DRAWING DUDES FOR ONCE?! | Filling a Spread in my Sketchbook!

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I happen to come across this drawing of mine on a daily basis and every single time I think I made that, what? It tells me I can be better than what I've been doing lately, So I'm going to take inspiration for myself and I want to think back to when I drew this, almost, I think, a year ago, the mindset I was in, the amount of time I put into each step of the process and I want to incorporate that into what I do today Let's start off in the sketchbook. I thought we could draw a dude, too. I know, strange, what's going on with me ? That's the last page of the sketchbook. Anyway, I want to use markers, kind of like I did in this illustration. We'll do some line-art. I'm going to probably use two sketch layers because I think that's what I did. We're just going to take our time and enjoy it because I remember having a lot of fun with this. Let me just thumbnail the idea. I kind of want to draw big. I'm thinking like a whole full sheet of paper. Maybe a little larger than that. What kind of pose am I looking for? I also like the abstract background and the strange sitting on giant books situation There's something fairy tale aspect of it. I don't know. She's a tiny, itty-bitty person. Oh wait, I don't think I want to draw a sweatshirt, I'm too sweaty for this. It's gonna make me feel way hotter. If we just do abstract shapes. Do they have to be leaves? What's something people use as like background elements? I know people use like flowers, plants a lot. You can't just use vacuum cleaners, you know, it's gotta be something interesting. I want to fill a page basically. I'm kind of meandering my way through this. Let's try another thumbnail. I keep using these page shapes to fit my art into because it helps ground me, I don't have to stay within them, but it definitely helps. It's less intimidating than the whole white page. I don't really pay that much attention to male fashion. So not entirely sure what to put this character in. Shoes. Okay, like here, I would probably move the page over a little bit. I changed it up, I reversed the hairstyle! WooooOooo! Variety. Glad I tried it but no. Fashion usually inspires me. So let me try thinking about the outfit. A little body. I don't know, man. What did dudes wear? What about some layers? Everybody likes layers. A bit oversized on the top and then we'll do like maybe some skinny pants. Since I drew that orange inspired character, I've been really enjoying the color orange specifically this Copic marker, pumpkin orange. Boop, boop What a beautiful orange color, beautifully vibrant! So I want to use that. Maybe more blue, too. I should probably keep that in mind when designing the outfit, anything can be orange. Some sneakers. What about one of these haircuts? These were everywhere in the 90s. We'll try to make him a little cuter than this but this isn't too bad for an outfit. Let me peek this t-shirt underneath. Now, I could take that and move into trying to find a pose of some kind. Thumbnailing that. Maybe if he's like leaning up against something. Like a railing. It's not bringing me any excitement. Let's try something else. Man spreading. This arm maybe underneath. Maybe pull the paper over a little. I feel like I should have him sitting on something. Maybe I could just do books again. Is that a cop out? Let's put some plants back here. He's sitting outside. Okay something about this, I like a lot more than the other ones. There's something there We can try and draw that pose again, maybe more relaxed because it looks very stiff. The feet flat on the ground. Other leg. Maybe some wider shoulders, to kind of push the Mas - Masculinity's not the word, isn't it? I don't know. This is a shoulder. This is a shoulder. Real slouchy and comfortable. Might be a little too slouchy. [Laughs] Kind of actually leaning towards the idea of including some flowers just because they're traditionally considered feminine and I think it would look really good next to a more masculine character. Do I need a reason? I'm just feeling it! A little tone I think I want him to be a little more attractive than this. I mean if I'm gonna have to stare at him for the next hour. [Chuckles] Over shirt thing. Regular shirt, t-shirt, I guess. Peeking through there Flowers. [Laughs] Thinking he's sitting on some kind of like... Brick wall thing, like a planter. Yeah. Let me swatch some colors. So I definitely want this, that's like our bold bright color. There's this Ohuhu marker, So like those are our two colors, which is kind of harkening back to the cover, isn't it? when you mix these. I was expecting some kind of gray. It's more brown, actually. We're gonna need something else kind of blend in here. oOo! [Marker cap clicks off] And then I can use maybe the neutral grays or adding in more contrast and the values, I guess. I grabbed these two prismacolor. I remember back here, I used to use a lot of prismacolor col-erase pencils for sketching It would probably make more sense to use some warmer colors. So I have a carmine red and a pink. I just want to see which works better. Kind of color block and see what works. We have our little man. [Giggles] Real thick eyebrows. And yellow, start that with skin. Do I have a lighter version of this? It kind of looks good on the pink because it brings some like warm tones to the skin. This is pumpkin yellow, beautiful. Then maybe I'll mix those two for the hair color. Get our gray tone. Warm it up i'll put the orange back on top. A little bit of gray. I also kind of want to use the brighter yellow. A little blush. Blend it out with the lighter one. I know a lot of art styles kind of lean away from the blush when they're drawing men, but I like it. I think that looks good. What happens if I do green? What does that look like over the pink? Take this blue and add some kind of plaid You can tell this guy shops at Kohl's or something. