Unlocking MAX LEVEL FIREPOWER in Attack Hole!

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what's scarier than a hole that swallows up anything a hole that swallows up anything and then attacks you with shurikens [Music] hello everybody I'm Kyle McKeon and welcome to attack hole yes that is the name of the game and I am a hole that is now eating bullets now what do I do once I've eaten all of these bullets I think I use them to attack thus attack hole I'm I'm fighting a boss I'm firing every single bullet that I swallowed that was unbelievably satisfying oh my gosh this is gonna be good so now I've earned some money what do I do with the money oh okay okay I like this I like this a lot so now I have the power to swallow even more bullets and are those those shotgun shells what alright so I have a limited amount of time I should probably be eating the shotgun shells though like I who cares about the smaller bullets the shotgun shall seem like they're much better I'm running out of time oh now we're talking now that's an attack hole I didn't quite get oh no I died I lost I need to fill that gauge I guess wait am I about to to fail the boss oh gosh no he's too strong how do you defeat a hole you kick it obviously I kind of am tempted to do this times three thing I'm doing it so I watched the ad the ad played out it returned to the game I was anticipating my like 5 000 coins and guess what happened the game crashed yeah that's life and I did not get my reward however I do notice VIP I mean it's free for the next three days I'm doing it and I will inevitably forget that I subscribe to that and then I will pay this company 699 or whatever it was for the rest of my life for forever no I'll I'll I will turn it off once I'm done playing the game but now I gotta play the game and now we have I guess VIP access so like we have new skins and stuff which is super cool um I'm trying to get as many of these bullets as I possibly can okay it's time to move on to shotgun shells yes shotguns go go go go go more eat eat oh we've sized up okay no more shotguns I've done it I think we'll be able to defeat the boss this time oh yeah that actually I need to hold down the button I am a fool obliterated the boss in fact that was very satisfying and now I can become a lion claim okay the game apparently is broken because anytime I go and watch an ad it takes me back to the game and then the game immediately crashes so I can't get the lion mouth that super bums me out I'm very sad about this but I will try to not let it upset me too much I also now have magnet power which is awesome what is this thing I can spin it once I will spin it spin it to win it 100 coins amazing thank you for your generosity all right let's let's do this we got magnetized Powers oh my gosh they're shurikens that seems very very cool um okay okay we can eat the shurikens now oh my goodness this is this is unbelievable oh I love this I absolutely love this game this is so cool okay I need more of that magnet power okay launch all the shurikens dude this boss he's so strong why am I supposed to no I can't I have to ignore it I have to reject the idea of getting extra coins and and extra skins this is actually really bumming me out right now it's fine increase my power level I don't know what that does definitely increase my timer and my size yeah increase everything okay now this run isn't going to be as good as our previous one because I don't have the magnet power but I I could probably do a pretty good job right get all these bullets and then the shurikens they're very good and then I want this present I want to get the present yeah oh it's a lion head I don't know if it makes us any better but it definitely feels like I'm just eating everything in my path that is awesome and now let's fight big boss guy fire okay that did a decent amount of damage I still not even close we need to power up so much more so being the sucker that I am I did try to watch another ad to get the money multiplier and it didn't work so I think I vowed that I am no longer gonna use any of the advantages that are offered to me because they don't work and it's breaking my heart but I really want to beat this boss and I can't seem to get strong enough but also I think that part of the issue is that I keep replaying the same level over and over again because I keep crashing the game so I need to say no thanks and just move on move on with your life upgrade your character see there see I can upgrade the hole now and I also have a skin a VIP skin don't I no I don't have a VIP skin but I do have diamonds which means I can be this crazy looking monkey I think that's a monkey I don't know I like it though these seem really good as well wait do I have all these oh my gosh I do so I can be the Hulk and have plus five percent power okay that's kind of insane thank you for being a part of my life Hulk I don't know what power actually does oh you know what it probably makes the damage that I do to the giant better that makes sense I kind of feel like having more time to collect more uh like items would be better for battling the giant I don't know I don't actually know but I do feel like we are about to absolutely decimate the giant launch everything you have oh I thought for a second it wasn't gonna work no I refuse to claim you a bonus level don't mind if I do I just get straight up cash here Hulk is hungry for gold yum they eat those bags of gold oh my goodness that's incredible oh more just massive bars of gold yes please I really would love to get one of those treasure chests come on come on get in there that hurt we were so close to being able to eat a treasure chest yes absolutely upgrade wait so does upgrading apply to each individual like skin that you use let's control time with the power of Thanos I love this skin absolutely ridiculous Thanos hungry Thanos eat bullet yeah okay Thanos whoa I transformed