Update/What’s Going On. Getting Back To Making Videos. I Sure Have Missed Y’all!

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hey everybody it is so good to be back doing a video and i have missed y'all terribly and um your kindness and uh letters you've sent and messages and all mean so much to me in my um trying to get through everything that goes on in my uh daily life so anyway i wanted to make a video and tell you what's going on right now in my family and then i want to start back with the normal uh videos that i do whether it be cooking or thrifting or things like that and i'll probably probably be jumping all over the place telling you this and that even though i'm gonna try to keep things in order so the first thing um i'll talk with you about is randy my husband if you don't know who randy is and you know that he has severe back problems and the va has been i'll say treating him for 12 years but they've really not in my opinion been very serious about the treatments that they've done and so i told him that he needs to talk to his doctors and let them know that he is serious and he wants something done and it's been 12 years and please get a plan together for him and uh help him because he's in such severe pain and he did and they have sent him to a doctor that's not a va doctor veterans doctor and that's because we live in an area that's not real close to a va hospital so he can be part of the choice program which will let you see a civilian doctor so they've done shots and this and that and the other for randy and so now it's at the point randy needs to decide if he's going to have back surgery which will be fusing his spine together and he's undecided or the doctor he has has a really good success rate but um he's just not quite decided and he asked my opinion and i told him if he does not have the surgery he knows what his future holds and it's the same as now he's going to always be in severe pain but with the doctor having the real good success rate uh he has that chance of getting better and he needs to just decide what he feels like would be best for him and i think he's maybe deciding to have the surgery but anyway he has to talk to his doctor about that then um [Music] he was scheduled for a mri he had one not too awfully long ago and then they scheduled him for another one and so he uh called the va i think to make sure he had the right time or something and um in talking he told the person on the phone that he had no idea why he even needed a mri and so the person on the phone said well let me check your charts and i'll tell you so they came back with randy has liver cancer and um so he goes the 16th to talk with his doctor about is that correct and why hasn't the doctor told him and what do they plan to do about it it's possible that he also may have some issues with his colon but um anyway the cancer thing just struck me so hard that that's really the main reason that i've not been here for a while because uh you know with the dementia and all his other health issues his mental health issues his physical health issues i just never dreamed that so i'm hoping and praying that that was wrong and we'll find out like i said the 16th and i'll let y'all know but he's a trooper and he's just trying to live day to day like he did before sometimes his back gets so bad that he just can't do anything and other times you know he pushes through and i'm constantly saying just sit down don't worry about so and so but he likes to keep moving so i feel like the best thing is for him to do whatever makes him happy so that's that um and now i guess i'll move on to me uh you know i was having the vision problems and the lightheadedness confusion not being able to walk without assistance very weak legs and limbs and just a lot of issues like that that came from black mold when they found out that our bathrooms had a problem which i'll get to in a minute but um anyway uh pretty much all that has gone away except um the only thing that really remains and it's getting better is i cannot stand for long periods of time or walk for long periods of time when i do my heart races and i feel like i'm going to pass out and all that which i say it is getting better and it is but still i walk with a walker if i know i'm going to be going any distance at all and when i say any distance that can be five feet and um uh oh when i cook you know i can't stand at the stove for a long time and i thought and thought what should i do about that because i was cooking a little bit and going to the chair and sitting down and resting and back and forth and you know you can't always do that when you're cooking so i had seen this chair uh online i believe and so i ordered one it raises up and down it has the um i knew the word till i went to say it saddle seat and um it's some wheels so you can roll around and so i use this when i'm cooking and it works great i can sit there and cook and roll over to get something if i need it and i don't always have to use it but a lot of times i do and it's just been a wonderful thing to have so if you have any issues like that you ought to try this it was around a hundred dollars and it has a saddle seat so that like if you're leaning forward and stuff you don't slide you stay in place so i got it on amazon and you can get them with or without the back and i would suggest getting it with the back and um let's see i've lost a little bit of weight from being sick which i'm grateful for not that i was sick but i'm grateful i've lost a little weight and um i guess that's all about me i'm just doing better and uh feeling better feeling much better because i was really at a terrible point at one time of being so sick but now i feel pretty much back to normal and i'm really blessed by that and kailyn is doing great um she's our little angel and we home schooled this year but i do not feel like i did it justice and so this coming school year i think i'm gonna be sending her back to school because sometimes you just have to trust and believe things will be okay and for her future she needs to be where she can learn all she can learn and and uh be the best student that she can be and have social skills and all that so i believe that's what we're gonna do this coming school year and otherwise there's nothing to say about kailyn other than she's awesome and then about the house everything is just like it was when we had that um if you haven't seen we had to call the roto-rooter out because our commode started overflowing and stuff and when they came they found that uh sewage was in between the walls of our bathrooms and stuff it was running in between there and so they took out the commode shower um one shower the other one they left in both um manatees with the sinks they took out took up the flooring and um took up some of the dry zone that we had in the crawl space and things are now like they were and um we they had recommended a company to come and um i was trying to think the name of them but they would come and put everything back and this and that and so i spoke with them and the lady said that i would be speaking to the designer that evening well the designer didn't call for three weeks and at that point i felt like maybe he just really wasn't interested in doing our job so and my son-in-law can do things like that and so i just told him since i felt he wasn't interested uh that that would be okay we would use someone else and um i need to have our septic checked because rhodey reuters said it was bad and we haven't done that and that's something that uh i want randy to call because i feel like with a man talking maybe they uh don't try to get over on you like they might a woman maybe that's an old um thing but anyway i want randy to call which he's gonna do and then the va is supposed to put randy in a step in shower so he has to find somebody for that and um once that step in shower gets put in then we'll get everything else put in so we're doing okay honestly um we have everything figured out how we do stuff and it's not a problem and um you know it's working out just fine and that's really all i can think of other than we have stayed in we do grocery pickup for all our groceries we use all aldi walmart and sam's club and we're happy with all three of those and i suggest if you need if you have a reason you don't want to go in the stores use grocery pickup because it's really a good thing and um i haven't gone anywhere in forever until this week i decided i wanted to get out a little bit and so my daughter is a manager of a tj maxx so i went there and i love their food section because they sell spices and oils and different things like that olives and things you can't just find anywhere and so i got several jars of spices and a couple bottles of hot sauce i have really been on a hot sauce kick and i just love to put it on everything so i've been looking for good hot sauce and i found two good ones there and then there's a flea market a thursday flea market here and we went to it and we didn't get around too much of it till we had to go because i just felt like i couldn't make it any further but anyway uh uh that was fun and i got some fruit and i got some angel bananas if i'm gonna put my big old forehead right in the camera but this is not angel autumn bananas and these were green when i got them thursday but there i i thought they would have some sort of special uh taste but they taste just like banana but anyway uh they're just right if you just need a little snack and uh i think that might be everywhere i've gone but it was good to get out and so i want to thank you again for your cards messages uh everything that you've uh sent and uh written and all for someone like me you don't know how it touches me and i'm blessed by all of you and i hope that i can bless you too and the ugly face is getting ready to pop out and i don't want to do that and um i'm gonna get back on my videos like i said i'm gonna do my best um i will let you know on the 16th or 17th what randy's doctor says and um i guess that's all it's good to be back y'all take care and most importantly do something good for yourself and someone else at this time in life you don't know if you were that person that made a difference and that's so important take care have a wonderful day and i will see you soon bye-bye
Channel: Jan Creson
Views: 30,613
Rating: 4.9744544 out of 5
Id: ISfo4vbEQuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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