How to Convert Your PS3 from PS3HEN to CFW

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[Laughter] hey what is going on everyone it's me Mr Mario and in this video here I'm going to be showing you all if you have a capable PS3 that has already been modified with PS3 hen how you can essentially convert it and get a full jailbreak on that system by installing custom firmware and really what we're doing here is just going through the full jailbreak process from start to finish although there's going to be some familiarity since if you're watching this and you want to follow along you probably have the familiarity of using a modified PS3 that already has PS3 hen installed on it such as this one right here now I do want to get this out of the way immediately here if anybody is watching this excited and thinking oh great I can install custom firmware on my PS3 super slim absolutely not unfortunately this does not change anything this is not any type of breakthrough method this is just going to be the standard webkit exploit style jailbreak that we have been using for several years so that's all to say here if you have a compatible system this video will work for you meaning that if you have a fat system like this congratulations you can continue on if you have a Slim system you might be able to continue on there's several models of the PS3 Slim that work with custom firmware such as the one that I'm using here there's also going to be some that might be able to take custom firmware which we will be able to check in a few minutes and finally the later revisions will not be able to take custom firmware at all very similar to the PS3 super slim which cannot take custom firmware at all so that's all to say you have to make sure you have a compatible system in order to follow along with this now why exactly am I making this video I'm making this here because there's people who have PS3s that are perfectly capable of running custom firmware but they only have PS3 hin on them maybe some people preferred PS3 hen for some time maybe they want to try it out maybe that was the only option while they were waiting for a full jailbreak or a custom firmware however that is to say if you have an earlier run of these slim or if you have a fat system you can install custom firmware on that just fine and I'll be showing you how to do that here it is also a nice benefit and upgrade because custom firware allows you to have essentially full control of the system and even do things like convert it over to a developer or debug or Dex system it also runs on cold boot meaning that you do not have to enable hin such as this here every single time you turn on the system and you want to run Homebrew you just turn on the system you have custom firmware right there and you're ready to go right off the bat generally people including myself also believe that it is more stable when it comes to Running Games applications and much more so that's all to say if you have a custom firmware compatible system I definitely recommend running custom firmware instead of PS3 H but PS3 H is not a bad option especially if all you have is a slim that is in compatible or a super slim now that's all to say here the method we're going to be using will be the PS3 tool set from b garville as well as the PS3 exploit team otherwise known as the BG tool set it's going to make this nice and easy for us here and they've done a fantastic job not only developing this but keeping it up to dat so it's going to be thankfully pretty simple and it will work well enough for what we're trying to do here so with all of that out of the way if you have a compatible system or you're wanting to check compatibility and you're ready to jump into the world of custom firmware well there's going to be a few things that we're going to need as prerequisites first of all you will need your PlayStation 3 this should be a PS3 that is up and running and working and should already have PS3 hin installed on here you do not have to have PS3 hen installed because this can even work for a stock system however this video here is specifically aimed for PS3 hen users who are wanting to move over to a full custom firmware secondly you're also going to need a USB flash drive because we're going to need to transfer some files to and from a computer so you are also going to need a computer connected to the internet and you will also have to make sure your PS3 right here will be connected to the internet now there will be one thing to check and see that your PS3 is currently compatible and will work with the PS3 tool set and that's going to be checking the firmware version that you are on you see right here of course we have hfw with PS3 H and what you can do is go to the settings tab go over to system settings go down down to system information and inside of system information you need to look at the system software version number that you are on this one I'm currently performing this on is version 4.91 now if you come over to the PS3 exploit teams website you can check and see the recommended firmware here and see that CFW compatible is 4.91 OFW and the PS3 tool set does support up to 4.91 so as long as you are within this range you're not higher you can continue on with this video If you have a higher firmware than what is listed here you're going to have to wait for the PS3 tool set to be updated to support that firmware and for anybody worried because this says OFW don't worry the PS3 tool set thankfully does support hfw as well so we don't have to change the firmware before we start anything however back over at the PS3 with those prerequisites now covered and checked out we are going to have to check our minimum firmware version and make sure that our PS3 is compatible with custom firmware this is going to be a necessary step so to do this here there'll be a few steps you need to take first of all you are going to need to make sure your PS3 has been connected to the internet next up you'll want to scroll back over to the settings option here go into system settings and one of the top settings that you should change here if you haven't already is automatic update make sure this is turned off because we're going to go through all this effort to install custom firmware and