Upgrading to MAX LEVEL Bombs

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today I'm a bomb and this bomb gets to level up and with these levels we get bigger look at that I got 12 Rockets oh wait now I'm a Molotov because I gain levels here give me five more there we go and let's blow up this party down here oh no we're turning we're gonna lag first and then we're gonna Molotov stuff and then at the end there's Godzilla oh I'm gonna unlock a new plane well that's cool anyway with my fifty dollars I can upgrade my level okay so now I'm level 11. that's always nice to start out uh 10 levels higher than one we're gonna get another oh oh wait oh wait which one that hit oh no times 10 rocket that sounds wait what's this oh well that scene sounded painful and oh we can get three stars we're gonna get three stars we did we're TNT bomb we have bomb power of a one thousand oh yeah take me to Godzilla please okay not even close to Godzilla but we won't get there I'm not stopping this video Until I kill Godzilla and we get 500 okay thank you now I can upgrade my count and my level once again this game is for those of you that have uh always wanted to be a bomb and don't know how many of you want to be a bomb but there's probably at least two or three Anyway come on let's get five uh three stars on this level we just got three stars power 1869 yeah we're gonna go far I don't know if we'll make it to Godzilla but we're getting closer at least look at that I will get to you Godzilla it's going to happen oh yeah we just unlocked the sukhoi-2-5 we have to watch an ad to get it fine oh listen to it my sweet sweet ears oh wait I want to click the other stuff I messed up anyway let's keep going plus 35 levels we'll take that up another 30 levels so we gotta get three stars on every level that's actually uh the mission if we don't do that then we're other failures we weren't raised to be a good bomb but there we go three stars 2500 power that should take us hopefully to the the barracks up here oh yeah Way Beyond It Goodbye Barracks that was our high score by the way so we are getting close to Godzilla is that a flamethrower it looks awesome wait what's this tap to shoot oh okay uh I'm shooting stuff guys stupid red humans or whatever oh my gosh that car looks really old but but it's awesome as well wait what am I doing am I getting money for this if I'm not gonna a lot of money I'm gonna be oh I have to fight King Kong gonna shoot him right where it counts oh yeah how's that feel Kong oh no don't throw that me blow it up come on oh yeah take that he's got a lot of Health I must not be shooting him in The Sweet Spot don't throw that at me listen Kong I'm gonna take out your knees take out the knees and the bigger they are the harder they fall I think that's the the saying oh yeah give me your skin I'm gonna skin you oh yeah give me whoa we got the ho ho did I just get the Captain America dude stop this greedy developer Mickey watch so many ads but I got the Captain America plane look at that I forgot to level up once again but I am a grenade level 100 so we're finally able to play the game and not watch ads it's always nice let's get uh two more grenades here thank you I don't even have one star yet this is not good where did I mess up oh okay well that just took me to two stars but not good enough am I gonna make it to Godzilla I don't think so I won't even get a okay well I barely got a high score but only two stars can I redo the mission I don't think I can redo it dude I swear this developer here we go plus 60 levels let's try to get three stars on this one we got a fire wait what incoming missile oh I think I just dodged it I didn't even see it I just yeah we're at three stars easy yeah we might make it to Godzilla this time we actually have so many Rockets 5100 power hey Godzilla I'm coming for you we're gonna fight in the desert uh yeah we're making it oh wait we didn't make it we got close though the last one's three thousand we got the flame gun well obviously I want that I will watch an ad for you Dev most games let you pay to not watch ads I wish I could do that let's go check out my guns I got the flame gun now so we're gonna equip it and let's upgrade my level so I start at level 50 and you know what I'm gonna upgrade it again start at level 60 now let's go into action plus 42 levels plus 22. give me six more Rockets let's not get my grenades sought off uh oh okay well I avoided it easily I wore a cannonball now how much power 6 200 power will we even get close that is the question well we beat my high score oh yeah see we're making it to the last building finally yeah I'm getting two you quick Godzilla oh look at that gunship all right let's upgrade my count let's go into action we want to get to Godzilla we want to go plus three here give me four more Rockets thank you yeah we need a lot of rockets to fight Godzilla or they have enough for him so plus 15 Rockets that's