Upgrade Your Stream with VRFlad's Fast Track and Streamer bot (For those new to Streamer bot).

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in this fast track episode over 50 commands for your stream in just 10 easy follow steps lots of great functions included like champion of the hill commands for chat and visual interaction remote train emote welcome and visual lurk with a website and videos to walk through setup also including lots of great visual commands like the be right back player and visual shout outs hello and welcome to my fast track today i'll be covering how to upgrade your twitch stream with over 50 functionalities so it's everything from basic channel commands to fun visual teams for you to increase interaction and for your viewers to enjoy best of all it's free and very few actions you need to do to actually achieve this all of this is made possible by the awesome streamer bot this has proven itself to be the most versatile stream tool that you can use it truly is the best way to unlock your creativity the 10 steps you go through today will help you set up and familiarize yourself with the streaming bot as well as getting these actions set up if you're already familiar with the bot you can skip using timestamps in the video description there's also a great companion website to complement this video and we can go back to reference in the future you can find this at vrflad.com fasttrack the link is ordered also in the video description one last thing before we start for those who already have the bots set up and actions in place there will be an upgrade package coming later for you this is for people that are new to the bots so without further ado let's get started first step is to install obs now if you've got this all installed already skip straight to the second part but if you haven't already coming from streamlabs desktop always wanted to get started in streaming this is where you go go to the obs project website from the link in the fast track part one set the operating system and then download the installer by default you'll see the link has got the x64 at the end that's the 60 of urban installer i recommend that version because streambot needs a 64-bit operating system which will handle the 64-bit obs i won't go through the steps today of installing obs is pretty much following step by step all the way through if you get prompted um at the start of running obs tell it you want to do streaming and accept the recommended settings in there now that you've installed obs you need to install the plugin that will allow streamerbot to connect and control it there's two ways to install this extension the first one is just to download the package from github the second is to use the starscape creator studio to download this it's worth noting that 4.91 is the version to install there is a later version but this is not currently supported by streamerbot and i believe it's still in development if you click on the link let's put it into new tab the bottom page here you'll see the windows installer this will then unload opening this will take just a moment after you give it the permissions to install it picks up your obs location automatically and there you are done once you've installed the plugin you can start obs you'll typically be prompted to configure the websocket server settings but if not you can access by tools and websocket server settings i'd recommend you set and enable authentication but make this password something is unique but not important something you won't reuse because the setting for the password is stored in plain text in places so it's going to put a simple password for now i would suggest you do not have these options enabled here underneath and then click on ok now we have the websockets server plugin installed and configured the next step is to install streamer bot now streambot actually doesn't come with an installer instead it is a zip file and you can put that to anywhere you want on your machine if you want to move the location for streaming bots it should work just fine unless you're referencing something in there from another program or within the code itself as usual recommended trust the source in this case it's streamer dot bot itself so you have that website and then we'll download the version you need to download is 0.1.8 now this is uh required by the fast track package and the fast track package will not release until notepad 1.8 is released it should be at the same time so we'll download the streambot package here and open up the zip file so once you've got the zip file opened select all the files and put into the folder where you want so i've got a folder here that i want to put these in and there you are you've installed streambot [Music] now before we start installing the fast track package there's a really super important warning here by doing this you will lose the configuration that you have in streambot this package is designed for a fresh install of the bots which will have no configuration therefore it's no problem but if you have settings in streambot you want to keep don't use this package there will be a upgrade version of fast track coming which will allow you to go through and add this functionality into your pot but this version is purely for upgrading a fresh install that's clean so with that said we'll go through to the downloads download the zip file and open it as before and much like installing streamer bot same folder from the zip file copy over so the data file goes into streambot now the fasttrack package is being integrated into the streambot install and we're ready to start up streaming bots the first one is stream dot bot you might see axi on the end depending on your windows settings you might want to create a shortcut list through your desktop or wherever you want on your start menu for example