UPDATING MY ORIGINAL CHARACTER'S DESIGN! | Filling a Spread in my Sketchbook | Markers

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I've already got my sketchbook open, so the plan for today is to go over one of my old original characters and redesign her but before I could do that, I need to make sure she looks good next to her two buddies. So I'm going to draw them out, first we'll start with Wheelz whose design is a lot more thoroughly planned out and after that we'll draw Scoot And once I have her friends drawn, we can start working on Dex. Let's jump right into it But basically these three characters are kind of part of a skating gang, gang is a loose term. It's three girls who like to go skating down the sidewalk. Okay, we have wheels, so I'm drawing right now. She was actually the first created. She has the classic roller skates, four wheels Her design looks something like this, roughly. [Laughs] Still working on this eraser. We will see the mountain soon. I can feel it. Then also, we have a Scoot who, she wears rollerblades. They're so much cooler, right? I draw them a little bit differently every time, trying to find what I like the best. We'll get there eventually. I'm just drawing them straight on just to be simple. What I'm doing right now is working on design. I'm not gonna be focusing on composition and things like that, more character design wise, instead of working on all those different things at once I'm going to pinpoint what I want to work on the most and work on that and hopefully we'll see some improvement. Now if I remember correctly, Scoot has more of like a heart-shaped face So she'll have a bit of a pointier chin. Each of these characters is also based off different a shape so Wheelz, she has circles, Scoot. It's a heart and then Dex, Dex is just a strange extra character that I haven't quite figured out, which is why we're going to try and figure her out today. I think I've tried squares, maybe stars at one point, so we'll figure out what shape she is today, maybe, maybe, hopefully. Yes, come on. Commitment. Got a bit of a princessy face, doesn't she? I think it's the eyes, like a Disney Princesses. But specifically what I'm thinking about. Anyway, she has rollerblades, let's get those in here. Shoot. I don't remember how to draw them [Gasps] I think there's like a section or something. Then lots of buckles. Might have to look up reference. I haven't drawn rollerblades in a while. There's like a thing that sticks out the back to help stop. Wheelz is also the shortest, I didn't draw them all on the same plane, but I'm going to keep that in mind. I also gave them each a different level of protection. I don't know. I just thought it was funny. Kind of just it keeps them apart but similar. I don't know if that makes sense but like she has knee pads, she has elbow pads and then I think Dex had a helmet. Obviously things can change. Nothing's written in stone here. Hmm because I want them all to be their own character, right? I don't want to give them all skirts and all just shirts, you know. [Laughs] That's why I gave her a romper and then Dex had pants and a crop top. So keeping that in mind, although we might change Dex up a lot. But I'll keep it just the way it was for now. That's just a little romper maybe with a little bow. I'll have to have an episode where I look into Scoot's design too, but Scoot's isn't as like - Scoot's is nowhere near as heinous as Dex's is so [Laughs] She don't look too bad. Give her thigh high socks. I actually like Scoot's design. But obviously when you revisit them later on, you come from a different perspective and you have different ideas, but for now, it's just fine. Alright. So you can kind of see they have actually very similar silhouettes. They're both high-waisted, which is probably why I - hmm. So we might have to just look at all three of their designs but like I said Dex will be the focus. So I'm going to try and draw Dex as she has been right here, so she'll be more similar in height, to probably Wheelz, maybe in between. So what Dex has is a skateboard, so I'm trying to incorporate that. I also have an idea of how I want to maybe make Dex a little bit more interesting to draw as a character because currently, she just doesn't tickle my fancy. What she used to have was a mullet. So like it was a two-toned mullet. So the top was dyed and bleached and I think colored like turquoise and then the bottom hair was like her natural black hair She's brown hair. She has light brown hair. I mean, what we could do is make her blonde, that would be a little bit more different, add a little contrast between the characters. Or we can give her black hair or go full turquoise. That sounds fun, too. Hmm! So I'm thinking I'm gonna cut out the mullet, it just doesn't and I wanted her to have a helmet, so if we just take the color of the helmet or make it a beanie or something, It's kind of hearkening back to her old design but being a little bit more fresh and modern. Don't think many people were a fan of the mullet ever. So it's - [Snorts] I finally caught up with the mainstream here Gotta pick one leg up, so she