October 3, 2021 | Sunday Service | Vineyard Anaheim

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is and we claim your victory let it rise [Music] forever good morning and welcome to our vineyard anaheim livestream my name's cynthia and i'm here with my friend james and we just wanted to take a few minutes and say hello and welcome all of you who are streaming or watching at a later time we are so happy that you're with us if you'd like go ahead and put in the chat where you're streaming from whether that's a different state whether that's in orange county or whether that's international we have kristin on the chat and she would love to hear where you're streaming from yeah we love having the nation's gathering also folks that are round about here as well and just last sunday just want to tell you just some of the nations that are here you're always putting your comments in you're always putting your encouragements there we love to hear you're part of our online community you're some of the nations that were represented last sunday morning we had guatemala india brazil indonesia argentina south africa northern ireland shout out to northern ireland barbados oh we are so jealous of that so jealous of that philippines and then just people from across the states we had washington we had texas we love texas connecticut uh nevada and even someone from placentia just like five minutes down the way we are so glad that you're tuning in and joining as cynthia said please let us know where you are tonight from it just brings such a joy to our hearts it brings such an encouragement to our church family here and to our community we'd love to know where you're tuning in from and also in two weeks time which is the 17th of october straight after the service we know that many of you are tuning in from the uk maybe northern ireland scotland england wales wherever it is we would love to connect with you after our live stream so that's on the 17th of october it's going to be in zoom we'll get the details out there soon but just wanted to give you a heads up we would love to connect with our uk family yeah and like james said we see you guys as a part of our community our online community and so we're making spaces for you and if you don't already know we have a live stream prayer available where where you guys get to tune in and pray with us and join us in prayer for praying for the nations praying for orange county and that happens tuesday wednesday and thursday tuesday mornings at 8 30 thursday mornings at 8 30 and wednesdays at nine and on tuesdays in english on wednesday it's in portuguese and on thursdays it's in korean so we would love for you guys to tune in there wherever you stream from instagram facebook youtube is there for you yeah and this morning we're excited jeremy and the team are going to lead us in worship cynthia is going to be hosting and also alan's going to be continuing our new series momentous today so cannot wait for that so wherever you're tuning in from why don't you just stretch out your hands or just reach out your hands in a place to receive today we believe that the lord wants to come and meet with you wherever you are at whether you're sitting in front of your laptop your tv or you're just listening to this at work whatever it may be we're praying for you today so father we thank you for your presence or we thank you for this sunday may not just be another service but may it be an encounter with you today for everyone who's watching everyone who is connecting with this in any way lord we pray for broken bones to be made well today we pray for broken hearts to be made well broken minds to be made well that today father the dreamers would arise that people would rise again into their purpose that you would remind people today of the promises and the prophetic words that you've spoken over their life that have been lying dormant lord that today you would stir them up god you would stir them up god you would dust off in some of the some of those writings some of those words that have been there and today would be a day of destiny today for people so far we thank you for everyone tuning in would they be blessed today in jesus name amen folks as i said cynthia is about to launch the service but please stay connected with kristin throughout this time and have an amazing day guys see you next week let there be worship [Music] holy spirit [Music] again [Music] let there be one [Music] is is [Music] [Music] let there be worse [Music] [Music] let there be one is [Music] is [Music] [Music] all right guys we're gonna go ahead and get ready for worship so maybe you just want to stand jeremy's going to go ahead and kick us off good morning guys what a joy what a joy to come together welcome to the vineyard so glad to be with you all and to pursue the lord with all our hearts soul mind and strength amen amen hey i just have a little thing in my heart i want to read it blows me away guys what the lord has empowered us to do um i really when we really grasp the power of praise and what the lord has given us the way that it can shape earth the way that can release heaven on earth the authority that god has given his body particularly when we set our minds to worship is so remarkable and the more we lay hold of the power that we have when we just go after the lord and we praise him and we worship him ah there's something that should just ring in our hearts but i was just reading in first actually second corinthians and paul is speaking to the corinthians he says but thanks be to god who always leads us in triumph in christ and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of him for we are the sweet fragrance of christ which ascends to god eyes just um i have an act of imagination but whenever i think about worship i think about this thing that it's so simple that we get to do that we get to sing we get to release the knowledge of god and it is a literal fragrance that is going it's about to rise as we give ourselves to this but it's going to rise before our father before the throne room in heaven and i just go oh lord all we have to do is just sing the glory of who you are and it is a fragrance it is a thing that shifts things that moves me that's what i'm trying to say so who's just ready to release the knowledge of god the fragrance of jesus lord thank you that you have literally made us priests we don't even understand what that means half the time and more than that you've made just a royal priesthood and you've given us authority you've put authority on us and we step in to our assignment we step into our holy and sacred entrustment to declare the excellencies of christ the wonders of jesus the wonder of the son of god the glory of the trinity we praise you we even step in even now we crown you today lord of all we hail you king of kings we glory in the name of jesus we thank you for your blood that cleanses us we thank you for your blood that makes a way for us to enter in we thank you for the blood that gives us confidence and a boldness to come before your throne of grace is questions [Music] oh cheers [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you is his grace [Music] [Music] his grace [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] today with glory and honor and praise [Music] [Music] is [Music] and crawl them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you lord [Music] [Music] lord of thank you [Music] thank you jesus [Music] he spoke into the darkness created [Applause] is the lord and he comes oh when he comes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] salvation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh god [Music] clothes [Music] [Music] oh he is the lord and he reigns [Music] into on darkness created the life yeah he is the lord who is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] our god our mighty god almighty god [Music] yeah you [Music] [Music] [Music] give yeah us sing that line again for our inheritance oh lord for our inheritance give us the loss for you oh we make it a prayer say it one more time for all oh and for our inheritances [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] with hearts we respond with faith we move towards with faith we move towards with faith [Music] over the eyes [Music] to the revelations and the mysteries