but we just need to run this it'll take a little while the first time that it's run and then it'll show the interface from there and we're ready to go through the initial steps before we start we're going to take in a little tour of the various areas of stream robot we'll start off with the viewers tab when connected this is going to show the viewers that are in the channel you can tell it to show all the viewers that are have been seen by the boss in your channel and you can look at some details that's when they're active what roles they have like moderator vip or any custom roles you have and you can assign roles like moderator and vip through this interface by right-clicking on the user as well next up we have actions so actions do the majority of the work of the bots using a large variety of sub-actions available including custom code on their own they do nothing but they can be triggered by many ways and you'll see this through all the different places we can do this to create new actions you can right click on the left hand side and select add it also gives you various options on the existing actions with that right click the right clicking in the blank area you'll see brings up the options and this is the way that the bots produce an interface so it's good to get used to the fact of right clicking those blank areas next up we have commands these are the commands that are typed into chat for the stream of our package for fast track it's for twitch but you can use the same interface here for youtube commands so you have the command various options set in there you can open up the details by double clicking and you'll see within here where you can trigger it from cooldown commands cooldowns so global is how much your cooldown that's the command will have for everyone users per user options like ignoring the bot account or counters case sensitivity the location of the messages the messages can be start so you might want to trigger on a particular word it's mid-sentence you could put it this in anywhere you have permissions as well so you'll see a lot of commands that are set up already at the box are going to be moderator only commands but you can modify those by group or by users now we're not connected so we don't have any users to be able to assign the commands to the next tab is voice control and this is using windows speech recognition to trigger actions now there's some really important links in the wiki which is part of the fast track page on the fifth step this will help guide you to get the better speech recognition there are settings you need to set up in windows and there's training you can do to improve that so note this is not down to stream box the quality is finished down to windows and having the right localization settings like language settings in windows is going to give you the right options and the best speech recognition that you can get hotkeys are a great way to trigger actions as well especially if you don't have something like a stream deck or um touch portal or any other software like that or hardware to help activate these things simply right and blank area add a global hotkey specify what you want maybe control alt c then you can pick the action and that's it you've set up a hotkey super simple really effective servers and clients but these will allow you to connect to various different resources or allow resources to connect to streambot the websocket server is automatically started here now this is something that is really critical for some of the functionality http server udp server websocket clients and websocket servers are all there but this is only one you need for the fasttrack package now if you're planning to run obs on a separate machine you'll probably want to change this address to the address of the machine there's an ip address and then take note of that because you'll need to use it later if this doesn't start up because the port is already used on your machine feel free to stop the server change your port and start the server again but again you'll need to take note of this port for later on in the setup process for the fast track next we're going to go into the settings tab the first one just having an option to minimize streaming bot to the tray confirming when you're closing the box itself and the option to reset delete confirmations so if you want to delete an action or a command or a sub action it will prompt you by default but you can tell sooner bot to stop that prompt if you want to bring this prompts back again this is a button to click general will allow you to pick the output device by default and if it's not found to use the system defaults also if you're having problems you might want to change the debugging to verbose and that's where you find it in here streamer box can trigger actions if a file or a folder contents changes this allows a lot of functionality so if you want it to watch your file to be dropped into a particular location you can trigger an action and that actually may do something with that file so there's a lot of options you have there timed actions allows you to trigger actions on a frequency now this can be fixed or it can be variable there's a way to have a random um amount of time between two two numbers you can also tell it to look at the number of uh lines of chat that have to have passed as well or just base their timed action on the number of lines of chats that have gone past as well so it gives you a lot of flexibility here to go through that streambot has a credit system built in so it takes notes of what events have happened through the lifecycle of the the bot being opened now these credits can be reset but it will automatically set 12 hours after the bottle has been shut down if you leave the bot running you'll need to manually reset the credits can be accessed through the websocket server