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Now what if I go over top with the red, clean up the sketch. Happy with these colors though. I like the way they look next to each other. Then we could probably take that blue and just throw it back here. I love how saturated and vibrant that looks. I feel like it needs a little contrast though. Maybe I can just get away with it in shading. Because it's all very mid-tone. I'm gonna try a darker gray, this neutral gray six. Oh, I didn't line the plaids up! Oh, no. If it comes down to it, I will just layer the orange with the neutral gray. Try it with a little line-art. Although I think the experiment worked with using the pink because the undertone looks fine, even on the green and I'll probably actually erase a little bit of it I don't think I want to lean away from the line-art But I think I do want the line-art to be more like this one where it's thinner. Obviously I'm drawing smaller, So it's going to look more cartoony and thick. Only here it's thinner and less of a focal point Oh, I think the reason I have the green originally, was for the flowers, maybe a green shirt's a bad idea. Now if I layer that orange with like something pinker, will it look red? I don't want to pull too far away from the orange, if I use the red pencil. Yeah, I think that'll work. Know what would be cute? Like some earbuds or something. White gel pens never work for me anymore. Oh my gosh! I'll just sketch them in whatever. I like the color combo. I wanted to try it with the carmine red as a sketching color, though. And just see how those take with the colors. I'm doing it on yellow now, but I think it'll give me a good impression. Chisel out his chin a little. I want to include flower this time. Kinda see how that might fit together. Well I'm having fun, that's good. How do you draw a collar? I think I'm gonna need a reference. I guess if the shirt's open, the collar actually lays completely different. That's why you get a reference. Well, then that looks less fake. I really like this sketch. Try it with the colors I really like the skin tone with that orange blush. Silk as the skin and the napoli yellow. Actually, I think I like this better with the red. Hopefully it's not the yellow tainting my judgment Blending out the blush. For the hair, I wanted to try the pumpkin yellow. With cool gray six, I think. Actually it's not bad with the ginger. I wanted some contrast. So here we go. Go back to neutral gray four. Try as an orange highlight. To warm it up I'll put the orange on top of the gray. Use natural gray six here . Blend that out with the pumpkin yellow. Not sure if that looks too muddy. Maybe do it a little differently when we get to the finished version. Let me color the flowers first, so I know what I can and can't use for the shirt. oh, this is where the toned paper is going to cause a bit of a problem. Do a bunch of splotches to look like a bush. aaaaaaaaaaaaand Train a thought lost. Oh pink for the flowers. Then I'm going to layer them over with a yellow to bring them more into the color scheme. Although they look pretty good that way. Stick with the original plan. Earpods. I like just adding a little accessory, I think goes a long way into making it feel more like a character. Now that those eyebrows are so dark, it definitely, pencil is not enough for the eyes. Thinking maybe we'll do orange. I don't want to do green for the - [Tapping] - Shirt just because there is so much green there. I like pulling it over a little onto this, so you can see what the colors will look like on white paper. I'm going to add the line-art to the hair. See if it pulls everything together. Ooh, Still think I should find like a brown line-art since there's so many warm tones except for the background's a little cooler. I like adding the line -art after the color, 'cause I don't have to worry about any of it bleeding for one. I think it also just ends up being more vibrant because the colors don't blend it out at all. Back to the shirt. We have green and blue as outside elements. The blue isn't touching the shirt, but who knows it might end up touching it at the end. Yeah, I don't know where the bush might end up in the final illustration. Well I said I wanted contrast, why don't we try it just black or one of these dark grays I'm gonna start with the lighter one, neutral gray four. And just throw that in. I could do that with the blue. That way it's still a cool color, you know. So it's a darker. And then orange, I'm thinking. Pumpkin yellow specifically. Oh, yeah. Look how nice it looks with that darker blue. ♪ I think we have a bit of a winner. ♪ I feel