could put it on the skateboard Let's see, originally she had... I don't know if they were like low waisted pants, but they were like big baggy kind of cargo situation with lots of pockets. Maybe a belt. Can see I'm kind of uncomfortable drawing her because it just it never turns out right and that's what I want to change. I want to be excited about drawing her so that, you know, it turns out like these two. I think what I'm gonna do is take my kneaded eraser, I need you, come here. Just lighten whole thing and draw on top of that, be really loose and light with it Pretend I'm drawing a character that I really enjoy drawing. Okay, here we go Alright now that I finally have a body that works for me, start working on the details! so basically... If feel like I just want to do something much more different than what I already have but also still has to be cohesive in a way that they look like they go together I want the colors and everything to match. That, I already think I had down because I basically had three different colors and each character featured two of the three colors. So in a different order. So they look very cohesive and nice that way. So knowing that, they're going to look cohesive to that degree but obviously I want to make them each their own as well. So hmm, they're supposed to be kind of young, huh? I don't know about the bare midriff. Short shorts are about as skimpy as I'm willing to go. So I'm thinking, hmm, ooh ooh! Okay, how about just like a big baggy sweatshirt? Huge hood. Laces. Maybe she cropped the sleeve. They do all have short sleeves though. So maybe we'll go full length. big balloony, puffy sweatshirt and I feel like young girls were a lot of leggings. so maybe leggings. Capri length, because here we have shorts with knee highs and then we have shorty shorts with thigh highs, and then here we'll have Capris! So it's the other - It's like the last remaining length here that we have besides like full length, nah! Who wears full length pants these days? Now do I want this - Ooh, we could pull it all the way down past the butt, that'd be cute, too but then it kind of cuts off at the exact same point as the other two. So I think I'm gonna pull it right here at the waist because they both have high-waisted, this pulls it down a little. Then maybe her leggings have like a fun design on them or something. We also need to include that helmet. Probably - Should we go like classic kid biker helmet? Or like... More of a skater helmet? I think I want that hoodie to be baggier. The only problem with it being super baggy, is that it kind of competes similarly with Wheelz's oversized shirt that's tucked into her skirt. I'd like a stripe to the outside of her leggings or something, make it a little more sporty. and they have lots of like holes in them for breathing so you don't get too sweaty, although all my memories of wearing helmets are very sweaty So imagine how bad they'd be if they didn't have holes. Could give her bangs, no one else has bangs. Trying to do things different but somehow staying somewhat similar. I don't know. Let's do like a mid length hair. We have a shorter ponytail, we have long ponytail so mid length hair seems fine. Okay. Okay. I already like her way better. We have to give her shoes. They all have big clunky like skates. Thin, close to your foot kind of shoes. That would give her a little bit of a difference. Didn't really have room for the skateboard, but, just believe it's there. Improvement! improvement, for sure and I'm gonna try and draw from another angle, see how well the design works that way I have high hopes here. Now the goal is to make sure that when you draw them, they each look different and you can tell which is which that's like the biggest goal. [Laughs] I think that was already accomplished before I even jumped into this again. Forgot to draw the body and I drew the head, Oh, that's so bad. Don't do that people [Deep inhale] (Do as I say, not what I do.) I'm also thinking about giving her some kind of companion like an animal, that maybe rides on her skateboard with her. Like on the back or the front. Because like right now she doesn't have the same appeal that the other two do so, let's add an animal. She look a little bit like a Teletubby with that square on her front. I could switch it back to the star that I think she had before. Then the last thing I think we'll do is try to figure out her colors. So once I get the design down to a point where I know I like it, you can focus on the colors. How about a pug, everybody likes pugs and I use squares when I draw dogs. So maybe that's why I'm thinking pug. See if I remember how to draw these. I drew them... Last May, that's the last time I remember drawing a pug. A bit like darken the snozzle. Oh, it looks like Dobby and I don't know! That's not gonna be it's name. Alright, and a reference might be required here. Do they have like lines in the center? Do they have like those eyebrows? Oh, yeah. Definitely. They have the like sad eyebrows. I'm thinking since, this is Wheelz. We have Scoot, Dex. I feel like the dog needs to be called like Skid or like Skid