions alive and two for each faction in their graveyard which is none so they just have three but they tend to be slow starters chaos is one that's gonna hurt they get one for every curse hex may have six one for each hoard still in play so that's makes a bunch of seven and then two for each faction in their grave R which is just red so I can send to nine finally we get two victory points for each Haven we have and one for special hexes which is Gentiles the home hexes here we also spend five resources of peace for one victory point for either of us that kind of shore up weaknesses but I usually clip the end of the game to do that so to show you the relative standings red chaos at 9:00 and blue with two havens plus their bonus cuts up to seven but they have a monster right Nexen in the kendo fight so not a terrible first result my main worry is a building up my red units with only one haven to place them on that's gonna really hurt for chapter two let's begin of chapter two it's here the game actually moves really quickly even though it's a big 4x thing so we reveal a new druid but her old one stays around ooh we can take away their victory points that's great all of our flipped cards coming back which is just Brandt's upgrade a youngling ability we clear off all of our action points we get a whole new crop of quest cards and items and read now becomes the first player so they'll act first now we have been nasty stuff drawing our next event but first any existing hordes and legions get to threat and if they would go above 7 that this gives their side victory points for days and eclipse of the Sun is darkened the islands and the survivors are huddling even closer in their poorly defended shelters while the gaze of the survivors turn to the sky and fear the steps of the Legionnaires echoed through the capital in unison it's a pretty nasty effect in the top this time we're gonna place one garrison on every hex that already has a garrison then we have to flip one unexplored hex and resolve its effects so the capital become a level 2 this won't become a level 3 and if you can't place one like we can't here you can put it on empty hex will do that I guess okay we're getting two legions at the capital let's see what the Empire has to offer us so first we have the assassin so we place her target let's meet what that means in a second then that player flips they're starting feet so we can't use in this round we place high activation token on her card so she's gonna move twice automatically her archery is pretty nasty hmm now our targets work is you pick a player without a target and they put the target token on their Haven with the fewest units which is my starting one and basically that's where she's going to try to head whenever she's not quite sure which way to go and she does immediately activate so she puts a third garrison on the capital kind of like chaos leaves the curses behind then she moves closer to her target first you want to go to a haven she can't do that then hex with a few ascend immunity that then an empty hex there she is and then any other hex now since she always lets get closer to her target the next time she moves at the end of the round if I haven't killed her she will attack my base with walls and tower so that kind of works out well for me I think what I'm probably gonna try to do is kill the counter of elmond and then let the assassin come in or maybe vice versa I'm not sure yet okay and second we have the Empress she places her target which now has to be the red player and then she takes two druid cards Oh weird so now she has taken both of my revealed druids and they are unusable until we kill her and she gives us zero victory points for defeating or what the heck by the way her target is of course my only Haven for red and with that being blocked off she's basically gonna go to either one of those empty spaces but she's not activating yet oh wait I'm sorry the assassin gets to activation tokens she doesn't activate immediately so she's still in the Capitol and the counter Roman gets one and by the way you might be wondering what happens if I get a third Legion they actually put their target on the capital because they have no player to go toward they just like sit there getting the Empire victory points in return all right this build phase time I should probably make change but what does buy a lot of stuff to use it brant can get ashen Forge make all his younglings cost less that sounds great or +1 white and three more resources I'd rather have that now he's got three guys left over from last round but he can fit five on each Haven so we can build seven more so let's see getting all four of my younglings with their new reduced costs would still leave me with enough to build a new Haven this round and then certainly get both of my leftover spear singers for for assault we got room for one more let's go big elephant babies I'm gonna get a note sworn for free after a combat hopefully so uses up just about all my salt and three of my food now do you want to kind of plan my turnout if you I'm gonna come back try to kill the counter of omens I'll get a third Haven there and then have some units waiting for when the assassin charges in so with that in mind let's have my big boy and some guards in the first hex and then my reinforcements will become my kind of weaker people meanwhile call has a lot of resources too let's see you can clash he can lose one skull he rolled to get a lightning bug but with all of the Druids gone all a lightning ball can do is cancel a shield I did say that but still not that great or discard this so it's one use but to roll the dice of unit that were destroyed here this round oh yeah so they I'm gonna take that one cuz I get like some horrible roll against me I can just smash them right back with a double attack and yuck-yuck-yuck a call can only fit two new units he still has three from last time so with his war giving him bonus archery I think he has to build another one of them he doesn't have the salt for a regular Archer unfortunately so help us get a tribesman his goal this round is to expand expand I'm gonna give him on grim fangs first and then I can either come in here or go over there I think I'd rather do