you do not want an automatic update to take that away from you on accident the second second thing we should change here is display what's new turn that off next we need to go down to the date and time settings you need to set set automatically to on come up to the date and time go down to set via internet now one thing to note here if you try to set it via the Internet and you get some kind of air such as this make sure you are connected online but even if you are connected online and you're getting that air what you might just have to do is set this manually and use something such as your phone or your computer something that has the date and time already set accurately on it and try to set this to be as accurate as possible for the tool set to work successfully it might also be worth mentioning here that if you have hin already enabled it might be worth just going in and rebooting your system real quick just to disable hin so that way we can continue on without hin being enabled once your system has rebooted or you just make sure you have not enabled hin the last thing we're going to need to do here is make a new user profile and use that so to do that you'll need to come over to your users create a new user and this one we can call it whatever we want to but typically I call this one JB for jailbreak you can hit okay and now sign into your JB profile now once you're signed successfully into the JB profile don't worry once we're done at the end we can delete this here but we're only using this for jailbreaking so now we can go over to the internet browser and open it up because we're now going to clean up our internet browser before we use this so to do this hit the triangle button go up to tools go to confirm browser close and set this to off go back to tools go to homepage set it to use blank page then go down and hit okay go to tools again this time we're going to delete our cookies we're going to delete the search history we're going to delete the cache and the last thing we'll need to delete is authentication information and once that's all done tap the circle button to close out of the browser now that we've confirmed the browser is nice and CLE C to work out of tap the x button on the browser to reopen it and now we're going to go to the PS3 tool set to do this here tap the start button on your controller delete everything here and go to this specific website it will be right here https colon sl/ PS3 tools and if you need to double check this you can check the link Down Below in the description of this video and go to the tool set once you've dialed it in here you can hit start or enter and wait for the page to load now do keep in mind this website is going to take quite a bit of time to load up so just sit here wait and be patient once it loads in it's going to ask you if you want to run a plugin you always want to say yes to running that plugin and once the plugin is loaded just wait a little bit longer for it to finish up and here we go once everything has initialized here you should get this message with the maintenance costs as well as several different methods in which you can donate to be garville for the the PS3 tool set if you do get some use out of this I always recommend giving a donation to the team but once you're okay with this hit okay and now you can navigate up to System Manager tap the x button right here and wait for the system manager to load in it should give you this information here after a little bit and this is what we are looking for you want to look at CFW compatible PS3 and if you get a green check mark congratulations you can continue on with the rest of this video unfortunately if if you do not get a green check mark for your system you cannot continue on with this video and you're just going to have to stay on PS3 hin however do be a little bit thankful because for a while we could not do anything with those newer systems so it is incredibly awesome that we do have PS3 hin available but since my system is running PS3 hin but it is a custom firmware compatible system we're going to be continuing on for a full jailbreak here so once you've been able to confirm this you'll just want to tap the circle button to close out of the browser and once it's closed let's go ahead and move over to our PC for the next steps for this you're going to need a PC and you're also going to need a USB flash drive to download and transfer over some files that we're going to need the first thing we'll need here is Rufus which you can come over here scroll down a little bit and download whichever version works for you if you want to install it the x64 version for 64-bit or the x86 version for 32-bit operating systems will work for you or if you just want to grab grab the portable one without having to install it on a 64-bit machine you can do that we will be performing a flash memory dump and we are going to be verifying it so in order to do this here we are going to need the pi PS3 Checker you can come to the GitHub link for the pi PS3 tools Down Below in the description click on Pi PS3 Checker Standalone package and once you click on this click on this button here to download it and save it somewhere you can easily find it since we're going to be installing custom firmware we're going to need an actual firmware for this here the one that is usually newest latest and greatest is going to be evonet so I'm going to add this linked Down Below in the description and there might be a newer one by the time you're watching this however you just need to find a custom firmware that works for your system here and you can scroll down after you check out all the information which there's a ton right here thanks to Evon not doing a ton of work on this however you can come over here and you can pick whichever variant is going to work for you now to keep it simple we cannot touch either either of the Dex firmwares so you'll need CeX if you want a full retail firmware or the PEX CeX variant if you'd like some of the development capabilities and even the capability to convert your system to a development or deck system in the future now you can get the standard version right here or if you have a broken Blu-ray Drive you can get the nobd version if you have a broken Bluetooth board