of jesus [Music] the treasure of heaven the knowledge [Music] eyes and lights and eyes today left the veil lift the let us be all the glory let us behold the glory let us behold the water let us behold the face of jesus [Music] [Music] he spoke into the darkness created the light yet he [Music] comes in is when we call on his name yay me [Music] [Music] astray this cornerstone this solid ground firm through the fiercest [Music] my comforter my is [Music] and in christ alone fullness of god in heaven this gift of love and righteousness yes as jesus died the wrath of god was satisfied for every sin on him [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] then bursting forth in glorious days [Music] is [Music] [Music] and he is [Music] thank [Music] no you in life no fear of death this is the power of christ in me from my first cry to the final breath jesus commands my death [Music] till he returns or calls me home [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the power of christ in me from life's first breath final breath for jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] here [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we extol [Music] [Music] is you jesus [Music] [Music] i dare not trust [Music] in jesus [Music] then jesus [Music] and i did not trust the sweetest friend but holy trust in jesus [Music] in christ in christ [Music] he is lord [Music] [Applause] when darkness seems to hide his face i rest on his unchanging grace [Music] my oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] are [Music] [Music] is [Music] dressed in his righteousness to stand before the throne when he shall come when he shall come [Music] is thank you [Music] so [Music] my [Music] my strengths [Music] always [Music] oh [Music] stronger [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus oh [Music] he is lord [Music] praise the [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] let's just wait here just a little bit but just begin to just minister to the lord just lift your heart to him [Music] [Music] we always for you we wait for you [Music] around [Music] us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come and wake me below through the covers [Music] [Music] come and blow through the cats come over [Music] [Music] and wake me for my sleep [Music] yes [Music] overflows [Music] when peace [Music] my way [Music] roars [Music] whatever my love thou hastened [Music] is [Music] and it is [Music] is [Music] [Music] of this glory [Music] [Music] oh [Music] they [Music] praise the lord [Music] my [Music] [Music] with my [Music] is soul [Music] oh lord when the faith shall be silenced the clouds [Music] is [Music] my soul and it is [Music] and it is [Music] it is [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] we praise you god in the greatest sin we thank you and praise you for the gift of salvation for the knowledge of repentance and deliverance and salvation we thank you for the blood of jesus that pay the costly price for our redemption for our deliverance and for our salvation and we lift high today the cup of salvation and we sing and we glorify your name today because you you have made peace it is in you that we have peace with god it is you it is in you jesus that we can truly say it is well it is well with our souls because you are the solid rock upon which we stand you are our cornerstone you are our foundation all else is sinking sin and you alone and you alone christ our savior we lift high the name of jesus today we lift high that you might draw all men unto yourself for the sake of the loss for the inheritance that we're crying out for we left high the name of jesus today in the sanctuary praise your holy holy name we praise your holy holy name today i pray that you had come upon us in an even mightier way to declare that you would fill us with revelation lord i pray that this house not just the leaders and the singers but the whole of this assembly would be full of the revelation and the knowledge of christ lord i pray that it will become such a fragrance in this region such a fragrance before heaven as we spill out the knowledge and the wonders and the works of god that you would be exalted in this region that you would draw men to yourself and everyone who agrees with that just say amen amen say it again and again amen guys turn greet someone show some love welcome guys welcome to vineyard anaheim if it's your first time or your 100th time we are so happy you're with us we are community passionate about stepping into the story of god for the sake of the city and my name is cynthia and i'm on team here i just have a few announcements before alan comes up but first and foremost we are passionate about stepping into the story of god and one of the ways that we do that is through generosity we want to be a generous people we want to be a favorable people in the eyes of the lord and we know that one of those characteristics means generosity and so we're passionate about generosity and if you partner with us here and you and you are partnering in generosity here then there's just a few ways on the screen that you can go ahead and give today or this week online text mobile and mail and i have the privilege here of helping oversee the college ministry here and we have something really exciting coming up this thursday we're going to have jeremy and katie with us this thursday so if you're between the ages of 18 and 24 we want to invite you out on thursday night at seven it'll be upstairs just to eat well if if you look with me it'll be upstairs to this room and the left but there will be signs once you come out so we would just love for you to come out it's gonna be an incredible night of encounter as we press into the more that jesus has for us as we press in to be kingdom carrier people and so so yep there it is on the screen and you can go ahead and register online at vineyard anaheim events so just write online at the website and guys we're also really excited this week is a big week for us because we just launched our internship and esam and we are thrilled about it we have eight interns with us all across our departments here and we have 36 people with us in our encounter school of mission and we are just thrilled these guys are going to be learning for nine months what it means to step fully into the story of god for the sake of the city they're going to be doing outreaches weekly they're going to be learning all about identity assignment and authority and we just want to kind of take a moment and pray for them so if you are in here and you're in our internship program you're in esom go ahead and stand up we just go ahead and stand up yes amazing we did not prep them for this so they're they're probably a little nervous about what's gonna happen yeah we are so thrilled for these guys and what's in store for these guys so we're just gonna take a few moments and pray for them so just go ahead and extend your hand out to them if you're near them yeah yeah jesus father we bless this step in the courage that it took to get to decide to give nine months to pursuing your kingdom to pursuing the city that you've put them in and lord i pray that they would experience the joy of storing up heavenly treasures lord would you give them every spiritual gift would you would you allow them to have access to power and glory and authority and everything that they need for these nine months and then would you give them even more would e-summit internship only benefit marriage only benefit relationships only benefit school would this activate them would this set them up for their whole future lord would you give them faith not in the wisdom of men but in the power of you would they experience your power i pray now that faith would stir inside of them to see wonder to see glory to see miracles in front of them i pray that their hands would be prepped they would be miracle workers lord we bless what you're doing inside of them and for the next nine months and i pray that they would be spearheads for miracles they would be spearheads for salvation that you would make them wells of living water when they go out that every time they go out they would encounter you and they would bring people to encounter you in jesus name amen so guys if you see them around just pray for them and and look at them and say yes