I Found An Abandoned Cemetery And Creepy Well

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so Warren another metal detecting adventure today this is actually the continuation more or less of a hunt that I went on a few days ago where I was looking for a home site that was on a map and I found the barn stone walls and stuff but when I got my cameras out including the one in my hand I have two cameras both the batteries were nearly dead so I didn't get much of a 50 oh I told you all about that you've probably already seen that video I'm trying to keep things in order but they're probably not going to be exactly in order so we're gonna go back to that home site and we're the first camera and start digging again I didn't find a whole lot but I know it's a pre Civil War home site because it's right on the map so I'm very hopeful we'll find a few things and hopefully the foundation to the house itself although I did not see it a few days ago we were out here before it was kind of rainy and I didn't detect up along this stream to the house we just walked up to it but I'm gonna go ahead and get the detector out and we're gonna work our way up to the stream so it might take a little while to get up there you know up along the stream but there could be another house down here that's not on the map and I suspect it probably is maybe something really old so we're gonna go right along the edge we're gonna look for oyster shells and pottery listen for iron and hopefully find a colonial copper or Spanish silver or Spanish gold point all right let me get my stuff together so made it back to the area where that old Warren was I'm looking around for the house I had not dug a single signal yet but I'm looking at something right here in front of me that I walked right by the other day that I'm almost embarrassed to say I didn't even notice I mean almost tripped over wanna see this is a cemetery here now the barn is down there the bank barn that I showed you the other day and we walked up through here we're actually over there but this is a noble Cemetery I mean those are oldies right there obviously I'm not gonna metal detect right here I'm gonna get outside of that wall right there it's kind of weird I mean the cemeteries here there's a wall there and the barns right down there but I had no idea or the houses got to be close by a lot of gravestones I don't see anything that's marked look at him over here - that's like old field stones no markings whatsoever it's a little bit on that one I'll see if I can read it some more here broken one here see it's kind of like a little depression here - and you see them that's probably the old greys like I said we're not gonna detect in here but what we'll do is we'll go up in the woods look around the house is probably up in here I haven't been up here yet we looked over on this side last time let's see if we can get a name or a date off any of these just never know what you're gonna run into out in the woods or these heading I think it was this one let's go look at it this is the only stone that I can see that as writing on it I don't see a name or a date looks like it says us right there though which i think is interesting huh see that gone may there's something but I don't see a date there's a three over there there's an X there but oh well I can get more information from any of them I will I'll call the local Historical Society and make sure they know about this I mean I'm almost certain they do because it's a you know it's pretty obvious felt like some of them I've run across in the woods they've just been a few stones sticking up all right look for a couple minutes and I'm in the woods there with you guys and when I look around I looked at these a little bit close and there is actually a name and date on this one it's 1821 here I will check out the name I was just walking back down toward the bank barn his grades way down here - I really did almost trip fall from the other day barns down there and it comes up you can see there's a little rise right here that goes straight across and I imagine that's the outline of the graveyard but look there's stones in here well there's one there there's a stone there's a gravestone there's a gravestone he's a broken one field stones and they go all the way up to that wall those are the ones we're looking at right there and over by that tree there go and they go across to the other side didn't see him walk right through there the other day and that just goes to show you you never know when you're walking over bodies around anywhere because people are buried everywhere I mean they've been being buried for the last 10,000 years around here so his bodies and hints galore when you're out walking the woods like this so I've gone around and around the barn in the cemetery area on the hill surrounding it and I have seen no evidence of a house foundation or any you know concentrations of iron or pottery or anything so I'm seeing lots of this kind of stuff in the woods where I think they have stacked rocks up these vertical rocks that's natural that's just limestone but looks like they might have made like a little Crowell here or something for an animal I don't know it's hard to say they might have just dumped them in there I'm gonna go back by this spring and look around one more time I found nothing but shotgun shells today and we don't find anything that we're going to strike out through the woods and do some scout and see if we can find you know an old house that just is not on the maps which is very possible let's get to it a wee bit of a cough today again it's flu singing there's strong go away it's been like six weeks now some days I'm good some days I'm not and by the way if you didn't see my other video I guess I'll go ahead and show you the bank barn and the spring on our way out I haven't really looked around here much so there's a lot and there's a lot of iron here so we'll look around here for a while this pile of rocks right here is a ramp that they built up to come into the top of the barn and if you look those are the walls of the barn over there and come around this way about that corner and go this way so we're