Upgrade your R36S to out perform flagship Retro Handhelds | How To Guide

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what's going on today internet selfish here with retrospect and today I'm going to show you how I took an r 36s and probably made it the most modded r 36s on the planet coming out with my r36 S pro I'm going to show you how I did it let's take a look this is a project I've been working on since the day the r36 S popped up online and by r36 S I mean the orange r 36s a lot of this stuff wasn't made yet when the orange one popped up though so I've been slowly piecing things together over the last couple of months and I've just given up on trying to wait for that Wi-Fi adapter that seems to never be showing up but we're going to see what kind of cool improvements we can make here and make it look good and I'm going to show you guys how to do it all right now that we got some tools out let's start pulling it apart so there is some weird things on here I don't know why we're not ever going to need this sticker again because this obviously is going to avoid the warranty we're just going to take that bad boy off I'm hoping my audio Works a little better this time I repositioned this new mic again specifically uh different position for this so let's hope this works out a little bit better and I don't have to dub it over again I'm sure I will and actually I'll just tell you now I'm probably going to cut the audio halfway through and just dub parts of it anyways so that you guys don't have to listen to me talk to myself all right this seems like the way that I'm going to do this and scratch it up so we're just going to take this card out here quick and take this stuff off without cutting all the stuff up and these usually work pretty well if you just want to take it off something like that we'll clean it up here once we get it off but I'd say for the most part we're looking pretty good there without actually scratching it so I think that was important there is our 64 gig card that came in for the operating system and we have nothing on the other side there was a 128 in there I don't know what I did with it but it's gone all right let's get the back of this thing off here there's only a few screws on here I guess first we probably need to take the battery out I don't want to get too far ahead of myself got my daughter to take a nap she started crying right as I started recording so I got her to take a nap and we can get this done but I'm kind of trying to hurry myself which I shouldn't be doing when i'm doing this so just yell at me if you see me hurrying from all the way wherever you are oh we need to take that sticker off yet too that's okay we can do that once we get this out so we're going to go Lefty Lucy there should be six screws on here oh crap There Goes My screws now what I'd recommend doing unlike myself is carefully putting all your screws in one place and make sure you have all your screws in one basket missing oh there's one and this guy here is stuck on the stupid sticker I should have taken off right away again the razor blade not necessary I usually use these because I can I'll take them off and put them back on these ones here are the really cheap ones which work the best actually for the manufacturer side anyways because they just fall apart they stick very well they got like a high concentration of glue and they just fall apart well ain't that special our joysticks are going to be right up front these should be real easy compared to some of the other joysticks we've done so I think we might wait we can just pull them out now I guess so first thing you're want to do is unplug them and what you want to do to unplug them is just pull up this black tab on each one of these and these are the same on all joycons whether they be on Nintendo or anything else it's just a little tab there you pull up and then you just unscrew them and they pop right out we're going to use a different screw head if you look on their website it says use pretty much any size screwdriver that'll fit and that's not usually how I do things so we're going to try to find the right one and that is the right one look at that first guess look at me go I'm on a roll today all right here we go all right you do have to be a little bit careful with how tight things are just because it is in plastic oh cool these don't have those stupid things that the R35 xx8 H has some little plastic stickers on there I got it halfway together and realized oh crap you can see light through there you haven't seen that video yet I just did it last week sometime I believe well that is interesting okay so that's our speaker that's cool is that going to come out with everything I wonder or are we just going to cuz that just looks like it's taped in there in the meantime we're going to unplug it just to unplug it is nice to see that they have a stamp now with their own name on instead of somebody else's oddly enough though this is version 12 there's versions and this thing still doesn't have Wi-Fi what in the hell is going on that don't make no sense pull the rest of it apart there's only a couple more screws and she'll pop right off if you're not J jacking like me this should probably only take you about 20 25 minutes if you've done anything like this before if not might take you a little bit longer especially once we get into the back buttons those might take a little bit longer just cuz you don't want to break anything but for the most part this is a pretty straightforward little swap we got going on here and I've actually never pulled this device is far apart so I don't know how this board is held in here