UPGRADE Plug & Play BOARDS - Creality ENDER 3 / PRO

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hey you guys in this video we will talk about the many different boards available on the market that are plug and play for the reality ender 3 and ender 3 pro you want to know more then stay tuned hi guys welcome back my name is rui and this is the reraptory youtube channel if you want to help us out you can by giving this video a like and subscribe the channel you can also help by joining our patreon page or by clicking on any of the affiliate links posted below in the video description so the reality ender 3 is no doubt one of the most sold 3d printers on the market and also the one with more upgrades available between the most popular upgrades the replacement of the stock board is one of them with this in mind many companies design boards dedicated for these printers and which are meant to be plug and play this wide variety is reflected for example when you check the config files for marlin firmware which include many different boards the list of plug-and-play boards is quite rich so let's check some of the most popular ones since the beginning and until last year the ender 3 and nr3 pro were equipped with 8-bit boards such as the creality 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 these boards are very limited in terms of inputs and outputs and also programming space which means that if you wanted to install extra hardware or add extra features in your firmware most of the times it was not possible with these boards so a board upgrade was basically a must at that time reality had the upgrade solution which was the board 1.1.5 this version had the same limited 8-bit microcontroller and same limited amount of inputs and outputs the only advantage over the stock one was having the silent tmc drivers however since last year these printers are being shipped with 32-bit boards like this reality 4.2.2 board these new boards have a much more powerful microcontroller with much more programming space and also include extra connectors for a leveling sensor and filament roundout sensor as for the drivers some of the first ender 3 and enter 3 pro units sent with these new 32-bit boards were equipped with silent tmc drivers but now they are all equipped with the noisy allegro drivers reality has its own 32-bit upgrade board the 4.2.7 and costs around 46 us dollars on their website this board is basically the same as the 4.2.2 but this one is equipped with the silent tmc's 2225 drivers and if you are a clipper fan you will find the config files for this board on clippers github page ficect designed a couple of plug-and-play boards for the under three printers called the cheetah they have a version with tmc's 2209 drivers and another with tmcs 2208 both versions use the stm32f103 32-bit microcontroller they first launch version 1.1 which is equipped with tmc's 2209 drivers and has connectors for filament detection z probe rgb and power detection [Music] a short time after launch version 1.2 with a few corrections this one is equipped with tmcs 2208 and the same connectors for filament sensor z probe rgb and power detection at the moment we could only find version 1.2 b on their official store and it cost around 25 us dollars makerbase also has and play boards for the ender 3. they are the mks robin e3 and the e3d both are 32-bit boards and with basically the same connectors the main difference is that the e3 is equipped with four tmcs 2209 drivers while the e3d has four slots instead which means we can install the drivers we want although they only have one z-stepper driver they have two z-stepper driver outputs connected in parallel the e3 board costs around 27 us dollars and has connectors for rgb z probe filament sensor and several pins for multiple display types [Music] the e3d board is cheaper at around 17 us dollars plus shipping and has the same connectors as the e3 version big treetech is probably the company with more plug-and-play boards for the ender 3 printers they have the skr e3 dip the skr mini e3 version 1.2 the skr mini 3 version 2.0 the skr e3 turbo and the skr rrfe3 all these boards are equipped with a 32-bit microcontroller the e3d board costs around 30 us dollars and has four slots so the user can choose which drivers to install it also has connectors for a z probe tft and filament detection then we have the skr mini 3 version 1.2 it costs around 41 us dollars and it's equipped with four tmcs 2209 drivers and has connectors for tft display z probe filament detector power detection and rgb [Music] version 2.0 of the mini is a little bit better it costs around 46 us dollars and has connectors for tft z probe filament detector power detection relay for power rgb and two z outputs connected in parallel for two z stepper motors we also have the detailed installation video for the mini on our channel so don't forget to check the video description for the link [Music] then we have the e3 turbo it costs a bit more around 50 us dollars but it's equipped with a 32-bit lpc-1769 which is a faster microcontroller when compared with the stm32f103 it has five tmcs 2209 drivers which allows the connection of a second extruder it also has two z outputs connected in parallel to connect two z-stepper motors and also connectors for a tft display z-probe filament detection power detection relay for power and rgb the turbo is a little bit bigger than all the other plug-and-play boards but the holes to secure the board match and it will fit inside the printer without any modifications [Music] next is the skr rrfe3 this one costs around 48 us dollars and it's equipped with an stm32f407 which is a faster microcontroller it has an esp at the back allowing wi-fi capability an expansion port and it comes with riprap firmware from stock as for connectors it can connect a tft display z probe filament detector power detection relay for power and rgb we have a couple of videos about this board including the detail installation tutorial so check them out [Music] last but not least we have mellow with also a couple of boards for the ender 3 and enter 3 pro the fly rrfe3 and the fly e3 pro both boards are equipped with an esp module at the back allowing wi-fi capability the expansion port and the faster 32-bit microcontroller the stm32f407 both boards were also designed to work with reprap firmware the rrfe3 costs around 29 us dollars it has four slots so we can choose which driver to install and a couple of z outputs connected in series for connectors it can connect mello's tft display zpro and pt100 thermal couplers we also have a couple of videos about this board including the detail installation tutorial so check them as well [Music] and then we have the fly e3 pro which has more functions and costs around 50 us dollars it's also possible to choose between the basic version the pt100 version and the k-type version this board can work with two extruders and therefore is equipped with five tmcs 2209 drivers it also has a couple of z outputs connected in series for connectors it can connect mello's tft display filament detector power detection rgb relay for power pt100 thermocouplers and a connector for laser [Music] okay so these are the most popular plug-and-play boards for the ender 3 and enter 3 pro on our channel you can find tutorials for most of the boards we mentioned in this video so check the description below for all the links and that's it you guys thanks for watching don't forget to give the video a like and subscribe the channel if you are not yet a subscriber we will see you guys next time bye you
Channel: ruiraptor
Views: 62,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creality ender 3, ender 3 pro, ender 3 upgrade, plug and play boards for the ender 3, upgrade boards for creality ender 3, ender 3 pro boards, plug & play boards for Ender 3, 3d printing, impressao 3d, boards para ender 3, 3d print, impression3d, impresion 3d, imprimante 3d, 3d druck, 3ddrucker, 3d drucke, 3ddrucken, stampa 3d, stampanti 3d, stampante3d, como escolher upgrades para a ender 3
Id: qY68FwHnP6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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