Up The Holler With A Metal Detector

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so we're out on another metal detecting adventure today I'm getting ready to hook up with old Todd and we're gonna go find some relics now I just had the weirdest thing happened I was getting some diesel down to the gas stations down the road and a couple guys pulled in hey jag you know we're talking fans of mine and II miss workers and I so I talked to them for a while and they said bye I said bye up the road they went well I'm going up the road and I remember have some hats with me that I just picked up yesterday but God that stitch isn't for me and so I chase them down like 10 miles listen Drex I was going like 10 miles and flagging and waving and stuff so finally they pull over I grab my box of hats I go hard enough to obtain guys one a hat it wasn't the same people has two other guys like hats sure we'll take like no sorry Jim I think I was Jim I think your name's chip next time I see you I'll give you two hats you guys are doing good work up there anyway almost at Todd's oh my god it's windy this is the view from Todd's house without looking at Todd's house it's amazing out there but it's so windy up here I don't know if I could stand it it's so cold so we finally made it to the site this is an awesome well potentially awesome place I'm with my good buddy here keeps me laughs Todd for man hopefully subscribe a policeman History Detectives will be a link somewhere video description or a pin comment anyway this is a cool little house it doesn't look like much from here but we'll take a closer look at it you see it's got that really gross siding on it which when I see that tar these stuff I always think junk you know depression here 1960s it's junk junk junk junk junk but you see the stone there you're telling me that this is actually like 18 something that you know 5 1805 and it's a log cabin and we'll take a peek at that and tell by the typing oestrogen see the saddle notch is right so the saddle notch is on that bad which kind of dates it to that period so we got the run of the place its lost the interesting things to look at I'm sorry and hopefully there'll be some good relics here let's get to it [Music] you don't see the light blinking on up like like like playing my game wrong you look at the cameras like oh yeah so cruel she found something dog oh that's not good April Fool's thought it's not April Fool's Day anymore oh that's kind of cool I mean there's got to be a porch here this had been steps down here I can just imagine you know a kid sitting on the steps in a playing games toys artifacts yeah under porches are usually pretty good places so yeah it's but you're having really funny thing really well get the quartz crystals released now yeah teaspoon I know we saw that yeah I mean you definitely tell yeah sure I mean it's a long one step is it yeah you found squared LT though it into did you excellent alright well I think we're gonna have a little lunch or talk or look at some of the back of the truck let's good to it if you found wow that's a big old piece of metal oh is it is stuck to it I don't know it's uh suffered a very violent death though look I was bent how much you think that weighs seven point five pounds eight point three seven it could be nine five five five four three two I don't know all right I don't know what that is song all right so we're going to take a little break from digging and gonna look for a bottle dump that you say is over you're at least your property owner said there might be one over here somewhere all right I'll let you stay upwind so I don't breathe on you guys Wendy yeah we had no idea how old this dump is supposed to be but he said it was on the hillside I'm not too far from the house Todd do the talking I like our own Todd you remember what happened the last time I did this with a ball that's a big one too that's a beauty actually you look 18 Miss Edna and has data on it but porch is broken [Laughter] Oh put it back where did you see over there stand out what'd you see insulator pretty it's blood gonna come out of here Todd what do you think that is it's a part of stove pot-bellied stove stove over there ma'am that walks yeah there's a dump here I suspect it's not gonna be very old I said it was a nice bottle there too uh looks like a kind of modern wine or lily I guess probably somebody's old deer stand well I don't see a bottle dump let's go yeah it's like really warm and then the wind blows up just like it is now and it gets really cold looked so I have to move around a little bit that's good be what he was talking about looks like you don't build and they pushed over if I don't see Bartels watch out for those nails boys uh nothing interesting here I do that a lot all right um Horrell do is I'll continue along this slope and see if we can find at the Bartle don't as far away's talking about back there and this really it wasn't very old I'll get you back out in just a minute so I'm almost around to the next fence which is still on the same property but I'm not gonna go any further than that actually I think that was probably the dump back there or just came through talked down there somewhere he's not sure what he's doing but let's take a look at the stuff up here looks like an old junk pile this how guys that weird thing that's a roof to a building probably yeah look at that that's a cool why is it in the middle of the roof weird that's a cool look something like that I mean it's really not valuable it's kind of cool and if you click stuff you can kind of use that as the display and put things in it like I do that with my relics a lot I'll have something