into Wonder Woman oh we're eating straight up grenades okay that should be pretty effective against a giant okay fire away can we take him out I don't think we're gonna take him out unless those grenades do way more damage no okay absolutely upgrade as much as I can yes all of those things beautiful let's do this eat bullets expand become Wonder Woman I don't think I won [Music] but that was a pretty good run at it please please please please please please please please feeling good why did you reset my my stuff huh what's going on with that why are you resetting me do I have to reset every time I beat a level is that how this works so every time you win I see and then you're just upgrading yourself until you can get to the point of beating each individual level now I understand okay well that's fine let's eat some shurikens Thanos love shurikens get that iron in your diet you know okay we got grenades delicious delicious treats more grenades oh my gosh we've got just like giant bombs it's not gonna be enough but it's a start and I love how we just regurgitate all of these things on top of the boss baby birding a bomb baby birding a bomb what a sentence so these stats are obviously going to help me beat this specific level also I'm not playing very well I need to be like better at actually eating the stuff around me so that I can you know grow bigger and then eat bigger stuff that's kind of the whole point of it right and do you think we're big enough to eat bombs now oh we are oh we are very hungry Thanos love eating bomb Oh I think we're about to win let's see get him regurgitate away bud Thanos ultimate power who needs an Infinity Gauntlet when you could just vomit Bombs all right so we moved on to the next level so we will upgrade as much as we can there you go max level not max level but Max ER level now I've transformed into Hulk I don't know why or how that happened but here we go we're doing it we are now the beautiful Green Giant okay eat some bombs dude eat more bombs this is not gonna be enough man you're gonna have to eat a lot more than this oh my gosh we were actually kind of close that's okay I'll put up the best fight that I possibly can oh I didn't actually use all my weapons I'm a fool and now I got okay let's change up our skin I want to be black panther that's a cool looking skin it almost it kind of looks like it's like a helmet it doesn't look like that's his mouth and it makes us faster I guess so oh my gosh I don't know if this is a good or bad thing because like I'm losing control and I can't oh my gosh I'm going too fast it'll be a better thing if I'm bigger right like I need to get to bigger sizes and then I feel like I can more effectively use the speed that I now have access to okay this is awesome yes this is this is very good this I don't think it's enough but it's good oh we did it that was so close Okay get him fire away please go faster you're not regurgitating fast enough black panther okay there you go I love the way he just flops over he's like all right I took enough bombs to the head I'm just gonna lay down I don't know if I can properly use the plus one speed I feel like I'm too aggressive in in my eating I need to slow it down but I do like the extra time that I get from being either Wonder Woman or Thanos and I do love upgrading my abilities okay here we go let's let's eat up let's get to new levels let's see what the next thing is that we're gonna be eating and launching at the Giant and also eat a present that I've turned into the Hulk oh that's what the that's what keeps transforming me is is the presence I didn't even notice that I was eating them before what the heck are those mines okay that does seem like something that that we could we could definitely eat and vomit at a giant we're not doing great but I I did notice that we've gotten big enough that we can actually start out just straight up eating the shotgun shells which gives us a nice little bonus okay all right I'm feeling good eat those grenades okay yep we're moving on to bombs lots of lots of bombs lots of grenades eat the entire handguns just so weird and then do you think I can get a mine in there no I can't gosh this level is hard all right that's fine just start throwing up Wonder Woman and you got this that's what they need to do they need to add in proper like vomiting sound effects that would really amp up this game that's my only criticism I accidentally pressed an ad I think the game's about to crash but I'm gonna let it play through guess what it crashed why do you hate me game and why do you want to hurt me like this it's just mean it's absolutely rude okay this is this is a good run though this is going really well we're eating lots of bombs we're eating lots of grenades we're moving on to bigger and better Foods yum yum keep eating Wonder Woman there we go now we're talking oh we've got all the mines oh yeah okay stop stop please stop gosh she's getting so close I can't vomit everything quick enough also can we keep a little tracker of how many times I've said vomit in this video how many times have I said vomit well that's two times at least that I've said vomit there's three it's just gonna keep going I think it's somewhere around 10. bonus level let's go yes I would love to eat some golden coins high in fiber helps keep you regular you think we can get to the point where we can eat a treasure chest I don't know I'm not I'm not doing a great job I don't know I wasn't even close man I really wish I could be a penguin but look at all this money we have so we're gonna be able to upgrade a lot which I very much appreciate oh that is nice let's keep it going get some bullets eat some shotgun shells you gotta go a little bit slower because these things are not falling into my mouth quickly enough now we can eat some shurkins I can't believe how much bigger the mine is than all the other stuff that we've eaten up to