Uploading data to ArcGIS Online

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welcome and thank you for joining me today as we learn how to upload data to ArcGIS online in order to visualize it in a map so today we're going to be completing a short exercise we're gonna skip over the downloading data part and begin with the uploading to ArcGIS online and visualizing portion and we'll do the downloading the data in a separate tutorial so let's begin by downloading the data set you can right-click and open the link in a new tab and that will take you to a CSV file which we are going to download from Google Drive now you'll notice this CSV file contains two columns one is called name and it contains the names of all 58 California counties the second column is under 18% and that's percent of the County population that is under the age of 18 so we're going to use this data and visualize it in ArcGIS online because it's far more interesting to look at a map visualizing these county differences rather than looking at a spreadsheet to identify which county has the highest percent of under 18 population which has the lowest and so on so notice a couple of things about this spreadsheet before we upload it to ArcGIS online the first is that the first row contains the column headers and the column header headers have no symbols or formatting and no spaces in the column headings so notice I use an underscore here rather than a space the second thing is that the second row immediately begins with data so those are the two criteria that you will want to make sure you pay attention to when you are create trying to clean your data set in order upload it to our GIS online your spreadsheet should have a geographic identifier in our case that's the name of the California County the table should be in CSV format the first row should be the header the column header and there should be no spaces in those column headers and then the second row must contain data as opposed to annotating what the column names mean for example okay so our table meets these requirements because I've already cleaned it after downloading it from the US Census Bureau and so we're going to save this data set close out of the CSV file and now we're going to open up ArcGIS online so you can navigate to ArcGIS comm and it will ask you to sign in with your organizational account for those of you doing this for the first time you'll want to create your account using your chapman email if you want to be part of the chapman organizational account for faculty members this makes sense because you will have long-term access to everything that you upload on the organizational account for students that may not make as much sense to use the chapman account if some of the data that you use on ArcGIS online is no longer available once you graduate because you no longer have your institutional login so for students you may actually want to create your ArcGIS online account using a personal email that will give you more limited limited functionality within ArcGIS online but it will persist beyond when you graduate okay so apologies for that short digression so now that we have our GIS online open we're going to click on the map tab up at the top left-hand corner that will open up our map viewer and here we're going to begin adding our data so you can see the add content to map button and you'll notice there are numerous options you can search for layers that rxjs online you can browse living atlas eight layers you can add a layer from the web in our case we're going to be adding layer from a file and there are several file types that are supported the direct GIS online shape files if you're familiar with using the desktop version you may have already joined the table to a spatial layer and exported as a shape file in our case we're uploading a CSV file that contains place information it also supports text files and coordinate location so latitude longitude coordinates GPX files if you are using a GPS device and so on so here we're going to choose the file the CSV file that we downloaded earlier notice I know my file naming convention here this is maintaining the file naming convention from the Census Bureau the data census.gov download and it means American Community Survey 5-year estimates 2017 data table number s 0 101 and it's good practice to have a file naming convention that you use consistently this allows me to know what data set table number and all of the details of the data set that I'm using are so once you've selected your file click import layer and it's asking us how does it identify where to locate the features are their coordinates in the data set are they places or are we just trying to add the table without visualizing so in our case there are places within the United States you select if there outside of the United States and here it's asking us what are these two fields are these going to be used to find locations in our case it is the name field that tells us which County it is so we're telling the program to use the name field to identify counties and the default is for the newly added data to show as unique symbols so this is not super meaningful just dots at the center points of each of the California counties some of them symbolized in different colors so what we want to visualize is the percentage of the population that's under age 18 so let's change the attribute to show to be under 18 and let's rename this so that we remember what we just visualized here rather than this lengthy name here so you can click on these three dots and go to rename and we might say percent under age 18 okay so we've successfully uploaded our spreadsheet of county level data for California you could stop here if you're happy with this map but the great thing about GIS and ArcGIS online is that you can leverage so much data that's available on rjs online and the living atlas so now I'm going to show you how to add an additional layer and visualize two attributes together after all the the great benefit of GIS is allowing you to investigate the association between multiple variables at one time so I'm going to go back up to add and go to browse living atlas layers and I know that the County Health Rankings data is available here from Robert Wood Johnson it's county level data just as our county level data here for California and it contains information on a number of physical mental health outcomes environmental health education and some demographic variables health access and more so I'm going to add this data set to the map and you'll notice that the new layer is added on top of our previous one so we're actually going to want to move our percent under age 18 so that it is on top of the County Health Rankings and also the County Health Rankings defaults to showing location only so we have a map that just shows the outlines of the counties and actually for the entirety of the United States so we're focusing on on California only so we'll deal with that in just a moment so that we can show only our study area and let's visualize a variable that we're interested in I noticed that there is data on the percentage of each county that has limited food access or limited access to healthy food excuse me so let's see if we can find that variable here and visualize it limited access to healthy foods it should be percent limited access to healthy foods okay so here is the variable we're looking for percent limited access to healthy foods and it defaults to a choropleth map showing darker shading for counties that have a greater percent of the population with limited access to healthy foods and we might be concerned that counties that have high percentages of youth population may have high percentages of the population that have limited access to healthy foods which of course has population health implications and so we might investigate the association between these two new variables so the other thing I want to do here is just focus on our study area so the last thing I'm gonna do is filter the County Health Rankings data so that it shows only California counties so I can do that by filtering to display features in the layer that matched the following expression and the expression will be the state field the field that contains the state name and is I'll get the unique values California so I'm telling the program filter to display only features where the state name is California and now I have a map that is limited to our study area to investigate the question that we were just discussing about whether there may be correlation between where there are large youth populations and where count where there are counties that have large percentages of the population with limited access to healthy foods and of course there are lots of other interesting variables in the County Health Rankings data that you could explore in relation to percentage of the population that's under 18 okay so we've successfully uploaded a CSV file to visualize it in arcgis.com and next video will show us how to download and clean that CSV file that we used to upload to ArcGIS thank you for joining
Channel: Social Determinants of health
Views: 420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, AGOL, online mapping, mapping
Id: i5eDaQAT0lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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