Mark, [laughs] something like that. That's what's coming to my mind. So I'll just leave it... Make sure that's not something inappropriate. An automobile skid is an automobile handling condition where one or more hires are slipping relative to the road I just wanted to make sure it didn't like you have a bad connotation. Can also mean an ugly person who doesn't dress well. Hmm hmm. He's a boy. Aw. He's our little boy! Think I'll draw him more. Oh crap, heck yeah. [Laughs] Anyway back to Dex. We could give Skid a helmet too but then you lose that on those ears. Do we want to keep that strap, stripe, strap. Stripe down her leggings. They're slim shoes, I kind of like the contrast between that and they're big giant rollerblades skate things. I still have to work out a story for them. I've pondered around a bit, but I'm not quite there. When I get something interesting, I'll definitely let you know. Some way for them to save the world, I suppose. Or can be simple. Could be just simple slice of life sort of situation. See, it's hard for me to decide. I'm kind of thinking about giving her the checkerboard... Vans that were like super popular when I was a kid. I think I just ran out of lead. I just refilled this like four days ago. [Laughs] If I could just find my good one... Let me see where it's at... [Deep inhale] Oh! It's here! [Cries in relief] I missed you baby Now what I was going to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, was that I would like to draw some more Skid Mark, make sure I can draw a pug and there's lots of space, like right here where I feel like a pug would fit very well. So basically they're very similar to most other dogs, but they're a little bit shorter than my dog actually, 'cause I draw my dog a significant amount. I'm just gonna to try and focus on what's different about it I should be able to figure it out here. The have lots of wrinkles. Not as much as a bulldog but close and then they have their like spinny tail, ahhh! It looks like a little poop. [Laughs] and their ears kind of like fold in front of their faces. And they have a big snozzle. it kind of like comes up like this. They do have pretty large eyes, but it looks like they look big because there's dark circles around their eyes. You know, depending on the Pug. Gonna not worry about making a accurate looking mouth. I like to go more cartoony that way. It makes a lot easier to show like emotion, especially when you're drawing a dog because if you ever look at a dog, most of the emotion in a dog it requires some animation. It's easier to see what a dog's thinking when you can see it moving around. Or at least guess what the dog's thinking. [Laughs] Oh, baby. So by allowing - By separating the mouth. and drawing it more human-like. It's a little bit easier to read. Aw, it's kind of cute, They have just like an immense number of wrinkles right between their eyes and ears. Maybe I've got it. and a squiggly tail. Tiny pug. (to dog)Aw, Poupie, you want me to draw you? Oh wait, my dog wants me to draw him. He's feeling rejected. He gets so jealous if I pet other dogs. Right now, he's the way fluffier than this. Let me just thicken up the legs, full winter coat. See this is how I do the mouth. Oh, I forgot his eyebrows. (To Dog) There we go, I drew you! Oh, he's, he's sleeping. I made that up. If he was awake you'd hear the pitter-patter. [Laughs] I just really wanted to draw my own dog. Okay! [Deep inhale] I didn't really do much, really. We all just, I just kept erasing until I liked it Is there anything I'd like to change up or did I really just figure out what I liked on the first go? I mean I should try something different, right? Make sure I like this. Just gonna try some quick different ideas, really small so that they won't take too long. So draw out the body just standing there. Here we go. There's a Dex. All the ideas coming to mind, I feel like are a little too mature for our young Dex here. I'm trying to avoid ponytails as much as possible because both of them have ponytails. What about just a hugely oversized sweatshirt. Like to the point where it's like a dress. Got her little legs pokin out, with shorts, biker shorts! Although she's not a biker. Oh! We need to add a biker. Okay, not today. Not today. Little shoes. Put her on a skateboard cuz I always forget to draw a skateboard! Put a bandaid on her knee because she didn't wear knee pads. [Tutting] Could shorten her hair a little. Kind of like that. Shoulder length hair, I think suits her pretty well. I like that a lot better actually. See, this is why you do a little thing like that. I don't hate this design either to be honest. [Chuckles] Oh no! Now I don't know what I'd like. I can even do like a 2-tone thing where the sleeves are a different color. I would separate- Oh and we can make the pocket a different color and maybe the hood, as long as it's different enough from the hair. [Gasps] Oh, I like that too! Let's try another one. See if I like even better or less. Could try like a tank top or something. Just trying to find things that I haven't done already. It looks a really similar to Scoot though, doesn't it? Maybe