actually gonna help a lot but in my high enough level look at all these Rockets I have oh man we're gonna go far this time hey Godzilla I'm coming for you big boy still got four Rockets ooh okay so he's just waiting for me he knows his time is up bro developer I'm muting developer I am begging you let me spend three dollars to mute ads anyway I gotta kill a bunch of people here I don't have time for these ads die okay I'm missing so much stuff what's happened why am I missing the camera angles I trusted oh my gosh I'm fighting Godzilla defeat Godzilla get the free skin yes watching a stupid ass time for you to eat my flame oh we have to shoot his uh Fireballs with my flamethrower and then apparently that does uh damage to him stop shooting your flame balls at me please I would like you to die come on man just just spread didn't spread your legs come on spread them there you go oh yeah wait let me just blow up that ball really quick can I shoot these little minions out here or no I don't think I can shoot oh I can wait why is that tree just rolling around wait I think I killed him die die yes right in the wiener the Godzilla Dragon wiener and I got uh yeah you know what I don't know what I just got a bunch of things let's upgrade my uh bomb count am I finally gonna get to Godzilla even though we just killed him but we want to get to him at the end of the level let's go with uh 60 levels here 10 more Rockets sounds good and then we'll finish with six Rockets so that takes me to three stars we like to see that 7200 power I am coming for you Godzilla it'll probably play an ad before I get to you that's why I take off my headphones I do not have enough damage to break the last barrier I have a new jet I'm not gonna watch an ad I'm done giving you money all right let's get into action plus 100 Levels we take that how about eight more Rockets we gotta make it to Godzilla if we don't make it my life will be incomplete we're going to finish with five more rocks so we gotta do rocket actually 8 500 power we might make it level 12 might be it are we gonna get to Godzilla are these like gas bombs or fart bombs wait oh we do not have enough power close very close 450 away and then we'll be at Godzilla do not play an ad please don't do it don't do it no this game is just me battling the ads all right let's upgrade the level so now we start at level 80. we're gonna grab 100 Levels here uh and then seven more Rockets times two level that's what we want the the multipliers are we gonna upgrade once again 12 more levels new rocket please no we're still the gas rocket maybe this is the last one I just want to get to Godzilla so I can stop watching ads and giving the developer money we're getting blown up yeah take that stupid oh so he has 7 500 health oh he's pissed launch me into the game please level 90 just let me who times three level that's what we want to see we're already know okay that's close I almost got divided by two that would have been bad bro stop launching Rockets you're gonna die Godzilla free this rocket so we have advanced to the first we're gonna launch these straight at his crotch 14 500 power we might actually kill him here oh Godzilla I've got something to freeze you with please kill him kill him kill him oh oh so close he only has 1800 Health left oh we get to fight again die stupid humans nobody likes you just blow up blowing up just blowing up everything yeah die okay this is actually really hard to control I feel like my gun is delayed who is that a red venom what defeat Venom no I don't care about you folks this is probably the most annoying game I've ever played because of all the ads just please let me pay you money to not watch ads I will pay five dollars I don't care just stop making me watch them give me four rockets and then ten will I even get close to Godzilla I don't know we have less power than uh the last run we did but each run makes me watch an ad so I've watched probably 30 ads so far this developer has probably made 50 cents off of me so let me pay to not watch ads oh boy all right we got 11 Low it's already launching a missile and I haven't started let's take these 65 levels then 25. do we want more Rockets no I want levels I'm not even close to one star okay well that give me one star that and this is only a two-star run dude I am going downhill rapidly it's all the ads I'm telling you my brain is losing it just die Godzilla please this video ends when I kill Godzilla please let the be soon I don't want to watch another ad he's gonna do it yep I am losing my mind level 18 give me times two rockets that's what I'm talking about we want the multipliers folks anytime we see one we take it oh times two rockets yes look how many we have I will take eight more rockets and then 70 more levels all right but we're still we're not really ahead 20 000 power that's actually a lot will I finally kill Godzilla and stop watching ads please die yes finally okay stupid