probably glued in or some stupid find out I bet you there's tabs there is all right yeah we're just going to leave that speaker right there I think oh yeah and then we have our screen I didn't do it last time and people gave me a hard time so we'll do it there you go screen is off you feel better now and here are membranes membranes I'm just checking this doesn't come with uh the power or the volume rockers some of them do some of them don't I don't know what decides that and what doesn't but you know what these guys do such a good job at making buttons I don't even care so we're going to lose those I'm sure they're not going to stay where they are but that's okay all right so our d-pad um we'll just get that bad boy out of there and then we will get these buttons out of here real quick now one thing that really sucks about this the factory buttons and one thing you should do if you're not even going to do this mod is just open this up and cut this off this is what I've done on mine in the past just cut that off or your buttons will float more freely these buttons are actually poured a little differently I don't know if we're going to be able to see on camera but they actually from at least if they're like the last ones I did they're going to work better this is one of the first r36 getting these buttons yeah see they float just slightly different so I'm hoping that they're going to work better or doesn't make it easy to pull them out when you just got to pull the whole shootout right let's dump this stuff over here I have a feeling the thing is going to take us the longest and don't quote me on this but I'm thinking it's going to be the back butt by better because they're better back button okay now these don't have letters on them so it doesn't matter what order you put them in we're going to find out if that is a thing between the middle and these Center buttons all right so we're just going to toss these things right on here that working knew I was going to lose that we'll just put that one with it oh yeah this is going to look sweet now Secura did try to make me my other buttons in white and uh well I was kind of on a time crunch and uh I was just like it's been two months and I still haven't got this done yet we got to get it done so they tried to do it quickly and we're unsuccessful white is a harder color to work with I'm not sure what that's all about cuz I don't do this stuff but I've always been told that White's a harder color so I've always tried to stick away from it but I think that it's going to be the right color for an orange device so I think it's going to look really nice on here didn't want to sacrifice that now here's the kicker I don't need any of these but Point those fit in there nicely so that was fine now I've got some extras in case I need some more for the middle or whatever and because you guys know I like to put PlayStation buttons on things we have some custom r36 SS buttons here does a really good job making these PlayStation buttons I think that's why I keep buying the PlayStation ones now I did just put a set or I'm in the middle putting a set of non-play station ones on another device which you guys will see soon I'll post a picture up on my community tab once I get it done I was actually just starting that when my white button showed up oh that does look nice you guys are going to like that that looks really good now secure doesn't want you to wipe ex directly on their buttons which is somewhat understandable not something anybody else has ever told me but my big thing is actually just cleaning up these membranes more than anything else making sure that they are all nice and no stickiness now again this is brand new so this should be just fine this is a normal alcohol swab It's actually an anti-adhesive one so it just gets all the glues and stuff off don't need to do it but I I like doing it just cuz I like to know that everything's all clean when I put it all back together again now what you want to do is get your four posts on here just like they were when you well I guess they weren't when you pulled it off so there's not a post on that side weird okay get your three posts to line up I guess and this one doesn't have a post on the outside either so we have everything in there so that's looking pretty fancy we can actually put that PCB back on here because now we are going put the hall effect sticks in so our next step will be the hall effect sticks so we'll run this through this is our speaker wire which we will plug back in here in a minute and then we also need to probably more importantly need to get through our screen now this just be careful with it these things aren't as fragile as everybody wants to make them out to be but you can break these ribbon cables relatively easily so at the same time they are Fred and the thing is they come straight so they have to be bent at some point in time as always I do recommend you use some kind of ceramic or static free tweezers that way you don't get yourself all electrocuted and things all right that feels like she's in just make sure she's in all the way and pop her down making sure everything's going to line up and I'm looking to see where these little pins are cuz I never really even saw them it just kind of kind of happened so you're going to want to do is you're going to push you have your USB C's and your audio right here and you can see it's going to fall flat without putting them in but it you won't be able to reach them so you want to make sure that they are in where they need to be and then you can kind of back it out a little bit just to kind of figure out where everything fits and drop