the one I've already explored so let's have him start off with a move and Haven action remember for his faction that's three plunder well yeah he's on the board meanwhile I don't think Brant can afford to fight these guys that they gets to go right over and prepare for the two bosses but you know what while you're on a seat our hex all items cost one less crystal and hey what the heck he's a strong enough to use this worm sickle what it does is every melee around if he rolls two or more blanks he gets a free lightning bolts not gonna give him druid powers right now but it would cancel out a shield of the enemy so then we'll call someone market action but it's free crystal wise all right coming back over to call he's gonna use one food has already explored so he can move straight in there with all of his units and they have a guide for the relative strengths of things so the garrisons rolling three white dice in range whereas i'm rolling one for my archer and one orange from my ward special ability and because we're on the woods we get to re-roll up to two range dice yeah when we roll blanks so what do they get Oh crud okay reroll awesome it's only one block let's see if we can still get some damage through ooh not gonna roll anything because I hurt them once they are down one level that'll be a victory point for me in a second and that is great cuz I'd love to have fewer dice here so have you got a blue a white and two orange I've got two red to orange and white they get ooh amazing roll darn it three attacking to defense see if I can equal it I got kind of attack that's good I will kill them but right now their what not three of my guys well it seems like the perfect time to use my whip to get one shield that'll cost me two food of course now I mean I can cancel out one of their skulls and only lose two guys but I still have four skulls versus two defensive they are dead and for my two guys of course I'll lose my cheapy little orange ones oh I forgot to say anybody in the graveyard after you give the victory points to the faction for killing them comes back to your supply but these guys are going to the Imperial graveyard to give them victory points at the end of the round Red's up to 12 lose lagging behind now speaking of blue let's go explore and fight so don't forget because he's on a tower hex he can spend one move to go anywhere so he'll come right to the counter of home in space and he'll explore there hopefully it's nothing too horrible all right stone circle gain to plunder if empty place two skeletons here darn it and then Oh each player gains one basic unit on Haven or empty explored hex the good news is that means call can get a free Archer on one of those new havens the bad news is Brant has no available basic units cuz he built them all you know I forgot calls pillage again let's get him to a plunder because for his action he's gonna build a Haven again catch him back up three plunder for his third one meanwhile the wrath is commanding his first army in let's see how we do so we have to fight the skeletons in a separate battle before we take on the counter of omens alright so we get a two white dice of range combat first so you can get lucky to take these guys out then we got one scholar old off-screen there so one zombies gone alright now we got all our stuff including our elephants black died and they got a red they got one let's try to roll on camera now okay we blocked them and oh my gosh that is the best side clearly a three damage by by skeleton oh you know I forgot I would have gotten a reroll on my Archer that missed but that's okay so that brings blue to nine victory points tied with chaos but now we have to fight the counter of omens who is upgraded remember yak she's rolling for white dice a memory can reroll to that miss I'm rolling my same - we don't want us to go terribly okay crazy on both of those oh my god so I'm if I'm not hurting him and he's got three skulls coming at me let's try to get some defense okay good so I blocked two of them I definitely won't hurt him but only lose one a person let's get rid of one of my archers now that they're not as important they got three purple a blue and an orange I'm down one white die I'll see what they get okay just two skulls and then two lightning bolts the first one we'll use to place two skeletons on an empty hex the second one he'll use to cancel a shield if I have any okay and I do so one is canceled so we're not only taking one damage and I'm doing two to him but I do have my combat abilities but I didn't roll them any blanks and I don't really want to get another shield so let's lose my other Archer and tanked the rest anyway he's going down too which is great but he's putting two skeletons down but hey let's say they'll hang out there to greet the assassin in a second thank you I'm down to three dice you still got five three skulls not bad and he else gets three skulls oh man you know what I think I'm gonna use my once per combat ability to change a die to a single shield cuz that'll keep my elephant alive and maybe I'll get lucky and hit him for like three damage in a second so two damage gets through he's down to two and he defeats both of these guys he's down to his two blue and an orange and okay oh man he blocked once what's he got he's got one life left kidding yeah he's not dead but my elephant is a little bit of a silver lining I get to place one of my destroyed basic units on a haven so let's go ahead an get one of my spear singers that was killed back and I still got a ton of actions to bring these guys in finish him off and then wait for the assassin to come my calls got five actions left so I guess you might as well set himself up to get another Haven so he'll move and explore emember he can go through impassable terrain no free resources one skeleton here and then roll my hero dice and for every skull I roll I get one and everyone else gets to that's great and just one skeleton that's nothing when interesting I can block off my defense even more yes I like that a lot okay so one skeleton will kill him soon nearest calls hero dies looking for skulls that's only one so he gets one salt but Brandt gets two Anna speaking of Moran's he needs haul ass actions to do what he