or the http server and as a great example for this in a video from lifesaver this isn't something that's included in the streambot fasttrack package pyramids so if you have a mate pyramids in chat then you can set the minimum width so number of remotes in the pyramid so there's one amount and two and that's the same than three two one for example will be a minimum width of three if you hit that then it'll be a success action there another way to trigger an action to maybe get the emotes that have been set and go from there it's worth noting when these actions are triggered the variables you can use and variables are ways to pick out data that spins that's running at the time in the bot relevant to the action the wiki has the best reference for these and there's a link for that in the fast track web page under the pyramids here for example stringerbot has a built-in code system and it's pre-configured you do need to configure it by default with a way to format the output and before of both the output of when it's added a quote and when it's actually getting a quote back and these are actions that are pre-configured and you can change now you can change your permissions here so a viewers can add a quote or maybe you want to have vips moderators or just yourself you also have a sub counter so this will output fixed text to a file whenever a sub is received so this is a subscription event for twitch you can also customize an action to run when that goal is met so you have a goal set there groups is a section to allow custom groups so you have for twitch for example you have vips you have moderators you can create your own groups you can tell if it's a group of bots as well and you can assign users to that either through the groups tab or the viewers tab finally under settings this is a c sharp compiler if you're using c sharp code for advanced actions in the bots you'll probably want to look at adding some common references here so you don't need to keep adding them into the c sharp code you want by default you don't need this first for the streambot fasttrack package but it's worth noting that this is there this is a very recent audition which is super super helpful the next tab is action cues so action cues are a way that the bot can use to control flow of actions so if you get multiple events at one go by default all those events will trigger at the same time that might not work well for some actions for example if you're playing a sound so a queue if you said it to be a blocking cue will allow you to only run one action at a time you'll see in here that we have three cues a default one the one for the setup and the visual effects that's a blocking cue now you can see it's blocking here the visual effects are is a cue that's been assigned to all the actions that do something visual on the screen so the ouija board you can see that's that q the champion of the hill that while that's running we want to be making sure no other visual effects can run at the same time video shadow type as well you can see that that has got a blocking cue so when you want to have a collection of actions only running one at a time you can have multiple cues that run independently of each other this is where you want to set the cues now it's worth all noting you can create new cues here you can pause them resume them you look an action history and being at the properties of an action or maybe if something's hung you can see a pending action and you can bring the properties to understand which action is failing here so this is really useful when things aren't working again this is a new addition in 0. 1.8 and something very very helpful to to use the bots when you you you're seeing behavior that's not expected the platforms tab is where we'll do a lot of configuration in the bots fortunately most of this is all set up for you you have twitch and youtube currently we won't be using youtube for the fast track package there may be a package for that in the future under twitch we can do things like set up the accounts that we want to use use one or two accounts for that we have events now events they are triggered by twitch the bottle be notified and we can then trigger an action for example a new follower is going to trigger the new follower action first words that's when the message is first being sent into chat by a viewer or the moderator themselves or broadcaster again much like the credits you can reset this this cache so this is cached for example if you have to restart the bot for whatever reason it's gonna remember who's already spoken so it's not gonna welcome people again but you've got events for cheers subs you can set up different ranges of cheers so you can give a different action to a different number of bits so if you have a large donation you can make it more of a celebration you have subs resubs gift subs gift bombs that's multiple gift subs again ranges for all of these things raids again larger raids you can do different behaviors also sending raid you can do actions so when you start sending an array you can do something if you cancel it you can do another action and once you've finally sent the raid and finish the stream this is when you want to actually maybe do some final options there it's worthwhile noting in these tabs you have these question marks when you click on these it's going to show you the variables that can be used within those actions the stream about wiki is the best place to get access to all of these variables and there's a variables page on the stream of bot wiki to access that so the last actions here host hype train community goals and stream updates so you can fire these various events and you can see that this will allow you to go through and configure all these specific events streamer bots will show you the channel point rewards available in your stream now by