her in make sure everything's looking good kind of work around just make sure she's sunk all the way down and then we're going to take those two screws and wherever my screwdriver is now if you are having a hard time making contact with your buttons you can back out these screws a little bit it'll actually make the buttons work a little bit better there's just not enough gap between them how does that look it would have been cool they have these in white but that looks really good now we just need to do some Hall sticks let's get out our hall effect joysticks and get her going now let's see how the bends were on these things oh yeah they're pretty sharp on these ones too I don't know why they don't just come with that bend it's almost in every one of them I just straight jacked this set out of another device I was working on I mean I've got so many new ones but have another I had a device that I was just using for parts that I had put Hall of sticks in at one point in time I was like I'm just going to steal these out of there and I'm thinking like maybe I should have just grabbed one of the new new sets cuz this one here is is uh being kind of fussy all right I guess we're going to use a different pair there we go all right one in one more to go we should have a better idea how to do this this time maybe but what we are going to do is we are going to pull her back line her up line her up there we go he's in boom that was Far easier than the first time let's get this last one in so we can be done this is coming together nicely long as the screen works and everything else Works we're going to be good to go t can't see where it says ghilly kit through plastic here cuz it does look kind of neat on there okay so now we got this now we just have to get the back done and that should be fairly easy these ones actually look a little different than the am bernick ones these ones squeeze in you do have to be a little bit careful because these are plastic tabs one side at a time left two left right two so much less travel too these should be quieter PL right in the eyehole there we go sweet look at them things and they don't move very much there's no clippies in here it just it just screws on weird all right we're all tightened up oh less noise oh oh these buttons man boom Oh wait we're not done yet we need some condoms now we just got to make sure it Powers up and then we will do the operating system for you real quick our card back in here this is our OS card yeah one that was all taped shut and what have not and the last thing to button her up is we do have a screen cover for so that's pretty neat make sure everything's working so now we're going to go and we are going to do the operating system real quick we know she Powers up we know things are working time to shut her down and we will get her rolling oh I almost forgot something we almost forgot something on the back we're taking off this game console sticker I'm over it this is a totally unnecessary upgrade if I didn't want people to not know this was an r36 not going to stick anymore when I'm done cuz I've been trying to get it on so many times oh yeah that's better now I can bring that out in public all right let's clean up our mess here real quick and we will do the operating system and then we will be done all right now that we get our area cleaned up we just need to get our memory card set up that's it that's all we have left just a little memory card set up pretty easy stuff so we're going to go over here to our web page which is not the right web page hey can I get a little assistance there retro baby can you throw me on the right page thank you very much retro baby this is the page that we want to be on right here I will throw a link down in my thing myob for you that way you guys can just click on it and don't have to worry about in fact I will have links to everything here today any of the mods that we did on the device itself as well as any references that you need I am writing up a guide for how to do the operating system portion to pretty easy peasy lemon squeezy but you know in case you are more of a visual learner or I guess that wouldn't be visual if you are more of a learner that needs to read instead of visual cool yeah do that you know that would be pretty nifty I will have that set up there for you as well I don't know if it be quite ready when this video publishes but I will get it ready as soon as I possibly can and then I will just add the link in the description of this video you probably can figure this out from what I do anyway so we're on this page right here one interesting thing is that these are a breakoff of Aros and the breakoff is from the RG 351 MP by ambern they must have the closest in internals but that's fine I have noticed now coming in here today they have one for the r 36s as well which was not in here last time I was in here now you do have the ability to go through Google drive or you can do media fire or Mega Drive if you don't have a subscription to this medifire or Mega Drive account though you may be restricted on how much you can download this being because they restrict the amount of gigs you can download in a certain specific amount of time now that being said the caveat is you have to trust Google Drive so if you don't have protection or you get a little sketched out about doing stuff then this might not be the option for you you're going to go into here it's going to go directly to a Google Drive account and it's just going to say there's no preview available then you go and it's going to tell you that it can't scan it for viruses do it at your own risk your own Peril I trust it