wants to do he's gonna command into this hex and he'll bring up his red guy his other Archer so he has two and two blue guys can't fit the last one yet I'm sorry it does cost a food call we'll use one of his last three actions to command in here you can grab that new Archer that was spawned and bran thinks it's time for round two another food commanding in finish this guy off so we're tied for archery we each have two white we each get two rerolls if we want on counter if hummons definitely does eyes got a shield and a skull nice I already canceled this damage a but nothing on the reroll so a whole lot of nothing for range but I'm definitely not the advantage in melee so the counter is down to only two blue dice but I have a red to white and two blue so this should be over quickly okay he gets these results and yes I'm gonna block them all I can cancel his shield with a lightning ball he's super dead but combats not Doug's if he's destroyed two skeletons go here and I gain two victory points so let's get right into it my range attacks rear Olsen in the forest nice got one of them and the one skeleton toughen and it rolls well either but he's still dead so much better than last time and now finally I can flip this and change one of my younglings into another oath sworn and that's two more victory points that has jumped ahead of red our call is going crazy let's command are so icy wastes no terrain effect which means this guy this has to sit there and take my two white and orange from my war bonus and ranged attack yes he is dead and this is crazy I'm getting to plunder which will let him build another Haven so he'll have four on the board which is ridiculous speaking of havens Brant has two actions left he'll build his third Haven for his first action and call will build his fourth with his final action and then finally remember the assassin will want to get closer to her targets I want to be here to receive her so Brent spent his last action to command let's see the mountain is gonna limit us to only one range each which is great against her bring both my red guys and I think actually both my blue guys cuz I've already got one range die for my tower and if the blue guys survived they fight harder alright so that was a fabulous turn the assassin gonna activate first she needs to go closer to her target which means you can only go here which means you get to fight some skeletons I hope they heard her that's her first activation the bonus once she gained she's her own a blue into White's answer I shouldn't say she left a tower behind on the capital come on skeletons survive yes one of them did and by the way if the Empire kills skeletons or chaos defeats Garrison's they also go to their graveyard for two victory points for one of the factions you know she's attacking for purple blue red orange white Wow a little bit of everything but come on skeleton I believe in you I don't believe in you okay so that was just a waste of my time giving her two victory points I will and in her second activation memory she has to go to her target as her primary thing so she can't go to one of the less defended ones and beautiful for me she only gets to roll one range died cuz we're on the highlands I roll one for my tower I can't whoo beautiful both and she gets just a shield so I don't hurt her but I'm okay with that and here's her a little multicolored thing again oh wait I'm down I'm on five guys here of course I would have brought another spear singer here's all my dice with the tower and wall bonus kills who the assassin does ooh four skulls and who no a lightning bolt means two more skulls she's hitting me for six she has no defense but still I've never not died here okay that looks pretty good I've got I've got four scholars to kill her off cuz she has no defense and I've got two skulls the lighting wall does nothing for me since I can't cancel the shield I mean I can use my once per combat ability to make this into a shield so with her lightning bolts she's still getting it three damage through I'm definitely wiping her out so I get three more victory points right here at the end and I'll get rid of all of my basic guys keep my two red guys ironed there but I don't forget I get to bring one of them back for free boom all right now we get to do production and then victory points you know let's skip production cuz we're getting a ton and to show you where the victory points would end up after the second chapter so here's where we stand before we tally and I will remind you I'm playing on the easiest difficulty so you don't think this game is like a cakewalk or anything uh I forgot to move the Empress I guess I would want her to come this way and I could reinforce that place like crazy then since the capital is full she would have placed a garrison let's put right there so Empire gets one two three four four their Garrison's five four having a legion left and then we're all represented in there so that's seven nine eleven total and then those units go back so they jump up to fourteen much better cast meanwhile did not get to put any new curses down so we still only have the same six they have no hoards left and only blue units in their graveyard so they get eight so they jump to 17 then Red's got four havens plus one bonus abouts nines who's up to 22 and blue has three havens plus a bonus so he's at 23 so we've established a pretty great foothold here halfway through a full four chapter game although you could play two chapters and be done here which is good for learning but I can't keep in mind on the easiest difficulty setting we can use any of the red skull hexes and cards that make the game way more difficult but that is up rising curse of The Last Emperor on Kickstarter now if you'd like to see my review of the prototype click on the link that just popped on screen good gaming everybody and we'll see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 9,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uprising, curse of the last emperor, kickstarter, playthrough, one stop, coop shop, co-op shop, board game, 4x, fantasy, adventure, hero, runewars
Id: furEj_CUTY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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