default streambot can only do a limited set of actions to existing channel point rewards you may need to create your rewards to do some additional actions like changing the cost cooldowns and things like that but that's easily done you can right click on existing rewards duplicate them then remove the old rewards from the interface on the twitch dashboard then you can use the new teleport rewards renaming after that point this is a twitch limitation this is not something that can be uh got around in there another twitch limitation is you can't set the graphics for the channel point reward in stream robot you need to again do that in your dashboard it's worth noting i've also created a channel point reward image resizer so if you want to assign images in the right size you can go to this webpage and then you can put in an image that you want and it'll resize it down to the sizes that twitch needs you can find links to the channel point resizer from my homepage at vrflab.com but it's also in the section for the platform's twitch channel put rewards in the fifth part of the fast track process you can assign actions to various poll events you can actually create these events as well in streaming bots but you need to use code for that so it's c sharp code so that's an advanced option there there are wiki entries for information on that and again like poles you can have predictions that trigger all these actions again you'll need to use c sharp if you want to create them automatically from there finally accounts this is where we connect to twitch and we'll cover that in the next part of this video so as you said youtube won't cover today but it does support youtube as well the next tab is for broadcasters now as i said earlier on in the video this is for obs for the fast track but if you want to use streamlabs or polypop you can connect the the bots to those platforms as well for broadcasting we'll go through the steps of connecting streaming bot to obs in the next app as well but for now we're just going to go through the tour the next tab is integrations so you might see stream labs here this is not a connection with broadcasters this is to the donations and merchandise events again stream elements is the same you can connect the bot to voice mod so in actions you can trigger voice mods to do some effects to your voice you can link to dino drive for donation goals pulsoid and hype hype rate for events on your heart rate so you can do things like triggering an action when the heart rate hits a particular value finally in here the streambot website allows even more functionality with integration to kofi and patreon and also settings to connect to the bots to the web page now the website is going to allow you to do things like a html deck so you could have a different machine or or a mobile phone that opens up a page on the streambot webpage and both trigger actions through that so connecting to the website is going to allow you to have additional functionality this is a great addition to the latest version of streamrobot finally there's an about page with links to things like the patreon for the bots this is the nate who does the hard work and the other references here like streambot webpage also super useful the discord which is really really supportive the twitter account for streamerbots nate as well and next twitch account as well and please note all these steps i've gone through and talked through today are in the fast track website so you get a little summary with the links to the relevant wiki entries in streamrobot as well so you can get a good starting point of what you want to look at here and now it's time to connect the bots both to twitch and obs so let's start off with connecting to twitch so that's platforms twitch and accounts i recommend auto connect and auto reconnect then we click on connect to twitch this is going to if you don't already aren't already logged into twitch prompt you to log into twitch you can see here it's picking my account and it's giving you details of what it can do obviously it's so deep with the functionality it's going to ask for a lot do feel free to evaluate these but you're doing these permissions to for it to run and then you authorize she's going to let the bots know the details that you've logged in you will then see that's connected now if you want to use a separate account from for bots to send a message so a different twitch account you can do this click on connect to twitch what i recommend though is and it pops up the same message here copy this and go to either an in private tab or a incognito tab or equivalent in a different browser open that up so then you log on as that bot account i'm not going to do that here i'm just going to leave it as a single account once that's done then you can go through and to connect the bot account to the stream robot to connect obs we go through the broadcasters tab go to obs into the top pane here we can add in an obs connection give it a name obs the port should be the same one that's in the configuration as before password i'll use one two three four and it shows that it's clear here because it's stored in clear option there you want to also retry and reconnect as well click on okay we can then right click and connect the first time you need to manually connect subsequent times you open up the streaming box it's going to reconnect and not connect automatically and we can see here it's picked up the current scene that's in there it's also worth noting in here you can add events so events are triggered from obs can also trigger an action as well something i didn't mention before the fast strap package for streaming bots will actually enable you to create some scenes and sources in the obs that it needs so let's go over to obs this is a simple obs with two scenes with no sources in them because