actually standing in the bottom of the barn which is where they would have kept the animals and up high they would have been able to bring their wagons in and unload the hay or corn or whatever they were keeping up there a lot of iron right here I haven't really be detected it much I just kind of walked across it and if I find anything good here you can bet I'm going to show it to you like as soon as I get out of the ground all right that's a girl move it I'm going to show you the spring to in the last time I was here I found like a copper talked to a pot or something I can't remember exactly but it was on a rock someone had already dug it and left it I don't see any dig holes so no one's been here in a long time so maybe with the newer machines who might go here some signals they missed just digging the hole right here got kind of little squeaky noise irony squeaky well this is what I got out of the hole so far a nice big square spike and a square nail it looks like it's been burned see how it's shiny right like like that when they get shiny like that usually they don't rust too much they also give a decent squeak and also dug this horseshoe in the same hole that all came out are just right here and it's it's probably more there get the pinpointer out let's just listen the quick this is iron their target there's targets there this whole place is just carpeted try to just concentrate on the better signals though I'll dig some of the bigger iron just in case it's gun parts or you know it could be a cannonball even a dozen cannonballs and barns like this I changed up my rig a little bit today I still have the Garrett 80 max well I'll show you the program I'm on zero with six discrimination so that I can hear the iron I like to hear the iron but I've got the 5 by 8 loop since I knew we're going to be in a home site or hopefully keeping a home site we actually haven't found that yet but we've got we've got the barn and I'm also digging with a little entrench until this is a US Army entrenching tool that that they used if you ever get one of these always try to get the one that's actually marked us ok this is an Ames shovel from 68 so this is vietnam era very sturdy very heavily made I like the kind would they with the pickaxe part on the back now you can fold this to make a struggle you can scrape with and you can fold that out to make like a pickaxe do you buy a knee tool like that and it's not marked us it's not going to last long the foreign manufactured one that you you buy that are you know military are junk they fall apart and you know the repros are junk to I mean I wouldn't spend a dollar on those but you can get a mark to us pick them up yard sale and stuff like that you can still find them I just just do dad when I first found it I thought for sure was a belt buckle and it's pretty heavy but I don't think it's a belt buckle I don't think that's too big isn't it looks like it doesn't but it is it's melted I think it's too big for that no it's just not the right size and it's way too big but it's heavy then iron something on the back I'll clean this up and we'll take a look at it see this a lot of nails in here too it's a big little square nail some other pieces of nails and stuff in there this might be worth digging out if we can find one or two halfway decent targets here I might consider coming back here and just kind of no sifting or something maybe later on when we get time so I went down to the creek and washed it off how many can guess that accent and I wanted to show it to you nothing I just dug right there it's actually a big old chunk of brass of some kind as to it's not the right shape or size for a belt buckle or breastplate or anything looks like it's melted I'd say it's got some iron things melted in the back looks like maybe nail and a hook or something right there so what that's telling me is that this barn burned burned down at some point so huh that might be why was abandoned all right let's keep looking maybe the next file will be a big old chunk of melted gold Confederate gold so work my way all around it again and I'm kind of headed it out I was going to show you the spring on the way out but got a signal against this wall and I wanted to show you something just probably part of the barnyard all outside wall not the barn itself oh look at this that's all right there isn't it that's a first piece of pottery I've seen on this side that's definitely old you keep that for now got a signal right about in here somewhere yeah now there's a lot of junk up and finer two shotgun shells and beer cans and stuff so it might just be that my shovel it's right down between these rocks we probably not loose stuff it could be under the rock yeah let's just try that first there's so many beer cans out here though yeah I can't here I'm gonna have to move this shovel here right now what happened is that probably it was a really good signal and it sound like a shotgun jungleboy I probably have moved it close to a bunch of iron so I'll have to fish around here a little bit and if it's something halfway decent I'll show it to you if not we'll just go check out the spring no just roti and you it's a shotgun shell I'd knocked away over there all right put him in something good I'm gonna look you know put the Machine across this wall real quick and we'll continue on down I'll show you something kind of suspicious look at that that's a probably a digger shuffle that's what I'm not finding anything oh well we're gonna go ahead and I'll show you the spring right over there we're gonna work our way up the creek I'm actually gonna go ahead and leave this area where the barn is I'm just not finding anything worth keeping at all so or go way up the creek in case you didn't see this in the last video I made here was raining this is the spring head that they have improved and that's why I thought the house should be right here well of course the barns right there but it's possible it could be on that side of the creek and put it's very unlikely that the house would be across the creek you just don't see that very often especially from the springs go ahead and just take another quick peek at this