like it needs a little texture though. What about if I layer a little green over the orange in a stripe. That might look better if I hadn't put the orange first. I feel like everything's [mouth pop] blending well. Well, it's also on toned paper which helps things look more cohesive, but I think I'm on the right path [Marker cap clicks off] Looks like a Dave to me. I do want to find a gel pen that works. I think I should have one It's one of my number 10s, Gelly roll. This is too much pattern. I thought I'd try it at least. I wonder if I could just use pink for a little warm shading. Or if that's too much/. I'm, definitely encompassing more of these positive thoughts I've had making through that. We are heading in the right direction. Let's move on to a bigger piece of paper. Although I'm actually really happy with the way this looks I think we have a good set of colors. Look at them like this, They kind of look too much for each other, but having those like neutral grays, I think expands your collection and you don't need as many markers. I found this in my stash, Bristol board! It's supposed to be good for markers. I don't know. I'm gonna just - I don't feel like cutting the paper. So I'm gonna try and use it as is. Draw a nice enormous picture. We'll see how this turns out. Very intimidating, but we know we can do it. Let's start with the pink. On this, the character all fit within it, so I guess I should do the same thing. So we want it very large. It'll be like a head here. I'm gonna draw super faint here because I don't want to erase if it's the wrong size. Interesting, didn't leave room to the feet and I really wanted the feet like, firmly planted on the ground. The ankles are down here. I like the amount of space up top. Think I just need to shrink everything. I think the head is probably the fine size though. So keep that head. And square out the jaw a little more, too. Oh shoot. I like that head. What am I doing? Got to get the body first. Slouch it a little. Maybe if I pull the knees up a little bit more like he's really tall and sitting on something a little smaller We have room for these feets! I do want them slouching a little more though, I think. Pull the butt out and push the shoulders this way I'm gonna find the shapes in here now that i've blocked it out Okay, I like the long legs or the appearance of long legs by sitting him on something shorter. It's gonna be a very difficult foot to draw. I can feel it. I keep my pencil very sharp Don't ask me why I'm collecting all these. I'm just a hoarder. I just realized I drew this the refracted opposites. Now I'm confused. oOo, Dang he cute. Oh, no! Changing his hair a little. Go more for a Beatles vibe,. Let's take the thing that I wanted him to sit on and make it a little bit more three-dimensional. It's like a planter. I'm just gonna put it at a simple angle so I don't have to worry too much about perspective. It has to hit but under his feet, continue that off the page. Reminds me of a place in downtown disney Flatten out the booty, make it look like it's actually sitting on this because your thighs kind of flatten out when you put your pressure on them and they look a little wider, usually. I totally forgot the arms now, didn't I? What if I put one hand he's like using his phone. It's not the most readable silhouette, but then it'll give something for like the earpods - earbuds to connect to. Do the arms seem too short? I think so. To make the pose more readable, I'm going to bring this shoulder out a little bit more. We can hold it here and then that creates a little gap here and that makes the silhouette more readable I think put the little cell phone in here. Oh, I like drawing square shapes for the hands. Why don't I draw dudes more often? Pull this down a little more. It's a little bit smaller of the gap. I think it looks fine This is turning out! At least it hasn't gone bad yet! oOo! Look at that smile. Keep that little flip. I didn't keep the bowl cut, it had to go. He just doesn't have the like, forehead. No, forehead action. Probably should give him some clothing. So he's not indecent. I'm gonna turn this to draw this hand maybe he has thicker fingers. I think I'm ready for some clothes and some cool shoes of some kind. This knee actually looks higher than this knee. Pull that up a smidge. Unbuttoned shirt. Thank you references. Make them nice and even. T-shirt underneath. What if we do some nice high top converse? I'm working on the hand right now. Trying to go behind the view. So like these fingers are blocking these fingers. End it right before the shoe starts, I feel like this knee needs to come further this way. Can I do that without ruining everything? I've been looking at it from this angle. I just lifted it up and the legs are like really small. I don't think it's bad enough to warrant erasing everything because I'm pretty happy with the way this looking. Let's go ahead and sketch the shoes because that always makes me happier. Looks like a shoe to me. Wait, I think that logo thing's on the inside if I remember correctly. Okay, the legs are bugging me a little but I'm going to ignore that. Probably should finish off his outfit and the shirt that pokes through there. Let's color that in so I don't forget about it. All right, I think I'm ready to start