we've connected to twitch already and obs we can run setup now if you're running obs on a separate machine you need to set up space and then the address of where obs is if it's on the same machine just set up on its own is fine do refer to the part seven of the fast track process as the format to type this in we're gonna run this i'm gonna see it's gonna take a little moment just to start up then it's gonna create two scenes for us and we can see it's done that so you've got fast track br brb scene which has got a this is for the bri back player obviously this is just one source now this is a b right back source so this is a video that plays back we can position that put be right back brand as you want yours your stream this is a scene that's used on its own then you have an alerts scene now this is going to put the latest information at the top by default it will look it if you are an affiliate partner or non-affiliate and put the relevant options at the top so it won't put things like the latest cheer or latest subscription event or in this case it's a gift bomb these will be blank by default but as soon as the events happen they will populate up there so we can see it set up those scenes we have a might rain you've got the alerts of pop-up notifications you've got a video shout out scene this is one you want might want to position somewhere you go with the ouija board but the the champion is full screen and the latest to the right rain and the alerts are typically used as full screen therefore they're locked so the nature of this scene this has all the visual elements that the fast track package uses and all you need to do is each your scenes add in a scene and set the alerts here and we see all those visual elements and now in this webpage so you need to go through each your web pages and you'll probably want to do it as well on the be right back scene is going through and adding the alerts in place so this is what you need to set up the scenes and make sure you put in the right order as you want it to get the visual effects now with these scenes having elements that have sound in you'll probably want to change the properties of them so in each of these options that have sound so it's be alright back scene has got this the visual shoutout and the champion of the hill also have sounds you want to go through and set the control audio via obs so it's in the bureau right back the visual shout outs and the champion hill they're the three scenes that have audio here then in the audio mixer dock you can just pick the settings of any of them doesn't really make a difference set advanced audio settings and then what you can do is you can pick these relevant ones so the first one we have that uses sound is champion use mantra only mute output and say the next one we want to use that is the visual share type and the bureau back which is not there so what you do is we need to switch to the bright vaccine and then within that we can set this one as well to monitor any mute output there we go and so what that means is now you can balance the audio levels with your stream with all these elements here for the visual shout out the champion would be right back as the streambot fast track package is pretty much set up at this point we've got a few more required parts to do though so the first thing is to go through the actions for your links either you can specify the message here you can see discord is not full link same with all the links here for discord hover instagram merchandise tick tock twitter webpage and youtube now you can disable these you can see this enabled column if you don't have those right click here and disable those i would actually suggest disabling via the commands option here so you can see there's a section for link and you can disable the relevant actions that you do not want to configure so you configure the action which does the work itself that says the message and change that that's the only thing that is actually required here and at this point you can actually go and use a bot this next step whilst optional is highly recommended and that's to configure the actions which under the section of the channel point star rewards here we go hydrate stretch but also the champion of the hill and ask reja now if you're an affiliate keeping these as they are is fine you might want to look at the permissions in the commands but if you have channel points these work much better as channel point redeems so when i go through i'm going to set up one of them and show what to do there so under the platforms twitch and channel point rewards right click add give it tight this doesn't matter so much because this is going to be added in by the action first sandwich one monster in the prompt details so start a free for all to get a new champion of hill it's worth unloading you can configure this and there's an actual do it in this last step step 10 we'll give you details of how to do that but we'll keep it as the default for now okay right after the fight has started with exclamation mark join like any channel point rewards you can limit the redemptions per stream or per use of a stream the cooldown is going to be at least uh 90 seconds because that's kind of the duration of the champions hill fight so we're going to say 1800 here give it quite a cooldown then the action is gonna be start fight and we'll see that is here we need to then go to the actions i've got set fight reward and here we need to specify the reward we have which is here need to select even if it's picked the right reward by by chance click on ok that set up the channel point reward for champion is the hill the ouija board only needs a single step so again going to platforms channel point rewards we can add ask the reader board again cost is fine select ask regis here is the way to start this that's the reader board a