they're cut at the ends. Like they used to be pants. Let's try even shorter hair. Don't hate the shorter hair either, but I think I like the shoulder length a lot more Yeah, I think that one's just a little too warm. Like even though these characters are both wearing shorts Their skin is still covered to a certain degree. More than this one with the tank top. I don't mind the shorts with no socks because this has just so much going on up top. So like she's definitely still warm. [Laughs] I kind of imagine that these characters live in California. I don't know why I've always thought that but I do. I wonder if I could mix them... I mean I could mix them, The only difference would be they just give her - But now looking at that, she looks like she's too warm compared to the other two. So it is a predicament here. [Laughs] Yeah, I think that's too much. I want to make them look like they could still exert themselves physically on their - [Taps] It's there like a word that summarizes all three of these. I don't know, athletic transportation. [Laughs] And not sweat too much. So I'm thinking it's like 65 degrees. So as long as it looks like something you could wear when it's 65 degrees. This is a little bit overboard. This looks more like 70 and up. We're at 65. We're on the cusp here. So... Definitely more towards that one. We already knew that. They're so similar. [Gasps] but which one's better? This is why when I like, when I just stick with it, I don't usually draw more but I just feel like to really get the best character design, you want to experiment the most and really see what works and what doesn't. Otherwise you might settle with something that's not the best. What I think I'm gonna have to do is just settle with one and then maybe further on down the road, she can dress in either or. I guess that's gonna be my decision. Hmm, yeah, I do you think I really like the oversized one the best. Look at that fun shape. If her shape that I'm like supposed to incorporate around the place is a square, look how square her silhouette is with the big baggy hoodie. I mean, obviously it's still square here, like you can see the square, but this was just more from a distance reads square. So I do you think I'm gonna go this route, Oh! Is that a decision? Did I just make a decision? If I remember correctly, she's turquoise and yellow So let me grab some colors. Maybe using my Ohuhu markers because sometimes my Copic markers are just not cooperating with me. They're dried out. I bought a refill for one of them and it doesn't seem to work as well as I feel like it should be I don't know maybe set for new nibs, but it's just a hassle. Okay. If I thought Copic markers were gonna be that much of a hassle, I probably would never have got them. Okay, so I need a turquoise Very dark. Might have grab Copics if I need something really pastel. Oh, there's a pastel version. I'm just gonna test some colors. We'll figure this out. Check out the creativity of the name of this marker. [Laughs] It's quite wholesomely called... yellow! There we go. Then from there I can add colors now. I could probably use like a light pinky sort of tone for her skin maybe, oh, maybe this warm - Eh, no. I don't think that's gonna blend right. Basically Wheelz is yellow and pink. Shoot is pink and turquoise and then Dex uses yellow and turquoise. So that's how I use three colors and spread them among the three characters to each. Thinking turquoise sleeves and hood - Oh wait, do I watch her hair to be turquoise? I think I'm gonna have to draw two. I want to try it with turquoise hair and I want to try it without turquoise hair. This one's going to have turquoise hair. I can also use just this later turquoise. Yellow. Which yellow is this? I grabbed sunflower Y2. Then I could use the dark turquoise for the hair. and her little biker shorts and then maybe yellow shoes. Could try layering the light turquoise I was gonna try layering the yellow on top of it so it's a green. It doesn't look that bad either! Oh, that's the nice thing about limiting your color palette. Almost everything seems to work. [Laughs] Honey! Oh, I keep using this color. R26. I think that only comes from the skin tone set, which is a bummer because I really like it. Let's just try, honey. I mean, I don't mind her being tan, but she's kinda supposed to be the one white girl in the group. Yeah, that looks like it works. I'm not crazy about the light colored hoodie. and I think it's just too much yellow. Let me do another one of these. See if I can do it even quicker. and then with this, we can test the colors again. Erase that. Throw on some line art. So I wanna try this again but I want - I don't know. Because if I put the darker turquoise on the sleeves, it's gonna clash a bit with that dark yellow. So unless I can find a lighter yellow. [Gasps] we do have a lighter yellow. Primrose! Let me just do that like the opposite. So light yellow with the dark turquoise on the sleeves. that does pull it away from Wheelz 'Cause she has that yellow shirt that's like this exact same color. It actually is. That's usually the color I use. I can't use turquoise