adding in some colors Start with the skin I guess. I'm gonna erase some lines that I don't need. The overlapping areas. Probably not completely necessary because col-erase has a habit of kind of Obliterating underneath copics. So let's start there using silk. Careful not to add too many streaks. Piece by piece. Then you get to use that yellow color napoli yellow or however you say it. Some blush Let me just grab a little like this, nice and subtle. Yeah, see how we're losing the pencil on the nose I don't know if I want too much of this color on him. Let's see I like the way it's mixing with the pink. I think it makes it look much more fleshy. Using this as a little extra shadow, it blends really well on this paper, I'm quite happy to do the same thing down here. Since these fingers are further in the back, I might color those in. Skin down, the rest to go. For the hair, I believe I used this guy. Pumpkin yellow I'll leave a little highlight. And I still like it that color but looking back up there, I do really like the amount of contrast you get with the neutral grays and everything. So. See how much better it looks when you layer it back with the orange? Because it's too cool and then you add the orange and it's warms it right up. On the yellow paper, this was like the lighter gray and then I used a darker gray but I think I actually want a lighter gray. I'm going to try neutral gray two, gray that up a little To add a more subtle gradient to make it look less green Use our yellow color for the highlight. I think the hair looks better in this. We do have to go darker over the whole thing. Neutral gray six for where I put the neutral gray four The neutral gray four everywhere I put neutral gray two. Eyebrows. That pulls it together a little. Nice! Now the plan was to go over the whole thing so that it was a darker tone but hopefully this will be good enough and I won't have to just go over the whole thing later. I just want to work my way top to bottom which is tempting me to use the line-art next .05 This might be too small but it does capture the look of this a little bit. Look at that chin. Oh, look at that thing. Oh shoot, I didn't leave space for the earbuds! Yeah, I guess I'll just continue. For the nose, I'm a little worried about using straight line. Right, so let's start with just the red. I feel like it's really easy to ruin a nose with line-art. Black line-art helps tone down the neutralness of the hair Next, we're doing neutral gray four and the blue for the shirt. I can just do the gray first and the blue on top. I like to color it in sections because this color is dark. So it kind of obliterates like I mentioned the col-erase. So if I color it in sections where line-art needs to go, I don't lose sight of that. Follow the flow of fabric helps me keep track of things! It's very easy to lose track of where you're going. You don't have some kind of guideline, Then otherwise, what was the point in all that sketching, right? This area could use the darker one there. It's more in shadow, less light and all that jazz. Then go over all this with the blue. I'm gonna give it a second layer, blend it out, merge those two colors. And then I'm probably gonna add the stripes on top so it's not that big a deal, patchy or anything Orange! It's not play time. We were just on a walk, you should be exhausted, I am. Oh shoot. I wanted to leave a gap for the green stripes! Pupper Shh! Oh, this was the wrong color. I was like, why is it blending in with the skin so much? Pumpkin yellow! Actually this would look good as a stripe I kind of like the way I use the orange instead of just coloring the whole thing in. I kind of want orange shoes, so. Kind of leaves more of a neutral color for the pants I could either try to just use the neutral grays or go with more of like a khaki kind of color So, I guess this part would be probably orange, too. Line-art for down here. Still using that .05 liner. I think I need a larger liner for this little stripe. I kind of like the way the sketch's still there. I'm not going to erase it completely. Just where it's kind of distracting or too dark. As long as I draw lightly, I think I can get away with using this 0.5 Which is 10 times as big. That's working just fine. Honestly doesn't even look that much bigger. Add a little seam. Color in wherever I missed. Maybe add a little shading. And then the pants , oh the pants, what to do here? I want a more neutral color, so maybe if I layer the blue with the orange, maybe we'll get exactly what I'm looking for. I don't want it to be too dark because we did use our dark tone for the over shirt here. There's some area I can test this, I guess in here, but the colors don't look exactly the same because the papers are different. So that makes green. Oh and then we're gonna have a green bush, shooooot. How about white pants? Maybe just add line-art. Let's just do that and then we can color everything else and not have to worry about it Contrast and everything, can't get more contrast than white! Oh I didn't do line-art on this arm. And this arm. I think I will add a little line-art at the bottom of the nose. Everything else I'll leave pencil. Oh, the other thing we need is the earbuds. I'm hoping I can get away with either just this or some of this. It's cooperating. And then