question again you'll probably want to do a cooldown something like a say five minutes or something like that would be relevant however long you feel and that's to the channel point rewards you might want to repeat that with a hydrate and stretch as well but we won't cover this on a video today and we're on to the last step of this process the command reference with notes here you'll skip to the different areas here of all the commands you can understand the commands that we have but also links to the stream robot bytes which is a way to add even more to your bots you can import examples from there but also examples of the community so let's have a quick run through the commands moderator commands obviously need moderator or an editor or the streamer or broadcasting permissions you've got emergency emergency will lock down the stream and protect you from things like hate raids or bot follows the version sierra releases this it's worth all noting depending on what settings you want with round followers you may need to change the sub actions in there so review these make sure they align you have set so so this allows you to put a custom message after a shout out for streamer this is something it's just a plain text thing so you put in what you want for example an artist you may want to thank them for the emotes and so you can put that thank you for creating these emotes for the channel and putting them there exclamation mark so command this will do a shout out for a streamer it's worth noting it will pick up on pronoun support but you can edit and customize that message to really make it more aligned to your channel vso is a video shout out so it does shout out but also plays a video clip in there for you be right back brb that's going to trigger the brb scene automatically and play random clips from your channel if there are any of course otherwise it's just not using the command it'll play those random clips until you move away from that scene this can be triggered by moderators so if you get pulled away for whatever reason then the moderators can kick in the bureau back screen you have set game to set the game that's currently set on twitch and set title final next thing that the moderators can do is show a raid message this will share what you can say in the channel you're raiding so you might use your emotes there for subscribers and for non-subscribers i like [Music] next up we talk about the latest overlay we can see what you have by default but in this link you can customize it if you want the variable animation that's great if you want to pick a separate color you need to set the option and you can see what it looks like on a dark background or light background you can customize the color this nice um widget there you can increase the size of these so by default they are um ones large ones extra large depending on the affiliate or not you can also customize the font family as well to be what you want and those changes are going to change in real time [Music] the overlay will split the screen up into a number of elements you've picked and they can be justified to the left which is the defaults or the middle of those areas you can see here that's what it looks like finally you pick what you want in there these aren't add to the preview but for example if you want subs follows [Music] cheers and hosts it's going to put these in order here now you can change the order of these if you want as well to to reorder those but you have to do that manually finally copy that to the clipboard and then you can go to obs and go to the scene here in the latest pacing that's what we've just created here and it's customized that for us to what we want that simple the events and visual notifications can be customized again in this webpage let's go a bit further down you have two styles of alerts style you get by default is here but you can have an alternative style again customizing it these notes for the alerts are events to exclude it'll include them all by default you can pick a font you can pick a font color in real time you'll get to see what that looks like in the alex overlay you need to put the broadcasted name in here so for me we are flat um this image will be the broadcaster by default but you can tell it to try and use the redeemer of the action so if someone's subscribed they'll pull in their display picture this is up to you if you want to enable this again which which actions do you not want to have here to click someone to use redeemer image here font color because i want to have the yellow and the background to be red or blue there we go it's better um font family again and we can also copy that to clipboard go to obs and when those events trigger we will see from the alerts here it's worth noting the broadcast is dynamically put in as we set up the bots it reads him who broadcaster is now we don't see alerts here but we can test these in the bot under twitch events we can trigger these for example we can try a i think we've got a follower in there so the latest follower yes so if we go to general we can click on test we'll see the pop-up there we'll see the latest update that so we can test these events in that area there so that's the events and visual notifications that we can customize here quite easily next up the ask reader which we've talked about before this tells you you can find the responses text file this is underneath the data folder where you installed the bots you can modify those responses to control what responses the ouija board can come back with again customizing it to your channel champion of the hill there's options within here so if we go to the relevant action you'll see that under start fight we set the globals here now these are names you want to be differently champion of the hill we could be diva of the mountain if we want to do so we change the champion