you are doing a hard thing and we see that and we love that i'm going to go ahead and welcome up alan now thank you cynthia hey guys we had a fabulous day yesterday we just launched our school admission as cynthia mentioned we did it yesterday a renewal day anyone around for that some of you some of you engaged we had we had a guest speaker yesterday his name is brian brian blanc and he and his wife janine lead the vineyard in crestwood and oklahoma oklahoma state and uh one of the things that he did during that time is he talked about uh just putting jesus on display and he shared a little story that honestly he today he's with the youth and no you cannot go there you're stuck in here and he is with the youth and they're gonna have a ball they show up yesterday fired up eager to experience everything god had for them favorite moments a nine-year-old girl getting just wrecked by the holy spirit resting on her in such power and her falling on the floor is the spirit of god ministered to for a period of time and then getting up and giving a word to the speaker like that's just cool right that's what you want one thing to go out under the power another thing to get up and deliver power that's a whole other thing well anyways part of his talk he showed a little video and it was too good not to show you guys this is of a moment of brian in cape town in the equivalent he described it as the equivalent of a cvs store so it speaks for itself so the guys are going to show it's a little long but stay with it it's worth seeing and then um happened as i just grabbed your hand there was just this warm feeling going on over my body and it just left what do you think about that oh it's amazing it's wonderful it was wonderful and i told you that was jesus it's amazing it's amazing and you're christian yeah i'm just telling you this is what christians do and so i just want to encourage you that are out there as you go um jesus is alive and he just wants to work through us and our job is just to put him on display hey can you put your hand out towards the camera and say jesus jesus would you heal those would you heal those who have back issues like me who have black issues like me in jesus name in jesus name amen wow thank you so tell me your name donna donna angelico and angelico what i was just with angelica angelica had pain for quite a long time i just held her hand and she got completely healed and then we came over to her friend donna and i had angelica hold donna's hand that's all she did and what happened to you the pain just disappeared what do you mean it just disappeared i disappeared i didn't feel anything at all and i could bend down where i couldn't just gone just gone completely gone and so and we told you that was that was jesus jesus and you know jesus yes and so angelico knows jesus and this is the thing we get to do this as christians we just get to pray for those who are in need and so can you imagine if all of us as christians just did that what would happen for people the world would be a better place come on so you think you can do this now yeah yeah yes yes yes i know you can do it yes definitely come on jesus amen amen okay so these are my friends angelica and donna and we came over to another co-worker and your name is miranda yeah and so all they did was just uh hold donna held their hand right and what happened to you just the pain left out of your back and out of your head how long have you had that pain since during the day now it's completely gone and that's jesus and this is what christians do is we just pray for the sick and we put jesus on display and just i'm just coming to get hairspray that's all i was doing and all and jesus just healed these beautiful ladies and god is using them to heal the sick now that's putting jesus on display okay so we have two more uh ladies what's your name okay so what i did is i just again i'm just buying hair spray now look at all this it's spread now jesus has healed all these ladies and she just what you touched her hand held her hand and then all the pain left your knees how long have you been having that no it's almost two or three weeks now and so did you feel like a pain or yes it's always in there okay and then did you feel like a warmth or something what happened no it's very so if i woke up but when she held your hand what happened whatever what did you feel that moment the heat and the pain just left and that's jesus just buying hairspray and then other friend come up here you've had what problem back pain and what everybody's over your stomach and she just held her hand right and what did you what did you experience i felt my blood like it was moving that's amazing so jesus just healed her this is the power of jesus putting jesus on display and all they did was just touch and you know god wants to move through us and he wants to heal through us because god loves people so much and so you guys are all christians right and so you guys should be able to do this all the time now just touch someone pray for them ask jesus to come and you'll come and bring healing and guys i'm telling you again just as you go as you go get hairspray look look at all these people these ladies too yes and so jesus wants to just use us uh to put him on display come on jesus isn't that amazing hey ladies just put your hands out towards this and just say jesus jesus bring healing bring healing to all that watch this in jesus name in jesus name amen here we go this is what we're doing we're just having them hold their hands now watch you have a problem where anywhere else okay now watch this now check your sinuses check your body what she said is it open what else is did you feel like a heat just it just left now you can breathe that's jesus what do you think about that and she just held your hand she got healed because the bible says freely receive freely give come on jesus thank you jesus amen come on come on come on so are you a pharmacist just worse here so he came up here he's watching jesus heal everybody again just getting hairspray he's i want you to put your hands where on your ribs okay no no no here how about this just hold his hand just here just hold his hand just hold his hand hold his hand for a second hold his hands now just yeah okay now move your body and check the pain has gone away it's going to how long have you had that pain for two weeks two weeks and on the scale from zero to ten what would you put your pain at just a minute ago before she held your hand a good six and now it's gone now it's gone 100 all she did was hold your hand because she's a christian are you a christian i'm a christian come on this is what jesus does as he brings healing to us just with a touch what do you think about that it's awesome say come on man jesus come on jesus come on jesus amen amen where where came from okay and so what just happened to you we were here you were healed yes and well you didn't get healed you had pain in your body no no but you haven't been playing how long have you had that it's from this morning and what happened when they prayed for you and then i was just feeling free my body is shaking your body's shaking it's gone what happened to you i was also healed yes yeah i got a back pain this morning yes did she just pray for you yes and then i think it was over here tammy you right did you end up praying for first one yeah and so jesus is just loves to heal people all we're doing is coming to buy a bottle of water because we need water and we're putting jesus on display and look at this amen smiles on our faces yes put your hands out like this and say jesus bring healing to all who watch this in jesus name in jesus name amen amen [Laughter] that's just amazing ryan told us yesterday that in the end there were 80 people in the store who experienced god's touch in that way so wasn't it wonderful the way they were just putting their hands out and saying jesus heal anyone and everyone and maybe today maybe you're sick and maybe as they did that maybe you got healed and maybe you should just try it out maybe maybe god just came and healed jews he healed them right so i just want to see where the faith is before we deliver the word which builds faith i want to see that there's faith in the room it's one thing to applaud what god is doing it's another to engage it i want us to engage