the no BT option if you have both a broken Blu-ray Drive and a broken Bluetooth board you you can get no BD no BT and finally at your own risk here because overclocking the PS3 has been a thing in the last few years if you'd like to try overclocking however I'm not going to use any of that I'm just going to get the PEX version here so to download this you just need to click here and go through the download process now I've downloaded this before but if you're going to be using Mega you just need to click the download button and then save it somewhere you can easily find it in order to extract the archives that we've downloaded you can use something such as 7zip if you're having difficulty extracting it's easy enough to use it's free you just need to download whichever version works for your operating system and install it and finally we have to make sure that our firmware we download is going to have a good file check sum so for that I do recommend using your favorite md5 Checker I'm going to have this Linked In the description because it's online and it seems to work pretty well with your USB drive plugged in the first thing we'll need to do is open up rofus double click this you should get a prompt here in which you can say yes if you want to allow to check for updates you can say yes now you need to find where your drive is hooked up mine is this 16 GB flash drive I'm using if you cannot find your drive you can just go to show Advanced Drive properties and enable list USB hard drives however since my drive has been found I'm not going to worry about that for boot selection you need to select non- bootable and these are the two important options you have to select MBR for partition scheme if it is GPT this will not work but you have to select MBR for partition scheme and then you have to make sure your file system is fat 32 if you see an option which is large fat 32 that's also okay but it needs to be fat 32 as long as it's MBR and fat 32 the volume label does not matter we can keep everything else default and once you're ready to format this you can click on start now do keep in mind that when we format this it is going to delete all the data that we care about from this USB drive so as long as you have backed up all the data you care about and you're okay with formatting this you can click on okay and give it a few seconds it's now going to format the flash drive accordingly to work on the PS3 and once that's done click on close now you need to find your USB drive on your computer right click it and eject it and now take it over to your PS3 once you're back over at your PS3 plug in your USB flash drive and make sure that it is showing up in any of the media columns such as photo music or video if it is showing up here congratulations you have formatted it and set it up successfully now we can go back over to our internet browser and we're going to go back to the PS3 toolet site in order to do this here hit the start button on your controller delete all of this and we're going to go to the exact same website we did before which is https PS3 tools hit start or enter And while this is loading up just to make this easier you can now hit the select button on your controller and add this to your bookmarks so you can grab it easier later on and just like before it is going to take some time to load in properly so just give it a few moments here it is going to ask you to run the plugin you always want to say yes to running the plugin now once you get the maintenance costs page and your PS3 beeps at you you can hit okay to continue on now come back over to the system manager like we did before and wait for this tool to load in and here we go once we are here you can now go down to flash memory highlight the flash memory option tap the X button and there should only be one option that comes up which is save flash memory backup tap X on here and a new page will come up here asking where you want to save this to you want to select your USB drive which will say Dev USB followed by some numbers tap the x button on your USB drive and tap X here yet again to save now give it a few moments depending on how big your system flashes whether it is a nand or a no it will be either a couple hundred megabytes or 60 18 megab however big it is though just wait for it to dump and once it is dumped you can hit close and now you can close out of the browser yet again and once it's closed remove your USB drive and take it over to your PC over at the PC the next thing we'll need is the pi PS3 Checker package for this you can rightclick this and use something such as seven zzip to extract it to its own folder once it's been extracted open up the pi PS3 Checker folder and it's going to look like this and this is going to be the important file that we're going to be using here which will allow us to check our flash dump for this you can go to your USB drive look for the dump. bin file right click copy this out go back to Pi PS3 Checker and paste it into Pi PS3 Checker now all you need to do is grab this dump. bin file and drag and drop it onto drag and drop your dump here dobat once you release it on here you're going to get a command prompt window which will run through the script and after a few seconds you should see this at the end showing the number of dangers and the number of warnings on your system flash now if you have any dangers you do not want to continue just yet if you have any warnings typically one warning depending on it is might be okay but multile warnings again you don't want to continue just yet one of the options here that might give a warning is the core OS region check because it wants r0 and ros1 to be matching this is why if you have installed PS3 hin prior using one of my videos I do recommend doing two installs so these values will be matching if they are mismatched for example or if you get any other warnings or airs what I do recommend is reinstalling your hybrid firmware or the hfw which is required for PS3 hin reinstall it go through the process of opening up PS3 tool set creat a new flash memory dump and then transfer back over to the PC and check that new dump again this is what you should be looking for zero dangers and zero warnings since this is all all good I'm going to hit the