so I'm going to download it so I'm just going to hit download anyways no big deal and then once it's downloading we are going to close this window down and we are going to open up our download folder now I'm just going to put this on the desktop honestly we're just going to make this really easy for you guys to kind of see what's going on and we're right click on it and we are going to go to more options and we are going to go to szip and extract here if you don't have seven zip I'd recommend downloading it there is a link to that down in my thingamabob as well so any of the stuff here will be available down there in my thingamabob so the reason why we have a 32 gig card which you actually only need is 16 for this but I just have a box full of these 32 so use this we're going to put the operating system on this one and on the 128 we're going to put our games on now you're going to have to have your own ROMs and things like that by doing it this way I would still recommend replacing that card that came in it and just drag and drop it onto this card because that other card is prone to failure if you do any kind of modifications like add subtract stuff like that that's when you start to have issues with those cards they're fine out of the box as long as you don't modify them at all and that includes your save states and things like that you want to save a game I would probably recommend just getting a new memory card I don't have a deal with any memory card company but um I do a lot of Team group cards and I do a lot of SPS SP cards work really well and then obviously your Samsung's and your sandis they're all kind of rated relatively similar uh the SPs and the team group ones are rated a little less than the sandis and the Samsungs but I've actually in my own experience we had more Samsung and sand disc CS go to crap granted those are usually when they're closer to a terab or more all right now we should have this image file right here on our desktop now that we have that we're going to go into our Rufus tool if you don't have rofus already again link down on my thing my Bob Rufus is a good way just to write things to a card for yourself we're going to go in here we're going to choose our Drive letter I haven't put the card in yet that's right so we need to do that so we are going to put our card into our card reader probably need to exit Roofus uh yeah I do we're going to close Roofus and we're going to put our card into our card reader now if you don't have a card reader there's plenty of MTH there I'm actually using an anchored dock right now uh just cuz I'm testing out a Mini PC I just happen to have that on there so this should now if we go into here show our card so that must be e Drive so e Drive it's empty awesome good to see now we're going to go into Rufus and then we are going to select that e Drive so it already did right you want to make sure it's the right drive cuz you could rewrite your hard drive if you chose the wrong drive this is only giving us external as an option that is one nice thing about some computers some though do actually give you the option for your internal now we're going to select that folder we put that right onto our desktop and it is an image folder Aros r35s and R 36s version 2 we're going to put that on there I've actually not run version two yet I think I'm on maybe I have I don't know and we're going hit start and then this thing is going to do what this thing does and this takes just a few minutes uh because it is a new card it won't take real long because the first part of this is deleting partitions so if you don't have partitions not a big deal we'll let this run here for a minute and then we will come back to [Music] it [Music] [Applause] all right now that that's done we are going to close this so it doesn't actually really tell you if you have your audio turned on it does make a beeping noise but I who's going to hear that over everything else that's going on in the world so we're just going to close that down real quick and now we have it on there we'll just double check to see what it looks like it should have named the drive as well boot so there it is we got Boot and all that fun happy stuff so now that we have the boot driver ready we're going to go down here and we are going to eject it now we have our card so we are going to put our card in here and fire her up now again if you haven't what I got the old card what is in here if you haven't yet set up your 128 or whatever card it is that you're going to use for your normal card I mean you could use any size it doesn't matter make sure that you run that with this so what I would do is start this up turn it over shut it down put the new card in start it back up all right so we are going to fire this up make sure it is all working and then we are going to put a game card into it and we don't need this card anymore that just goes in the trash no big deal as you see it's going to do some install stuff when you first do this that's just how it is on any of these with the first install and this is where we're crossing our fingers that everything works out good this is actually a completely different version of this build than I was using before so I'm pretty excited to see something new all right so complete expansion of easy ROM partition and convert over to xat this system will now reboot and load Aros so now it is going to reboot and actually put the full operating system on cuz it created all the partitions it needed to that's a cool load screen compar I mean I like the last one too I guess but it looks nice all right and it doesn't really come with any games on it that part's going