it right and when we hear stories of healing and if we're sick at all we should be like like looking for it so go ahead and stand up view it today is going to be a participant sport uh so go ahead and stand up and if you were sick at all coming in just turn to your neighbor and say i was sick i was sick and then just go and see if it's still in pain what did they describe their backs and knees and sinuses and ribs and all sorts of things so go ahead and check it out we'll be doing this throughout the service today but i just want to see if there's any power on those ladies that's all i'm really checking for on what they prayed so go ahead and check it out and if there's improvement or healing there uh just clap a few times and we'll see good that's all we're just baseline go ahead and grab a seat wonderful well i wanted just to see that where we are our mission statement here is stepping into the story of god we recognize we don't bring the story of god right we don't need any christians taking jesus to the city jesus is already in the city waiting for us to join him right he is a friend of lost people he's not waiting for us to show up and make him known he's already there making himself known to them but what they need is some people who step into the story of what he's already doing and so it's wonderful to witness moments like that it's exactly as jesus said it would be he said i will build my church and the very gates of the enemy will not be able to overpower or overcome or prevail against it and he spoke that with words that were commanding with words that were authoritative just as jesus always did and today we're going to step into that a little more together we're going to unlock some of the authority that god has placed on us as a house and we're going to look at different bible verses we're going to be in joshua as you would expect we're going to be in matthew and in some different places but as we do this today today is a training and teaching moment if you like it's the last part of our day yesterday i expect today some authorization to happen the thing about kingdom authority is you don't know you have it until you give it away it only becomes currency when you go to give it to someone else until then it feels like you have nothing to bring and so as you give it it shows up it's the strangest thing it's like uh loafs and fish right you've got nothing you give it away it becomes something that's how authority works and for some of us we're going to experience fresh authorization today for others we're going to engage in dreaming with god just a little bit differently and um all of it for his honor and for his glory so father i thank you for those testimonies today i thank you for what you're listening in this house we take authority over every work of the enemy we command the release of healing and freedom over bodies over minds of our hearts we rebuke every afflicting spirit every traumatic spirit in jesus name we command there to be a release of understanding that is quickened and a fortitude and an engagement in all that you have for us today father i pray as your word comes forth let there be no cross lines today let there be nothing confusing let it be just clear as you yourself would speak to as we pray in jesus name amen amen all right so we're gonna we're gonna come back in a moment to josh i wanna uh jeremy did such a great job right at the beginning it's almost as though we colluded then we didn't dare at all did we i didn't know you're going to worship along the lines of authority you didn't know i was going to teach in that i didn't know you were going to quote corinthians and goddess put us on display and as a procession and he didn't know i was going to mention that in the service all of which is just our way of saying listen up god's trying to get your attention today this matters this is important it's always important but this is important for us as a house and as our engagement within that there are two different kind of streams in the church there is the part of the church that loves the lamb of god but struggles with the king we're deeply grateful that jesus is the lamb of god that he is as matt wonderfully wrote and sang last week that he is the son of suffering as we declare today that he is the one who through his blood has brought forgiveness to our lives we never move on from the lamb of god there is no greater revelation but it is not the only aspect of god's divine attributes or his nature he is also the king then there's the part of the church that only know the king and it's all victorious and glorious and triumphant and we're so grateful that jesus is the king and i want to lean into that second part today that our king is governing that he is reigning that he is recreating that he is the exact radiance of the father's glory that he upon the cross shed his blood and in that process dethroned the powers and defeated them so that any other power is an illegitimate power and there is one name above all name it is the name of king jesus and he rightfully rules and reigns over all of history all of humanity both now and forevermore and he shall reign forever and ever and he is the conquering king who conquers sickness and disease and demons and death and destruction and disaster and it all comes it's all sourced in his obedience to the father in his subjecting himself to suffering through the cross and god looks upon it with favor his wrath is truly satisfied as the hymn writer spoke and god speaks and he raises his son from the dead who is now seated at the father's right hand in glorious majesty for all eternity and it is from that place today that king jesus speaks to us his government his people his representatives on the earth and he says all authority in heaven and on earth is given to me it belongs to me there is no other rightful authority it all belongs to me therefore i command you i command you it's not a suggestion it's not an option for us it is his command and it is this creative command that allows us to do what he's called us to do he says i command you go to the nations steep them in the story steep them in my name and my nature my authority and my kingdom in the name of the father son and holy spirit and so that's our kind of commissioning that we have as the body of christ and we've been journeying a little through the book of joshua and we're right in this moment in the story where they're learning about god's rulership over the territories that they're engaging and they're learning how to step into it and if you've been with us you'll know we're right at that part where joshua is going up and he is gathering the warriors he's just saying hey those of you who are convinced that god's kingdom is taking territory i want to summon you and i want to call you i want to awaken you and they begin to engage with them and we have it here in joshua 10. and i may get a little excited today i make no apology for that my enthusiasm will hopefully come upon you also at some point that would be desirable in every way so joshua went up from gilgal he and all the people of war with him and all the valiant warriors and the lord said to joshua do not fear them this is the enemy be courageous for i have given them into your hands and not one of them shall stand before you and what god is saying in this moment is this joshua i haven't been i haven't called you to be an observer of what i can do that's not my plan for your life i want you to be a partner as you begin to move towards those that have called you to move towards i'm going to move with you do not be afraid nothing will be able to stand against you what i don't want you to do joshua is to stand on the sidelines asking for me to do something that i'm calling you to do i want you to recognize i've given you authority and nothing and no one will be able to stand before you as we sang today no scheme of hell is it scheme of hell or scheme of man scheme of man what's the hell part what go to what no no power of hell no scheme of man right it's that moment and god says hey i love that you've gathered the warriors every time you gather the warriors it's signed that i've put a move on and it's time to get a move on church it's time to get a move on and it's time for us to do that in different ways and so they move out in agreement because