old like that I'll put bullets in it or cannonballs or something like that I hope building up here to look at this it's a phone it's like a foundation stone some logs don't know how old this is gonna be be careful walking on it don't get any nails and your foot it's gonna cool-looking yeah not too old either is it wow that wind I tell you this could be part look at this it's almost in a circle I could have been where somebody had a fire or something we're just the cornerstones to pig troughs all right this looks almost like it could be a building is right it's like you know what we need to do we didn't you just get this over with you get the metal detectors and come up here because they just look like they could be older buildings it's a brick but that's not no work is it thank you could be oldish oh yeah I think this is an old building to the seed planner maybe whenever I see pieces of tin laying on the ground like that I remember back as a kid I would go around because I grew up on a farm and there'd be piece of the tent you lift the tin up and be all kinda mice and stuff friend or nun eat there occasionally a snake but I just lifted that piece and with something new that's kind of cool just want to show that to you I didn't see my foot it wasn't a snake here I see how the nails are sticking I was were you gonna be careful walking around look at that little roaches a little roaches running around but yeah those are I guess those are ants I think those are the kind of smells sweet do you find it smelling there's a kind of ant that has a really sweet smell for some reason these little ants you can sometimes actually smell them when you're walking through the woods it's odor will just like you walk through this odor so really sweet I'm kind of really pleasant smell I figure out what kind those are those are little babies by the way other eggs they're taking them underground cuz I'm disturbing them a little white things they'll go ahead and put that in back down on top of them I just thought you'd appreciate that that's kind of cool in it I'm sure what happened to Todd I hear some weird noises down there should better check it check it out see if he's okay Lavar on here I'm gonna save it but yeah probably just part was just him talking it does have a tendency to talk really loud it's always carries but why he's not up here yet because using the right behind me a minute ago guess thing out it said I'm cooking pot I think it's broken though that's pretty cool right there no gold coins it's pretty old one though see living under a bowl put back where it was maybe something to make a house I need there hey go got a signal here dug down it's actually my first coin of the day I don't know if it's gonna be an old one or a new one but I have no idea can you make that out I guess it's a Lincoln Cent but hey you know I think it's a we D give it a little rub there hey alright yeah it's a little weak penny first coin of the day you no idea what the deed is but I'll try to get you close up of it we'll look around here a little bit cuz if there's any other like quarters or dimes or they'll be silver so we'll look around a little bit right here my wireless mic croaked on me at some point during this hunt not too long ago this is where I found the wheat penny right here by the telephone pole I told Tarn about I'm back here take some of those coins while I was up there talking to the woods we did a little exploring up there anyway yeah I got another coin for a signal another coin it's a key I thought it looks like a nickel or something what a okay let's look around see if we can find some silver up here the corner I found was that wheat penny and we'll look around just a little bit up here before I go get my mic fixed we're going to be using the Garrett 18x turn it on real easy machine to use zero i like the zero program maximum sensitivity headphones are hooked up zero discrimination is start batteries are fine should try to ground balanced if we can might not be able to well that's close enough because if you ground balance on piece of iron it will be off you'll still find stuff it just will be a little might be a little noisy stir machine or a little quiet if you go either way i'm not going to turn my headphones off so you hear what it sounds like real quick with the iron actually not near as bad as i thought it was gonna be thought said it was crazy with iron in here thanks Todd you said it was crazy with iron in here oh where the porch was okay okay okay big drum it's actually not pretty quiet down here much more quiet than these houses usually are alright so I'm gonna go ahead and get busy put my headphones on a couple gold coins to get you back out of here naturally I decided to come right to where the porch would be I know this is a massive hole but there's a couple signals in here I wanted to get them both out of the ground as a something big right here I'll let you listen to it [Music] then son - whoo bad poor Todd I don't know if we should tell them that we're fine and stuff here oh that's a suspender clip good date to you know 1900 or so suspender or braces for you guys over in Great Britain suspender clip I got two signals in one hole one's a suspender clip I don't know what the other one is yet so jig oh yeah that's what it is it's equipment so what was the equipment Todd you can never get it all except for the anyway ah suspender the same thing as a brace for you guys in the UK alright got another signal over here let's go ahead and see what it is same old you see it's broken glass that's window glass nice piece of pottery in there except that's really a rock okay it's something small right in here