for the hair. I could do a darker yellow. No, I don't - maybe if I tried the light yellow. That's easy layer on top probably and she's blonde. Oh, but now I miss the turquoise hair. [Deep breath] The struggles! [Laughs] I wouldn't mind the biker shorts to just be black basically Boo-ba-boo-boo. They each have their own merit. I like different things about each, that's annoying. Um, I like this hoodie but I like that hair. I mean what if I just take the turquoise color, and go over the yellow, tone down the yellow because her main color supposed to be turquoise, Makes it kind of green... But... It works and then she just has the yellow helmet and yellow shoes as her accent color. It's what? Main turquoise, main pink, main yellow. So still I prefer the darker sleeves. I don't know why that is but I do and then I kind of like the black shorts. Then she can have yellow wheels. I think it's always the accent color that's their wheels. I think she has turquoise wheels and she has pink wheels. So she would have yellow wheels. Hey, hey. Hey, hey that kind of works! There's not really enough room here, 'cause I drew my dog. Although that is never a problem. To include a full body one. Should I turn the page!? I don't know! I really want to draw one where she's actually skateboarding instead of just standing there and that way I can include Skid. Oh, we didn't give him anything - We needed to give him something turquoise. Maybe just a collar. That looks so generic. I don't really care for it. Keep using like french fries for all the body parts I don't know if I'll draw her hands much 'Cause the hoodies so big. hmm-mm. But if they do, they kinda just poke out the bottom like little utters. Hehe. Okay, I like her design so much better than before. So mission a-freaking-ccomplished. I do like the turquoise hair. She is a bit young to have turquoise hair, but maybe her parents are just very agreeable to that sort of thing. Maybe her mom has fun dyed color hair. So she was really excited when Dex wanted to have fun colored hair, I don't know. Or dad, I don't - I don't really care. [Laughs] Gotta throw Skid in here. Haven't drawn him in a bit Ooh, what colors are Skid!? I didn't even think about it. I feel like pugs are costs and went to her skin tone. Let me color this one. Totally didn't include a skateboard. [Laughs] My bad! Think I'm just gonna make this pocket the smiley face that's a square or something like that. I think it's just too much going on. Could be wrong. Mm-hmm. Okay, color, color, color time. So I really want to see what colors will work first - Oh, was that even the right - That's the wrong color. (Sarcastically) Oh already off to a great start. Okay, I'll keep the turquoise hair. Dark turquoise specifically and then light turquoise sleeves and hood. Let me try like shoes. Uh, oh, this could be the doggies ears. Hmm Trying to use the colors that we already have and I think I want try using that honey. Actually that color I accidentally used on the skin. Actually. It's a bit dark but we'll make do, we'll make do. The helmet is black. I honestly don't mind it being a white helmet. I guess I don't mind it being white. Yeah, 'cause if I remember correctly, she has a lot of white on her too Oooh! But then we're missing out on any yellow. So maybe just a yellow helmet for the accent color and maybe the bottom of her skateboards yellow too Shoot, I like this too. What if I add like stripes? Still separate from the hair. But it adds something interesting. I kind of like that too. Kind of wanna give her like stickers on her helmet too. Gonna do a second layer over her hair just darken it up. Just wanna throw like little accents of yellow, like it's not a big deal. That makes me want to redo her and add more of white to her Outfit, that way they each have splotches of white. I think that'll make them look even more cohesive. Whoa-ho-ho! Yes! I always forget whites of color because you know, you have all these beautiful markers. [Laughs] I think that'll do it. Oh, I'm so much happier now. Not to mention we invented the new character. [Excited squeals] I wanna thank you guys for watching. Thanks for sitting through me trying to redesign a character that I didn't used to like drawing but now I'm kind of enjoying and maybe next time, I'll draw all three of them together and maybe tweak Scoots design a little bit more and I definitely want to draw all three of them together but my time is up and I gotta get going. [Laughs] So thank you guys for watching. I'll see you guys all next week and hope you have a delicious evening full of waffles. Bye!
Channel: DrawingWiffWaffles
Views: 602,360
Rating: 4.9729099 out of 5
Keywords: DrawingWiffWaffles, drawing, wiff, waffles, art, illustration, sketch, drawing with me, videos to draw along with, drawing in my sketchbook, art in my sketchbook, markers, ohuhu markers, drawing with markers, art with markers, weelz, skoot, dex, skid, character design, resdesign, character redesign, designing a character, Redesign Dex, FASIMS
Id: fga6OG0NWeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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