that's the only way my army can march there has to be agreement they move out in alignment together and they move out in advancement they begin to actually move towards the territory that the lord has given to them in our language we would say they step into the story of god for the sake of the city and in this moment they're praying i believe they're praying and marching they're adoring and marching they're doing both warriors don't leave intimacy but they recognize that some things don't yield to intimacy the only yield to authority this is why jesus gave us authority intimacy is expected authority is necessary hello are you here intimacy is expected authority is necessary if this was just about you having a relationship with jesus he wouldn't have given his authority because you don't need authority to have a relationship with him but because this thing is about making known that there is one lord and one god who rules over all things you need authority to demonstrate his name and nature above those things that are impostors and pretenders as we've got to show up and saying jesus is rightfully lord and they say who is this jesus and what is his right and we begin to declare he is the lord the king of glory the lord strong and mighty and then we make known his name in different ways and we don't have time for all of that today but let me just say this intimacy will get breakthrough for you but authority will bring breakthrough for others until you step into your authority the story that god is longing to rewrite in our city will never be rewritten and by you i mean you individually i mean you personally as well as as corporately and as a church that actually requires each one of us don't you love in that video that these people i know they were all saying they're christians i have my doubts but i love that they were just like i just got healed and i'm going to give it away don't you love that they didn't even get to hear a talk like this they didn't experience worship like we just had like they what did they have they had learned nothing but it's amazing what god can do with people who know nothing but gave everything it's a lot easier for god to work through people who know nothing but give everything than those who know everything but give nothing and they're just like okay we've heard and we've seen therefore we go and 80 people not that the number matters it's just wonderful that the lord would do that right and so i want us to see today what we're going to engage in is around authority and this is going to be practical at some point but i want us to turn from one to look chapter nine verses one and two and um if at some point as my excitement increases if i speak too quickly uh would you just say something like hodge your horses hold your horses like just slow slow it down a bit all right this is jesus speaking to his disciples he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over a few of the demons good good just checking you're awake over all the demons and to heal diseases and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom and perform healing and so that's the same for us isn't it we're called to him and we're given authority those two are inseparable the people who are really close to him walk in authority and the people who walk in authority are close to him they are inseparable we call it the lordship of christ right namely that when he speaks we obey it's inseparable in our lives he calls them to him gives them authority and the authority is to supply the destiny of the communities around them and i just want to be clear with us today as a house as for this house as for what we're doing we're going to be a people who carry his presence it's going to be important to us we're never going to lift off worship that is intimate worship that is passionate we're always going to be that kind of people but we're also going to be a people who carry his authority and we're going to learn how to do that together i've actually you may not know this i've written a book on that stuff it's what i used to do all the time before i came here but i realized when we first came that we weren't ready for this but i feel we're getting ready i feel we're getting ready oh i wasn't saying that for i'm saying it just to repeat it but then i signed it all pentecostal when i said it a second time so oh i feel i feel we're getting ready right oh i feel it i feel like we're getting ready jazz hands right but i do and you cannot you cannot send the people into battle whose mind are distracted who are caught up in the wrong spirit or the wrong ideologies or whose view of church is that it's a safe shelter from the world it doesn't work it's it just doesn't work but i'm sensing that something is shifting in this house and that the lord is doing something we're getting ready now to begin to take the authority that he has given to us as the king and begin to overthrow the works of the enemy in a community or a phrase differently just to flip the script wherever you see a script that doesn't look like what jesus is writing you flip the script whether it's disease demonization co-workers that are just dysfunctional maybe you are that co-worker and you don't know but you're just flipping the script wherever we go and so jesus calls us to do that and historically what we've done in the church is this we have developed programs to reach the city we create all these programs in our church and in orange county we have put a clinic on in that and exported them to the world let me tell you this no program has ever changed a city in human history cities are not changed by programs they're changed by people and god's plan was a people and it would be a people who were both priests and kings people who understand their intimacy in ministering to him and then their authority in ministering to others and that's his plan for the city and as long as we are in the church afraid of the city the enemy is completely happy he loves it when we're afraid of the city and he loves it when we complain about the city the one thing he fears is that you show up looking for hairspray he fears that we would show up with any understanding that we are representatives and ambassadors and pioneers of a kingdom that is coming and will come and as we begin to lean into that it begins to leak out of us so that as jer mentioned right at the beginning the fragrance of jesus begins to show up in trader joe's so that when people are around you they're like there's a smell around here i'm to my wife this week she was buying a car and the lady came in and her day off because she just had to meet catherine is that odd so she met her imagine coming in in your day off to meet someone and then she sold the car to her but then she wouldn't leave she jumped in the car beside her and just wanted to chat to her for a little while and she didn't not that she was caught in a fragrance if she'd gone into my car there sure would have been a fragrance but it was catherine's car [Applause] she was caught up she was caught up in a presence that she doesn't understand but she's been born for her whole life we carry that fragrance wherever we go the kingdom is for this city but we have to agree with the authority we have and then align ourselves with it and then activate it in our lives and that's what it means to march you see i'm going to agree with this i'm going to align myself with it and now i'm going to do it yesterday with a story a lovely man who was at a renewal day yesterday and he was so inspired with what you just saw when we um said hey go for lunch he didn't actually eat he just went around looking for people to pray for and he asked seven people and none of them said yes but eventually he got one i believe and he came back you would think he'd be discouraged he was overjoyed he was activated he's like yeah i'm engaged in this i'm doing this and the authority that jesus gives to us today is the authority that rests on him we don't take authority on ourselves that just gets ugly maybe you're here today and you're like oh no it's one of those kind of churches and i don't know what your thoughts are exactly in that process but let me tell you what we're not we're not a church that takes authority on ourselves we don't claim more than we see we're british we're a little more reserved