somewhere alright I've moved it over to here apparently when I sat down there is that is and if that's a nail we have a problem in that I think it's gonna be a piece of lead jeez I guess I say I don't know what kind of metal that is look how shiny that thing is incredible must be zinc or something that's really what's the sun was shining on it cuz it's like crazy it's almost like a mirror doesn't it anyone knows what kind of metal that is let me know I sure don't I'm kind of showing Todd my technique which is a little different than yours but basically zero discrimination I already round balanced it and you know you look at your numbers apparently which I don't look at you now or don't pay attention to unless you get the really high squeak and you want to see if it reads 92 which is probably silver just for jollies just listen you hear all the iron little bit of click I'm not gonna go on that one what you can do with a big coil lift it up a little bit that's definitely a diggable target that's maybe a good one right there but I would dig it good target all suspender clips Todd except for that one dime be happy no I mean it's actually good though because I mean you do learn a little bit I mean for better or worse I mean it might do better but yeah just listen to it don't look help me don't just don't pay attention any machine just you really have to listen the numbers are okay sometimes they can help you decide with not you want to dig it but usually by the time you've looked at the numbers and listen look you could have already dug it and moved on to the next one my friend I think one of the reasons we're having such a hard time finding stuff here is that the dirts been moved fairly recently when I say that maybe you know 19 40 50 60 we're on the back side of the house now and you see this has all been carved out with some type of probably a bulldozers and the loader or something zero signals there's no signals I mean on the other side you get 10 feet away from the house there's no signals so I think it's definitely what in my opinion in any way that's that's hurting us a lot because the dirts been moved you see they made a road up through there it looks fairly modern and of course they got this pit right here yeah so we'll keep looking around though there's a sister and over in that field there that I want to go check out he possibly could be a house over that direction for walking over there earlier did not see a house but I don't know why there'd be cistern or look like a cistern anyway let's keep looking around flourish it let's check us out too go in it oh yeah guys a little tight get in here huh sure to look for wasps first but I forgot I'm so excited my big insulator those are pretty I guess those lights I don't know well looky it looks like army stuff we have to pull one of those out and look at it grease and something else that's something I would use back in the day your craft grease lots are a cool pool in here that means raccoons can get in this beautiful big bottle back there [Music] Franklin Pennsylvania these would have a date on that I would think they usually do by home gonna see anything it's a bunch of it down there got some type of little tool of some sort corn sheller or something all right we're just talking to Todd he said that yeah the owner told him that they've removed a lot of dirt here actually put it down about where trucks apart but look at this thing over here the old deer skull look is in velvet I have some nice and that's light as a feather yeah so this is a antler deer well buck that has antlers obviously it's been here at least a year this is called velvet this means this deer was killed in the spring when they first cuz he lose these every year the Bucks lose these every year they fall off grow back when the ads are growing back they're really tender and they full of lots of blood vessels and stuff they have what's called velvet on it so really really soft but yeah so he was killed sometime probably during the early summer late spring yeah so I think I'm gonna go ahead and see this and give these uh the antlers although they're really soft I can scratch him that's weird give him to Thomas down North Carolina's evolved outdoor expeditions it makes really cool stone knives and use these four handles but I don't know that's really soft oh well and also look at this a couple hey rakes old hay rakes your toe behind horses to rake up the hay as you mowed it and turn it so you could be a little you know get it in stacks and put it in the barn decided to try on the side of the house I just found this but first I didn't know what it was but I just says I'm talking to you realize it's part of a pocketknife that's brass and those little rivets would have held several these together in that blade would have been between them as part of a pocketknife might be more of it in there Oh glass as a mason jar lid so I gotta be really careful huh all right that's a little something at least he's done from where from the pocketknife I just dug this which I'm not sure what it was actually had a little tiny chain on it that fell off has down here somewhere so it was suspended from something I don't that's part of a watch like a pocket watch or what but how about four or five links of the chain I'll find it and hopefully I'll try to get a picture of it for you look I spent too much time on it though nice big signal here but it's a dreaded mason jar lid it's got the porcelain inside but those are like like my nemesis I hate diggin he's absolutely hated look how the roots grew around the circle is that cool right around like that pretty wild same hole can you see it oh boy I just dropped