in key on here to exit out and now at this point you're also going to want to back up your dump. bin so typically what I do and what I recommend is creating a new folder and in this folder you can put the serial number for your PS3 or the model number or whatever you want to do to denote this here I'll call this like slim PS3 backup for example and now you want to transfer the dump. bin to that backup folder and from here you want to take this backup folder make sure it is somewhere safe back it up to cloud storage make sure it's on a safe place on your PC whatever you do that way you know that you have a good flash backup and just in case anything goes wrong with the next procedure you can always reflash this to your systems flash storage using a hardware flasher so now with that checked we can close out of here and we can repare our flash drive the next thing we're going to need is the evonet custom firmware or whichever custom firmware you're going to be using when you're watching this here all you need to do is right click your archive and extract it into its own folder once you have the firmware extracted here it should look something like this where you can check out the read me and accompanying links if you want to I believe here the links for this specific one is going to be the other firmwares that are available in this folder the read me for this one covers some of the newer capabilities that's been added to evonet at the time of recording this and the md5 is what we're going to need you can open this up and save it for later but this is what we're going to need here our file is going going to be within PS3 update ps3updat.pup and if your download is not set up exactly like this you just need to look for the pup file and you're going to have to copy it over since the structure is built out for this we can just right click and copy the PS3 folder now go to our USB drive and paste it right here give it a few moments to copy over once it's done copying over you want to check everything here just to make sure it looks like what I have set up so if you're on Windows you need to go to view show file name extensions once that's enabled your firmware needs to go in a PS3 folder all uppercase it then needs to go into an update folder which is all uppercase and inside of here the file must be called ps3updat.pup it needs to look exactly like this if it is not exactly like this it will not be red now the last thing to do here is check the file itself for the Integrity of it so this is where we need that md5 checking site pull up your preferred md5 check and you can click on drop file here from here you don't want to navigate to the download itself you want to go to your USB drive the PS3 folder the update folder ps3updat.pup double click this and wait a few minutes for the hash to generate once you get a hash value here you're going to want to grab your md5 from the download that you grabbed and as you can see this is what we're getting right here now we're going to have to compare this manually but when it comes to a md5 hash do keep in mind that it is not case sensitive so for example if if you're concerned because there's an uppercase D and an uppercase B you don't have to worry about that you just need to make sure that the numbers and the letters are going to be matching in the same order and once you can confirm that the file hash that we got is the same one as the expected one that came with the download that means that you have been able to download this successfully a few final notes for the firmware hash itself if you do a hash check and it is incorrect the first thing I'd recommend doing is delete the download here redownload it re-extract it copy it back over to the USB drive again and then check it if you're still not getting a successful file hash make sure you are actually right-clicking and extracting the archive itself and then inside of the extracted archive make sure you're getting the update file and you're transferring that update file to the PS3 update folder you do not want to check the archive you need to check the update file itself however now that we know our USB drive is good we can right click eject our USB drive and take it over to the PS3 for the final steps over at your PS3 go to the internet browser and we're going to do the exact same thing as before once the browser loads in hit the select button this time around and open up the PS3 tool set and if all goes according to plan this should hopefully be the last time you open up the PS3 tool set while you are jailbreaking your system now as usual whenever it asks you to run the plug-in always say yes to this and wait for everything else to load in and once you get this page verifying everything is complete you you can hit okay and just like before we're going to come all the way up to System Manager tap the x button and wait for this to download and once we are all good here you want to come down to flash memory patch tap the x button on this and go to load patch via HTTP highlight this tap the x button and wait it's now going to download the necessary patch to your system and then verify the Integrity of it to make sure that this patch is all good and here we go once it's been verified we can hit the close button and at this point now we're going to be patching our system so you'll come back over to flash memory patch hit the x button go down to apply loaded patch tap the x button here and now at this point you want to tread carefully because you need to be aware that this will be the point of no return we're now going to be patching our system and if we interrupt the system in any way like if we try to disconnect it or try to forcefully close the browser it can brick your system so if you're ready to take that risk and you can be uninterrupted for a few minutes here as long as you understand this you can come over hit yes and tap the x button now what you want to do is physically put down your controller gently do not touch the system do not touch your controller and let the patching process work it is going to look like right here for example there's nothing happening or it's hung up or it is soft locked just trust the process right here you're just going to want to to give it time do also keep in