to be a little dry but we are just going to reboot it right away and we are going to take that game card and put it in here game card was taking too long to load so I actually just stole it out of the white one I got a Samsung card here now and while that loading just for the sake of filming I just wanted to get this thing up and running for you now that one's naked over there with no game card in it insert coin loading file now this will be your second longest boot now that we're putting the game card in because now this has to read through your game card and its structure and all that stuff and that wasn't too bad so now you don't see anything on here still so you are going to go under options here and we are going to go under ADV advance and at the bottom here we're going to switch to s2d ROMs so this will switch over which card it's reading the ROMs off of again you could just put the one card in the one side and put all your ROMs on one side never have to worry about a second card I just like the ability to switch os's a lot which is the biggest advantage of running two cards if you're only going to be running one operating system you look at like the Mio Minis and stuff they don't come with two cards scks are still working we're going to take a look at a couple of games here just to make sure that everything's working out all right and then we will uh be done for today oh we do need to do one other thing P ordered multiple times the Wi-Fi adapter out of the RJ 353 V it never showed up anytime that I tried to order it and now I can't find one that's available so we will do that project whenever that becomes available and put an internal Wi-Fi card in here that being said I created a solution temporary I know that people have been hooking these to their phones and nobody can figure out which Wi-Fi adapters to put on these devices in order to make them work I don't remember where I got this one but I will try to figure it out and if I can I'll link it down below but this specific Wi-Fi adapter this USB Wi-Fi int which is probably a pretty common model number honestly I don't know if any of this will help you but if it does take a screenshot or whatever this card actually does work in it and I know after going through over half a dozen cards that this one is the one to get at least for it working on here I do not believe this one is Wi-Fi 6 I can't remember some of the cards I have are Wi-Fi 6 which is why I was assuming they weren't working but with this bad boy uh I just got one of these little guys here so we're just going to put this bad boy in here here's our Wi-Fi card with our adapter now we're going to put these into the OTG Port which is the port on the right the nice thing about these L-shaped ones is that it sits more flat so now we got to go back underneath that options menu now we're back underneath this options menu and we need to go and we need to activate this Y and I'm not going to show you what we activate to so hold on makes that nice crackly noise while trying to connect to your Wi-Fi say device activated successfully scanning for access points so now we're going to go back out of here and we are going to start select that'll exit us out of the screen now that we have the ability to do things with this that we didn't before like update over the air which is an option on here there shouldn't be an update available cuz I just did it I'm sure there's not but you know what we're going to find out anyways I don't like the crackling noise it makes every time you sign on but yep no updates available cuz we just did the latest update while we're doing this you can do things like sync thing where you can sync your saves and everything which I use religiously because I have so many deves it saves between them but on top of that you can also do things like achievements in retro Arc and this does give you Standalone access to retroarc with this operating system so if you wanted to go in and set it up so you get your achievements you can just go down here to achievements in retro Arc and you can activate those achievements you want to add me on there to your playlist or whatever I'm selfish on retro Arc you're going to see a lot of games with one star as I do demos of games I've never tried before just to have demos out there I'm going to keep my password to myself also if you've been using retro achievements for a while and you go to hardcore more and you play this games that kind of screws them up so I will just do that I just do the unlock on if you want Encore mode on the bottom here it'll just continue to tell you every time you beat the same things over and over again so you feel all good and happy and stuff now in here you're going to want to go to your configuration file and save your configuration that way it'll say your retro Arc login now if you don't have a retro Arc account you just want to go to their website and you want to register yourself an account because achievements are cool and if you don't like achievements then whatever what do we want to try today PlayStation we're going to quickly jump in the Bios here and we are going to change those controller settings these ones look like they registered right there we go all right let's make sure it all works now look at that and that is the difference between having things set up correctly or incorrectly right there everything's working now word cool so that just gives you a little quick peek of the setup I got here for the r 36s this is about as uh most modded as you can get it minus I know you can put a Wi-Fi card in here though people have been putting the wrong one in they keep trying to dremel out