this point you don't really realize it until you've got it like right next to you when you're really small what the heck is that a like a Uzi or something I don't know the names of guns but just seems like a weird thing to be eaten I don't know it just it might affect you know the digestion there Wonder Woman I don't know if you should be eating oozies but I understand that your superpower now is eating things and then vomiting them Does vomiting count towards the counter probably it has vomit in it and I've already said it like four times in this like five second period Yum Yum Yum eat eat keep eating grope larger yes okay okay we can eat the mine yes and then can we get to these oozies no not quite got lodged ah okay we've powered up a lot on this level I feel like we should be able to go pretty far with this one look at this this is awesome we're already eating grenades we've gotten to grenade level so fast okay yeah nope get the bombs yes yes okay gotta go back around eat the mines the mines are gonna be oh yeah okay ah we've done it we're gonna win right right stop please stop stop walking towards me I don't like this whoa okay I've never noticed that until this very moment um when the giant gets close enough to you basically everything gets launched out automatically full ipicac style gross but we've managed to make it to the next stage so let's upgrade and you know what I think it might be time to change our look let's go plus five power we haven't played as weird Joker he's super creepy looking let's see how this goes what is the new thing that we're gonna eat on this level I don't know like where do you go from here are we gonna start eating entire Bazookas oh I am a beaver or a raccoon I don't know some kind of animal it's adorable I don't think this is the one look at the gauge at the top so that's basically your indicator of how close you are to beating the boss I guess that was like nothing I have a feeling this level is gonna be kind of hard to beat we should be able to get some good upgrades here beautiful eat up bud The Joker is hungry and crazy okay okay the shurikens this is kind of a an interesting thing because there's like you can kind of strategize where you're gonna go next but this was probably not the best path that I could have taken although I am very big and I'm eating mines what are those are those like Jerry cans just entire tanks of gasoline okay I mean I would say like eating gasoline is probably really bad for you it's actually definitely really bad for you but let's be real eating all the other things that this guy has been eating is really bad for you throw a little gasoline on top of that it's like I don't think it's making his diet any worse than it already is but imagine how the toilet feels after this guy eats all these bombs really that's the true victim here well no one think about the toilets I'm not quite there not quite big enough to eat the Jerry cans yet but I think One More Level and we'll probably get there I just want to test something so I'm not going to touch any more buttons this guy's yeah look at that it's like it's like fireworks I love that I think that's the way to do it okay we got some good upgrades on the way okay eat some mines eat some oozies yes that's good we're so close man come on this level is tough all right so check this out [Music] three two one I feel much better now will this take us over the edge we got a little bit more time to work with so that is good I think I'm gonna start by heading in this direction go straight for the shurikens right get enough size so that we can start eating the bombs and then work our way back this way this is not going great because I'm not like eating everything that's in my path eat all these I hope I hit the edge of the world for some reason that was very strange and I don't respect it okay okay I don't know if we're big enough to start eating those Jerry cans no that was terrible our previous run was better than this one is this going to be enough taking a different path maybe that's the key to our success Go a different way try a different route okay okay I don't know I don't know if this was the right way to go I'm not feeling too confident about this I don't know about this I mean I am getting very big but I only have like a few more seconds and I'm not oh I got one Jerry can't and that's all you need I'm gonna launch it oh my gosh that did a lot of damage right oh I love it oh yeah this guy's going down and then just the rest of it all goes out at once knocks him over oh that was satisfying and then we move on to the next stage and we got some good upgrades right off the bat is it gonna be enough I really don't know hey I'm a snake now okay I don't know if that's good or bad do I lose my bonus that I get from being the Joker I don't know this is this is a crazy level though there's so much stuff to eat oh my gosh okay what are those those are like I don't know like they're like timed bombs or something yeah they have like timers on them and they were massive I need as many upgrades as I can possibly get because this level is gonna be tough this is definitely gonna be the hardest level we've taken on up to this point but I will say um the the placement of a lot of these items is very good for like this route that I just went so I feel okay about like the the way that I'm going I just I'm hoping that we can get some of these Jerry cans can I eat you no I just need to be a little bit bigger okay got a few more upgrades is it gonna be enough I really don't know I'm gonna eat these shurkins and then we'll move on to the grenades and then we should be big enough to eat some bombs now no we're not big enough to eat the bombs I messed up I messed it all up I'm moving on to the other side they eat some of these guys over here can I eat you no I can't eat you but I can eat the mines the mines are good mines are delicious yum sometimes