here to be diva and this one here the mountain so this will allow you to customize the responses and the chat messages that are generated within this it's worthwhile noting it doesn't change the description of the channel reward but it does change the title for you hydrating stretch we talked about this setting as channel points rewards is um recommended we have all sorts of chat actions i won't read through these but you can see there's lots of options there including things like a love command to get a random percentage of how much you love a particular item rolling a dice or flipping a coin or in there as well the lurk does a visual lurk animation give it a try i think you'll like it check commands commands will dynamically show what commands the bot can run for that user so if you're moderate you'll get more commands of course than a non-moderator things like follow h number of followers stats again with all these commands you can disable them individually so you can have the functionality that you want in your stream this isn't about making cookie cutter streams this is about helping understand what the bot can do giving you a head start and allowing you to customize it to make it truly your own stream have a death counter that does deaths overall that have been recorded on your stream but also deaths per game set so when it sets the death count to increase it does it for that specific game you can also modify the numbers be it the the totals says back to zero you can set the desk to a particular game so if you already have a death counter and another box and you want to migrate the number over you can do that for the game that you want you can also do the death set as well so you can this is what i'd recommend typically to do catch up because it'll apply a desk to the game and overall at the same time but there's lots of options to get the desk counts to what you want we talked about links and editing those earlier on the video now the pronouns this is something which is really powerful within the bots it doesn't just only pick up on the pronouns that have been set in the the well-known service here the pronouns.later it allows you to customize outputs so it can look at your pronoun values and it can then customize response responses so for example i'm he him and if i was being shout out by the botanist the shout out command it'll say check out vr vlad where who is he him where he last streamed this or he was that streaming but if someone doesn't have a pronoun set or maybe they're a they are they them it's going to turn around and say check out that stream's name that are they them or not at all if it's not been specified where they were live streaming so it picks up on different parts of the sentence you get a lot more details here in the pronouns page it talks about the setup here but it's already set up for you if you want to use particular values this is the table to really reference to know how to use things and you can see that these are the pronouns there it's worthwhile pleasure watching the video looking into this if you want to customize it further you can have your own custom set of pronouns so you can actually actually look at what you want in each of these values and then you can do a pronouns overwrite as a user or mod pronouns they're right specifying the user to set up a custom set of pronouns so you can truly be accepting of uh any pronoun sets that people want to set takes the time set up once you have it set up which most of the work hasn't been done in the fast track package incredibly powerful stuff we have a quote system built in quote space add we quote add talked about this before these are the functions how to use it how to delete it need to be moderated to delete or add also you can change the addition permissions to be vip deletion always needs a moderator though everyone can do quotes on its own to get a random or quote a number to display a specific quote you also have a moat rain which is a wonderful visual effect that can do various things it will know when someone's coming for the first time to check message and it'll rain down there their display picture it will rain down the emotes using chat you can use exclamation mark er space rain command to look into this further um so to bring down multiple um emotes that it's specified that is required to have a vip or moderator you can leave it as default which has all the functionality or you can limit the functionality here by changing the urls here so it's worthwhile looking at um the m8 frame version 2 video the lurk visual alert command the way to change that is tells you up in the lurk section ahead you rename the action for that but yeah i'm going to link in this um the webpage here will be there by the time this goes live to the emote rain command so you can customize that further and there you go you should be fully set up now with the best streaming bot out there if you found this helpful please do like and subscribe feel free to comment with any questions you may have or to pop by my stream to check out the bottom action also look at the stream robot bites videos on how to learn more and to add additional functionality to your bot finally thank you to so many of you to enable me to create this content those supporting me give me feedback to improve and sharing kind words thank you nate for making this and the streaming robot community for supporting this amazing bot i've listed all these people at the bottom of the fasttrack homepage please do check out the content as well and that's it for this time take care
Channel: VRFlad
Views: 8,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #StreamingTips, #StreamerBot, #OBS, #SLOBS, #twitch bot, #live streaming, #twitch
Id: 2edRwzzEkTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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