*UPDATED* Smooth Twixtor Tutorial I After Effect's guide

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today I will show you another way of making a smooth Twix on after effects that looks just like this so if you're at it's still flop make sure to not miss out and check out this tricks that I make in this video so your edits can blow up to that I just searched out two clips of Obama right here just to show you guys so to start make sure that your composition frame rate is at 60 FPS this is going to make you at its way smoother once you check that make sure to select both clips and turn on motion blur and frame Landing now we can go ahead and pre-compose our Clips which is pretty important when applying Twix store so we're just going to select the clip press Ctrl shift and C on our keyboard select the bottom option and also turn on this check mark press OK and do that for the other clip as well once that's done we're ready to add the twixer effect to our clip so we're going to go ahead in our effects and presets panel and search for twixture go all the way down and add it to your clip in my case I'm going to use the normal twister now very important before we start we're gonna have to find out what frame rate our clip is in so we can put it into our twixture effect settings so we're just going to open our project and see right here on the frame rate my clip has 60 FPS so I'm going to go ahead and change it from 29 to 60. now next we're gonna just change the settings a bit so put this like that put the motion sanity up to 100 and put this setting like that now we're going to go ahead to the first frame of our clip and set a keyframe for the speed at 100 the speed basically just defines and how much percentage your clip is playing meaning 100 will be normal speed therefore 200 would be double the speed and so on so now press U on your keyboard to bring up the keyframes and I'm just going to zoom in a bit so you can see it more clear and I'm going to go ahead one frame and set the value from 100 up to 220. now go to approximately the middle of your clip and set a value from 220 down to 50. make sure that the keyframe is right there and now go ahead to the end again and put the value back up to 200. so now what we're going to do is we're going to easy ease the keyframes to make it look way smoother to do that let's just select all the keyframes at once right click on them select keyframes assistant and hit easy ease now we can open the graph editor and now just copy my graphs now once you've copied my graph you can go ahead and close the graph editor again and now I'm also going to apply the twixture to the next clip now here if you have multiple clips it's very important to copy the keyframes properly and I'm going to show you how you can do it select all the keyframes and click on the effect on the left now press Ctrl and C head to the beginning of your next clip click on the clip and press Ctrl MV now as you can see the screen turns black and we're just gonna change the color source to our actual clip as you can see it's currently selected the second clip but I'm Gonna Change it to the first clip because we now have another clip so I'm going to put it to one as you can see we can now see our clip again press U on our keyboard and now adjust the keyframes because as you can see our keyframes are longer than the actual clip so we're going to select all of them and while pressing alt on our keyboard we're going to direct them to left with the clip now the last and most important step for every edit is to add a good coloring as you can see a good coloring can improve your quality from looking like 1080p to 4K full HD and if you want to get my exact colorings that I use to make my edit stand out from the rest and blow up on Tick Tock make sure to check the first link in the description because I just today dropped the huge pack all my color Corrections available in it there's currently still a sale on it so you can get 50 off if you buy now make sure to not miss out on an opportunity and get yours now also feel free to subscribe like and leave a comment if you like the video make sure to check out my Discord because I made a huge editing Discord where you can ask me anything you want I will gladly answer your questions regarding After Effects thank you for watching and see you next time
Channel: rdylt09
Views: 59,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zPprWjUgmCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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