mind if you have a fat system that is a nand flash it's going to take a few seconds to patch your system so you should have been done at this point however if you have a nor flash system it's going to take a few minutes it doesn't matter how long it takes just let it do its thing sit here Wait Don't Touch the controller don't touch the system let it finish and as you can see at this point now everything has completed it took less than 2 minutes for my system to patch but once it's done you can hit the close button and now you can tap the circle button to close out of the browser and at this point you now need to turn off your system and turn it back on so you can hold down the PlayStation button hit turn off system say yes and then turn your system back on now once your system boots up nothing is going to be different on here but it is time to install custom firmware to finally break your system so make sure your USB drive has been connected like you can see right here navigate over to the settings column go up to system update go down to update via storage media give it a few moments and you should find the update file right here tap X give it a few moments to load in and after you accept the terms to the update itself it's going to begin copying the update file from your usb drive to the internal system after that it's then going to reboot into system update mode just let it do its thing now when your system reboots into the system update page you can press the PlayStation button on your controller and that should start the update process and once you're at this screen again don't touch your controller don't touch your system and let it update this will take a few minutes here if it gets to a point where it gets partway through the update and then it jumps to 100% And reboots that is totally normal again just stay put for a few minutes let it do its thing and hopefully when it reboots you should have custom farm where now when your system boots up it should look a little bit different here but one of the nice thing is you might be seeing some differences right off the bat here on the xmb first of all if you had webman installed you'll notice that webman has already loaded in and you have access to webman games you also no longer have access to enable hen because well there's nothing to enable anymore you can now just simply turn on your console and it is in a modified State because we do have the package manager right here so if you want to install any package files you can do so right off the bat here without having to enable h on top of that many people have wondered if they go through this process will they lose their data from PS3 H and the nice thing is no you're not going to you can see here I can go to my webman games I had a few PS3 games that I had backed up so I can load in my house the Dead overkill and as you can see the iso is found it is loaded in it's able to mount without any issue another nice thing too is since we are back on the land of custom firmware I have a few PS2 games that are on here and the nice thing here is that on PS3 hen they have to be encrypted to play however with custom firmware you can just put the PS2 isos on a USB drive or on the internal drive and play them with no issue as long as they are compatible on top of that any type of Homebrew applications emulators or resigned games will work just fine as if they had before for example here I have Scott Pilgrim versus the world which I had resigned and just to show you all I can go ahead fire this up now I end up giving this some time to boot up here but as you can see it was able to launch boot up and it is playable without any issues thankfully like I said before this is a game that I had actually resigned prior on the console but going from PS3 hen to custom firmware did not impact it so it is working here just like any of the other Homebrew or applications really the only thing you might need to look out for is if you have any home brew on your system that needs to be updated for a higher firmware you'll just have to go out get the latest updates for those pieces of home brw and install them but aside from that everything here should be just fine let's go ahead and exit out of this though now if you follow this video to the end here congratulations you're now on the land of custom firmware and I'm sure you're a little bit relieved coming from PS3 hin now that you have custom firmware however keep in mind that many of these advancements here including PS3 hin were not possible without the PS3 XO team and they really awesome efforts for a while there was nothing possible on the super slim PS3 and even when we had some modifications there it was not nearly as refined as PS3 H so really they made the impossible possible on top of that being able to jailbreak right through the web browser was not possible until several years ago again thanks to the efforts of the PS3 exploit team if you got any good value out of their tools applications and updates I would always recommend giving them a donation here it helps you out it helps out the community and it helps out the team their link will be down below in the description and you can check out and see where you can donate to them but a big thank you and Shout Out goes out to them for their continued efforts on the PS3 anyways that is about it for this video here hopefully it helped you all out and if it did a like would absolutely be appreciated if you didn't like it a dislike is fine as well too but as I always say this is Mr Mario signing off thank you all for watching [Music] everyone [Music] he
Channel: MrMario2011
Views: 9,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, mrmario2011, mr mario 2011, mr mario, mister mario, mr mario 2011 ps3, ps3 hfw, ps3hen to, ps3hen to cfw, ps3 hen to cfw, ps3 hfw to cfw, how to jailbreak your ps3 2024, how to jailbreak your ps3 4.91, how to jailbreak your ps3 slim, how to mod ps3 4.91, ps3 jailbroken, modding ps3, how to mod ps3, ps3 cfw, convert ps3hen to cfw, install cfw on ps3, cfw on ps3hen, cfw on ps3 hen, ps3 hen cfw, ps3hen 4.91 cfw, ps3hen cfw 4.91, ps3 jailbreak, how to jailbreak ps3
Id: bHpGXdo38tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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