that B for Bo it's uh that looks to me like it could be a clone of copper I pick it up yeah it's worn smooth instead of B you think yeah it's a B looks like a bee to me yeah yeah I think that's a clone you Harper taught if you know when you clean the back of that you might get the I think it's a copper maybe but yeah that's pretty cool man I didn't miss it that came out of my pocket so my initials on it oh there's some writing here it looks like what's it say - well what's it say whatever go pass oh wow saying it's a coin just it's likely let's clean up a little bit more one thing not a dime what you don't awesome man congratulations button kind of weird look how it fertilized the grass I made the grass green now the grass is really greener round it stick um I'd say it's probably either a crow or a vulture vulture yeah it's actually a dead Bulger upstairs it musta ate something it killed it that's insulation turkey that kinda I walk up what I walked all around the fields and stuff and sharpened Jones a couple things okay there's that hmm any ideas to sketching to something mmm and of course our this I broke the brass doodad okay I couldn't tell you know I don't know here tell me what it is it is very junky it's very junky dairy junky got like very junky like aluminum brass or copper you can see the orange when a broke you can see the orange on it mmm-hmm oh I think the coolest phone actually done with that area then right in here he's like oh not really I left a few signals for ya this is some of the stuff that I've been finding got this little thingy looks like I guess a clearance show I'm not sure whoops oh that was that's a walk right there maybe I don't know if clamshell design got a file has probably a metal file that looks almost like a hope I'm not sure it's a hoe but I think it's pretty old judging by the way that's put together and then in this hole right here are just dogs little piece of brass very thin brass I don't know what I went to might be more of it in there but I just want to show you some of the stuff I find nothing great yet I don't think Todd's do much better where he is either probably an older one it looks like it might have been head like that welded design right there but it is pretty lightweight though so maybe not really brand-new today we tried our hardest we found a couple of things little disappointing and that was a great sight and here's an old site but you know I think I think a lot of the dirt had been moved yeah wouldn't you see when I talked about in my video but you know we found a few things started yeah I think he found that's one thing is better than my desk you've seen all this stuff I've showed you everything here in the baby well I do believe including like the wheat penny and stuff this is some of the things Todd was fine what's your favorite fine do you have a favorite I mean could it could it be a colonial copper could it be a button from the 1700s what could it be what can it be bees yeah I don't think I got this on my baby mice eat it yeah so yeah so whatever it is has a bee on it for boo or boner and it's been flattened I think and I'm of the opinion now that it's actually well I don't know either button or a coin or something's been find out that's a pretty good fine but I'm going to tell you I like the quartz crystal this is my favorite find right here I think you found this in your just digging right it's not even my just popped up you know it's a natural naturally-occurring quartz crystal now someone might have found that and brought it back to the house or might just popped up there at the house and a couple of the little things here nothing no nothing real great but yes it looks like a iced tea spoon to me [Laughter] all right so what is it you guys know what this is is it a wedge oh you're asking really yeah I thought that was your hammerhead thing you know I see it yeah we're missing some stuff don't care talk we don't care okay so here's the deal we did have a good time we talked a lot but we tried we tried our best we're gonna go to another place tomorrow it's gonna be an awesome place yeah Tony Paul all right it's gonna be an awesome places here's why okay cool old house that's huge it was used as a field hospital during a civil war for the Confederate soldiers and I think there's like 80 soldiers are bedded there at one time now the property has been horribly miss be used miss views easily miss used and abused miss be used butyl and mutilated but there could be some good buttons and stuff there so we're gonna try it find anything we can before they completely destroy it but I think it's gonna be fun time tomorrow so maybe tomorrow night you'll see on my video in part of a few years two years from now in the winter next winter you'll see a spinner we'll see you on the next sorry about the dirt take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity oh the girl she's got her secrets she's promised to keep hidden and her dirt or deep in her creek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be mother earth you are my lady my big round baby she don't care if you're dying or if you're somewhere she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain and your locket mother earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secret she's promised to keep hidden and her girth or deep and her Greek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be mother earth you are my lady
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 90,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger, aquachigger, beau ouimette
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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