we're more likely to say nothing to see here nothing to see than we are to say wow right we're a little more reserved i don't say that in any way please don't hear that as naughty against american i'm just saying it's not in our nature to over promote right and so you don't have to fear that what you do have to fear though is that you live your whole life without ever exercising the authority that jesus died to give you and it is not enough that he's the lamb for you he must become the king in your life he and his will and reign must be expressed through your life anything less is not discipleship it is consumer christianity happy with what it received from jesus and not able to exercise what he has given it for the the release of others the salvation of others the redemption of others and the transformation of communities it is happy that god has transformed it but it does nothing to transform those around them and that my friends is not faith that is called a business transaction i give you my stuff you give me your stuff we're all good let's talk when i get to glory but we're called to demonstrate a rule in the rain and i think we're getting closer that's what i'm trying to say i think you're starting to look a little more like jesus when we first showed up you just look like cantankerous complaining christians but you're slowly changing and you're slowly seeing that actually there's more to this than giving up a couple of hours on a sunday morning there's a story that god is writing i get to play a part in that listen to this it's jesus authority the people were all so amazed mark 1 27 that they asked each other when jesus was speaking what is this a new teaching and with authority he even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him and over the last couple of months we've sort of been modeling that to you showing you that in the room uh because pretty soon our hope is that you'll do that where you go i was telling some friends recently of a story of uh being on a flight with a friend and i'd fallen asleep pretty early into the flight and he was seated maybe six or eight rows ahead of me and i woke up with a jolt because i heard a shriek on the plane and it's kind of i don't know about you i'm not afraid of flying i love flying but when i hear somebody shrieking on the fly i get a little unnerved i'm like what happened what happened this shriek and i chat with my friend after he said well i get on the plane and the girl says to me i get really nervous when i fly i make everyone around me afraid you might want to take another seat he said i looked at her and i said don't worry my peace will balance out your fear so i leaned over he was on the ilc and he leaned over to the man in the other aisle seat in slovakia in europe he leans over to the man in the other aisle seat who's wearing a suit and he says excuse me sir you look like a christian are you and the man said yes and he said i'm just going to drive a demon out of this girl would you mind praying while i do it and i woke up with the shriek of the demon leaving on the plane right [Applause] and you're going to start seeing that kind of stuff it's going to be you you're going to walk into a store and people are going to act strange around you because you carry a fragrance now we don't go in like with an incense ball like receive the fragrance [Applause] aren't you glad i came shopping in this store today it's very natural very normal but very powerful just like our jesus very natural very normal but very powerful and he taught as one with authority he gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him why because his government had come upon them his government his will and reign had come upon them so the authority is to restrain and release now i want to make sure i get to the practical so i i just um give me three more minutes or four more minutes in this the authority jesus says in in matthew 16 he said i'm going to build the church but i'm going to give you the keys of the kingdom in the church we've done the reverse right what we've said is jesus we'll build the church and would you go out and bring in the lost like so where do your job jesus you do ours how does that sound and then we wonder why it didn't work well oh that's right he said he would build the church so the good news is we don't need anyone here to try to build this church or any church that's his job and frankly he's really good at it and frankly we just get in the way when we try to do it for him he will am i making that up is this true didn't he say i'll build my church didn't sure he didn't say thank god for thomas he will build my church i was getting really tired sure he didn't say that no sure he didn't say to any of the disciples that when he commissioned them therefore go and build my church no because he said he'll build the church here's what he said to them i'm going to give you keys and a key is for unlocking something it's for restraining and for releasing he said i'm going to give you the keys of the kingdom these are keys every jewish person hearing that knew he was speaking about authority and he was saying i'm putting authority in your heart and hands and what you do either releases power in the city or restrains the power at work in the city but it is now in your hands and it is your decision what you do with it and the disciples are looking at each other saying are you this time going to restore the kingdom to like okay we don't really like that deal we would much rather you did the kingdom stuff we'll do the organization tea parties etc but you do that stuff right jesus you heal the sick jesus you drive out demons jesus you bring in the lost jesus you he's like no no no no that's your job that's my job that's our job and again i'm speaking with a little more intensity than i would like in it just because i've held it back for a good while uh but i'm i'm speaking with intensity to not in the sense of when are you ever going to do this but in the sense of i think we're getting closer i think that some of you are going to break ranks any moment and start leading people to jesus you know you're going to break ranks at any moment you're going to start having conversations with your neighbors about jesus you're going to break ranks at any moment and you're going to try casting out a demon from someone probably your spouse initially but afterwards you'll find someone else who actually does have a demon some of you are going to break ranks and you're going to start praying for the sick and you're not just going to do it at the end of a service you're just going to do it somewhere else you just it's just going to happen you're going to say i don't know what came over me i've taken this jesus thing way too far some of you are going to you're gonna be reading the bible and you're gonna say lord thank you for my quiet time could i step into your noisy time jesus i really love meeting you in my closet but i know you have other business you're doing today could i do that with you and some of you it's just going to your world's just going to change a little and what's going to happen is you're going to trigger in someone else and before you know it that fragrance is going to get just in lots of places and that fragrance for some is like really life-giving they're like yes i believe for every believer it's really life-giving i just think it gets covered a little so it becomes annoying sometimes to other people or to use it the way the founder of this church said it god said hey my mercy is like honey for some people they love it and other people it's like it's just messy and it's sticky and all that and they don't really love it and what's going to happen is your lack of apathy is going to embarrass someone who's still in apathy and they're going to try to pull you back into apathy are you okay that's what's going to happen they're going to start trying to pull you back into it and say we liked you better when you didn't drive out demons you're going to say and the demons like me better then too all right and we're going to discover guys just how far this actually goes beyond the building beyond church beyond meetings beyond gatherings and we're going to get to do it together and i could stand here today and predict that for you and prophesy that and and i have no desire to express