Godzilla so what happens now we got so much money from killing Godzilla so I'm just gonna upgrade everything I think we have a new boss so we got to keep playing I have to find out who it is I'm not gonna let these ads demotivate me that's what it's designed to do give me times two levels please in another 70 levels we're gonna have a lot of damage okay so who's the boss What's it gonna be oh it's a red venom all right Red Venom I'm coming for you how much health do you think you have so this takes five thousand and then he has 12 500 health so the first try we got him down halfway oh we have this thing again the very laggy flamethrower killer yeah die a blow up your power plant help my my FPS dude my FPS hello okay let's just blow up your Communications Tower kill as many soldiers as I can what the heck is this thing what is that the guy from OverWatch I forgot to say it was a buster or something I can't remember but it's definitely not Adam ooh but then we get a dragon plane I kind of want that so I will watch an ad oh my gosh okay well we have our new awesome plane so that kind of makes it worth it give me some levels please just put a smile did I miss that one I missed that one I need Smiles on my face quick give me a big multiplier not even that one star oh my gosh this is not a good run here we go 200 levels that's what we want to see not nearly enough power to kill Red Venom but I will get him I might have to watch another 20 ads but I will do it die idiot yeah not even close let's level up my count so we start with 10 bombs Now where's 11. let's go times two oh yeah that was a good choice We want to get as many multipliers as we can but most levels don't even have a multiplier so it does make it a little difficult but we're getting a lot of levels on this one will this finally be a run where we do a lot of damage okay I think this could be it this could be it we're at level 619 we got a ton of rockets we had 19 000 power to start I don't think that's enough to kill Red Venom but it's definitely gonna do a lot of damage we do about 5 000 damage not bad but we definitely need to be stronger so let's level up our starting level so now we're level 150 to start so give me four more grenades and 180 levels that sounds good let's not get minus four rockets that would be awful look at this thing just swinging around it looks like one of those little traps from American Gladiators just wants to knock you off all right let's go 19 400 damage that's that's not enough Red Venom will live to fight another day why is he Red by the way is that some lore I don't understand yeah only down to 8 000 health so still not nearly it's strong enough that just means I need to level up a lot but in order to level I need a lot of money I just actually don't have a lot of money let's upgrade our account so I think I now have 12 bombs Let's uh take four here dude I'm just gonna keep grabbing Rockets oh no I missed the multiplier I'm stupid this can actually uh really hurt us here oh we have a times two rocket so that's gonna be good bam look at all those Rockets are You Ready for Me Red Venom 26 000 power this might be it folks this might be enough to take out Red Venom all because of those multipliers we love seeing them here we go okay come on kill him oh no it's so close 878 Health left oh I've got a double gun oh yeah I'm blowing up a school I'm ruining their education everybody loves that oh my gosh I'm fighting the girl from squid game oh my gosh oh no okay well I think we fight her here we go Red Light Green Light curly going down no don't oh my gosh I just shoot the missiles coming out of her eyeballs oh it's just one okay that's actually pretty easy red light die idiot do I get her skin if I win oh wait let's shoot these guys just down there no die got him there's another one over here I'm trying to kill this guy on the roof okay I got him okay it's time for you to blow up and give me your skin oh that's kind of dramatic and she all right give me your skin we got the Meg and then I don't want that what is this that girl was making a snow cone anyway let's upgraded my level let's multiply My Level and we're just gonna keep adding Rockets here four Rockets here four Rockets again avoid the saws of Doom and then six more rockets and I think we might kill them this time folks you can finally move on and stop giving this developer money 200 levels that is a lot of love we got the lightning rocket 29 000 power this is it we're finally gonna kill Red Venom then we're gonna move on with our life I'm gonna go meditate and try to forget about all these ads I went through all that marketing power that was really loud and yeah die idiot this model is stretched through the buildings boss defeated two thousand dollars I win I'm never stop it
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 219,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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