I lose traction on my thumb and I I I have to like stop for a second I feel like that messes up the whole run it just messes up everything I'm switching back to Thanos I like the extra time that I get with this upgrade I don't know if it's better or worse I don't really care it just makes me feel like I have more time to actually do what I need to do which of course is eat everything on the planet as as Thanos does I mean you gotta you gotta think like a big guy like Thanos of course he's gonna eat a lot it's a hungry guy can I eat the can I eat the Jerry cans oh okay Yep this is definitely feeling like a an efficient run until that very moment and then everything was ruined everything's over now this is not going great this is not that's not the Run man no come on Thanos you have the infinity mouth it's the Ultimate Weapon yes more please it's not enough okay this run is actually going really really well though don't ruin it don't mess things up man okay eat the mines oh delicious Minds dumb dumb dumb oh that's so good look at all this fiber that I'm in taking oh my goodness okay yes don't eat it serious dude I gave you everything I gave you everything I had and you betrayed me like that Thanos I'm so mad I can't I can't I couldn't eat the I got stuck on the Jerry can hey oh [Laughter] I just can't catch a break John keeps stepping on my face 89 damage look at all that money we got okay upgrade my timer upgrade my power let's make this happen this is the Run of our dreams we're gonna make it happen right here I don't know exactly what my strategy is gonna be but I feel confident I feel good I feel terrible that that bomb rolling away like that just took away all my hopes and dreams everything I had planned it's all gone it's all God no this is this is not the Run Maybe Maybe you're saying there's a chance are you are you saying that there is a chance is there a chance no don't go for the Jerry games just eat all this stuff now go for the Jerry can nope you messed up okay let's try not to Fumble this time I feel like I really messed things up when I went after that bomb that got away from me but hey look at this okay don't go for the Uzis no we're not ready for that that's too much it's too much okay yep nope okay now we can eat those good good Jerry cans yes yes can we eat the oh now we're talking dude come on man oh my gosh you don't scare me anymore weird clay giant guy I'm just gonna wait for you to step up to me and I'm just gonna sneeze all over your face yeah okay we finally made it to the next level that was insane that previous level was so hard I think part of it was my strategy I feel like I was focusing a little bit too much on trying to get the bigger items at the very end of the level um instead of just using all the smaller items to get really big really fast although I will say that strategy isn't exactly working as as great as I had hoped it would this time but we have a lot more leveling up to do this level seems really tricky to kind of carve out the the best possible route oh my gosh like there's stuff scattered all over the place okay I decided to go a slightly different route I don't know if it was better or not I mean I definitely did better but I also started with better stats so I don't know if that's a result of me going a different path or if it's just because I was Stronger when I started either way I'm tired of getting stepped on okay all right oh my gosh are those actual Rockets just straight up missiles huh sure we're gonna eat some missiles alright so I feel like I have fully optimized the path that I take and uh it's still not enough I'm I'm still failing quite a bit but you can see I mean like I'm getting to the Jerry cans I'm getting to the the bombs and stuff I I think I am uh and then I'm knocking everything away from me where I can't get to it that hurts but I'm getting closer and closer to Absolute Victory and I really want to eat a giant missile that seems like a really dumb thing to do and I'm gonna do it one thing that I do need to avoid doing though that I continue to do is try and go after the missiles before I can actually eat them because it just pushes them away and then I'll never get them okay okay look at that oh that was the best we've ever done still wasn't enough because my face got stepped though I have a master plan so my plan is to get big enough to get to the Uzis right so I can eat all this stuff but like eat is just as much as I possibly can okay I messed that up that that was a big mistake right there I totally messed it up right there but maybe we can recover it and then we come back and eat all the stuff that we missed and by the time we get back up here we can eat the Jerry cans that worked out pretty good it wasn't perfect but it worked out pretty good okay same strategy but this time I'm gonna try to do better we'll see if I actually pull that off I don't I don't know if I am going to be able to pull that off it doesn't look fantastic wait no okay we didn't we didn't lose what we've like came here for oh what seriously I'm not big enough to eat the the these guys what well that messed everything up all right this is looking pretty good I haven't really slowed down I'm just eating everything in my path going as quickly as I possibly can okay okay please please please yes finally I ate a missile and I'm gonna just regurgitate everything I've created the Ultimate Weapon the ultimate sneeze take that bud what do you think of that yeah I win I am the greatest vomit sneezer ever
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 729,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, attack hole, attack hole gameplay, attack hole max level, attack hole new, attack hole game, mobile game, funny game, silly game, weird game, max level, evolve, upgrade
Id: TC1QsJl3gqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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