my credibility in at all other than to say i've seen this and i've done this and i've watched the whole church come alive and doing this this is possible what we present to you today is not some kind of high bar i've watched as children when an ambulance shows up in the street i've watched like six children run towards the ambulance to pray for the person being taken away in it little children just who are like we have to do it we have to reveal and release jesus to folks around us so i sense that the lord is awakening authority now sorry this will be three minutes and then i do want to do practical you know what i really wanted to do today is just help us pray with authority because that's what the sun stands still moment is it's kind of a prayer but it's a brilliant exercising of authority when i say it's kind of a prayer it's a bit like when jesus prays for lazarus do you remember how jesus prays for lazarus how does he pray just shout it out oh don't try to come out you might get more than you bargained for what isha he said he just lazarus come forth right is that a prayer i'm not going to argue with jesus in it maybe it is maybe it isn't what i tell you it is is authority at work and this sun stands there moment is a bit like that remember when jesus prayed for the deaf man and he prays this ears be opened is that a prayer is that a prayer yeah maybe it sounds to me like he's talking to the ears anybody else like if you say to someone ears be open are you okay it's an unusual prayers what i'm saying what i'm trying to say is jesus didn't pray anything like we pray i have studied the gospels i cannot find jesus praying like we pray his prayers are always like the ones i've just exampled they're always really short because if you expect what you're praying for to happen it's got really quiet in here i'm gonna go back to my pentecostal roots here oh it's got quiet in here people's quiet in new york crickets crickets what but but if you're expecting what you're saying to happen you know that the volume doesn't make a difference all of us know this and i'm going to take longer and all of us know this it's the parent who shouts at their kid who does not have authority in that moment a parent with authority does not need to shout now they may think they have authority but the kid knows better yes isn't this your experience so how do we pray with authority and we're going to do this in a moment um we like joshua he speaks to the son jesus says hey speak to the mountain we actually speak to the condition the problem the situation whatever it is and we command it to begin to change we command it to begin to change we look at that thing and we begin to pray differently so rather than you praying today god would you give me authority because the bible says you already have it you're not praying for something you already have isn't it be like me saying god would you give me a wife and you would say you have a wife look after the one you have amen cut me real deep shrek real deep so you have a wife right and most of the time we're praying for things that god has already given us and what we need to learn to do is how to partner with him in releasing what he has so you pray slightly differently instead of praying god would you remove the obstacles that are blocking this and would you move them out of the way you say i take authority over every obstacle now in jesus name i command the plans of the enemy to come to nothing in jesus name i declare in fact the words at the prayer your kingdom come your will be done can also be translated come kingdom of god be done will of god like a forceful come kingdom of god be done will of god it's a direct decree or declaration or command into that and i want us to learn how to pray that way because truthfully and i will close with this and we will move right into doing it together because truthfully when you're in the hairdressers i was going to say when you're in the store when you're out and about wherever you are you actually only get about 30 seconds to pray haven't you found it well let me try it this way um why don't you stand for a moment we understand there anyway but let me try it this way how many of you are going to work tomorrow and will be working at this time tomorrow 25 to 12. how many if somebody asked you to pray for them would say yes brilliant how many of you are likely to ask somebody if you can pray for them don't raise your hand it's just good how many in either eventuality and that are expecting jeremy kitty and the band to suddenly appear at your workplace and cover you with brilliant worship music right that's not going to happen is it much as you would love it you are it in that moment right i mean you're like oh god i wish bill johnson were here or whoever your particular person of power is you're like it'd be so much better if bill worked in my job and i did bill's job i've always wanted to do bill's job and we could trade and right whoever it is in that but they're not there either in fact it's only you tomorrow you're the only kingdom representative there now i want you to picture that person in your work who you know is sick or depressed or distressed or weary or burdened you're like dude you're describing me but i want you to think of somebody else in your work that absolutely needs jesus i want you to think of how you might pray for them in your work if you work in a place where there's desks how many of you during the working day are likely to just kneel down at your desk and pray for half an hour for that person probably none of you because you will be fired and so you should be you're stealing 30 minutes from your employer that's called theft if we employed you you would be released so you're going to get like what maximum 30 seconds have you still got the person in mind are you okay you still got them in mind are they likely to do this what are they likely to do stare at you so if somebody's staring at you and you want to display confidence what do you do you just look at them you keep your eyes open you pray that way and you speak for 30 seconds and you command that disease to retreat you command pain to lift you command the body to come into alignment and we're just going to take a little moment in church right here to practice because the truth is church is just the training grant what we do in sundays is just the rehearsal it's just the training grant it's where we come to get equipped and share our stories from the week not where we come to get a story for the week so try it again it's where we come to get equipped and share our stories from the week not where we come to get a story for the week it's like yep the king was at work in home depot this week and you should have seen it there was no one there but i said come out and the whole place went buckle went mad we got 30 seconds so here's what we're going to do oh let's just do is the people with metal in their bodies so if you have metal in your body would you just raise your hands for a minute wherever you have it might be in your foot your knee your ankle like all that you keep your hands up if you would for a moment then anyone with foot pain you've got problems with your feet like just in pain in that area um anyone with respiratory conditions if you would also raise your hand uh just wait until we get to critical mass in the room so keep your hands up for a little while and then anyone with ophthalmic conditions so if you've got any kind of farming we won't include or maybe we should long sight short set you can if you have faith for that you go for that but you raise your hand too and then what we're going to do is we're going to take about the next 10 minutes i'm going to give this a go but i want you to know the lord is going to do great things he can only do great things it's what he does and but i want us to know we're just kind of practicing so so don't worry we're just kind of practicing in that but i'd like you to gather around people who have their hands up right now um and the truth is we don't know everyone praying for you right now so i'm gonna ask you not to lay hands on them just to gather around and we're going to pray what we call our best prayer so if you've got your hands up if you keep them right up and then when some people get to you can take them down if you're near someone you