I can add line-art around it. Create more tube shape. Do I want to add like a shadow? I think I would use the pink because I used pink for shading I really like this for shading. So I'm just gonna do that a little more. I didn't decide on eye color yet, but I do want to erase it So it's fully saturated whatever I choose. so that they're almost blindingly beautiful! I'm gonna start with the flowers. That way I can just add green all around and then I'm gonna add the pencil after all the color I think. I can just kind of blotch it around sporadically. No need to make these perfect, blobs will do. Change up the size a little. A little yellow on top of that. I'm not going to go fully over it, just so there's a bit of radiation in color. Green! Splotch them in there like little leaves. More filled in and condensed The edges will be more sparse. Before I move over there, let's see how I'm going to shade this. Am I going to use blue or gray? Maybe I can like, lift it a little with this light green. So I almost just add extra leafy shapes with the green again. Super blendy. Adds a little extra texture. Let me add some smaller ones to the color. Gotta color the green in over here. Starting with our green vice. Creating those leaf shapes and textures. Probably have some coming over top of the planter, too. I love the way the neutral grays react. I think we'll do a little less gray over here. It's probably more in the light Texture it with just this pen again going over it. I really like it around the roses. Just add a little extra shadow there. I'm not gonna bring it all the way to the edge I don't think. Voila! Let's grab the pencil. Dee-dee-dee-dee-dee. Draw in the roses. I've just been doing those swirlies and I think they look really cool and abstract and I love it Oh, you know what I like about this side is the little speckles of gray. This adds a lot of texture I think. Little swirly's, gonna color them in, too. I think I'm gonna do the orange eyes. Let's throw it in. Nope. That's yellow. A pupil, too. Whoa, I never do that., That looks so weird. Blue phone case. All right, so I can only use these colors for down here. Gonna draw in some like bricks. Start with like orange and pink mix. Just layer all the colors we got I guess. Make a nice brick texture. I also think I need some kind of path to follow. So I'm going to layer it first with the orange. I really like the pink ones. So I definitely want a lot of these. Neutral gray was good. I do need a darker one every once in a while. Now we can use pencil. define it a bit better. I need a little shadow to separate the pieces I think. Let's try layering it underneath everything. Add the lighter version. It's a little maybe too much contrast. Maybe if I like throw in some more pencil. I'm trying not to keep them too rigid, I'm trying to keep them more organic, even though they're bricks. I think it'll just soften up the whole illustration. Finally the thing he's sitting on. What color should that be? What about his skin tone? but with like more harsh shadows. Just try not to bring any new colors in, you know Gray. There you go, nice background for someone who doesn't do backgrounds. [Chuckles] A lazy background's better than no background. I honestly don't consider this a lazy background just because of what I usually do as a lazy background. Little sprouts growing up in the cracks of the pavement here. Maybe there's some grass in the distance. I like the painterly background with the more line-art-ed - [Laughs] Is that a word? Character. I think it adds a lot. This might be my favorite art piece of 2020. Oh, oh, I didn't add the stripes! I like the way it looks now, but I do think the stripes are going to add a little texture and keep them symmetrical. Slightly evenly spaced. I'm trying to follow the flow of the fabric. Right here, it's confusing because I don't really know what I drew there. So we'll try to use the stripes to distract from that Yeah, I'm so glad I added the stripes, it also ties it in with the white pants. Eye highlight. Kind of regret adding the pupils. It creeps me out. That's why I never draw them. I feel like I need a little shading for the pants. Basically going to grab the pencil that's already there and kind of smudge it. Deepen up the tone back here, maybe something a little darker than that. Quickly finish this off. Do I want to add some blue to the background? That was the original plan wasn't it? Maybe just something small, like a circle. Like a water fountain Here we go like a little circle. Some clouds, little tiny ones. [Laughs] Whoops Well, thank you guys for watching, hope you enjoyed coming along with me as I finished my sketchbook and created this illustration which was inspired by this illustration. I'll see you guys all next week, and I hope you have a delicious evening full of waffles. Bye!!
Channel: DrawingWiffWaffles
Views: 649,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DrawingWiffWaffles, drawing, wiff, waffles, art, illustration, drawing dudes, art mindset, analysis, illo, copic marker, art marker, ohuhu marker, sketchbook art, copic illustration, floral, dude with roses, col-erase pencil, pink col-erase, bristol board
Id: agfTiVq_HUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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