since it's not raining it's much nicer you saw something in there you see how they had the rocks built up here they probably had a little spring house it's a key going up in there or nothing we can get into unfortunately say they probably had this built up where they could put milk cans and stuff in here I'm gonna look around here just for a few minutes and then we're gonna work our way up the creek about half a mile over my other so however far we can go do we hit the fence and maybe we can find a home site that's not on a map I'm hoping usually there's a bunch of a long creeks like this you can find maybe two or three someone from the 1700s that were gone by 1800 those are the ones you want to find this is concrete so we know that's not very old but look inside the concrete that's pretty cool weird that they would have a well with a spring right there but who that's watch out for the raccoon went over and the big Springs right there and I'm like standing at this well of course you know what that means we're gonna have to come back with the cameras and drop them down there it's clear so we'll be able to see whatever is in there I don't know how deep it is though I do see a log sticking in there so it might not be that deep well come back I'm just kind of walking around over here cross the creek and this is probably where the house is over here because there is more party and I actually see Easter shells so not counting the beer bottle but there's some pottery over here and it's a little bit of broken glass it's awesome oyster shells - over here yeah there here's an oyster shell and it's just a rock I suppose but there's no oyster shells in the other side of the creek so I'm starting to think that this the house is actually on this side seems odd but since they had a well here that makes perfect sense I'll quit yapping we'll come back here let's go ahead and head up the creek like I was playing into in the beginning and got a lot of oyster shells hey check out this little hatchet that's pretty cool in it then well used I don't the ends broken off or what but I like that you know I like my iron I'm sure how old it is though that's Baggett the junk there's another box turtle show Oh two of them the last time I was out here see where something's been chewing on them probably a mouse or a squirrel or something we'll go ahead and leave that out here form three right in this small area by this spring what I'm doing is I'm gonna go ahead and head up the creek or stream I guess and we'll look and see if we can find a new house or a new spot just not much back there it's kind of a weird little stonewall it's right there one right there I don't think it's wide enough to get a wagon in it I wanna look down around here a little bit hey little fly Barry down here go down here look around for a few minutes see if we can find a party or oyster shows or King George coins I have my hopes I still have good hopes for this place not the home site but another dead turtle look at that I only got smushed that's that's for box turtle shows that I found and it's like hundred yard stretch right here near the spring can't be good can't be good at all for that population alright let's get back to digging this had a nice thick iron signal here so just went ahead and dug it and that's a big piece of chain well I guess there's probably swivel at one time I've dug a lot of chain today you know links and the round parts here and that tells me that this place has been dug course those are questionable signals that I'm digging they're not like sweet coin signals and who were here before me barges pass them up you know they just cherry-pick which is what I would do if I what we will do if we find in this fog stuck there chain word over there and I was working my way this direction that looks like another spring house or well spring yeah it is look maybe it'll be a better house here yeah no doubt that's really bubbling out of there to it look at that what we'll do is just look over here see if we see any part or your oyster shells on this hill this is where the house would have been probably right above it soils really dark Seanie pottery moister shows something way over here and it's just probably this bark right there all right well once we turn the middle of Tector on we'll know in just two or three minutes little bit flat right up there that's possible well guys I kind of hate to do this to you but I think I'm gonna call it quits for the day I went all around that spring I didn't find anything worth keeping a bunch of junk today yeah I think I technically got skunked I'm gonna call a skunk let me show you what I found this is just some of the stuff I kept of course this is that melted piece I found at the barn which tells me the barn melt melting and burnt looks almost like a lid on the back with but that's brass he's how it's green and a bunch of shotgun shells I think this is probably a fired shotgun slug and casing her to some shotgun shells a lot of these iron rings now these these things sound pretty decent with the middle of Tector I make that a little bit scratchy but when you're not digging much you know we're digging questionable signals you dig a lot of these things of course you saw the horseshoe the one chain the old piece of pottery and another little melted piece of something not sure what that is either I'm sorry there wasn't a lot of relics and coins and good stuff on this adventure but when you're looking for new spots this is often the case you know it's feast or famine nothing or you just loaded with stuff but we'll keep trying we'll come back another day not here look at the well that's it I promise you [Music]
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 202,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned house, abandoned places, old places, metal detecting, relics, treasure, searching for treasure, cemetary, exploring, exploring old places, animals, wildlife, nature, family friendly, kid frendly, aquachigger, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger
Id: HAChL8iVVe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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