can tap them the shoulder and say i got you i got you here um foot conditions eye conditions respiratory conditions we're throwing back conditions as well anyone with back and shoulder conditions and again you raise your hands people will go here's here's what i need you to do okay here's what i need you to do we're going to practice listen listen listen we're going to practice praying for like 30 seconds or a minute that means when i ask you to stop we need you to stop so we can see what happened and then we'll pray again for different things but um some of you you're going to want to keep praying and i'm going to ask you not to at that point right because you have authority now i'm going to pray and then we'll jump in father i thank you that all authority is sourced in who you are that you're god over all things over all creation over all people for all time i thank you for king jesus ruling and reigning in this place i thank you for your church your body through whom you fill all things and i thank you for each one here today we here and now take authority over the works of the enemy we command trauma to lift now we command the wounds to be healed now and to close now we command metal to dissolve in jesus name we command box to be healed spines to straighten scoliosis to go ears to open eyes to be healed in jesus name feet to be made strong in the name of jesus and go ahead guys and pray your best thirty second prayer just into that command the body to come right command pain to go swelling to be removed metal to dissolve just the wholeness of god coming upon the whole person might pray god let your wholeness come power of god come fill those lungs it's a prayer command power of god come fill those lungs healing come airwaves be clear in jesus names eyes be open you're praying your your best prayer and we're so thankful lord we're so thankful it's wonderful praying church just like this in trader joe's tomorrow and home depot tomorrow wonderful nah ask them how it is just say hey how is it is there any change improvement or healing and have them try it out just say would you mind if it's appropriate would you mind trying it out for us try moving in some way try doing something you couldn't do before all right all right as we're praying let's come back in for a moment as you're praying for people and if you're the person praying or the person being prayed for and there's significant change or healing would you go ahead and clap five times wonderful wonderful if you're the person who was prayed for and there's significant change your healing just go ahead and wave at us like both arms up real high wonderful right across the room all right go back in a second time and pray again lord we thank you for what you're doing we're so grateful release the fullness thereof to kingdom come and power your rule and your reign we command the body to be made right in jesus name we thank you we thank you for your authority resting on us now lord release it even more that's it command the back to straighten command scoliosis to lift command the eyes to be opened any ophthalmic disorder to be healed in jesus name vision to be restored feet to be made strong ankles to be made strong broken bones to be knit together metal to dissolve and disappear movement to return to the shoulder to the back to every area of the body in jesus name fullness come filner's come all right go ahead and have them check it out a second time just say hey would you mind checking it out just one more time change improvement healing you go ahead and try check it out check it out huh check it out all right and again where you are if there's significant if there's significant improvement healing in either of those two occasions so either the first time or the second time there's improvement or healing significant improvement or healing first time or second time you prayed and you're the person praying or the person being prayed for would you go ahead and clap five times again wonderful and again if you're the person being prayed for you just wave at us you're just like here we are here we are just wherever you are right across the room it's taken us about four minutes you could do this in home depot you really could you'd do this in home depot again just wave again at us if there's significant improvement or healing just that someone call us if you've experienced significant healing in um i don't know with ophthalmic condition or metal or any of those things what is jesus doing just wave again what is jesus doing nerve nerve damage in the foot come on wonderful healed where else just wave at us yeah what's better your ankle your ankles better same again foot condition anyone else it's your foot and it's better you just wave yeah up here here here here here here here here here here wonderful anyone and it wasn't your foot then because i fear something may be a foot in this moment your arm what's what's better your wrist wonderful you just got better movement motion in it and is there anyone where you had like some kind of metal in the body and you can now move it this lady here where where was the metal in your hip you went for surgery on the hip on wednesday and it has metal there hasn't been in pain for a while is it in pain at the moment you can walk you you can move it without it clicking that's wonderful that's wonderful and would you normally be able to move it is the is the metal in place so it doesn't move the metals in place to put it all back together wonderful wonderful lord you're so kind all right guys we're going to pray to finish up today um i would encourage you just where you are to open your hands actually would you just turn to one another and just say you've got it you you've got it like that's all you need just say you now have way more than those store ladies you have way more than those store ladies right we want to pray and just put out your hand in front of you for a moment catherine would you come i'm just going to have you pray if you would just grab him back there i'm going to pray and just uh we're going to ask the lord to smear you to mark you with this that he would make you increasingly offensive to the enemy and that your boldness would upset him and that you would have the fruit of your labor in this and we will pray for the lord just to come and to rest upon you specifically tomorrow like today too but specifically in your workplace or your third space or wherever you go in that so catherine would you go and pray just to open our hands like this lord jesus we love you holy spirit we welcome you father we honor you and i am the name of jesus i speak authority over everyone i speak a marking over each heart and every pair of hands in this room i speak a knowledge that we have been called and sent by heaven and that when we speak you speak and so we expect things to change in the name of jesus lord i thank you for workplaces that are going to get a little bit turned upside down i thank you for grocery stores that are going to become kingdom arenas i thank you for school playgrounds and areas where pickup happens being places of encounter with the king of kings and lord i thank you that each one we just get to be who you created us to be so lord in in the name of jesus right now i send us out to be naturally supernatural and to see the kingdom come through our hands and our hearts in the name of jesus amen amen now there's there's one last thing one last thing again turn to someone beside you and you say you got it and and then and then turn back and say next week i'm going to check what you did with it i'm going to check what you did with it go god bless you have an amazing fun spirit-filled adventurous kingdom week [Music] jesus [Music] jesus oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] you
Channel: Vineyard Anaheim
Views: 8,834
Rating: 4.9153438 out of 5
Keywords: Vineyard Anaheim, Vineyard Church, Vineyard Music, Church, 2021, Church Sermon, Vineyard Anaheim Sermons, Alan Scott, kathryn Scott, Online service, Preaching the word of god, Jeremy Riddle, Katie Riddle, Vineyard Anaheim Worship, Online Church, Church 2021, Worship Matters, W2O2R2S2H2I2P
Id: slhB7NaojuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 35sec (7295 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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