of space for it you should just be able to put the Wi-Fi card in off the RG 353 V and vs so I just need to get a hold of one and I just haven't been able to get one but here we got a little you know sticker mod woo adds horsepower we got our better back buttons I was going to do a battery mod but really there's not a whole lot of Need for on this the battery life is pretty decent we did get a d-pad and some face buttons here from cloud lifee 6 and then we got some secure mods PlayStation buttons we also have our Hall sticks in here which are pretty fantastic and then I am running a Wi-Fi adapter don't need to do this not necessary but I think for the weighin I think we need to keep the Wi-Fi adapter on because we are going to be Apples to Apples on that one I will take off the magnet plug for USB charging but other than that that is where we're going to be so there's our magnet plug for USB charging oh I don't know maybe it is still heavier I'm not sure we're going to find out so gram wise RG 353 V is 197 G wet let's see what we got here on the r36 S quote unquote Pro 24 G and these both have better back buttons same kind of stuff on them right so they're built the same same Hall sticks everything else so let's pull off this we're going to do a comparison against the original before modification so it's 197 lb wet without the expansion of the Wi-Fi and an original R 36s feels a little lighter 187 gam did I say pounds this whole time 187 G so we are adding a significant amount of weight to it at about 10 G which doesn't sound like a lot but when you're under 200 g it is kind of a lot these two are exactly the same now which have the exact same modifications so it's safe to say that that these modifications weigh about 10 G I'm sure they'll be lighter than the right right pocket flip by quite a bit this is one of my favorite devices it's just easily pocketable 278 they do actually weigh less than the rp2 and then we'll put it up here against the popular but not much purchased am bernick Arc which I think that this device needs a little bit more Love by 260 g on that bad boy hit me up in the comments down below I'm pretty sure I did build the world's most expensive R 36s I just I couldn't stop putting Parts on it I know there are a couple more like I said I am waiting on some other stuff so we'll probably do a different video to update we'll do a pro two version of the r 36s but this actually feels like a premium handset now to use and play it's not so creaky the buttons are a lot quieter you want to see me keep doing videos like this where I'm taking devices and rebuilding them please let me know down in the comment section below and if there's a specific device you want me to do also leave that in the comment section below reason why I got this bad boy done when I did is I was already planning it for a couple of months waiting for parts I did a survey and this was literally the top decided device that people wanted me to do so I just kind of pushed it up in my timetable want to make sure we got it out there so there are a couple other devices that were literally within a vote so I am trying to see what kind of parts I can find for those right now we'll probably do another vote here once we get a little closer to what I know I can and cannot get for parts I do do also have a couple devices on the way with parts so we will do some more videos like that if you guys like seeing those if you haven't seen one of these videos before I do have a few on the channel most notably in recent history is the video on the rg35 xxh pro that I did very similar upgrades to the modifications I did on this one little different software some other things are a little bit different as well but very similar they kind of fit in that same mold until we come out with some more parts and things it's going to be difficult to put anything else on these these are some of the first buttons for the r36 s from cloud lifee 6 and as well as from back button I'm not sure about secure mods I haven't seen them out there but I'm sure that people have bought them before I can't be the first one I really do enjoy building these devices for you guys mostly just so you guys can see how these things come together and get torn apart I was going to do one here for the 33s but nobody seems to be picking that one up so if people start picking it up maybe I'll get a video up for that but that's all I got for you guys today thanks for sticking around don't forget to comment like and share this video with your friends cuz sharing helps grow the channel and I'm more of a girl in a shower just asked my wife she just left the room though so maybe maybe ask her next time she's here also why don't you go check out one videos that it's telling you to check out cuz Google's usually not wrong and it's telling you one of these two videos here at the end is something you're going to be into I didn't pick the videos Google did so take a look at one of those thanks for watching bye-bye
Channel: RetroSpecd
Views: 8,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R36s, R36s vs rg353v, anbernic, anbernic review, anbernic rg35xx, arkos, best retro handhelds, capcom, custom firmware r36s, data frog r36s, emulation, emulation handheld, emulator, game console, handheld, handheld r36s, handheld r36s review, mobile gaming, open source, ps1, psp, r36s, r36s console, r36s custom firmware, r36s gameplay, r36s handheld, retro console, retro gaming, retro handheld, retroarch, rg353v, rg35xx h, the next $50 budget king, tips and tricks
Id: 0Ge51ybMtrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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